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Articles of Incorporation Of Bohumil Shimek Elementary Parent Teacher Organization, Inc.

To the Secretary of the State of the State of Iowa: Pursuant to the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 504, the undersi ned, actin as incorporator of a non!profit corporation, adopts the fo""owin Artic"es of Incorporation for the corporation #$Corporation%&' Artic"e I Na(e The na(e of the Corporation is )ohu(i" Shi(e* +"e(entary Parent Teacher ,r ani-ation, Inc' Artic"e II Purpose The purpose of the Corporation is to conduct any "awfu" activity to pro(ote and i(prove co((unications a(on parents, schoo" and co((unity of )ohu(i" Shi(e* +"e(entary Schoo". coordinate fund!raisin events and a""ocate (onies raised to support PT,!approved schoo", c"assroo( and parent initiatives to fu"fi"" the educationa" and socia" deve"op(ent of students at Shi(e* +"e(entary. provide a foru( for parents and teachers to share and receive infor(ation a/out educationa" and chi"d deve"op(ent issues. support and encoura e active participation of parents and staff. provide opportunities for socia" networ*in a(on parents. and provide services accordin to the needs of parents, teachers, chi"dren and the co((unity' Artic"e III Re istered A ent and ,ffice The na(e and address of the initia" Re istered A ent and ,ffice are: 0avid 1' )ri ht 235 4irst Street S+, Suite 400 Cedar Rapids, IA 53405 Artic"e I6 Incorporator The Incorporator is: 1ennifer 6on )er en Treasurer 35 Sa(ue" 0rive

Iowa City, Iowa 53345 Artic"e 6 Initia" 0irectors The Initia" 0irectors are: 1u"ie +ise"e President 5 7ood"and 0rive N+ Iowa City, IA 53340 Sara 8onin er Secretary 299 7hitin Avenue Iowa City, IA 53345 1ennifer 6on )er en Treasurer 35 Sa(ue" 0rive Iowa City, Iowa 53345 8ar aret Sto"pen President 5 Penda"e Terrace N+ Iowa City, IA 53340 Artic"e 6I 8e(/ership The Corporation wi"" have a (e(/ers' The (e(/ers sha"" have ri hts as provided under the )y"aws' Artic"e 6II 0isso"ution :pon the disso"ution of the Corporation, any assets of the Corporation sha"" /e distri/uted /y the /oard of directors for one or (ore e;e(pt purposes within the (eanin of section 505#c& #9& of the Interna" Revenue Code, or correspondin section of any future federa" ta; code, to Shi(e* +"e(entary, or to such or ani-ation or or ani-ations which are or ani-ed and operated to support Shi(e* +"e(entary'

Artic"e 6III <ia/i"ity

A director of the Corporation sha"" not /e "ia/"e to the Corporation for (oney da(a es for any action ta*en, or any fai"ure to ta*e any action, as a director, e;cept "ia/i"ity for any of the fo""owin : #5& the a(ount of a financia" /enefit received /y a director to which the director is not entit"ed. #3& an intentiona" inf"iction of har( on the Corporation. #9& a vio"ation of the un"awfu" distri/ution provision of the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act. or #4& an intentiona" vio"ation of cri(ina" "aw' If the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act is hereafter a(ended to authori-e the further e"i(ination or "i(itation of the "ia/i"ity of directors, then the "ia/i"ity of a director of the Corporation, in addition to the "i(itation on persona" "ia/i"ity provided herein, sha"" /e e"i(inated or "i(ited to the e;tent of such a(end(ent, auto(atica""y and without any further action, to the fu""est e;tent per(itted /y "aw' Any repea" or (odification of this Artic"e sha"" /e prospective on"y and sha"" not adverse"y affect any "i(itation on the persona" "ia/i"ity or any other ri ht or protection of a director of the Corporation with respect to any state of facts e;istin at or prior to the ti(e of such repea" or (odification' Artic"e I= Inde(nification The Corporation sha"" inde(nify a director for "ia/i"ity #as such ter( is defined in section 504'>55#5& of the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act& to any person for any action ta*en, or any fai"ure to ta*e any action, as a director, e;cept "ia/i"ity for any of the fo""owin : #5& receipt of a financia" /enefit /y a director to which the director is not entit"ed. #3& an intentiona" inf"iction of har( on the Corporation. #9& a vio"ation of the un"awfu" distri/ution provision of the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act. or #4& an intentiona" vio"ation of cri(ina" "aw' 7ithout "i(itin the fore oin , the Corporation sha"" e;ercise a"" of its per(issive powers as often as necessary to inde(nify and advance e;penses to its directors and officers to the fu""est e;tent per(itted /y "aw' If the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act is hereafter a(ended to authori-e /roader inde(nification, then the inde(nification o/"i ations of the Corporation sha"" /e dee(ed a(ended auto(atica""y and without any further action to re?uire inde(nification and advance(ent of funds to pay for or rei(/urse e;penses of its directors and officers to the fu""est e;tent per(itted /y "aw' Any repea" or (odification of this Artic"e sha"" /e prospective on"y and sha"" not adverse"y affect any inde(nification o/"i ations of the Corporation with respect to any state of facts e;istin at or prior to the ti(e of such repea" or (odification' Artic"e = Powers The Corporation sha"" have a"" of the powers iven to it /y the "aws of the State of Iowa. provided, however, on"y such powers sha"" /e e;ercised as are in furtherance of the ta;!e;e(pt purposes of the Corporation and as (ay /e e;ercised /y an or ani-ation e;e(pt under Section 505#c&#9& of the Interna" Revenue Code of 5@>2, as a(ended #or the correspondin provision of any future :nited States Interna" Revenue <aw&' #A& The Corporation wi"" distri/ute its inco(e for each ta; year at such ti(e and in such (anner so that it wi"" not /eco(e su/Aect to the ta; on undistri/uted inco(e i(posed /y Section

4@43 of the Interna" Revenue Code of 5@>2, as a(ended, or correspondin provisions of any "ater federa" ta; "aws' #)& The Corporation wi"" not en a e in any act of se"f!dea"in as defined in Section 4@45#d& of the Interna" Revenue Code of 5@>2, as a(ended, or correspondin provisions of any "ater federa" ta; "aws' #C& The Corporation wi"" not retain any e;cess /usiness ho"din s as defined in Section 4@49#c& of the Interna" Revenue Code of 5@>2, as a(ended, or correspondin provisions of any "ater federa" ta; "aws' #0& The Corporation wi"" not (a*e any invest(ents in a (anner that wou"d su/Aect it to ta; under Section 4@44 of the Interna" Revenue Code of 5@>2, as a(ended, or correspondin provisions of any "ater federa" ta; "aws' #+& The Corporation wi"" not (a*e any ta;a/"e e;penditures as defined in Section 4@45#d& of the Interna" Revenue Code of 5@>2, as a(ended #or correspondin provisions of any of any future federa" ta; code&' Artic"e =I A(end(ent These Artic"es (ay /e a"tered, a(ended or repea"ed and new Artic"es adopted /y the affir(ative vote of two thirds of the entire /oard of directors at a (eetin of the /oard of directors' Notice of the (eetin settin forth the proposed a(end(ent or a su((ary of the chan es to /e effected there/y sha"" /e iven to each director at "east ten #50& days prior thereto /y written notice de"ivered persona""y or sent /y (ai" to each director at his or her address as shown /y the records of the Corporation' If (ai"ed, such notice sha"" /e dee(ed to /e de"ivered when deposited in the :nited States (ai" so addressed, with posta e thereon prepaid'


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