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File: EE201L_syllabus_Spring2010.


Date of revision: 1/9/2010

Spring 2010

EE 201L

Instructor: Gandhi Puvvada

Introduction to Digital Circuits

Syllabus (preliminary syllabus for the upgraded EE201L) 1. Abstract: This course covers a substantial (yet simple) digital system design comprising of a datapath and a control unit. Synchronous digital design principles are taught in lecture and industrial-grade tools (Xilinx ISE, and ModelSim) for design entry, simulation, and implementation are used in lab. RTL design is taught using Verilog HDL. Microprogramming concepts and timing analysis are also covered. Arithmetic components (fast adders and multipliers) and memory components (SRAM, SSRAM, FIFO, Flash memory) are also covered. While most designs are implemented in FPGAs, a couple of simple designs are put on breadboards using discrete ICs. In the last three weeks of the course, the students, propose, specify, design, and implement a fairly big project. This is a very practical and fundamental course covering substantial skills in digital design, implementation, testing expected out of any electrical engineering or computer engineering student. Computer Science students need this course to be able to deal with the computer organization topics covered in EE357 (and EE457 elective).


Course administration: a) Course prerequisites: EE101 'Introduction to Digital Logic'. Students are expected to know ALL the material covered in EE101, particularly combinational logic and sequential logic design. b) Course web page: BlackBoard (https://blackboard.usc.edu/) c) Classes and labs: Please refer to the course web page for class timings, classrooms, and lab timings. Labs are held in OHE336. Quiz slot: The quiz slot is created to hold common midterm exams. We meet only three times during the whole semester during the quiz slot for writing the three midterm exams. d) Final Exam: There is no final exam. The Final project serves as final exam. The Final Project report is due on the first day of the final exams.

e) Grading policy:

Weights: Homeworks Quiz Midterm Exam I Midterm Exam II Laboratory TAs points Final Project

10% 5% 20% 20% 30% 5% 10%

Friday 02/26/2010 4-6:00PM (QUIZ slot) Friday 03/26/2010 4-6:20PM (QUIZ slot) Friday 04/30/2010 4-6:20PM (the last QUIZ slot) Lab attendance is mandatory. TAs discretionary points Project demonstrations shall be in the final week

classes along with a draft of the report showing all design details. Final report is due on the first day of final exams (Wed. 5/5/2010). f) Miscellaneous administrative matters: Major portion (75% or more) of the exams is OPEN-BOOK type. In the open-book portion of the exams, students are allowed to use Any printed or hand-written (but not electronic) material such as CLASSNOTES (EE101 and EE201L), TEXTBOOK, Lab manual, HDL Quick reference guide, ICs data book, homework assignments/solutions, etc. In this course, we want to test your ability to design (and not your ability to memorize). However, you are NOT allowed to use a computer or any electronic devices to search answers for the questions! Students should NOT borrow any item from other students as it helps COPYING. Academic dishonesty cases will be dealt with severely. Using another student's work (wired circuit board, HDL code, or simulation results, in the lab or copying another student's logic simulation/FPGA implementation work or homework will earn an F grade in the course to both the students involved. However students are encouraged to discuss among themselves and share their views on homeworks/labs/project. Discussing is different from copying! Please be aware that we will be using tools such as MOSS from Berkeley/Stanford to catch cheaters. MOSS stands for "Measure of Software Similarity". It is a program for detecting software plagiarism. http://moss.stanford.edu/ So, do not even think of copying. USC VSoE takes academic integrity very seriously and reports cases of cheating to the SJACS (Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards) committee. http://www.usc.edu/student-affairs/SJACS/communitystds.html No makeup exams, sorry. Incomplete grade can only be assigned, if there is a verifiable cause, which is acceptable to the department and the university. g) Instructor and graders office hours: Please refer to the course web site or a separate announcement for this information. h) Academic Accommodations: Any student requiring academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301. Their phone number is (213) 740-0776. Please visit http://www.usc.edu/student-affairs/asn/dsp/index.htm 3. Laboratory Schedule: Please refer to the lab manual for the list of lab assignments and rules pertaining to the lab. Occasionally, some labs may be revised during the semester. Then the lab assignment may be provided to you via BlackBoard. Lab work is an important part of the course. Making a reasonable attempt at ALL lab assignments is a requirement of this course. Lab attendance is mandatory. The TAs are asked to record your attendance. You may not miss more than one lab session. You need to

make up for any missed lab session/lab experiment. You may at most have one incomplete/missed lab experiment/assignment. Poor performance in the lab may result in a failing grade. 4. Readings: The required readings are mainly from classnotes. You may like to refer to relevant sections of the textbook (Wakerly). Books: * "Digital Design Principles and Practices" by J.F. Wakerly 4th ed * Verilog Quick Reference Guide (Esperan/Cadence) * Digital IC Data Handbook (Manufacturer Motorola/Signatics/TI) Printed copies are not available. We will use datasheets on web. * Lab Manual: <= Please purchase from the book store. * Class Notes: <= Please purchase from the book store. 5. Labs (Following is the list of labs during Spring/Fall 2008. The course and the labs are being revised progressively during 2008/2009 to include Verilog HDL-based labs and labs associated with the newly added material (particularly SSRAMs, FIFOs, and CAMs). There will be some take home labs.

6. Course schedule: The course is under revision. It recently changed from a 3-unit one lecture per week course to a 4-unit two lectures per week course. The following is just the list of topics we intend to cover in the revised course. Week-by-week plan is not yet made. 6.1 A preliminary list of Verilog topics is:

Modules and their instantiations

Net and Register Data Types Operators Initial and Always Blocks Assign Statement Sequential Statements Blocking and Non-Blocking procedural assignments Tasks (Procedures) and Functions System Tasks and Functions Synthesis Issues Tristate and Latch Inference File I/O Test Benches


Digital Design topics:

Course Introduction, EE101 review, Homework #1 Logic families & their characteristics Schmitt trigger input devices, Totem-pole outputs, Open-collector outputs, and three-state outputs, Homework #2 Three State Buffers State Machine Design and Implementation One-Hot method of designing state machines Exercises on one-hot method of design, Homework #5 Design of a Micro-programmed control unit Exercises on uProg. CU design, Homework #6

Datapath Design and Data Registers Glitches in combinational logic, common misconceptions in exercising control over data registers, counters, etc. Homework #7 and # 8 System Design Based on a word statement, arrive at a datapath and a control unit to perform the task. Realize that one can think of a number of designs to perform the same task, understand the difference between an informal flow chart and a formal state diagram, understand what changes will perhaps decrease the number of clocks taken without increasing the clock width and what changes imply reducing the number of clocks at the cost of widening the clock. Timing Analysis Propagation delays in combinational logic, longest path and shortest path, maximum and minimum delays Setup time margin and hold time margin Homework #9 Timing analysis and Counters Arithmetic Components Carry look-ahead adders, fast incrementers and decrementers, fast multipliers.

Memory components SRAM, SSRAM, FIFO, Flash memory

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