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Purpose; The purpose of this lap is to perform certain tests to determine and

analyze motion laws and equations including; Newton’s first law of motion,
acceleration and mass, and velocity equations.


1. Dynamics cart

2. Set of varying masses

3. String

4. Pulley

5. Clamp

6. Ruler

7. Timer

Diagram of Set up


1. The materials used in this experiment were inspected to insure it was

functioning correctly.

2. The pulley and clamp were connected to the end of the bench as seen in the
“diagram of set up.”

3. A piece of string was cut long enough so that one end could touch the ground
and the other end could be placed in the pulley. This string was then
measured in length.

4. One end of the Sting was connected to the cart using a knot and tape the
other end of the string was feed into the pulley.

Part A;

1. .400kg of mass was added onto the cart and .100kg of mass was connected
to the other end of the string and held to prevent movement. The cart end of
the string was pulled tight.

2. The end of the string feed though the pulley was released and the time it
took for the cart to reach the pulley was recorded.

3. This step was repeated four more times. Each time this was repeated .100kg
of mass was moved from the cart to the pulley end of the sting
Part B;

1. .500kg of mass was added to the pulley end of the sting and .400kg of mass
was added to the cart. The pulley end of the string was held and the cart end
was pulled tight.

2. The pulley end of the string was released and the time it took the cart to
reach the pulley was recorded

3. This step was repeated four more times Each time this was repeated .100kg
of mass was removed from the cart.


Formulas used; Force = Mass X 9.8m/s2

Average Acceleration = 2Distance/Time2

Part A; Constant Mass=.50Kg

Mass (Kg) Force( Distance( Time( Average Acceleration F/M

of N) m) s) (m/s2)
cart pulle
.40 .10 .98 .75 .92 1.8 2.0
.30 .20 2.0 .75 .77 2.5 4.0
.20 .30 2.9 .75 .68 3.2 5.8
.10 .40 3.9 .75 .54 5.1 7.8
.00 .50 4.9 .75 .49 6.2 9.8

Part B; Constant Force=4.9N

Mass (Kg) Mass Distanc Time Average 1 F/M

of (Kg) e (Cm) (s) Acceleratio .
C Pulle n (m/s2) Mass
art y
.40 .50 .90 75 .63 3.8 1.1 5.4
.30 .50 .80 75 .61 4.0 1.2 6.1
.20 .50 .70 75 .52 5.6 1.4 7.0
.10 .50 .60 75 .44 7.8 1.7 8.2
.00 .50 .50 75 .42 8.5 2.0 9.8


The equation of the line of best fit is y=1.14x + 0.34 from this the slope can be
determined = 1.14.
The regression coefficient is not a perfect one probably due to unknown variables
throughout the experiment.

This graph indicates that generally as the force is increased in the system the
acceleration will also increase.

This graph does not have a smooth curve due to inconsistent conditions in the
timing stage of the experiment. However from the general shape of this graph we
can indicate that as the mass of the system increased the cart accelerated slower.


The line equation of the line of best fit is y=1.32x + 1.98, from this the slope of the
line of best fit can be determined to equal 1.32. The slope represents the inverse
trend of the acceleration vs mass graph seen in E).

Part A Part B

F/M Average
on (m/s2)
2.0 1.8

4.0 2.5

5.8 3.2

7.8 5.1

9.8 6.2

F/M Average
n (m/s2)
5.4 3.8
6.1 4.0
7.0 5.6
8.2 7.8
9.8 8.5

Although the F/M and accelerations values are not fairly similar they do follow a
weak, similar pattern. If the results of this experiment were accurate appropriate
equations for Force (F), Mass (M) and acceleration (A) would be F=AM, A=F/M and

The slop of Part A‘s A vs F/M is the same as the slope for A vs F as seen in D)

The slope of Part B‘s A vs F/M is the same as the slope for A vs 1/M as seen in F)

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