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Serena’s Truth
The next day I was walking to the garden.

I saw something there.

I looked through the bushes to see blood. It wasn’t human blood, or vampire. It was an animal’s. I
kept on looking, and turned around when my hearing picked up on movement.

It was a brown little rabbit. As I reached forward for it, it weakly tried to get away. I forgot that
animals don’t like us.

“I don’t want you to die, let me help you.” I said soothingly to the scared, bloody rabbit.

I showed my hand to it, he sniffed it then crawled forwards. I picked him up and took him to the

“Misty, why do you have a dead rabbit in the kitchen, that’s disgusting!” Dad shrieked.

“Because I think it’s cool,” I told him.

I looked in the fridge for some carrots and lettuce. Dad is a vegetarian so I found a good amount.

I let the rabbit feed while I cleaned its wound.

“He looks like he was bitten by something, maybe a snake. Lucky you found him.” Diakire said.

I nodded, I wasn’t happy with him.

I decided to take him to school; I knew I have a free period after lunch. Because I was placed in Air’s
training, I got to work with Earth then. Serena might help me with Lucky. I named him, and it suited
him very well.

I got a lot of stares from people, and in sport I kept him in my velvet box from home. I had a lot of
food and water for him. No one touched him, the news about my Angel blood spread around real
quick. I guess they were scared of me, hello, it’s Angel Blood, not stinking Demon blood.

I waited patiently for the free period, hoping Serena was here today.

“Hey, how are you feeling today?” Serena came up behind me and grabbed the box out of my hands.

“I’m fine; I thought you might have a look at him.”

I watched curiously as Serena inspected his wound. She grabbed the food and smelled it, and then she
grabbed her bag and retrieved something that looked like some weirdo potion and blob goo. Yuck!

“What the hell is that?” I said in uncovered disgust.

“Earth dough,” Serena said as if it was the most obvious and ordinary thing ever in such a
conversation. Uh, no way!

“Dough, what is that going to do?” I said.

“Heal him, duh. It’s charmed with my Earth blood and the Earth Goddess’s prayer.”

“Wow, that’s so interesting.” I looked up and met her eyes. She had reddish brown eyes and I got
totally lost in them. I suddenly saw something stir in her eyes, an image of me but with a glow around

“You see it too?” she whispered.

“Wha- what do you mean?” I stuttered.

“You are an Angel Vampire.” She stated, like I didn’t hear that before.

“Yeah I am.” I said. Was I… confident? Can’t be, I don’t even know what an Angel Vampire does!

I looked into her eyes and I saw another image. My Mum’s outstretched arm and a light.

Zemalor, something whispered in my head. It must’ve done it to Serena as well because she was
holding her head and looked confused.

“What was that?” she whispered.

I looked around the empty classroom and then I looked at her. “The spell my Mum used the night she
died.” I said.

“Interesting…” Serena was deep in thought. She tended back to the rabbit. Already it looked more
comfortable in the hands of an Earth vampire.

Then it hit me.

“Serena, why isn’t Lucky scared of you, he was definitely trying to escape me?” I asked.

“I’m Earth?” she said uncertainly. Serena looked very uncomfortable right now.

“Yeah, go on…” I pressed.

She sighed, “Don’t tell anyone! I think I have a second gift, but for animals. I understand them at
times, and they treat me like I’m… human…” she said the last word with distaste. It’s not like I’m
half and she drinks human blood.

“Wow, you sure about that, I mean positive?” I said

“Very,” she nodded.

“That’s very unheard of… Did you know Matt’s gift?”

“Very unheard of and Matt can teleport right? How handy…” she muttered the last bit.

“My cousin did the same.” I whispered. I don’t know what made me do it, but I rolled up my sleeve. It
wasn’t cold or hot, it was complacent weather. My mark on my arm was very visible.

“May I?” Serena asked gesturing to it.

I shrugged; I don’t know why I’m doing this! It was like I was unconscious but I know what I’m
doing, okay maybe I had too much wacky things happening to me right now.
“It has writing, the ancient language.” Serena observed.

I stared at it, it looked like solid colour to me, but very tiny, my washed out half human veins were
darker than my pale complexion.

Astrovik reguertes myksties…


“What does that mean?”

Serena shook her head. “I hate learning other languages, this ancient one is almost forgotten but two
vampires know.”

Suspenseful much, “Who would that be?”

“Cleopatra Smith and Vera Raymesque.” She answered.

“Oh great, Cleo doesn’t want to see or talk to me anymore and if I go to Vera, which is highly
unlikely, I will get killed. Blood or no blood, she will kill me, she must know now I’m an Angel
Vampire.” I vented.

“Why aren’t you talking to her, Cleo I mean?”

“She asked me to stay away from her. I don’t know but now that we are talking about it, she is sort of
getting edgy when people say she is a Demon, if her Mum and Ver are her blood relatives, why aren’t
people calling them Demons? Cleo always does what she wants; she gets pretty angry when I ask

Serena looked a bit uncomfortable. “She doesn’t take human blood…”

I remember that, the first year I met Cleo she always wanted to eat human food more than a full or
half vampire, never taking human blood nor animal.

“What you guys talking about?” came the voice of Verity.

“Nothing special, aren’t you in Slayer classes?” I asked.

“Yeah but I had a feeling again, about you.” Well that was news.


“I felt that you need to stay in the Spirit Lands.”

I gave her a WTF look.

She shrugged. “You can’t argue with my feelings.”

Serena giggled, “I gotta feeling, that tonight’s going to be a good night.” She smirked. Trust Serena to
be the music freak, after all she dances so professionally!

The bell rang, signalling end of classes, well except for the Slayer courses.
“Hey Dad… can I keep this rabbit as a pet?” I asked.

He looked up from the TV, amazing how Hartonia tries everything to keep us in contact with the
humans. “What’s that dear?”

I lifted Lucky up, whom was I think sleeping… I don’t know. It’s been eight years since I last had a

“Are there laws about it?” he asked.

“Nah, Shantay saw him today and practically fell for him, which is weird…”

He waved his hand as if to say ‘whatever’.

I went up to my room and gently placed him on the velvet box. It’s officially the weekend, and now I
get to a real project, non-school related.

I’m going to build an environment box for Lucky. Okay I admit, I don’t know how to build things but
like all the other things I’ve done in my life, I act automatically.

It was 8am; maybe I could be human for the weekend… It didn’t matter because I’m half vampire.

The rabbit was still asleep. Good, maybe I should ask one of the slayers to keep an eye on him every
ten minutes…

I walked out my door only to, ironically speaking, ram right into Bartholomew.

“Enchantress…” he nodded.

“Slayer, would you please check on my rabbit every ten minutes? Just look through the door and if he
is up and making a nuisance or whatever you are to tell me all right?”

He nodded again. I think he understands English but doesn’t speak it much…

My mobile phone vibrated in my jacket pocket. Sighing I answered it.

“Misty you have to come quick! Cleo and Matt…” I heard Verity say hastily then she grunted. I heard
movement, very fast human ears won’t pick up on it but in the silence I could hear it.

“What? What is it?” I urged.

“Demons, a lot of them.” The phone cut off.

I looked up to meet the Slayer’s eyes.

Then I was somewhere different.

An illusion Enchantress, the voice of the French Slayer I realised.

This is your power?

Yes, it’s for the purpose of safe speaking.

There’s Demons, in the Water Lands. Verity…

I know, we will go and get all the Demons here to help.

My Dad, at least three young ones stay behind to protect him somewhere else.

Of course Enchantress, we will take him somewhere else, away from the danger.

Thank you…

I was staring at him again, I nodded and quicker than me he was going round the house. I went back
into my room, wait… Its sunny now… why is there Demons outside? They’re supposed to be in a
dark room, trying to stay away from the sunlight.

I grabbed Lucky either way, if Dad was going to be evacuated; then he should look after my pet.

All in five minutes we were all gathered in the living room.

“In the Water lands, that’s what Verity told me, also that there is a lot of Demons there.” I explained
the reason.

“We will call more Slayers, three slayers will take the Enchantress, her pet and the father to a safe
place, the North Court is closer, drive there as quick as possible.” Diakire planned out.

Hold on… “I’m going with you.” I said.

Diakire glared at me, “For your protection, stay with your father.”

I stood my ground, “No.”

“Enchantress, with my power I see things unbalanced.”

“What do you see if I come along?”

He concentrated and then his expression changed to shock and surprise.

“I’m going with you, I’m an Angel vampire and my enemies are out there!” I cried out.

“Fine…” he grumbled.

With the blessing of speed from the Goddesses, we made it in five minutes.

And there was a lot of blood.

We were still shaded with the speed (and mist, I made it mist!) and we could see all of the action.

Verity was choking a part of the Demons while Matt was teleporting to different places and staking
them, how can he kill them without any training?!

Everyone moved forward to help them.

Where was Cleo?

Then a frustrated scream filled my ears, very familiar to them too.

I ran towards that direction.

And it was amazing. No, I didn’t go all hypocritical about the situation; every Demon in my sight
stopped what they were doing and cringed away from me.

Wow, and to think Diakire was neglecting me from coming…

What I saw next made me snarl, yes snarl. They were doing a power abuse on her. By the looks of it
they were making her go mad and hurting her.

Just the one word…

“Zemalor” I yelled towards them.

And they burned in the bright light. Huh, way cool.

Cleo fell to the ground, burning.

I motioned for some of the Slayers to tend to her, keeping my word about staying away from her.

I helped the rest of the Demons to die happily, well they should, and I mean I’m their ‘sworn’ enemy

There was one, who actually fought me, but after those training sessions I had with Cleo, I dodged
him and with one single touch he started to burn.

“Vera has a message!” he screeched.

“Really, how do we know you’re not lying?”

“I can smell lies…” a young voice came from behind me.

I turned and gaped. It was Blair Noor, the youngest ever changed vampire and youngest ever Demon
Slayer. Maybe she grew up playing Halo or that really violent 50 Cent game…

“All yours,” I gestured for her to move forward.

“Speak!” she barked. The Demon swore at her.

I slammed my foot next to his ear, “She said speak!”

Despite his position, he smiled. “Vera wants you and the Demon Girl.”

“Who is this Demon Girl?” Blair growled. I think she is around nine. Yeah, a true shocker!

“Cleopatra Delicia Smith.” He spat the words out.

“She isn’t Demon and she doesn’t have a middle name,” I said.

“Then why does she avoid you? Has she ever denied that she is a Demon?” he smiled maliciously.

“Go to Hell.” And with that I punched his heart. The skin underneath my fist blistered.

Then I was hit on the side.

“Oh!” I gasped as the wind left my lungs.

“Now your desire, pretty blonde boy.” A dark voice said.

I finally saw Matt, but his eyes were black. What the hell?

I saw Verity and Diakire trying to get at the Demon who spoke but there was another Demon with

I’m guessing he can create shields, the extra one I mean.

“Mystique Charm, you are the desire of my needs.” Matt whispered. He was leaning forward to me,
his body crushing my small frame.

“Matt, you’re hurting me.” I gasped, I couldn’t breathe. He smiled and he got heavier. I saw in my
peripheral that Blair tries to get to me. Now I hate shields.

“Matt you fatty, get off me!”

His fangs were retracting. Damn, damn, damn!


He bit into me, I screamed.

“No blood, but a beating heart…” he whispered.

“Matt, please, off me!”

I was staring into his eyes, hoping mine showed hurt and confusion.

He leant closer to me…

“Power of Night and the guidance from our Goddesses of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, we
summon the power to conquer.” Voices chanted in five different directions from me and Matt.

The Element Circle! And sure enough I saw December touching the barrier around me and Fatty.

“Misty…” Matt growled. I looked at him and he kissed me. Sure he was hot but this was a serious

“Astrovik reguertes myksties…” I whispered.

Then something happened to me. I was glowing golden; the sun was shining so bright it was piercing
to our vampire eyes. My weird pattern on my arm burned a pleasant burn.

Then there was something around the same arm winding around my wrist.

I looked at it. It was the Element circle but it was surrounded by a circle of a word repeated,

The barrier broke and the Demons burned. I blacked out.

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