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Information Brochure for Integrated M.Phil Ph.D. and Direct Ph. D.

Programmes 2013-2014



(A Deemed University, established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 196 ! "#$#%urav &ar', Deonar, &umbai ( )** *++ %hone , - ***, .a/,91 -- - * * htt0,11222#tiss#edu

Last date of submission of Application Form: Shortlisted candidates list on the TISS ebsite: March 30, 2013 April !, 2013 April 1( ) 1*, 2013

"ritten Test #$esearch Aptitude Test #$AT% and &ersonal Inter'ie on and bet een:

For further details read the Information Brochure. For any queries regarding any part of the

admission process you may ring up TISS C.A.R.E. (Centre for Application Relationship and Engagement ( elpline! "##$#%%#%#%#

&articulars &a+e ,o-

1. Tata Institute of Social Sciences: An Introduction.......................................................................................1 2. Research focus of Schools .................................................................5 3. Research focus of Independent Centres................................................11
)# About M. hil and h! pro"ra# at TISS..............................................13

5. Ad#ission.............................................................................................15

Ad#ission $li"ibilit% Ad#ission rocedure

&. Reser'ation...........................................................................................1(
3# Ad#ission of International Students To ro"ra##es.........................2)

(. *ees and deposits..................................................................................21 +. Student Ser'ices...................................................................................22

,ibrar% The Students- Affairs .ffice /ostel Acco##odation and !inin" /all Social rotection .ffice Co##ittee a"ainst Se0ual /arass#ent

1*# *re1uentl% As2ed 3uestions...............................................................25

1. Tata Institute of Social Sciences: An Introduction

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences 4TISS5 6as established in 1+3&7 as the Sir !orab8i Tata 9raduate School of Social :or2. In 1+;;7 the Sir !orab8i Tata 9raduate School of Social :or2 6as rena#ed as the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. The %ear 1+&; 6as an i#portant land#ar2 in the histor% of the Institute7 6hen it 6as declared dee#ed to be a uni'ersit% under section 3 <ni'ersit% 9rants Co##ission Act7 1+5&. Since its inception in 1+3&7 the 'ision of the TISS has been to be an institution of e0cellence in hi"her education that continuall% responds to chan"in" social realities throu"h the de'elop#ent and application of 2no6led"e7 to6ards creatin" a people=centered ecolo"icall% sustainable and 8ust societ% that pro#otes and protects di"nit%7 e1ualit%7 social 8ustice and hu#an ri"hts for all. The TISS 6or2s to6ards its 'ision throu"h: Since its inception in 1+3&7 the >ision of the TISS has been to be an institution of e0cellence in hi"her education that continuall% responds to chan"in" social realities throu"h the de'elop#ent and application of 2no6led"e7 to6ards creatin" a people=centred7 ecolo"icall% sustainable and 8ust societ% that pro#otes and protects di"nit%7 e1ualit%7 social 8ustice and hu#an ri"hts for all. The TISS 6or2s to6ards its 'ision throu"h: Creation and pro'ision of sociall% rele'ant and hi"h 1ualit% professional education in a 6ide ran"e of inter=disciplinar% areas of Social Sciences to a lar"er nu#ber of students fro# all sections of the societ% in the countr%. *acilitation of autono#ous research and disse#ination of 2no6led"e. Support 2no6led"e creation throu"h stron" M. hil. and h.!. pro"ra##es and ost=!octoral scholars. Strate"ic e0tension7 field action and ad'ocac% throu"h trainin" and capacit% buildin" of State and non=State institutions and personnel? initiatin" and facilitation of field action and ad'ocac% to de#onstrate and facilitate creation of policies and pro"ra##es. rofessional response to natural and hu#an=#ade disasters7 throu"h participation in relief and rehabilitation acti'ities .'er the %ears7 the Institute has #ade consistent contributions to ci'il societ% and the de'elop#ent sector7 throu"h its education7 research7 field action and e0tension and toda%7 the TISS has earned reco"nition as an institution of repute fro# different Ministries of the 9o'ern#ent of India? 'arious State 9o'ern#ents? international a"encies such as the <nited @ations? and the non="o'ern#ent sector7 both national and international. A hi"h de"ree of freedo# and autono#% shape the positi'e 6or2 ethos and creati'it% in the Institute facilitatin" stron" lin2a"es bet6een education7 research7 field action and disse#ination7 6hose bul6ar2 is a co##it#ent and responsi'eness to social needs. The @ational Assess#ent and Accreditation Council 4@AAC5 a6arded a 5=Star ratin" to the Institute in 2))2. The @AAC re=accredit the Institute in 2))+ 6ith an AAB 9rade and a cu#ulati'e "rade point of 3.(( out of ;.)).

Building On E$cellence% TISS Milestones

1936 The be"innin" of social 6or2 education in India. The Sir !orab8i Tata Trust establishes the Sir !orab8i Tata 9raduate School of Social :or2 6ith 2) students. 1+3C The Child 9uidance Clinic7 the InstituteDs first *ield Action ro8ect7 is launched. Toda%7 it is 2no6n as Mus2aan: Centre for Child and Adolescent 9uidance. 1+;) ublication of The Indian Eournal of Social :or27 the first 8ournal of social 6or2 in South Asia7 be"ins. The 8ournal is currentl% in its C2nd %ear of uninterrupted publication.

1+;; The Sir !orab8i Tata 9raduate School of Social :or2 is rena#ed as the FTata Institute of Social SciencesD. 1+;( In the after#ath of the artition7 the Institute sends a relief tea# of students and facult% to 6or2 in refu"ee ca#ps. This tradition of respondin" to hu#an needs and natural disasters b% sendin" relief tea#s continues e'en toda%. 1+5; The Institute shifts to its ne6 ca#pus at !eonar7 Mu#bai. Toda%7 this is the Main Ca#pus of the Institute. 1+&; The Institute is reco"nised as a !ee#ed <ni'ersit% b% the 9o'ern#ent of India7 and is pri#aril% funded b% the <ni'ersit% 9rants Co##ission 4<9C5. 1+&C The social 6or2 specialisation in F,abour :elfare and Industrial RelationsD de'elops into an independent MasterDs !e"ree pro"ra##e in ersonnel Mana"e#ent and Industrial Relations. 1+&+ The <nit for Child and Gouth ResearchHthe first research unit of the InstituteHis set up 6ith support fro# the <@IC$*. .ther research units are also set up in rele'ant areas7 bet6een 1+C) and 1+(;. 1+() $'enin" certificate pro"ra##es are initiated in 4i5 /ospital Ad#inistration7 and 4ii5 ersonnel Mana"e#ent and Industrial Relations. These pro"ra##es later de'elop into !iplo#a ro"ra##es. 1+(& The idea of a Rural Ca#pus is concei'ed. The 9o'ern#ent of Maharashtra donates 1)) acres of land in Sindphal 'illa"e 4Tul8apur Talu2a7 .s#anabad !istrict57 for this purpose. 1+(( The Institute is desi"nated as a Curriculu# !e'elop#ent Centre for Social :or2 $ducation b% the <9C. 1++3 MasterDs de"ree pro"ra##es in /ealth Ad#inistration and in /ospital Ad#inistration are initiated. 1+++ The Mu#bai ca#pus e0pands 6ith the inau"uration of the 11=acre Malti and Eal A.!. @aoro8i Ca#pus. 2))2 The @ational Assess#ent and Accreditation Council a6ards a 5=Star ratin" to the Institute. 2)); A IachelorDs pro"ra##e in Social :or2 co##ences at the InstituteDs Tul8apur Ca#pus. 2))5 !iplo#a pro"ra##es in Sustainable !e'elop#ent co##ence in ,ada2h and in the Anda#an J @icobar Islands. 2))& A land#ar2 %ear for TISS. K Acade#ic restructurin" of e0istin" !epart#ents and <nits into 5 Schools and ;

Independent Centres is operationalised. K T6o ne6 M.A. pro"ra##es are introduced: !e'elop#ent Studies and $ducation 4$le#entar%5. K The M.A. in ersonnel Mana"e#ent and Industrial Relations ro"ra##e is rena#ed as M.A. in /u#an Resources Mana"e#ent and ,abour Relations7 6ith si"nificant chan"es in its curriculu#. K The M.A. in Social :or2 and both the M./.A. pro"ra##es also re'a#p their curriculu#. K A re'a#ped inte"rated M. hil.= h.!. pro"ra##e is introduced. K The Ea#set8i Tata Centre for !isaster Mana"e#ent is inau"urated b% the ri#e Minister of India. 2))C K Three ne6 MasterDs !e"ree pro"ra##esH!isaster Mana"e#ent7 9lobalisation and ,abour7 and Social $ntrepreneurship t6o ne6 !iplo#a pro"ra##esHMedia and Cultural Studies7 and s%chosocial Care and Support in !isaster Mana"e#ent initiated. K Centre for Studies in Social $0clusion and Inclusi'e olic% inau"urated. 2))( K Three MasterDs !e"ree pro"ra##esH!isabilit% Studies and Action7 Media and Cultural Studies7 and ublic /ealthHand one !iplo#a pro"ra##e in 9erontolo"% are initiated. K School of /abitat Studies established. K *oundation stone for establish#ent of TISS /%derabad Ca#pus laid. 2))+ K Three ne6 MasterDs !e"ree pro"ra##esH/abitat olic% and ractice7 Counsellin"7 and :o#enDs StudiesHand one !iplo#a pro"ra##e in Counsellin" initiated. K TISS /%derabad Ca#pus offers its first acade#ic pro"ra##e: Certificate in !ecentralised lannin" and Rural !e'elop#ent fro# *ebruar% 2))+. K TISS7 9u6ahati initiates a !iplo#a pro"ra##e in Co##unit% .r"anisation and !e'elop#ent ractice fro# Eune 2))+. 2)1) K T6o ne6 MasterDs pro"ra##es H ublic /ealth in /ealth olic%7 $cono#ics and *inance7 and Social :or2 in Rural !e'elop#entH initiated. K @AAC re=accredits the Institute 6ith an FAD 9rade and a cu#ulati'e "rade point of 3.(( out of ;.)). 2011 K The Institute celebrates its latinu# Eubilee K The a#bitious and path=brea2in" Transfor#ation of M=:ard ro8ect is initiated 2012 K Acade#ic pro"ra##es co##enced in TISS 9u6ahati and TISS /%derabad ca#puses 6ith the co##ence#ent of 5 %ears Inte"rated Masters de"ree pro"ra##e in Social Sciences and Masters in Rural !e'elop#ent J 9o'ernance and Masters de"ree pro"ra##es in Social :or2. K TISS Tul8apur has celebrated its Sil'er Eubilee in 2)12.

An Overview of Recent Achievements

The s%ner"% bet6een teachin"7 research7 field action and e0tension has enabled the TISS to continue to shape plannin"7 polic% and pro"ra##e for#ulation7 foster critical rethin2in"7 and de'elop#ent of people=centred inter'entions. The Special Cell for :o#en and Children7 a *ield Action ro8ect of TISS7 co#pleted 25 %ears of 6or2 in 2))+ on F>iolence A"ainst :o#enD as a pro"ra##eLser'ice located in the police s%ste#. At present7 C States ha'e established Special Cells and efforts are on to establish the Special Cells in the re#ainin" States and <nion Territories of the countr%. TISS is the rincipal Recipient of the 9lobal *und for AI!S7 Tuberculosis and Malaria in a countr%=6ide pro8ect for capacit%=buildin" of hi"her institutions of learnin" in /I>LAI!S Counsellin". @a#ed Sa2sha#7 the pro8ect 6ill conduct #aster trainin" pro"ra##es and help to build infrastructure to de'elop the capacities of ;) acade#ic institutions all o'er the countr%7 6hich7 in turn7 6ill pro'ide supporti'e super'ision and trainin" to 127))) counsellors 6or2in" in the national /I>LAI!S counsellin" pro"ra##e. The 9lobal *und has a6arded Sa2sha# an A=1 ratin". In the Anda#an J @icobar Islands7 as a part of post=tsuna#i reconstruction7 the TISS has e#bar2ed on a pro"ra##e of capacit%=buildin" of local co##unities in sustainable de'elop#ent. In collaboration 6ith A@I Ad#inistration7 TISS is in the process of settin" up !isaster $arl% :arnin" S%ste# and structures for Rural Mno6led"e Centres. The TISS is reco"nised b% the :orld /ealth .r"anisation as a collaboratin" Centre for /ealth7 olic% Research and Trainin". The <@AI!S Centre for Ieha'ioural Research on /I>LAI!S is also located at TISS. The TISS has been en"a"ed in 6or2in" 6ith the 9oM to desi"n an .utco#e Iud"et co'erin" 12 2e% "o'ern#ent depart#ents. The .utco#e Iud"et initiati'e is an atte#pt to lin2 public e0penditure to definiti'e positi'e outco#es rather than #ere outputs so as to establish the relationship bet6een financial allocation7 the actual e0penditures7 and the e'entual outco#es of that e0penditure. The TISS has established collaborati'e research and student e0chan"e pro"ra##es 6ith o'er 25 uni'ersities and consortiu#s in Africa7 Asia7 the <nited States and $urope. The TISS has beco#e a partner in a Consortiu# of 12 $uropean <ni'ersities and ( Indian <ni'ersities. This Consortiu# is led b% ,und <ni'ersit%7 S6eden7 and has recei'ed a "rant of +.& #illion $uros for acade#ic e0chan"e under the $ras#us Mundus $0ternal Cooperation :indo6 India ,ot 15. <nder the 9rant7 TISS facult% #e#bers and students 6ill recei'e fello6ships for teachin" and research 6or2 in 'arious uni'ersities across $urope7 and TISS 6ill recei'e scholars and students fro# $uropean <ni'ersities. At the re1uest of the Mu#bai /i"h Court7 in 2))57 the TISS Rural Ca#pus undertoo2 a stud% of far#ersD suicides in Maharashtra. The Report has been appreciated b% the Court7 both for pro'idin" 'aluable insi"hts into the rural li'elihood crises and its polic% reco##endations. A lon"=ter# action research pro8ect on a"rarian crisis has been initiated. The TISS continues to be in'ol'ed in critical research in di'erse areas such as education and literac%7 fa#il% and children7 6o#enDs issues7 /I>LAI!S7 rural and urban de'elop#ent issues7 displace#ent7 %outh and hu#an de'elop#ent7 and the ri"hts of !alits7 indi"enous peoples7 #inorities and other #ar"inalised "roups.

2. Schools at TISS
TISS has #o'ed to a ne6 acade#ic structure in *ebruar% 2))& after co#prehensi'e restructurin" of its acade#ic structure and pro"ra##es. It currentl% hosts 9 schools, 5 independent centres, and 3 resource centres . The broad list of research interest of research super'isors 6ithin Schools and Independent Centres are as follo6s: =

School of Habitat Studies: a centre for 2no6led"e e0cellence7 focuses on pro'idin"

a co#prehensi'e response to the 2no6led"e=related needs of the societ% in the habitat sector. It dra6s fro# the fields of habitat studies7 econo#ics7 en'iron#ental science7 the social sciences7 en"ineerin"7 architecture7 and #ana"e#ent. The 2e% a"enda of the School in'ol'es creation7 disse#ination7 and application of rele'ant and useful 2no6led"e about plannin"7 desi"n7 de'elop#ent7 #ana"e#ent7 and "o'ernance of the habitats. The School stri'es to de'elop professional capacities in the field of /abitat Studies throu"h acade#ic teachin" and professionalL in=ser'ice trainin" that incorporate both social and technical s2ills. It offers t6o MasterDs !e"ree pro"ra##es in /abitat olic% and ractice and !isaster Mana"e#ent conducts its research and anal%tical 6or2 throu"h 5 Centres and 2 research facilities. Centre for Climate Change and Sustaina ilit! Centre for Science, "echnolog! and Societ! Centre for #r an $lanning and %o&ernance Centre for 'ater $olic! and %o&ernance( )amset*i "ata Centre for +isaster ,anagement Centre for %eoinformatics -a orator! Centre for #r an . ser&ator! #esearch Areas% Social Processes and Theory with Urban Planning, Design, and Infrastructure Economics, Finance, Governance and aw !atural "esources Use, Sustainability and Public Policy #limate change studies including climate $olicy, vulnerability, ada$tation and energy $olicy, Science, technology and innovation studies and $olicy %ll as$ects of Disasters, Disaster Studies, Disaster &anagement, Governance, Policy and Planning issues Disasters and S$ecial Grou$s, rights based a$$roaches ' Gender, #aste, "eligious Discrimination Social E(clusion and disaster relief and rehabilitation "elationshi$ between disasters and develo$ment #onflicts, "iots and other Disasters )umanitarian ogistics "emote sensing and GIS in Disaster &anagement Disaster "is* "eduction and Sustainable Develo$ment Indigenous and %$$ro$riate Technologies for Disaster &itigation Psychosocial care and su$$ort in disasters and mental health issues

School of &ealth S'stem Studies% prepares students for #ana"erial roles in

the fields of health and hospital ad#inistration and carries out hi"h 1ualit% social and polic% research on a ran"e of health issues 6ith a 'ie6 to support e'idence=based national health polic% and pro"ra##e plannin". The School is also in'ol'ed in desi"nin" need=based7 health=related inter'entions and buildin" capacities of health and allied professionals to pro#ote and support research7 action7 ad'ocac% and polic% rele'ant 6or2 on health.It offers ; MasterDs pro"ra##es in /ealth Ad#inistration7 /ospital Ad#inistration7 ublic /ealth in /ealth olic%7 $cono#ics and 5

*inance7 and ublic /ealth in Social $pide#iolo"%? and a !iplo#a in /ospital Ad#inistration. The School has ; centres and 2 research facilities. Centre for /ealth and Social Sciences Centre for /ealth $olic!, $lanning and ,anagement Centre for /ospital ,anagement Centre for $u lic /ealth 0ndia /ealth . ser&ator! Social Science 1esearch 2acilit! on /03450+S #esearch Areas % )ealth systems )ealth Policy )ealth Services %dministration )os$ital %dministration Public )ealth E$idemiology and interdisci$linary research related to health and social sciences Public health $olicy Social Policy Primary health care and social determinants of health Social Security &ental )ealth "e$roductive health and )I+,%IDS Elderly "esearch Public Private Partnershi$s in )ealth Economic im$act of illness )ealth $olicy analysis School of Mana ement and !abour Studies: has a #ission to pro'ide 1ualit% hu#an ser'ice professionals for a 'ariet% of sta2eholder "roups in the de'elop#ent process. The School has di'ersified to de'elop inno'ati'e teachin" and research pro"ra##es that address 6ider social issues and realities 6ith a special e#phasis on the #ar"inalised and 'ulnerable "roups. It offers 3 M.A. pro"ra##es in /u#an Resources Mana"e#ent and ,abour Relations7 9lobalisation and ,abour7 and Social $ntrepreneurship? and an $0ecuti'e !iplo#a pro"ra##e in /u#an Resources Mana"e#ent. It is in'ol'ed in research and consultanc% underta2en throu"h 5 Centres:
4 4 4 4

Centre for /uman 1esources ,anagement and -a our 1elations Centre for -a our Studies Centre for Social 6ntrepreneurship Centre for Social and .rganisational -eadership +e&elopment Centre for $u lic $olic! and %o&ernance

$esearch Areas: abour in the Informal Economy Decent wor* &icro Finance Social Entre$reneurshi$ eadershi$ abour &ar*et !etwor*s in -nowledge Social &ar*eting &

Em$loyer .randing Industrial "elations #or$orate Governance Strategic )uman "esources &anagement #S" Talent &anagement/ 0rganisational Develo$ment and #hange T1& and )" in*ages 0rgani2ational .ehaviour School of Rural "evelo#ment Since its inception in 1+(&7 TISS Tul8apur Ca#pus has been acti'el% en"a"ed in people=centred action research contributin" to polic% for#ulation and de'elopin" alternati'e sustainable #odels for rural de'elop#ent. Currentl%7 this ca#pus offers MAS: in Rural !e'elop#ent and a 5 %ear inte"rated pro"ra##e in Social Sciences. In the ne0t acade#ic %ear 42)13=2)1557 the MAS: in Rural !e'elop#ent 6ill ha'e three specialiNations7 'iN.7 Social $ntrepreneurship7 ,i'elihood and 9o'ernance and !e'elop#ent olic%7 lannin" and ractice. It is also proposed to offer #ore Inter and trans=disciplinar% MasterDs pro"ra##es later.
#esearch Areas%

Tribal Develo$ment Globalisation Develo$mental Social 3or* #ommunal )armony and Peace &arginalisation and Identity %nthro$ology of "eligion Disability #ommunity 0rganisation and Develo$ment Practice Social Entre$reneurshi$ Develo$ment #ommunication/ ocal Governance Social E(clusion "ural ivelihood !atural "esources &anagement %grarian "elations Social &ovements and Social %ction Food Security )uman and Institutional Develo$ment "ural and Inclusive &ar*eting Public )ealth &anagement 3ater Sanitation and )ygiene Disaster "is* "eduction &aternal and #hild )ealth !omadic and Denotified Tribes Sociology of #aste Ethnogra$hy Peasant Studies #ommunicable and !on'#ommunicable Diseases District and &icro Planning4

School of "evelo#ment Studies: School of !e'elop#ent Studies see2s to build

core co#petence in the field of de'elop#ent studies throu"h acade#ic and polic% research. It focuses on the i#plications of de'elop#ent specificall% on the e0cluded and #ar"inaliNed co##unities. *or#ed out of the erst6hile Centre for !e'elop#ent Studies7 the School no6 has 5 centres7 6hich also includes the Ad'anced Centre for :o#en Studies. The School has also set up a Research *acilit% on @utrition to underta2e collaborati'e and applied research7 ad'ocac%7 and education focused on food s%ste#s and co##unit% nutrition to further the realisation of sustainable food securit% of all. Centre for Stud! of +e&eloping Societies Centre for Stud! of +e&eloping 6conomies Centre for $u lic $olic!, /a itat and /uman +e&elopment Centre for $opulation, /ealth and +e&elopment 5d&anced Centre for 'omen Studies

Teachin": S!S offers 2 MA pro"ra##es: MA in !e'elop#ent Studies and MA in :o#en Studies? and an M. hil and h. !. pro"ra##e in !e'elop#ent Studies. Research Areas : Social Structure and Social Stratification Develo$ment and religious minorities and other marginalised grou$s Social E(clusion Social &ovements and #hange "ural &igration, mobilisation and violence &odernisation and Social #hange Globalisation and its im$lications Political Economy Political Ecology )eterodo( #ultures and Thought Poverty and Ine5uality &easurement Social Sector Develo$ment Public Intervention Policy %dvocacy %grarian Studies "ural Develo$ment &icro'economic Transformation International Trade Public Finance Po$ulation Dynamics6 Po$ulation dynamics in India Po$ulation )ealth and Develo$ment/ develo$ment and $erformance in the fields of )ealth and Po$ulation #ontrol Programmes demogra$hic changes and e$idemiological transition4

School of Social $or% : pro#otes education in social 6or2 that is de#ocratic7

e#ancipator%7 and e"alitarian and that de'elops a critical perspecti'e in students. It offers d%na#ic and rele'ant pro"ra##es at the !octoral7 MasterDs and Certificate le'els. It also identifies ne6 areas for social 6or2 practice and e'ol'es inno'ati'e practice strate"ies throu"h practice=based research and field action pro8ects. .ther thrust areas of the School are research7 net6or2in" and liaisonin" 6ith "o'ern#ental and non="o'ern#ental or"anisations for capacit% buildin"7 polic% and pro"ra##e de'elop#ent7 and e0tension. The School has 11 Centres: (

Centre for Communit! .rganisation and +e&elopment $ractice Centre for Criminolog! and Criminal )ustice Centre for 67uit! for 'omen, Children and 2amilies Centre for +isa ilit! Studies and 5ction Centre for /ealth and ,ental /ealth Centre for Social )ustice and %o&ernance Centre for -i&elihood and Social 6ntrepreneurship South 5sia Centre for Studies in Conflict, $eace and /uman Securit! Centre for 6n&ironment, 67uit! and )ustice
-earning and "eaching Support 8et9or: for 6nhancement of Social 'or: 6ducation and $ractice

Centre for 0ncu ation of Social 'or: 0nitiati&es

Research Areas : Social wor* education, ideologies, $ers$ectives and $ractice, Disability social wor*, thera$eutic interventions with individuals, grou$s and families Issues of social e(clusion and inclusion such as dis$lacement, forced migration and rights of minorities, informal sector, #hild labour, children and youth in conflict with the law "ural and tribal develo$ment, ocal self'governance &ental health, mental illness and related issues Se(ualities, Se(ual and Gender minorities User $ers$ectives in mental health #hild and adolescent mental health Gender based violence Issues related to youth develo$ment, ageing, gender, caste and communal conflict, ethics, human rights and social 7ustice "e$roductive and se(ual health, Disasters and mental health, )ealth of vulnerable grou$s and $eace and conflict Pro$osals are also invited in sustainable develo$ment, management of voluntary organi2ations and resource mobili2ation and management

School of Media and &ultural Studies: is en"a"ed in #edia teachin"7

production7 research and disse#ination. A uni1ue feature of the School is the close lin2a"e bet6een the technical and acade#ic areas of its 6or2. The 6or2 of the School straddles both real#s7 thus facilitatin" a s%ner"% bet6een research7 teachin" and production7 all of 6hich are infor#ed b% a 2een sense of connection 6ith local subaltern cultures of resistance and in'ention. The Centres of the School en"a"ed in research "uidance are Centre for Critical Media ra0is 4CCM 57 6hich focuses on #edia practice and theorisin" on practice and Centre for the Stud% of Conte#porar% Culture 4CSCC5. Cultural Studies in the Indian conte0t is a di'erse cross=disciplinar% field that en"a"es in an i#passioned 6a% 6ith conte#porar% social political7 historical and econo#ic conte0ts reflectin" on 1uestions of ideolo"%7 identit%7 po6er7 and discourse. Research Areas : #ultural Studies Semiology +

#ritical theory %udience rece$tion studies Documentary film #ensorshi$ !ew media Film and television studies Gender and Se(uality The middle classes and consum$tion Gender and Public S$ace Gendered media cultures Decentralisation, local governance and gender Political economy of media Partici$atory communication and develo$ment School for !aw' Ri hts and &onstitutional (overnance 6as established in Ma% 2)12 6ith t6o centres: Centre for -a9 and Societ! 8odal Centre for 6;cellence in /uman 1ights 6ducation

$stablished in 2)117 the School of )ocational *ducation 6ill i#ple#ent trainin" pro"ra##es in different trades throu"h partnerships 6ith 'arious industrial and ser'ice sectors. The #odel of trainin" adopted 6ould be F6or2=inte"rated s2ills initiation and de'elop#entD a2in to the Fdual education s%ste#D7 follo6ed in 9er#an% and other $uropean nations. The TISS has identified s2ill de'elop#ent e0perts 6ho ha'e de#onstrated proof of concept in Manufacturin"7 Suppl% Chain, 'elding and Construction trades(


+. Inde#endent Research &entres at TISS : &entre for !ifelon learnin ,&!!- earlier 2no6n as !epart#ent of $0tra Mural

Studies 6as established on *ebruar% 157 2))&7 and is an independent Centre of the TISS. It 6as initiated 6ith the ob8ecti'e of pro'idin" trainin" for adult learners in the areas of e0pertise in the Institute. The Centre caters to t6o 2inds of adult learners: 4a5 The professional "roups "ettin" trained for their continuin" education and 4b5 the "eneral population fro# di'erse bac2"rounds 6ho are outside the for#al education s%ste# or those 6ho ha'e not had the opportunit% to access for#al education s%ste# and 6ant to access trainin" or "oal=oriented short=ter# 'ocational pro"ra##es. To6ards this "oal7 the Centre offers !iplo#a pro"ra##es in 9erontolo"%7 Counsellin" 7and need based short ter# trainin" and 6or2shops. The Centre focuses on the the#atic areas of 9erontolo"% and Gouth throu"h research and outreach pro"ra##es.

Research Areas :
%dult and ifelong earning Pedagogy of Training and Facilitation 8Educational Technology9 Gerontology 83or* with 0lder %dults9 :outh Develo$ment and #hange %rt based interventions for Develo$ment and #hange )uman "esource &anagement in )os$ital and )ealth #are Social 3or* Education and Practice +oluntarism

&entre for Research Methodolo .,&RM-: focuses on 2no6led"e production

and s2ills in the #ethodolo"ical aspects of the 'arious hu#an science disciplines. The Centre is a leader in trainin" research professionals in 'arious fields and has been en"a"ed in teachin"7 research and consultin" in the area of research and anal%sis. The Socio=Sur'e% Cell of the Centre is in'ol'ed in lar"e=scale sur'e%s and anal%sis in se'eral areas of applied social science research.

Research Areas %
&igration, Em$loyment and Develo$ment, Dias$ora ; Identity Social &ovements and Decentrali2ed governance4

&entre for !ibrar. and Information Mana ement Studies' Sir "orab/i Tata Memorial !ibrar.' TISS
The Sir !orab8i Tata Me#orial ,ibrar% 4S!TM,5 pro'ides resources and ser'ices ai#ed at pro'idin" the hi"hest le'el of research and teachin" support to all the pro"ra##es of the Institute. The ,ibrar%-s collection is re'ie6ed e'er% %ear in order for it to be rele'ant to the e#er"in" and de'elopin" areas of research. It holds about 171&7(+5 'olu#es7 and subscribes to o'er (75)) print and e=8ournals. Iein" a di"ital librar% s%ste#7 it is reco"nised b% <9C as @ational !ocu#ent !eli'er% Centre in the field of Social Sciences. 11

The Centre for ,ibrar% and Infor#ation Mana"e#ent Studies 4C,IMS5 offers a cuttin" ed"e 9 !iplo#a in !i"ital ,ibrar% and Infor#ation Mana"e#ent 4 9!,IM57 direct h! pro"ra##e in ,ibrar% and Infor#ation Sciences. Research Areas : Information %ccess and Services -nowledge &anagement Information and Digital iteracy eresources "esource Discovery Digital ibrary I#T %$$lications in ibrary 3eb Designing 0$en Source Software Scientometrics 0$en Source Software Scholarly #ommunication Systems Information 0rgani2ation &etadata


(. A)out Integrated M.Phil Ph. D. *rogramme + Direct Ph. D. *rogramme Integrated M. Phil Ph. D. *rogramme %

It is a fi'e %ear full ti#e pro"ra##e offered fro# TISS ca#puses as applicable. M. hil in $ducation7 :o#en-s Studies and !e'elop#ent Studies are sub8ect specific tau"ht M. hil. ro"ra##es of four se#esters offered fro# Mu#bai J /%derabad ca#puses. *or details please see the detailed pro"ra##e outlines of these pro"ra##es on the Institute 6ebsite All the other candidates ad#itted in the Inte"rated M. hil O h. ! pro"ra##e 6ill under"o a co##on course 6or2 in Research Methodolo"%. The pro"ra##e has one se#ester of course 6or2 and three se#esters of research 6or2. Candidates 6ith post "raduate de"ree in Social Sciences7 Social 6or2 and related fields can appl% for the M. hil pro"ra##e.

Programme Structure%
The duration of the M. hil. pro"ra##e shall be t6o %ears7 spread o'er four se#esters coincidin" 6ith the acade#ic calendar of the Institute. The "eneric M. hil. pro"ra##e 4the course 6hich is co##on for #ost M. hil. de"rees at the Institute5 shall carr% a total of = ;( credits = and 6ill ha'e fi'e co#ponents: Iasic Courses 4IC5 4( Credits5: The = four courses pro'ide the 2no6led"e base in the theor% and practice of research. Au0iliar% Courses 4AC5 4non=credit5: = one course pro'ideLenhance s2ills in the use of scholarl% 6ritin" = The#atic Courses 4TC5 4& credits5 The = three courses7 to be chosen b% a student fro# the list of current offerin"s in the SchoolsLCentres7 6ill help e0tend or update herLhis 2no6led"e in the 4sub5discipline that sLhe has chosen to do research in. .ptional Course 4.C5 42 credits5: .ne course to be chosen b% a student fro# an% of the courses listed across schools and centres in the Institute. Sur'e% of ,iterature 4S,5 4( Credits5: As a prelude to e#bar2in" on the stud% proper7 the student is helped to fa#iliarise herself 6ith the literature a'ailable on the proble# chosen for stud%7 and identif% the "aps in it andLor for#ulate alternati'e h%potheses. !issertation 4!I5 42; Credits5: ro'ides an opportunit% for the student to practice the craft of research b% usin" the 2no6led"e ac1uired durin" the course 6or2. $#bod%in" the outco#e of the practise or process of research7 the dissertation constitutes the product of research. The dissertation shall be e'aluated and "raded b% the "uide and an e0a#iner e0ternal to the Centre appointed b% the !irector fro# a panel of e0perts su""ested b% the AMC. 13

In order to successfull% co#plete the pro"ra##e7 a scholar 6ill ha'e to obtain the prescribed #ini#u# 9rade oint A'era"e 49 A5 for each course 4includin" S, and !I5 separatel%. The 9 A obtained b% a successful scholar and the appraisal reports recei'ed fro# the course teachers and the dissertation super'isor 6ill deter#ine 6hether the scholar is eli"ible for re"istration for the h.!. pro"ra##e or not. M. hil dissertation 6ill ha'e to be sub#itted b% 1st ,arch of the fourth se#ester. The dissertation 6ill be e0a#ined b% the "uide as 6ell as a sub8ect e0pert decided b% the co#petent authorit%. <pon successful co#pletion of 'i'a='oce e0a#ination7 the scholar 6ill be conferred M. hil !e"ree at the Annual Con'ocation.

Direct Ph.D. *rogramme%

$ $ $ It can be pursued fro# all the TISS ca#puses7 as applicable. Selected candidates can pursue h.!. either b% sta%in" on TISS ca#puses 4if acco##odation is a'ailable5 or fro# 6hiche'er location the% are in. TISS does not #a2e an% distinction a#on" research scholars as full ti#e and part ti#e. /o6e'er7 selected candidates ph%sicall% not present on the Ca#pus7 are e0pected to be in touch 6ith the research "uide7 fulfill the necessar% re1uire#ents of the h.!. pro"ra##e7 pa% fees re"ularl%7 sub#it pro"ress reports. The candidates7 6ho ha'e not co#pleted their M. hil and are selected for !irect h.!.7 are e0pected to fulfill course 6or2 re1uire#ent either b% attendin" re"ular courses held at the respecti'e ca#puses .R b% attendin" the Modular 6or2shops offered e'er% se#ester. "his is a compulsor! re7uirement(

Su*er,ision and -uidance for Ph.D Students %

$ A candidate selected for ad#ission to the h.!. pro"ra##e 6ill 6or2 under the super'ision of a "uide7 or a "uide and a co="uide. A !octoral Ad'isor% Co##ittee 4!AC5 6ill be constituted to #onitor pro"ress #ade b% a scholar.

Su)mission and E,aluation of Ph.D Thesis

5 5 5 5 The scholar #ust publish at least one paper in peer re'ie6ed 8ournal before sub#ittin" the s%nopsis and the thesis. The research scholar should sub#it7 throu"h hisLher "uide7 three copies of the final title and s%nopsis 4in about 175)) 6ords5 of the thesis7 and #a2e a se#inar presentation7 at least three #onths before sub#ission of the thesis. The scholar shall sub#it three copies of the thesis e#bod%in" the results of hisLher research 6or27 not earlier than t6o %ears fro# the date of re"istration for the h.!. pro"ra##e. T6o e0ternal e0a#iners 6ill ad8udicate the thesis. Thereafter7 the >i'a='oce e0a#ination 6ill be conducted in the presence of the ad8udicators alon" 6ith the Con'ener of the Research Council and the Research 9uide. .nce7 this panel reco##ends that the scholar has successfull% co#pleted the h.!. ro"ra##e7 heLshe 6ill be a6arded the h.!. de"ree at the Annual Con'ocation.


.. Admission to Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D. Programmes

Eligi)ilit' for the Integrated M.Phil and Ph.D. Programmes 5 The #ini#u# acade#ic 1ualification for ad#ission to the M. hil pro"ra##e is a Second Class MasterDs or e1ui'alent de"ree in the rele'ant sub8ect a6arded b% a reco"nised uni'ersit% in India or abroad7 6ith at least an a'era"e of 55 per cent of a""re"ate #ar2s7 or a "rade point a'era"e of 3.5 under the se'en=point "rade s%ste# of the <ni'ersit% 9rants Co##ission 4<9C57 India. In the case of Scheduled Caste 4SC5 and Scheduled Tribe 4ST5 candidates7 the #ini#u# eli"ibilit% is an a'era"e of 5) per cent of a""re"ate #ar2s7 or a "rade point a'era"e of 3.)5. Candidates 6ho 6ill co#plete all the re1uire#ents of their final %ear MasterDs !e"ree e0a#inations b% )ul! 17 are also eli"ible to appl% for M. hil pro"ra##e7 pro'ided the% ha'e successfull% co#pleted their first %ear. In such cases7 ad#ission 6ill be pro'isional. If a pro'isionall% ad#itted student fails to score the #ini#u# re1uired #ar2L"rade at the end of the final %ear e0a#ination7 the offer of pro'isional ad#ission 6ill auto#aticall% stands cancelled. An applicant 6ith a MasterDs de"ree in sub8ects other than those related to the research areas #a% be considered for ad#ission to the pro"ra##e7 if heLshe has de#onstrated hisLher interest in and aptitude for stud%in" social issues. Indi'iduals appl%in" for M. hilL h.!. in Social :or2 #ust ha'e a ost"raduate de"ree in Social :or2.

Eligi)ilit' for the Direct Ph.D. Programmes% 5 5 those 6ho ha'e an M. hil or e1ui'alent de"ree a6arded b% a reco"nised uni'ersit% in India or abroad? teachers 6or2in" in colle"es7 uni'ersities7 or institutes reco"nised b% the <9C or appropriate a"encies and selected for fello6ship under the *acult% I#pro'e#ent ro"ra##e or other si#ilar pro"ra##es? teachers 6or2in" in colle"es7 uni'ersities7 or institutes reco"nised b% the <9C or appropriate a"encies and 6ho ha'e 5 %ears of full=ti#e teachin" e0perience? practitioners in health=care ad#inistration7 hu#an resource #ana"e#ent7 de'elop#ental 6or2 or social 6or2 6ith a considerable 6or2 e0perience in the proposed field of research? after fulfillin" acade#ic eli"ibilit%? scholarsD 6ho ha'e pro'en acade#ic credentials as e'idenced b% their publications.

5 5

Eligi)ilit' for Direct PhD Programme in "i)rar' and Information Science Candidates appl%in" for h! pro"ra##e in ,ibrar% and Infor#ation Science #ust ha'e a #ini#u# score of 55P in their post "raduate pro"ra##e in ,ibrar% and Infor#ation Science 4M,ISc L M.,ib ScL MS in ,ISc and MALMSc in ,ISc5 All h! Scholars are re1uired to under"o h! Modular 6or2shops on Research Methodolo"% bein" conducted b% the institute. Candidate is re1uired to fulfill all other re1uire#ents as co##unicated b% the institute for direct h! Scholars 15

Candidates appl%in" for 0ntegrated ,($hil4$h(+( and +irect $h( +( $rogramme in 6ducation, +e&elopment Studies and 'omen<s Studies should refer to the details about eli"ibilit%7 rationale and ob8ecti'es and pro"ra##e structure is "i'en in the separate lin2 on the TISS 6ebsite .

Admission Procedure for Integrated M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes and Direct Ph.D. Programme
.ff-line application=
Re1uest for Application *or# and Infor#ation Irochure b% .ST or in person #a% be addressed to Section .fficer 4!S.5 . Application *or# and Infor#ation Irochure can also be do6nloaded fro# the lin2 at the Institute 6ebsite i. e. and send b% post to TISS7 alon" 6ith a Ian2 challan of Rs. 1)))L= 4deposited in an% branch of the State Ian2 of India5.

.n-line application=

Candidates are encouraged to appl! through the online application form 9hich 9ill e a&aila le on 0nstitute 9e site 999(tiss(edu along 9ith application procedure ! 2e ruar! 15, 2013(

Advantages of applying online: Candidates ha'e an option of pa%in" the application fees usin" Credit card7 !ebit card or net ban2in". Candidates can sa'e the for# at an% sta"e and lea'e it #id6a%. The infor#ation sa'ed 6ill re#ain intact and the% can later co#plete the rest of the for# at their con'enience before the last date. Candidates don-t ha'e to send the application for# b% post. Candidates can upload their research proposal. 0mportant= A candidate can appl% for a #a0i#u# of t9o fro# a#on" all pro"ra##es offered b% Mu#bai7 Tul8apur7 9u6ahati and /%derabad ca#puses. <se onl% one application for#7 e'en if %ou are appl%in" for #ore than one pro"ra##e. Application rocessin" *ees .nline $a!ment ! Credit Card4+e it Card 5ppl!ing for 1 $rogramme Rs. 17)2)L= 5ppl!ing for 2 $rogrammes Rs. 27);)L= .nline $a!ment ! 8et an:ing Rs. 17)2)L= Rs. 27);)L=
Cash +eposit in an! S>0 >ranch using the prescri ed challan

Rs. 17)))L= Q Ian2 Char"es Rs. 27)))L= Q Ian2 Char"es


rocessin" fee paid b% the candidates 6ill not be refunded if the% are found ineli"ible for an% pro"ra##e. Ma2e sure that %our application is co#plete 6ith all re1uired infor#ation7 includin" fee pa%#ent details before sub#ittin" it. Inco#plete application for#s 6ill be re8ected. Applications recei'ed after the due date 6ill not be considered and the processin" fee paid 6ill also not be refunded. Ad#ission to the Inte"rated M. hil. And h.!. ro"ra##es and !irect h.!. ro"ra##e is #ade once e'er% acade#ic %ear 4in March5. Sub#ission of a research proposal is a co#pulsor% re1uire#ent for ad#ission to the !irect h.!. ro"ra##e. A research proposal consistin" of appro0i#atel% 17))) 6ords should acco#pan% the application for# 2eepin" in #ind the follo6in" points:

Specification of the broad field of stud%7 State#ent of the research proble# and scope and ob8ecti'es of the stud%7 The rationale for and the si"nificance of the stud%7 The #ethodolo"% to be follo6ed7 ReferencesLbiblio"raph%7 and The candidateDs researchL6or2 e0perience in that area7 if an%.

Applicants of Inte"rated M. hil and h.! ro"ra##es should refer to the application for# for details re"ardin" sub#ission of a #andator% docu#ent : F urpose of Stud%D Applicants7 currentl% e#plo%ed and see2in" ad#ission7 ha'e to sub#it a F@o=.b8ection ,etter F fro# the e#plo%er in support of the application. <pon ad#ission the scholar is e0pected to fulfill the ad#ission re1uire#ents throu"h personal 'isits to the Institute. Thereupon the scholar is e0pected to attend the Institute fro# ti#e to ti#e to fulfill 'arious acade#ic re1uire#ents. $li"ible applicants 6ill be re1uired to appear for a 1esearch 5ptitude "est ?15"@ and an inter'ie6 on a pre=notified date in Mu#bai. The SC and ST applicants 46hoseL 6hose parentsD inco#e is belo6 t 6 o la2h rupees5 called for the 6ritten test and inter'ie6 6ill be rei#bursed the tra'el e0penses rei#bursed bet6een the place of their residence and TISS b% the shortest route upon producin" a 'alid rail6a%Lbus tic2et alon" 6ith inco#e certificate and caste certificate issued fro# the co#petent authorit%. @o TAL!A is7 ho6e'er7 ad#issible for 8oinin" the pro"ra##e. The SCLST students selected for the pro"ra##e are re1uired to sub#it the attested 0ero0 cop% of the 55+/551 C51+ or if %ou ha'e applied but not %et recei'ed the card7 then sub#it the attested ac:no9ledgement receipt 4recei'ed at the ti#e of application5.

The last date for submission of application form is March 30, 2013-


/. #eser,ation
Scheduled !aste and Scheduled Tri)e !andidates
As per 9oI re1uire#ents7 15 per cent and C.5 per cent seats are reser'ed for SC and ST candidates7 respecti'el%7 in all the pro"ra##es. Eligibility: .nl% SCLST candidates 6hose inco#e if e#plo%ed or parent4s5 inco#e is less than T6o la2h for the i##ediate precedin" %ear and fulfill the criteria for the a6ard of the 9o'ern#ent of India ost=Matric Scholarship 49.I= MS5 are eli"ible to the follo6in" facilities:

!harges of A**lication

orm for Entrance Test

The Application *or# for ad#ission to M. hilL h.! pro"ra##es are pro'ided free of cost. The candidates are re1uired to sub#it a cop% of the Caste and Inco#e Certificate issued b% a co#petent authorit%7 to collect a free cop% fro# the !octoral S tudents . ffice 4! S . 5 7 if the% co#e in person to TISS ca#pus. If the candidate do6nloads the application7 the dul% filled in application for# has to be sent alon" 6ith the Caste and Inco#e Certificates issued b% a co#petent authorit%.

Tra,elling Allo0ance for 1ritten Test

Tra'ellin" Allo6ance 4TA5 is paid to all the eli"ible SCLST candidates for attendin" :ritten Test and ersonal Inter'ie6 to be held in Mu#bai. *or clai#in" TA7 candidates are re1uired to sub#it ori"inal tra'el tic2ets alon" 6ith filled=in TA for#.

E$em*tion of


The SCLST students selected for the pro"ra##e and 6ho fulfill the criteria for the a6ard of the 9o'ern#ent of India ost=Matric Scholarship 49.I= MS5 4annual inco#e belo6 t6 o la2h5 are e0e#pted fro# the pa%#ent of fees e0cept the /ealth Insurance fee of Rs.175))L= or 6hate'er is the annual pre#iu#. In case of non=sub#ission of 9.I= MS *or#s 6ithin the specified ti#e as announced b% the SCLST Cell and if the student does not fulfill the conditions for the a6ard of 9.I= MS7 the student 6ill stand to lose the pro'ision of e0e#ption of fees and 6ill ha'e to pa% all the fees as prescribed b% the Institute. The SCLST students selected for the pro"ra##e are re1uired to sub#it the attested 0ero0 cop% of the 55+/551 C51+ or if %ou ha'e applied but not %et recei'ed the card7 then sub#it the attested ac:no9ledgement receipt 4recei'ed at the ti#e of application5.

ree2shi* Scheme for S!3ST Students of Maharashtra su)4ect to a**l'ing for freeshi*
*ree=ship sche#e 4e0e#ption of Tuition and $0a#ination fee5 is applicable for the studentsD of SCLSTL.ICLSpecial Iac26ard Classes L !e=notified and @o#adic Tribes of Maharashtra. These students 6ill be e0e#pted fro# pa%#ent of Tuition and $0a#ination fees. In case of non= sub#ission of application for#s and non=fulfill#ent of the conditions for the a6ard of *reeship Sche#e7 the student 6ill stand to lose the pro'ision of e0e#ption of fees and 6ill ha'e to pa% all the fees as prescribed b% the Institute.


Other Bac50ard !lass 6Non2cream' "a'er7% 2CP reser'ation.

.IC 4@C5 Certificate: .IC candidates fro# the crea#% la%er are treated as "eneral candidates. Candidates belon"in" to .IC 4non=crea#% la%er status5 should send the non=crea#% la%er certificate issued b% an official of the Re'enue !epart#ent of the respecti'e state "o'ern#ent. The% should also enclose the inco#e certificateLinco#e ta0 return filed b% selfL parentsL"uardians. All .IC 4@C5 candidates ha'e to attach a declaration 6ith re"ard to their status. Applications recei'ed 6ithout an% of the abo'e #entioned docu#ents7 6ill be re8ected. lease note onl% non=crea#% la%er certificates issued after .ctober 237 2))C 6ill be considered. Certificate before this date are not 'alid.

Persons 0ith Disa)ilit' 6P1D7

3P seats as applicable 6ill be considered in the M. hil J h. !. ro"ra##es for :! of 6hich 1P each is reser'ed for persons 6ith 4a5 ,o6 >isionLIlindness7 4b5 /earin" I#pair#ent7 and 4c5 ,oco#otor !isabilit%LCerebral als%.

8ashmiri Migrants% Su)4ect to the -oI directi,es

MM and :! Certificate: Candidates belon"in" to Mash#iri Mi"rants 4MM5 and erson 6ith !isabilit% 4 :!5 should attach certificates "i'in" proof of their status. The certificates for :! should indicate a #ini#u# ;)P of disabilit%.


9. Admission of International Students to M.Phil and Ph.D. Programme%

5 5 5 5 5 All forei"n nationals 4holdin" citiNenship other than Indian or in addition to that of Indian5 are eli"ible to appl% for the M. hil and h.!. pro"ra#s as International Students. Ad#ission of the international students 6ill be done throu"h the International StudentsD .ffice 4IS.5 of TISS. The eli"ibilit% criteria for ad#ission to the M. hil.L h.!. pro"ra##e for forei"n nationals is the sa#e as for Indian nationals. Students 6ill be inter'ie6ed telephonicall% or in person 4as the case #a% be5 b% a anel of facult% #e#bers. <pon ad#ission7 the student 6ill be e0tended a pro'isional ad#ission offer sub8ect to confir#ation upon due 'erification and ascertain#ent of "rades7 and also clearance fro# their respecti'e "o'ern#ents. The scholar is e0pected to 'isit the Institute at least once a %ear. A differential fee structure e0ists for students fro# the SAARC and other lo6 inco#e countries and de'eloped countries. *orei"n students7 re"istered for h.!. in uni'ersities abroad7 can also see2 affiliation to the Institute. *or #ore details 6rite to the Con'ener7 International Students .ffice =

5 5



ees and De*osits

*ee Co#ponent M. hil7 h.! *or Indian Scholars and Scholars fro# SAARC Countries 4in Indian Rupees5
2ee Component 2ees
Tuition $0a#ination Co#puter Students- Mediclai# Insurance re#iu# Thesis Sub#ission Thesis Resub#ission !e"ree Certificate Replace#ent Issue of !uplicate Identit% Card Su "otal 55)) 3)) 5)) 15)) 1))) 25) 25) 1)) 9400 1)) Su "otal 1)) 55)) 3)) 5)) 15)) 2))) 5)) 25) 1)) 10650 1)) 5))) 51)) er Se#ester er Se#ester er Se#ester




er Gear 4alon" 6ith 1 Se#ester *ees5 a%able three #onths before sub#ission


er Replace#ent er !uplicate Card

.ther Charges=
Medical $0a#ination *ees *ee for ; Modular Courses To be rei#bursed to the doctors *or !irect h.! Students

/ostel Charges=
!inin" /all /ostel Roo#4!oubleLTriple5 4if allotted5 $lectricit% Su "otal 12))) 2C5) 3))) 1C7C5) 2))) 12))) 2C5) 3))) 1C7C5) 2))) to be ad8usted a"ainst #onthl% bills er Se#ester er Se#ester

1efunda le +eposits
,ibrar% To be paid alon" 6ith 1 Se#ester *ees To be paid if /ostel Acco##odation is pro'ided To be paid alon" 6ith 1st Se#ester

/ostel Roo# 4if allotted5 !inin" /all 4if a'ailed5 Caution

2))) 2;)) 2)))

2))) 2;)) 2)))


0. Student Su##ort Services and 1acilities:

Sir Dora)4i Tata Memorial "i)rar'
The Sir !orab8i Tata Me#orial ,ibrar% at TISS is a uni1ue Mno6led"e Center7 6hich offers essential and specialiNed infor#ation resources and personaliNed infor#ation ser'ices to its facult% and students. This librar%Ds #ain ob8ecti'e is to de'elop user = based resources7 pro'idin" hu#an and technolo"icall% #oderated access to 2no6led"e and facilitate users to identif%7 e'aluate and access infor#ation. ,ibrar% has in stoc2 about 17 127))) boo2s co'erin" the principal fields of interest in Social Sciences. More than 3)) print 8ournals and 35)) e=8ournals are currentl% subscribed. About 35)) thesis and dissertations sub#itted to 'arious schools of TISS and 'arious pro8ect reports7 Co##ittee reports are also housed in librar%. State of the art C%ber ,ibrar%7 a 2; S C facilit% is located on the librar% first floor. This has pro'ision of o'er +) stud% places for all 6ith an e0clusi'e area for M. hilL h! Scholars. <sers ha'e co#puter des2 6ith a#ple readin" space and also a C 6ith 1)#bps broadband internet access. These stud% places pro'ide access to print as 6ell as di"ital learnin" resources that this librar% has in its collection. So#e of the i#portant infor#ation ser'ices pro'ided are Current A6areness Ser'ice 4@e6 Additions ,ist57 Selecti'e !isse#ination of Infor#ation 4S!I Iulletin5 !ocu#ent !eli'er% Ser'ices7 Iiblio"raph% and Reference Ser'ices7 @et6or2in" 6ith !$,@$T7 Inflibnet for effecti'e Inter ,ibrar% ,oan ser'ices. M.M. Tata Me#orial ,earnin" Centre for the >isuall% Challen"ed 6ithin the ,ibrar% is e1uipped 6ith 2) #ulti#edia co#puters7 scanners for readin" print #aterials7 ris#a Ma"nification de'ice for students 6ith lo6 'ision7 MurN6eil M1))) .CR Readin" soft6are7 Too#=$0 Instant Reader for con'ersion of print #aterial into di"ital for#at for creatin" an e=,ibrar%. A 2)) pa"e print boo2 can be con'erted into e=Ioo2 in less than 1) #inutes. It also has Iasic ! Iraille $#bosser for production of Ioo2s in Iraille. !oin" research at TISS #eans that %ou are not restricted to one librar% for %our research. Ma8or libraries li2e IIT7 II S7 I9I!R7 <SIS7 IC,7 S@!T and <ni'ersit% of Mu#bai are open to our students.

The Students; Affairs Office

The StudentsD Affairs .ffice is the funda#ental lin2 bet6een students7 facult% and the ad#inistration of TISS. /eaded b% the !ean 4StudentsD Affairs57 the purpose of the .ffice is to create a cli#ate 6hich pro#otes personal and acade#ic de'elop#ent of students b% offerin" the# both support and challen"es. Support is pro'ided b% assistin" students directl% or throu"h referrals. The .ffice see2s to pro'ide challen"e b% holdin" students accountable for their actions and b% assistin" the# in de'elopin" proble#=sol'in" s2ills. The .ffice7 thus7 stri'es to help


students in their ad8ust#ent to TISS life and help the# to ta2e full ad'anta"e of the acade#ic and social en'iron#ent here. To6ards this7 the studentsD Affairs .ffice loo2s into the ph%sical and #ental 6ell=bein" of students throu"h ser'ices such as counselin"7 e0tra=curricular acti'ities such as %o"a and "%#nasiu#7 as 6ell as pro#otin" cultural acti'ities. Maintainin" tolerance and respect for cultural di'ersit% and pluralit% is an essential cornerstone of student life at TISS. Students at TISS are 6elco#ed re"ardless of their reli"ion7 caste7 ethnic bac2"round7 a"e7 se0ual orientation or ph%sical status. Se'eral 6ellestablished co##ittees for Student Aid7 9ender A#it%7 Support *acilities for Students7 Medical /ealth Ser'ices7 as also a tea# of professional counselors and #ale and fe#ale 6ardens O all coordinated b% the facult% at TISS O for# the bac2bone of this office. The Institute e0pects that all student #e#bers of its co##unit% assu#e responsibilit% for their conduct. /o6e'er7 6hen the% infrin"e on the ri"hts of others7 the Institute 6ill inter'ene throu"h the laid do6n established procedures.

&ostel Accommodation and Dining &all

Re1uest for hostel acco##odation #ust be indicated in the application for ad#ission. /o6e'er7 ad#ission to the pro"ra##e does not necessaril% "uarantee ad#ission to the hostel. Sub8ect to a'ailabilit%7 scholars fro# outside Mu#bai 6ill be pro'ided 6ith hostel acco##odation on sharin" basis. The roo#s of scholars7 6ho are a6a% fro# the Institute for an% reason for t6o #onths or #ore7 are allotted on a #onthl% basis to other scholars 6ho re1uire te#porar% acco##odation. The hostel fee is to be paid in ad'ance at the be"innin" of each se#ester. /ostel residents 6ill ha'e to abide b% the hostel rules7 breach of 6hich 6ill result in disciplinar% action. /ostel rules 6ill be #ade a'ailable on ad#ission to the pro"ra##e. @o acco##odation 6ill be pro'ided to "uests7 spouse or dependents of the hostel residents. The !inin" /all ser'es both 'e"etarian and non='e"etarian #eals. It is #ana"ed b% a Co##ittee co#prisin" studentsD representati'es. It is open to all studentsLscholars7 staff and participants of short=ter# courses and se#inars held at the Institute.

Social 2rotection Office ,S2OTISS had set up a Student Ser'ice Cell in 1+(&7 6ith the financial assistance fro# the then Ministr% of :elfare7 9o'ern#ent of India7 to assist the students fro# the Scheduled Castes 4Scs5 and Scheduled Tribes 4STs57 for i#pro'in" their acade#ic perfor#ance and opti#iNin" their de'elop#ent in their personal and social life at the Institute. In 1+((7 the Institute obtained appro'al of the <ni'ersit% 9rants Co##ission for set up a Special Cell for SCs and STs7 6hich started functionin" in 1+(+. Recentl%7 the Institute has incorporated the .ther Iac26ard Classes 4.ICs57 the ersons 6ith !isabilit% 4 :!s5 and Minorities into the Social rotection .ffice 6ith si#ilar ob8ecti'es. *ro# this %ear7 the SCLST Cell 2no6n as Social rotection .ffice 4S .5.


!ommittee against Se$ual &arassment

:ith re"ard to the Supre#e Court 8ud"#ent and "uidelines issued in 1++C to pro'ide for the effecti'e enforce#ent of the basic hu#an ri"ht of "ender e1ualit% and "uarantee a"ainst se0ual harass#ent and abuse7 #ore particularl% a"ainst se0ual harass#ent at 6or2 places7 the <ni'ersit% 9rants Co##ission has issued circulars since 1++(7 to all the uni'ersities7 ad'isin" the# to establish a per#anent cell and a co##ittee and to de'elop "uidelines to co#bat se0ual harass#ent7 'iolence a"ainst 6o#en and ra""in" at the uni'ersities and colle"es. It has further ad'ised the uni'ersities to be proacti'e b% de'elopin" a conduci'e at#osphere on the ca#pus7 6here the status of 6o#an is respected and the% are treated 6ith. Meepin" the abo'e "uidelines in 'ie67 TISS has constituted a Co##ittee a"ainst Se0ual /arass#ent since 2))3.



re>uentl' As5ed ?uestions%

1. 3uestion: I 6ould li2e to appl% for the h. ! pro"ra##e at TISS? I 6ould li2e to 2no6 6hether %ou ha'e an% part ti#e h. ! pro"ra##e 6hich can be done fro# lon" distance. Ans6er: If ad#itted the scholar has to co#e to the institute for co#pletin" the ad#ission for#alities. If the scholar is as2ed to ta2e up course 6or27 then it 6ould re1uire attendin" lectures that are held across t6o se#esters7 thereafter the student is e0pected to 'isit the institute at least once in a %ear for #eetin" 6ith the "uide and presentin" hisLher 6or2 to a doctoral ad'isor% co##ittee. The% are re1uired to sub#it a si0=#onthl% report7 throu"h their "uide. 2. 3uestion: Is it possible to pursue the course alon" 6ith #% current 8ob or not. :hen are the Classes conductedU :hether the% are on Saturda% J Sunda% or $'enin" L Re"ular. :hether the classes are conducted at other locations. Ans6er: M. hil is a t6o=%ear full=ti#e pro"ra##e 6ith re"ular classes as per the se#ester ti#e=table. The classes 6ill be conducted onl% at the Institute and its ca#puses7 as applicable. 3. I a# a post"raduate and had 2) %ears e0perience in rural de'elop#ent 6or2. I 6ould li2e to do h! in %our estee#ed institute. Since I a# 6or2in"7 it #a% not be possible to ta2e re"ular course7 so I 6ish to 2no6 6hether %our institute is offers correspondence course . Ans6er: :e do not ha'e correspondence course in h!7 but %ou could 6or2 for %our h! fro# 6here'er %ou are and 'isit the Institute once a %ear to #eet 6ith the Researh super'isor7 !octoral Ad'isor% Co##ittee #e#bers and conduct %our h. ! se#inars. Since %ou ha'e last de"ree is se'eral %ears bac27 %ou 6ill be as2ed to do so#e course 6or2 in research #ethodolo"% for 6hich %ou 6ill ha'e to spend so#e ti#e at the Institute. !o "o throu"h the prospectus. ;. 3uestion : :hat is #eant b% course 6or2U In 6hich cases scholar 6ill be as2ed to ta2e the course 6or2U :hat 6ill be the total duration of course 6or27 6hich 6ill re1uire the attendance in lecturersU :hether the% are on Saturda% J Sunda%. .r $'enin" L Re"ular. :hether the classes are conducted at other locations. Ans6er: Students ad#itted into the h.!. pro"ra##e 6ho do not ha'e an M. hil de"ree #a% be reco##ended b% their "uide or at the ti#e of inter'ie67 to underta2e certain pre=re1uisite Research Methodolo"% courses offered to M. hil Students b% the Centre for Research Methodolo"%. ,ectures are held across t6o se#esters be"innin" fro# earl% Eul% of each %ear. 5. 3uestion: !oes TISS pro'ide the place#ent assistance after M. hil L h. ! co#pletionU Ans6er: @o. :e do not ha'e this practice for M. hil. and h! students. &. 3uestion : !o I need to approach the potential super'isor #%selfU Ans6er : The Selection Co##ittee 6ill be decidin" about the possible "uides to each scholar.


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