How To Use UNIX

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How to use UNIX

To start a UNIX session: 1. On the lab machines, go to: Start Menu Internet Tools _Unix Telnet & SSH unix ic ! "ogin using #our username$%ass&or' that #ou use to login to the machines in the lab ( )ou shoul' see a %rom%t similar to unix* I+ #ou &oul' li,e to use a UNIX session at home, 'o&nloa' an SSH client I li,e %utt# -+ter starting the SSH client: 1. I+ it starts &ith a &in'o& as,ing +or the host name, enter .ort !! is +ine 2. I+ #our SSH client starts &ith a %rom%t, t#%e ssh ( T#%e in #our username an' %ass&or' that #ou use to login the machines in the lab / )ou shoul' see a %rom%t similar to *0 This means #ou are no& logge' into #our home 'irector# using the UNIX o%erating s#stem On the lab machines, i+ #ou 'ouble clic, the 12username0 home 'irector#3 icon, #ou &ill see the list o+ +iles in #our home 'irector# -t the *0 %rom%t, t#%e ls an' hit return )ou &ill no& see the same list o+ +iles in #our home 'irector# but using the UNIX inter+ace )ou4re accessing the same %lace, 5ust loo,ing at it &ith a 'i++erent inter+ace UNIX comman's that are hel%+ul 6these are case7sensiti8e9: ls list o+ +iles in the current 'irector# pwd %rint &or,ing 'irector# 6hel%+ul to see &here #ou are in the 'irector# structure9 cd 7 changes 'irector# e g cd public_html &ill change to the 'irector# &here #ou48e been storing #our &eb%ages exit close #our connection

How to use FTP

:T. 6:ile Trans+er .rotocol9 is use' to co%# +iles +rom #our machine to #our home 'irector# This means #ou &ill be able to access them +rom the machines in the lab On #our machine, 'o&nloa' a S:T. client The S means it uses a la#er o+ securit# I reall# li,e ;ute:T. because it has a nice gra%hical inter+ace

1. I+ #ou use a gra%hical :T. client, enter as the hostname ! )ou shoul' see a list o+ +ile +ol'ers on )OU< machine on the le+t si'e ( On the right si'e shoul' be a list o+ +ile +ol'ers in #our HOM= >I<=;TO<) / )ou can na8igate through both +ol'er lists similar to &in'o&s ex%lorer >ragging a +ile +rom the le+t si'e an' 'ro%%ing it on the right si'e co%ies a +ile +rom #our machine to #our home 'irector# >ragging an' 'ro%%ing the other &a# co%ies it +rom #our home 'irector# to #our machine I+ #ou are using a non7gra%hical 8ersion o+ an +t% client 6li,e %s+t%9 1. Start #our client =ither t#%e the hostname 6unix ic ucsc e'u9 i+ #ou get a &in'o& as,ing +or it, or t#%e open ! "ogin using #our username$%ass&or' #ou use to login to the machines in the lab The +ollo&ing comman's are use' +or +t%: lcd change 'irector# on #our home machine, e g lcd c:\projects cd change 'irector# in #our home 'irector#, e g cd public_html put co%# a +ile +rom #our machine to the home 'irector#, e g put cmps80v.shtml note, this co%ies a +ile +rom the current 'irector# on #our home machine 6that #ou48e gotten to using lc'9 to the current 'irector# in #our home 'irector# 6that #ou48e gotten to using c'9 get gets a +ile +rom the home 'irector# an' %uts it on #our machine, e g get lab1.wrl close exit

How to submit your final project

?i% u% #our %ro5ect on #our machine using #our +a8orite @i% %rogram :T. to #our home 'irector# ;o%# #our @i% +ile +rom #our machine to #our home 'irector# ;lose :T. Start a UNIX session T#%e ls an' hit return Ma,e sure #our @i% +ile is there T#%e submit cmps080v-ap.f08 proj your-zip-file &here 1#our7@i%7+ile3 is re%lace' &ith the name o+ #our @i% +ile T#%e pee cmps080v-ap.f08 proj to ma,e sure #our @i% +ile &as trans+erre' correctl# .ee, no longer &or,s, but i+ #ou 'i'n4t get an error &hen #ou trie' submitting, it &or,e' )ou4re 'oneA

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