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Special Report - Secrets of Asset Protection Section 1: The Current Landscape (Battlefield) Out of control lawsuits - Bloated o!

ern"ent with an e!er-increasin appetite# - Ad!ancin Socialis" - $nsane o!er-re ulation

Section %: &cono"ic Sla!er' - The (iddle Class Tread"ill - )idden inflation uarantees failure - *+e,t is ood* - another lie - Anestheti-ed Societ' Section .: Solutions - Asset Protection for Current and /uture 0ealth - 0h' a Ban1 "a' ,e the 0orst Place /or 2our (one' - Set 3p 2our Own 4irtual Ban1 Account - Ta1e Action $ntroduction 0e li!e in a dan erous world# 0hat 'ou do not 1now can hurt 'ou# The purpose of this report is to help 'ou to ,etter understand and protect 'ourself fro" the "an' dan ers that threaten 'our econo"ic sur!i!al# Section 1 The Current Landscape (Battlefield) *A"erica has de enerated into the "ost liti ious societ' in the histor' of the 0orld#* There are now well o!er one "illion attorne's in our countr' - that5s 678 of the world5s attorne' population9 and A"ericans onl' co"prise :8 of the world5s people; Our law schools are presentl' raduatin o!er <79777 attorne's a 'ear# /or e!er' %7 en ineers9 =apan onl' has one attorne'# /or e!er' %#: attorne's9 we ha!e >ust one en ineer# $s it an' wonder we can5t find >ustice? $n 1@@.9 the A"erican Bar Association esti"ated there to ,e a .68 pro,a,ilit' of the a!era e A"erican ,eco"in in!ol!ed in so"e for" of le al action in an' i!en 'ear# This9 of course9 is !er' ood news to the trial attorne' who will char e 'ou an a!era e of A177Bhr and up: and whether he wins or loses 'our case9 he still ets paid; 0hat would 'ou do if 'ou were to ,e sued toda'? )ire an attorne'? $n "an' cases9 ha!in an attorne' is worse than not ha!in an attorne' at all; At an A"erican Bar Association dinner in Cew 2or1 in 1@6D9 3#S# Supre"e Court Chief =ustice 0arren Bur er9 as the uest spea1er9 stated: *Cinet' percent of all trial attorne's in this countr' are inco"petent#* $f 'ou ,elie!e that an attorne' can alwa's ,etter represent 'ou than 'ou can represent 'ourself9 'ou ha!e ,ou ht the attorne'5s lie that9 *The "an that represents hi"self has a fool for a client#* +id 'ou ,elie!e that an attorne' will alwa's represent 'our ,est interests first? *The Attorne' is an Officer of the Court# )is first dut' is to the courts and the pu,lic9 not to his client*

6 Corpus =uris Secundu"9 E<9 p # D7% Source: &cono"ic Solutions9 ,' Peter Fershaw9 1@@6 The A"erican landscape toda' is filled with "an' dan ers - an' of which can spell financial disaster for 'ou# )ere are >ust a few of the": a# Out of control lawsuits ,# Bloated o!ern"ent with an e!er-increasin appetite c# Ad!ancin Socialis" d# $nsane *o!er-re ulation* Out of Control Lawsuits As noted in the openin Guotation9 lawsuits ha!e now ,eco"e so pre!alent that 'ou can no lon er ,elie!e that 'ou will not ,e affected# $t is now a "atter of *when* not *if* a lawsuit enters 'our life# Bloated Ho!ern"ent Bloated o!ern"ents are eIpandin at an incredi,le pace and the' ne!er see" to ha!e enou h "one'# Their rowin appetite and inefficienc' causes the" to need "ore and "ore taI re!enue# 0hen the' can5t taI an' "ore9 the' ,e in *licensin * and *per"ittin * those thin s that are supposed to ,e our *ri hts* and the' tac1 on another fee# 0hen the' et desperate the' resort to outri ht confiscation of the people5s pri!ate propert'; Ad!ancin Socialist Philosoph' Another dan erous trend is the Ad!ancin Socialist Philosoph'# This is the philosoph' of * o!ern"ent 1nows ,est*# This Ad!ancin Socialist Philosoph' punishes inno!ation and industr' and rewards la-iness and non-producti!it'# $n 1D<D9 Farl )einrich (arI wrote the Co""unist (anifesto9 which has since ,eco"e the "ost widel' read political pa"phlet in the histor' of the world# These are Cine Plan1s of the (anifesto Jauthor5s co""ents in ,rac1etsK: 1# A,olition of propert' in land and application of all rents of land to pu,lic purposes# JPropert' taIes are *rent*#K %# A hea!' pro ressi!e or raduatin inco"e taI# J$nternal Re!enue CodeK .# A,olition of all ri ht of inheritance# J&state and inheritance taIesK <# Confiscation of the propert' of all e"i rants and re,els# JAshcroft5s Patriot Act: $f 'ou are desi nated a re,el *&ne"' Co",atant* 'ou lose all constitutional ri hts#K :# Centrali-ation of credit in the hands of the State9 ,' "eans of a national ,an1 with State capital and an eIclusi!e "onopol'# J/ederal Reser!eK L# Centrali-ation of the "eans of co""unication and transport in the hands of the State# J/CC9 TSA9 controlled "ediaK 6# &Itension of factories and instru"ents of production owned ,' the State9 the ,rin in into culti!ation of waste lands9 and the i"pro!e"ent of the soil enerall' in accordance with a co""on plan# D# &Gual lia,ilit' of all to la,or# &sta,lish"ent of industrial ar"ies9 especiall' for a riculture# @# /ree education for all children in pu,lic schools# JOur pu,lic schools no lon er teach the Constitution and ha!e !irtuall' eli"inated Hod fro" the classroo"s#K Source: &cono"ic Solutions9 Peter Fershaw9 1@@6 (an' people will ar ue that "ost of these Plan1s are alread' in place; 0hat do 'ou thin1? $nsane *O!er-Re ulation* +o 'ou ,elie!e we li!e in a *free* countr'? Tr' and do so"ethin without a per"it9 license9 or Social Securit' Cu",er (read: Socialist Securit' Cu",er)#

*And that no "an "i ht ,u' or sell9 sa!e he that had the "ar19 or the na"e of the ,east9 or the nu",er of his na"e#* Re!elation 1.:16 The i""ense eIplosion of laws9 codes9 ordinances9 and re ulations ha!e created one the reatest threats to one5s assets and pri!ate propert'# The followin Guote fro" A'n Rand5s no!el sa's it well: *+id 'ou reall' thin1 that we want those laws to ,e o,ser!ed?* said +r# /erris# *0e 0ACT the" ,ro1en# 2ou5d ,etter et it strai ht that it5s not a ,unch of ,o' scouts 'ou5re up a ainst - then 'ou5ll 1now that this is not the a e of ,eautiful estures# 0e5re after power and we "ean it# 2ou fellows were pi1er5s9 ,ut we 1now the real tric19 and 'ou5d ,etter et wise to it# There5s no wa' to rule innocent "en# The onl' power an' o!ern"ent has is the power to crac1 down on cri"inals# 0ell9 when there aren5t enou h cri"inals9 one 5"a1es5 the"# One declares so "an' thin s to ,e a cri"e that it ,eco"es i"possi,le for "en to li!e without ,rea1in laws# 0ho wants a nation of law-a,idin citi-ens? But >ust pass the 1ind of laws that can neither ,e o,ser!ed nor enforced nor o,>ecti!el' interpreted - and 'ou create a nation of law-,rea1ers - and then 'ou cash in on uilt# Cow that5s the s'ste"9 (r# Rearden9 that5s the a"e9 and once 'ou understand it9 'ou5ll ,e "uch easier to deal with#* (Pa e <7L of Atlas Shru ed9 A'n Rand)# Consider another Guote concernin the !olu"inous L777 plus pa es of the $nternal Re!enue Code that no one understands: *$s it possi,le to e!er learn the truth a,out inco"e taIes9 especiall' in li ht of all the confusion9 if not ,latant "isinfor"ation? 2es9 'ou can9 ,ut not ,' trustin attorne's and accountants# These9 after all9 are hi hl' co"pro"ised indi!iduals - taIes are their !er' li!elihood; )i her taIation and "ore taI laws with e!er-increasin co"pleIit' are to their ad!anta e# 2et9 e!en these taI *professionals* seldo" ha!e a clue as to how to properl' interpret the taI laws# The results of a 1@D@ (one' (a a-ine sur!e' of :7 top *Professional TaI Preparers9* uneGui!ocall' de"onstrates the utter nco"prehensi,ilit' of the inco"e taI laws# The fift' preparers were i!en the assi n"ent of preparin taI returns for a fictitious A"erican fa"il'# Cone of the" arri!ed at e!en close to the sa"e ,otto" line fi ure# $n fact9 discrepancies ran ed an'where fro" A1%9:.@ to A.:9D1.; $"a ine the a,surdit' of tr'in to fi ure 'our own taIes correctl'9 when e!en the *professionals* are incapa,le of doin so;* - &cono"ic Solutions9 Peter Fershaw9 1@@6 $n fact a sur!e' in %77. showed that the $RS *help line* a!e wron answers to taIpa'ers Guestions <68 of the ti"e; $n su""ar'9 we li!e in a dan erous world and the A"erican landscape is frau ht with land "ines that are direct threats to 'our financial well ,ein # Section % &cono"ic Sla!er' A"ericans9 li!in in what is called the richest nation on earth9 see" alwa's to ,e short of "one'# 0i!es are wor1in in unprecedented nu",ers9 hus,ands hope for o!erti"e hours to earn "ore9 or ta1e part-ti"e >o,s e!enin s and wee1ends9 children loo1 for odd >o,s for spendin "one'9 the fa"il' de,t cli",s hi her9 and ps'cholo ists sa' one of the ,i est causes of fa"il' Guarrels and ,rea1ups is *ar u"ents o!er "one'#* - Billions for the Ban1ers9 +e,t for the People9 Pastor Sheldon &"r' 0hat the' don5t tell 'ou is that9 after inflation9 taIes and de,t pa'"ents###"ost people are worse off than when the' started; The' are si"pl' ta1in one step forward and two steps ,ac1 and the' wonder wh' the' ne!er et ahead; Consider this statistic fro" a recent o!ern"ent report: At a e L:9 ninet'-fi!e out of one hundred people will ,e dependent in so"e wa' upon their fa"il'9 their church9 or the o!ern"ent# /our of the" will ,e co"forta,le and onl' one will ,e rich#

Societ' has ,een so *anestheti-ed* ,' tele!ision and recreation that we don5t see our "one' ,ein ta1en fro" us fro" ri ht under our noses# (ost people in A"erica can tell 'ou what episode of *Sur!i!or* the' saw last ni ht ,ut the' can5t tell 'ou the last ti"e the' read the united states Constitution or the +eclaration of $ndependence; +id 'ou 1now that our /oundin /athers re!olted o!er a :8 taI ,' the Fin of &n land? 2et toda' A"ericans pa' as "uch as :78 in local9 state and federal taIes; *$f the A"erican people e!er allow pri!ate ,an1s to control the issue of their "one'9 first ,' inflation and then ,' deflation9 the ,an1s and corporations that will row up around the" (around the ,an1s)9 will depri!e the people of their propert' until their children will wa1e up ho"eless on the continent their fathers conGuered#* Tho"as =efferson Because the /ederal Reser!e is pri!atel' owned ,' international ,an1in fa"ilies9 and 5creates5 our "one' ,' loanin it to our nation9 it is "athe"aticall' i"possi,le to e!er repa' the national de,t# 0e are slowl' and "ethodicall' pro ressin towards the da' our nation oes ,an1rupt# 0hen this happens we will see the rapid drop in the !alue of the dollar# This will shatter our current econo"ic condition and create the *"other of all depressions#* /or a snea1 pea1 into our future do an $nternet search on Ar entina5s recent default on their national de,t in %77%# 0hen this happened the Ar entine Peso lost o!er L78 of its !alue in less than siI "onths; 3ne"plo'"ent soared to o!er %:8 percent and the countr' went fro" ,ein a thri!in econo"' to a third world countr'# *Co currenc' has suffered a s"aller loss fro" inflation since 0orld 0ar $$ than the Her"an (ar1# 2et e!en so9 61 percent of it5s !alue !anished ,etween =anuar' 19 1@<@9 and the end of =une 1@@:# The world reser!e currenc' durin this period9 the 3#S# +ollar9 lost D< percent of its !alue# This is a "easure of the wealth that o!ern"ents eIpropriated ,' eIploitin their territorial "onopolies on le al tender#* /ro" The So!erei n $ndi!idual9 ,' =a"es +ale +a!idson and Lord 0illia" Rees-(o The /ederal Reser!e9 ,' atte"ptin to re ulate the econo"' with the eIpansion and contraction of credit9 has created an econo"ic en!iron"ent that reatl' "a nifies our ,oo" and ,ust c'cle# The *,oo"* ti"es are si nified ,' reatl' eIa erated prices li1e the stoc1 "ar1et *,u,,le* of the nineties and the housin ,u,,le of the 'ears %77. - %77:# Co",ine these two "a>or forces and it doesn5t ta1e "uch to reco ni-e that we are in for so"e !er' rou h seas o!er the neIt 17 to 1: 'ears# The place to ,e durin these tu"ultuous ti"es will ,e in precious "etals# $n ti"es of econo"ic uncertaint' people will floc1 to old and sil!er# Hold and Sil!er ha!e ,een real "one' since ,i,lical ti"es - lon ,efore *paper* "one' was created - and the' will ,e here lon after *paper "one'* returns to its intrinsic !alue which is nothin # )ere are so"e interestin Guotes on old: */or "ore than two thousand 'ears old5s natural Gualities "ade it "an5s uni!ersal "ediu" of eIchan e# $n contrast to political "one'9 old is honest "one' that sur!i!ed the a es and will li!e on lon after the political fiats of toda' ha!e one the wa' of all paper#* )ans /# Sennhol*$f 'ou don5t trust old9 do 'ou trust the lo ic of ta1in a ,eautiful pine tree9 worth a,out A<9777 - A:97779 cuttin it up9 turnin it into pulp and then paper9 puttin so"e in1 on it and then callin it one ,illion dollars?* Fenneth =# Her,ino *Hold is not less ,ut "ore rational than paper "one'# (one' holds !alue so lon as it is in li"ited suppl'M old will alwa's ,e in li"ited suppl'9 and would reGuire real resources to produce e!en fro" the seaM paper

and printin in1 are not in li"ited suppl'# The old s'ste" is "uch closer to a "odern auto"atic scientific control s'ste" than the crude and relati!el' unsta,le s'ste" of paper#* 0illia" Rees-(o *Of all the contri!ances for cheatin the la,orin classes of "an1ind9 none has ,een "ore effecti!e than that which deludes the" with paper "one'#* +aniel 0e,ster *Bettin a ainst old is the sa"e as ,ettin on o!ern"ents# )e who ,ets on o!ern"ents and o!ern"ent "one' ,ets a ainst L9777 'ears of recorded hu"an histor'#* Har' Corth *Hold is worshiped in all cli"ates9 without a sin le te"ple9 and ,' all classes9 without a sin le h'pocrite# Cale, C# Colton Section . Solutions )ow do 'ou protect 'ourself and 'our assets in these treacherous ti"es? 0e ,elie!e that there are two critical steps that 'ou "ust ta1e to protect 'our financial future# The first thin 'ou "ust do is protect 'our current assets so the' are insulated fro" these financial threats# The second thin 'ou "ust do is create additional sources of inco"e that will help 'ou weather the stor"s that co"es 'our wa'# Asset Protection for Current and /uture 0ealth Asset Protection is the act of positionin 'our assets in such a wa' that the' are out of reach of predators9 lawsuits and e!en o!ern"ent a encies# The 1e' is to *control* 'our assets without actuall' *ownin * the"# A ood Asset Protection Plan is desi ned to "a1e 'our assets difficult to disco!er or too eIpensi!e to pursue# A ood Asset Protection Plan is put into place ,efore it is needed# $n a sense9 it is a t'pe of insurance that will ena,le 'ou to sleep well at ni ht 1nowin that 'ou are protected# )ow do 'ou *control* 'our assets without actuall' *ownin * the"? /irst9 let us define *asset*# An asset is an'thin of !alue that 'ou want to preser!e or protect a ainst hostile third parties# To protect 'our !alued assets a ainst these predators 'ou "ust own 'our assets in an entit' other than in 'our own na"e# There are "an' t'pes of entities that 'ou can choose fro" and here are >ust a few: Corporations Partnerships Trusts Li"ited Lia,ilit' Co"panies (LLCs) 0hen 'ou *control* the co"pan' 'ou also control the chec1,oo1# As the President or (ana er of 'our co"pan' 'ou "a1e all the decisions on ,ehalf of the co"pan' and ,enefit fro" all the assets of the co"pan'# Corporations wor1 well ,ut are often difficult to "aintain and9 $f 'ou do not 1eep proper records9 'ou can lose 'our personal lia,ilit' protection# Heneral Partnerships are enerall' not effecti!e in asset protection althou h Li"ited Partnerships offer so"e lia,ilit' protection# Li"ited Lia,ilit' Co"panies are Guic1l' replacin Li"ited Partnerships as Asset Protection !ehicles#

Li"ited Lia,ilit' Co"panies ha!e ,eco"e the pre"iere Asset Protection !ehicle ,ecause of their superior asset protection features9 their ease of operation9 their low "aintenance9 and their relati!el' low cost# A Trust is an effecti!e Asset Protection !ehicle ,ut onl' if it is an irre!oca,le trust# This si"pl' "eans that 'ou i!e up control of the trust to an independent trustee# An 3nicorporated Business Trust Or ani-ation ta1es the li"ited lia,ilit' features of a corporation and co",ines the" with the *pass throu h* taI ,enefits of a partnership# $t is literall' the ,est of ,oth worlds# 3#B#T#O#5s are fleIi,le and si"ple to for" and are "uch easier to "aintain than other entities# $nternationall'9 the 3#B#T#O# is the "ost co""on for" of ,usiness entit' in use# The 3nincorporated Business Trust Or ani-ation is now the entit' of choice for indi!iduals and ,usinesses see1in the ulti"ate in pri!ac' and asset protection# 2ou also ha!e a "uch lower profile# The 3nicorporated Business Trust Or ani-ation is one of the ulti"ate asset protection and pri!ac' tools; 0ith an 3nincorporated Business Trust Or ani-ation Protectin Real &state9 Rental Propert'9 Business Assets9 and /inancial Accounts with (ultiple 3#B#T#O#5s The ,asic idea when usin 3#B#T#O#5s as an Asset Protection Strate ' is to separate )i h Ris1 Assets (cars9 ,usinesses9 rentals) fro" Low Ris1 Assets (,an1 accounts9 stoc1s9 ,onds9 "utual funds)# 2ou can ,u' >ust a,out an' 1ind of personal and real propert' in separate 3#B#T#O# to "aintain "aIi"u" pri!ac' and asset protection# 2ou can also ha!e 'our ,usiness assets9 real estate9 and eGuip"ent owned ,' a separate (#T# (or "ultiple 3#B#T#O#5s) and then lease the" ,ac1 to 'our ,usiness# Ownin a 4ehicle 0ith An 3#B#T#O# 3#B#T#O#5s are a reat pri!ac' tool and are reat for ownin cars9 hea!' eGuip"ent9 and recreational !ehicles# $"a ine 'ou are in an auto accident and 'ou are sued# 0hen the hostile part' disco!ers that the owner of the !ehicle is an 3#B#T#O# (which has no other assets) and that 'ou don5t own an'thin either ('our assets are owned ,' other 3#B#T#O#s) the' i!e up or settle at a reatl' reduced a"ount# The "ore assets 'ou ha!e9 the "ore 3#B#T#O#s 'ou "a' want to set up# 0h' a Ban1 "a' ,e the worst place for 2our (one': +id 'ou 1now that ,an1s "a' ,e the worst place to 1eep 'our "one'? Tr' this little eIperi"ent: Pic1 up 'our Account )older A ree"ent (if 'ou don5t ha!e one o pic1 one up fro" the ,an1) and read it# )ere is what one fro" 0ells /ar o states: *The Ban1 "a' accept and act on an' le al process that it ,elie!es is !alid9 whether ser!ed in person9 ,' "ail or ,' facsi"ile trans"ission9 at an' Ban1 location# Le al process includes9 without li"itation9 a le!'9 arnish"ent or attach"ent9 taI le!' or withholdin order9 in>unction9 restrainin order9 su,poena9 search warrant9 o!ern"ent a enc' reGuest for infor"ation or forfeiture relatin to 'our account#* +oes that "a1e 'ou sleep well at ni ht? 0ith the new9 so-called *Patriot Laws* if 'ou *loo1* suspicious

'ou are at ris1; (0hat does a suspicious person loo1 li1e?) $t ets worse# 2ou "ust first understand the "onster called *fractional reser!e ,an1in * (which is the wa' the ,an1s operate)# N/ractional Reser!e Ban1in "eans what it sa's# The ,an1s onl' 1eep a fraction of the deposits on hand as reser!es to co!er an' withdrawals# Sounds innocent enou h ,ut let5s eIa"ine it further: Ban1s onl' 1eep a,out A1 in reser!es for e!er' A17 in deposits# This "eans that if "ore than one out of e!er' ten account holders were to appear at the sa"e ti"e at the ,an1 to "a1e a withdrawal9 T)& (OC&2 0O3L+C5T B& T)&R&; Another wa' of loo1in at this is the fact that the ,an1s ha!e the a,ilit' to loan out A17 for e!er' A1 the' ta1e in; $f 'ou thin1 &nron and 0orldCo" had croo1ed ,oo1s9 this "a1es the" pale in co"parison; Ban1s ha!e the a,ilit' to create "one' out of thin air# $f we tried that we would ,e thrown in prison for counterfeitin ; 0hat a,out the /+$C? The /ederal +eposit $nsurance Corporation onl' has a,out 1B% of 18 in reser!es to co!er insurance clai"s# The /+$C is nothin "ore than a *confidence* a"e# 0hat5s the solution? One solution is to 1eep as little "one' as possi,le in 'our ,an1# Onl' use ,an1s to cash 'our chec1s# The reatest secret of the ultra rich for a!oidin the hated inco"e taI is a co""on-law trust9 "ore co""onl' 1nown as a *contractual a ree"ent* (which is "isapplied since in Co""on-Law9 there are CO a ree"ents9 onl' contracts)# This tool of the super rich is uaranteed ,' Article 19 Section 17 of the 3#S# Constitution9 which states in part that a citi-en has the ri ht to contract# /urther9 Article 19 Section 17 states: *Co state shall pass an' law i"pairin the O,li ation of Contracts9###* Cote that the State can not pass laws which control or influence the *contractual a ree"ent#* A co""on-law trust is a contract COT for"ed ,' a contract-with-the- State as is a corporation or a statutor' trust# $t (the co""on-law trust) is created ,' a contract ,etween *private people* each of who" has the *Constitutional protected* Ri ht of Contract# Statutor' !# Con-Statutor' The first and "ost funda"ental issue that one needs to understand is the distinction ,etween a statutor' trust and a non-statutor' trust# A non-statutor' trust is enerall' referred to as a co""on-law trust# Statutor' trusts are those9 which li1e corporations9 are esta,lished ,' and throu h a law created ,' the le islature of each state# Such trusts are i",ued ,' the le islature with certain *financial ad!anta es* (e# # eIe"ptin certain propert' fro" state taIation of one for" or another)# )owe!er9 such trusts are 1778 within the re ulator' control of the state# $f the le islature were to chan e its "ind to"orrow and withdraw the trust5s financial ad!anta e9 the' would ,e doin nothin wron and 'ou would ha!e no recourse# 0hen 'ou place propert' in a statutor' trust9 'ou are in effect sa'in to the le islature9 *$ a ree that this propert' is within the state5s >urisdiction and it would ,e reall' reat if 'ou5d treat "e fairl' in the future#* Placin one5s propert' within a statutor' trust also "a1es that propert' ripe for ad"inistrati!e le!' andBor sei-ure in the e!ent that a taI a enc' "a1es a clai" a ainst the people who esta,lished the trust9 or a ainst the trust directl'#

Con!ersel'9 co""on-law trusts are not created ,' le islati!e fiat9 ,ut are created in the real" of &Guit' and under a *People5s* un-a-lien-a,le ri ht to contract# *A pure Trust is non-statutor'# The Court holds that the Trust is created under the real" of eGuit' under co""on-law and is notOcreated ,' le islati!e authorit'#* Cro1er !# (acClo'9 L<@ 3S Supp .@ JA contractual or ani-ation isK *created under the co""on-law of contracts and does not depend upon an' statute for its eIistence#* 1:L A"erican Law Re!iew %D $t is i"portant to 1now and understand that an or ani-ation (such as a co""on-law trust)9 which has *not ,een* created under state authorit'9 enerall' cannot ,e re ulated9 and "ost state laws (codes written to effect corporations) *ha!e no le al force upon such an or ani-ation#* 0e sa' that such a trust cannot * enerall'* ,e re ulated9 ,ecause we wish the reader to o!er-stand that there are certain acti!ities that are inherentl' su,>ect to state re ulator' control Je# # haulin toIic waste on the hi hwa'K and if a co""onlaw trust were to en a e in such an acti!it'9 then it would ,e su,>ect to state re ulator' control# Another ad!anta e of a co""on-law trust is that the trust possesses the sa"e ri hts9 li,erties and i""unities (spea1in in Constitutional ter"s) as the trustee# *The fact that a ,usiness trust is not re arded as a le al entit' distinct fro" its trustees9 if a true trustO"a' result in this ad!anta e to the trust9 which a corporation does not possess: The trust consists of indi!idualsOwho are People9 and who9 therefore9 are entitled to certain ri hts and i""unities such as those uaranteed ,' the pri!ile es and i""unities clauses of the /ederal Constitution9 which do not appl' to Corporations#* (orrisse' !# Co""issioner of $nternal Re!enue9 %@L 3S .<< (1@.:) This is an i"portant concept that translates into i"portant real-life ,enefits# (ost *or ani-ations* are statutor' fictions and are su,>ect to !irtuall' e!er' law on the ,oo1s# The' are also o,li ated to open their *,oo1s and records9* upon de"and9 to allow the o!ern"ent to eIplore whether or not so"e !iolation (of a !irtuall' endless list of laws) has occurred# Statutor' entities "a' also ,e prohi,ited fro" acti!ities fro" which *People* with un-a-lien-a,le ri hts cannot ,e prohi,ited# Co""on-law trusts are not ,ound ,' laws controllin the actions of corporations# Co""on-law trusts are not ,ound ,' *pu,lic polic'* decisions of the le islature that are "asGueradin as *law#* Co""on-law trusts need not open their ,oo1s to an'one unless ordered to do so ,' a true >udicial warrant issued ,' an appropriate court# Co""on-law trusts "a' freel' en a e in an' acti!it' that an' A"erican people "a' en a e in (pro!ided that the trustee is a people of a state of the 3nion)# *These trusts - whether pure trusts or partnership - are unincorporated# The' are not or ani-ed under an' statuteM and the' deri!e no power9 ,enefit9 or pri!ile e fro" an' statute#* )echt !# (alle'9 LD L ed @<@ *A Pure Trust is not su,>ect to le islati!e control# The Court holds that the Trust is###not su,>ect to le islati!e restriction as are corporation and other statutor' entities created ,' le islati!e authorit'#* Cro1er !# (acClo'9 L<@ 3S Supp .@ *A Pure Trust deri!es no power9 ,enefit9 or pri!ile e fro" an' statute#* Croc1er !# (alle' %L< 3S 1<< Ta1e Action Ce!er ,efore in histor' has there ,een such a threat to 'our personal financial securit' than ri ht now# Li1e the stor' of Coah5s Ar1 in the Old Testa"ent9 'ou "ust ,uild 'our financial life,oat ,efore 'ou need it# 0hen the rains co"e it will alread' ,e too late#

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