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Is the act of handling functions and responsibilities controlling situation and directing people towards achieving a common goal .

The Different Functions Of Management Planning Staffing or Tasking Motivating Leading Organizing Controlling

Is one of the most vital factors in the ultimate success of sports. The Skill and Ability to induce others to follow or to influence and command respect .


These are the Different Sports Committee

Finance and Resources Program and Invitation Peace and Order Equipment Physical Facilities Technical Committee Prizes and Awards


Is an athletic competition within the four walls of your school. The word Intramuralcomes from the words Intra,meaning Within and murus which means Wall.Thus,intramural activitis are held within the school for the students.Students experiences in playing and officiating will contribute to the successful management of school sports intramurals.

Prepare the list of sports events. List the available facilities and equipment. Prepare the entry forms for the participants. Prepare the different forms to be used . Prepare the guidelines for the participating. Prepare the format for the team gallery.

B.SERVE AS THE LEADERS IN RUNNING SCHOOL SPORTS General Manager Tournament Managers Athletic Manager Tournament Coordinators Technical Officials

-Determines the winner by elimating the loser in every match until the one team. -This type of elimination is best used in body contact game. Formula: G=N-1 where G# of games N# of Teams Example: N=6 G= 6-1=5 -


- A double-elimination tournament is a type of elimination tournament competition in which a participant ceases to be eligible to win the tournament's championship upon having lost two games or matches. It stands in contrast to a singleelimination tournament, in which only one defeat results in eli mination. Formula: G=2 (n-1)

Where G= No. of games N= No. of teams

Round Robin A common type of tournament schedule among team sports such as Basketball,Volleyball,Softball and Baseball.It derived from the French term Ribon means Ribbon.After same time,the term was change to Robin. It provides the opportunity for each competing team to play against every other team. Formula: G= N(N-1) 2


A movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century,emphasizing inspiration,subjectivity and the primacy.The state or quality of being romantic.


Caspar David Friedrich

Composers and Their Songs

(The wanderer above the sea of fog)

Eugne Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827, taking its Orientalist subject from a play by Lord Byron

Philipp Otto Runge, The Morning, 1808

Is a study or exercise designed to train a musician technically,as well as musically.It is a musical composition fir a a solo instruments designed to give practice in some special points of technique but is often performed for its artistic worth.



- Originated with orchestral music of the classical era.It has a different comnotation in Romantic Piano literature where it suggest a romantic and poetic night piece nocturne in filled with poetic sentimental moods. - A musical introduction to a musical play or composition.Sometimes it appear independently.It is actually a short piece for piano. ART SONG - A composition for solo voice and piano German word is Lied.



- Is an instrumental music of narrative or descriptive. The term was introduced by Lizst, who defined it is Program preface added to a piece of instrumental music to direc the listeners attention to the poetical idea of the whole or to a particular part of it. FOUR MAIN FORMS OF ORCHESTAL PROGRAM MUSIC


Program Symphony Concert Overtue Symphonic Poem or Tone Poem Incidental Music

- Is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (called a libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting.[1] Opera incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery, and costumes and sometimes includes dance. The performance is typically given in an opera house, accompanied by an orchestra or smaller musical ensemble.


Are the materials used to create a work of art like all paints,watercolor,pastel,poster color,clay wood etc. TECHNIQUE Is the way of using methods and materials to achieve a dressed result such as painting,sculpture and architecture. PROCESS Is the manner of handling something following the list of procedure. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ART Flot Objects they have only two sides a front and a back the pictures are usually on the front, the back is blank.


the art of producing representations of natural or imagined forms

in three dimensions. These are height, width and depth. Sculpture is a 3 dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials, such as marble stones.


- Creating a picture or image by putting color (pigment).


ERASEL PAINTING - Usually framed and can be hung anywhere are done on canvas. MURAL PAINTING - The artist creates his painting over on entire wall cannot be moved because it is a part of a wall the most lasting. FINGER PAINTING ACRYLIC - The pigment used in finger painting. POSTER PAINT OR GOVACITE - This medium is sometimes called as opaque watercolor. PASTELS - The pigment are molded into sticks similar to chalk.There are used like crayon. OIL PAINTING - Mack by mixing pigments with oil to form a thick substance like toothpaste.




- As old as human culture and has appeared in almost every culture throughout the world.It is an example of 3-D art and can be made out of almost anything.

CURVING - A direct subtractive process,curved sculptures were fashioned MODELING - A direct addictive process in which a phable material is added or built-up around an amature or skeletal frame work. CASTING - An Indirect process and viewed or modelled sculpture is its starting point done in lost wax.
from durable materials such as stone,marble and wood.



Line - Continues mark with length and direction created by a point which move across a surface. - Can be thick,thin,way,curling,straight,Jagger,short or long. SHAPES -Are two dimensional figures attained by lines or a chang in color shading.

- Are group by how we rect to them.Colors such as Red,Yellow and Orange are warm colors while Blue,Green,and Purple are cool colors.

FORM - The Three Dimensional Structure of an object forms have

many sides and view point.

TEXTURE - The way an object feels when you touch. Can be seen or SPACE - The are surrounding the shape.Between shapes are EMPTY SPACE

empty shapes, are empty shape sometimes called as background space.

- Negative Space

FILLED SPACE -Positive Space


AGEISM -Refers to negative feelings directed toward an older person simply on account stage. AGING -A normal development factor and a continuous lifelong process that begins of birth and ends in death. CHANGES - An individual experiences through out his/her life. 1. PHYSICAL CHANGES 2. MENTAL CHANGES *Dementia *Alzheimers Disease 3.SOCIOLOGICAL CHANGES

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