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By Charles Platt

W hen I first signed up for cryonics, I started

discussing it with my friends to see if they
would find the choice as obvious as I did. This
appeared in the May, 1961 issue
of Astounding Science Fiction. Stine
analyzed a bunch of trend
turned out to be a sobering experience. curves and came to some con-
A science-fiction writer whom I’d known clusions which he insisted were
for many years looked at me with growing entirely factual. “The speed
astonishment as he grasped the extent to trend curve alone predicts that
which we must rely on future science to make manned vehicles will be able to
repairs on a cellular level. “Your organization achieve near-infinite speeds by
is like a company selling tickets to Mars,” he 1982,” he wrote, pausing only to
said, “even though you don’t have a spaceship. add that “It may be sooner.” As
In fact you don’t even have the money to for the trend curve for control-
build a spaceship. You don’t have a plan for a lable energy, Stine deduced that
spaceship. You’re expecting other people to by 1981 “a single man will have
design it, build it, and test it, and pay for it— available under his control the
and then give you a free ride!” amount of energy equivalent to
Of course I responded with the usual that generated by the entire sun.”
arguments about the Singularity, artificial The problem, of course,
intelligence, nanotechnology, and the high was one of curve fitting. Stine In May 1961, Astounding Science Fiction magazine
ratio of benefits to cost in the coming thought he was dealing with published this curve by G. Harry Stine purporting to
Diamond Age. I told my friend that these exponential curves—functions prove that human travel would achieve infinite
developments were inevitable. that continue to double indefi- velocity before the year 2000. The idea was absurd,
My friend just laughed and said that I was nitely. In reality, the curves all yet extrapolation of trend curves is stil a favorite tool
unrealistically optimistic. flattened out. They turned out to of futurists seeking to justify optimistic predictions.
(Note that the y-axis has a logarithmic scale.)
That was twenty years ago. Today, I feel a be S-shaped.
little less certain that I was entirely right and I trust Ray Kurzweil consid-
he was entirely wrong. I feel forced to con- erably more than G. Harry Stine, because Ehrlich, confidently asserted in 1970 that
clude that cryonicists do tend to suffer from Kurzweil is a brilliant innovator who has population growth would devour the planet,
excessive optimism, which creates significant spent years gathering and analyzing trend causing mass starvation and the total deple-
problems in the field. And I don’t use the data. Still, I see him doing exactly what Stine tion of vital resources. He made this determi-
word “inevitable” anymore. did 45 years previously. On Kurzweil’s web nation based primarily on the trend curve for
site, his paper titled “The Law of Accelerating population growth, which at that time
Hazards of Curve Fitting Returns” includes numerous curves showing appeared to be exponential.
A primary reason for my change of atti- what he describes as exponential growth, In subsequent decades, even the “low”
tude is that I have seen so many failed predic- especially in areas related to computing. And population predictions from the United
tions. This is one of the few benefits of age: if anyone doubts the affordability of future Nations had to be revised downward, and still
You accumulate an increasingly comprehen- tech, he includes a curve for American farther downward, as the human race went
sive overview of other people’s mistakes. GDP—which implies a future of endlessly through a change now known as the “demo-
Again and again I’ve found really smart accelerating growth, while reducing the Great graphic transition.” This is the reduction in
people making disastrous judgment calls Depression to the status of a tiny pot-hole on birth rate that has occurred spontaneously in
regarding future developments that they the road to techno-transcendence. societies where increasing prosperity has
regarded as “inevitable.” Perhaps optimists such as Kurzweil could changed parents’ perception of children from
My favorite, oldest, and most extreme learn some lessons from the pessimists. To being a financial gain to a net financial
example is an article by G. Harry Stine titled take the most obvious example, the greatest burden, while at the same time, social pro-
“Science Fiction is too Conservative,” which doomsayer of the twentieth century, Paul R. grams have made adults less dependent on Cryonics/Third Quarter 2008 3

children to support them agriculturally into Marx propounded his theory of history, his
their old age. work was rigorous, based on years of
Thus the human growth rate has turned research, and convinced millions of intelligent
out to be just another S-shaped curve, and people (many more than Kurzweil has per-
worldwide, 20 nations were listed in 2007 as suaded so far). Moreover the “inevitability” of
having zero or negative annual growth rates. collectivism was one of the major arguments
This was inconceivable to Ehrlich just 45 for accepting it. Since it was going to happen
years previously—a salutary lesson for anyone anyway, you’d be a fool to fight it.
who uses trend curves to predict the future on Today’s advocates of nanotechnology
the basis of the past. said exactly the same thing to Bill Joy in
response to his handwringing in Wired maga-
Implicit Assumptions zine. “Learn to live with it, because you’ll have
To be fair, some very smart people who no choice,” was their message.
are signed up for cryonics have taken the Ray Kurzweil I certainly hope that today’s techno-
trouble to figure out exactly how brain repair _______________________________________ optimists turn out to have a better predictive
may be achieved. I greatly respect Drexler’s The term, has said he expects it no later than 2030. track record than Karl Marx, Paul R. Ehrlich,
Engines of Creation. I admire the audacity of Ray Kurzweil seems unwilling to nail it to a G. Harry Stine, or the other legions of dis-
Merkle’s famous article, “The Molecular Repair specific year, but has no problem predicting credited prophets. I have always enjoyed
of the Brain,” and I am awed by the huge that it is “near.” sudden, disruptive change, and would like to
amount of rigorous work in Nanomedicine by I like to think that Vinge and Kurzweil see more of it. But the sad fact is, none of
Freitas. Yet even among these great writers I are right, but I can’t help remembering the predictions which I read about in the
find implicit assumptions which seem based prophets from the past—such as Karl Marx, 1960s has materialized. Flying cars, space
purely on optimism, especially regarding artifi- whose detailed observations of industrialized colonies, human clones, domestic robots,
cial intelligence, which is an essential pre-requi- society led him to conclude that communism conversational computers, a cure for the
site for large-scale cell repair. was not merely desirable, but inevitable. Marx common cold, a cure for cancer—the future
Strong AI has become such a funda- may seem unsophisticated and deluded com- has failed repeatedly to conform with projec-
mental concept in the cryonics community, pared with today’s futurists, yet today’s futur- tions by futurists. In fact I cannot find one
the Singularity is seen as yet another ists may seem just as unsophisticated and sweeping prediction since World War II that
inevitability. Vernor Vinge, who invented the deluded a century from now. At the time has come true, unless you count Clarke’s idea

Ray Kurzweil seems to believe that future growth in GDP is inevitable;

The population growth rate that once appeared to be exponential is yet 90 years of history are a small base from which to extrapolate human
now projected to be just another S-curve. How many other future wealth during the century or more in which cryonics patients may have
developments will follow a similar pattern? Cryonics fails if technology to wait for reanimation. In the natural world and in human society,
encounters diminishing returns. ongoing exponential growth usually runs into some kind of limit.
_______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

4 Cryonics/Third Quarter 2008

the original model for cryonics can be viewed of course, it resulted in no membership
as one big quick fix, since it suggested an end- growth and became a PR disaster.
run around the incremental labor of conven- Perhaps the most embarrassing quick-
tional research. Supposedly, we could just fix episode occurred when CI and Alcor
freeze people with whatever primitive means each spent $25,000 to share exclusive rights
were available—in someone’s garage, if neces- to Olga Visser’s miracle cryoprotectant,
sary—and leave the problem of damage repair which she claimed would enable rat hearts to
to someone else. This outlook actually discour- resume beating after immersion in liquid
aged research, because it led reputable scien- nitrogen. To their great credit, an incoming
tists to disassociate themselves from the field. Alcor administration organized a public
Since cryonics was established on that demo which showed beyond reasonable
basis, we should not be surprised that more doubt that Visser’s method was a failure.
Arthur C. Clarke quick fixes followed. I regret that this is a Still, a few years later, the same people suc-
_______________________________________ depressing list, but I have always believed that cumbed to their own quick-fix optimism
we should confront our errors as a first step when they founded a DNA-preservation
for communications satellites. Even there he
to avoid repeating them. business in the sincere belief that it would
was completely wrong about the conse-
One notorious cryonics pioneer seemed generate funding for Alcor for the indefinite
quences, since he believed that communica-
to believe that if he just crammed as many future. The flow of money turned out to be
tion across borders would bring about world
bodies as possible into a Dewar, he didn’t opposite to that which they had expected,
peace. As for his more general predictions
have to worry about the difficult process of and they resigned their positions at Alcor
about humanity moving into space, the
obtaining funding, because donations would amid a bout of recriminations.
movie 2001 now looks like a piece of
somehow arrive in time to assure the uninter- We all make mistakes (certainly, I have)
Hollywood nostalgia. More than one-third of
rupted supply of liquid nitrogen. This quick but undue optimism creates opportunities for
the people now living in the United States
fix fuelled by misplaced optimism led to the more and bigger disasters than a more bal-
have not seen a man walk on the moon in
biggest scandal that cryonics has ever known. anced worldview.
their lifetime.
Clarke never abandoned the vision he
predicted for 2001. “It will all still happen one
day,” he said when I interviewed him in 1980,
“but not on that time scale.”
Again and again I’ve found really smart people
The trouble is, as cryonicists, we have
more than an academic interest in the timeli-
making disastrous judgment calls regarding future
ness and accuracy of predictions. We are bet-
developments that they regarded as “inevitable.”
ting our lives on them. ____________________________________
The Quick Fix Complacency
In cryonics I have come to the conclu- Another widely respected mentor advo- The other fallout from optimism, com-
sion that excessive optimism is not just mis- cated the procedural quick fix of letting funeral placency, has been a problem in cryonics from
leading but destructive, as it encourages directors deal with cases. More than forty years the very beginning. When pioneer Ev Cooper
errors which cost time and money. later, he still seems hooked on this model, thus coined his slogan “Freeze, Wait, Reanimate,”
Specifically, I have seen cryo-optimism avoiding the challenge of funding, training, and his use of the word “wait” suggested that this
leading to periods of complacency punctu- maintaining a standby team. was all we had to do to enjoy eventual reani-
ated by quick-fix opportunism. The same man has expressed a lifelong mation and biological immortality.
In the real world, maintaining standby belief in the “celebrity quick fix,” in which Some people were unconvinced. Saul
capability and going out to do field work are one key event, such as the cryopreservation Kent, for instance, saw the need to fund
unglamorous tasks requiring patience, stamina, of a particularly well-known person, may research, while Curtis Henderson tackled the
self-criticism, and attention to detail. Likewise, precipitate a landslide of applications for unrewarding labor associated with running an
research to develop better cryoprotection cryonics membership. ethical cryonics organization and freezing
entails a lot of toil, as good lab work demands Many others still have hopes for this con- people, with minimal help and funding. Later,
the elimination of uncontrolled variables and cept. A former Alcor president once confided Mike Darwin and Jerry Leaf emphasized the
the demonstration of repeatable results. in me that he had expected the Ted Williams need for rigorous lab work and standbys. But
Among cryonicists who feel impatient to case to bring in 10,000 new members—and these individuals tended to be exceptions, and
achieve human transcendence, such drudgery although Alcor board members at that time their advocacy of hard work was never very
has never been very popular, and a quick fix were a tad less optimistic, they seemed to feel popular. When Henderson made his occa-
has always been a tempting alternative. Indeed that the case had positive potential. In reality, sional proclamation that “There is no such Cryonics/Third Quarter 2008 5

thing as feelgood cryonics,” I used to see those (like me) who lack scientific qualifica-
people edging away from him. tions, there is always the unappetizing Charles Platt
The majority outlook was, and still prospect of participating actively in the
seems to be, that after you make your signup imperfect processes of standby, stabilization, Charles Platt is a past president of
arrangements, you really don’t need to do and transport, in the hope of making them CryoCare Foundation. He managed
anything. You can go about your everyday more reliable and more effective in the future. standby, stabilization, and transport
business in a carefree state of mind until you Going back to my science-fiction-writer for Alcor in 2002-2003, was general
need to be cryopreserved, at which time dili- friend’s analogy: To ride that spaceship to manager of Suspended Animation in
gent and highly trained team members will Mars, at the very least, we may have to estab- 2005-2007, and has participated in
wait patiently by your bedside until cardiac lish some foundations for the launch pad. the development of liquid ventila-
arrest, and will do whatever it takes to rush And if we hope to sell the concept to skep- tion for rapid cooling after cardiac
you to the cryonics facility. The world’s most tical outsiders, they’ll take us a little more seri- arrest.
advanced cryoprotective solution (privately ously if they see us working rather than
developed at a cost of many millions of dol- simply waiting. I
lars) will be perfused through your brain and
body in a purpose-built operating room, you
will be safeguarded from deterioration for a
century or more, and eventually you will be
repaired and revived (at no additional References
charge) by technology with almost unimag-
inable powers—all for the cost of a life- Ray Kurzweil’s “Law of Accelerating Returns” is at
insurance policy and a modest annual mem-
bership fee.
For financial reasons alone, I think you Paul R. Ehrlich’s most sober predictions were in his book Population, Resources, Environment,
have to enjoy optimism-induced complacency coauthored with Anne H. Ehrlich and first published in 1970.
if you really expect this to happen with no
additional effort or payment on your part. The concept of “demographic transition” is summarized in a Wikipedia entry.

Foundation Work UN population data and projections can be found in links from
The history of technology suggests that tion/unpop.htm
throwing money at a problem in the hope of
a quick fix has seldom been productive. Zero and negative population growth rates are listed at
Likewise, sitting and waiting has never been a
strategy for success. The happy conceit that
trend curves will carry us into a beatific Merkle’s article on “The Molecular Repair of the Brain” is archived at the Alcor web site.
future, like passengers on a Disneyland ride,
goes even beyond optimism, into hubris. Vernor Vinge’s prediction of the Singularity by 2030 has been cited in many places,
Since even the most rigorously based including Wikipedia.
predictions of the future have been almost
100 percent wrong, and every quick fix that I Bill Joy’s “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us” appeared in Wired 8.04, April 2000.
can think of in the history of cryonics has Responses were circulated among participants in a private email discussion list.
been a failure or a disaster, maybe it’s time to
get a little more serious. Clarke’s prediction of world peace through communications satellites appeared in his
We do have a few good role models book Prelude to Space, published in 1953. Platt’s interview with Clarke was published in the
whom we might emulate. I greatly admire the book Dream Makers, in 1980.
people whom I see studying neuroscience or
trying to develop the artificial intelligence Olga Visser performed her experiment during the Alcor Cryonics Technology Festival in
which may lead, eventually, to the strong AI February, 1997. This was published in CryoCare Report, issue 10. The $25,000 fee paid by
that seems an essential prerequisite for cell Alcor was confirmed by former Alcor president Steve Bridge.
repair. Likewise I admire the scientists strug-
gling to develop better methods of cryo-
preservation, to minimize the damage that we
create today and thus reduce our dependence
on unknown technology tomorrow. And for

6 Cryonics/Third Quarter 2008

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