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Voice Thread Lesson Plan Overview

Subject Open Subject or Topic Grade Level All Grades

Internet connections, An image, set of images or topic of focus A storyline or clear objective Materials Microphone Computer Students ill use Internet resources to support the creation of stories that ill be Objectives recorded and documented to foster a positive learning e!perience hile meeting Connecticut Content Standards in "anguage Arts and #$TS%


Standard &' (eading and (esponding Overarching Idea' Students read, comprehend and respond in individual, literal, critical and evaluative ays to literary, informational and persuasive te!ts in multimedia formats% Guiding )uestion' How do we understand what we read? &%* Students communicate ith others to create interpretations of ritten, oral and visual te!ts

Creativity and Innovation' &+ Students demonstrate creative thin,ing, construct ,no ledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology% Students' Standards a+ apply e!isting ,no ledge to generate ne ideas, products, or processes% b+ create original or,s as a means of personal or group e!pression%

Possible Activity Structures

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words Voice Thread Pre-lesson Activity Students ill need to search for images related to their -oiceThread Day 1 images or pictures for their -oiceThread%
The class loo,s for images or pictures that ill inspire them% The class selects The class constructs the first fe sentences related to the images through group

divided among the students% Students begin and finish the process of editing the ords and content to finali.e the Days 3-4 materials that ill comprise their -oiceThread% The images, pictures and voices are added to the -oiceThread to create an inspired Day 5 story or stories% Teachers may choose one photo or a set of photos related to one topic for a class ote project or may group students to create several -oiceThreads using several sets of images and pictures

Day 2 discussion and suggestions% The students build a focus% The discussion ideas are

Fables or Folktales VoiceThreads Pre-lesson Activity Students ill need to search for images related to their -oiceThread% Day 1 classmates%
/ave students decide on fables or fol,tales to create a -oiceThread ith their Students select images from their images or picture collection that relate to the fables Students divide the fables or fol,tales into reading parts% 0hen students feel

Day 2 or fol,tales and begin to rite an introduction%

Days 3-5 confident the class can begin to record their fables or fol,tales on to the

-oiceThread to create their stories% Teachers may choose one fable or fol,tale as a class project or may group students otes! to create several 1able or 1ol,tale -oiceThreads%

An Individual Story VoiceThread Pre-lesson Activity Students ill need to search for images related to their -oiceThread% Day 1 related to their story%
Students select a set of images about their story and begin to rite do n ideas The students organi.e the images in a se2uence to plot is simplified story outline and

Day 2 begin to rite an introduction for their story and -oiceThread%

The students3 finish riting their story introduction% The student rites a caption for Days 3-4 each image to create a personal story treasure% The student edits the introduction and captions% Day 5 The students begin to record their story on a -oiceThread to create their stories%


Assess ent
Acco !lished Spea,er3s choice of language and uses of voice is descriptive, interesting, and ell orded% Spea,er creatively presents meaningful se2uences of events% The spea,er3s story is presented accurately, ith natural rests and ,eeps the listeners5 interest throughout% Spea,er3s comments add to the focus, and interest% Comments are ell constructed, thoughtful and productive Pro"icient Spea,er3s choice of language and use of voice is interesting and ell orded% Spea,er creatively presents meaningful events% The spea,er3s story is presented accurately, and ,eeps the listeners5 interest throughout% Spea,er3s comments add to the focus, interest, and the comments are constructive and thoughtful Inter ediate Spea,er4s choice of language and use of voice is interesting% Spea,er presents meaningful events% The spea,er3s story is presented accurately, and ,eeps the listeners5 interest for the most part% Spea,er3s comments add to the focus, interest, and are thoughtful #e$inner Spea,er participates in -oiceThread activity% Spea,er presents events% The spea,er3s story is presented accurately%

Word %hoice

Innovation or Interest level

Ti in$ and Pace


Spea,er3s comments are thoughtful

0hat is a -oicethread6 http'77voicethread%com78c9:%b*;<%i=&&= Selecting a Microphone http'77astore%ama.on%com7voicethread>9; Setting up your Microphone and headset% http'77voicethread%com782%b*&?%i=&*& Groups and Tags Managing a Group Conversations or presentation -oicethread http'77voicethread%com78c9:%b9==*<%i&=@@@? $mbedding a -oicethread in a Alogger * = aspect ratio ith &;9* ! @?: or larger http'77voicethread%com78c9:%b:;B%i<@@= Manage the Identities http'77voicethread%com782%b&&<=9%i@<9*B Sharing Cour -oicethread http'77voicethread%com78c9:%b:::<%i?9@?= 1orms ) and A http'77voicethread%com7help7forum76CategoryIDE& $d%-oiceThread http'77ed%voicethread%com78home%b=?<*&%i9;;BB= A launch off -oicethread http'77spi,e%ifilm%com7spi,e7truedads7shoutouts%html

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