Posing Guide For Photographing Women

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Posing Guide for Photographing Women: 7 More Poses to Get You 21 Different Photos [Part III]

Read more: http://digital-photography-school.com/posing-guide-for-photographing-women-7-more-poses-to-get-you-21-different-photos-partiii#ixzz2a8cw5 !"

Lets move on with 7 lying down poses for women. And again Ill briefly try to describe the process, how I tried to slightly adj st these poses in order to get three different photos for each pose. Pose 1

!ery simple pose to start with. After getting the model into initial position, as" her to raise the pper body as high as she comfortably can.

Photo 1: #he first pict re is the res lt of recreating this simple pose. $otice that yo sho ld shoot from very low angle, nearly from the gro nd level. Photo 2: %ith s ch a basic pose as this one, yo always have different options to variate & different hand placements, head tilts, eye directions and face e'pressions. In this shot the only difference is hand placement and slightly lowered pper body. Photo 3: And I contin ed by as"ing the model to lower down even more. $otice that tighter crop is also a nice option to differentiate yo r shots. Pose 2

!ery similar pose as the first one, b t this angle is better for incl ding longer models body line in the frame. And notice that one of the models legs is bent in the "nee. #his helps to raise her b m p for a better loo"ing body shape.

Photo 4: If yo compare this shot with the first one, yo will notice that it is nearly the same pose, b t the changed angle gives different loo" to the image. Photo 5: And again I contin ed with different hand placement. $ote that hand doesnt s pport the head, it act ally doesnt s pport anything, its j st placed in the hair. Photo 6: And one more hand placement variation and tighter cropping. Pose 3

Another very similar pose to the previo s ones, the main difference again is the shooting angle & right from the front. At this point the model hasnt even moved from the initial position, its the photographer who moves grad ally aro nd her.

Photo 7: (ere the model already started to repeat the gest res from earlier shots. )ont be afraid to ta"e these nearly similar poses as these minor variations might be inval able when selecting the final choice of images in post prod ction. Photo 8: #he variations with both hands stretched in front. Photo 9: And close* p crop again, b t this time with the eyes closed. Pose 4

%e contin ed with the ne't easy and straightforward lying down pose.

Photo 10: An easy to describe and really easy to e'ec te pose. Photo 11: Again, only co ple of options to change here. Arms co ld be connected nder the breast line as in this e'ample. #he arms co ld also be stretched bac" behind the head for another variation. Photo 12: And in this photo the model tried to achieve "ind of dreamy loo" with eyes closed and hands placed asymmetrically. Pose

Lying down very low. %or"s very good as well for close* p portrait shots.

Photo 13: As my model was lying on the sandy beach, I as"ed her to s pport the head on the hand, b t in other settings the head might as well to ch the gro nd. Photo 14: (ere I as"ed the model to raise the head higher and "eep the hands placed asymmetrically. Photo 15: And the ne't variation was sleeping pose with eyes closed. Pose !

Lying down on the side. +o ple of points to chec". #he left leg is crossed over the right. #he left arm is rested on the hip and partly hidden behind the body. #he right hand is placed nder the head b t it s pports it with only the tips of the fingers. If the models head wo ld be f lly s pported by the hand the pose wo ld j st indicate tiredness.

Photo 16: ,ollowing the previo sly described instr ctions, the model easily recreated the sample pose. Photo 17: (ere basically only the right hands placement is different. And placing it down on the gro nd instantly raises her pper body higher. Photo 18: ,rom there she straightened the s pporting hand and raised the body even more higher. Pose 7

And finally a bit more demanding pose. #he biggest challenge for the model is to "eep an air of rela'ation. As" her to fold her head bac" as far as possible while slightly facing it to the camera. And this post re for s re wor"s best with eyes closed.

Photo 19: If the model can manage to loo" rela'ed, the res lts will be rewarding. Photo 20: #his pose is a nice variation to the previo s one as its far more simple for the model to recreate. Photo 21: And here I as"ed the model to raise higher p and too" the shot from above. -o, together with the previo s articles & 7#standing#poses#$%art#&' and 7#sitting#poses#$%art#&&' & yo now have lots of poses to choose from. ,or more variation and a more dynamic res lt I wo ld s ggest to choose a few from each article and mi' them in a single shoot. .o will very soon discover that even a small n mber of starting poses is more than eno gh to have a great, prod ctive session.

Read more: http://digital-photography-school.com/posing-guide-for-photographing-women-7-more-poses-to-get-you-21-different-photos-partiii#ixzz2a8cw5 !"

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