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University of Missouri St.

. Louis College of Nursing NS2103 Nutrition & Health Study Chapter 1 (10 questions) %hat are &a'ronutrients( )ri&ary fun'tions of &a'ronutrients. %hat are the &i'ronutrients( )ri&ary fun'tions of the &i'ronutrients. *efine &eta+olis&. !,-lain the .ood uide )yra&id/ 0hat are the re'o&&ended daily inta1es of the &a'ronutrients/ 0hy is e,er'ise de-i'ted on the -yra&id( %hat -er'entage of 1'alories should 'o&e fro& ea'h of the &a'ronutrients( 2e a+le to 'al'ulate the 1'alories fro& 'ar+ohydrates3 fats and -rotein. %hat individuals are at ris1 for +orderline nutrition( %hat is the &a4or -ur-ose of the *ietary uidelines. uide for !"#M $1

Ho0 are .ood !,'hange Lists for &eal -lanning hel-ful/ 0hy are they 'onsidered healthful/ 0ho originally develo-ed the !,'hange List( Chapter 3 (8 questions) %hat is the -ri&ary sour'e of energy for the +ody( %hat are e,a&-les of si&-le and 'o&-le, 'ar+ohydrates( Ho0 &any gra&s of 'ar+ohydrates are needed -er day( %hy do CH56s -lay a &a4or role in nutrition( .ro& 1g& CH53 e7ual ho0 &any 1'alories ( %hat 8 of total daily 1'alores are re'o&&ended to +e su--lied fro& CH5s9day( %here are CH56s stored in the +ody/ and in 0hat for&( %hat for& are CH56s utili:ed +y the +ody( %hat is gly'e&i' inde,/ 0hat foods have high and9or lo0 gly'e&i' inde,(

%hat are the fun'tions of CH5( %hat are health +enefits of fi+er ;solu+le and insolu+le</ 1no0 e,a&-les of ea'h. Ho0 &u'h fi+er is re'o&&ended for an adult need -er9day( Chapter 9 (8 questions) %hat is the &a4or fa'tor that influen'es a -erson6s food ha+its( %hat grou-s of -eo-le are &ost vulnera+le to food &isinfor&ation and 0hy( %hat does the .*# and US*# stand for and 0hat are their res-onsi+ilities in ter&s of 1ee-ing our food safe( %hat &ust 'urrent food la+els in'lude( %hat are *=>6s/ 0hat do they in'lude( %hat are the 'lai&s &ade +y food faddists( %hi'h grou- of individuals is &ost vulnera+le to food fads and 0hy( 2a'terial food infe'tions 'an +e 'aused +y 0hi'h organis&s( %hat are e,a&-les of food additives/ 0hat are the fun'tions of food additives( %hat are so&e e,a&-les of food la+els for s-e'ial needs individuals &ean? )@U3 #llergens3 @osher( Chapter 4 (6 questions) %hat 8 of total daily inta1e in 19'als should +e su--lied +y fats( Ho0 &any 19'al fro& 1 g& of fat( %hat are essential fatty a'ids( Ho0 is saturated fatty a'ids different fro& unsaturated fatty a'ids( %here are saturated and unsaturated fats found( %hat is the fun'tion of 'holesterol( *ifferntiate +et0een the different ty-es of 'holesterol? good & +ad/ @no0 nor&al levels of 'holesterol/ & ho0 does 'holesterol i&-a't heart disease( %hat is ne'essary for the e&ulsifi'ation of fats( %hat a''essory organs of the digestive tra't a't on fats(

%hy is fat ne'essary in our diets( %hat are the end -rodu'ts of li-id digestion( Ho0 do li-ids get trans-orted in the +loodstrea&( Chapter 5 (9 questions) %hat is the -ri&ary fun'tion of -rotein( %hat -er'ent of our diet should 'o&e fro& -rotein( %hat are the +uilding +lo'1s of -rotein( %hat is the differen'e +et0een essential3nonAessential & in'o&-lete -roteins( %hat are so&e of the -otential 'onse7uen'es of eating e,'ess a&ounts of -rotein( @no0 the different ty-es of vegans/ 0hi'h vegans are at ris1 for 'entain ane&ias( %hat are so&e 0ays to identify -roteins/ 0hat does high +iologi'al value &ean & 0hat are 2 sour'es of High 2B -roteins that are e'ono&i'al( %hat does -ositive and negative nitrogen +alan'e indi'ate( Ho0 does -rotein influen'e 0ater +alan'e in the +ody( Na&e the -las&a -rotein( %hen does -rotein 'alorie &alnutrition o''ur/ 0hat are so&e signs and sy&-to&s( Chapter 2 (9 questions) !,-lain the fun'tion of all the &a4or digestive organs & a''essory organs. @no0 the differen'e +et0een &e'hani'al and 'he&i'al digestion. >dentify the s-e'ifi' su+stan'es3 en:y&es and hor&onal sti&uli that 0or1 on ea'h of the &a'ronutrients to +rea1 the& do0n in the digestive -ro'ess. Ho0 does the +ody 'ontrol a nor&al +lood glu'ose level. %hat i&-a'ts the rate of digestion ;gastri' e&-tying<( Na&e of the -athogeni' +a'teriu& that is asso'iated 0ith -e-ti' ul'er disease. *efine glu'ogenolysis and glu'oneogenesis and 0hen & 0here does it o''ur(

%hy are 'ertain +a'teria i&-ortant in the 'olon( %hat situation or ty-e of &edi'ations 'an alter the nor&al +a'teria in the 'olon(

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