PCM at Nestle

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Project Report of SHRM On Nestle

Topic: Study of PCM at Nestle

1. Introduction of the company

Nestl is the worlds leading nutrition, health and wellness company. The company employs more than 280,000 people and has 456 actories in 84 countries. Nestl products are sold in almost e!ery country in the world. "ounded in #866 in $e!ey, %wit&erland, where it is still 'ased, Nestl has o ten 'een called (the multinational among multinationals). *nly a'out #.5 percent o its sales are generated in its home country, and all 'ut #2 o its actories are situated a'road. The +,* is -aul .ulc/e, and the 0eneral 1anagement includes a .elgian, two +anadians, one 2utch, a "renchman, a 0erman, a %outh 3 rican4.ritish, three %paniards, one %wiss, one 3merican and a %wiss5 3merican. Nestl is a truly pu'lic company with o!er 250,000 shareholders o which around one third are %wiss. No single shareholder owns more than 67 o the stoc/. 8% in!estors, who, together, hold o!er 607 o the capital, can purchase 329s through a sponsored program. 3s the worlds leading nutrition, health and wellness company, Nestl is the worldwide leader in product categories such as solu'le co ee, in ant nutrition, 'ottled water, condensed and e!aporated mil/, ice cream, as well as chocolate and malt drin/s, and culinary. The 0roup is also a co5leader in pet care. The +ompany is committed to deli!ering shareholder !alue through sustaina'le, capital e icient and pro ita'le long5term growth. *!er the past years it has concentrated on urthering organic growth and per ormance impro!ement HISTORY OF NESTLE Nestl was the result o a series o mergers o many small companies. :n the mid5#860s, ;enri Nestle, merchant, chemist and inno!ator, e<perimented with !arious com'inations o cows mil/, wheat lour and sugar. The resulting product was meant to 'e a source o nutrition or in ants, who could not 'e 'reast5 ed 'y their mothers. :n #86=, his ormula sa!ed the li e o a prematurely 'orn in ant. >ater that year, production o the ormula, named "arine >actee Nestl, 'egan in $e!ey and the Nestle +ompany was ormed. ;enri Nestle wanted to de!elop his own 'rands and decided to a!oid the easier route o 'ecoming a pri!ate la'el. ;enri also wanted to ma/e his company glo'al. ?ithin a ew months o the launch, ;enri 'egan to sell his products in many ,uropean countries. :n the companys initial years, ;enri too/ !arious steps to acilitate research, impro!e product @uality and de!elop new products.

1eanwhile in #866, two 3mericans, +harles and 0eorge -age had ounded the 3nglo5%wiss +ondensed 1il/ +ompany. The company launched a mil/ 'ased in ant ood, which competed with Nestls products. :n #8=5, 2aniel -eter, a riend and neigh'or o ;enri de!eloped mil/ chocolate. -eter 'ecame the worlds leading chocolate ma/er, and later merged his company with Nestl. The ri!alry 'etween Nestl and the 3nglo5%wiss +ondensed 1il/ +ompany intensi ied 'ut ended in #A05, when the two companies merged under the Nestl 'anner. ?orld ?ar : created a new demand or dairy products. Nestle grew mainly 'y e<ecuting go!ernment contracts. The end o the war created a crisis or the company as people started using resh mil/ again, instead o condensed and powdered mil/. :n #A2#, Nestl recorded its irst loss, which was partly due to the worldwide postwar economic slowdown. >ouis 2apples, a %wiss 'an/ing e<pert restructured the company, streamling its operations and reducing the de't 'urden. :n #A60, the .ra&ilian +o ee :nstitute approached 2apples, see/ing new products. 3 ter eight years o research Nestl de!eloped a solu'le powder that re!olutioni&ed co ee drin/ing around the world. The product was launched under the 'rand name Nesca e and 'ecame an instant success. The onset o ?orld ?ar :: speeded up the introduction o Nesca e. The 'e!erage also 'ecame a popular drin/ among 3merican ser!icemen in ,urope and 3sia. The end o ?orld ?ar :: triggered o a new phase o growth or Nestl. 1any new products were added as the company grew through ac@uisitions. 3 ter #A=4, Nestls inancial position deteriorated. *il prices rose and growth in industriali&ed nations slowed down. The %wiss ranc appreciated and the price o co ee 'eans and cocoa shot up. This situation was partially o set 'y Nestls rapid growth in emerging mar/ets. :n #A8#, ;elmut 1aucher too/ o!er as +,*. ;is policies had a signi icant impact on Nestls style o unctioning. 1aucher pursued a two5pronged strategy to impro!e the companys inancial situationB "irst he em'ar/ed on internal restructuring and di!estmentsC second he decided to continue with strategic ac@uisitions. .etween #A80 and #A84, he di!ested a num'er o non5strategic or unpro ita'le 'usinesses, amounting to nearly %"r8 'n. The di!estments included certain ood products that were not consistent with Nestls emphasis on high !alue added segments. To impro!e the companys inancial situation, he em'ar/ed on a cost5cutting e<ercise. ?hile the employee strength was reduced signi icantly, the in!entory and outstanding de't were 'rought down. :n #AA0, Nestl ormed a Doint !enture with 0eneral 1ills called +ereal -artners ?orldwide to promote Nestl 'rea/ ast cereals. :t co!ered =0 countries accounting or a'out =5 per cent o the 'rea/ ast cereal consumption outside the 8% and +anada. Nestl also ormed a Doint !enture with +oca5+ola, called the +oca5+ola Nestl 9e reshment +ompany, to mar/et tea and co ee5'ased ready5to5drin/ 'e!erages under the Nestea and Nesca e 'rands. :n #AA6, Nestl decided to end its 50550 +linic Nutrition Doint !enture with .a<ter ;ealthcare and esta'lished Nestl +linical Nutrition to pro!ide orally consumed nutrition products to hospitals and nursing homes.

Nestl opened the 20th century 'y merging with the 3nglo5%wiss +ondensed 1il/ +ompany to 'roaden its product range and widen its geographical scope. :n the new millennium, Nestl is the undisputed leader in the ood industry, with more than 4=0 actories around the world. Nestl launched a 0roup5wide initiati!e called 0>*., E0lo'al .usiness ,<cellenceF, aimed at harmoni&ing and simpli ying 'usiness process architectureC ena'ling Nestl to reali&e the ad!antages o a glo'al leader while minimi&ing the draw'ac/s o si&e. The +ompanys strategy will continue to 'e guided 'y se!eral undamental principles. Nestls e<isting products will grow through inno!ation and reno!ation while maintaining a 'alance in geographic acti!ities and product lines. >ong5term potential will ne!er 'e sacri iced or short5 term per ormance. The +ompanys priority will 'e to 'ring the 'est and most rele!ant products to people, where!er they are, whate!er their needs, throughout their li!es.

2. Mi ion! "i ion and #oa$ of Ne t$e


(Nestls aim is to meet the !arious needs o the consumer e!eryday 'y mar/eting and selling oods o a consistently high @uality.) MISSION OF NESTLE (?e stri!e to 'ring consumers oods that are sa e, o high @uality and pro!ide optimal nutrient to meet physiological needs. Nestle helps pro!ide selections or all indi!idual taste and li estyle pre erences.) %&SINESS O%'E(TI"ES OF NESTLE) Nestls 'usiness o'Decti!e is to manu acture and mar/et the +ompanys products in such a way as to create !alue that can 'e sustained o!er the long term or shareholders, employees, consumers, and 'usiness partners. Nestl does not a!or short5term pro it at the e<pense o success ul long5term 'usiness de!elopment. Nestl recogni&es that its consumers ha!e a sincere and legitimate interest in the 'eha!ior, 'elie s and actions o the +ompany 'ehind 'rands in which they place their trust and that without its consumers the +ompany would not e<ist. Nestl 'elie!es that, as a general rule, legislation is the most e ecti!e sa eguard o responsi'le conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to sta in the orm o !oluntary 'usiness principles is 'ene icial in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the organi&ation. Nestl is conscious o the act that the success o a corporation is a re lection o the pro essionalism, conduct and the responsi'le attitude o its management and employees. There ore recruitment o the right people and ongoing training and de!elopment are crucial.

(ORE "*L&ES 3 prere@uisite or dealing with people is respect and trust. Transparency and honesty in dealing with people are a sine @ua non or e icient communication. This is complemented 'y open dialogue with the purpose o sharing competencies and 'oosting creati!ity. To communicate is not only to in ormC it is also to listen and to engage in dialogue. The willingness to cooperate, to help others and to learn is a re@uired 'asis or ad!ancement and promotion within our company.



Nestl is a human +ompany pro!iding a response to indi!idual human needs throughout the world with speci ic concern or the well5'eing o 'oth its consumers and its employees. This is re lected in its attitude and its sense o responsi'ility towards people. Nestl aims to increase sales and pro its 'ut, at the same time, to raise the standard o li!ing e!erywhere it is acti!e and the @uality o li e or e!eryone. Nestl is also con!inced that it is the people who orm the strength o the +ompany and that nothing can 'e achie!ed without their commitment and their energy, which ma/es people its most important asset. :n!ol!ement o people at all le!els starts with appropriate in ormation on the +ompanys acti!ities and on the speci ic aspects o their wor/. Through open communication and acti!e co5operation, e!eryone is in!ited to contri'ute to impro!ements enhancing +ompany results and personal de!elopment. There ore, we can conclude that the models that Nestle ollows areB 5 ;igh -er ormance, 5 ;igh :n!ol!ement G 5 ;igh +ommitment.


Making Big Investments in People

3t Nestl :ndia .e ma/e 0i1 in2e tment in peop$e , they are our top priority. "or us, our people are the /ey dri!ers or our success. Nestl :ndia pro!ides its employees a dynamic pro essional en!ironment 'ound 'y one spirit,- The Ne t$3 Spirit4 and that ma/es Nestl :ndia a great place to wor/. Nestl :ndia is a 2i0rant company enhancin1 the 5ua$ity of $ife o its consumers 'y o ering them world class ood products dri!en 'y Nutrition, ;ealth and ?ellness. 3t Nestl :ndia your integrity, pro essional s/ills and per ormance is what matters. 6e tru t our peop$e and 0e$ie2e in 1i2in1 ear$y re pon i0i$itie and encourage them to acti!ely contri'ute to the log term sustaina'le growth o the 'usiness. 3t Nestl :ndia .e 0e$ie2e in 0ui$din1 $eader who can ta/e on challenges, inno!ate and write success stories. Nurturing starts rom day one on the Do'. .usiness dynamics and need directed training programs o er employees with opportunities to ac@uire and de!elop desired unctional, people management and decision ma/ing s/ills ena'ling success at wor/.

3s we achie!e milestone a ter milestones we in!ite you to 'e part o this e<citing Dourney and assure you that the e<posure and e<perience would 'e unparalleled. *dherence to the 2a$ue and mana1ement princip$e of the or1ani7ation Re pect for other cu$ture and tradition Nestl em'races cultural and social di!ersity and does not discriminate on the 'asis o origin, nationality, religion, race, gender or age. "urthermore, Nestl 'elie!es that its acti!ities can only 'e o long5term 'ene it to the +ompany i they are at the same time 'ene icial to the local community. :n short, glo'al thin/ing and strategies can 'est 'e e<pressed through local action and commitment. 8i2er ity "rom creating hundreds o the worlds leading 'rands to o ering an ama&ing !ariety o career options to our employees, its clear that Nestls 'usinesses are e<ceptionally di!erse. %o it should come as no surprise that Nestle !alues di!ersity in the people wor/ing them Dust as much as they ha!e di!ersity in their products. :ts Nestls policy to pro!ide an en!ironment where respect is shown to all indi!idual employees and where employees are !alued, recognised and rewarded on the 'asis o their talent and their contri'ution rather than any consideration o age, gender, race, se<uality, religion or disa'ility. 3s an organisation, Nestl is opposed to any orm o un air discrimination and 'elie!e that an inclusi!e approach will 'e o ma<imum 'ene it to all our employees as well as our wider 'usiness goals and the society in which we li!e. This ethos can 'e summed up in the ollowing statementB 6e 0e$ie2e that to ucceed .e mu t recruit and retain ta$ented indi2idua$ and 2a$ue and re pect the difference each of tho e indi2idua$ 0rin1 .ith them. :n addition, we ha!e a strong ongoing commitment to de!eloping policies, procedures and practices that will acti!ely promote e@uality o opportunity and optimise the a'ilities o our wor/ orce. 2ecisions relating to the recruitment, employment, training, progression, assessment and retention o our people will always 'e supported 'y these principles o e@uality o opportunity. Ne t$3- (u$ture

Nestl is committed to a num'er o cultural !alues. These !alues come partly rom its %wiss roots and ha!e 'een de!eloped during its history. They are also e!ol!ing so as to support the permanent reshaping o the +ompany. They can 'e descri'ed as ollowsB o +ommitment to a strong wor/ ethic, integrity, honesty and @uality. o -ersonal relations 'ased on trust and mutual respect. This implies a socia'le attitude towards others, com'ined with an a'ility to communicate openly and ran/ly. o 3 personali&ed and direct way o dealing with each other. This implies a high le!el o tolerance or other ideas and opinions, as well as a relentless commitment to co5operate proacti!ely with others. o *penness and curiosity or dynamic and uture trends in technology, changes in consumer ha'its, new 'usiness ideas and opportunities, while maintaining respect or 'asic human !alues, attitudes and 'eha!ior. >i/e, open and le<i'le culture is ensured 'y way o pro!iding training programs to employees at all the le!els. 8ecentra$i7ation9 Nestl recogni&es that its consumers ha!e a sincere and legitimate interest in the 'eha!iour, 'elie s and actions o the +ompany 'ehind 'rands in which they place their trust and that without its consumers the +ompany would not e<ist. o Nestl 'elie!es that, as a general rule, legislation is the most e ecti!e sa eguard o responsi'le conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to sta in the orm o !oluntary 'usiness principles is 'ene icial in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the organi&ation. o Nestl is conscious o the act that the success o a corporation is a re lection o the pro essionalism, conduct and the responsi'le attitude o its management and employees. There ore recruitment o the right people and ongoing training and de!elopment are crucial. o Nestl continues to maintain its commitment to ollow and respect all applica'le local laws in each o its Tran parent performance apprai a$ y tem and the reedom gi!en to them to @uestion their seniors 'ene it not only the employees 'ut e!en the organi&ation as a whole. ,ERFORM*N(E M*N*#EMENT

o "ormal assessment 'y >ine 1anagers and ;9 once in a year with eed'ac/. o %u'ordinate can @uestion an un air e!aluation. o %peci ic Hey -er ormance :ndicators ha!e 'een enlisted 'y the ;9 department. o *ne o the important /ey per ormance indicators is achie!ement ollowing the Nestle management and leadership principles. o 9emuneration structure and promotion criteria ta/e into account indi!idual per ormance. Empha i on indi2idua$ achie2ement Nestls emphasis on indi!idual achie!ement is e!ident rom the /ind o pay structure ;9 has designed or its employees and the company also incorporates practices li/e Io' ,nrichment and Io' ,nlargement, to moti!ate employees and to 'rea/ the monotony o their Do' tas/s. The correspondent hersel wor/s in 'oth sales and 'rand management departments, which is an e<ample o Do' enlargement. ,*Y STR&(T&RE o Nestle stri!es to o er air remuneration. 9emuneration le!el is a'o!e the a!erage in industry. o The !aria'le component o the salary is comparati!ely 'ig to reward indi!idual per ormance. o :n case o higher management le!el, the !aria'le part is lin/ed to indi!idual G team target achie!ements. Nestle e<pertises in Recruitment Ser2ice , Ta$ent Mana1ement and Internationa$ HR, Learnin1 and 8e2e$opment, Information and *dmini tration, and Re.ard and Emp$oyee Re$ation . Nestle is recogni&ed as recogni&ed one o the most ad!anced ;9 unctions within Nestl glo'ally. .e ore implementing the ;9 practices4policies, Nestle get to the cru< o the 'usiness issue and then ind an ;9 solution. ?hile practicing the ;9 policies, Nestle is ocused more on people and organi&ation strategies. RE(R&ITMENT SER"I(ES The Recruitment Ser2ice team in Nestle 8H is recogni&ed within Nestl glo'ally as the 'enchmar/ in leading recruitment practices. Thats 'ecause at Nestle they dont Dust ill Do's. :nstead, they wor/ with the 'usiness to proacti!ely identi y and ill their talent gaps. Nestle

9ecruitment teams constantly stand 'ac/ and wor/ out new ways to attract the !ery 'est talent and /eep ahead o the competition, 'ut it isnt always easy. The recruitment process at Nestle is clearly de ined and is always in synchroni&ation with the changing 'usiness needs. o -eople with @ualities li/e dynamism, realism, pragmatism, hard wor/, honesty and trustworthiness are loo/ed or. o 1atch 'etween candidates !alues G companys culture are recruited. o 9ecruitment or management le!els ta/e place in the head o ice 'y top management and all others at the 'ranch le!el. The e<isting employees are promoted to higher posts as per the re@uirements. There are no lateral recruitments. 3nother source o recruitment is campus placements and human resource consultancies to loo/ or the enthusiastic, moti!ated and resh pool o talent. o 2ecision to hire a candidate is inally ta/en 'y ;9 pro essionals only and no pre erence is gi!en to e<ternal consultant. This is done to inally ha!e the discretion power in the hands o +ompany. -eople management policies, 'asic !alues G principles as ela'orated in5 5 Nestle management G leadership principles5 The Nestl 1anagement and >eadership -rinciples descri'e the management style and the corporate !alues o the Nestl 0roup, speci ically in the area o interpersonal relations. 5 Nestle human resources policy5 This policy encompasses those guidelines which constitute a sound 'asis or e icient and e ecti!e ;9 1anagement in the Nestl 0roup around the world. 5 Nestle people de!elopment re!iew5this policy throws light on Nestls culture and core !alues, di erent training programs and li e o employees a ter wor/. RE6*R8S *N8 EM,LOYEE REL*TIONS TE*M :t consists o two e<pert su'5teams, each with speci ic responsi'ility or 0u ine ).ide trate1ic and operationa$ remit . ,mployee 9elations su'5team pro!ide 'usiness5wide ad!ice and guidance to line managers and the ;9 community on indi!idual emp$oyee re$ation matter and to ;9 .usiness -artners on 'roader emp$oyee re$ation and chan1e mana1ement i ue , as well as

de!eloping and implementing Nestls policies and procedures in this area and underta/ing rele!ant proDect wor/. EM,LOYEE REL*TIONS Nestle pro!ides a !ery healthy wor/ing en!ironment which is one o the reasons why Nestls employees state their commitment le!el to 'e !ery high. o ,mployee turno!er is less than 57., which is considered to 'e !ery low or a multinational corporation. o Nestle has an open culture G upward communication especially in case o grie!ance redressal is encouraged. o ?or/4>i e 'alance is gi!en importance, as illustrated in the Nestle ;uman 9esource -olicy document. o JNestle "amily annual e!ents are organi&ed 'y their ;9 department where'y employees along with their amilies are in!ited. o ,mphasis is laid on sa ety o employees ENestle -olicy on ;ealth and %a ety at ?or/F. (H*N#E M*N*#EMENT o Nestle has adDusted to the e!er5changing e<ternal en!ironment or the last #40 years since its inception #866 without losing its undamental 'elie s and core !alues. :t manages +hange and dri!es sustaina'le pro ita'le growth 'y ollowing the policy o ma/ing gradual changes instead o ma/ing drastic and ris/y changes. o ,9- implementation5 :n Iune 2000, Nestle %3 signed a much pu'lici&ed K200 million contract with %3- and additional K80 to install an ,9- system or its glo'al enterprise to help centrali&e a conglomerate that owns 200 operating companies and su'sidiaries in 80 countries. ?hile the ,9- system was li/ely to ha!e long5term 'ene its, the proDect touched the corporate structure and culture. The structure was decentrali&ed, and it tried to centrali&e it. This was initially opposed 'y employees 'ut with su'se@uent measures ta/en 'y the ;9 li/e training etc., this has 'een success ully implemented. 9eward su'5teamC on the other hand ocus on ma<imi&ing return on in!estment to deli!er 9eward that will moti!ate the employees to per orm at the highest le!el as well as managing the o!erall 9eward principles and processes including 'ase salary, incenti!es and "le<i'le 9eward.

RE6*R8S : IN(ENTI"ES o J-assion to ?in awards5 These @uarterly awards ha!e 'een institutionali&ed to reward those who o!er5achie!e their targets. o >ong5ser!ice 3wards5 To recogni&e employees who ha!e 'een with the company or more than 60 years. o JNestle :dea 3ward5 :t was ound rom the correspondent that the company institutes Nestle :dea 3ward e!ery @uarter to recogni&e and award employees who come up with rele!ant and inno!ati!e ideas which ha!e the potential o 'eing implemented at Nestle. "or all aspects o 9eward Nestle apply the undamental principles outlined 'elow. Re.ard ,rincip$e

-er ormance 2ri!en 5 The le!el o your 9eward is lin/ed to your per ormance, hence the highest per ormers will see the greatest 9eward. There is also a direct lin/ 'etween the per ormance o the 'usiness and the 9eward weLre a'le to o er +ompetiti!e 5 ?e 'enchmar/ all aspects o 9eward to ensure we o er all our employees a competiti!e 9eward pac/age :nclusi!e 5 *ur 9eward programme is designed to re lect the !alua'le contri'ution which e!ery employee ma/es, not Dust senior managers "le<i'le 5 ?eL!e made it our top priority to allow you to tailor the 9eward you recei!e to your circumstances, whene!er possi'le or practical

%ENEFITS The ollowing 'ene its are pro!ided to all employees, with no discrimination5 5 >ea!e5-ersonal G 1edical E i<ed no. per yearF 5 +hildren ,ducation 3ssistance %cheme 5 -ro!ident und 5 9etirement 0ratuity %cheme 5 0roup :nsurance G 3ccidental :nsurance %cheme

5 +on!eyance 9eim'ursements 5 9esidential 3ccommodation 5 1onthly health chec/5ups G ree consultation or sel G amily etc. Ta$ent Mana1ement and Internationa$ HR Ta$ent Mana1ement and Internationa$ HR Team , on the other hand, ocuses on de!eloping the potential and careers o all the employees at Nestle, particularly those with high le!els o per ormance and potential who are li/ely to 'e Nestl leaders o the uture. The main tas/ o this talent management program is to de!elop the ramewor/ and processes which will ena'le the company to identi y and de!elop the potential o employees at Nestle. This program supports indi!iduals with a clear career de!elopment plan to go on international assignments out o the respecti!e locations such as Nestls international head@uarters in $e!ey, %wit&erland, or to other Nestl mar/ets around the glo'e. Learnin1 and de2e$opment Learnin1 and 8e2e$opment Team is in!ol!ed in de!elopment o cutting5edge inter!entions and supporting change through ar5reaching de!elopment programmes such as our J>ead2?in programme. This team also helps the company to create and implement unctional de!elopment programmes across the 'usiness, co!ering e!erything rom manu acturing to supply chain. 3t Nestle >earning and 2e!elopment means +ontinuous :mpro!ement and +reati!ity and :nno!ation. >earning and 2e!elopment is carried out 'y +ontinuous :mpro!ement that leads directly on to +reati!ity and :nno!ation. This process generally in!ol!es two stagesB i. 3 team o passionate and pro essional de!elopment e<perts is ormed to create +ore %/ill 2e!elopment %trategies that will ena'le continuous personal and pro essional growth across the 'usiness. 3 ter that, the strategies are tailored or each 'usiness area with the help o ;9 .usiness -artners and .usiness 2irectors. The ne<t stage is to go online, where the trainees are a'le to ta/e ad!antage o our !ast learning and de!elopment intranet. This resource has 'een speci ically designed to help trainees manage their own learning in an easy to use !irtual en!ironment. *nce youLre up and running there, youLll 'e a'le to ocus on pic/ing up new s/ills particular to your Do' and career am'itions with the help o our leadership de!elopment programmes, designed to create the leaders o tomorrow.



Nestle ollows di erentiation strategy and to ma/e it a success it has ;9 strategies aligned accordingly. To support the di erentiation strategy, Nestle practices ollowing ;9 strategies to support di erentiationB They a!our long term per ormance measures. Nestl does not a!or short5term pro it at the e<pense o success ul long5term 'usiness de!elopment. They 'elie!e in e<tensi!e trainings o their employees to /eep the pace with changing en!ironment and /eep them updated with latest inno!ations 3t Nestle, e@ual and air pay practices are ollowed. Nestls pay structure, rewards G incenti!es systems are also designed in such a way so as to promote creati!ity. 9ecruitment process is also totally 'ased on hiring and recruitment o people who 'ring in new ideas. .road career paths are pro!ided to employees 'y a continuous process o career de!elopment and high employee participation pre!ails in the organi&ation.


;. (han1in1 ro$e or HR
The importance o the human resource unction has 'ecome e!ident especially with the onset o glo'al competition. Not only do human resource managers ha!e to thin/ more strategically and in step with corporate planning managers, they ha!e had to address real and hard issues a'out the impact o intense competition on employment sta'ility. :t is one thing to thin/ with e<ecuti!es on how the human resource section can support corporate acti!ities. :t is another to actually implement cost5sa!ings policies with regards employment. To guard against the downside o glo'al competition, the human resource managers must 'e more proacti!e in recruiting and maintaining a responsi!e and e icient wor/ orce. -lanning should start at the early stages so that organi&ations do not 'loat needlessly. ;uman resource managers must 'e a'le to map out human resource strategies such that f$e<i0$e! dynamic emp$oyee are attracted! e$ected and then trained and moti2ated to 'e more producti!e than the competition. ;uman resource managers are no longer administrators or simply implementers. They should 'e recogni&ed as strategic partners. *nly then can they unction well to help top management especially in a climate o economic uncertainty. 3lthough, Nestle 'eing a ;uman +ompany itsel possess many o the a'o!e mentioned @ualities that are supposed to 'e present in the managers o todays time. .ut, according to the changes in the 'usiness patterns, glo'ali&ation, and di!erse 'usiness o Nestle and rapidly changing ups and downs in the economy. There are certain actors on which the role o the ;9 at Nestle is changing. The ;9 managers at Nestle along with pro essional s/ills, practical e<perience and result ocus must possess the ollowing @ualitiesB They should 'e capa'le to moti!ate and to de!elop people, addressing all those issues that allow others to progress in their wor/ and to de!elop their capa'ilities.

They should 'e a'le to inhi'it curiosity and open5mindedness as well as a high le!el o interest in other cultures and li e5styles. This also includes a commitment to continuous learning and impro!ing, as well as to sharing /nowledge and ideas reely with others. :t is responsi'ility o the ;9 pro essionals to create a climate o inno!ation and to thin/ outside the 'o<. This implies the right to ma/e a mista/e 'ut also the readiness to correct it and to learn rom it. ;9 pro essionals should now 'e a'le to inculcate the willingness to accept change and the a'ility to manage it. They should pro!ide international e<perience and understanding o other cultures. This will prepare the employees to ace the challenges in glo'al mar/ets.


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