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To the Constable, or any other suitable person of the Town of Chelmsford: Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth aforesaid, you are hereby requested to notify and warn the legal voters of said Chelmsford to meet in their several polling places, VIZ: Precinct 1. Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Precinct 6. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 9. Town Offices Gymnasium, 50 Billerica Road Harrington Elementary School Gymnasium, 120 Richardson Road Harrington Elementary School Gymnasium, 120 Richardson Road Westlands School Gymnasium, 170 Dalton Road Byam School Gymnasium, 25 Maple Road Westlands School Gymnasium, 170 Dalton Rd McCarthy Middle School, Small Gymnasium, 250 North Road McCarthy Middle School, Small Gymnasium, 250 North Road Town Offices Gymnasium, 50 Billerica Road

On Tuesday, the 1st day of April, 2014 being the first Tuesday in said month at 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. for the following purposes: To bring in their votes for the following officers: One Selectmen for three years; Two School Committee Members for three years; One Town Moderator for three years; Two Planning Board Members for three years; One Board of Health Member for three years; Three Trustees of Public Library Members for three years; One Trustees of Public Library Member for one year; One Cemetery Commissioner for three years;
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and to bring in their votes for the following: Fifty-four Representative Town Meeting Members for three years in Precincts 1 through 9; And various additional Representative Town Meeting Members: Two Representative Town Meeting Members for an unexpired one year term in Precinct 2; One Representative Town Meeting Member for an unexpired two year term in Precinct 7;

and to meet in the Senior Center, 75 Groton Road, North Chelmsford, on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of April, at 7:30 p.m. in the evening, then and there to act upon the following articles, VIZ: ARTICLE 1. To hear reports of the Town Officers and Committees; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Board of Selectmen

ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will amend the Fiscal Year 2014 operating budget voted under Article 4 of the Spring Annual Town Meeting held on April 29, 2013, and amended under Article 8 of the Fall Annual Town Meeting held on October 21, 2013; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the proposal of the Regional District School Committee . Capital expenditure for roof. or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Nashoba Valley District School Committee

ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds such sums of money as may be required to defray Town charges for the fiscal period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a certain sum of money for the FY15 budget to operate the Sewer Enterprise; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a certain sum of money for the FY15 budget to operate the Golf Course Enterprise; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds such sums of money to be used as a Reserve Fund at the discretion of the Finance Committee for Fiscal Year 2015, as provided in General Laws Chapter 40, Section 6; or act in relation thereto SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

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ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds a certain sum of money to be used to fund employee contract agreements between the Town and its collective bargaining units; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize revolving funds under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 53E for the following departments in Fiscal Year 2015 with expenditures from said funds shall be limited to a certain sum as specified during Fiscal Year 2015: Town Clerk: The receipts to be credited to the fund shall be from the collection of fees from rabies clinic, pound and adoption fees. The Town Clerk shall be authorized to spend money from the fund for the purpose of providing improvements associated with the dog pound and programs and expenses associated with the licensing of animals. Expenditures from the program shall be limited to $10,000 during Fiscal Year 2015. Council on Aging: The receipts to be credited to the fund shall be from the collection of fees from the implementation of a Senior Trip Program. The Council on Aging shall be authorized to spend money from the fund for the purpose of providing transportation necessary for implementing a Senior Trip Program. Expenditures from the Senior Trip program revolving fund shall be limited to $300,000 during Fiscal Year 2015. Council on Aging: The receipts to be credited to the fund shall be from the collection of fees from the implementation of a Senior Respite Care Program. The Council on Aging shall be authorized to spend money from the fund for the purpose of providing personnel and expenditures for implementing a Senior Respite Care Program. Expenditures from the Senior Respite Care Program revolving fund shall be limited to $300,000 during Fiscal Year 2015. Police Department: The receipts to be credited to the fund shall be from the collection of fees from the sale of used police cruisers. The Police Department shall be authorized to spend money from the fund for the purpose of purchasing communication equipment for newly acquired police cruisers. Expenditures from the Police Cruiser revolving fund shall be limited to $20,000 during Fiscal Year 2015. Inspection Department: The receipts to be credited to the fund shall be from the collection of fees from the Sealer of Weights and Measures. The Inspection Department shall be authorized to spend money from the fund for the purpose of administering the services of the Sealer of Weights and Measures. Expenditures from the Weights and Measures revolving fund shall be limited to $20,000 during Fiscal Year 2015; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a certain sum of money for the following capital projects:


Department /Location Information Technology Chelmsford 2014 Spring Town Meeting Warrant Project Expenditure $100,000 Consolidated Firewall Information Technology Subtotal $100,000 Page 3 of 12

General Government Fire Public Works

Parker Middle School Chelmsford High School Parker Middle School School -Technology

Council on Aging Van General Government Subtotal Replace Engine 1 with Ladder Truck Public Safety Subtotal Drainage Improvements Sidewalk Construction Roadway Improvements Heavy Duty Service Truck Sander Truck Replacement Public Works Subtotal Walk-In Cooler/Freezer Walk-In Cooler /Freezer Restroom & Plumbing Upgrades School Facilities Subtotal VOIP Phones & POE Switches Wireless Initiative Virtualization of Elementary Networks 21st Century Classrooms Security Cameras Keyless Entry School Technology Subtotal

$59,000 $59,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $75,000 $120,000 $187,694 $105,000 $170,000 $657,694 $40,000 $75,000 $378,000 $493,000 $120,000 $75,000 $125,000 $75,000 $95,000 $75,000 $565,000



And to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer and appropriate from available funds, transfer and appropriate from the General Stabilization Fund, and/or borrow a certain sum of money to fund these obligations, and to further authorize the Town Manager to enter into lease and/or purchase agreements, on such terms and conditions as the Town Manager deems appropriate in the best interests of the Town, in excess of three years; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager Capital Planning Committee Two-Thirds Vote

ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to transfer a certain sum of money from the Sale of Graves and Lots to the Cemetery Improvement and Development fund; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Cemetery Commission

ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of money to fund the Community Action program established under Article 12 of the April 29, 1996 Spring Annual Town Meeting. The purpose of this program shall be to provide matching funds to community improvement projects undertaken by individuals and/or organizations within the Town of Chelmsford; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the Fiscal Year 2015 Community Preservation budget and:

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A. To appropriate a certain sum of money from FY2015 Community Preservation Fund revenues and/or from Community Preservation Fund reserves for the payment of Fiscal Year 2015 debt service; B. To appropriate from FY2015 Community Preservation Fund revenues the following: (1) a sum of money to meet the administrative expenses and all other necessary and proper expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for Fiscal Year 2015; and further, C. To reserve for future appropriation amounts from FY2015 Community Preservation Fund revenues as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee: (1) a sum of money for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space excluding land for recreational use, (2) a sum of money for the acquisition and preservation of historic resources, (3) a sum of money for the creation, preservation and support of community housing; (4) a sum of money for the Community Preservation Fund FY2015 Budgeted Reserve ; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Community Preservation Committee

ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to rescind unexpended appropriations for completed projects whose funding source is the Community Preservation Fund and to return said unexpended funds to the Community Preservation Fund; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Community Preservation Committee

ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a certain sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund Open Space Preservation Reserve and/or from the Community Preservation Fund General Reserve for a feasibility study to be undertaken by the Conservation Commission for the replacement or removal of the Crooked Spring dam; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Community Preservation Committee Conservation Commission

ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a certain sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund Historic Preservation Reserve and/or from the Community Preservation Fund General Reserve to contract with a professional preservationist to perform historic inventories of properties across the community; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Community Preservation Committee Historical Commission

ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a certain sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund Historic Preservation Reserve and/or from the Community Preservation Fund General Reserve to purchase and install road signage to denote historical areas in the community; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY:
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ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a certain sum of money from the Community Preservation Fund Open Space Preservation Reserve and/or from the Community Preservation Fund General Reserve for the rehabilitation and restoration of land for recreational use, including the replacement of playground equipment and other capital improvements to the land or the facilities thereon which make the land or the related facilities more functional for their intended recreational use; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Community Preservation Committee

ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to direct the Board of Selectmen to adopt policies to provide financial assistance to those residential property owners whose connection to the Towns sewer system is serviced by grinder pumps; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Board of Selectmen

ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 11, Animals of the Code of the Town of Chelmsford for the purposes of revising the following sections: 11-3, Registration and license; 11-13, Reward for killing dog ; 11-18, Violations and penalties; and 11-20 List of dog owners, by deleting them in their entirety and inserting the following language:
11-3 Registration and license. [Amended 11-30-1987 STM by Art. 13] A. A person who at the commencement of a license period is, or who during any license period becomes, the owner or keeper of a dog six months old or over which is not duly licensed, and the owner or keeper of a dog when it becomes six months old during a license period, shall cause it to be registered, numbered, described and licensed until the end of such license period, and the owner or keeper of a dog so registered, numbered, described and licensed during any license period, in order to own or keep such dog after the beginning of the succeeding license period, shall, before the beginning thereof, cause it to be registered, numbered, described and licensed for such period. The registering, numbering, describing and licensing of a dog shall be done in the office of the Town Clerk on a form prescribed and supplied by the Town Clerk and shall be subject to the condition expressed therein that the dog which is the subject of the license shall be controlled and restrained from killing, chasing or harassing livestock or fowls. (1) The Town Clerk shall not grant such license for any dog unless the owner thereof provides the Town Clerk with either a veterinarian's certification that such dog has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of 145B or has been certified exempt from such provision as outlined in 137 or a notarized letter from a veterinarian that a certificate was issued or a metal rabies tag bearing an expiration date indicating that such certification is still in effect. (2) The owner or keeper of a licensed dog shall cause it to wear around its neck or body a collar or harness of leather or other suitable material to which shall be securely attached a tag in a form prescribed by and issued by the Town Clerk when a license is issued. Such tag shall state the following: Town of Chelmsford, year of issue and tag number. If any such tag shall be lost, the owner or keeper of such dog shall forthwith secure a substitute tag from the Town Clerk at a cost of $2. This subsection shall not apply where it is otherwise provided by law, nor shall it apply to a person having a kennel license.

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B. The provisions of 138 shall be expressly incorporated under this article. C. A license duly recorded shall be valid throughout the commonwealth, except that, in the case of the permanent moving of a dog into the Town, the owner or keeper thereof shall, within 30 days after such moving, present the original license and tag of such dog to the Town Clerk, and said Town Clerk shall take up the same and issue to said owner or keeper a transfer license, together with a tag, for such dog upon payment of $2. The provisions of this article relative to the form and furnishing of licenses and tags shall apply to licenses and tags issued under this subsection.

11-13(Reserved) 11-18 Violations and penalties. [Amended 10-16-2006 ATM by Art. 14] The following penalties shall apply for violations of Chapter 11. Any person who violates this section shall be subject to payment of the following fines: Section 11-3 11-3A(1) 11-3A(2) 11-4D 11-7-2 11-7-3 11-7-1 Violation Non-current dog license Non-current rabies vaccination Not wearing tag Failure to maintain kennel in sanitary and humane manner Barking dog Failure to remove animal waste Running at large (1) Informal disposition process: (a) (b) (c) (2) First offense in a calendar year Second offense in a calendar year Third and subsequent offenses in a calendar year $50.00 $75.00 $125.00 Penalty $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00

Non-criminal disposition (a) (b) (c) First offense in a calendar year Second offense in a calendar year Third and subsequent offenses in a calendar year $75.00 $150.00 $200.00 $100.00

All other sections of Article 11 Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.

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11-20 List of dog owners. Persons authorized or directed by MGL c. 51, 4 or by any special law to make lists of persons three years of age or older shall make a list of all dogs owned by the inhabitants of the Town at the time of making lists required under such section and return the same in duplicate to the Town Clerk on or before April 1. An owner or keeper of a dog who refuses to answer or answers falsely to persons directed or authorized to make a list of owners of dogs shall be punished by a fine of not less than $20.

; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Town Manager

ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town Code, Chapter 195, Zoning Bylaw, to adopt an inclusionary housing bylaw: or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Planning Board Two-Thirds vote

ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town Code, Chapter 195, Zoning Bylaw, regarding the flood plain : ;or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Planning Board Two-Thirds vote

ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town Code, Chapter 195, Zoning Bylaw, to adopt a center village overlay ;or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Planning Board Two-Thirds vote

ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to accept the following mentioned streets, as laid out by the Board of Selectmen and shown by reports duly filed in the office of the Town Clerk:

Providing all the construction of the same meets with the requirements of the Board of Selectmen, and subject to the withholding of any remaining bonds until such requirements have been met; and to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire any and all temporary and/or permanent easements, and any property in fee simple, with trees thereon, by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, for the purpose of securing traffic safety and road improvements, and to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer and appropriate from the Stabilization Fund, and/or borrow a certain sum of money to defray all necessary
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costs, fees and expenses in connection with the acquisition of said land and for paying any damages which may be awarded as a result of any such taking; and to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to negotiate and execute all necessary and proper contracts and agreements thereto; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Board of Selectmen Town Engineer

ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire a drainage easements by purchase, gift, eminent domain, or otherwise, on property located in the Town of Chelmsford, Massachusetts at 5 Bailey Terrace and 7 Oak Knoll Avenue, which easements are shown more particularly on plans on file in the Town Clerks Office; or act in relation thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Board of Selectmen Town Engineer

ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 132 Sewage Disposal of the code of the Town of Chelmsford by adding a new section Section 132-3 Grinder Pumps as follows: Section 132-3 Grinder Pumps. 1. The preferred method of discharge of sewage from an individual building or group of buildings to the Towns sewer system is gravity flow. Grinder Pumps shall be used only after alternatives for gravity service connections have been thoroughly considered and, in the opinion of the Town of Chelmsford Department of Public Works, such alternatives cannot reasonably discharge to the Towns sewer system by gravity flow. Grinder Pumps shall only be used in accordance with regulations established by the Town of Chelmsford Department of Public Works. 2. Each Owner/Applicant shall apply for a permit and shall be responsible for all of the costs related to the connection to the Towns sewer system treated equally or no differently than if they were connecting by gravity flow, and incurring no additional cost than if connection to the Towns sewer system by gravity flow. 3. Both existing and new residential grinder pumps and the associated appurtenances and controls installed shall be maintained, serviced and replaced by the Town of Chelmsford, and will be treated by them on an equal basis with those grinder pumps and pump houses currently operated and maintained, serviced and replaced by the Town. The Town of Chelmsford shall not be responsible for the maintenance of Grinder Pumps servicing commercial properties and residential properties comprised of four or more units. a. Various items SHOULD NOT BE introduced into any sewer system either directly or through a drain or waste disposal, including: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Glass, metal or plastic Diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons or baby wipes Socks, rags or clothes Explosives or flammable material Lubricating oils or grease Strong chemicals or gasoline
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The property owner shall be responsible for any and all costs to repair and/or replace a Grinder Pump as a result of improper disposal of materials into the sewer system, or take any other action relative thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Citizen Petition Rachel Abate

ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 132 Sewage Disposal of the code of the Town of Chelmsford by adding a new section Section 132-4 Residential Grinder Pumps and Pump Houses that service Four or more family units as follows: Section 132-4 Residential Grinder Pumps and Pump Houses that service Four or more family units. 1. The preferred method of discharge of sewage from an individual building or group of buildings to the Towns sewer system is gravity flow. Grinder Pumps shall be used only after alternatives for gravity service connections have been thoroughly considered and, in the opinion of the Town of Chelmsford Department of Public Works, such alternatives cannot reasonably discharge to the Towns sewer system by gravity flow. Grinder Pumps shall only be used in accordance with regulations established by the Town of Chelmsford Department of Public Works. 2. Each Owner/Applicant shall apply for a permit and shall be responsible for all of the costs related to the connection to the Towns sewer system treated equally or no differently than if they were connecting by gravity flow, and incurring no additional cost than if connection to the Towns sewer system by gravity flow. 3. Both existing and new residential grinder pumps and pump houses that service Four or more family units and the associated appurtenances and controls installed shall be maintained, serviced and replaced by the Town of Chelmsford, and will be treated by them on an equal basis with those grinder pumps and pump houses currently operated and maintained, serviced and replaced by the Town. The Town of Chelmsford shall not be responsible for the maintenance of Grinder Pumps or Pump Houses servicing commercial properties. a. Various items SHOULD NOT BE introduced into any sewer system either directly or through a drain or waste disposal, including: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Glass, metal or plastic Diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons or baby wipes Socks, rags or clothes Explosives or flammable material Lubricating oils or grease Strong chemicals or gasoline

The property owner shall be responsible for any and all costs to repair and/or replace a Grinder Pump or Pump House as a result of improper disposal of materials into the sewer system, or take any other action relative thereto. SUBMITTED BY: Citizen Petition Judith J. Sylvia

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Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this 24th day of February, 2014


__________________________________________________ Matthew J. Hanson, Chairman _________________________________________________ Patricia Wojtas, Vice Chairman __________________________________________________ Janet L. Askenburg, Clerk __________________________________________________ George R. Dixon, Jr. __________________________________________________ James M. Lane, Jr.

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The Board of Selectmen shall propose the following dates and times for continued sessions of the Town Meeting of April 28, 2014:

Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 4, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

If additional continued sessions are necessary they shall take place on the Monday and Thursday of the next consecutive week until the meetings are concluded. Pursuant to Town of Chelmsford Code Chapter 154-9, these dates and times are proposed and are subject to change by vote of the Town Meeting Representatives.


Pursuant to the within warrant, I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of the Town of Chelmsford by posting up attested copies of same at the following places, to wit: Town Office Gymnasium, Harrington School Gymnasium, Harrington School Gymnasium, Westlands School Gymnasium, Byam School Gymnasium, Westlands School Gymnasium, McCarthy Middle School Small Gymnasium, McCarthy Middle School Small Gymnasium, Town Office Gymnasium and Town Office Building Lobby. Signed: ____________________________________ William E. Spence, Constable

A True Copy Attest: ____________________________________ William E. Spence, Constable

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