Siemens PLM Whats New in Fibersim 13 Fs Tcm1023 205728

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Whats new in Fibersim 13

Streamlining the decision-making process for stress analysts and design engineers

Benefits Reduce material necessary to achieve required strength and/or stiffness Achieve higher production rates and decrease assembly costs Eliminate manual data entry errors Break down communication barriers between stress analysts and design engineers Features Enables the selection of bestin-class CAE and CAD tools to meet product and process needs Delivers a high-definition user experience Ensures an accurate, bidirectional exchange of CAE and CAD composite part definitions Introduces design for manufacturing support Offers expanded Teamcenter integration

Summary The new version of the Fibersim portfolio of software for composites engineering provides design engineers with a powerful decision support environment for optimizing products by enabling them to import and update their CAD modelfrom theCAE composite part representation. The feedback loop created by this process enables engineers to make smarter decisions that result in better products by delivering relevant information in context when they need it. Fibersim 13 also supports novel composite design for manufacturing techniques and improved integration with Teamcenter software. The decisions that must be made to design innovative composite products and produce them efficiently are complex. Making better composite products requires a concurrent engineering approach in which information is efficiently exchanged between multiple disciplines and critical decisions are made earlier in the development cycle. In the conceptual and early design stages, it is the stress analysts and design engineers who must efficiently exchange infor mation to make these decisions. However, the language and geometric repre sentations used by each discipline are different, making information exchange difficult and susceptible to error. The new version of Fibersim eliminates manual data entry errors and breaks down the commu nication barriers

A meshed surface from CAE (upper right) highlights ply coverage in the analysis model. The jagged ply boundary (green curve) is smoothed (blue curve) using Fibersim 13. Fibersim 13 allows information from the analysis model to be reviewed, modified and imported, enabling simple communication between product development tools.



Whats new in Fibersim 13

between stress analysts and design engineers, which is critical to making informed decisions that result in optimized parts. Fibersim 13 uses a new, high performance open format in its Analysis Interface that allows for composite information to be defined and communicated between the stress analyst and the design engineer. This thought-leading, open format has been widely adopted by best-in-class CAE solutions, enabling customers to work with the tools they want to use. Fibersim 13 provides a high definition (HD) user experience for visualizing and refining imported CAE ply boundary definitions and incorporating them into the master model definition. It enables design engineers to preview and visualize composite plies and boundaries, as defined in CAE within the CAD design environment. Design engineers can compare the updated CAE design to the existing CAD design to quickly identify differences between the representations and efficiently under stand what needs to be integrated into the CAD design. In addition, the Fibersim 13 Analysis Interface enables the bi-directional exchange of CAE and CAD composite data. Data exchanged includes composite part metadata and geometric representations for plies and cores and eliminates the need for interpretation and manual data re-entry. Fibersim 13 also expands upon the current ability to manage the revisions of composite CAD models from NX, Catia and Creo within Teamcenter. Fibersim 13 extends this capability by enabling derivative manufacturing data files to be automatically associated with the models revision within Teamcenter. This ensures full revision management of all of the derivative data sets generated by Fibersim while also associating the files to the master composite part definition model.
Information from a CAE model is reviewed and compared to the CAD model. The jagged ply boundary (green curve) has been smoothed and replaced by a straight boundary using Fibersim. This information is displayed in the Fibersim 13 interface, where the CAE Layer Id and the CAD Step clearly differ. These differences can be identified, individually addressed and applied efficiently to allow more iterations for greater optimization.

The new version of Fibersim introduces design support for parts designed to the manufacturing extended definition. Most parts are defined to their engineering net definition and then extended to incorporate manufacturing excess. Companies have found that many part types do not lend themselves to this standard design approach and, instead, are best designed to the manufacturing extended definition and then trimmed to the engineering net definition. These parts have zone representations that extend beyond the engineering net boundary to the extended manufacturing boundary. The parts are designed in this manner so minimum weight can be achieved while maintaining standard transition offset requirements. Fibersim 13 provides native functionality to support these design workflows.

Fibersim 13 provides a single location for the automatic association of CAE information with information that exists in the CAD model. As changes are made, it is easy for the designer to identify, modify and apply changes. Users can also identify completed work during the review of analysis data. This image shows that the curve refinement was completed and changes to the ply information have been applied.

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