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THE HINDU on Sep 26,2009 published the following news: Sign akin to
Indus Valley’s found in Kerala.A “ man with a jar” symbol has been identified
in a rock engraving at Edakkal in Wynad district of Kerala. The jar is the
same as in the Indus ligature but the man is slightly different in style.
Refer my article petroglyphs on dolmens and Bharata.
The Edakkal engraving is just another example showing the reach
of Bharata to South India,through the migrating Sumerian Dramilas
(travellers) as discussed in the case of the petroglyphs.
The jar symbol has been explained already through my other works.
It denotes the bird is god(Ra) principle of the Egyptians and word(bird)
is god principle of the Bharats which St John(1:1) quotes. It is
the winged Isis and the winged Gaayatri. This is because Ravi(the sun)
is Ra (fire,word)-vi(bird,horse).
Prabhaata(dawn) is praata(dawn).
Praata is pareta(dead),bharata(fire,word),patra(leaf,wing),
bhadra(bull,king,viirabhadra = sacrificial asva = vaara bhadra = water buffalo
= miinabhadra = the fish in the Indus signs). A matsa(fish) is marta(man) and
himsa(killing). Himsa is simha(a lion) ,mahisha(a water buffalo) and manusha(a
man). Hence we can see the contest motifs representing the
yuddha(contest) between man and lion,lion and buffalo etc. to denote
udaya(sunrise). A man holding back bhadras(water buffalo) is a
representation of dawn. Udaya is also denoted by crossed aayudha
(weapons)like crossed arrows,spears,swords etc.Cf.the Sumerian symbol for
dingir(god) which in fact is crossed arrows. Dingir appears on the aayudha
(udaya).The vajra of Indra,the cakra of Vishnu,the trisuula of Siva etc. are
other examples with linguistic references to the sun and sunrise.Aayudha
puuja (dasra = the star Asvini = Pisces = northeast,darsa-sight) festival
is celebrated in the month of Asvina(Virgo) hence.Kanya(Virgo) is
kalya(dawn) and sandhya(dusk) for the day.The viirabhadra(mahisha)
of Harappa(cf.contest motifs with buffalo) is the Mahisha asura today.
Durga is surya(the sun). The black mahisha(matsya-asva) killed is darkness
removed by Durga’s udaya in matsya(Pisces,northeast).Hence she is vidya
devi(goddess of knowledge =Sarasvati= udaya ravi) also.
A paatra(jar) is bhadra(bull,auspiciousness,king,word),patra(leaf,wing),
praata(dawn) and praarth(pray). Praarthana(prayer) is paatra(jar)-
na(like,man). Hence a man holding back bhadras or holding paatra carry the
same sense.
Paatras(cups,jars) carry the motifs of fish,bull,bird and leaves hence.
A cashaka (a cup) is ushas(dawn).A paa-tra carries(dhara) pa
(water,leaf).Praata carries bha(the sun,light).
Praarthana is also prathama(the first) , Brahmana (a priest) and paatra (jar)-
nara(man) .It is bhadra(king) –nara or preta(corpse) - nara or Bharata –nara
Thus these symbols carry the Bharata language messages whether they
reached in South India through the Tamils or through the Bharats

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