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NAME:____________________________ Date:__________________ Note:

I. Match the word and its meaning. (Empareje la palabra y su significado)

a) Fast Food ___ contaminación del aire
b) Soft Drinks ______ grado academico
c) Size ______ papas fritas
d) Launch ____ comida rapida
e) Academic Degree ______ bebidas

f) French fries ______ sala de exhiibición

g ----
Air Pollution ______ lanzar
) ----
h) Show Room ____ talla

II: Fill in the blanks with the correct intelligence.(Complete los espacios en blanco con la inteligencia
correcta )

Linguistic - musical - spatial - Mathematical - intrapersonal

a) __________________ Intelligence: Likes to read, write and tell stories.

b) __________________ lntelligence: Likes to do experiments, work with numbers and check spelling.

c) __________________ lntelligence: Likes to sing, play instruments or listen to music.

d) __________________ Intelligence: Likes to talk people, join groups and solve conflicts.

III. Reading Text.

Sally K Ride became the first American woman to fly in space.

7 th
Space shuttle Mission, second flight of challenger.
Astronauts: Robert L. Crippen , commander
Frederick H. Hauck, Pilot
John MÇ.. Fabian, Mission Specialist
Sally K. Ride, Mission Specialist
Norman E. Thagard, Mission Specialist.
Sally Ride was born on May 26, 1951, in Los Angeles, California. When she was young, she was
very good at tennis and she wanted to become a professional tennis player. Sally studied at Stanford
University and got four degrees: Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor on Science in Physics, Master in
Physics and a PhD.
In Physics. After reading an ad in a news paper, Dr. Ride decided to apply to the astronaut program. More than 8,000 men
and women applied to the space program that year. Of the 35 individual accepted six were women . One of them was Sally
Ride. In 1978 she was accepted into the Astronaut Corp; in 1979 she completed her training as a mission specialist. On
June18, 1983, she flew aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger. So she become the first American woman to orbit the earth.
Her second flight was in 1984. She left the Astronaut Corp in 1987.
III. Choose the best alternative (Elija la mejor alternativa)

1. The text is:….. 2. The best title for the reading is :

a) an ad a) An Astronaut’s biography
b) a biography b) Rally Rides’s Biography
c) a setter c) Rally Ride’s life.

3. The text talk about:

a) Conversations from the space.
b) Challenger Flights.
c) Rally Ride’s life.

IV. Complete using the correct information from the text. (Complete usando la
información correcta del texto)

1) Other members of the 7th Space Shuttle were ________________, ________________

1)Sally studied at ___________________________________________________________

2)When Sally was a girl. she was good _________________player.

3)She was accepted into Astronaut Corp in _______________________________________

4)She was the first woman to __________________________________________________

5)Sally Ride left Astronaut Corp in______________________________________________

V. Reorganize these sentence (Ordene éstas oraciones)

1- was / Sally / born / Ride / 1951 / on / 26 / May

2. good / tennis / she / at / was / very

3. Stanford / she / University / studied / at

4. Camps / Astronaut / she / 1987 / left / the / in

Sally K Ride. sintió bien a la primera mujer americana a volar en espacio. 7mo Misión
en la que participa un trasbordador del espacio, segundo vuelo del Challanger
. Astronautas: Roberto L. Crippen, comandante
Frederick H. Hauck, piloto
Juan MÇ. Fabiano, especialista de misión
Paseo de Sally K., especialista de misión
E. norman Thagard, especialista de misión.

Sally Ride nació el 26 de mayo de 1951, en Los Ángeles, California. Cuando ella era
joven, ella era muy buena en el tenis y ella quiso ser jugadora de tenis profesional.
Sally estudió en la Universidad de Stanford y consiguió cuatro grados: Soltera de
artes en inglés, soltero en ciencia en la física, amo en la física y un PhD. En la física.
Después de leer un anuncio en un papel de las noticias, el Dr. Ride decidido para
aplicarse al programa del astronauta. Más de 8.000 hombres y mujeres se aplicaron al
programa espacial que año. Del individuo 35 aceptado seis eran mujeres. Una de
ellas era Rally Ride. En 1978 la aceptaron en el Astronaut Corp; en 1979 ella terminó
su entrenamiento como especialista de misión. El 18 de junio de 1983, ella voló a
bordo del desafiador de la lanzadera de espacio. Ella fue la primera mujer americana
para mover en órbita alrededor de la tierra. Su segundo vuelo era en 1984. Ella dejó al
Astronaut Corp en 1987.

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