James Welch Guest Column

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GUEST COLUMN | james welch

Southern gatherings always include


The sweet aroma of

grandmother’s fresh-baked
cornbread drifts through
the warm air.
Various thuds and
grunts can be heard from
the backyard as cousins
and uncles toss the foot-
ball around. The dirt flies
as they spin on their heels
become as much a part of
Mississippi as pine trees
or mud. These very infor-
mal family gatherings hap-
pen rather frequently all
across our great state.
The informality of it has
become the very thing that
is so beautiful about it. We
can arrive in comfortable
this helps to ease the
mood and provide for this
unique atmosphere.
Meals of mouth-water-
ing baked beans, delec-
table pulled pork and
uncle Bill’s brisket begin
arriving. Delicious Potato
salad and coleslaw that
combine choice ingredi-
to make a difficult catch. attire and not be con- ents which explode with
An ever-increasing cerned in the slightest, as divine flavor upon each
pleasance hangs in the air today we are completely bite start lining the folding
as family members begin surrounded by those who tables as people congre-
arriving for what has love us. Flip-flops are the gate around them. Salads
norm and shorts the most and casseroles are plenti-
practical, in the fight to ful and recipes are
beat the heat. The impor- exchanged. Paper plates
tance of comfort overshad- and disposable napkins
ows the importance of are used, to even further
looking prim when we are decrease the work
back home. involved, proving that the
The sounds of children ultimate goal is to dissi-
at play ring with a pate any stress that is
resounding and very satis- brought to the table.
fying nature, as their The conversations take
laughter instantly makes satisfying strolls through
one smile. Mothers snap topics like the weather, the
pictures as children run news and how juicy the
by, playing cops and rob- hamburgers are. The dia-
bers or cowboys and logue is genuine and no
Indians. Jump ropes and ulterior motives exist,
Frisbees lay motionless in because you’re amongst
the yard as the children family. Almost as a rou-
play chase or climb a tree. tine there will be talk of
With dirt on their faces recent ailments and accom-
they laugh and play. Even plishments throughout the
de family, fun, and fantastic food!

family. Discussions about work, play and life up our lives. With each delightful bite we can
goals are almost certain to be had. Then, there delight in how wonderful life is and savor the
will be rejoicing together and grieving together, moment.
where needed, as families tend to do. Topics We use these meetings, comprised of great
never stay glum long, though, before returning food, family and friends, to celebrate everything
to happy times and reminiscences of all the old from Little League games to The World Series.
family stories. Lots of laughs help to create a We gather in this way, over great Southern
very unique, light-hearted environment where entrees, to celebrate a wedding or an anniver-
you can truly feel free. sary, when we see the kids off to college and
The savory smells of pies and cakes fill the when someone retires from a fulfilling career.
house and begin to lighten the already easygoing When welcoming a baby into the world, one can
mood as their aromas mix and mingle with the expect to find these types of assemblies. No mat-
aromas from the wide array of foods being pre- ter the occasion, I think you’ll agree that these
pared. By now everyone is anxious to eat after gatherings are essential to our Southern lives.
being subjected to the amazing ways that The fondest memories I have of my grand-
Southern foods penetrate all of our senses at mother involve her at the stove, or our family
once. We smell them, see them and just can’t enjoying her wonderful meals. When anyone vis-
wait to taste them. ited with her, she began by saying hello and
Great Southern cuisine penetrates us right immediately began asking if they were hungry.
down to our souls. As we eat an amazing culi- It was very important to her that when you left
nary masterpiece we begin to become increasing- her home, you were full, so periodically through-
ly happy. Our souls crave great food as much as out a conversation she’d interject with something
our stomachs do. Each enjoyable bite comes with like “Would you like a slice of pie?” I now see
an increased pleasantness, until we feel that our that she understood that a good visit was com-
souls are filled. Each sweet flavor seems to plete when mind, body and soul were filled with
sweeten our mood and each spice seems to spice great Southern cuisine.

a cc e n t s o u t h m i s s i s s i p p i 15

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