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Colours White Things That Are Bad White People: White people are responsible for all the

ills in the world. What they cant have, they ta e. What they cant oppress, they destroy. White people are responsible for everything bad that has ever happened in all of history. !ncluding earth"ua es. Anthra#: The white bacterial $enace, anthra# has illed% less than ten people a year. !ts still pretty scary though. !f you should get anthra#, even if you ta e your antibiotics, you only have a &&' chance of surviving. Cla$s: (arlier this $onth so$eone threw a sac of cla$s through $y bedroo$ window. )y roo$ was cold and cla$$y for a wee . *now: !ts cold. !ts heartless. !t bec ons you with its soft, fluffy e#terior, then wraps you up in its ice cold tentacles. Another victi$ of frostbite. +ou now who loves snow, )r. -ree.e, thats who. Blac Things That Are Bad Blac People: Blac people are the worst thing since anything. When not trying to con"uer your country, theyre con"uering so$eone elses country. !f you turn on the internet and hear about a tragedy so$ewhere, you can be sure blac people are behind it. Blac people cause volcanoes to erupt. Coal: This see$ingly innocuous not/"uite/a/roc is really death in near/roc for$. 0iving up its life to spew carbon dio#ide everywhere, its only hope is to render the (arth uninhabitable to all living things. *ith 1ords: They always see$ to drape the$selves in blac robes. Perhaps to $a e the point that they are *ith 1ords, which everyone around the$ never see$s to pic up on. ! swear, if they 2ust illed every person wearing all blac , the story would resolve itself in li e ten $inutes. The 3ar : (ver have trouble seeing, +ou can than the dar , which has been responsible for $ore shipwrec s, stair falls and boob gropes than any other cause. The ne#t ti$e the sun sets and the $oon has been eaten by space dragons, you had better watch out for% The Dark! +ellow Things That Are Bad +ellow People: Whither disaster, Answer: where the yellow people are. War, fa$ine, pestilence and plague follow in the trac s of the advancing yellow war/caterpillar. There used to be eight continents before yellow people had their way. The *un: +es, it provides us with war$th, power, grows our food and fends off the dar , but do you now what else the sun gives us, CANCER! CANCER BAD! !f you have ever

nown so$eone with cancer, you are surely a$ong the legions of those who wish to destroy the sun. 3andelions: They $ay loo pretty, but underneath those beautiful flowers lie pointy leaves. Also, whenever you pic a dandelion to give to your $other, there are always ants on it. Whats the deal with that, 4apdos: That guy ills $e every fuc ing ti$e. !$ fuc ing five steps away fro$ *affron City and 4apdos attac s $e. *eriously, fuc 4apdos. Blue Things That Are Bad Blue People: Blue people ta e the fun out of 5-67ny article and out of everything else too. They create a blac hole that not even light hu$our can escape fro$. -ortunately, the proble$ of blue people tends to ta e care of itself. The 8cean: The ocean has been responsible for $ore deaths than disease, war and old age co$bined. The greatest $urderer in all of history, it sits there, waiting for you. Can you breathe underwater, The ocean nows you cant. 7ever turn your bac on the ocean, or it will $urder you and everyone you care about. Asteroids That Are Bad 9:;9<0=>: +ou havent found $e yet, and you wont for a while. But in 9:&:, our paths will cross in the $ost catastrophic way possible. And so you now, in the future there still is no way to stop an asteroid. ?ust as $y brother was dispatched ;> $illion years ago to end the ethnic strife a$ong the dinosaurs @carnivores and herbivores hated each otherA, so ! will end the internecine fighting of the hu$ans. 3ie everybodyB /9:;9<0=>

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