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1. Today Wegener's theory is ____ ; however, he died an outsider treated with ____ by the scientific establishment. A. unsupported - approval B. dismissed - contempt C. accepted approbation!s" t#n th$nh% D. unchallenged - disdain !s" &hinh b'% E. unrivalled!v( song% reverence !t(n &)nh, s*ng &)nh% +. The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it ____ on as fiercely as ever. A. trudges !l, b-.c m/t nh0c% B. meanders !1-2ng &h3c &hu4u, 1-2ng 5uanh co%, !ngo6n ngh7o, 5uanh co% C. edges D. ambles !1i n-.c &i/u% E. rages !n8i c9n th:nh n;% <. =ach occupation has its own ____ ; ban&ers, lawyers and computer professionals, for e>ample, all use among themselves language which outsiders have difficulty following. A. merits !gi# tr:, c(ng lao% B. disadvantages C. rewards D. ?argon !bi/t ng@, tiAng nBi &hB hiCu% E. problems D. ____ by nature, Eones spo&e very little even to his own family members. A. garrulous !nBi nhiFu, ba hoa, lGm mHm% B. e5uivocal !lIp l2, n-.c 1(i, hai nghJa, 1#ng nghi ng2, &h(ng chGc chGn% C. taciturn !)t nBi, lKm lL% D. arrogant E. gregarious !sMng th$nh 1$n, sMng th$nh bKy, th)ch 1$n 13m, th)ch giao du% N. Oiological cloc&s are of such ____ adaptive value to living organisms, that we would e>pect most organisms to ____ them. A. clear - avoid B. meager !gKy gP% - evolve C. significant - eschew !&i,ng c@% D. obvious - possess E. ambivalent !vQa y,u vQa ghRt% - develop S. The peasants were the least ____ of all people, bound by tradition and ____ by superstitions. A. free - fettered !c#i c*m, g(ng c*m% B. enfranchised !giTi phBng% - re?ected C. enthralled !m, hoUc% - tied D. pinioned !trBi chUt, bu;c chUt% - limited E. conventional encumbered !l$m l3ng t3ng, l$m trV ngWi% X. Yany people at that time believed that spices help preserve food; however, Zall found that many mar&eted spices were ____ bacteria, moulds and yeasts. A. devoid of !trMng r[ng% B. teeming with !1Ky, thQa th\i% C. improved by D. destroyed by E. active against ]. ^f there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, they travel on ____ , but their intensity ____ as they travel further from their source. A. erratically !th_t th-2ng, 1-`c chang hay ch.% - mitigates !giTm nhb, l$m d:u b.t% B. eternally !12i 12i, vJnh vicn% alleviates !l$m d:u b.t!n[i 1au buHn%% C. forever - increases D. steadily - stabilides E. indefinitely - diminishes e. The two artists differed mar&edly in their temperaments; falmer was reserved and courteous, grader ____ and boastful. A. phlegmatic !ph.t t'nh, lWnh l*ng, l2 ph2 uC oTi% B. choleric !hay c#u, nBng giIn% C. constrained !ng-`ng ng:u, bMi rMi% D. tractable !dc bTo, dc >h li, dc vIn djng% E. stoic !ng-2i theo tr-2ng ph#i &hGc &4% 1k. The intellectual fle>ibility inherent in a multicultural nation has been ____ in classrooms where emphasis on Oritishlmerican literature has not reflected the cultural ____ of our country. A. eradicated unanimity !s" nh_t tr)% B. encouraged - aspirations C. stifled !l$m ng;t ngWt, bBp chAt% - diversity D. thwarted !cTn trV% - uniformity E. inculcated !ghi nh., &hGc smu% - divide 11. The conclusion of his argument, while ____ , is far from ____ . A. stimulating - interesting B. worthwhile - valueless C. esoteric !b) truyFn, b) mIt% - obscure !tMi tam, &h(ng rn% D. germane !th)ch h`p, ph* h`p% - relevant E. abstruse !&hB hiCu, thmm th3y, smu sGc% incomprehensible 1+. ^n the Yiddle lges, the ____ of the great cathedrals did not enter into the architects' plans; almost invariably a cathedral was positioned haphadardly in ____ surroundings. A. situation - incongruous !&h(ng h`p, &h(ng th)ch h`p, phi li% B. location - apt !cB &huynh, cB &hT nang% C. ambience !m(i tr-2ng, &h(ng &h) coa 1 1:a 1iCm% - salubrious !l$nh, tMt% D. durability - convenient E. ma?esty grandiose !vJ 1Wi, to l9n%

TEST 2 1. pnwilling to admit that they had been in error, the researchers tried to ____ their case with more data obtained from dubious sources. A. ascertain !biAt chGc% B. buttress !chMng 1q, l$m v@ng chGc th,m% C. refute !b#c, br lWi% D. absolve !tha t;i, ># t;i, giTi phBng% E. dispute !b$n c\i, tranh luIn% +. lrchaeology is a poor profession; only ____ sums are available for e>cavating sites and even more ____ amounts for preserving the e>cavations. A. paltry !&h(ng 1#ng &C, tKm th-2ng, nhs m0n% - meager !gKy cPm, s9 s$i, 1Wm bWc, ngh7o% B. miniscule !nhs, nhs >)u% - substantial !thIt, 5uan tr0ng, cMt yAu, gi$u cB% C. average - augmented !l$m tang th,m% D. ?udicious !s#ng suMt, &h(n ngoan% penurious !thiAu thMn, &eo &i/t% E. modest - generous <. The student was e>tremely foolhardy; he had the ____ to 5uestion the senior professor's ?udgment. A. wisdom B. temerity !t#o bWo, liFu lJnh% C. interest D. trepidation !rung 1;ng, lo lGng, n#o 1;ng% E. condescension !s" hW cM, chiAu cM; s" &r cT, ta 1my% D. The formerly ____ waters of the la&e have been polluted so that the fish are no longer visible from the surface. A. muddy B. tran5uil !lUng, tJnh% C. stagnant !t 10ng, tru tr/% D. pellucid !trong suMt, trong veo% E. rancid !trV m*i, (i, h-% N. lfter the accident, the nerves to her arm were damaged and so the muscles ____ through disuse. A. atrophied !b: teo, b: hao mPn% B. contracted C. elongated !l$m d$i ra, &Ro d$i ra% D. invigorated !l$m c-2ng tr#ng, th,m sinh l"c% E. dwindled S. vome critics maintain that Tennyson's poetry is uneven, ranging from the ____ to the ____. A. sublime !h*ng vJ, uy nghi%- elevated B. trite - inspired C. vacuous - inane D. succinct - laconic E. sonorous - voluble X. lfter grafting there is a ____ of lymphocytes in
the lymph glands; the newly produced lymphocytes then move in to attac& the foreign tissue.

A. diminution B. proliferation C. obliteration D. paucity E. attraction ]. wne ____ the new scheme is that it might
actually ____ ?ust those applicants that it was intended to encourage.

A. highlight of - stimulate B. feature of - attract C. problem with - induce D. attraction of - intimidate E. drawbac& of - daunt e. xorruption is ____ in our society; the integrity of even senior officials is ____ . A. growing - un5uestioned B. endangered - disputed C. pervasive - intact D. rare - corrupted E. rife - suspect 1k. ^n their day to day decision ma&ing, many senior managers do not follow the rational model favored by orthodo> management e>perts, but rather rely on intuitive processes that often appear ____ and ____. A. cerebral - considered B. heretical - ?udgmental C. conscientious - logical D. irrational - iconoclastic E. capricious - deliberate 11. Zis characteristically ____ views on e>amination methods at university level have aroused ____ in those who want to introduce innovative and fle>ible patterns of assessment. A. hidebound - antagonism B. moderate - anger C. reactionary - admiration D. rigid - support E. accommodating - annoyance 1+. wur grandfather was an entertaining ____; he used to ____ us with marvelous anecdotes that we, in our childli&e simplicity, accepted un5uestioningly. A. rascal - bore B. orator - intimidate C. raconteur - regale D. curmudgeon - surprise E. tyrant - stupefy

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