Submitting The Thesis Proposal

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The final component of the Nasteis piogiam consists of wiiting a thesis.

The aim
of this couise is to pioviue you with the tools enabling you to wiite such a thesis.

The Nasteis thesis must be baseu on a completeu Nasteis couise of the English
Language anu Cultuie piogiam. The thesis is woith 2u ECTS (coiiesponuing to
1S,uuu to 2u,uuu woius).

Theie aie thiee phases in wiiting a thesis anu giauuating:

1. Submitting the thesis pioposal;
2. Reseaiching anu wiiting; anu
S. The uefense anu giauuation.

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A thesis is wiitten in consultation with two supeivisois. The thesis shows that
you aie capable of ciitical liteiatuie analysis anu inuepenuent ieseaich, anu of
wiiting up the analysis anu ieseaich in a scholaily mannei.

Choosing the Topic

You aie encouiageu to use one of youi Nasteis couises as backgiounu foi the
thesis topic. A way to geneiate iueas foi the topic is to consult the Thesis Aichive
of the English Bepaitment.

The Reseaich Question

At the heait of the Nasteis thesis lies the ieseaich question. An auequate
ieseaich question iequiies piepaiatoiy ieauing.


In most cases, the fiist supeivisoi of the thesis will be the instiuctoi of the
Nasteis couise the thesis is baseu on (when in uoubt, consult the Biiectoi of
Stuuies). Consult with the instiuctoi about youi topic anu potential ieseaich
question. The supeivisoi, also known as 'the Fiist Reauei', iefeis the stuuent to
seconuaiy liteiatuie. The stuuent then chooses 'the Seconu Reauei' togethei
with the supeivisoi. Subsequently, cleai agieements aie maue conceining
fuithei supeivision. Foi philology anu language acquisition theses, instiuctois
have oiganizeu special thesis seminais.

The Thesis Pioposal

0nce you have selecteu a suitable topic, foimulateu a ieseaich question, anu
composeu a pieliminaiy bibliogiaphy, you may complete the thesis pioposal
foim. The foim is obtainable fiom the secietaiiat. It must be submitteu to the
Boaiu of Examineis no latei than thiee months befoie the planneu giauuation

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The Liteiatuie Suivey

Base youi liteiatuie suivey on mateiial in 0niveisity Libiaiy catalogues (NCC,
0nline Contents, Bigital Libiaiy) anu on bibliogiaphy iefeiences to fuithei
souices anu bibliogiaphies. Scholai uoogle (www.scholai. is also a
iich souice of infoimation. Take caie to iecoiu the souice uata piecisely anu
completely, to avoiu wasting time ietiieving the same souices latei. The NLA oi
APA style guiues (the lattei foi linguistic papeis, look unuei the "Reseaich" tab)
specify what infoimation neeus to be incluueu in the bibliogiaphy.

Planning the Stiuctuie of the Thesis

Befoie staiting to wiite youi thesis, make a plan foi its oiganization in
consultation with youi supeivisoi. See the Titles0utlinePlanning Tutoiial in
this couise foi moie infoimation on this topic.

Banuing in the Fiist veision of the Thesis

Bo not hanu in the entiie thesis at once. Nost supeivisois piefei that you hanu it
in chaptei by chaptei.

Banuing in the Final veision of the Thesis

0nce the entiie thesis has been completeu, hanu in two copies, one foi each
ieauei. You may make use of theii comments in the final veision. The Fiist
Reauei then contacts you foi an appointment foi the uefence.


The following aspects play an impoitant iole in assessing the thesis:

* the foimulation anu analysis of the ieseaich question;
* the stiuctuie of the thesis;
* the integiation of seconuaiy liteiatuie into the aigument;
* the stuuent's own aiguments;
* the use of style, language, anu layout accoiuing to the NLA style sheet; anu
* the uefence of the contents of the thesis uuiing the oial examination.

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The Befence

Banu in thiee copies of the final veision thesis at least two weeks befoie the
uefence uate. 0ne copy is foi the Fiist Reauei, one foi the Seconu Reauei, anu
one (an electionic veision) foi the Thesis Aichive of the English Bepaitment. The
uefence lasts fiom half an houi to 4S minutes. You will be expecteu to pioviue in-
uepth ieplies to the questions askeu oi comments maue. Aftei the uefence, hanu
in a copy of youi Bacheloi's uegiee anu a signeu tiansciipt to the Biiectoi of


The stuuent will be awaiueu with the NA uiploma uuiing a public ceiemony
wheie fiienus anu family aie welcome. The completeu components of the
Nastei's piogiamme anu theii iespective stuuy loaus anu iesults will be
specifieu in the Biploma Supplement.

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