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5th quarter plans

Day 1: Monday, March 3 (absent)
• A Lesson Before Dying

Day 2: Tuesday/Wednesday, March 4/5 (testing schedule)
• journal, SSR, journal check
• go over Test Prep
 Grammar: placement of phrases and clauses
 Grammar review: double subject (1 ques), subject-verb agreement (5 ques), pronoun antecedents (2 ques), correct pronoun
reference (4 ques), correct comparisons (1 ques), placement of phrases and clauses (2 ques)

Day 3: Thursday, March 6 (40 minutes)
• SSR, journal check
• Explain assignment on independent reading books: due March 25
Movie Poster (80 pts)
You will be responsible for reporting on your independent reading book. The assignment for this book is a movie poster. Your poster
must include an illustration that represents the story, a slogan that will make people want to watch (read) your book, and 2 quotes from
the book. Other items that may be included are a list of characters and the actors/actresses who you would cast in these roles, and a
theme song for the book. Please incorporate all aspects of the project onto a piece of poster board. A one-page write-up explaining
your poster and the book must also be included. Good luck and have fun!
 review for Sula quiz

Day 4: Friday, March 7 (45 min periods)
 Journal
 issue new books, except to those who haven’t returned old books
 Sula quiz (30 pts) (open notes)
1. “The conviction of Sula’s evil changed them in accountable yet mysterious ways. Once the source of their personal misfortune
was identified, they had leave to protect and love one another. They began to cherish their husbands and wives, protect their
children, repair their homes and in general band together against the devil in their midst.” Use this passage to explain the irony
of Sula’s effect on the Bottom.
2. How is Sula’s birthmark similar to a Rorschach blot?
3. How does Toni Morrison portray death?

 Grammar quiz (45 pts)

Correct the following sentences.
1. Larry’s pink poodle it wags its pink tail.
2. He walk to the market.
3. They talks a lot.
4. Mark, Mike, and Manuel looks like brothers.
5. You and I is one of a kind.
6. The babies or Jimmy are making a lot of noise.
What is the antecedent of the underlined pronoun?
7. Jackie has green beans. She likes to eat them.
8. The car lost its wheel.
Correct the following sentences.
9. Sidon told Christina that she should be quiet.
10. Dan wanted to hang that picture on the wall behind the sofa, but it was too big.
11. On this map it shows that Portland is approximately thirty miles northeast of Ogunquit.
12. This dog is more shaggier than the other one.
13. The shoes at Kenneth Cole are more expensive than that store.
14. At age eleven, Erin’s mother went back to college to earn a master’s degree.
15. Find a paragraph in a book that contains four conjunctions.

 debate
 explain project
 sign-up for topics
 journal on topics
 meet in groups to divide up responsibilities
 hand in journals and division of responsibilities

You will be graded on:

1. a one-paragraph journal entry on your debate topic (10 pts)
2. a one-page opening statement or half-page rebuttals (50 pts)
3. at least one interrogation question (5 pts)
4. your oral speaking skills (20 pts)
5. your written responses to other groups’ debates (10 pts)
Debate format: opening statement, interrogation phase, rebuttals
After the debates conclude, you will write a controversial essay based on the debate topic of your choice. After reading Hunger of
Memory, you will write a reflection on your debate topic based upon your understanding of Rodriguez’s writings.

debate topics
1. Resolved, affirmative action should be a factor in college admissions.
2. Resolved, some schools should have bilingual education.
3. Resolved, everyone should acquire an education and attempt to rise to a higher social class.
4. Resolved, a good person does not keep secrets.
5. Resolved, God is dead. (In other words, religion should not play an important part in our lives.)
6. Resolved, one should be actively involved with one’s ethnic community.
7. Resolved, homosexuals are “America’s last niggers.” (In other words, homosexuals will be the last group in America to attain
equal rights.)
8. Resolved, when it comes to equal rights and opportunities in America, social class is more important than race.
9. Resolved, reality TV shows and participants in these shows deserve no respect, for they have scorned the sacred distinction
between public and private.

Day 5: Monday, March 10
 Journal
 Test Prep
 Debate: groups prepare.
 Ritual

Day 6: Tuesday, March 11
 SSR: grammar quiz makeups
 Vocab: 5 sentences and 3 mnemonic devices (20 pts). Alienation. Diffident (if you feel different, you might be shy). Aloof (a
roof). Due Thursday.
 trivialize (v, 12): to make or cause to appear insignificant or unimportant
 gaudy (adj, 13): showy in a tasteless or vulgar way
 feign (v, 15): to pretend, to give a false appearance of
 reluctance (n, 17): unwillingness
 alienation (n, 18): emotional isolation
 convey (v, 18): to take or carry from one place to another, to transmit, to communicate or make known
 diffident (adj, 20): shy
 tact (n, 21): Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act
without offending
 disclose (v, 27): to expose to view, to uncover, to make known
 Debate

Day 7: Thursday, March 13
 Share vocab mnemonics
 Debate

Day 8: Friday, March 14 (absent)
• Grammar packet: commas #1 (40 pts)

Day 9: Monday, March 17
• Journal
• Test prep
• Ritual
 Hunger of Memory pre-reading
 Students jigsaw, presenting articles from the following sites. Each group gets a sheet of chart paper and a marker. Write
down (and illustrate) the main points of your segment of the article.
 *
 *
 *
 *

Day 10: Tuesday, March 18
• Finish Hunger of Memory pre-reading presentations
 Hunger of Memory
 Read first few page together, starting from p.11
 dialectical journal on Aria, up to p.28. ask open-ended questions. Must be up to one page. (classwork, 30 pts)

Day 11: Wednesday, March 19
• Journal
 Controversial issue essay: strategies for structuring a persuasive argument: appeal to emotional, logical, philosophical
 Rhetorical question: Is expelling Saddam Hussein really worth hundreds and hundreds of American lives?
 Philosophical/ethical question: Is war ever justified?
 Personal anecdote: Consider Joe Ordinary. He has a family of three, etc. (emotional effect)
 Analogy: Bombing for peace is like smoking for your health.
 Give an example: Saddam has already destroyed many of his weapons. For example, he destroyed…
 Compare/contrast: There are plenty of tyrants worse than Saddam Hussein. Consider the dictator of Korea, who…
 Cause and effect: By bombing Iraq, the US will gain more enemies, thus causing more terrorist attacks.
 Syllogism: All humans are mortal. I am a human. Therefore, I must be mortal. (logical)
 Outline with thesis (classwork, 25 pts)
 Grammar: comma packet #2?

Day 12: Thursday, March 20 (absent)
 Controversial issue essay: the introduction
 Hook, define the issue, state thesis, summarize support
 Controversial issue rough drafts (classwork, 50 pts).

Day 13: Friday, March 21

 Journal
 HW: finish chapter 1 of Hunger of Memory
 Vocab: 15 pts, vocab sentences due on Tuesday. if you use a vocab word in participation today, you get extra credit.
 reticent (adj, 28): inclined to keep one’s thoughts and feelings to oneself, restrained and reserved
 diminish (v, 32): to make smaller or less, to reduce
 inclined (adj, 34): sloping, slanting, or leaning; having a preference, disposition, or tendency
 enliven (v, 36): to make lively or spirited
 aloof (adj, 36): physically and emotionally distant
 eccentric (adj, 36): departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern
 irrelevant (adj, 37): unrelated to the matter being considered
 Hunger of Memory discussion, up to p.28, based on dialectical journal
 Introducing the university (30 pts)
 With the UC’s “Introducing the University” brochures, students will use the table of contents to answering the following
 Which UC would you prefer to attend? Why? (p.12)
 What field do you want to major in? Why? (p.54)
 What is the undergraduate admission policy of the UCs? (p.32)

Day 14: Monday, March 24
 Journal
 Test prep
 Ritual
 Hunger of Memory discussion
 29: What does pocho mean?
 32: intimacy and language
 33-34: black English, bilingual education
 36-37, 39-40: image of the grandmother
 Comma packet #2
 Application
 p.1&2; optional
 p.3; fill in
 p.4; fill in grades (not test scores)
 p.5; fill in expected grades
 p.8; choose schools, majors, and at least one scholarship

Day 15: Tuesday, March 25
 Controversial essay revisions: pass out and explain handout:
 Explain common errors
 Final draft (typed, spell-checked, and grammar-checked) will be due on Friday

Revising your formal essays:

1. No contractions (don’t, can’t, it’s, there’s, haven’t, etc)
2. No no-no words (very, bad, good, thing, things, really)
3. No run-on’s: Look at each comma and ask yourself, “Could I replace that comma with a period?” If the answer is yes, then that
sentence is a run-on. Fix it by changing the comma into a period or a semicolon, or add a FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet,
so) after the comma.
4. Do not confuse it/it’s and their/there/they’re
5. Do not use “you”
6. Whenever you use the pronoun “it”, make sure the pronoun has an antecedent
7. Tense must be consistent. Try to use present tense throughout your entire essay.
8. Do not say, “I guess,” “I think,” “probably,” or “maybe”. If you are not 100% sure and confident about what you are writing,
9. subject-verb agreement

run-on example: Sula wasn’t like any other woman, she stood up for herself.
no-no words: This is a big issue. A lot of things can happen to you when you die. (Death can lead to variety of outcomes).

Day 16: Wednesday, March 26
 Vocab: 9 sentences, classwork due Wednesday. (20 pts).
 accentuate (v, 114): To stress or emphasize; intensify
 intrigue (n/v, 117): A secret or underhand scheme, a plot; To engage in secret or underhand schemes, To arouse the interest
or curiosity of
 relent (v, 119): To become more lenient, compassionate, or forgiving
 anticipate (v, 120): To feel or realize beforehand, to foresee, to look forward to, to expect
 listless (adj, 125): Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort, lethargic
 precocious (adj, 127): Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental
 menial (adj, 131): Of or relating to work or a job regarded as servile, appropriate for a servant
 observant (adj, 133): quick to perceive, alert; diligent in observing a law, custom, or duty
 parody (n/v, 136): A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or
ridicule, Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; to make a parody of
 Test prep lessons 2 & 3

Day 17: Thursday, March 27
 Test prep review
 Hunger of Memory
 Begin “Complexion”. Read p. 113 together.
 114; “Mexico’s confused colonial past”
 115, 116; different attitudes towards complexion
 117; racism
 118; “black”ness
 119; fear of blue-color work. Hands texture, skin-color – all indications of social class.
 121-122; parents’ past
 Dialectical journal on pp. 123-139. In left column, text excerpt; in right column, a piece of advice you could give Richard
to address his problems. One page, classwork, 30 pts.
 Photo dictionary
 Futures
 requesting a recommendation: students must write a formal letter to a teacher to ask for a recommendation

Day 18: Friday, March 28
 Journal
 Hunger of Memory: discussion based on dialectical journals: 123-139
 124, 125; shame over skin color. Who gave him this shame?
 128-130; machismo y formal
 130; Stanford
 133, 134; epiphany about his construction job
 134-135; plight of Mexican immigrants
 Photo dictionary
 Test prep lesson 4
 Review test preps

Day 19: Tuesday, April 1
 Announce: Grammar and vocab quiz on Friday (50 pts). collect controversial issue final drafts. reading: pp. 143-153 for
Wednesday, 153-162 for Thursday, 162-172 for Friday
 Vocab: 9 sentences, 20 pts, due Thursday
 *juxtaposition (n, 143): positioning close together or side by side (often for comparison)
 *plausible (adj, 145): seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible
 unfounded (adj, 147): Not based on fact or sound evidence; groundless
 impetus (n, 149): An impelling force; an impulse; a stimulus
 idealism (n, 152): The act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form, pursuit of one's ideals
 acknowledge (v, 154): to recognize as being valid, to express thanks or gratitude for
 diligent (adj, 155): marked by persevering, painstaking effort
 *alleviate (v, 158): To make (pain, for example) more bearable
 relish (n/v, 159): an appetite for something, a strong appreciation or liking; to take keen or zestful pleasure in
 *assertion (n, 159): something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof
 surreptitiously (adv, 165): secretly or stealthily
 Comma packet #2 (50 pts)
 Grammar packet: commas #2. grammar quiz on Friday. (50 pts)

Day 20: Wednesday, April 2
 Journal
 Application: p.16; the personal statement. (show students sample personal statements). do as in-class essay, then students hand
in revisions. show, don’t tell.
 Mini-quiz
 Test prep #5

Day 21: Thursday, April 3
 Hunger of Memory
 143; read 1st 2 paragraphs together
 144-145; affirmative action
 146-147; Richard’s personal example
 149; race vs. class
 151; problems w/affirmative action
 153; irony of Richard’s position
 Grammar: comma lecture and worksheet

Day 22: Friday, April 4
 Journal
 Grammar quiz
 Test prep #6
 Hunger of Memory
 154-155; plight of minorities in college
 159-160; cultural pride, education’s costs
 161; “They wanted me to teach a ‘minority literature’ course”
 162; coconut

Day 23: Monday, April 7
 Journal
 Hunger of Memory
 169-170; jobs
 172; conclusion
 test prep #7

Day 24: Tuesday, April 8
 SSR; questions on Chapter 6 of Hunger of Memory (Read pp. 175-182. Complete the questions using full paragraphs. 40 pts)

Hunger of Memory, Chapter 6: Read pp. 175-182. Complete the following questions using full paragraphs. (40 pts)

Part I
1. How do Richard’s parents feel about his writing? (5 pts)
2. How is writing both an extremely private and public activity? (10 pts)
3. Compare and contrast the way Richard is treated when he is a guest at a friend’s house versus the way Richard’s friends
are treated when they visit his house. (10 pts)

Part II
4. Write a fictional embarrassing diary entry for either yourself or a friend. (15 pts)

 go over grammar quiz

 Hunger of Memory
 chapter 6
 test prep #8

Day 25: Wednesday, April 9
 Journal
 Tuesday’s W/Mory story
 practice test
 impromptu debate, extemporaneous speaking
write names on cards, along w/2 debate topics. Pick cards at random to choose debaters. You may pass by reciting a rhyme that you
made up (I must now pass / Because I gotta go to mass. I cannot go now / Because I do not know how). If you pass, your card goes
back in the box. If you debate, then your card remains out of the box. Everybody whose name is still in the box must do the HW
assignment: What do you think about Mory’s life philosophy? (15 pts)

Day 26: Thursday, April 10 (shorter class)
 SSR/ discussion ques: read pp. 182-185, 187-188 (25 pts)
 Why is Richard’s mother mystified by the idea of psychiatrists?
 Why are works of literature “often among the most personal statements we hear in our lives?”
 Why, in your opinion, does Richard entitle the sixth chapter of his book “Mr. Secrets”?
 letter story; classwork is metaphor or simile for being in love
 impromptu debate

Day 27: Friday, April 11
 Journal
 Hunger of Memory game quiz

trivia blackjack
class must beat dealer (teacher) at least 5 times in order to avoid written quiz. dealer is dealt 2 cards and hits till 17 or higher
two students go up to front of room, each is dealt a card but no one is allowed to see the card. they are each asked a question. the
class may help for ten seconds after a question is asked, but after ten seconds, only the respondant may speak. if any other student
speaks, the players automatically bust. if the player answer correctly, she is allowed to flip the card over and disclose its value.
otherwise, the card stays face down. repeat process w/both players.
a third student may then draw a card without looking at the card. teacher asks third student a question, and if answered correctly,
student may disclose the card. otherwise, card stays face down. then, the third player decides whether or not to “hit,” adding the
value of her card to the previous two cards.
this process is repeated until a player decides to “stay”
all cards are then flipped over and we see if the students have beat the dealer

trivia blackjack questions:

1. Who is the author of Hunger of Memory?
2. What does Richard Rodriguez think about bilingual education?
3. Which language was Richard’s “intimate” language?
4. Which language was Richard’s “public” language?
5. How did Richard learn to speak English?
6. How did Richard’s parents act in public?
7. Why did the sense of intimacy diminish in Richard’s home when his parents started talking to him exclusively in English?
8. Richard eventually realizes that intimacy is not necessarily tied to a particular language. What other ways are there of
communicating intimacy?
9. What does gringo mean?
10. What does pocho mean?
11. Why does Richard think that it is important for immigrants to learn English? What does it have to do with public society?
12. What aspect of Richard’s appearance made him most self-conscious and insecure?
13. Why was Richard ashamed of having dark skin?
14. Why did Richard’s father always notice the feel or texture of every hand he shook?
15. Why did Richard once put a blade against his flesh?
16. One summer, Richard decided to do “real work.” What job did he get?
17. At Richard’s construction job, why wouldn’t the contractor confess the wages he paid the Mexican workers?
18. Dark skin is a different symbol for different people. What does dark skin mean to Richard’s parents? What does dark skin mean
to the middle class people that Richard normally meets?
19. Richard claims that affirmative action helps the wrong people. Why/how?
20. What is ironic about the fact that Richard Rodriguez is a critic of affirmative action?
21. According to Richard, what happened to several fellow minority students at Stanford? How does this support his criticism of
affirmative action?
22. Why was Richard described as a “coconut”?
23. Why did Richard turn down job offers from extremely prestigious universities?
24. How does Richard’s mother feel about his writing?
25. How is writing both an extremely private and extremely public activity?
26. Compare and contrast the way Richard is treated when he is a guest at a friend’s house versus the way Richard’s friends are
treated when they visit his house.
27. Why is Richard’s mother mystified by the idea of psychiatrists?
28. Why are works of literature “often among the most personal statements we hear in our lives?”

 Letter story: assignment: create one metaphor or simile for love. describe it and explain why you chose that particular metaphor
or simile to symbolize love.

table graffiti, strength acknowledgements, bullying, cover letter

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