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Carpenters are involved in the construction of many different types of structures such as bridges or large buildings. Some carpenters change employers each time they finish a construction job. The duties of a carpenter differ just about each time the accept employment. In most cases, carpenters work in many different locations hundred miles away each year. Carpentry is a very strenuous outdoor profession. Carpenters endure climbing, bending, and heavy laborious work. Often they put themselves at risk of injury working with sharp tools and they work in areas where it is all too easy to fall or slip. . !hich of following may a carpenter do in a normal day of work" a. type letters b. package and ship mail #. !hat is uni$ue about a Carpenters job" a. They do the same thing all day. b. They something different each new job they receive. c. They always work for the same person throughout their career. d. They wear sandals. %. !hat is one skill that would handy to have if you were a Carpenter" a. typing b. cooking &. !rite three words that describe a Carpenter' . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( #. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( %. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( c. wood working d. sewing c. answer phones d. help build a bridge

Chicago is the third largest city in the )nited States. Over three million people live in the two hundred and twenty five mile area of Chicago. The world*s first skyscraper was constructed in Chicago in ++,. Today, some of the world*s tallest and most famous skyscrapers are found in the city. -ocated in the heart of the city is the one hundred and ten story Sears Tower, which is among the most famous skyscrapers ever built. Chicago is often called .The !indy City.. It is assumed that this is due to the City*s weather, but in the //0s major ).S. cities outranked Chicago for average annual wind speed. . 1ow many cities in the )nited States are larger than Chicago"

a. one b. two #. !hich of the following is true" a. Chicago is the largest city in the world

c. three d. four

b. Chicago is home to some of the world*s tallest skyscrapers c. Chicago is the windiest city in the )nited States d. 2one of the above %. 1ow many of people 3in millions4 live in Chicago" a. one b. two a. The Sears Tower b. The Sienna Tower ,. !rite three things you learned about Chicago. . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( #. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( %. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( c. three d. four c. The Times Tower d. The 5mpire State 6uilding

&. !hat is one of Chicago*s most famous skyscrapers"

7ating back to ancient times, humans have e8pressed emotions, stories, and sounds through the movement of their bodies. They use a variety of dance movements that allow for self9e8pression. :any dances string several movements together. 7ancers perform in a variety of productions, such as musicals, folk, ethnic, tap, and pop culture. They also perform in a variety of venues such as theaters, television, movies, music videos, opera, and commercials. ;or the most part, dancers perform in groups. Top dancers do perform solos as well. . <bout how old is the art of 7ance" a. a few decades b. a few centuries #. !hat is a good $uality to have as a dancer" a. a high level of fle8ibility b. a low level of fle8ibility c. a loud voice d. a soft voice c. hundreds of years old d. thousands of years old

%. If you were a dancer, what television program would you be likely to find work on"

a. golf television b. news television &. :ost dancers perform in ((((((((((. a. department stores b. solos

c. business television d. music television c. offices d. groups

,. !rite three words that describe a 7ancer' . ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( #. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( %. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

I Have a Cat
Spot is a regular house cat. 1e is an adorable cat. 1e has orange fur with white and black spots. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels soft. 5very morning I give Spot milk. Spot does not like rice, so I give him cat food. Spot is an active animal. 1e likes to run around the house. 1e likes to chase everyone in my house. !hen he feels tired or sleepy, Spot usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table. Answer the following questions based on the text . !hat does Spot look like" #. !hat is Spot=s fur like" %. !hat food does Spot have every morning" &. !hat kind of food does Spot like" ,. !hat does Spot like to do" Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false ( ) based on the text! . Spot is a dog. #. Spot lives inside house. %. Spot is an adorable animal. &. Spot=s fur is white with black and orange spots. ,. Spot likes to drink water every morning. >. Spot likes to eat cat food. ?. Spot doesn=t like to move around. +. !hen Spot is tired or sleepy, he likes to sleep under the chair.

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