Engleski 1

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I Rok 1.The verbs in brackets into correct form.

Do not write the entire sentences

1. She (stay) in school now. 2. They (talk) with me every day. 3. He usuallu (not see) anything. 4. I (wait) in front of the house right now! 5. My grandfather never (buy) newspaper. 6. She (work) very hard these days. 7. I (like) the game last weekend. 8. They (watch) movie in cinema now. 9. I (buy) this car two days ago. 10. He (write) a song at the moment. a) She is dancing in the show. She is not dancing in the show. Is she dancing in the show? Where is she dancing? c) I was so confused yesterday. I wasnt so confused yesterday. Was I so confused yesterday? When was I so confused? Staying Talk Does not see I am waiting Buys Has worked Liked Are watching Bought Is writing b) He writes her letter every week He doesnt write her letter every week. Does he write her a letter every week? How often he writes her a letter? d) They are talking too much. They arent talking too much. Are they talking too much? Who is talking to much?

2. Turn the sentences into negative and interrogative fom and write the suggested questions.

3. Turn the adjective into correct form (comparative or superlative) Do not entire sentences. a) My sister is much (polite) than me. Politer b) Anna is (beautiful) girl in her class. The most beautiful c) Jos life is (exciting) than Sams. More exciting d) Of all the sports in the Olympics, which sport is (dangerous). The most dangerous e) I think he is (noise) than any other person in our class. Noisier f) A basketball courts usually gets (hot) than tennis court. Hotter g) This is (bad) football team in the country. The worst h) The marriage of Figaro is (interesting) than any other Mozarts opera. More interesting I ) My bedroom (safe) room in the house. The safest j) My car is (old) than your car. Older 4. Turn the sentences into plural ( change the underlined words within the sentences into plural) a) His mother lives in that town. Their mothers live in those towns. b) Her brother is a professional driver. Their brothers are professional drivers. c) He usually hunts in that wood. They usually hunt in those woods. d) He is smarter than his friend. They are smarter than their friends. e) He does not do his job fine. They dont do their job fine. f) Her child is so beautiful. Their children are so beautiful. g) His son is very polite. Their sons are very polite. h) There is a sheep in the field. There are sheep in the fields. i) My room has a picture on the wall. Our rooms have pictures on the walls. j) There is a message on the table. There are messages on the tables.

5. Arrange the word in the correct order to make sentences. a) Football played yesterday they. They played football yesterday. b) She in is now school. She is in school now. c) Out go every I evening. I go out every evening. d) Give my often I books. I often give my books. e) mu she not does like car. She does not like my car. f) Book am I a reading now. I am reading a book, now. g) Did not I see him. I didnt see him. h) John newspaper buy does morning every? Does John buy newspaper every morning. i) Were cinema the in we yesterday. We were in the cinema yesterday. j) So she beautiful is ? Is she so beautiful. 6.Translate the following sentences. Da li ti se svidjela njena nova knjiga? Sta to gledas ? Ja te cekam! On slusa muziku u svojoj sobi svako vece. Moj otac vozi svoj auto svaki dan.

Did you like her new book? what are you watching? I am waiting for you! He listens music in his room every evening. Mu father drives his car every day.

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