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Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


Asian Institute of Technology

School of Environment Resource and Development Environment Engineering and Management Course ED 78.07 Solid Waste Management

Report On Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept

November 2013

Submitted To:
Dr. Suporn Koottatep Dr. Thammarat Koottatep

Submitted By:
Bishal Bhari (115461)

Development E-Fort Nepal Pvt.Ltd

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


Table of Contents
1. 2. Introduction of the present situation ...................................................................................... 1 Team formation and information collection ........................................................................... 3 2.1 Team Formation ............................................................................................................... 3

2.1.1 Organizational structure ................................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 Responsibility ................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 Information Collected ...................................................................................................... 4 General Information ..................................................................................................... 4 Information on Collection system ................................................................................ 5 Information on Landfill Site .......................................................................................... 6 Information on Solid waste .......................................................................................... 7 Information on Disposal System................................................................................... 8 Information on Recycle............................................................................................. 9

Analysis of Information .................................................................................................... 9

2.3.1 Waste Generation in future ............................................................................................. 9 2.3.2 Analysis of Landfill ...................................................................................................... 10 2.3.3 Calculation of recyclable waste .................................................................................... 11 3. Problems of Municipality and their root causes ................................................................... 12 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. Identify problems through brainstorming ..................................................................... 12 Cause and Effect Analysis ............................................................................................... 13 Setting Objectives and Targets....................................................................................... 15

Options generation and evaluation of options ..................................................................... 16 4.1 4.2 4.3 Generation of Options.................................................................................................... 16 Categorization of Options ............................................................................................. 17 Evaluation of option ....................................................................................................... 17 Evaluation mechanism ............................................................................................ 17 Evaluation of options to be implemented immediately .......................................... 18 Evaluation of option for further analysis ................................................................ 19

4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 5.

Prioritization of options ......................................................................................................... 22 i

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept



Implementation Plan ............................................................................................................. 24 6.1 6.2 Implementation plan for immediate implementation option ....................................... 24 Implementaion plan for option that needed further analysis ....................................... 25

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Discussion of result ................................................................................................................ 26 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 27 Recommendation .................................................................................................................. 28 Reference ........................................................................................................................... 29 Annex ................................................................................................................................. 30

11.1 Calcualtion of the landfill area .......................................................................................... 30 11.2 Calculation for truck capacity: .......................................................................................... 31


Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


1. Introduction of the present situation

Municipality A is a small city outside Hanoi which consist of the area of 6 Sq.Km. Municipality has the population of 14160 with 4905 household. It has a high population density of 2360 people per Sq. Km and the population is increasing with the rate of 2.12% bloomed by the increasing economic growth rate. However, the municipality has a low education level with the minority of their population completing high school and bachelor level (19.1% and 15% respectively). Majority of the people in this municipality owe their own business or company. It also has a high per-capita income with majority of its populations per-capita income lying between 100 to 300 $ (55.4%) and almost equal percentage of populations income level lying above and below this range Municipality dumps its all waste in a landfill which is situated 15 Km outside the muni cipality boundary. The landfill was built about 10 year ago in an area of 5 hectare. The landfill life is already over and after the management decided to reuse the landfill followed by open dumping and open burning from time to time, disposal is creating problem to the surrounding inhabitants and environment. The nearest village near to the landfill is about 500 meter away and complains such as bad odour, contamination of the nearby well (signifying the contamination of ground water), contamination of the small pond nearby, etc. has been received from them. At present the Municipality A generates about 20 Tons of solid waste daily and it has 5 solid waste collection trucks. The waste collection is not fully efficient due to the presence of inaccessible road. Hence, the solid waste collection does not cover the whole 6 Sq. Km of the area and collection from the main roads is only possible. The uncollected wastes are managed through open burning by the people itself. There are four collection truck each having the capacity of 10 cubic meter for the solid waste collection and one 5 cubic meter truck to collect the farm residue. The collection rate of the truck in the morning and afternoon suggest that the collection rate and collection route is not well planned and there lies a great potential to economize the collection route if well planned. The solid waste management expense is about 120,000 US$ per year and the disposal fee charged by the municipality is 0.5 US$/month/household, which is very less when compared to the actual cost and the per-capita income of the household. Moreover the municipality has only been able to collect the tariff from 2000 household (40% of the total house hold). The municipality also lacks a recycling vendor to buy recyclable waste. There is only the presence of the middle man who sells the recyclable waste to the nearest municipality which is Introduction of the present situation 1

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


situated 30 Km away. Hence the value of the recyclable waste is very small that cannot attract the interest of such waste generators. The present situation of the Solid Waste Management of the Municipality A is in critical stage facing severe problem of environmental and social deterioration. Phasing out of landfill followed by unskilled manpower in the management, unable to draw a visionary solution to the existing SWM problem with the insight of sustainable management plan has grown the need to develop an integrated solid waste management plan.

Introduction of the present situation 2

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2. Team formation and information collection

2.1 Team Formation

2.1.1 Organizational structure

MR. Hong Mayor in Environment

Project Manager

Composting Consultant

Recycling/ Hazardous Waste Consultant

Landfill Consultant

Public Relation & Awareness Consultant

Green Productivity Team

2.1.2 Responsibility
Position Project Manager Responsibility To coordinate with the Mayor in Environment and update him about the progress of the team To co-ordinate with various governmental bodies associated with the SWM of the project To plan his team and distribute the task for his team To finalize the plan and submit it to the Mayor of Environment To plan the composting facility for the municipality

Composting Consultant

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Recycling/ Hazardous waste consultant

Landfill Consultant

Public relation and awareness Consultant

To work in co-ordination with other team members To plan the recycling activity for the municipality To plan the Hazardous waste management plan for the municipality To work in co-ordination with other team members To plan a sanitary facility for the municipality To plan the suitable collection route and collection system for the municipality To finalize the design of the landfill To work in co-ordination with other team member To plan the awareness campaign as decided by the team Maintain warm relation with the stakeholders To work in co-ordination with other team member


Information Collected

2.2.1 General Information

Municipality A is in the area of sub-district B which consists of a 480 km2 governed area. The municipality has its own area of 6.0 km2. There are 6 villages within the municipality. The population at present is 14,160 inhabitants of which 40.4% are male and 59.6% are female. There are 4,905 households. The population density is about 2,360 people per km 2. The population growth rate is about 2.12% due to the fact that the economic growth rate within the municipality is quite high, and as a result migration from other areas is rather high. Education of the people living in the municipality is shown in Table 1. Occupations of the people living in the municipality and their incomes are shown in figure 2 and 3 respectively.
Figure 1: Educational Level of People Living in Municipality A

Educational Level of Municipality 'A'

Higher than Bachelor degree Bachelor level Vocational school High school level (10-12 years) Secondary level (7-9 years) Primary level (1-6 years) 0.00% 8.60% 19.10% 15.40% 40.10% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 1.90% 15%

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Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


Figure 2: Occupations of the People Living in the Municipality

Occupation of people of Municipality 'A'

More than 500 400-500 300-400 200-300 100-200 Less than 100 0 5 10 15 20 21.7 25 30 4.1 11.6 27.3 28.1 7.1

Figure 3: Income per month of the People Living in the Municipality

Income per month of Municipality 'A'

More than 500 400-500 300-400 200-300 100-200 Less than 100 0 5 10 15 20 21.7 25 30 4.1 11.6 27.3 28.1 7.1

2.2.2 Information on Collection system

Type 1. Containers Present Information Container Numbers Capacity 200 L 17 150 L 188 100 L 66 Comparison to Benchmark

Considering 80% efficiency and neglecting the basket capacity (which is very less ) the total capacity of the container is about 21 ton

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2. Collection truck

3. Amount of waste collected 4. Solid waste generated, kg/person/day

5. Solid waste collection expenses

6. Solid waste collection fee

Rubber 692 Containers 50 L Paint Bins 99 20 L Basket 105 There is the presence of 4 trucks with a capacity of 10 m3 and a truck with the capacity of 5 m3 mobilized to collect farm residues Average = 18.74 ton/day Average collection coverage = 93.7% Population = 14,160 people Solid Waste generated = 20,000 kg/day Percapita solid waste generation =Solid Waste Generation Population = 1.412 kg/person/day USD 120000 per year including all the expense of solid waste management like collection, disposal, and maintenance. It sums up to be 17.5 US $ per ton Collection tariff of 0.5 US$ / month / household is charged and the collection fee is able to be upraised from only 2,000 household

which is enough for the waste generated on the municipality.

5,000 people per 1 truck

Average collection coverage (US and Australia) = 100% 1.2 kg/person/day in Norway

World Bank data: Low income: ~ 30 US$/ton High income: ~ 180 US$/ton (Source: World Bank) Collection fee as well as collection rate is low

2.2.3 Information on Landfill Site

Land area Site Condition Information It exists in 5 hectares land area and has already been used for 10 years Currently, 20% of the landfill area is occupied by open dumping, while the rest is flat land. Beneath the ground their lies the landfilled solid waste. Above the ground level, they lay open dumping up to the height of 3 meters which is often open burned. It is situated 500 meter far from the nearest human settlement. Two sides of landfill is agricultural land while the other two sides are mountains and public forest. It is located 15 Km outside the municipality boundary. Nuisance odor is disturbing the villagers nearby.

Distance from communities


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Leachate is visible and it has contaminated the small pond nearby. It has contaminated underground water, which has made the well water nearby unpalatable for drinking purpose. During rainy season the leachate flows to the nearby paddy field.

2.2.4 Information on Solid waste Solid waste composition
Figure 4: Solid waste composition data of Municipality A
Grass and leaves, 9.18 Rubber / leather , 1.12 Cloth , 2.48 Glass , 3.23 Metals , 1.74 Miscellaneous , 0.5

Wood, 1.24

Organic (food waste ) , 44.17 Plastic , 19.48

Paper, 16.87

Thus the major portion of the municipal solid waste of Municipality A is organic waste (comprising of food waste) followed by paper and plastic respectively. The solid waste also has the bulk density of 350 Kg/m3.

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Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept

2013 Solid waste generated within the municipality Solid waste Solid waste generated generated (Ton/day) (Tons/year) 44.17 Organic (food waste ) 8.8 3224.4 16.87 Paper 3.4 1231.5 19.48 Plastic 3.9 1422.0 2.48 Cloth 0.5 181.0 1.12 Rubber / leather 0.2 81.8 9.18 Grass and leaves 1.8 670.1 1.24 Wood 0.2 90.5 3.23 Glass 0.6 235.8 1.74 Metals 0.3 127.0 0.5 Miscellaneous 0.1 36.5 Sum 100 20.0 7300.7 Hence ,7300.7 tons of solid waste is currently produced in the municipality each year out of which major types of waste generated is the organic waste, paper waste and plastic waste. This type of waste generation coins the need of a composting facility for the management of organic (food waste) and recycling facility for the recycling of paper and plastic. Amount in Kg/person/day Population = 14,160 people Solid Waste generated = 20,000 kg/day Per-capita solid waste generation =Solid Waste Generation Population = 1.412 kg/person/day Solids waste type Percentage

2.2.5 Information on Disposal System Type of disposal system Sanitary landfill : Sanitary landfill is one where the controlled dumping is done with the target of minimizing the environmental effect of landfilling. There are two type of sanitary landfill: Area type and trench type. Trench type of landfill is the least expensive type of sanitary landfill. Composting Plant Incinerator

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Investment and operation Cost Type of disposal Sanitary landfill Composting Plant Incinerator Investment Cost US $ 50,000 100,000 400,000 Operating Cost US $ / year 2,500 5,000 12,500

Hence the sanitary landfill is the cheapest form of disposal with low investment and operational cost. However, from the composting plant, the compost can be sold to generate revenue to the facility. Similarly, energy can be recovered from the incinerator to reduce the operational cost. 2.2.6 Information on Recycle There are no recycling shops within municipality A but there are few recycling shops in bigger municipality which is 30 km away. Few villagers collect recycled waste and sell it to the recycling shops in another municipality but the amount is very small. Among the recyclable waste copper is the most sellable waste i.e USD 0.5/kg and glass is the lowest one with USD 0.01/kg . However the value of the waste is too low to attract the public interest in the recycling activity. This creates the need for the vendor of recyclable waste which will eliminate the middle man and increase the cost of valuable waste.


Analysis of Information

2.3.1 Waste Generation in future


Waste generated (kg/person/day) 1.41 (recycling campaign to promote reuse, recycling and reduce waste generation) 1.41

Waste to be collected and disposed Avg waste 18.74 ton/day collected and disposed

Present (2004)




Maintain the collection rate to 95% by increasing collection efficiency. 10% recycle 90% disposal

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1.38 (assume 2% waste reduction by campaigning ) 1.35 (assume 2% waste reduction by campaigning )

Maintain 95% efficiency 20% recycle 80% disposal Maintain 100% efficiency 40% recycle 60% disposal



Formula: P = Po(1+ ) ; where Po is population at the present time, P is estimated population in the future time, is percentage of yearly population growth rate and t is a number of following year from a present time (2004)

Assumption for the above table 2% per capita waste generation reduction every 5 years after 2009 Promotion of waste reduction Extensive campaign to promote recycling Increase collection rate to 100% by 2019 Migration rate is included within the population growth rate of 2.12 %

2.3.2 Analysis of Landfill Landfill Existing area Amount (Hectare) 50,000 Present procedure Open dumping of the waste over the used sanitary landfill without cover

Area that still can be used

No area can be used considering the environmental and sanitary hazard it has created
6.5 Hectare for the design life of 15 years.

Open dumping over the used landfill and periodic open burning

Area needed in the future

[Annex, 11.1]

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2.3.3 Calculation of recyclable waste Waste composition Percent by weight 16.87 19.48 3.23 1.74 Collection rate, ton/day 18.74 18.74 18.74 18.74 Waste amount, kg/day 3,161 3,651 605 326

Paper Plastic Glass Metal

Among the recyclable waste paper and plastic forms the major portion with about 3.1 ton/day and 3.6 ton/day respectively. Followed by it are the glass and the metal. Hence, there is a potent market for the recycling campaign of paper and plastic.

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3. Problems of Municipality and their root causes

3.1 Identify problems through brainstorming

3.1.1 Problems in collection Inaccessible roads, small roads Outside areas were not covered by collection system A lot of small collection bins making the task of collection more time consuming The truck carried a bias amount of waste in the morning and afternoon which suggest the inefficient collection route and timing Solid waste generation rate of MSW is very high and the collection charge charged by the municipality is very low. Only from about 40% of the household the collection tariff can be upraised 3.1.2 Problems in disposal system Open dumping causing nuisance odor Open dumping is done close to human settlement (only 500 m) and it can lead to health impacts Leachate flows to nearby paddy field by surface flow which would be hazardous in nature and affect to plant growth. Contamination of pond by landfill by surface and subsurface flow The well nearby was contaminated with leachate by sub-surface flow which suggest that the ground water is contaminated. The ground water was brownish in colour suggesting the presence of organic content No prevention mechanism is applied for the safe disposal of waste The municipal solid waste is not source separated The landfill was filled up faster than it should be which suggest the unwanted use of landfill by other municipality or peoples.

Problems of Municipality and their root causes 12

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Cause and Effect Analysis

Too big containers making it difficult to collect Too many small sized containers

Nondurable collection bins such as rubber containers, used paint bins and baskets 150 L and 200 L containers are heavy to lift Long collection time and difficult to collect due to too many small containers

Collection system problem

Inefficient collection route Unskilled decision makers No awareness No training No transfer station Does not collects waste from outside areas No source separation Recycling activity not appreciated Inappropriate collection time Very cheap collection fee compared to economic level



Problems of Municipality and their root causes 13

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Leachate leaking from landfill

Waste overflow from the landfill Not enough area for treating solid waste

Bottom liner material is not durable

Landfill problem
Not well planning No leachate collection No source separation

No awareness

No training

The landfill activity is not proper



Problems of Municipality and their root causes 14

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Setting Objectives and Targets

Objectives 1. Adopting integrated SWM approach 2. Reduce waste generation 3. Increase collection efficiency 4. Built a new landfill 5. Promote recycling 6. Source separation Promote recycling Source separation


Adopting other mechanism of SWM in long run To reduce 2% of per capita waste generation in every 5 years after 2009 In 2009 generation rate 1.41 kg/person/day In 2014 generation rate 1.38 kg/person/day In 2019 generation rate 1.35 kg/person/day Plan new collection routes immediately Reduce or phase out 200 L and 150L containers and adopt 120L collection bins Reduce small size container Plan drop off collection system for small streets. Built a new landfill by 2009 Built it atleast 2km away from human settlement. Open recycling shop in municipality A Conduct awareness campaign for recycling activity Increase recycling rate 10% by 2009, 20% by 2014 and 40% by 2019 Encourage private sectors in recycling activities. Public awareness campaign immediately Distribution of collection bins. Separate container system.

Problems of Municipality and their root causes 15

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4. Options generation and evaluation of options

4.1 Generation of Options
Options Construct new landfill Cover the newly dumped waste with soil. Burn the waste Continue dumping in the existing landfill until new sanitary landfill is constructed. Take mitigation measures. Install separate containers and formulate policies for source separation Public awareness about source separation Hiring a consultant Training of SWM planning for the exiting staffs Improve collection route Plan the container size Provide drop off system for congested area. To promote 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) To raise public awareness Expected Results Reduce open dumping and finally end it. Reduce odor to villages nearby Continue using the existing system with less public disturbance.

Problems Open dumping due to lack of landfill

No source separation

Load on the landfill will decrease due to source separation.

Lack of planning of SWM Low collection efficiency

High waste generation

No recycling activity

Open recycling shops inside the municipality Encourage private sector for recycling activity Run campaign to promote recycling activity in the community.

Better long term plan Increase internal efficiency of the department Better mobilization of transportation vehicles Increase collection rate Reduce collection time Reduce per capita waste generation To reduce waste disposal to landfill hence increase the life of landfill. Increased job opportunity. Easy foe people to manage their waste. Increased awareness and increase willingness to pay.

Options generation and evaluation of options 16

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Categorization of Options
Types Options 1. Continue dumping in the existing landfill until new sanitary landfill is constructed. Take mitigation measures. 2. Hiring a consultant 3. Improve collection route 4. Provide drop off system for congested area. 5. To raise public awareness 6. Open recycling shops inside the municipality 7. Run campaign to promote recycling activity in the community. 1. Construct new landfill 2. Install separate containers and formulate policies for source separation 3. Public awareness about source separation 4. Training of SWM planning for the exiting staffs 5. Plan the container size 6. To promote 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) 7. Encourage private sector for recycling activity 1. Cover the newly dumped waste with soil. 2. Burn the waste

Implement Immediately

For further analyis



Evaluation of option

4.3.1 Evaluation mechanism Evaluation of the option is done considering the possible economic effect of the impact, environmental effect of the effect and considering technical aspect of the option. Two parameter has been established for the economic evaluation of the option. They are as follow: a) Initial cost: Refers to the investment cost required. b) Payback period: Refers to the judgmental amount of time required to overcome the invested amount. However for the payback period in here, it is only related to the initial cost but not to the overall cash flow. It only represents the economic benefits of the option over the existing system. Similarly two parameters have been established to give environmental evaluation i.e. a) Positive: represents improved environmental condition b) Negative: represents deteriorating

Options generation and evaluation of options 17

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Technical evaluation is done considering the following factors a) Available technology b) Skill level of staff c) Available area d) Maintenances e) Adaptation f) Operational difficulties g) Safety The option were then differentiated into three categories considering the above mentioned factors; a) Good for high feasibility b) Moderate for moderate feasibility c) Bad for low feasibility 4.3.2 Evaluation of options to be implemented immediately Options 1. Continue dumping in the existing landfill until new sanitary landfill is constructed. Take mitigation measures. Technical Moderate Technically feasible as available resources are being used however mitigation measures need expertise advice hence will have operational problem. Good More technically appropriate options can be generated and better management of planning can be done. Good Highly skilled manpower is required but a good collection can reduce number of trips and operational Options generation and evaluation of options 18 Economical Initial cost Low Payback period -None Environmental Negative impact

2. Hiring consultants

Initial Cost high Positive impact Payback period medium

3. Improve collection route

Initial cost low Positive impact Payback period medium

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


difficulties and optimize the existing resources. 4. Provide the dropoff system for congested areas and outside cities area 5. Raise public awareness Good It can reduce the operational difficulties and number of staff Moderate Highly skilled staff is required. Good Appropriate area and semi-skilled staffs are required. It is difficult to operate but is technically feasible. Moderate Highly skilled staffs are required and operational difficulties can be associated. Initial cost high Payback period short Positive impact

Initial cost medium Payback period long

Positive impact

6. Open recycling shops inside the municipality

Initial cost high Positive impact Payback period medium

7. Run campaign to promote recycling activity to community

Initial cost high Positive impact Payback period medium

4.3.3 Evaluation of option for further analysis Options 1. Construct a new sanitary landfill Technical Moderate Skilled level staff and available area are required. Good Economical Initial cost high Payback period long Environmental Positive impact (Reduce open dumping)

2. Install separate Initial cost low container and Payback period short formulate policy for Available technology, source separation material use, adaptation (new

Positive impact

Options generation and evaluation of options 19

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3. Improve public awareness regarding to source separation in parallel with separated container system

collection system). Good Available technology and sources (containers) for source separation and skilled level of staff for awareness and training program. Good Skilled level of staff for training program and adaptation to new technologies. Good Available containers and technology, maintaining and adaptation with new size container. Good

Initial cost low Payback period medium

Positive impact

4. Training of SWM planning to the existing staffs

Initial cost medium/high Positive impact Payback period long

5. Plan the container size

Initial cost low Payback period medium

Positive impact (Reduce small basket and waste litter container)

6. Promote 3R

Initial cost high Payback period long

Skilled level of staffs is required for the use of waste for recycling and separation. Good knowledge is required for waste reduction. Long period of adaptation for people to follow. 7. Encourage Moderate Initial cost high private for recycling Payback period long activity Operation difficulties as new private sectors should be established. Skilled level of staff is required

Positive impact (reduce waste landfill)


Negative impact

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9.3 Rejected option Options Burn the waste and cover with soil Technical Bad Available area is needed for burring Economical Initial cost low Payback period long Environmental Negative Impact

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5. Prioritization of options
5.1 Prioritization of option to be implemented immediately
Criteria 1. Waste reduction 2. Technical feasible 3. Fast payback period 4. Easy for Implementation 5. Environmental Impacts (-) Total Weight 9 7 9 7 8 Option 1 Mark Total 6 54 9 63 5 6 8 45 42 64 286 Option 2 Mark Total 9 81 9 63 7 6 4 63 42 32 281 Option 3 Mark Total 8 72 7 49 9 7 5 81 49 40 291 Option 4 Mark Total 8 72 9 63 9 9 5 81 63 40 319 Option 5 Mark Total 6 54 6 42 5 6 6 45 42 48 231 Option 6 Mark Total 8 72 6 42 5 7 4 45 49 32 240 Option 7 Mark Total 6 54 6 42 5 6 6 45 42 48 231

The options according to the priority are as follow:

Priority Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 Option 4. Provide drop-off system for congested area and outside cities 3.. Improve collection route 1. Continue dumping in the existing landfill until the new sanitary landfill is constructed by taking mitigation measures for the impact caused by open dumping 2. Hiring consultants (Contract signing and legal procedure with GP team) 6. Open recycling shops inside the municipality 5 &7. Raise public awareness and run campaign to promote recycling Total point 319 291 286 281 240 231

Prioritization of options 22

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5.2 Prioritization of option which needs further analysis

Criteria 1. Waste reduction 2. Technical feasible 3. Fast payback period 4. Easy for Implementation 5. Environmental Impacts (-) Total Weight 9 7 9 7 8 Option 1 Mark Total 6 54 9 5 5 5 63 45 35 40 237 Option 2 Mark Total 8 72 8 9 9 5 56 81 63 40 312 Option 3 Mark Total 6 54 6 5 6 6 42 45 42 48 231 Option 4 Mark Total 7 63 8 7 6 5 56 63 42 40 264 Option 5 Mark Total 7 63 8 8 8 5 56 72 56 40 287 Option 6 Mark Total 9 81 7 6 5 4 49 54 35 32 251 Option 7 Mark Total 9 81 7 6 5 4 49 54 35 32 251

The options according to the priority are as follow:

Priority Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Option 2.Install separate container and formulate policy for source separation 5.Plan the container size 4. Training of SWM planning to the existing staffs 6. Promote 3R 7. Encourage private sector for recycling activity 1. Construct a new sanitary landfill 3. Improve public awareness regarding source separation in parallel with separated container system Total point 312 287 264 251 251 237 231

Prioritization of options 23

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6. Implementation Plan
6.1 Implementation plan for immediate implementation option
Planning Implementation
Jan Feb Mar Apr May 2004 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



1. Provide drop-off system for congested area and outside cities 2. Improve collection route 3. Continue dumping in the existing landfill until the new sanitary landfill is constructed by taking mitigation measures for the impact caused by open dumping 4. Hiring consultants (Contract signing and legal procedure with GP team) 5. Open recycling shops inside the municipality 6. Raise public awareness and run campaign to promote recycling

Landfill Consultant and composting consultant Landfill consultant Landfill Consultant and Public relation and awareness consultant

20,000 US$

8,000 US$ 100,000 US$

Project Manager

1,000 US$

Recycling and Hazardous waste consultant Public relation and awareness Consultant

18,000 US$

10,000 US$

Implementation Plan 24

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Implementaion plan for option that needed further analysis

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 GP Team and Mayor in Environment Planning: Recycling and Hazardous waste consultant Implementation: Municipality GP Team Planning: GP Team Implementation: Municipality Planning: Project Manager Implementation: Municipality Planning: landfill consultant Construction and Implementation: Municipality Planning: Public relation and awareness consultant Implementation: Municipality

1. Install separate container and formulate policy for source separation 2 Plan the container size


Budget till 2009

100,000 US$

3,000 US$

3. Training of SWM planning to the existing staffs 4. Promote 3R

30,000 US$ 100,000 US$

5. Encourage private sector for recycling activity

8,000 US$

6. Construct a new sanitary landfill

1,000,000 US$

7. Improve public awareness regarding source separation in parallel with separated container system

5,000 US$

Planning and Reporting Construction Full Implementation

Compliance Monitoring Training to staff Ensuring the implementation

Implementation Plan 25

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7. Discussion of result
Following result were drawn from the intensive discussion and brainstorming of green productivity team. a) 6.5 Hectare of land is required for new sanitary landfill. This area of landfill is calculated assuming the increased recycling rate and decreased solid waste disposal volume. b) Until the new sanitary landfill is constructed the existing system of open disposal must be continued with suitable mitigation measures c) The existing collection route is not well planned and the collection route must be improved to economize the collection system. d) The existing tariff for the collection is very less compared to operative and disposal cost. Moreover the collection rate of the tariffs is also as low as 40%. The municipality has a very high per-capita income and there lies a possibility to raise the tariff and to decrease the economic losses. The collection fee should also be collected from the entire household to minimize the economic burden of municipality. e) The container is not properly sized as there are many small containers increasing the collection point. To cope with problem a suitable size of container i.e. 120 L volume of container should be prioritized under normal circumstances. f) Since there are many small roads and congested places which makes collection impossible, drop off system should be adopted. g) The recycling vendors are located 30 Km away from the municipality. There are some middle men who buy the valuable waste at very cheap price within the municipality and sell it to the vendors at another municipality. The price of the recyclable waste is not attractive thus less people are concerned to it. Hence a recyclable shop must be open at the municipality which provides attractive rates. In parallel to it public awareness campaign should also be carried out. h) Source separation must implemented as soon as possible and promote reduce, reuse and recycle to decrease the solid waste transferred to landfill. i) There is no manpower capable of tackling the existing problem of solid waste in the municipality. Therefore, consultant should be hired immediately to plan the integrated solid waste management system with the insight of sustainability. In order to develop internal manpower within the municipality, training should be carried out to train the existing manpower.

Discussion of result 26

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


8. Conclusion
The green productivity approach of solving problem of solid waste management in the Municipality A has been useful in not only figuring out th e problems of existing waste management system but it also has been useful in providing the solution to it. The existing solid waste management system of the municipality has many problems like collection routing, blooming waste generation rate, lack of willingness to pay among the stakeholders, etc which has lead in mismanagement. Moreover the existing internal manpower of the municipality is unable to draw any solution to it. In case of such scenario a strong green productive team and a sustainable planning was the necessity. After an intensive discussion session of the Green Productive team, the solution that needs to be implemented immediately was to provide drop-off system of waste collection, improve the collection route, adopt mitigation plan to the dumping of solid waste, hire consultant, open recycling shop and raise public awareness about the recycling. The implementation plan of these option is set to be completed by one year. The further implementation option are installing separate container and formulating appropriate policy to ensure source separation; planning the container size; training of solid waste planning to the existing staffs; promoting 3R; encouraging private actors for recycling activity and to construct a new sanitary landfill.

Conclusion 27

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


9. Recommendation
This report had many limitation under the time and technical constrain. The recommendation of this report is as follow: 1) The information present were not sufficient for detail analysis. Thus a more detail information like geographical condition of the city, location map, types of companies and industries etc should be given for in-depth understanding of the case. 2) The result from the compliance monitoring must be used for the improvement of the formed solid waste management system. 3) A pilot scale study of the implementation plan is recommended before the implementation.

Recommendation 28

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


10. Reference
1. Koottatep, D. S. (2013). GP Methodology. Chaing Mai. 2. Koottatep, D. S. (2013). Management Tools for Solid Waste Management. Chiang mai. 3. Koottatep, D. S. (2013). Overview of Urban Environmental Problems. Chaing Mai.

Reference 29

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


11. Annex
11.1 Calcualtion of the landfill area
Percapita Waste Waste Waste Generated collected Generation (Kg/day) (Kg/day) 1.41 19965.6 18568.0 1.41 20388.9 18961.6 1.41 20821.1 19363.6 1.41 21262.5 19774.1 1.41 21713.3 20193.4 1.41 22173.6 21064.9 1.41 22643.7 21511.5 1.41 23123.7 21967.5 1.41 23614.0 22433.3 1.41 24114.6 22908.8 1.38 24101.9 22896.8 1.38 24612.8 23382.2 1.38 25134.6 23877.9 1.38 25667.5 24384.1 1.38 26211.6 24901.0 1.35 26185.4 26185.4 371734.7 Waste to Waste to landfill landfill (Kg/day) (Kg/year) 18568.0 6777322.92 18961.6 6921002.166 19363.6 7067727.412 19774.1 7217563.233 20193.4 7370575.573 18958.4 6919829.213 19360.4 7066529.592 19770.8 7216340.02 20189.9 7369326.428 20618.0 7525556.148 18317.4 6685853.526 18705.7 6827593.621 19102.3 6972338.605 19507.3 7120152.184 19920.8 7271099.41 15711.2 5734601.298 307023.0 112063411.4

Year Population 2004 14160 2005 14460 2006 14767 2007 15080 2008 15399 2009 15726 2010 16059 2011 16400 2012 16747 2013 17103 2014 17465 2015 17835 2016 18213 2017 18600 2018 18994 2019 19397 Sum

Design Life time= 15 Years Waste to landfill = 112063411.3 Kg Design capacity-= 120,000,000 Kg Landfill height= 15 m Taking, Soil Cover layer Height= 0.3 meter Waste layer height= 0.7 meter Annex 30

Municipality A Solid Waste Management and Planning Using Green Productivity Concept


Total Waste layer = 10 * 0.7 = 7 meter Volume of waste= Waste to landfill Bulk density of waste

=120,000,000 Kg/ 350 kg/m3 =342,857 m3 Area required for the waste disposal= Volume o f the waste Total waste layer = 342,857 m3/7 m = 48,979.6 m2 ~ 4.9 Hectare Adding 20% area for waste water treatment facility= 5.88 Hectare Adding 10% area for operational area= 6.468 Hectare Thus a total of about 6.5 Hectare is required to construct a sanitary landfill.

11.2 Calculation for truck capacity:

Kg per trip = 10m3 * 350 Kg/m3 = 3500 kg = 3.5 ton Average collection = 18.74 Ton/day * 7 day/week= 131.18 ton/week Truck capacity = 4 * 10 m3/trip * 2 trip/day * 350 kg/m3 * 7 day/week = 196 ton/week Which suggests that number of days of collection can be reduced if collection rate is well planned.

Annex 31

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