God Conquers Sin

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God conquers Sin Back in 2001, a lawyer friend turned nasty against me just because she could not

get what she wanted from us. She became so s iteful and mean as to melt unishment on us .!e were ut out of business for 1 week" # e$en heard her sinister laugh and her re$engeful words as she talked o$er the tele hone when # a roached her office. %ollowing that # was $ery bitter with her towards what she did and what she uttered. She took leasure in seeing us suffer. &$ery now and then, the words she uttered would ring in my ears and the whole scenerio of what ha ened would flash through my thoughts. # would get all charged u , angry and re$engeful, telling myself,' (nmn" )ne day she*ll know. )ne day when all is o$er, #*ll re$enge her ro erly"' Such was my anger burning inside me for a cou le of weeks or months. # was just waiting for the right time to re$enge. + e,cuse me, # was $ery much a Sunday -hristian then. # go to church e$ery Sunday but # ha$e no God in my heart. /et, God is so kind, so thoughtful" )ne Sunday morning, out of the blues, # went to Sunday morning mass +normally # only attend Saturday sunset mass.. !ithout my knowledge, # was seated right behind this woman. 0s the mass started, suddenly # noticed this enemy seated right in front of me.# could not make myself look in her direction because dee in my heart was the feeling that she is a $ery s iteful, mean woman and she is not worthy looking at. /et, that $ery Sunday, the riest homily was all about forgi$eness. #t seemed endless, he ke t re eating, 1 %orgi$e and you shall be forgi$en. #f you do not forgi$e, God our %ather in (ea$en will not forgi$e you of your tres assess.' #t was a waking u call......, 1 )h, # must forgi$e, lest my sins will not be forgi$en me.' (ence # made a resolution to forgi$e her and to make u with her no matter how ainful. # asked God to gi$e me the strength to humble myself, to be able to do it, 2ruly God is faithful. 0s soon as the mass was o$er, # ste ed forward, offered my arms to hug her. 0s we did so # uttered, 1# forgi$e you for all that you did to me. 0nd, forgi$e me too, if you think # ha$e wronged you in any way.' 2here and then, # let go of my hurts and re3established my friendshi with her. 0nd God is truly ama4ing. Since then, God took away all those ugly re$engeful thoughts from me. (e truly ga$e me the strength to forgi$e. &ach time when th ughts of this woman came into my mind, my mind became $ery la4y. # could not think ro erly about what ha ened. 0nd in due time, it just slowly faded from my memory. 2oday if you ask me to recall the words she uttered, # could barely remember it anymore. 2his ainful e, erience taught me a good lesson. # learnt that to forgi$e is di$ine. %or when we are angry, full of bitterness in us, that anger is eating us u from within. !e get stressed out, unha y and it made us $ery miserably. #n the end we are the ones suffering instead of the one whom we are angry with. %or all that you know, the one who had hurt us might be laughing and taking leasure in seeing us suffer. Sin +unforgi$eness. causes ain and suffering. So remember, always seek the 5ord to gi$e us the strength to forgi$e and forget and to be set free from the bondage of sin. 1 #f you do not forgi$e, neither will your %ather in hea$en forgi$e you.' + 6ark 11728.

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