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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

The Singareni Collieries company Limited , the turn around marvel of Indian Coal Mining is redifining excellance. It is a Pioneer in mechanisation of Coal Mining occupying a strategic position in the Coal Map of South India.The providing %elfare &menities to the Organisation is currently emphasi ing on Safe !ualitative Production " Productivity #ith e$ual importance on employees #ith IT touch. In the past, inordinate delay #as ta'ing place in processing and settlement of terminal (enefits of ex)employees. To have an expeditious settlement of terminal (enefits and to avoid hardship to ex)employees and their family mem(ers, the Management of SCCL has constituted &rea Terminal *enefit Cells in all &rea on +,.+-..--. for rendering (etter service in processing all types of Terminal *enefit Claims and arranging speedy settlements. In order to promote the development of International Standards, to ma'e the organi ation more competitive for the (enefit of the ex)employees ,increasing confidence in planned service, improved communications,morale and /o( satisfaction, improved perception in higher customer satisfaction levels, it has (een decided to ac$uire ISO Certificate 0o.1--+2.--- for &rea Terminal *enefit Cells in the Company.





ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

S.0O 1.0 45SC6IPTIO0 Page 0o CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION +.+ &(out SCCL +.. 7unction of &T* cells in the Company 2.0 CHAPTER II: 2(A) COAL MINES PROVIDENT FUND 2(B) COAL MINES PENSION SCHEME .8&9 4etails of Coal Mines Provident Scheme .8*9 4etails of Coal Mines Pension Scheme ... ..: ..; .., Processing of Claim Chec' list CMP7 " CMPS 6egister ) &nnexure )I 7orms " 7ormats 8Refer Appen !"#A9 ..,.+ Saha/ 7orm 8Claim 7orm for P7 " Pension9 ..,.. 7orm PS)+ 8Option 7orm for CMP7 Mem(ers9 ..,.: 7orm PS).8Option 7orm for 7PS Mem(ers9 ..,.; 7orm PS): 8Particular of family mem(ers for pension scheme 9 ..,., 7orm PS); 80omination for Pension Scheme9 ..,.< 7orm )& 80omination for CMP7 6efund9 ..,.= 7orm )M 8Change of CMP7 0omination9 ..,.> Schedule)C 84etails of surviving 7amily mem(ers9 CHAPTER III: %RATUIT& Scheme details Processing of claim Chec'list ?roup gratuity Scheme 6egister ) &nnexure) II 7orms " 7ormats8Refer Appen !" 'B9 :.,.+ 7orm)7 8?ratuity 0omination9 :.,.. 7orm)I 8&pplication for ?ratuity (y employee9 :.,.: 7orm)@ 8&pplication for ?ratuity (y a nominee9 :.,.; 7orm)A 8&pplication for ?ratuity (y a Legal heir9 :.,., 7orm ??S)+ 8for #ithdra#al in alive cases9 :.,.< 7orm ??S). 8for #ithdra#al in death cases9 :.,.= 7orm ??S): 8for supplementary ?ratuity9 :.,.> 7orm ??S); 8for &dvance ?ratuity9 :.,.1 7orm ??S), 84eath intimation9 :.,.+- 7orm P"?S 0o.:>., 84ischarge Boucher9 CHAPTER IV: FAMIL& BENEFIT#CUM INSURANCE

$.0 :.+ :.. :.: :.; :.,


SCHEME ;.+ Scheme details




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

;.. ;.: ;.; ;., ).0 ,.+ ,.. ,.: ,.; ,., *.0 <.+ <.. <.: <.; <.,

Processing of claim Chec'list 7*IS 6egister C &nnexure)III Statement of 7*IS claim 8Refer Appen !" 'C9 CHAPTER V: FAMIL& BENEFIT#CUM INSURANCE SCHEME (DEATH CLAIM) Scheme details Processing of claim Chec'list 7*IS84eath Claim9 6egister C &nnexure)IB Statement of 7*IS84eath9 claim 8Refer Appen !" 'D9 CHAPTER VI:%ROUP INSURANCE SCHEME (%IS) Scheme details Processing of claim Chec'list ?IS 6egister C &nnexure)B 7orms " 7ormats 8Refer Appen !" 'E9 <.,.+ <.,.. <.,.: ?rantee Ds Statement 7orm P"?S &pplication for payment of claim


CHAPTER VII : ,ANATA PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE SCHEME (,PAIS) =.+ Scheme details =.. Processing of claim =.: Chec'list =.; @P&IS 6egister C &nnexure)BI =., @P&IS claim8Refer Appen !" 'F9


6eference Circulars 8Refer Appen !" '%9





ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

The Singareni Collieries Company Limited 8SCCL9 is a ?overnment Coal mining company /ointly o#ned (y the ?overnment of &ndhra Pradesh and ?overnment of India on a ,+2;1 e$uity (asis. The Singareni coal reserves stretch across :,- Am of the Pranahita C ?odavari Balley of &ndhra Pradesh #ith a proven geological reserves aggregating to #hopping >=1+ million tonnes. SCCL is currently operating +: opencast and ;. underground mines in ; districts of &ndhra Pradesh #ith a manpo#er around =.,--- and producing a(out ;-.<- Million Tonnes of Coal during the year .--=)->. SCCL is planning to produce a(out ;:.,< Million Tonnes of Coal in the financial year .-->)-1.

The Singareni Collieries Company Limited is occupying a strategic position in the Coal Map of India ,(eing the only Coal Mining Company in




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

South India. It has an important role to play in 'eeping the #heels of the Industry moving in this part of Country. SCCL has a full fledged Corporate Personnel 4epartment, #hich is functioning under the overall control and guidance of 4irector8P,&"%9 #ith C?M8Personnel9 as Eead of the 4epartment. There are 7ive #ings in Corporate Personnel 4epartment. &. Industrial 6elations *. Personnel Management C. 6ecruitment 4. %elfare and 5. 5xecutive 5sta(lishment. The C?M 8Personnel9 #ill oversee and coordinate the functions in each #ing. This 4epartment is playing 'ey role in streamlining Industrial 6elations, Personnel policies and in implementing all the measures (eing initiated (y the Management as a part of (ringing in the changed scenario in Coal Industry. &n esta(lishment serves the nation successfully #hen it fairly serves its #or'ing family. The terminal and retrial (enefits (ear upon anxiety for the ageing future in the mortal #orld and impact upon containment of the #or'ing life.



The Singareni Collieries Company Limited is not only laying sho#ing

emphasis on production and productivity (ut also e$ually

concern on providing %elfare amenities to the employees. To 'eep the ex)employees and their families at ease and comforta(le, the company has formulated functioning vide of &rea Terminal *enefits Cells from 0o.C6PFP56F%5LF&T*F:,<,,dated +,.+-..--. Circular




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

-+F-,.+-..--. of 4irector 8P&"%9. The management of SCCL has constituted &rea Terminal *enefits 8&T*9 Cell in each &rea to process all types of terminal (enefits in the form of a single #indo# for speedy settlement of Claims on receiving intimation a(out superannuation F leaving companyGs service due to various reasons in respect of employees. The Terminal *enefits Cells are functioning under the In)chargeship of Eead of the &rea Personnel 4ept. in &reas and %elfare #ing in case of corporate &T* cell.

&t present, ++

&rea Terminal *enefits Cells 8&T* Cells9 are

functioning in the company at the follo#ing &reas. +. Corporate .. Aothagudem :. Manuguru ;. Hellandu ,. 6amagundam)+ <. 6amagundam). =. 6amagundam): >. *hupalapalli. 1. *ellampalli

+-. Mandamarri ++. Srirampur

The follo#ing terminal (enefits are (eing processed (y &T* Cells at the &rea level and Corporate Level. -+. Coal Mines Provident 7und " Coal Mines Pension Scheme -.. ?ratuity -:. 7*IS &ccumulations -;. 7*IS 84eath9 Claim -,. ?roup Insurance Scheme -<. @anata Personal &ccident Insurance Scheme The &rea Terminal *enefits Cell at each &rea consists of one




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

Officer each from Personnel and 7inance " &ccounts 4epartments, duly assisted (y re$uired clerical staff.



The CMP7 " *onus Scheme &ct,+1;> provides for the institution of Provident 7und for employees in Coal Mines.&ll the employees #or'ing in SCCL are governed (y the &.P Coal Mines Provident 7und Scheme framed in exercise of Section C: of Coal Mines Provident 7und " *onus Scheme&ct,+1;>. The CMP7 Scheme came into force #ef -+.+-.+1,,. &n employee /oining the service of SCCL (ecomes a mem(er of Coal Mines Provident 7und on putting :- days of attendance. 5ach employee on his (ecoming a mem(er of Coal Mines Provident 7und #ill (e allotted an &ccount 0um(er (y Coal Mines Provident 7und Organisation 8CMP7O9 called as CMP7 0o. and presently as CSS 0o. 8Coal Social Security 0um(er9 on su(mission of 7orm)&, 7orm PS):, 7orm PS);, " EE)6eturn. to#ards Coal Mines Provident 7und. &n employee on (ecoming a mem(er has to contri(ute +.I of his #ages The Company #ill ma'e an e$ual




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

matching contri(ution to it every month. 4eduction of contri(utions should (e started from the #ages of the month follo#ing the month in #hich the employee (ecomes eligi(le for the mem(ership. 2.A.2 VOLUNTAR& CONTRIBUTION: & mem(er, if he so desires can contri(ute, in excess of +.I compulsory contri(ution, at a rate not exceeding +.I total emoluments, (ut the employer shall not (e re$uired to add any matching contri(ution on the voluntary contri(ution made (y the mem(er.

2.A.$ TRANSFER OF ACCUMULATIONS FROM ONE PROVIDENT FUND TO OTHER PROVIDENT FUND: There is a provision in the CMP7 Scheme for inter) transfer of accumulations from one 7und to the other 8Para 0o.+.& " +.* of the Scheme9. &pplication shall (e su(mitted in 7orm T6&0S)+ for transfer of other Provident 7und accumulations to CMP7. 2.A.( SUBMISSION OF RETURN OF .UALIFIED EMPLO&EES ALLOTMENT OF CMPF NUMBERS (CSS NUMBERS): /

It is re$uired to su(mit a J6eturnK every !uarter in Triplicate in 7orm DEEG intimating the particulars of employees #ho got $ualified for mem(ership during the $uarter, together #ith declaration of nominee in 7orm)& and statements of particulars of his family in 7orms PS): " PS); in triplicate, to 6egional Commissioner, Coal Mines Provident 7und, for allotment of &ccount 0um(er. 6eturn in 7orm DEEG is to (e su(mitted #ithin +, days of the completion of calendar $uarter and a mention also should (e made in the remar's column of the return




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

against each name of employee, the month in #hich he got $ualified for mem(ership. 5ach Mine and 4ept. of the company are allotted separate Lnit num(ers (y CMP7 authorities and it is the responsi(ility of the Mine and Lnit Eead to ensure the recovery of the CMP7 and Pension contri(ution from the mem(ers and also for payment of matching contri(ution from the employer. 2.A.) ADMINISTRATION OF CMPF: The total administration of Coal Mines Provident 7und of SCCL employees is done (y Coal Mines Provident 7und organi ation. of the employees 6egional The 6egional Commissioner, CMP7, Aothagudem deals #ith CMP7 &ccounts #or'ing in the Collieries of Ahammam 4istrict. CMP7, ?odavari'hani deals #ith CMP7 Commissioner,

&ccounts of SCCL employees #or'ing in &dila(ad, Aarimnagar and %arangal 4istricts. The CMP7 organi ation runs as per directions of *oard of Trustees 8*OT9 of CMP7. 2.A.* THE MA,OR FUNCTIONS OF CMPF OR%ANISATION : a9 To enforce all the provisions of the &ct and Scheme to ensure that all employees engaged in the Coal mines are covered under the CMP7 Scheme. (9 To ensure that the contri(utions recovered from the employees at the rate of +.I of salary to#ards CMP7 and also the e$ual matching contri(ution are remitted to the 7und (y the SCCL #ithout default. c9 To sanction non recovera(le advances to the employees from the amount standing to their credit for specified purposes li'e i9 ii9 Post)matriculation advance. Performing marriage of self Fdaughter F son F dependent




ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

sister. iii9 iv9 etc. e9 To sanction pension to the retiring employees as per the Coal Mines Pension Scheme +11>, #hich came into force #.e.f. :+.-:.+11>. 2.A.+ MODE OF PA&MENT OF CONTRIBUTION: The employer shall pay monthly in respect of each colliery separately, to the Coal Mines Provident 7und Organisation, (oth the employers contri(ution as #ell as the mem(ers contri(ution, together #ith an amount e$uivalent to :I of the total amount of contri(utions to defray the cost of administration of the 7und, on or (efore last day of every month follo#ing the month in #hich the Contri(ution relate in 7orm PS),. The amounts are remitted (y 7"& 4epartment. 2.A.SUBMISSION OF FORM#VV: 7or every 7inancial year, the contri(ution particulars are su(mitted to the concerned 6egional Commissioner, incorporating the recovery particulars of each mem(er to#ards CMP7 and Pension (y the &rea 7inance " &ccounts 4epartment. The Contri(utions as per DBBG It is statement should tally #ith the deposit as per PS), statement and to that effect a 6econciliation statement should also (e sent. re$uired to mention in the DBBG statement, the num(er of months each mem(er contri(uted to the 7und and also the name of the Colliery and Lnit 0um(er in case of persons transferred to and from the Lnit. 0!12 r3435 6f 708 PF 396:n1: There is an option in the Scheme to the mem(er to #ithdra# 1-I of P7 accumulations #ithin one year (efore the date of actual retirement on Superannuation. 2.A.7 PARTICULARS OF CONTRIBUTIONS: purchase or repair of a d#ellinghouse purchase of a site for construction of d#elling house

d9 To settle CMP7 accounts and pay the same to outgoing employee

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

a9. 5mployees Contri(ution i. P78refunda(le9 +- ,F< +..--I ii. Pension contri(ution80on refunda(le9 + +F< iii9. &dditional pension contri(ution 6*PS ..--I iv9. To#ards Increment +.,-I (9. 5mployers Contri(ution i9. P7 86efunda(le9 +- ,F<I +..--I ii9. Pension contri(ution 80on refunda(le9 + +F<I In addition the employer has to pay :I administrative charges on total amount of contri(utions made to defray the cost of the administration of the fund.


RATE OF INTEREST ALLO0ED ON ACCUMULATIONS OF CMPF: Sl.0o +. .. :. ;. ,. <. =. >. 1. +-. ++. +.. 7I0&0CI&L H5&6 from to +111 C .--- 2 .--- ) .--+2 .--+ C .--. 2 .--. ) .--:2 .--: C .--;2 .--; C .--,2 .--, C .--<2 .--< C .--=2 .--= C .-->2 .--> C .--12 .--1 C .-+-2 .-+- C .-++2 6ate of interest allo#ed on the opening *alance of the currency period +.I ++I 1.,I 1I >I >.,I >I >.,I >., I >., I >.,I >.,I


The Coal Mines Pension Scheme, +11> has (een notified (y Central ?overnment #ith effect from :+.-:.+11> for the (enefit of Coal Mines Provident 7und mem(ers in exercise of its po#er under Coal Mines Provident 7und and Miscellaneous Provisions &ct, +1;>.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

This Scheme shall (e called as JCoal Mines Pension Scheme,+11> 8CMPS)+11>9K.This Pension Scheme is a contri(utory one. It provides for payment of Pension to Coal Miners on exit from service after rendering not less than +- years of pensiona(le service,and attaining ;- years of age. The Coal Mines Pension Scheme #as made applica(le retrospectively to the Coal Miners #ho left service on various reasons on or after -+.-;.+11;. 2.B.2 PERSONS TO BE BENEFITED: +9. &ll such employees #ho #ere the mem(ers of the ceased Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme, +1=+ immediately (efore :+.-:.+11>. .9. Those employees #ho #ere not the mem(ers of Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme +1=+, (ut mem(ers of the CMP7 Scheme , +1;>, #ere given chance to opt in 7orm PS)+ for (ecoming the mem(ers of the Scheme, on remittance of due arrears of contri(utions along #ith an amount e$uivalent to ?overnment contri(utions and interest as applica(le. :9. The mem(ers of the earlier Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme +1=+,#ho retired on Superannuation, terminated, resigned after completion of +- years of pensiona(le service on or after the +st &pril,+11;, #ere given the chance to opt for this Scheme in 7orm PS). on remitting arrears of contri(utions and on refund of the #ithdra#n (enefit received under earlier 7amily Pension Scheme, +1=+ #ith interest M >.,I. ;9. &n employee #ho had not opted Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme +1=+, (ut covered (y the CMP7 Scheme and retired on Superannuation during the period -+.-;.+11; to :+.-:.+11> #as also given chance to opt for CMPS under the provisions of the Scheme #ithin a period of nine 819 months from the date of notification i.e., >th @uly,.--. in the official ?a ette and he shall (e deemed to have (ecome the mem(er of the Scheme from the date of exercising the option in 7orm PS)+ and depositing the amounts as re$uired under the Scheme. ,9. The mem(ers /oining the CompanyGs service on or after :+.-:.+11> shall automatically (ecome mem(ers of this Scheme. <F39!5=> !n re531!6n 16 e9p56=ee 9e3n? 2 i9. %ife in case of a male employee or hus(and in the case of a female employee.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

ii9. & @udicially separated #ife or hus(and, such separation not (eing granted on the ground of adultery and the person surviving #as not held guilty of committing adultery, and iii9. Sons #ho have not attained the age of ., years and unmarried daughters #ho have not attained the age of ., years including such son or daughter adopted legally (efore Superannuation. 2.B.$ PENSION FUND: The Pension 7und shall consists of the follo#ing2 a9. 0et assets of the Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme, +1=+ as on the appointed dayN (9. &n amount e$uivalent to t#o and one)third percent of the salary of the employee, (eing the aggregate of e$ual shares of the employee and the employer from their respective contri(utions to the 7und, to (e transferred from the appointed day F date of /oining from the 7und of the employeeN c9. &n amount e$uivalent to t#o percent of the (asic and 4& paid to the employee from the first day of &pril, +1>1 or the date of /oining, #hichever is later, up to the :+st day of March, +11< and t#o percent of the notional salary of the employee from the +st day of &pril, +11< or the date of /oining #hichever is later, to (e transferred from his salary 8*asic " 4&9N d9. &n amount e$uivalent to one increment to (e calculated on the (asis of the salary of the employee as on the first day of @uly, +11, or the date of /oining, #hichever is later, to (e transferred from the first day of @uly, +11, or the date of /oining, #hichever is later, to (e transferred from the salary of the employee andN and e9. &n amount e$uivalent to one and t#o)third percent of the salary of the employee to (e contri(uted (y the Central ?overnment from the appointed day F date of /oining2) Provided that in the case of an employee #hose salary exceeds rupees one thousand six hundred per month, the contri(ution paya(le (y the Central ?overnment shall (e e$ual to the maximum of the amount paya(le on the salary of rupees one thousand six hundred per month only. 2.B.( CONTRIBUTION FROM THE MEMBER: i9. &n amount e$uivalent to .I 8t#o percent9 of the salary of the of the employee from the first day of &pril,+1>1 or the date of /oining,

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

#hichever is later up to :+st March,+11<, and . I of the notional salary of the employee from +st &pril,+11< or the date of /oining, #hich ever is later, to (e transferred from his salary 86*PS).9. ii9. &n amount e$uivalent to one increment to (e calculated on the (asis of the salary of the employee as on +st @uly +11, or the date of /oining #hichever is later, to (e transferred from the first day of @uly, +11, or the date of /oining, #hichever is later, to (e transferred from the salary of the employee 86*PS)I9. iii9. &n amount e$uivalent to t#o and one third 8. and +F:rd 9 percent of salary of the employee (eing the aggregate of e$ual shares of the employee and the employer 8+ +F< O + +F<9 from their respective contri(utions to the fund, to (e transferred from the appointed date from the fund of the employee. iv9. &n amount e$uivalent to one and t#o third 8+ and .F:rd9 percent of salary su(/ect to a ceiling of sixteen hundred per month to (e contri(uted (y the Central ?overnment. 2.B.) PENSIONABLE SERVICE: Pensiona(le Service means2 +9. The .F:rd of the period of actual service rendered (y an employee from the date of opting Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme, +1=+, and up to :+st day of March, +1>1, except the period for #hich no contri(ution has (een made to the 7amily Pension 7undN and .9. The actual service rendered (y an employee from the +st day of &pril, +1>1 or date of /oining the service #hichever is later, to the date of retirement or the death in service except the period for #hich no contri(ution has (een made to the 7amily Pension 7und or the pension 7und as the case may (e. The service rendered during the period in (et#een -+.-:.+1=+ and :+.-:.+1>1 #ill (e .F:rd of actual service rendered i.e., the period +> years #ill (e counted as +. years only. The service rendered after :+.-:.+1>1 #ill (e counted as total actual service. 2.B.* DIFFERENT BENEFITS2

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

The mem(ers of the Coal Mines Pension Scheme #ill get pension under this scheme from the date of Superannuation F 6etirement F Termination F 4isa(lement, till death. +9. On completion of :- years of Pensiona(le service ,the mem(er #ill get .,I of average emoluments of last +- months notional salary or not less than 6s.:,-F) per month. .9 Those mem(ers #ho have rendered less than :- years of Pensiona(le service (ut more than +- years of Pensiona(le service shall also entitled to get monthly pension as under2 Length of Pensiona(le service )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) P .,I of the average emoluments ::9. %here an employee having completed +- years of Pensiona(le service and #ould (e attaining the age of Superannuation #ithin a period of t#enty years, opts to retire from the service (efore attaining the age of Superannuation. The amount of monthly Pension paya(le to such employee shall (e determined on the (asis specified in ?@2e :5e ' 2. SCHEDULE ' 2: *asis for determining the pension paya(le to an employee opting to dra# pension (efore attaining the age of superannuation )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Left over Period in years8s9 for 7or every 6upees +-Superannuation paya(le at age of superannuation, the amount paya(le to the employee )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) +-+ 1= . 1; : 1+ ; >1 , >< < >: = >+ > => 1 =<

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

+=: ++ =+ +. <1 +: << +; <; +, <. +< <+= ,> +> ,< +1 ,; .,. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ;9. %here an employee, has not completed ten years of Pensiona(le service on attaining the age of Suprannuation F retirement, or opts to leave service, or his services are terminated or (ecomes disa(led (efore completion of ten years of Pensiona(le service, the amounts paya(le (y #ay of return of contri(ution to such employee shall (e determined on the (asis specified in S@2e :5e ' $. SCHEDULE ' $: *asis for determining the amount paya(le to an employee #ho not completed ten years of pensiona(le service (A) En1!re pen?!6n3A5e ?erB!@e ren ere 4.e.f 01.0(.17-7 .

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0um(er of years of pensiona(le 0um(er of times the Service, rounded to the monthly salary dra#n 0earest year on the date of Superannuation )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + .<. +..: : +.>< ; ..,+ , :.+= < :.>; = ;.,. > ,... 1 ,.;, )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (B) En1!re pen?!6n3A5e ?erB!@e ren ere :p16 $1.0$.17-7 . )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0um(er of full years contri(ution &mount paya(le Paid from the date appointment on Superannuation )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + .

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + ++. +,: +1, ; .;, , :-< :,, = ;+, > ;>1 ,,))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ( C) Pen?!6n3A5e ?erB!@e ren ere p3r15= 3f1er 01.0(.177-. p3r15= :p16 $1.0$.17-7

0um(er of times of monthly salary & O &mount paya(le under part)* multiplied (y differed payment factor, as in Schedule)+ from the appointed day to the date of superannuation. )) D!?3A5e9en1 Pen?!6n 2 %here an employee after rendering ten years of Pensiona(le service, (ecomes permanently handicapped or disa(led, he shall (e entitled to a disa(lement pension to (e computed M .,I of the average emoluments or not less than 6s. :,-F) per month. *) M6n125= 0! 64 C 0! 64er Pen?!6n 2 a9 In case of death of the mem(er #hile in service (efore attaining the age of Superannuation F date of retirement, his F her #ife F hus(and as the case may (e shall get #ido# F #ido#er pension e$uivalent to sixty six and t#o upon :I 8<< .F:I9 or monthly pension of the employee for #hich he F she #ould have (ecome entitled su(/ect to minimum of 6s, :.-F) per monthN till the date of her F his death or remarriage #hichever is earlier. (9 The amount of monthly #ido# or #ido#er pension paya(le on the death of an employee after the date of SuperannuationF 6etirement shall (e e$ual to sixty percent of the monthly pension of the employee or on the date of his F her death and not less than rupees t#o hundred and fifty. +) C2!5 ren Pen?!6n: &part from the a(ove #ido# F #ido#er pension t#o of the eldest sons or unmarried daughters, as the case may (e, till they attain the age of t#enty five years or in the case of unmarried daughters till the date of their marriage, #hich ever is earlier, shall (e entitled to children pension. The amounts of monthly children pension paya(le after the death

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

of an employee, shall (e e$ual to .,I of the amounts of #ido# F #ido#er pension for each son or daughters as the case may (e su(/ect to minimum of 6s. +--F) per month for each child. -) Orp23n Pen?!6n: In case there is no surviving #ido# or #ido#er at the time of death of an employee or other#ise, t#o of the eldest sons or unmarried daughters as the case may (e, till they attain the age of ., years and in case of unmarried daughters till the date of her marriage #hichever is earlier, shall (e entitled to orphan pension e$uivalent to ,-I of the amount of #ido# F #ido#er pension or not less than 6s. ++-F) for each orphan child. E"#Dr31!3 p3=9en1: %here an employee (efore attaining the age of Superannuation dies in service, an amount of 6upees five thousand 86s.,---F)9 shall (e paya(le in lumpsum to surviving #ido# F #ido#er and in case there is no #ido# F #ido#er, to surviving children in e$ual share, or #here there is no #ido# F #ido#er and children, to the nominee. OPTION TO BE EEERCISED B& EMPLO&EE: +9. &n employee entitled for pension under the provisions of the Scheme may opt at the time of ma'ing an application for pension in 7orm PS)<, either to dra#. a9. The full admissi(le amount of pension. O6 (9. 1-I 80inety Percent9 of the total admissi(le amount of the Pension till the date of his death. O6 c9. 1-I 80inety percent9 of the total admissi(le amount of the pension till the date of his death and >-I 85ighty percent9 of the total admissi(le amount of pension as #ido# F #ido#er pension in favour of his F her #ife F hus(and during her F his life time. .9. %here an employee exercises his option to receive 1-I of the total admissi(le amount of the pension during his life time, then after his death, in addition to the #ido# F #ido#er pension, and children pension, as the case may (e his F her nominee shall (e entitled to receive in lumpsum an amount e$uivalent to hundred times of his F her full monthly pension.



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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

:9. %here an employee exercised option to receive 1-I of the total admissi(le amount of the pension during his F her life time and >-I of the total admissi(le amount of pension as #ido# F #ido#er pension in favour of his F her #ife F hus(and during her F his life time, 8option DCG9 then the nominee shall (e entitled to receive an amount e$uivalent to ninety times of the full monthly pension after the remarriage or death of the #ido# F #ido#er #hich ever is earlier. ;9. The option once exercised shall (e final.


F6r9 SAHA,: It is an application 7orm for different (enefits paya(le to the eligi(le mem(ers under this scheme to (e su(mitted through their employer. !!) F6r9 A: It is the nomination form under CMP7 &ct (y #hich the 0ominee can dra# the CMP7 refund amount after death of the mem(er. !!!) F6r9 M : Change of nomination v9 S@2e :5e#C: B) F6r9 PS#1 : List of surviving 7amily mem(ers of deceased mem(er !)

It is for su(mission of option (y employees #ho #ere not the mem(ers of the earlier Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme +1=+, (ut are mem(ers of the Coal Mines Provident 7und Scheme, +1;> and desired to (e the mem(ers of the Scheme. B!) F6r9 PS#2: It is for su(mission of option for the mem(ers of the earlier Coal Mines 7amily Pension Scheme,+1=+ #ho Superannuated F 6etired (et#een -+.-;.+11; and :+.-:.+11> to (ecome mem(ers of this Scheme. vi9 F6r9 PS#$ : mem(ers. It is for su(mission of particulars of family

B!!!) F6r9 PS#(:

In this form a mem(er can ma'e a nomination #ho can dra# different (enefits paya(le under this scheme after death of the mem(er. 5very employer shall su(mit to the Commissioner on or

!") F6r9 PS#):

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

(efore the :-th day of every month a return of contri(ution for the preceding month to#ards the pension 7und along #ith the details of contri(ution to#ards provident 7und in this 7orm.


The list of employees on attaining the age of superannuation shall (e su(mitted to &T* Cells (y the concerned Mines F 4epartment one month advance. In case of death F medical unfit F resignation F dismissal C on the date of termination #ithin one #ee' C &T* cells shall generate all necessary forms F certificates and send to Mine F 4epartment for getting the signatures of the claimant. %ithin one #ee' ) the Mine 4epartment #ill o(tain the signatures of the employee and for#ard to &T* Cell #ith all documents as per C2e@F L!?1 (Refer P3r3 2.$). &fter due scrutiny, &T* Cell shall for#ard the CMP7 refund claim to the concerned 6egional Commissioner, CMP7 #ithin one #ee'. &T* Cell #ill follo# up #ith CMP7 &uthorities and ensures that the provident 7und and pension claims are settled and the CMP7 amount is sent in the form of Che$ue to the concerned &T* Cell from #here the ex)employee F nominee #ill (e issued the che$ue in the presence of %elfare Officer F Incharge Cler' of Mine F 4ept., in the presence of one #itness #ithin +, days. The Pension amount #ill (e remitted in the *an' &ccount of ex) employee F nominee (y CMP7 authorities. The f564 pr6@e?? !3Dr39 for Processing of CMP7" P50SIO0 Claims are sho#n as F!D:re? 2.$(A)/ 2.$(B) respectively.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08


Sl. 0o. CHECG LIST 65M&6AS

+ . : ; , < = > 1 +++ ++ +: +; +, +< += +>

%hether application has (een put up in form JSaha/K 0o column in JSaha/K should (e left (lan'. If any column is not applica(le it should (e clearly mentioned as not applica(le. %hether 7atherGs F Eus(andGs name of the claimant has (een mentioned in the application form %hether mode of payment desired (y the claimant has (een mentioned %hether the claimant has put his signature F LTI in the application form %hether the identity certificate of the claimant has (een furnished %hether the official seal of the identifying officer has (een affixed %hether &dvance Stamped 6eceipts for P7 " Pension have (een signed (y the claimant and are #ith the application %hether the signatureFLTI in the advance stamped receipt have (een attested %hether revenue stamp has (een affixed on the advance receipt and attested (y the authori ed officer %hether relation ship of the claimant has (een mentioned at Col.+, 8 If the claimant is other than mem(er9 %hether permanent address of the mem(er has (een recorded in the application at col. 0o.+> of the JSaha/K %hether the P7 account num(er furnished in the form is correct %hether the information as'ed in the JSaha/K at col.0o.+ is furnished. %hether the name of the mem(er, percentage recorded in the SCCL unit records tallies #ith CMP7 office records or nomination form. 4escriptive 6olls " specimen signatures of the claimant in three sets duly attested (y t#o officers. Three individual pass port si e photos of mem(er F spouse. Three /oint pass port si e photographs of each family mem(er #ith the mem(er duly attested (y the Eead of the Mine F 4epartment.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08


..+ ..

.: .;



.= .> .1

::+ :.

Certificate of age in original #ith t#o attested copies for each child of the mem(er issued (y the Municipal authorities or from 6egistrar of *irth " 4eath or from the Eead of the ?overnment recogni ed SchoolF College etc #here the children are studyingFhave studied. Photo copy of the saving *an' &ccount *oo' #ith the 0ationali ed *an', Post office of the claimant duly attested (y the authori ed officer of the unit. %age statement sho#ing the details of the attendance and notional salary for the preceding +- months of the exit F death of the mem(er. Schedule DCG duly sho#ing the details of all family mem(ers of the deceased mem(er as on date of death of the mem(er. 4eath certificate of the mem(er 8incase of death of the mem(er9 Medical Certificate in support of total and permanent disa(lement of the mem(er from service issued (y the competent medical (oard in 7orm 6eference); 8657);9 for medical unfit cases. ?uardianship certificate issued (y the competent court in case guardian is not appointed (y the mem(er 8in case #here guardian claims on (ehalf of minor children of the deceased mem(er9. 4eclaration (y the claimant to the effect that heFshe has not remarried 8for spouse9, not attained the age of ., years in case of son, not attained the age of ., years and not married 8 for daughter9 and not married 8for daughter9 in death cases #here the claim is su(mitted (y #ido# F sonF daughter of the deceased mem(er. Certificate confirming last #or'ing day and name removal from the rolls of colliery F esta(lishment. & Certificate regulari ing the period of a(sence from the competent authority. & statement sho#ing the details of recovery of .I of salary #.e.f. -+.-;.+1>1 to date of termination and details of recovery of one increment #.e.f -+.-=.+11, to till the date of termination. 0o. of months contri(uted, year #ise is also re$uired to (e su(mitted Service certificate. Copies of PS): " PS);. %hether the employee exercised his options as per clause 8+,9, in case of only Superannuation.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

7ig...:8&9 7LO% P6OC5SS 4I&?6&M C CMP7




7ig...:8*9 7LO% P6OC5SS 4I&?6&M C CMPS


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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

2.(. RE%ISTER FOR CMPF REFUND AND PENSION: ANNEEURE#1 0ame of the ex)employee F 5.C.0o F 4esignationF CMP7FCSS 0os 2

Sl. 0o

Mine F 4epartme nt $


4ate of 6eceipt of 4ate " filled in claim 7orm Cause of #ith all documents Termination from Mine F 4ept. ) *

6eceipt of Settlement particulars F payment Letter 0o. " date of order of CMPF from Su(mission of claim 6C,CMP7 #ith all documents Lr.0o. " Che$ue 0o " to 6C, CMP7 4ate date " &mount + 7

6eceipt of Settlement particulars F payment order of Pen?!6n from 6C,CMP7 Lr.0o. " 4ate 10 Che$ue 0o " date " &mount 11

2.). FORMS / FORMATS: 2.).1 2.).2 2.).$ 2.).( 2.).) 2.).* 2.).+ 2.).S&E&@ 7orm 7orm PS)+ 7orm PS). 7orm PS): 7orm PS); 7O6M ) & 7O6M ) M SCE54LL5 ) C Claim 7orm for P7 6efund and Pension 87or all 'inds of P7 and Pension Claims9 Option 7orm for CMP7 mem(ers only Option 7orm for 7PS mem(ers Particulars of 7amily for Pension scheme,+11> 0omination for Pension Scheme,+11> 0omination for CMP7 6efund Change of CMP7 0omination 4etails of Surviving family

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08



The payment of ?ratuity &ct of +1=. came in to force #.e.f., +<th Septem(er,+7+2
$.0.1 App5!@3A!5!1= 6f A@1: 5very 7actory, Mine, Oil 7ield, Plantation., Port, 6ail#ay Company, Shop, 5sta(lishment or education institutions employing +- or more employees. The &ct provided for payment of ?ratuity to the employees in an industry at the time of exit from service due to various reasons. ?ratuity shall (e paya(le to an employee on termination of his employment after rendering continuous service for not less than , years. a9. on his superannuation 8or9 (9. on his retirement or resignation or c9. on his death or disa(lement due to accident or disease The condition of completion of continuous service of five years shall not (e necessary #here the cessation of the employment of any employee is due to death or disa(lement. 4isa(lement means such disa(lement as incapacitates an employee for the #or' #hich he #as capa(le of performing (efore the accident or disease resulting in such disa(lement. &ll employees irrespective of status or salary are entitled for payment of ?ratuity. $.0.2 C6n1!n:6:? ?erB!@e :n er 12e 3@1 9e3n? J&n employee shall (e said to (e in continuous service for a period if he has, for that period, (een in uninterrupted service, including

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

service #hich may (e interrupted on account of sic'ness, accident, leave, a(sence from duty #ithout leave 8not (eing an a(sence in respect of an order treating the a(sence as (rea' in service has (een passed in accordance #ith the standing orders rules or regulations governing the employees of the esta(lishment9, lay off, stri'e or a loc')out or cessation of #or' not due to any fault of the employeeK $.0.$ .:35!f=!nD Per!6 : On rendering , years of continuous service, either (y termination, resignation or retirement. %ages for calculation2 +, days #ages for every completed year as if the month comprises of .< days at the last dra#n #ages. &ccordingly for every completed year of service or part there of in excess of six months, the employer shall pay gratuity to an employee at the rate of +, days #ages (ased on the rate of #ages last dra#n (y the employee concerned. Calculation of +, days #ages 2 In case of daily #age earner paid for .< days in a month. In case of daily #ages, the $uestion of ascertaining the 4aily #ages (y applying the multiplier of .< days of :- days doesnGt arise. multiplied (y fifteen. In case of piece rated employee, daily #ages shall (e computed on the average of the total #ages received (y him for a period of : months 81days9 immediately preceding the termination of the employment. $.0( Ce!5!nD 6f %r31:!1= A@1 p3=3A5e: The maximum amount of gratuity paya(le to an employee shall not exceed three la'hs and fifty thousand rupees. $.0.) C35@:531!6n 6f %r31:!1= Ae=6n $0 =e3r?. The expression, Jfifteen days #agesK in case of daily #ages should, therefore, mean the #ages paya(le for a day

&s per the provisions of 0C%&, the gratuity for service upto :-) years #ill (e calculated at the rate of +, days #ages for every completed year of

- 26 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

service. 7or service (eyond thirty years, gratuity shall (e calculated at the rate of one monthGs #ages last dra#n (y the employee for every completed year of service, provided service is not completed. In case of death of an employee, gratuity paya(le to him shall (e paid to his nominee or if no nomination has (een made, to his legal heirs and #here any such nominee or heir is a minor, the share of such minor, shall (e deposited #ith the controlling authority #ho shall invest the same for the (enefit of such minor in such (an' or financial institutions, as may (e prescri(ed, until such minor attains ma/ority. $.0.* F6rfe!1:re 6f %r31:!1=: a9. The gratuity of an employee, #hose services have (een terminated for any act, #illful omission or negligence or causing any damage or loss to or destruction ofproperty (elonging to the employer, shall (e forfeited to the extent of the damage or loss so caused. (9. The ?ratuity paya(le to an employee may (e #holly or partially forfeited. i9. if the services of such employee have (een terminated for his riotous or disorderly conduct or any other act of violence on his part, or ii9. If the services of such employee have (een terminated for any act #hich constitutes an offence involving moral turpitude, provided that such offence is committed (y him in the course of his employment. $.0.+ N69!n31!6n?: In case an employee has a family at the time of ma'ing nomination, the nomination shall (e made in favor of one or more mem(ers of his family and any nomination made in favour of a person #ho is not a mem(er of his family shall (e BOI4. 7orm)D7G 2 & 0omination shall (e in 7orm)7 and su(mitted in duplicate to receive the (enefits in case of death of an employee. that in respect of last year of service, proportionate payment of gratuity #ill (e made even if the full year of

- 27 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

7orm)E2 & nomination may (e modified (y an employee at any time after giving to his employer a #ritten notice in 7orm)E. $.0.- App5!@31!6n f6r %r31:!1=: &n employee #ho is eligi(le for payment of ?ratuity under the &ct, shall apply in #riting to the employer in 7orm)I #ithin :- days from the date the gratuity (ecame paya(le 8su()rule 8+9 of 6ule = of payment of ?ratuity 8Central9 6ules,+1=.9. Provided that #here the date of Superannuation or retirement of an employee is 'no#n, he may apply to the employer (efore :- days of the date of Superannuation or retirement 8proviso to 6ule =8+9 of payment of ?ratuity 8Central9 6ules +1=.9 & 0ominee of an employee #ho is eligi(le for payment of ?ratuity shall apply to the employer in 7orm)@ #ith in :- days from the date gratuity (ecame paya(le to him 8su()rule 8.9 of 6ule = of payment of ?ratuity 8Central9 6ules )+1=.9. & legal heir of an employee #ho is eligi(le for payment of ?ratuity shall apply, to the employer in 7orm)A, 6ules )+1=.9. $.0.- N61!@e f6r p3=9en1 6f %r31:!1=: +. %ithin fifteen days of the receipt ofan application under rule = for payment of gratuity, the employer shall i9. if the claim is found admissi(le on verification, issue a notice in 7orm DLG to the applicant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may (e, specifying the amount of gratuity paya(le and fixing a date not (eing later than the thirtieth day after the date of receipt of the application, for payment thereof, or ii9. if the claim for gratuity is not found admissi(le, issue a notice in 7orm DMG to the applicant employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may (e, specifying the reasons #hy the claim for gratuity is not considered admissi(le. #ithin one year from the date gratuity (ecame paya(le to him 8su()rule 8:9 of 6ule = of payment of ?ratuity 8Central9

- 28 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

iii9. If the claimant for gratuity is a nominee or legal heir, the employer may as' for such #itness or evidence as may (e deemed relevant for his identity or maintaina(ility of his claim, as the case may (e. In that case, the time limit for issue of 0otice 87orm)L9 shall (e operative #ith effect from the date such #itness or evidence, as the case may (e called for (y the employer is furnished to the employee86ule > Su()rule 8:9 of PO?C6) +1=.9. $.0.7 M6 e 6f p3=9en1 6f Dr31:!1=: & notice in 7orm C DLG or 7orm DMG shall (e served on the applicant either (y personal service after ta'ing receipt or (y registered post #ith ac'no#ledgement due. The gratuity paya(le under the &ct shall (e paid in cash or if so desired (y the payee, in demand draft or (an' che$ue to the eligi(le employee, nominee or legal heir, as the case may (e. $.0.10 %r6:p %r31:!1= S@2e9e 4!12 LIC 6f In !3: a9. This Scheme is effective from ++.+...--: and covers (oth 5xecutives and non)executives and trainees in regular grade and other employees #ho are covered under the ?ratuity rules 8of the company9. (9. ?ratuity #ill (e paid (y LIC of India to employee F nominee for the period of service rendered (y the employee as per the existing rules and limits. c9. In addition, in case of unfortunate death of anemployee, LIC #ould also pay gratuity for the service the employee #ould have rendered until retirement had he (een alive. d9. The total of 8(9 and 8c9 shall (e restricted to 6s.:,,-,---F) or the ceiling as prescri(ed in the payment of ?ratuity &ct from time to time.


On receipt of notice of termination 8Superannuation notice, death

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

intimation, resignation acceptance letter, *ML letter, B6S acceptance letter, the &T* Cell shall generate 5mployee Master Personnel data sheet and sends to the concerned MineF 4epartment for verification " correction of the data. On receipt of corrected data, the &T* Cell generates ?ratuity claim form and sends it to the Mine F 4epartment for duly fillingFverification, signatures and resu(mission to &T* Cell #ith all relevant documents as per chec'list #ith in a #ee'. %ithin one #ee', the MineF 4epartment shall o(tain the signatures of the employee F 0ominee and for#ard to &T* Cell along #ith all documents as per chec' list. The Personnel Officer in &T* Cell verifies " certifies as to the correctness of date of appointment, 4O*F&ge, due date of retirement and no. of years eligi(le for gratuity. The &ccounts Officer of &T* Cell verifies and certifies as to the last #ages dra#n, calculation amount of gratuity paya(le. &fter due scrutiny of the claim and documents, the &T* cell generates ?ratuity Memo and #ith the signatures of &T* Cell Officers, Concerned &rea &?M F4?M8Personnel9 and sends it for approval of &rea Chief ?eneral ManagerF?eneral Manager and in case of Corporate ,C?M87"&9. ?ratuity pay order #ill (e signed (y the Personnel Officer, &T* Cell IFc. and &ccounts Officer. &fter approval, &T* Cell shall for#ard the gratuity pay order to ?roup ?ratuity Trust for advising payment to the respective (an' &Fc. of the employee F nominee after getting the amount from LIC. In case of 5x)employee F 0ominee does not come for#ard for signing on the claim form #ith in . #ee's from the date of cessation of service, the &T* Cell shall send such claims to ?roup ?ratuity Trust #ithout signatures for releasing payment su(/ect to vacation of CompanyGs $uarter #herever applica(le. In respect of surviving employee, the *an' &ccount num(er #hich he #as holding #hile in service shallll (e ta'en into account for remitting the ?ratuity amount. In respect of 4eath

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

cases ,the *an' &ccount given (y 0ominees for other Terminal *enefits shall (e ta'en in to consideration for remitting the ?ratuity amount. Re@6Ber= 6f D:e?: The 6ecovery of dues on account of 7estival &dvance, Co)Operative Credit Society Loans from the ?ratuity is not permissi(le. In respect of cases #here $uarter #as vacated after < months from the date of issue of 7orm)L, in such cases, Penal 6ent shall (e recovered from the gratuity along #ith normal rent for the permitted period.


$.2.1 In @3?e 6f Re?!Dn31!6n C Re1!re9en1 e1@., C3?e 1:(SerB!@e 5e?? 123n $0 =e3r?) Mr. 6ama 6ao service details 86esigned9 4ate of *irth2 +1.-:.+1;> 4ate of appointment 2 +;.-<.+1=1 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.-:..--> 4esignation2 ?eneral Ma door Category2 4aily rated *asic pay 2 .1>.-S4& 2 ,.:, B4& 2 +-..,+ QQQQQQQQQ Total 2 ;-,.>< 8One day #ages9 QQQQQQQQ CALCULATION: 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.-:..--> 4ate of appointment SerB!@e ren ere 2 +;.-<.+1=1 QQQQQQQQQQ 1+.07.002QQQQQQQQQQ

i.e., .> years O + year 8More than < months9 R .1 years of service +, days #age 2 + day #age P +, days R ;-,.>< P +, R 6s. <->=.1T6135 p3=3A5e %r31:!1=: +, days #age P 0o. of years R <->=.1- P .1 R R?. 1;+*;)(7.10

- 31 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

$.2.2 C3?e 2:(SerB!@e 96re 123n $0 =e3r?) Mr. Ben'at 6etired on Superannuation Eis service particulars2 4ate of *irth2 -:.-:.+1;> 4ate of appointment 2 +<.-..+1=< Category2 Monthly rated 2 +-1<<.-2 +1<.>; 2 ;+>1.-+ QQQQQQQQQ 2 +,:,+.>, QQQQQQQQQ 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.-:..--> 4esignation2 Cler' *asic pay S4& B4& Total CALCULATION:

0o. of years of service 2 :. years -+ Month

4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.-:..--> 4ate of appointment 2 +<.-..+1=< QQQQQQQQQQ +,.-+.--:. i.e., :. H. + M. of service QQQQQQQQQQ +, days #age 2 + Month %ages F .< days P +, days R +,:,+.>, F.< days P +, days R 6s. >>,<.>; Total paya(le ?ratuity2 +, days #age P 0o. of H. R 6S. >>,<.>;P :- H. R 6s. ., <,,=-,..7or . years (eyond :- years R +, days #ages P . 8+ month #age9 P . years of service 6S. >>,<.>; P . P . R 7or + Month2 6S. >>,<.>; P . P +F+. R 6s.:,,;.=.:< 6s. +,;=<.+;

?ratuity paya(le for :- years of service 2 6s. ., <,,=-,..?ratuity paya(le for . years of service 2 6s. ?ratuity paya(le for +month of service 2 6s. Total ?ratuity paya(le amount :,,;.=.:< +,;=<.+; QQQQQQQQQQQ

2 6s. :,-.,<->.>= QQQQQQQQQQQ

- 32 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

II .

In @3?e 6f

e312 42!5e !n ?erB!@e 5xpired on +;.-...--> 4.O.&. 2 .=.-=.+1=1

E"39p5e: 1. 8Service less than :- years9 Mr. Aana'aiah service details 4.O.* 4ate of 4eath 2 2 -+.-+.+1,+ +;.-...--> 2 -+.-+.+1,+ 8 :+.+..+1,-9 <- years QQQQQQQQQQ :+.+...-+QQQQQQQQQQ 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.+...-+4esignation2 ?eneral Ma door *asic pay 2 :,;..S4& 2 <.:< B4& QQQQQQQQQ Total QQQQQQQQ C&LCLL&TIO02 0o. of years of service 4ate of 4eath 2 4.O.& +;.-...--> 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.+...-+2 .=.-=.+1=1 4ate of 4eath 2 +;.-...--> QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ Past service +=.-<.--.> 7uture service 2 +=.+-.---. QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ Past service 2 +=.-<.--.> 7uture service 2 +=.+-.---. QQQQQQQQQ Total Service 2 --.-,.--:+ QQQQQQQQQ i.e., .> years O + year 8More than < months9 R .1 years of service +, days #age 2 + day #age P +, days R ;1,.>< P +, R 6s. =;:=.1Total paya(le past service ?ratuity2 +, days #age P 0o. of years R =;:=.1- P .1 R 6s. .,+,,<11.+for + year of service 8=;:=.1- P +9 for + year 8=;:=.1- P . P+9 for , months 8=;:=.1- P . P,F+.9 2 2 2 6s. 6s. 6s. =,;:=.1+;,>=,.><,+1>.., QQQQQQQQQQ Category2 4aily rated 2 +:,.:2 ;1,.><

4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.+...-+4ate of *irth 8O9

- 33 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

Past Service ?ratuity 7uture Service ?ratuity Total ?ratuity paya(le 2 ))))) E"39p5e:2. 8Service more than :- years completed9

6s. .,+,,<11.+6s. .>,,++.1, 6s. .,;;,.++.-,

Mr. 6anga 6ao, 5xpired on 2 .,.-...--= Eis service particulars2 4ate of *irth2 -;.-:.+1,, 4esignation2 *asic pay S4& B4& Total 4ate of appointment 2 -..-;.+1== 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.-:..-+, Cler' Category2 Monthly rated 2 +-1<<.-2 +1<.>; 2 :.:;.1= QQQQQQQQQ 2 +;:1=.>+ QQQQQQQQ 4ue date of 6etirement2 :+.-:..-+, 2 .,.-...--= QQQQQQQQQQ 2 -<.-+.---> QQQQQQQQQ

C&LCLL&TIO02 0o. of years of service 4ate of 4eath 2 4.O.& 2 .,.-...--= -..-;.+1== 4ate of 4eath QQQQQQQQQQ Past service .:.+-.--.1 7uture service QQQQQQQQQQ Past service 2 .:.+-.--.1 7uture service 2 -<.-+.---> QQQQQQQQQ Total Service 2 .1.++.--:= QQQQQQQQQ


0o. of years of service 2 := years ++ months R +;:1=.>+ F.< days P +, days R 6s. >:-<.;:

+, days #age 2 + Month %ages F .< days P +, days Total paya(le ?ratuity2 +, days #age P 0o. of years R 6S. >:-<.;:P :- years R 6s. .,;1,+1..>< 7or = years ++ months (eyond :- years R +, days #ages P . 8+ month #age9 P = years of service 6S. >:-<.;: P . P = H. R 6s. +,+<,.1-.-.

- 34 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08 +,,..>.;, )))))))))))))))

6S. >:-<.;: P . P ++F+. Months R ?ratuity paya(le for :- years of service ?ratuity paya(le for = H. ++ M. of service Total ?ratuity paya(le amount 2 2 2


6s. .,;1,+1..>< 6s. +,:+,,+>.;= QQQQQQQQQQQ 6s. :,>-,=++.:: QQQQQQQQQQQ

Maximum ?ratuity paya(le2 6s. :,,-,---F) only $.$. CHECG LIST : S.0o + . Chec' List %hether the name of the employee is in conformity #ith Identity " service card. In case there is any change F alteration in the name F 4O& F 4O*, #hether the alteration F correction is certified and authenticated (y the EO4 #ith the support document. %hether the 4ate of appointment is in conformity #ith Identity and Service *oo'. %hether the &pprentice period is excluded from the service. %hether it is ensured that the signature of the EO4 on page 0o.: is affixed. %hether the date of termination is in conformity #ith the letter of termination issued or death certificate #ith due entry in Identity and Service Card. %hether (rea' in service for more than < months is sanctioned (y the competent authority and if so, the sanctioned letter is enclosed to the claim. In case of re)appointment, #hether the ?ratuity amount #as paid to the previous period. %hether the reasons for a(sence (et#een last #or'ing date and date of termination are furnished and in case period is more than < months, #hether the approval of competent authority ie., 4irector P&"%9 is o(tained. In case ?ratuity claim is for#arded as per Legal heir Certificate issued from Court of La# F Schedule)C, #hether 7orm DAG from all the family mem(ers is su(mitted separately. In case of Minors, %hether 7orm DAG is su(mitted on the name of each Minor child #ith counter signature of the ?uardian on the claim 7orm. 6emar's

: ; , < = > 1



- 35 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

++ +. +: +; +, +< += +>

%hether reasons are furnished in case of su(mission of duplicate service card and in such case,#hether the duplicate service card is authenticated. %hether reasons are furnished in case of su(mission of advance gratuity claim. %hether the $uality of service column in page 0o.. of 7orm)I F @ F A is recorded. %hether reasons for late su(mission of ?ratuity claim are mentioned for the claim delayed (eyond < months. %hether all the documents as mentioned in 7orm I F @ F A are enclosed. %hether the last endorsement #ith regard to name removal is entered and authenticated in service (oo'. %hether the name of the nominee comes under the family definition in Payment of ?ratuity &ct. If not, #hether the status of family mem(ers is o(tained. In case of dismissal, #hether it is ensured that there is any percentage of forfeiture of the ?ratuity amount. :

D6@:9en1? 16 Ae en@56?e

A). In re?pe@1 6f e9p56=ee: (?e5f @53!9) +9. &pplication in 7orm)I .9. 6esignation acceptence letter F Superannuation 0otice F *ML F4ismissal Order etc. :9. 0ame removal letter ;9. Service *oo' 8in original9 ,9. 0o dues certificate <9. Last #age dra#n certificate =9. Copy of chargesheet " dismissal order in case of employee dismissed from CompanyGs service. >9. E6& payment confirmation F !uarter allotment details. 19. Copy of !uarter Bacation certificate. +-9. &S6 8&dvance Stamped 6eceipt9. ++9. Perox copy of (an' pass (oo'.

B). In @3?e 6f

e312 2

+9. &pplication in 7orm)@ in case of nominee F 7orm) A in case of legal Eeir.

- 36 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

.9. Last #age dra#n certificate :9. Copy of death certificate ;9. 0ame removal letter ,9. Service *oo'8in original9 <9. 0o 4ues certificate =9. 0omination 7orm 7 F Sechdule DCK >9. E6& payment confirmation F !uarter allotment details. 19. Copy of !uarter Bacation certificate. +-9. &S6 8&dvance Stamped 6eceipt9. ++9. Perox copy of (an' pass (oo'. $.( FLO0 PROCESS DIA%RAM:





- 37 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08




SL. 0o.

Pay Order 0o.

5mployee 4O& F 0ame F 4OT F 5.C.0o. F Mine F Cause of 4O* 4esignation 4ept. Terminat F !uarter F ion &rea

4ate of receipt of claim from Mine F 4ept. 4ate of verification of Paysheets +

Past Service Hrs Months &mount F F

7uture Service

Total Service

Hrs F Hrs F Months Months F F &mount &mount

4ate of Total issue of ?ratuity 7orm)L paya(le

Letter 0o. " 4ate of Che$ue Pay 0o. " Order 4ate sent to ?roup ?ratuity Trust Office

6elease of ?ratuity payment (y ?roup ?ratuity Trust Office *an' &Fc. 0o " *ranc h Letter 0o. " 4ate of 6emit) tance in *an' (y Trust Office 1*









- 38 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

:.,.+ :.,.. :.,.: :.,.; :.,., :.,.< :.,.= :.,.> :.,.1 :.,.+:.,.++

7orm ) 7 7orm ) I 7orm)@ 7orm )A 7orm 7orm 7orm 7orm 7orm 7orm 7orm ??S)+ ??S). ??S): ??S); ??S), P"?S 0o :>., L

?ratuity 0omination &pplication for ?ratuity (y an employee &pplication for ?ratuity (y 0ominees &pplication for ?ratuity (y legal heir8s9 7or %ithdra#al in alive cases 7or %ithdra#al in 4eath cases 7or Supplementary ?ratuity 7or &dvance ?ratuity 4eath Intimation 4ischarge Boucher 0otice of payment of ?ratuity


C H A P T E R # IV

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

FAMIL& BENEFIT#CUM INSURANCE SCHEME The 7amily *enefit)cum Insurance has (een implemented SCCL

#.e.f.-+.-:.+1== and is (eing administered as a ?roup Policy. OB,ECTIVE: The o(/ective of 7amily *enefit)cum Insurance is to provide ade$uate Social Security to the employees and their families. App5!@3A!5!1=: The Scheme is applica(le to all regular employees only. Trainee #or'ers and those on fixed stipends including &pprentices are not covered under this Scheme. Such employees shall also automatically (e covered (y the scheme from the month in #hich they are a(sor(ed in regular posts. *adilies #ho have put in +1-F.;- musters during a calendar year are also covered under this Scheme. Pre9!:9 Re@6Ber=: 5very employee #ho is covered (y the Scheme #ill contri(ute 6s.+-F) per month to#ards Savings)cum)Insurance purpose and the same #ill (e deducted from his salary F #ages. C6Ber3De 6f 12e S@2e9e: The Insurance coverage #ill (e for a sum of 6s. +-,---F) each on all the lives of employees, #ho are mem(ers of the Scheme so long as they are in service. The LIC #ill cover the ris' on the lives of employees covered (y the Scheme #ithout insisting on any evidence of health. &ll employees /oining the organi ation in future #ill automatically (e covered under the Scheme. A 9!n!?1r31!6n 6f 12e 396:n1? @655e@1e 2 The amounts collected from the employees shall remain in a separate account in the Company #hich shall (e controlled and administered (y the Company. The Company shall secure from the Insurance Corporation, a group policy covering all the mem(ers and shall pay to corporation, the premium #or'ed out (y them 8(ased on the &ge distri(ution particulars of mem(ers9 from out of the amounts collected from the employees.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

The accumulations lying in the account after payment of premium to the LIC at each year and return of accumulations #herever they fall due , #ill remain #ith the Company. Benef!1? 6f 12e S@2e9e: 1). In @3?e 6f Re1!re9en1 C Me !@35 Unf!1 C Re?!Dn31!6n CTer9!n31!6n 2 The amounts contri(uted (y the employees in full together #ith simple interest at <I per annum #ill (e refunded at the time of 6etirement F Medical Lnfit. Eo#ever ,in case of 6esignation or termination in the first : years of his (ecoming a mem(er 12e f!r?1 =e3r @6n1r!A:1!6n? 4!55 n61 Ae ref:n e . 2). In 12e eBen1 6f De312 !n ?erB!@e 2 The families of employees 8nominees9 #ill (e eligi(le for payment of 6s.+-,---F) from LIC and also for return of 7*IS accumulations #ith <I simple interest from the account in the Company. Eo#ever, in cases #here the death occurs in the first : years of his (ecoming a mem(er of the Scheme, the nominees are entitled for 6s.+-,---F) only #ithout accumulations. The payment is made as per the agreement the Management had #ith LIC. N69!n31!6n?: Immediately on appointment of an employee, nomination in the prescri(ed form should (e o(tained. Such 0omination has to (e su(mitted (y the 0ominee8s9FLegal Eeir8s9 to receive the (enefits in case of death of a mem(er #hile in service. The 0omination given for 7*IS holds good for @anata Personal &ccident Insurance Scheme also. ReD!?1er? 16 Ae 93!n13!ne 2 6egisters denoting the date8s9 of entry into the Scheme of every employee and of defaults of recovery noting the default amounts for 'eeping trac' of recoveries in the su(se$uent months should (e maintained. On transfer of an employee ,the amounts so recovered from him should (e advised to the concerned Mine F 4epartment along #ith other particulars to avoid delay at the time of settlement.

- 41 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

(.1 : PROCESSIN% OF CLAIM: 0o &pplication need (e su(mitted in this regard (y the 0ominee The accumulations of the ex)employee F mem(er can (e processed (y the employer as no signature of the ex)employee is re$uired. The claim for &ccumulations has to (e preferred as per prescri(ed Proforma. The claim has to (e sent to the respective &rea Terminal *enefits F cell for processing the claim along #ith Original 0omination 7orm, Copy of name removal letter, copy of *an' &ccount *oo', Copy of 6etirement Certificate as the case may (e. The claim forms generated as per the *asic data su(mitted are sent to the concerned Mine F 4epartment for resu(mission after due verification along #ith re$uired documents. &fter Scrutiny, &T* Cell shall settle the 7*IS accumulations refund (y o(taining the approval of C?MF?M in case of &rea and C?M87"&9 in case of Corporate 4epartments. The 7*IS &ccumulations 6efund claim DPay OrderG #ill (e prepared duly signed (y IFc. &T* Cell, and Officers of Personnel " 7"& of concerned &T* Cell, and thereafter, the pay order #ill (e for#arded to &rea F Corp. &ccounts 4epartments as the case may (e. 7inally the claim amount shall (e sent to claimantGs (an' account (y &rea &ccounts 4epartments in case of &rea and Corporate ?eneral &ccounts in case of Corporate under intimation to &T* Cell, EO4 of Mine F 4epartment, 5x) employee F nominee. 6esignation &cceptance letter F Termination letter F Medical Lnfit F 4eath


- 42 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08 6emar's

Sl.0o. + . : ; , <

Chec' List %hether Claim 7orm is enclosed %hether &dvanced Stamped 6eceipt is enclosed %hether 0ame 6emoval Letter is enclosed %hether Copy of 4eath Certificate is enclosed %hether Copy of 7*IS 0omination is enclosed %hether Copy of *an' &ccount is enclosed







(.(: RE%ISTER ' ANNEEURE ' IV FBIS ACCUMULATION CLAIMS RE%ISTER: Sl. 5mployee Mine F 4O& F 4OT F 4ate of 4ate of verification

- 43 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08


0ame F 5.C.0o. F 4esignation 2


receipt of Cause of claim form of Paysheets Termination Mine F Mine F 4ept. 4ept. F ( ) *


6emar's on Correspondence #ith verification of Mine F 4ept for Paysheets further clarification for #ant of documents + -

4ate of Payment 4ate of remittance " Order sent to amount credited in &rea &ccts Claimants *an' 4ept.. &ccount (y &ccts. 4ept. 7 10

(.): FORMS: (.).1 Claim 7orm for 6efund of &ccumulations. (.).2 7*IS 0omination 7orm


CHAPTER'V FAMIL& BENEFIT INSURANCE DEATH CLAIM 2 The claim has to (e su(mittedin the prescri(ed Proforma. The claim form is generated (y &T* cell (ased on the verified and certified *asic data given (y

- 44 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

concerned Mine F 4epartment. %hile su(mitting the claim ,the follo#ing points are to (e ensured scrupulously. 8a9. 8i9 The claim form should contain the certification that the employee #as a mem(er of 7amily *enefit Insurance Scheme and that he #as in service as on the date of death. 8ii9 The death certificate should invaria(ly (e enclosed. 8(9. &ll the columns of the claim form including the column D0ame of the 0ominee F 0ominees under 7*IS F @antha Personal &ccident Insurance Scheme should necessarily (e filled and attested true copy of the nomination should (e enclosed. 8c9. 8d9. 8e9. &dvanced Stamped 6eceipt from the 0ominee. Since delay in for#arding the claims #ill result in re/ection, the 7*I 4eath claims should (e sent immediately. The claim form duly filled in and signed should (e sent to the respective &T* Cells along #ith necessary documents for further processing. ).1 PROCESSIN% OF THE FBIS DEATH CLAIM: The duly filled in 7*IS 4eath claim received from the Mine F 4epartment is (eing sent to the Life Insurance Corporation of India, Eydera(ad covering letter after due scrutiny. It is to (e ensured that the follo#ing documents are to (e enclosed #ith the claim #hile su(mitting to LIC. i9 ii9 iii9 iv9 v9 vi9 7*IS 4eath Claim &dvance Stamped 6eceipt Copy of *an' &ccount of 0ominee Copy of 4eath Certificate of the 5mployee Copy of 7*IS 0omination 0ame 6emoval Letter #ith a

The &T* cell after due scrutiny shall send the claim to the Insurance &uthorities 8LIC, Eydera(ad9 for settlement of 7*IS 4eath claim. The LIC settles the claim and send the che$ue for consolidation amount

- 45 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

in favour of SCCL.

7"& 4epartment, SCCL after reali ation of the che$ue

proceeds shall deposit the Insurance amount at the respective *an' &ccount of the nominee under intimation to the concerned department and &T* Cell.

Contact &ddress of LIC settling 7*IS 4eath claim. The 4ivisional Manager 8P"?S9 LIC of India, @eevanpra'ash Secretariat 6oad EH456&*&4 ) ,-- -<: Contact Phone 0o2-;- ) .:;.-=<; .:;.-=<> extension 2 ;> 5.Mail 2 *O C ?,

6eference Circulars2 +9. .9. :9. ;9. PF:>F::1;F+::= dated :+.-:.+1==. PF<>F::1;F..=+ dated +=.-<.+1=> C"PFPPBIIF7*IF><+ dated .<F:+.-=.+1=> C"PFPPBIIF7*IF+::- dated +,.-=.+1=1

4etails of Master Policy of 7*IS2 Master policy 0o. :1+;- 6ene#ed #ef -+.-;..--= for the year .--=).--> 8C?MF7"&9 Circular no.C6PF7&4F?F;.F-=)>>F+,+ dated +.F+;.-,..--=. 6ene#ed premium .--=)-> 6ene#ed Policy Premium .-->)-1 2 ,:,=-,<1. 8including service Tax9 2 ;1,+=,,-= 8including service Tax9



Sl.0o. + . : ;

Chec' List %hether Claim 7orm is enclosed %hether &dvanced Stamped 6eceipt is enclosed %hether 0ame 6emoval Letter is enclosed %hether Copy of 4eath Certificate is enclosed


- 46 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

, < ).$

%hether Copy of 7*IS 0omination is enclosed %hether Copy of *an' &ccount is enclosed FLO0 PROCESS DIA%RAM:








FBIS (DEATH CLAIM) RE%ISTER: Sl. 0o. 5mployee 0ame F 5.C.0o. F 4esignation Mine F 4O& F 4OT F 4ate 4ept. Cause of receipt Termination claims from Mine of Lr.0o. " 4ate of of sending Claims to LIC &uthorities F

- 47 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 4ept. 16.06.08

Lr. 0o. " date of receipt of Lr. 0o. " date of *an' che$ue from LIC Settlement order F &uthorities #ith consolidated Che$ue received from statement sent to &rea Insurance &uthorities &ccounts 4epartment + -

4ate of remittance of amount to Claimants *an' &ccount (y &ccts. 4ept. 7

C H A P T E R ' VI %ROUP INSURANCE SCHEME (%IS) The ?roup Insurance Scheme #as introduced #.e.f. -+.-+.+1=1 to provide (enefits to the employees in lieu of the (enefits envisaged under Coal Mines 4eposit Lin'ed Insurance Scheme ,+1=< in accordance #ith the provisions of 0C%&)II. PREMIUM:# The lia(ility incurred under this Scheme shall (e (orne (y the Company and the employees #ill not (e re$uired to ma'e any contri(utions F pay premium to#ards the cost of the Scheme. Company has to su(mit age #ise distri(ution particulars and date of /oining of employees as on +st March every year to the life Insurance Company, for determining the premium paya(le under this Scheme. ELI%IBILIT&2 &ll the employees #ho are admitted as mem(ers of Coal Mines Provident 7und F 5P7 shall (e mem(ers of this scheme. BENEFIT ON DEATH 0HILE IN SERVICE2 Lpon the death of the mem(er #hile in service prior to Terminal date, the sum assured under the assurance then in force shall (ecome paya(le to the

- 48 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

(eneficiary upon production of satisfactory evidence of appointment of (eneficiary from the employer or the CMP7 Commissioner or the P7 Trust as the case may (e. Presently an assured amount of 6s. ;-,---F) is (eing paid to the nominee F nominees of the mem(ers in the event of death of the mem(er #hile in service. NOMINATIONS: There is a no specific nomination for this purpose. The (eneficiary or (eneficiaries if any appointed (y the mem(er for his provident 7und &ccount shall (e deemed to (e the (eneficiary F (eneficiaries to #hom the (enefit under the Schemes shall (e paid. If no (eneficiary is appointed (y the mem(er under this Provident 7und &ccount, the (enefit under the Scheme shall (e paid to the person or persons to #hom the Provident 7und (enefits (ecome paya(le. The payment is paid as per CMP7 F 5MP or Schedule DCG to nominee F nominees. MASTER POLIC&: The Life Insurance Corporation of India 8%arangal *ranch9 #ill issue a single Master Policy incorporating all the assurances effected under this scheme. Present ?IS master policy num(er is 2) :1+>: *.1 PROCESSIN% OF CLAIM2 +. On su(mission of death certificate, the claim shall (e for#arded to &T* Cell along #ith re$uired documents from Mine F 4epartment #here the employee last #or'ed. The &T* cell after due scrutiny shall send the claim to the Insurance

&uthorities 8LIC, %arangal9 for settlement of ?IS claim. The LIC settles the claim and send the che$ue for consolidated amount in favour of SCCL. 7"& 4epartment SCCL after reali ation of the che$ue proceeds #ill deposit the Insurance amount to the respective *an' &ccount of the nominee under intimation &T* Cell and to the concerned department.

- 49 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

ADDRESS OF LIC BRANCH 0ARAN%AL DEALIN% 0ITH %IS Life insurance Corporation India 4ivisional Office 8P"?S Lnit9 P.*ox 0o.+= @eevan pra'ash *alasamudram Eanuma'onda C PI0 C ,-<--+ %arangal 4ist. Phone 0os2 ->=- C .,=;;:: I9p6r13n1 Referen@e C!r@:53r?: +9 P.=F:<;>F.,<> dated -<.-=.+1=1.

*.2. CHECGLIST: Sl.0o + Chec' List %hether &pplication for payment of claim amount, in) duplicate (y the 0ominee F ?uardian of the 0ominee, duly signed and attested (y the Col.Mgr. FEO4, #here) in *an' &ccount 0um(er is compulsory, is enclosed. %hether ?ranteeGs statement in)duplicate duly filled in all the columns and 6evenue Stamp affixed and signed (y the Col. Mgr., F EO4 in the respective column is enclosed. %hether the separate ?ranteeGs statement for each individual nominee in)duplicate #here more than one nominee exist, are o(tained and sent, and #hether *an' &ccount 0um(ers of the respective 0ominees mentioned. %hether *an' &ccount of ?uardian opened and the same mentioned in the 7orm, in case the nominee is a minor. %hether the name removal letter duly signed (y the Col.Mgr.,FEO4 is enclosed. %hether death certificate issued (y Mandal F Local Municipality F Panchayat &uthorities attested (y the EO4 is o(tained and sent, if so the name of the deceased employee (oth in the application 7orm and death certificate appears to (e the same. %hether the name of the deceased and the nominee8s9 are same in all the documents. 6emar's

; , <

- 50 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08



%hether copy of the nomination form su(mitted for the purpose of ?ratuity F 7*IS F @P&IS duly attested (y the EO4 is enclosed. In the a(sence of nomination, copy of Schedule)C to (e su(mitted. In case the name of family mem(er not alive is included, the same should (e supported #ith the death certificate. %hether it is ensured. %hether the reasons for delay in su(mission given #ith supporting documents. If the delay is due to dispute (efore Court of La#, Copy of the @udgement to enclosed. %hether the same is complied. %hether &dvance intimation of the death of the employee is given for 6egistration of the claim, if so, %hether the copy of the same is enclosed. Re93rF?: 0ote2) In case any information as a(ove could not (e furnished, please give valid reasons for same in the remar's column. If the su(mission of the claim is delayed over three months period, please enclose the certificate stating that claim has not (een su(mitted earlier.





- 51 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08






Sl. 0o.

5mployee 0ame F 5.C.0o. F 4esignation 2

4ate of 4O& F 4OT F receipt of Mine F Cause of claim form 4ept. Termination Mine F 4ept. $ ( )

Lr.0o. " date of su(mission of Claims to Insurance &uthorities *

Lr.0o. " date of su(mission of Lr.0o. " date of *an' che$ue received from receipt of Settlement LIC &uthorities #ith order F Che$ue from consolidated statement to Insurance &uthorities &rea &ccounts 4epartment + -

Lr.0o. " date of remittance of amount to Claimants *an' &ccount (y &ccts. 4ept. 7

*.).1 ?ranteeGs statement #ith nomineeGs *an' address and 6evenue stamp affixed. *.).2 7orm P"?S.

- 52 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08


&pplication for payment of claim.


C H A P T E R # VII ,ANATA PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE SCHEME (,PAIS 9 The @anata Personal &ccident Insurance Scheme covering the lives of all our employees had (een in vogue since +1=<. It is (eing rene#ed for every t#o years. Present policy has (een rene#ed #.e.f.-+.-:..--= and #ill (e in force for a period of t#o years i.e. up to .>.-...--1 at a premium of 6s. .=>F) per employee for an assured maximum amount of 6s.+,--,---F) and the Scheme is presently serviced (y MFs. 0ational Insurance Company Limited, 4ivisional

- 53 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

Office)II, Eydera(ad. C6Ber3De:# The Scheme is applica(le to all the employees in service including temporary, pro(ationers, *adlies and TraineeGs for #hom premium is paid at inception of policy. Pre?en1 P65!@= e13!5?:#

+. ?@P& Policy 0o.,,-.--F;=F1<------., covering the lives of employees of *EPL, *P&, MM " S6P &reas. .. ?@P& Policy 0o.,,-.--F;=F1<------.< covering the lives of employees of Corporate including Eydera(ad, A?M, Hellandu, Managuru, 6?)I, 6?II, 6?) III &reas S23r!nD 6f B:?!ne?? A= In?:r3n@e C69p3n!e? 2 +9. MFs. 0ational Insurance Company, Eydera(ad .9. MFs. 0e# India &ssurance Company :9. MFs. Oriental Insurance Company ;9. MFs. Lnited India Insurance Company. )do) )do) Cdo) <-I +,I +,I +-I

Re@6Ber= 6f Pre9!:9: &s per the re$uest of the Lnions, the Premium of 6s. .=>F) 86upees T#o hundred seventy eight only9 has (een recovered in one instalment from the salary for the month of @anuary,.--= paid in 7e(ruary,.--= from all employees 80C%& " 5xecutive cadre9 including *adlies and Trainees. 0o recovery has (een effected in respect of those employees #ho retired from Company service in (et#een :+.-+..--= and .>.-...--=, as they #ill not (e covered under @P&IS Policy (eing rene#ed from -+.-:..--=. The ris' under this scheme covers all the employees on rolls as on -+.-:..--= for a period of . years upto .>.-...--1 even after the cessation of their employment for any reason. In other #ords,

- 54 -



ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

employees #ho #ill (e leaving service during the currency period of the policy continues to (e covered (y the scheme. In respect of employees ne#ly appointed after .>.-...--=, the premium shall (e recovered proportionately from their salaries. 7or example, if a person /oins the CompanyGs service in the month of Oct,.--= the proportionate premium amount of 6s. +1=..- M 6s. ++.<per month for the same month and remaining period of +< months 8upto .>.-...--19 shall (e recovered from his F her salary from the month of Octo(er, .--=. 8under the code 0o. :,19. In respect of other employees for #hom premium #as not recovered earlier the premium shall (e recovered proportionately from their salaries under code 0o. :,1. & statement sho#ing the details of employees ne#ly /oined the CompanyGs Service after .>.-...--= and the details of other employees for #hom premium #as not recovered earlier and recovered during the month, the amount recovered from them, month #ise, shall (e sent in Proforma 8&nnexure)II9 from the &ccounts 4epartments of the &rea concerned to the ?eneral &ccounts, Corporate, Aothagudem, #hich in turn #ill arrange to pay the amount of the premium to MFs. 0ational Insurance Co. Ltd., Eydera(ad from time to time together #ith a consolidated statement sho#ing the details of such employees. N69!n31!6n?: 0omination in the prescri(ed form should (e o(tained immediately on the appointment of a #or'er to receive the (enefit in case of the death of the mem(er. The 0omination given for 7*IS holds good for @P&IS also. C6Ber3De; E"@5:?!6n?; Ter9? / C6n !1!6n? 6f ,PAIS P65!@=. The capital sum insured #ill (e paid2 a. If such in/ury shall #ithin one Calendar year of its occurrence (e the sole and direct cause of the death of an insured person. (. If such in/ury shall #ithin one calendar year of its occurrence (e the sole

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

and direct cause of the total and irrecovera(le loss of sight of (oth eyes, or total and irrecovera(le loss of use of t#o hands or t#o feet or one hand and one foot, or for such loss of sight of one eye and such loss of use of one hand, one foot. c. If such in/ury shall #ithin one calendar year of its occurrence (e the sole and direct cause of the total and irrecovera(le loss of sight of one eye or total and irrecovera(le loss of use of hand or a feet, fifty percent 8,-I9 of the Capital Sum insured. d. If such in/ury shall as a direct conse$uence thereof immediately permanently totally and a(solutely disa(le theFan In/ured person from engaging in (eing occupied #ith or giving attention to paid employment or occupation of any description #hatsoever. 5xclusions2 This Policy indemnifies the insured against death and disa(lement due to accident caused (y out#ard, violent and visi(le means su(/ect to the follo#ing exclusions for the payment of @P&IS under the Scheme. +9. Payment of compensation in respect of in/ury or disa(lement directly or

indirectly arising out of or contri(uted to (y or tracea(le to any disa(ility existing as on the date of issue of the Policy. .9. 4eath, in/ury or 4isa(lement

a9. due to intentional self in/ury, suicide or attempted suicide. (9. #hilst under the influence of intoxicating li$uor or drug. c9. directly or indirectly caused (y insanity. d9. arising or resulting from the Insured committing (reach of the la# #ith criminal intent. :. 4eath, disa(lement of the Insured Person, due to or arising out of or directly connected #ith or tracea(le to, #ar, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities civil #ar, re(ellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, military or usurped po#er, sei ure, capture, arrests, restraints and detainmentGs of all 'inds princess and people of #hatsoever nation, conditions or $uality.

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08


4eath or 4isa(lement of the insured Person, 4irectly or indirectly caused (y or contri(uted to (y , or arising from of tracea(le to ioni ing radiationGs or contamination (y radioactivity from any source #hatsoever from nuclear #eapons material. C6n !1!6n?:


Lnless reasona(le cause is sho#n, the Insured should, #ithin one calendar month after the event #hich may give rise to a claim under the policy, give #ritten notice to the Company #ith full particulars of the claim. Therefore Manager F EO4 shall directly notify the 7atal and other accidents #hich are apprehended to result in death or physical separation of a lim( or loss of eye sight etc immediately, not later than one month of the occurrence of the accident to the Insurance Company and delay intimation li'ely to result in re/ection F repudiation of the claim. Ltmost care to (e ta'en in intimating the accident to the Insurance Company #ithin the specified time. &ny accident after it is (eing reported and a claim form is filed #ith the

Insurance Company, (ut su(se$uently found that the accident so reported earlier does not fall #ithin the am(it of the Scheme, can later (e #ithdra#n. .. 0o sum paya(le under this policy shall carry interest. The ?roup @anata Personal &ccident Insurance Policy covers the follo#ing ris's during the operation of the Scheme from -+.-:..--= to .>.-...--1 and the employee or the dependentsF Legal heirs F 0ominees of the employees as the case may (e eligi(le for payment of assured amount. Type of 6is' a9 (9 c9 Insurance &mount paya(le 2 6s.+,--,---F) 2 6s.+,--,---F)

P3=3A5e In?:r3n@e A96:n1 .

4eath due to any accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of sight of (oth eyes due to accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of use of

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08 2 6s.+,--,---F) 2 6s.+,--,---F) 2 6s.+,--,---F) 2 6s. 2 6s. 2 6s. ,-,---F) ,-,---F) ,-,---F)

d9 e9 f9 g9 h9 i9

(oth hands due to accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of use of (oth the feet due to accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of use of one hand and one foot due to accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of sight of one eye due to accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of use of one hand due to accident Total and irrecovera(le loss of use of one feet due to accident Permanent Total 4isa(ility due 8e.g. Total paralysis9 to accident

2 6s.+,--,---F)

+.1 PROCESSIN% OF CLAIM: The moment the occurrence of accidental death of an employee or total or partial disa(lement of an employee due to in/uries arising out of accident attracting the provisions of the a(ove policy comes to the notice of the Eead of the MineF4epartment, the same should (e informed to the Insurance Company (y a Te5eDr39 3n $0 3=? fr69 12e 35?6 Te5ep26n!@355= 4!126:1 3n= 56?? 6f 1!9e 4!12!n 31e 6f 6@@:rren@e as per the policy conditions to avoid

the repudiation of late reporting claims in the (est interest of the employees. Thereafter, the claim is to (e su(mitted to the Insurance Company through respective &rea Terminal *enefits Cell. In response to the report of accident, the Insurance Company #ill supply a (lan' claim 7orm. This claim form has to (e filled in all respects particularly details of accident F occurrence, 4octorGs F Eospital Signature, nominee (y name duly counter signed (y 4epartment Eead and sent through respective &rea *enefits Cells, to the Insurance Company together #ith the re$uired documents as per chec'list in support of the claim for settlement.

P3=9en1 6f In?:re

A96:n1 2

&fter the claim is processed and settled, the Insurance Company shall send a che$ue dra#n in favour of the MFs. SCCL for the settled amount to the

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

respective &T* Cells for dis(ursement of the same to the concerned legal heir of the deceased, on su(mission of dischage Boucher to (e signed (y legal heir " counter signed (y SCCL official. Stages involved in settlement of @P&IS claim (y the &T* Cell. +. On su(mission of re$uired documents (y employee F ex)employee F nominee, the @&PIS Claim #ill (e for#arded (y Mine F 4epartment to &T* Cell as per the chec' list. .. &fter verification of the claims received from mines F depts., the consolidated list of claims shall (e for#arded to concerned insurance authorities (y the Incharge, &T* Cell. :. ;. On settlement, the Insurance Company shall send the Che$ue to the concerned &T* Cell for all the claims received from the &rea. &T* Cell sends the che$ue to &rea &ccounts 4epartment for collection of amount. On reali ation of the che$ue, the &rea &ccounts 4epartment shall remit the amount to the *an' &ccount of the employee F ex) employee F nominee under intimation to &T* Cell, Mine F 4epartment, ex)employee F nominee.

+.2 CHECGLIST: S5. N6. + C2e@F 5!?1 IN CASE OF MINE ACCIDENT 2 Original Claim form to (e filled in and signed (y the nomineeFLegal Eeirs. The signatures have to (e countersigned (y the Colliery ManagerF Eead of an esta(lishment #ith their office seal. The Eospital authorities also #ill (e re$uired to sign the claim form #ith necessary endorsements #ith their office seal in the specified column in page 0o.. of the claim 7orm. 7orm IB 8&9 and IB 8*9. & true copy of 4eath Certificate issued (y the 6evenue authoritiesF Local (odiesFColliery Medical Officer and duly attested (y Colliery Manager F Eead of the 5sta(lishment. Re93rF?

. :

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

; , < = >

& true copy of the @P&IS F 7*IS nomination form 8 attested (y the ManagerFEead of the 5sta(lishment 9. Post Mortem report and chemical &nalysis report 8original or photostat copies 9 #herever necessary. PM5 report should (e in , paged standard format. Police investigation F In$uest report 8 original or photostat copy, #herever necessary 9. Service certificate 8 clearly stating that the deceased F accident in/ured #or'man #as covered under the scheme. &ny other documentsFinformation #hich may (e re$uired (y the Insurance Company, li'e name removal certificate, panchanama, 7I6, etc., IN CASE OF OTHER ACCIDENTS :

+ .

; , < = > 1 +-

Claim form to (e filled in and signed (y the nominee F Legal heir and other re$uirements are mentioned in Item 0o. + of Mine &ccident Claims. 7I6, 7inal Investigation 6eport F Charge sheet or 7inal 6eport as the case may (e issued (y the Police 4ept, particularly in road accident dro#ning, Train accident, poisoning F Sna'e (ite etc., 4eath certificates issued (y a 4octor 8 !ualified 9 #herever necessary 8original or Photostat copy9F issued (y 6evenue &uthorities Municipal F Panchayat as the case may (e. Police investigation or In$uest report 8original or photostat copy9. Post Mortem 5xamination 6eport 8original or photostat9 PM5 in , page format and a copy of the chemical examination report #herever necessary. & true copy of @P&ISF7*IS nomination form duly attested (y Manager or Eead of an 5sta(lishment. Service Certificate 8 clearly stating that the deceased F in/ured #or'men #as covered in the scheme.9 Photo of the In/ured #or'men sho#ing his disa(lement in case of permanent disa(lementFless of lim(sFeyes etc. &ny other documents F information #hich may (e re$uired (y the Insurance Company, li'e 0ame removal certificate, panchaname, 7I6, 4is)a(ility certificate issued (y ?overnment *oard sho#ing digree of dis) a(ility Eospital records etc.,. &ll the claim papers including claim 7orm are to (e attested (y the Mine officers and sent in one go to avoid delays on documentation.


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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

&ddress for communication " su(mission of claim The 4ivisional Manager, MFs 0ational Insurance Company Limited, 4ivisional Office)II, <):)<>-, :rd 7loor, 6egency Eouse, Soma/iguda, Eydera(ad C ,--->. Phone 0o. -;-).:;-+:1>, .:;-+=;,, 7&P 0o. -;-).:;-><=,







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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08




,PAIS CLAIM RE%ISTER (ANNEEURE 'IV) Lr. 0o. " 4ate of I of Intimation eligi(ility letter of comp) received ensation from Mine F 4ept. ) * Lr.0o. " date of su(mission of Claim to 0ational Insurance &uthorities +

Sl. 0o.

5mployee 0ame F 5.C.0o. F 4esignation

Mine F 4ept .

4O& F 4ate of &ccident F 0ature of &ccident

*an' che$ue received from " date of &uthorities #ith Lr.0o. Lr.0o. " date of 0IC remittance of amount consolidated statement sent receipt of Settlement to Claimants *an' order F *an' Che$ue to &rea &ccounts 4epartment &ccount (y &ccts. from 0IC &uthorities Lr.N6. / A96:n1 4ept. 31e 7 10 11

+.) FORMS: +. Claim 7orm. +.* REFERENCE CIRCULARS:

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ISSUE NO. : 01 Revision No.: 0 Date: 16.06.08

+. C6PFP56F%5LF&T*F+<;, dated +:.-+..--=.


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