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Transforming your lifestyle and body the natural way! | superrawlife.


How I lost 72 lbs in 75 days! Orgasm of the Taste Buds

Risking Everything... Surprising Cures for PMS! T h e Fo o d P s y c h o l o g i s t

J.A. Steel, the award winning female writer and director

Blood Fare
Issue #1 Fall 2010

super Raw Life

Transforming your lifestyle and body the natural way! |

Editor -n- Chef

Michele Marie Jeppson

Art Director
Jesse Cruz Salas

Story Contribution
Tess Masters Rory Reiss Beverly Dunford Koya Webb Mila Ilina Hal Elrod Kristen Suzanne Lola Berry Emma Couttie MacDougall Brian James Lucas Dr. Christy Fergusson PhD Star Khechara

1 9 13 21 25 33 37 45 47 51 57 61 63 67
Super Raw Life issue 1 - Oct 2010 Super Raw Life is published quarterly Tel 801.759.9260. 718.483.6025. Copyright 2010 by Super Raw Life

A Healthy Blend Rawdawg Rory Raw Transformation Live Life to the Fullest! Risking Everything The Miracle Morning Ultimate Raw Surprising Cures For PMS Me Raw... You Cooked... Orgasm of the Taste Buds The Food Psychologist The Power Behind the Pillow Cases Walking in Beauty, Living a Holistic Life Blood Fare

A Healthy Blend
by Tess Masters AKA The Blender Girl Photography by Jenelle Rayson

Food Should be something that not only satiates, but nourishes us on a cellular level with nutrients that are readily available and therefore absorbed on every other level - Tess Masters

Raw Vegan Coconut Date Shake

love a great date and today I am not referring to the romantic dinner and a movie variety. Although, that is always a good idea! This shake would be the equivalent of speed dating. Quickly throw everything together and in five minutes you decide if you want to come back for more. It might just be the love you have been waiting for! Fresh-pitted dates would have to be one of the great culinary pleasures of life. Dates are the oldest, and certainly the sweetest fruit with the highest concentration of fruit sugars. They are so decadent and fabulous. There are literally hundreds of varieties of dates in the world. Typically the Medjool variety is on offer as they yield a large sweet crop. They are absolutely fabulous as an indulgent snack or to sweeten shakes, smoothies, muffins, and cakes. Throw these in the blender with some bananas, almond milk and coconut water and you have a sweet date that will leave you waiting for

the next encounter. Almond milk gets an invite and I have chosen to add coconut water for an added zing. Coconut water seems to be the latest fad drink of choice at the moment, and with good reason; its natures wonder energy drink. Its high in protein, B Vitamins and Ascorbic acid; loaded with electrolytes, vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium. It is low in calories, is fat free and low in cholesterol. I always recommend making home-made almond milk and cracking open coconuts. If you dont have the time or inclination there are some great packaged almond milks and pure coconut waters at the health food store that make this really quick and easy. You can substitute cashew milk if you want a richer butterier shake and you could always add a spoonful of coconut butter and lecithin to make it creamier. Trust me make a date with this shake you wont be disappointed. It is absolutely delicious!

Maple P e c a n Pie S m o o t h i e
Much like my apple pie smoothie and pumpkin pie smoothie this scrumptious vegan, glutenfree, dairy-free, soy free, egg-free smoothie really does taste like a delectable maple pecan pie in a glass. For those of you with nut allergies my profound apologies, there is just no nutty equivalent! We use 2 tablespoons of maple syrup to keep the sugar content down. I found this was just enough to bring out the natural sweetness in the bananas and take the edge off the pecans. (Feel free to sweeten the deal). The pecan milk adds that hint of a nutty pastry flavour and the cinnamon and vanilla perfect the blend. This smoothie does every creamy bite of mums pecan pie justice and hits the B spot for those of us not inclined to bake. This smoothie is absolutely scrumptious. It is like a refreshing summer chilled dessert in a glass. 1 cup raw pecans soaked for 2 hours or more 2 cups filtered water 2 frozen bananas 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup 2 tsp natural vanilla extract 1/2 tsp cinnamon pinch Celtic sea salt

1 cup homemade raw almond milk 1 cup coconut water 6 8 pitted dates 2 frozen very ripe bananas 1 tsp natural vanilla extract pinch of Celtic sea salt

Throw everything in the blender and puree until smooth and creamy.

Throw all the ingredients into your blender and puree until smooth and creamy. Pour into two 8-ounce glasses and be grateful you didnt have to bake. YUM!

A Healthy Blend

Ra w Vega n Key L ime Mousse

Stop! Dont miss out on making this quick easy rawlicious dessert! It is a winner on every level. It can literally be made in under 5 minutes; chilled and devoured in under half an hour and requires absolutely no skill what soever. Just blend and chow! This phenomenal recipe epitomizes the blend and live philosophy. Best of all tthere is nothing bad in it! WOO HOO! We love to hear that! It is very allergy-friendly for most people not containing any of the big four no nuts, dairy, egg or wheat. Just pure Yum Yum Yum! I have not met anyone who doesnt lovethissimple dessert.Vegans, Omnivores, Toxic TreatTamers, CreamDreamers and Whole Foods Skeptics all agree this blend is scrumptious!I served this at one of Dr Carters lunch and lectures, and got a unanimous vote of approval that being all but one empty bowl. I will say some people are not quite as partial to the extreme tart flavour as I am. This can be easily tempered with a little more sweetener. If your taste is a little more conservative, just sweeten the deal in order to find your perfect blend. You know my partiality to the blend and taste approach just keep adding, and blending until you get it just right. I will say I have made all kinds of variations of this with just lemon juice, just lime juice, I have left out the rind when I didnt have the zest for zest and I have to say this recipe is fail safe! You cant mess this one up! I will say though, that the combination of lemon and lime, with the rind lends a depth of flavour that is hard to match. I first became smitten (or should I say bitten) with key lime mousse in the Florida Everglades, in a little fishing shack off the river. The mosquitos were eating me alive I imagined them the size of cockroaches as they successfully gnawed through my jeans! While they were biting through my jeans, I was biting my tongue, trying to prevent myself fromordering yetanotherand anotherand another. Thislatestraw vegan incantation has a little less bite to the hips, but no less bite on the lips. Trust me let the tart in you sing and you wont be sorry. I finally understand the true meaning of sublime. Kris This ones for you!

Basic Raw Vegan Mayonnaise

I used vegan mayonnaise as the base for the dressing instead of traditional mayonnaise. In order to make this recipe egg free I added in some extra apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and agave. I have listed the quantities I like. Adopt the blend and taste approach in order to find your perfect blend. You might like it with a bit more of a kick and want to add in more vinegar, lemon juice and sweetener. If you are allergic to nuts, you could use soy bacon bits to 1 cup organic raw cashews soaked for 2 hours 1/4 cup cold pressed extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup raw cauliflower 1/2 cup filtered water 3 Tbsp lemon juice or more to taste 1 tsp mustard 1 tsp agave nectar 1 tsp apple cider vinegar Tiny 1/2 pinch of Celtic sea salt or more to taste jazz up this salad instead of blanched almonds. This adds in a splash of colour. If it is just an allergy to almonds, cashews work really well too. Traditional mayonnaise or soy mayonnaise can be substituted for the cashew mayonnaise I have used. Obviously, it would yield a dressing of a slightly different personality. Just play around with the vinegar quantities and it will still taste delicious.

Raw Vegan Broccoli Salad

I share it with you today, as a delicious way to serve up raw broccoli. I dont know about you, but as much as I love raw food, I have always struggled to embrace raw broccoli. The secret to this salad is chopping the broccoli into really small bite size pieces. That way you can grab the perfect bite with every lift of the fork with a well coated piece of broccoli, celery, and seeds that creates a crunchy tangy taste sensation. As this recipe stands, it is a fantastic raw, vegan, dairy free, egg free, gluten free salad that keeps me in love with broccoli. It is dressed to impress and absolutely delicious. Chop up the broccoli, celery and spring onions into small bite size pieces. Pulse the almonds in the food processor or cut into slithers. Throw the dressing ingredients into your blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Toss through half of the dressing and then add gradually until dressed for your success! YUM!

Put the cashews and cauliflower in a food processor and add the water until combined well. Slowly add the oil in one steady stream and process until thick and creamy. Place the rest of the ingredients into the blender to taste and process until smooth. Add in more salt, mustard or lemon juice to taste until you create your perfect blend. **Please note you will need a high-speed blender such as a VitaMix or BlendTec in order to achieve a really creamy consistency.

6 cups organic broccoli 2 cups scallions/spring onions 2 cups celery 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds soaked and dehydrated 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds soaked and dehydrated 1 cup organic blanched almonds chopped up into slithers

Dressing 1 cup raw vegan mayonnaise 2 1/2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt 2 1/2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 2 1/2 Tbsp agave nectar

Super Raw Life

Rawdawg Rory
by Rory Reiss

Banana Ice Cream Split Sundae!

Yeah, you can have ice cream sundaes raw style and you wont believe how much this simple recipe resembles the real deal! Banana Ice Cream 3 perfectly ripened frozen bananas (per flavor) This is the key, you want to make sure the bananas have a good amount of those lovely brown sugar spots before you freeze them. To flavor each batch, add in the following Chocolate 1-3 tablespoons of cacao powder Vanilla 1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla extract (or teaspoon of powder) Strawberry 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries

enjoying life to the fullest by re-thinking our most important connection to the world around us and within usour food! - Rawdawg Rory

Slice the frozen bananas into 1-2 inch chunks and fire up your food processor on its highest setting. Gradually drop the banana chunks into its chute while the machine is running to ensure even grinding (and to avoid unhappy food processor syndrome!). Once the bananas have reached an ice creamish consistency, its done. Pop each batch into an air tight container in the freezer as its done and lets get the fudge sauce goin! Chocolate Fudge Sauce 1/2 cup of dates soaked for 20 minutes in 3/4 cup of water 1-3 Tablespoons of cacao powder 1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla extract (or 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla bean seeds or powder) Pinch of sea salt Toss the dates and soak water in your blender and blend until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and blend again until well combined. This stuff is not only a tasty topping for your sundae, but is also an awesome dip for fruit! Now to assemble your sundae ~ Slice a nice ripe banana in half lengthwise and lay onto a serving dish, pile on a scoop of each flavor of banana ice cream and drizzle with chocolate sauce! For extra bonus points, top off with some fresh sweet cherries!

awdawg Rory began his journey with raw and living foods almost four years ago. After experiencing many incredible benefits, hes made it his mission to share with others how easy it can be to improve your life by adding more fresh eats to your menu! Rory has since become a certified Living Foods Chef and works to educate others on raw food preparation and transitioning to a high (or all!) raw lifestyle through consultation, in-home food prep classes, demos at various venues, his website, and online recipe videos through various sites such as Rory has also authored two e books, Gettin Raw with Rawdawg Rory which is a comprehensive primer on starting a raw foods lifestyle and a compilation of over 100 of his favorite recipes that cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks and (of course) desserts! Speaking of desserts Rorys other book, Sweet Support is a mini e book focused on 4 dessert recipes that use whole foods as sweeteners! It is chock full of step-by-step photos as well! Both books can be found at www. along with a bunch of recipes, blog posts and healthy living ideas!


Rawdawg Rory
This a int Tun a Sa la d?
If you like (or liked) tuna fish, then youre going to love this fish-free alternative! Youre going to need the following tasty ingredients

Gre e n Ya Coloda
This is one of my all time favorite green smoothies and made my transition to raw living super duper easy! Ingredients 4 big handfuls of baby spinach (or any green you fancy, baby spinach is a good mild warm-up green for those getting started with green smoothies) 1 cup of water 1 peeled and seeded orange (I prefer mineolas, but any orange will work) 1 cup of frozen pineapple chunks 2+ 1/2 frozen bananas, broken into 1-2 inch chunks 3 Tablespoons of unrefined coconut oil (gives it that pina coloda flavor!) 1 heaping tablespoon of honey or two pitted dates. Blend everything until nice and smooth. This smoothie has an awesome tropical flavor and has some added health bonuses for the newbie green smoothie lover. The acids in the orange increase the digestibility of the greens and the coconut oil aids in the absorption of the amino acids and phytonutrients of all the ingredients!

2 cups of sunflower seeds that have been soaked for 1 hour 1 cup of almonds soaked for one to 4 hours and then rinsed to reduce bitterness and enzyme inhibitors The juice of 1/2 a lemon 1/4 cup of water 1+1/2 teaspoons of sea salt Pop everything into your food processor and grind until the nuts and seeds are coarsely chopped. Now toss in the following flavorings 1 Tablespoon of parsley flakes 1 Tablespoon of dulse flakes (dulse can be found at many health food stores and in grocery stores that carry seaweed products, you can substitute kelp granules or minced nori sheets) 1+1/2 teaspoons of onion granules (or powder, but I love onion granules mellower flavor) 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon of celery seeds (magic ingredient! It has such an amazing flavor) 1 teaspoon of dill (dried or fresh leaves) Process again until seasonings are evenly mixed (you may have to stop the processor occasionally to scrape down the sides to make sure everything is getting to know the processors blades very well!). When it has the consistency of tuna salad its done! You can give it even more tuna salad flair by hand mixing in some minced white onion and finely minced celery. Adds a whole lotta flavor and texture! This stuff is perfect for topping off salads, rolling into sheets of nori for a raw vegan sushi, or my favorite way to serve wrapping in de-stemmed collard leaves along with sliced red onion, tomato, and a generous sprinkle of black pepper!

Rawdawg Rory



Raw Transformation
by: Michele Marie Jeppson photo by: Michele Marie Jeppson

ave you ever been so lost that you just need to get away? I know its not healthy to feel that way but what is to follow will explain how I got lost in order to find myself. What started out as a break to get away and just have time to clear my thoughts turned into a major life changing transformation for me. I started the 21 day cleanse with the attitude I could try it out and commit myself for the 21 days. What else did I have to lose, right? I was gaining three weeks in Idaho with my mom and boys and in the process I would get to relax with bodywork and soaking in the hot springs. I told myself I would do everything her cleanse outlined for the 21 days. It was not a lifetime commitment or change, just trying something new out. Within the first several days I started to get really sick. I had a cough, lost my voice, got diarrhea and my body and head ached. I just felt down right miserable. It was my bodys way of releasing all of the toxins that had accumulated over the years. After day ten I sat down to eat another raw salad with the infamous olive oil and herbs salad dressing. Just the thought of tasting it again made me want to throw up. How could I continue eating the same taste day in and day out for 21 days? I picked at my plate and took a couple of bites. I looked over at my mom and told her I am done; I cannot do this anymore! Cant we get creative and come up with some other ideas for meals? If we could just change the texture and taste to emulate something else, I could trick my mind into liking the taste.

I started to research and found the term Raw Vegan and Living Foodist. There were thousands of recipes on-line available. Just the thought of these raw food recipes started to excite me and make my mouth water. You really can make meals all raw to emulate almost any recipe. I even found one for Raw Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. Around day fifteen I woke up feeling refreshed and alive. I felt so healthy and good. My body had spent the last couple of weeks detoxifying and was now able to function at a higher optimal capacity. I was happy, laughing and full of energy. Still to this day it is hard to explain the way I feel when eating completely raw. It is like experiencing something I had never experienced, feeling something I had never felt before. Through research I realized the benefit of the living enzymes verses when the food is heated above 118 degrees. Internally I felt so alive and my system appreciated it. To me, my body was working hundreds of times less to process the food and in return it thanked me with the way I felt!

I brought up the idea for lettuce wraps and raw guacamole. Why not, it was just assimilating the food in a different manner. So we tried it, they were heavenly. Oh, I still remember our reaction to the taste as if it were yesterday. Mmmmm, so divine it almost melted in my mouth. I came to the realization that sticking to eating this way would be a lot more manageable with meals like this. 15

At my heaviest, I weighed over 300 pounds. It took me years to realize I gained weight as a subconscious protection mode. What once protected me now bounded me! When I resolved things emotionally I was finally able to break past the plateau and free myself from myself! - Michele Marie Jeppson


Over the course of 21 days I lost 23.5 pounds. I decided to proceed with the raw lifestyle and steps I learned during the 21 day cleanse. In return I lost 72 pounds in 75 days and found myself again. Not that I was ever completely lost but for years I had built a protection wall and way of comfort through food. What once protected was now binding and inhibiting me. I was able to completely let go and in the process find myself and set myself back on track to a happy healthy lifestyle! - Michele Marie Jeppson


self portrait by Michele Marie Jeppson

Natural Body Detoxification

by: Beverly Dunford Cleansing Coach

increased energy and vitality so you may enjoy a healthier happier lifestyle. By cleansing at least once a year I lose 10 - 15 pounds, even though I am not over weight. This way I dont let so many toxins build up in my body causing the pounds to creep on over the years. My vital organs continues to function as they were intended to do for good health. Most people suffer from health issues caused from all the toxins in their bodies and they continuously put on a few pounds each year as they age then die in an obese state of health. This doesnt have to be your verdict, start a 21-day all natural body detoxification colon cleanse weight loss program today! Call me and I will get your workbook emailed out to you as soon as I verify payment. 21 Day Cleanse Workbook Includes: An explanation of the 21 day cleanse: how and why it works Complete instructions for the 21 day cleanse Exercise routines to help maximize your weight loss goal results A complete daily outline for each of the 21 days which you can easily follow along with and mark your progress as you accomplish each task A list of foods that are best to eat and how to combine them to help maximize your daily weight loss goals 48 pages of raw food recipes 8 pages of raw food dessert recipes It is time for a Self Care Revolution, become a part of it now! Each patient carries his own Doctor inside of him. We are at our best when we give the Doctor who resides within each patient a chance to work. --- Albert Schweitzer M.D. You must be the change you want to see in the world --- Mahatma Gandhi Visit call me at 1-208-342-9630 or email me at You could start losing weight today! For just $4.95 you will receive the full outline of my weight loss program for a healthy lean lifestyle. Do your body, mind and soul / spirit a favor; try this program today! Day 1

Many people are getting extended colons. Central obesity has become the main cause of disease because the vital organs are being overworked from excess weight and are not getting the nourishment they need. Personally I do a 21 day weight loss body detoxification colon cleanse at least once a year. Like most people, I have a hard time turningdown all the candy that goes on sale after each of the holidays. It always seems like sucha good deal and I eat too much junk food and gain weight over the winter. Doing a yearly 21 day cleanse helps me keep my weight where I want it to be.

You can get where you want to be by following my 21 day all natural body detoxifying colon cleanse weight loss program. Approximately 95% of all diseases start in the gut from toxins getting stuck in our intestines, turning putrid and making us sick. Toxins are the foundation of degenerative diseases and reduce the quality of our lives by aging us, making us fat, lowering our intelligence, destroying our fertility, causing allergic reactions and destroying our immune systems. My all natural holistic cleanse weight loss program can help clear the toxins out of your body giving you

Day 48

Day 1

Day 48 20

Live Life to the Fullest!

by Koya Webb Photo: Mike Byerly, Jennifer Parsons and Don Hannah

Healthy Living Tips

Koya Webbs mantra is to Live Life to the Fullest she is a successful holistic lifestyle, raw food, and fitness coach. She shares some of her healthy living tips with us here:

Koya Webb- Holistic Life Coach, Raw Food Author, and Fitness Specialist Life to the Fullest Fitness, Food, and Fun Koyas Kuisine Visit my website: Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for total body fitness and body sculpting, raw vegan recipes and nutrition tips, holistic living and active lifestyle adventures!

Meal Plan: Upon Rising: Water with a teaspon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar Breakfast: Smoothie, Shake or Fruit Lunch: Big Salad Dinner: Big Salad Veggie Bowl, or One of my Entrees! Yum! Snacks: 1 to 2 bananas, apples, oranges, pears, cucumbers, celery, peaches, mangos, papayas, or plums

Fitness: I like to do total body interval training because it speeds up your metabolism and you get a cardio and resistance workout at the same time!

Live Life to the Fullest!

My Fa vorite: Total Body Pump (use no weight or 5 pound dumbbells) video on my website. Lunge Left Lunge Right Bicep Curl Tricep Press Shoulder Press Push Up and remain in Plank Position Left Row Right Row Left Side Oblique Right Side Oblique

Fun: Go somewhere or do something youve never done before like going for a hike! Hiking is an inexpensive way to workout and spend time with friends and family! Hiking can be vigorous or mild depending on preference and can allow time to connect with nature or bond groups of people. Hiking can also help improve a persons mental health by raising the levels of serotonin in the body, which will help improve the overall Mood and outlook on life.



by Mila Ilina radiant living with raw cuisine


52 and 170 pound, I was in the first stages of obesity. I immediately signed up with the L.A. Weight Loss program but I strongly resisted their eating plan, as I felt it was unhealthy. I was faced with the realization I desperately needed a new start with a focus on health, not just another weight-loss program. Food represented something destructive in my life, and I needed to change that relationship. I had to associate food with something positive and healing. More importantly, I knew if I didnt change the direction of my life, I would end up settling for a life I didnt want. I needed to feel there was meaning in my life again. But I first needed to define for myself what that would be. I had to reevaluate every aspect of my life. Who was I living for anyway? Was I trying to please my family, live up to the expectations of my peers, or fit some ideal that our culture values? As far as I could tell, the ideals I was trying to live up to were only suffocating me. My life was headed down the wrong path fast. I had to create my own set of values to live by. I needed a strong belief that would carry me through on a path to fulfillment. I defined how I wanted my ideal diet and lifestyle to look like, and what real health meant to me. It was at that point I realized I wanted to pursue healthy living. I felt liberated knowing I could finally start living my life on my own terms, for my happiness. As soon as I made that decision, life began giving me signs of guidance. I was already familiar with raw foods when I decided to attend a lecture by Brigitte Mars. During her lecture she mentioned a book by Victoria Boutenko, author of Green for Life. I picked up the book as it was being passed around. To my surprise, I instantly recognized Victorias picture on the back cover. Victoria Boutenko is also a first generation Russian immigrant. Years ago when Victorias family lived in Colorado she was acquainted with my mother. She gave a lecture on raw foods for a few of my moms friends in our home. 26

I was only in my early teens but I remember her lecture quite well. This was long before raw foods was a commonly used term. Whats interesting is that 14 years later life would bring me back to Victorias message coincidence? I think not! Shortly after reading her book, I found out about the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute specializing in raw vegan cuisine. By this point, I could no longer ignore the obvious. I had to follow the guidance. So what do you do when youre faced with a crisis and you desperately need a new beginning? You risk everything for the chance at happiness, for the chance at something real. So I did the unthinkable. I called off the relationship, quit my 9-year career, cashed out my 401k, packed up everything into storage, and took off to pursue my passion for healthy living. I completed the Gourmet Raw Food Chef & Instructor certification at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, and since my return from completing the program I have lost 35 lbs on a high raw food diet. Eating a clean, natural diet has connected me back to my body. I learned to tune in and feel when something is out of balance. Food has taken on a whole new meaning for me. It is no longer something I desperately need to calm fear and anxiety, but rather something that brings healing and nourishment to my body. It allowed me the opportunity to release stored emotion, helping me overcome compulsive emotional eating. But I keep in mind its an on going journey. I try to stay flexible as I continue to evolve and fine tune my diet and lifestyle...
Continues on page 29

y family and I emigrated from the former Soviet Union when I was a young girl. As my parents struggled to make a living in a new country, my father started bringing leftover pizzas home from his delivery job. On weekends I remember exploring endless varieties of packaged foods at the supermarket. You can only imagine how intrigued I was, as grocery superstores did not exist where I grew up. Like many, we were drawn in by the convenience of cheap T.V. dinners. It wasnt long before I started to develop addictive tendencies toward processed foods. And sure enough, by my teens I found myself frequently binge eating and yo yo dieting. In my mid-twenties I began transitioning to a vegetarian diet, and even though I knew better, I ended up turning into a junk-food vegetarian. I had become a full blown compulsive emotional eater. Food became the one thing that could calm my anxiety. I justified my eating habits thinking, Im no longer eating meat, surely Im

healthier than the average person, right? But I started gaining weight and eventually found myself in and out of depression. I was overweight, in a relationship I was not happy in, climbing the corporate ladder in a job I despised. I felt trapped. I had reached a low in my life where even my closest friends found it difficult to deal with my constant and draining negativity. So I continued to mask my pain with the comfort of food, resenting the compulsive behavior. It felt as though food was at the center of everything that was wrong in my life. If only I could release this addiction, Id no longer feel tempted and manipulated by food. I would slim down and feel comfortable in my own skin. I would have the confidence to pursue the life I had always envisioned. I blamed this compulsion for not having achieved any of these things. The final straw was when I looked up my Body Mass Index (BMI) and realized that at

Arugula Salad & Sweet Mango Vinaigrette

Tropical Pineapple - Mango Pudding

(serves 2) Recipe from the SpaFusion Cleanse Program (recipe ebook & weight-loss guide) 2 cups arugula cups onion slices 1 Tbsp hemp seeds Dressing mango orange, juiced 1 tsp minced onion 1 tsp olive oil Pinch Himalayan salt Squirt lemon juice

(serves 2-4) Recipe from the SpaFusion Cleanse Program (recipe ebook & weight-loss guide) cup cashews (soak 1hr) cup diced pineapple mango Juice of lemon 1 Tbsp raw honey 1 tsp coconut oil Pinch Himalayan salt

Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy

Arrange the salad ingredients on two large plates. Blend dressing ingredients in a mini-blender and pour over the salad.


I have learned to let go and not get down at times when Im not at my best behavior. I give myself love and understanding every step of the way. Issues around eating, whether expressed through binging or starving, are a form of punishment and self-sabotage. As I continue to love and accept myself, I find I no longer have self destructive tendencies. I hope to inspire others with the message that theres a better way to live. You dont have to settle for poor health, depression, or obesity. And you absolutely can overcome destructive eating behaviors.

After all, we have a choice, the choice to live vibrantly healthy! Life opens up the most wonderful opportunities when we finally open our hearts, stay true to ourselves, and begin to live with integrity. Following my passion for healthy living has given me a new appreciation for life, and for the healing power of nature. Embracing change is a beautiful gift. As I surrendered my fear, I found a simple universal truth that only the perfection and magnificence of nature can bring perfection and magnificence into our lives.

Orange-Zest Chocolates
(Yields 15 - 20) Recipe from the Raw Chocolate & Wine recipe ebook! 1/2 cup melted cacao butter 1/2 cup raw cacao powder 3 Tbsp raw honey* 1 Tbsp raw coconut oil 1 Tbsp orange juice 1/4 tsp orange zest Pinch Himalayan salt

Raw Coconut-Banana Ice Cream

(Serves 4 - 6) Recipe from the Raw Radiance blog ( 2 ripe bananas 1 young Thai coconut (water only) 1/2 cup cashews (soak 2 hrs) 1/4 cup melted coconut oil 1/4 cup raw honey 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt

Sift dry ingredients into a glass bowl and set aside. Melt cacao butter to a warm liquid. Add coconut oil along with raw honey, allowing all three to melt together. Pour the warm liquid into the bowl of dry ingredients while stirring the mixture. Add orange juice and zest and continue to whisk until well incorporated. Immediately pour the chocolate mixture into flexible candy molds, and place in the freezer for a minimum of 2 hours. *I like to use the Really Raw Honey brand in this recipe

Rinse and drain soaked cashews. Crack open a young Thai coconut, pour the coconut water into a blender. Add all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy. Transfer into an ice cream maker, following the manufacturers instructions.



The Miracle Morning

by Yo Pal Hal Elrod

One of the Saddest things in life is to get to the end and look back in regret-knowing that you could have been, done, and had so much more, and realizing its too late - Yo Pal Hal Elrod, bestselling author

After being hit head on by a drunk driver and found dead at the scene at age 20, Hal Elrod has overcome and accomplished more, before the age of 30, than most people do in a lifetime. Already an award winning motivational keynote speaker, international life & business coach, national champion sales manager, hall of fame business achiever, ultra-marathon runner, radio disc jockey (known as Yo Pal Hal), and bestselling author of the book: Taking Life Head On! and the soon to be released book: The Miracle Morning, Hal has dedicated his life to empowering others to be better than theyve

ever been before so they can accomplish more than they ever thought possible. Hal lives with his wife and their daughter in Temecula, CA. Get Hals FREE videos and audios, or contact him, on his website at Discover The Miracle Morning at Try The Miracle Morning Smoothie at

veryday, you and I face lifes great challenge, which causes most people to fail. It is the challenge of choosing to either live to our full potential and create the life that we truly wantor to succumb to our excuses and settle for the pain of mediocrity and regret. The possibility of mediocrity exists for all of us, because being mediocre simply means being the same as you were. Its not about being better than someone else; it is a result of not making a conscious choice to be better than YOU have been up until this point. Whereas being extraordinary means making the conscious and active choice to grow, to improve, and to develop yourself into the person you need to be that is capable of attracting, creating, and sustaining the life you truly want. It is the choice to be more, to do more, and to give more. The reality is that if you dont change, your life wont change. If you dont get better, your life wont get better. And if you

dont consistently invest time into your self-improvement, your life will not improve. Yet, most of us wake up everyday, and we pretty much stay the same. Your Level 10 Life If were measuring success on a scale of 1-10, we can all agree we want Level 10 success in every area of our life. From our health to our finances, our relationships to our career, we want life to be as good as it can possibly be. What most people dont realize though, is that in order to achieve Level 10 success in every area of life, we must first develop ourselves to be a Level 10 person who is capable of attracting, creating, and sustaining the levels of success we want, in every area of our life. I learned this lesson the hard way. My Lowest Point At 27, I was on top of the world with a bestselling book, an international speaking career, and a thriving life coaching business.

At 28, I was a mess. Seemingly overnight, my income was cut in half, I accumulated over $50,000 of credit card debt, my wife and I lost our first home, and I felt lost and hopeless. I couldnt sleep, I stopped exercising, and I became horribly depressed. Physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and every other way you could think ofId hit rock bottom. My Turning Point To keep a long story short, a series of events led me to the conclusion that if I wanted my life to improve, I had to first improve myself. If I wanted success in my outer world, I had to first change my inner world. I knew the solution to all of my problems was I had to commit to making personal development a priority in my daily life. But the question was: When? My biggest challenge was finding time. I already felt so busy and overwhelmed just trying to pay the bills and survive my life, that the idea of finding extra time for personal development seemed almost impossible. The Miracle Morning So, I took the most life-changing personal development practices I had learned over the years (but never implemented), and created a routine in the morning to start every day off feeling inspired, empowered, and energized. I combined all of the best personal development practices I had learned over the years (but never consistently implemented) in a routine I began calling The Miracle Morning. Over time I developed the Life S.A.V.E.R.S. model for personal development. The Life S.A.V.E.R.S. are the tools that are guaranteed to save you from missing out of your BEST life. It worked!

Thanks to The Miracle Morning, my life turned around so quickly and dramatically, that it was nothing short of a miracle. As a result of the clarity, motivation, focus, and personal development I gained from The Miracle Morning, it didnt take long at all for my life (and my income) to be back where I wanted them to be, and continue improving. In an effort to pay-itforward, I even created an Audio & Video program to teach The Miracle Morning to others (available FREE at If you are ready to stop settling for less than what you really want in YOUR lifeto transcend your past limitations so you can achieve Level 10 success in every areado the one thing that will make the biggest difference: Give yourself the gift of beginning each day with personal development so you can become the person you need to be that will easily attract, create, and sustain the success you truly want, and deserve.


Ultimate Raw...
by Kristen Suzanne

Ultimate Raw

Kristen Suzanne, owner of, is an accomplished raw vegan chef, author, and teacher with a passion for helping people get started and succeed with the raw food diet. As a former competitive bodybuilder, shes been studying nutrition, fitness, and food preparation for fifteen years. Kristen is the author of eleven raw vegan recipe and lifestyle books (with her newest title Kristen Suzannes EASY Raw Vegan Transition Recipes available October 2010). She also maintains her popular blog ( Shes a frequent guest on television and radio shows such as Good Morning Arizona, Sonoran Evening Live, and Culinary Confessions, and has been featured several times inVegNews Magazine.

emp foods, now widely available in health food stores across the country, are taking thenatural foods world by storm! A true superfood, hemp is high in protein, has excellent ratios of all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, tastes absolutely delicious, and is amazingly helpful to the environment due to its fast growth and lack of need for herbicides or pesticides. Hemp is not your typical granola fare its a subtle and delicious dream come true for foodies and connoisseurs of everything exotic and unique! These recipes range from quick snacks for the kids, to boldly sexy n sassy, and just like all of my recipes, theyre amazingly EASY. In my totally unique, one-of-a-kind book, youll find some of the most amazing recipes Ive ever developed, all using hemp seeds, hemp oil, or hemp protein powder.

Ultimate Raw...
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Its been a LOT of work and Im so proud and happy to finally have all of my ebooks available in print. It is officially DANCE TIME!!! As I promised earlier on Facebook, Im featuring one of the recipes from the book (both the book/ebook have been updated with new recipes added!). Let me tell you, this recipe is so good! I mean, like, really really awesomely delicious. Ive made it for lots of different people (non-Raw and Raw) and they all love it... Im talking lick-the-bowlplease-give-me-more loving it. Its perfect for showing off at the next party you attend or host. And, of course, its full of nutrition... hemp seeds (complete protein, essential fatty acids), red bell pepper and garlic (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals), and more. So, without further ado... here it is.


Kristen Suzannes Harvest Soup

I just created a most delicious soup! I named it Kristen Suzannes Harvest Soup because the colors and flavors subtly remind me of a fall harvest. Its an easy and delicious Raw food recipe (just like all the recipes in my Raw food recipe ebooks). With Raw being this easy and delicious, who needs cooked food? Those are two glass-mason jars full of the soup, in the background of the picture. Having plenty of Raw food on hand is one of the keys to success with living the Raw food lifestyle; so, I always make plenty extra when I prepare Raw recipes. This way I always have something ready to eat for the next couple of days. I can drink it straight out of the jar, easily take it with me when Im running errands, or snack on it late at night when Im watching a movie. Kristen Suzannes Harvest Soup Yield 6 cups

Yield approximately 1 1/2 cups 1/3 cup water 1 clove garlic 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 red bell pepper, seeded, rough chopped (approximately 1 cup) 1 cup hemp seeds 2 1/2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes 1 tablespoon chili powder* 2 teaspoons tamari, wheat-free 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan crystal salt 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 cup water 1 large zucchini, chopped 2 medium tomatoes, quartered 3 stalks celery, chopped 2 cups carrot, chopped 2 dates, pitted 1 clove garlic 2 tsp Himalayan crystal salt 1 tablespoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 cup flax oil

Blend all of the ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. This can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. *My favorite is by Simply Organic Serving suggestions: Use this for dipping fresh veggies or corn chips (Raw or not - its up to you!) For those eating cooked vegan foods, this is an awesome sauce on top of veggie burgers This also makes a delicious Raw vegan dressing on a hearty salad with romaine lettuce, chopped tomatoes, and cucumbers. You could even sprinkle on some Raw vegan taco meat and Fun Corn Chips for a tortilla type salad.

Blend all of the ingredients, except for the flax oil, on high speed in your blender until really creamy (approximately one minute - I prefer this soup a tad warm and very creamy). Then, while the blender is running on low speed, add the flax oil. Continue blending, at a higher speed, for another minute or less. This will make it slightly warm. Enjoy! Variations: Substitute olive oil for the flax oil Add 1/2 teaspoon coriander Add 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice



Pecan Spice Delight Cookies

With the weather starting to chill and the produce department changing to seasonal produce for fall (pumpkins, cranberries, apples, etc), the holiday mood is upon us - hooray! In fact, Ive already made my holiday gift list and Im ready to shop. I love this time of year; I cant help but do things to get a jump start. Here is the perfect holiday cookie to help get you in the mood. With every delicious bite youll think... Holidays! If youre looking for a heart healthy, cant eat just one, EASY, and super satiating cookie recipe that will literally take you only minutes to make, then look no more. This is a terrific dessert recipe to take as a dish to pass at holiday dinners and parties. And, its one of those great raw food recipes that you can make well in advance of the holidays and store in your freezer. Oh, and one more thing... everyone who makes these (and eats these) LOVES these. Enjoy :) Pecan Spice Delight Cookies Recipe by Kristen Suzanne of Yield 3 cups cookie batter 1 1/2 cups pecans (soaked and dehydrated if possible) 1/2 cup unsweetened, shredded dried coconut 1 tablespoon (or more!) lucuma powder * pinch Himalayan crystal salt 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup raisins 10 dates, pitted

Ultimate Raw...

Process all of the ingredients, except for the raisins and dates, in a food processor, fitted with the S blade, until coarsely ground. Add the raisins and dates and continue processing until the mixture begins to stick together when pressed between your fingers. Roll and form into desired shapes and sizes.


irritability and that overall stressed out feeling. Its found in dark leafy greens, raw nuts/ seeds, whole grains and even dark chocolate! Vitex: This is a herb also called chaste tree, this is one of the most popular natural remedies when it comes to treating PMS. Its said to help balance our moods, decreasing irritability, depression, headaches and breast tenderness. Take it as a herbal supplement, liquid tincture form or capsule. Coffee: they say if you cut the coffee a week before your period the symptoms wont be as bad. Cutting coffee is hard, so just try cutting down for that lead-up week or try swapping to dandelion tea. Yarrow Tea: its meant to be the beez-kneez when it comes to treating cramps. Its available at health stores and all you do to prepare it is put a teaspoon in of the herb in a cup of hot water, works a treat! Cramp Bark Tea:Also said to work wonders on treating cramps! Chamomile tea: One of my favos; it relaxes smooth muscle in the body, thus helping to treat spasms, a great way to treat intense period pain. Plus it has a calming effect on the nervous system so you dont need to stress out as much around that time of the month. Lemon Balm: best taken in tea for is a great emotional de-stressor and it too helps to reduce muscle cramps which come along with PMS. Other top-tips: Lavender: This plant is a natural antidepressant, so to get super relaxed try rubbing a few drops of lavender essential oil into your temples. Or if you have trouble sleeping with depression or anxiety associated with PMS try putting a few drops on your pillow to promote a relaxed and restful sleep! Wheat bag: a hot wheat bag is another great way to treat period pain. Putting a few drops of chamomile oil onto the heat pack is a great idea, as its calming and helps to reduce pain topically! Other alternative therapies like acupuncture are great, as they treat the PMS as potential energy 44

Surprising Cures for PMS!

by Lola Berry Photo: Mel Tjoeng

PMS = Premenstrual syndrome and refers to symptoms females feel during their menstrual cycle. These can be physical, physiological and emotional. The great news is there are some super effective natural options out there to help! Our aim is to not necessarily take painkillers but get that body back into balance! Boys, this is also valuable information for you if you know the secret tips and tricks youll get massive brownie points!! Best foods to eat: B6 - Nuts & Seeds, Cabbage, Cauliflower & Broccoli: All contain Vitamin B6 which helps with mood swings, anxiety, depression and those bizarre crying fits! You can get B6 in a multi B supplement form. Snack on a nut and seed mix at work youll be getting your vitamin B6!

Vitamin E Rosehip Oil, wheat germ, sunflower seeds: This is believed to help with breast tenderness as well as helping to balance our moods. Food sources include: wheat germ, sunflower seeds, rosehip oil and almonds. Evening Primrose Oil: This contains an omega 6 fatty acid which helps to decrease pain and inflammation in the body and has been used for yonks. Best taken in capsule or supplement form. Tip: always have oil supplements with food. This is much easier on the body when it comes to digesting! Calcium: a study found that women who experience PMS have lower levels of calcium. Calcium can be found in high amounts in kale, broccoli, almonds, and full cream dairy options. Magnesium: This is our muscle relaxant so will help to treat cramps! It will also help to treat anxiety,

blockages and they help to stimulate energy flow, thus depressing pain and getting the body back to a state of homeostasis or balance. Exercise: although its not ideal to do strenuous exercise on the first day of your cycles (first day of bleeding), in the lead up to getting your period its a great idea to do exercise as this stimulates blood flow promoting a nice flow, as opposed to stagnation and heavy painful periods. Another theory is that the worse your PMS is the more toxins in your body. So try doing a liver detox. Easy as; start the day with lemon juice in warm water, swap coffee for dandelion tea (which also supports the liver), pull back on alcohol, sugar and caffeine. Up the water and whole foods and youll notice your PMS will calm down! Lola Berrys book Inspiring Ingredients complete with over 30 recipes is out now, www. for more.

Me Raw... You Cooked...

by Emma Couttie MacDougall

n the three years since I discovered raw food, Ive been engaged twice and arranged two weddings. Confused? You will be. You see, when I went raw in September 2007 I had no idea just how much my life was going to transform. Whilst there was plenty of information out there about how it might happen, I guess in my own naivety I told myself that my entire life was unlikely to be changed just by what I put on my plate... How wrong can you be? The way I got in to raw was primarily through food intolerances and reading a book called The Clear Skin Diet by Karen Jessett. I read with interest a paragraph that talked about the power of raw foods and how these alkalise and detoxify the body. I read with sheer disbelief that some people only eat raw food! Carrots and apples I pondered, NO WAY! After a few weeks I returned to the book and this time I was curious. From that point on I threw myself in to every raw article, video, book, and forum I could find, eager to find out more about this very peculiar way of life. At the time I decided to give the raw food diet a go, I was 11 months away from the wedding Id been planning for the last few months. My partner and I had been together for three years by that point and enjoyed a happy relationship. When it came to food, we shared the preparation and cooking and regularly enjoyed going out to restaurants. We were both a long way from being vegan and Im sure my other half viewed this new raw food diet as nothing more than the latest one of my fads.

in to pizza. The valuable bonding time at the end of the working day was now seemingly lost as I grappled with my new way of eating. What happened next however nobody couldve foresaw. As my intake of raw food increased, my thoughts and behaviour seemed to change. I felt differently about things, I felt like I was experiencing life for the first time, as if my eyes were suddenly opened. My energy was through the roof. I no longer wanted to sit and watch TV for hours as I had before or go to bed early. Even my personality was changing, it was as if I was emerging as a new person and this was very scary, for both of us! My partners reaction was to fight against the change, understandably so. Neither he nor I could properly fathom what was happening or what was going to happen to our relationship as a result. We spent less and less time together as I immersed myself with new books, information and people that shared my passion for raw food and health. He wasnt interested in the information I was learning and seemed bored if I wanted to talk about it. His diet got worse as he started to rely on ready made convenience foods, having lost his passion for cooking and sharing meals together. We regularly argued and seemed to have very little in common any more. It was a mess! A few months passed and in February 2008 we decided to postpone the wedding. There was a huge sense of relief on both sides as we struggled with the reality that we were now two very different people. A few weeks later the relationship was over. I was in shock. How could everything have changed so dramatically in the space of a few months from just changing what I ate? What I discovered and have subsequently written about in my book Me Raw: You Cooked, is that there can be a massive impact on the relationship when one person decides to change an aspect of their lifestyle, particularly when that aspect is food choice.

Me Raw: You Cooked is the first book of its kind, written for raw foodists and their non-raw partners providing valuable insight in to a raw-cooked relationship. - Emma Couttie MacDougall

After a few weeks however it was clear that this new fad was lasting a little longer than hed hoped. I was fully embracing this new way of eating, completely vegan with some cooked here and there while I was transitioning. We were now making food separately and spending very little time together eating and sharing meals. I was finding it too difficult to be in the kitchen while he was cooking or sit beside him as he dug 46


On reflection of what happened in our relationship during that difficult time, Ive been able to see very clearly the major mistakes we made and share these in my book in an attempt to help other couples going through similar problems. While researching for the book I was able to draw not only on our experience but also from numerous discussion threads on raw food forums. It would seem this is a prevalent issue in the raw food community but there arent that many resources available or advice to help get through the challenges that arise. At the outset the book was intended only for raw foodists however I soon realised that this isnt a one-sided issue. Thats why I devoted an entire section for the cooked partner, to give advice and guidance on what to expect and how to handle it. Of course, I couldnt write that section by myself and thats why my husband helped me write it. You see, theres a happy ending to the story. After a year apart and with the space to figure out where things had gone wrong, we discovered that even though we had changed we still loved each other and wanted to make things work. So, in September of 2009, over one year after our original wedding date, Rod proposed to me again in New York. We celebrated with a trip to Pure Food & Wine, New Yorks top raw restaurant! In January 2010 we were married. We even had a raw wedding cake! It is possible to be raw and cooked in a relationship and not suffer as long as you understand how to make it work and the potential pitfalls. Ultimately, my advice to couples is to be aware that this will have an impact but it doesnt have to mean the end of the relationship! Remember, your relationship is more important then whats on the dinner plate!

Here are some of my tips for overcoming the main obstacles in a raw-cooked relationship: Check out online raw recipe forums to find raw versions of your partners favourite recipes e.g. raw pizza or burgers Prepare decadent raw desserts that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters Have plenty of healthy snacks or raw treats available Prepare a lovely salad to accompany your partners cooked evening meal Leave raw food around the kitchen Find a restaurant that will satisfy both your eating choices Ask your partner if theyd agree to one raw meal per week/month. If so, involve them in the choice Dont get annoyed if your partner doesnt like the raw food youve prepared or bought for them Prepare mini raw dishes to accompany cooked dishes so that your partner has a variety to choose from 48

Dont make your partner feel judged about what they choose to eat Be gentle and accepting of your partners food choices Dont bore your partner by talking raw all the time. Have a few days off from the computer or raw books to make sure you have quality time together Speak to your partner about the situations or foods that you feel jeopardize your ability to stay happily raw If the price of your raw diet becomes an issue look in to alternative ways of reducing the cost such as paying for items in bulk with other raw foodists Give praise and encouragement to your partner when he or she eats healthily Make sure you access other raw people to share your enthusiasm with and give your partner some peace! If you can, see if your new raw friends have cooked partners that might want to meet up!

Orgasm of the Taste Buds

by Brian James Lucas Photo by: Silvia Spross and

Spreading love and consciousness through gourmet raw living vegan cuisine and much more! - Chef BeLive

rian James Lucas aka Chef BeLive was executive chef and co-owner of Organica: the Living Cuisine, in San Francisco, California. Originally created by Juliano, Organica was unique in that it was one of the first gourmet raw living restaurants in the world and was 100% Raw, 100% Vegan and 100% Organic, Wild and Biodynamic. Learning from Chef Juliano in 1997, Chef BeLive is one of the pioneers of the gourmet raw living cuisine movement that began in the 90s, and the restaurant was an expression of that movement. As a private chef, his clients include celebrities, politicians and athletes. Chef BeLive specializes in creating superbtasting raw living cuisine. He considers himself a transitional gourmet raw living chef, helping make peoples first raw living food experience equal to their favorite cooked meals. Encouraging and supporting people in pursuing a healthier diet and way of life through flavorful raw living cuisine, his great tasting food can help ease the transition to the raw lifestyle. With his unique style and use of flavors, everyone should have the pleasure of experiencing his culinary creations. His recipe for Moms Stuffed Bells is featured in Carol Alts best-selling raw food book The Raw 50.

Chef BeLive is incredibly innovative and inspirationally intuitive. His love, compassion and generosity of spirit shine through everything he does, and he genuinely enjoys connecting with people. He shares special experiences with others, not only by introducing his amazing cuisine to them, but also through his friendly and exuberant personality. You can get a copy of Orgasm of the Taste Buds, a teaser version of his upcoming first full-length book which will be released shortly. You can order the e-book with its 30 tantalizing recipes today at

Chef BeLive is reachable at: Belivelucas@ and through the following websites: and



Cream of Celery Soup

(4 servings) IN BLENDER UNTIL CREAMY 1 cup of celery cup red onion cup Italian or regular parsley 1 hass avocado cup TRULY raw cashews (soak for 4 hrs, rinse before using) 2 cup water (structured, spring or filtered) tsp dry basil tsp dry fennel 1 tsp salt (Himalayan, Celtic or sea) Blend until creamy consistency. You can also blend until it warms up for a soothing warm style soup.

Mushroom Burger
(6 burgers) HOMOGENIZE in Green Star or Champion Juicer 2 cup soaked or semi sprouted sunflower seeds 1 cup soaked walnuts 1 cup shitake mushrooms cup parsley If using Champion juicer add a little Water (structured, spring or filtered) as you homogenize to prevent from heating. MIX IN BOWL Homogenized ingredients 1/3 cup green onions 2 tsp salt (Himalayan, Celtic or sea) 1. Form them into burger shape and place in dehydrator at 102 degrees for 5 hours 2. Then flip and dehydrate 5 more hours. 3. Eat plain, add to salad or eat in burger/sandwich with chosen condiments

Pineapple Green Smoothie

(4 servings) IN BLENDER UNTIL SMOOTH cup dinosaur kale cup dandelion greens or spinach 1 hass avocado 8 cup fresh pineapple 1 cup water (structured, spring or filtered) cup agave, raw honey or maple syrup (optional)

The Food Psychologist

by Dr. Christy Fergusson PhD Photo by: Sharon Casey

Dr Christy Fergusson PhD also known as The Food Psychologist explains how imbalances in your biochemistry can leave you feeling depressed and anxious. Do you often feel depressed? Are you struggling with low self-esteem? Are you obsessive or controlling? Are you a perfectionist? Are your angry feelings getting in your way? Do you feel edgy, irritable and impatient? Do you often feel shy, anxious, panicked or fearful? Dr Christy Fergusson PhD also known as The Food Psychologist is a Chartered Health Psychologist, Nutritional Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner who specialises in helping individuals find a natural solutions to their health problems. She has a BA Honours degree, MSc and PhD in Psychology, a BSc Honours in Nutritional Therapy and a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Being highly qualified in a number of health fields means that she offer a complete mind body approach to health not available elsewhere. To book a one to one consultation with Christy or find out more about her work please visit her website at or contact her directly on 07702189078. Eat Yourself Gorgeous, Healthy & Happy with The Food Psychologist.

ome of us have felt this way for so long we have simply accepted that it is just the way we are. However, did you know that these feelings are often a result of an imbalance in our biochemistry? More specifically they are caused by a deficiency in the neurotransmittor serotonin. Serotonin is the feel good chemical, which makes us experience sensations of happiness, contentment and relaxation. It is synthesized in the body from tryptophan, an amino acid (protein building block), found in foods such as turkey, cheese, beef, brown rice, nuts, fish, milk, eggs, fruit, and vegetables. Tryptophan first converts into a substance called 5-HTP, which converts directly into serotonin. A deficiency in this crucial feel good chemical can have far reaching consequences on both our physical and psychological health. However, by correcting our diet and using supplements with the right nutrients, we can balance our biochemistry and feel calm, content and happy. Why have you become serotonin deficient? There are a number of factors, which may have caused you to become deficient in serotonin; Diet One reason for this deficiency may be that you are not consuming enough pro-serotonin foods, such as protein and essential fatty acids. Alternatively, you may be consuming antiserotonin foods such as caffeinated drinks, coffee, diet drinks or foods, which inhibit your natural production of this feel good neurotransmittor. Tryptophan (the precursor to serotonin), comes from high protein foods but it is diminishing from our food supply. Foods containing tryptophan include turkey, beef,

pork, dairy, chicken and eggs. However, compared to the other 21 amino acids in these foods, tryptophan content is miniscule. This is exacerbated by the fact that animals are now fed on low tryptophan grains such as corn. Furthermore, we have also increased our consumption of low-tryptophan grain based carbohydrates. Skipping meals and eating meals without protein is guaranteed to reduce your serotonin. In addition you need a good supply of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and B vitamins, to ensure neurotransmittors such as serotonin are made consistently. Stressed & Depressed We now live busy lives and are often faced with day to day stressors, which can sap our brains of serotonin supplies while trying to keep us calm. Take time to relax and learn more effective stress management techniques, so you stop depleting your body. Is it in your genes? A deficiency in serotonin function can also be inherited. The good news is, even if you have inherited a tendency to be angry, depressed, sleepless etc you can still change this through nutritional intervention. Let a little light in. Serotonin is one of the bodys chemicals, which is stimulated by light. Nowadays, more and more people are recognising that they suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition where people feel tired and depressed. This is because, as the angle of the sun drops, our serotonin levels drop with it. Therefore during the winter there is often not enough bright light to signal your brain to make serotonin, leaving you feeling depressed.



Get moving. Many of people underestimate the brain enhancing effect of physical activity. When we exercise, we need serotonin to repair our muscles. During this time, all the amino acids in our bloodstream are delivered quickly to our muscles - all except tryptophan. So as the other aminos are diverted tryptophan can quickly travel through the blood brain barrier and convert to 5-HTP and then serotonin. Exercise also increases your intake of oxygen, which is crucial for the formation of serotonin. So exercising outdoors three times a week, when the sun is at its peak, would do wonders for your serotonin levels. Physical clues of a serotonin deficiency Our Gut Brain Ever wondered why you find yourself running to the toilet when you feel anxious or nervous? The reason is, that our gut and brain are more interlinked than many people realise. Despite serotonin having such a powerful impact on our mood, 90% of this neurotransmittor is not found in the brain but in our gut. This is why most people who are depressed and anxious also have digestive problems. As they raise their serotonin levels, they often find their digestive tension, such as constipation, can disappear along with their mental constriction. Not for the faint hearted Like your digestive tract, your heart is also serotonin dependent and low serotonin moods such as anger and fear can be related to heart disease. Serotonin for Sound Sleeping Do you spend more time in bed worrying and obsessing than actually sleeping? Perhaps you find yourself waking up during the night or very early in the morning? These are all indicators that you may be serotonin deficient.

Serotonin the key for pain relief As well as making us happy and content, serotonin also has a powerful relaxing effect on our muscles, by stimulating our natural painkiller - endorphins. Addressing a serotonin deficiency can therefore be crucial for those living with pain conditions such as Fibromyalgia and TMJ (teeth grinding and painful tension in the jaw). Food Cravings Do you have afternoon and evening cravings for serotonin boosters such as carbohydrates, cereal, alcohol and other artificial boosters? The reason is, these can have a serotonin boosting affect on our bodies. When we consume these, our body is placed under stress. They wreak havoc on our blood sugar levels and our body quickly produces insulin to remove the excess glucose from our bloodstream. During this process insulin also removes most of the amino acids, except tryptophan, which can then go straight to our brain without being crowded out by the other aminos. This is why milky food such as a bowl of cereal or hot chocolate are favourite night time fixes, as they all contain tryptophan and sugar, allowing our body to get an instant serotonin fix. When we eat these foods we therefore get a short burst of serotonin. This makes us feel happy and relaxed for a short spell, then our blood sugar levels drop and/or we return to our low-serotonin state, leaving us craving more sugar and refined carbohydrates. This becomes a vicious cycle increasing, our risk of Type II Diabetes, not to mention leaving us with excess weight as our body stores the excess glucose as fat!


The Power Behind Pillow Cases

by Beverly Dunford

car accident in 1999 left me with pain. Because of this, I was unable to sleep well enough to experience REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. As a result, my body began to display symptoms of sleep depravation; my health was deteriorating in every way. In my attempt to heal, I read many self help books including: You Can Heal Your Life, The Hearts Code, The Power of Intention, Power Vs. Force, The Hidden Messages In Water, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, and The Secret. From these and others, I learned the importance of positive affirmations and began to incorporate them into my daily life. Still nothing changed and I began to wonder why my health was not improving. I realized I was saying the words, but in my heart I didnt feel what I was saying. It was difficult for me to feel something that I simply didnt know what it felt like to feel. Because I couldnt feel the words, I was unable to heal. Masaru Emotos research on the vibrational power of words and how they affect the quality of water really stirred something inside of me. As I thought about all of this, it dawned on me that since our bodies by weight are over 70 percent water, and our brains by molecule count are 99 percent water, then written WORDS could improve the condition of my body too!

As I pondered it further, I realized I could add the element of color therapy by using the colors of the different chakra centers of my body. I could use colors together with words that were appropriate for balancing out each of the seven chakras; then I would get lots of positive selfhealing therapy in each sleep session. By October of 2007 I had my set completed and began sleeping on a different color each night with different words. Within a few weeks, I noticed I was dreaming again. To me this was a miracle! By December I realized every morning woke up remembering Id been dreaming, and I have been dreaming every night since! Each morning when I awake, I am so excited I slept so well I just have to say out loud: thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for such a good nights rest! When you experience a goods nights rest I highly recommend you give thanks too. For there is a positive power that comes through an attitude of gratitude. Each night I fall asleep more quickly with just a few slow deep breathes. I wake less often in the night and I sleep more soundly. My body is now able to experience the healing powers of REM sleep. I have less pain; my body is balancing itself out so that I experience less anxiety and depression and I now have more energy!

Make Your Own Personal Power Pillowcases 1 color (fabric) standard / queen size pillow case: 1 yard of material and thread to match 3 colors (fabric) standard / queen size pillowcase: (1) 28 inches of material. (2) 5 inches of material (3) 12 inches of material. Note: If the material has a horizontal design you will need 1 yards of material if you want the design to run horizontally across your bed. 1 color (fabric) size pillowcase made out of just one color you will need: 1 yards of material and thread to match. 3 colors (fabric) king size pillowcase made out of three colors you will need: 1 yards of material and thread to match (2) 5 inches of material (3) 12 inches of material Note: Yardage is for one pillowcase so if you want a matching pair you will need to double the amount of material to be purchased. After you have your pillowcases sewn, embroider the words on each side. On one side of

the pillowcase put the phrases: I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. On the other side of the pillowcase put words that empower you. Here is a list of suggested personal power words: Abundance, Adventure, Awareness, Balance, Beautiful, Beauty, Believe, Charity, Clarity, Communication, Compassion, Courage, Creativity, Delight, Dream, Education, Efficiency, Enthusiasm, Expectancy, Faith, Flexibility, Forgiveness, Freedom, Grace, Gratitude, Harmony, Healing, Honesty, Hope, Humor, Inspiration, Integrity, Joy, Light, Love, Loveable, Patience, Peace, Purification, Purpose, Release, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Spontaneity, Synthesis, Tolerance, Transformation, Trust, Truth, Understanding, Unity, Willingness, Wisdom, and Worthy. Feel free to check out www.strengthfromwithin. biz for more information on Personal Power Pillowcases.


b w w y St w. a r st a K h rke ec ch ha ar ra a.c om

W al ki Li n vi g ng in a Be H au ol ty is tic
I LOVE to inspire, empower & coach women to become vibrantly beautiful and gorgeously healthy. -Star Khecharta Star Khechara is the author of The Holistic Beauty Book and a practising Beauty Naturopath specialising in rejuvenation and raw organic skincare. Her website features free recipes for healthy beautiful skin and offers training courses in holistic skincare formulation.




started my holistic journey early on in life as I was lucky to have been born to a non-conforming mother who used to take us away each summer to a rustic retreat by a nature reserve beach to enjoy several weeks of barefoot walking, wild swimming, no-electricity, storytelling and communal chores. I still remember those holidays fondly and it made me realise that living a natural healthy life is not only good for us, in the traditional sense, but also really fun too, an adventure! Often were fed images by the media that somehow caring for the environment and eating healthily is weird, or a mental illness or a boring ascetic way to survive (cue images of eating beige gruel in unheated houses while picking the rough bits off a hairy jumper and waxing lyrical about compost toilets and the benefits of hemp wellington boots!) During my childhood summer holidays, while on retreat, I would meet all kinds of interesting characters; boat people, hippies, gardeners, crafters, herbal experts and spiritual types; I learnt to sketch, make baskets, meditate, pick up jellyfish, sing round campfires, macram, pick wild mint and to also be part of a community who ate, slept and worked side by side. I ate a lot of homemade bread, marrow and marmite and learned to like cold showers, candlelight and the sound of crickets. It always felt as though I lived a magical life at this special place and even peeling potatoes felt like fun when sitting outside in the sun on old cushions chatting to fellow peelers. 65

Then I turned 14 and I was far too cool to do the homespun life; I wanted the latest trainers, to fancy a boy and to have a Walkman. Luckily I snapped out of this by the time I was 19 and once again picked the holistic path to find the life I wanted. I started becoming aware of all the toxicity around me, in my air, my water, my thoughts, my skincare, my diet and in the friendship choices I made. I realised that it was all connected and it was up to me to detoxify each aspect of my life to become the truly joyful, happy person I wanted to be. Isnt that what we all want, right? It dawned on me that everything we do in life has only 2 outcomes or impacts, it either builds up health or destroys it. Nothing, it seems, is ever neutral. And by health I am not just talking about diet and fitness but about the entire holistic nature of your life, environment and even planet. The words health, whole, heal and holistic are all related; to be healthy is to function at the highest level in every aspect of your life mind, body and spirit. And to have a healthy home, fulfilling job (life path), love connection and enjoy emotional balance. For me the process started with beauty and skincare, I began making my own earth-friendly and skin-friendly products, which would actually nourish my skin without containing any harmful chemicals. I made potion after potion for myself, for friends and for family. I studied a course in Aromatherapy that taught me so much

about how plants contain these amazing natural properties and have the power to heal body, mind and spirit. Our sense of smell is closely linked to emotion and these natural essences are natures psychologists. Around that time I found a book about raw food and thought wow! Isnt it funny how sometimes the most bizarrely out there idea is actually really simple and logical when you finally take notice of it? I decided to study nutrition fully and became my own health expert. I really believe that we are all the experts of our own bodies and that by becoming autonomous self-reliant beings we are allowing ourselves to really be. Living holistically is all about self-reliance, growing our own food, making our own skincare, being our own doctors, building eco-homes and communities, teaching and sharing skills so that others may become self-reliant healthy human beings as well.

In my eclectic eco-life I have experimented with different ways of living, I have lived in a tipi halfway up a Spanish mountain, a self-customised organically designed caravan, a solarpowered ex-bus and a wooden cabin by a river with no heating (brrrr!). I have enjoyed washing in waterfalls, using solar showers and elegant compost toilets, making fires, snoozing in hammocks, chopping wood, gathering wild food and fetching spring water. It is in these small and seemingly insignificant (and often moaned about) chores that life blossoms. As the famous Zen proverb says, before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water Enlightenment is right here, right now and each moment contains a choice, which can bring you closer to yourself or away. A holistic life is a journey, a process not a race to an imaginary finish. We are only human and not yet perfect, enjoy the little things in life and look for the miracles, see the beauty and honour your divine self. But most of all have loads of fun life is an adventure!


Tunis Productions Announces Blood Fare as a Sustainable Film Project
Photos by Michele Marie Jeppson

Tunis Productions, Inc. 2010

SALT LAKE CITY, UT. On August 30, 2010, J.A. Steel, the award winning female writer and director, announced her fourth feature Blood Fare will follow best practices for sustainable green filmmaking.

Blood Fare ( is a Civil War ghost story with a modern twist, with filming in Utah, Washington, DC and Northern Virginia. The feature stars Gil Gerard, internationally recognized for his lead role as Captain William Buck Rogers in the science fiction movie and television series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Micheline Birkhead was brought on board to the Tunis Productions Blood Fare team, as the Eco/Sustainable Production Executive. Birkhead is managing director of Clearpath Strategies, and brings over 15 years of experience in Strategic Planning, Program Management, Business Development, Operations, and Marketing. She earned an MBA from Pepperdine University; and is a member of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals, The Association of Environmental Professionals, and The Project Management Institute. Birkhead is a champion for projects like Blood Fare, that embrace innovation, environmental initiatives, sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); and she is currently an Adjunct Professor and Advisory Board member for Sustainability Programs at California State University Fullerton. Birkhead will consult on and monitor all aspects of pre-production, production and postproduction, utilizing the CSRware (http://www. sustainability management software; and ensure Blood Fare meets certification requirements as a green, eco-friendly and sustainable film production.

Chris Hanson, one of the most recognized special effects artisits in Holywood used soluble fake blood and eco-cleaner for blood removal. He demonstrated his work in Hellboy, Underworld, Men in Black, Men in Black 2, The Green Mile, The X-Files and many other productions. Blood Fares Data Manager David Moffit stated; Much like a great cinematographer, being ecological is a large part just being conscience of ones surroundings. However, the world is larger than what is in front of the lens, and often film crews are accredited as not being . . . all that gentle on locations: burnt ceilings from lights, holes in walls from swinging CStands, etc. While on the grounds of a reconstructed fort where a portion of Blood Fare was shot I, along with the rest of the cast and crew, was conscience of the beautiful grounds and sought to reconstruct the image of filmmakers. By using biodegradable, and reusable products as much as possible, in addition to sorting and recycling all our trash, we left the grounds as good as we found them. Now I cant say Ill never put another hole in a wall, I can say Ill try to not make need for another hole in a landfill.




REUSE: LIGHTING GELS - reused for multiple productions. Shot on digital instead of tape CLOTHING / PROPS - Instead of purchasing new clothing items for the shoot, many of the clothing items and props for the film were purchased from the local Savers Thrift Store RECYCLE: Clothing / Props - Savers: Clothes and props used in the film were returned to the local Savers Thrift store. Every time you choose to donate your unwanted clothing or household items instead of discarding them in the trash you participate in The Savers Cycle. www. Provided plenty of recycling bins and arranged regular recycling collections. All Plastic, Aluminum and Paper were collected and disposed at a recycle center as opposed to going to landfill. Envelopes for SAG cheques - see pic of JA with envelopes

* Production of Blood Fare was a Certified Green Event as supported by Green Star Inc www. Green Star is a non-profit organization that encourages businesses to practice waste reduction, energy conservation and pollution prevention through education, technical assistance, and an award-winning voluntary green business certification program.

FOOD / MISC: Meal at Uof U - 5 Sub... from UofU focused on offering locally sourced foods/ ingredients. *see pic attached Had raw vegan options to reduce meat consumption Bought local produce and supplies Water-Soluble Fake Blood and eco-cleaner for blood removal. TRANSPORTATION & OTHER: o carpooling - CARPOOLING - Exec team and crew carpooled to set locations. May offset carbon from air travel with carbon offsets purchased from TerraPass. Majority of cast and crew were local to Utah in order to reduce the transportation carbon footprint impact. o Used local hotels rather than international chains to ensure money stays in the community & limited transportation requirements.

REDUCE: ENERGY - Minimal use of power required for this film production, thus little attention to energy management required. We used rechargeable batteries wherever possible. Chose video, audio and lighting equipment with the lowest energy consumption. Switched off all equipment when not in use. Promotion of solar power via product placement of Voltaic Solar packs. Voltaic Systems makes products that produce and store their own power to run your electronics anywhere. WATER: Use of plastic (BPA-free) water bottles. Each cast / crew were given their own water bottle for the shoot. University of Utah offered students and us filtered

water fill-up station. While on set at Fort Buenaventura, we used one gallon jug water bottles as opposed to 8 oz individual bottles. Cast / crew used their re-fillable bottles and the plastic jugs were recycled. PAPER: Printing of scripts was minimized. * Shredded/recycled old scripts (see Recycle). Avoided printing documents unless essential - use laptops, PDAs and smart phones Bought in bulk to reduce waste in packaging and transport



Thank you Bob Melanson, who made a personal and professional committment to be GREEN: MADE THE SWITCH!!! It was an initially large financial jump for me, but totally worth it. Having Micheline Birkhead as our cast & crews Eco Advisor got me thinking of just thow much waste a decent sized group can come up with at the end of a long day. Judging... by the size of the trashbags I saw Micheline carrying out in the designated waste spot, Id say... even when constantly & consiencely keeping in mind our individual waste footprints... we still had a considerate amount left to deal with at the end of each day. I would also say that a large part of the actual weight of the waste was from my dead batteries. The cost of this rechargeable battery & power distribution system was $1161.12. But it just made sense for me to invest in this switch. Instead of buying bricks of batteries for every sound-mixing gig (and the more important waste that proceeds... approx 16 batteries every 4 hours) I have a Lithium-Ion NP-1 rechargeable battery kit with 2 batteries and a charger. The batteries fully charge in about 4 hours. Each battery will power this rig for 15 hours of use vs. having to go thru 60 batteries in that same 15 hour period. The BDS v3 Battery Distribution System can power up to 5 different devices. Anyways, Im glad that I made the switch. Those trash bags at the end of the days will be a lot lighter because of it! Bob Melanson, Sounds mixer I love anything Green! Im involved with an Eco-friendly Womens travel organization; SWEET It makes me sick to my stomach to think people dont understand what is happening to our planet. Not realizing that this is our reality, we must take care of it! I wish every city were like San Francisco, which makes it a law to recycle and to use compost! Natalie Garcia, Reporter

I dispose all of my solvents properly Chris Hanson, Special Makeup Effects Supervisor I try to bring reusable bags to grocery stores, make

To keep it green, I actually throw all my cardboard and paper in a recycle can! I figure I should do my part, and walk the walk! From a health stand point I try to stay away from foods that are processed as much as possible! I feel Ive avoided a lot of illnesses during flu season because of that! Zach Mathews, Actor


A tip I have to help conserve water is to not let the water run while brushing your teeth. Its really easy, but even the little changes always help!! I eat vegetables and fruits from my familys garden that contain no pesticides. And, our animals need to be protected. I am always kind to any animal I come across, and help donate to causes that help protect and preserve our animal kingdom. Savannah Ostler, Actor

Im thinking that we as Americans do not use the environment very well and we need to be better educated on how. I believe that the state of Oregon knows how very well and we can learn a lot from them. Personally myself, I eat a lot of raw foods and drink green smoothies (spinach, kale and fresh fruit). Because of this I am off my blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I feel strongly that we are not only unfriendly to the environment we are also unfriendly to our own bodies only because we really arent educated enough. We have a lot of ills that can be remedied just by not eating all the packaged stuff that is marketed to us day in and day out. Raw foods rock! Cathleen Mason, Actor

my art being done on the computer would be a tad more friendly than not. I almost never draw on paper and I email my work to clients. So I guess with not mailing physical work I contribute to pollution less. Shayne Trzdol, Storyboard Artist

Recently I moved away from my small hometown to a bigger city, and one of my goals out here is to make a new friend every day. I try to interact with strangers and find something intriguing about each and every one of them. Jocelyn Berlage, Actor

I have been in the energy saving business for over 15 years with the National Weatherization Assistance Program. I retrofit homes to be more energy efficient a little more caulk here and a little more tape thereeven to the regular mundane jobs it applies. You would be surprised what small things make such a big difference A.L. Tip: In todays housing economy with the competitive market it gives you as a seller the leg up if your home is Energy Star Gold and as a buyer investing in a home that is energy star efficient will conserve energy and save you money. Everblue Training Institute is an organization, which trains builders to high-energy efficient standards. People demand more in efficient homes and the code is not cutting it anymore. Antonio Lexerot, Actor Everblue Training Institute Building Earths Sustainable Workforce! 1(888)204-8735

Recycle stuff, its everybodys planet. And tell the soccer moms to stop driving Hummers. Adrian West, Actor

Im on the board of Earth Jam Productions; a local Utah non-profit organization that puts on an annual spring festival for the community to provide a platform for local artists, vendors and non-profit groups. Another thing I do is teaching my boys the importance of leaving the earth better then when they found it. One of my favorite things to do with my 5-year-old son Octavian is to go on Treasure Walks. We take two sacks; one for recycle/garbage and the other for treasures he likes to keep. Great way to get out get exercise and clean up at the same time. Michele Marie Jeppson, Still Photographer As far as doing my part...well, at home I try to refill my water bottle during the day instead of just grabbing another one (I have a Brita in the fridge). Professionally, I usually bring a water container (such as what we used on Blood Fare). I also have a compost heap in my back yard, so I tend to throw all my organics into that instead of the trash. Sometimes I throw things across our fence (we have a field behind us) to feed any critters that might wander that way. Ive been trying to grow veggies in buckets on my back porch (not much success) so I think next year Im going to have to break down and rotor tiller a patch of yard. I do grow mint and basil in buckets. Sonja Jones, First Assistant Director

It may take a few extra minutes to recycle when it comes to throwing things away, but well worth the payoff to keep this beautiful planet the work of art that it is! Brandi Lynn Anderson, Actor


I thought it was quite impressive that the entire cast & crew took part in the eco-initiatives on the Blood Fare set! The recycle containers were clearly marked, making it easy:) I live in Bountiful, where we have a recycle container along with our trash containers and most of my families trash goes in the recycle bin. If we all put forth a little effort, we can make a BIG difference! April Knight, Actor

For me Ive found myself, recently, in eco-friendly situations in regards to the wave of professionals trying to make a difference on sets in Utah and in Hollywood. I was working for a friend of mine, Debbie Durkin, last month who hosted an eco-friendly celebrity lounge in Beverly Hills as a part of the Emmy Awards in a house that was an eco friendly house including solar panels, energy efficient rooms that shut off when you leave them, things like that. This job was amazing to see A list celebrities and top companies coming together to spread the word that green sets are becoming more popular. J.A. Steele and her production team realized this is an important wave and jumped on board making Blood Fare my first green set Ive worked on. What I can do to make a difference is simply report about how this is happening and people are starting to pay attention to Universe. Mario DeAngelis, First Assistant Camera

It was nice to work on a movie full of blood and guts and recycling. Because, hey, an actor can get up and walk away, but a piece of trash will just stay there and rot. David Moffitt, Data Manager on Blood Fare

sure all of my lights are off when not needed, put on a sweater or curl up in a blanket instead of turning on the heat, and I try to walk instead of using my car. These are just a few things I can do everyday. Also, I think its important to support socially responsible brands. Sarah Devere, Production Coordinator

Over here in Germany we have a system that takes care of the recycling of all kind of wrapping since 1990. Even before things like paper was collected separately in this area. We separate e.g. bio, glass, paper, plastic, all kind of metals, cork, batteries, old technical devices (e.g. fridges, stoves, electric irons), old electronic devices (e.g. hifi, computers), and so on. We have a diesel car, which needs about 6-7 liters per 100km. On the roof of our house we have solar collectors to support the heating of water for domestic use. Windows and walls are getting better and better isolated to reduce the loss of heat in winter. We dont use regular light bulbs anymore but ones with a low energy use. Christian K. Koch, Co-Producer I have a water bottle that I take everywhere and fill up at gas stations, water fountains wherever. So I dont have to use any cups or throwaway bottles. When printing off scripts I use whatever scratch paper I have first. Instead of cranking up the heat when its cold Ill don a blanket or coat. Brenden Whitney, Actor

One of the things I do personally to be a bit greener is ride my motorcycle when I can instead of driving my truck. Also, when going out to clubs with friends we carpool. I also recycle aluminum, glass and some plastic. J.A. Steel, Director

About: J.A. Steel: Steel is a director, producer, actor, videographer, editor, fight choreographer and stunt person, in addition to writer and composer ... and even a distributor ... a unique woman in Hollywood. Blood Fare is Steels fourth feature film. Her action horror shocker Denizen, her action supernatural thriller Salvation, and her action feature The Third Society reflect in many ways Steels real life hobbies of Muay Thai kickboxing, cave diving, motorcycle riding, firearms and edged weapons. All three movies are available on Steel lives in Los Angeles and Salt Lake City, but prefers the peace of Utah and mountain scenery for her screen writing.



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