EP2 Ladybird Week13 Term2

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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Adam Class: EP2 Ladybird Week: 13 Dates: 27-31.01.14

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
We will review locations, trans ort and occ! ations all to"et#er t#is wee$. We will draw a bi" ma on t#e board and label all t#e arts in t#e city %sc#ool, mar$et, s#o s, #os ital, art, etc.&. '#en we will tal$ abo!t t#e di((erent ty es o( trans ort t#at are in t#e city. %)W#at do (iremen !se*+, ),ow do yo! come to sc#ool*+, -& A(ter we will tal$ abo!t w#o wor$s w#ere in t#e city. %)A .octor wor$s at t#e #os ital+, )/ (armer wor$s on t#e (arm+, etc.&

Opposites: Week 2
Activity Time

'#is wee$ we will contin!e to learn abo!t o osites. Last wee$ t#e class did very well and already not most o( t#e basic o osite airs. 0o t#is wee$ we will move on to o!r ne1t set o( o osites. Opposites Week 12 (ast, slow, bi", small, #eavy, li"#t, bea!ti(!l, !"ly, stron", wea$, lon", s#ort, tall, s#ort Week 2: (!ll, em ty, #i"#, low, wet, dry, near, (ar, new, old, easy, #ard, dar$, li"#t, clean, dirty Activities2 0in"in" son"s2 3 en and 0#!t 4i" and 0mall 5 and .own 4i", 4i", 4i" Practice com arin" di((erent ob6ects to eac# ot#er. )'#is is a bi" ball+ 3 osite matc#in" wor$s#eets and colorin" in ict!res.

'#is wee$ we will contin!e reviewin" all o( t#e word (amilies we #ave done so (ar. - -an%can, man, (an, an, van, tan, ran& - -at%#at, cat, (at, mat, bat, rat& - -a %ca , ma , na , ta , sa & - -am%dam, #am, ram, 6am& - -a"%%ba", ta", ra", wa"& - -et%6et, et, "et, vet, net, wet, met, let& - -en%men, en, en, ten, den, #en& - -e"%le", e", $e", bed, be"& - -in% in, tin, (in, bin, win& - -o"%do", lo", (o", 6o"& - -o %#o , co ,to ,mo & - -! %c! , ! & - -!b%r!b, t!b& - -!"%b!", m!", 6!", r!"&

7rammar2 )- is t#e o osite o( -+ )/t is a small cat+ ),e is a stron" man+ )/s it a tall boy*+ )8es, #e is+ )9o, #e isn:t+

ew !letters"soun#s"vocabulary$
Last wee$ we (inis#ed o!r #onics boo$. 0o t#is wee$ we will be (oc!sed mostly on review o( all t#e word (amilies t#at we #ave covered so (ar t#is year.

Writing %ractice
We will be reviewin" letter (ormation and ro er s acin" as a class t#is wee$.

&ight Wor#s
We wee$ we contin!e wor$in" on o!r second set o( si"#t words2 %! , in, "!n, b!n, (!n, t#ey, an, it, can, not&

%arent 'ollow (p " (se)ul Websites " *omework:

'#is wee$ we will be learnin" abo!t o osites. 8o! can #el yo!r c#ild ractice by loo$in" at di((erent ob6ects at #ome and as$in" yo!r c#ild abo!t t#em. E1am le2 )/s it a bi" boo$*+ )8es, it is.+ )9o, it isn:t+ 4i" and 0mall2 #tt 2;;www.yo!t!be.com;watc#*v<#=7w>13?'@A 5 and .own2 #tt 2;;www.yo!t!be.com;watc#*v<E'473t!BB$C 3 en and 0#!t2 #tt 2;;www.yo!t!be.com;watc#*v<D95B4,lD,48

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