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Read the following description I am from Seattle, Washington. Seattle is a city in the United States.

It is near the border of Canada in the northwest corner of the USA. I live in a town called Olympia which is on the !get So!nd. I live in a ho!se in a street in the co!ntryside. "he street is called #$ear Street# and the ho!se is old % more than &'' years old( I am an )nglish teacher at a school in the center of the town. I li*e boo*s and ta*ing photographs. I !s!ally have l!nch at school. I !s!ally go home by car. We have all *inds of food in Olympia. I li*e Italian food very m!ch. Sometimes, I go to an Italian resta!rant in Seattle. "he resta!rant is called #+!igi,s#. Italian food is great( Here are the rules for when to use "A, An or The": a - indefinite article .not a specific ob/ect, one of a n!mber of the same ob/ects0 with consonants She has a dog. I wor* in a factory. an - indefinite article .not a specific ob/ect, one of a n!mber of the same ob/ects0 with vowels .a,e,i,o,!0 Can I have an apple1 She is an )nglish teacher. the - definite article .a specific ob/ect that both the person spea*ing and the listener *now0 "he car over there is fast. "he teacher is very good, isn,t he1 "he first time yo! spea* of something !se #a or an#, the ne2t time yo! repeat that ob/ect !se #the#. I live in a ho!se. "he ho!se is 3!ite old and has fo!r bedrooms. I ate in a Chinese resta!rant. "he resta!rant was very good. 4O 5O" !se an article with co!ntries, states, co!nties or provinces, la*es and mo!ntains e2cept when the co!ntry is a collection of states s!ch as #"he United States#. 6e lives in Washington near 7o!nt Rainier. "hey live in northern $ritish Col!mbia. Use an article with bodies of water, oceans and seas %

7y co!ntry borders on the acific Ocean 4O 5O" !se an article when yo! are spea*ing abo!t things in general I li*e R!ssian tea. She li*es reading boo*s. 4O 5O" !se an article when yo! are spea*ing abo!t meals, places, and transport 6e has brea*fast at home. I go to !niversity. 6e comes to wor* by ta2i. THE Articles in )nglish are invariable. "hat is, they do not change according to the gender or n!mber of the no!n they refer to, e.g. the boy, the woman, the children 'The' is used: &. to refer to something which has already been mentioned. An elephant and a mo!se fell in love. "he mo!se loved the elephant,s long tr!n*, and the elephant loved the mo!se,s tiny nose. 8. when both the spea*er and listener *now what is being tal*ed abo!t, even if it has not been mentioned before. ,Where,s the bathroom1, ,It,s on the first floor., 9. in sentences or cla!ses where we define or identify a partic!lar person or ob/ect: "he man who wrote this boo* is famo!s. ,Which car did yo! scratch1, ,"he red one. 7y ho!se is the one with a bl!e door., ;. to refer to ob/ects we regard as !ni3!e: the s!n, the moon, the world <. before s!perlatives and ordinal n!mbers: .see Ad/ectives0

the highest b!ilding, the first page, the last chapter. =. with ad/ectives, to refer to a whole gro!p of people: the >apanese .see 5o!ns % 5ationalities0, the old ?. with names of geographical areas and oceans: the Caribbean, the Sahara, the Atlantic @. with decades, or gro!ps of years: she grew !p in the seventies There is no article: with names of co!ntries .if sing!lar0 Aermany is an important economic power. 6e,s /!st ret!rned from Bimbabwe. .$!t: I,m visiting the United States ne2t wee*.0 with the names of lang!ages Crench is spo*en in "ahiti. )nglish !ses many words of +atin origin. Indonesian is a relatively new lang!age. with the names of meals. +!nch is at midday. 4inner is in the evening. $rea*fast is the first meal of the day. with people,s names .if sing!lar0: >ohn,s coming to the party. Aeorge Ding is my !ncle. .$!t: we,re having l!nch with the 7organs tomorrow.0 with titles and names: rince Charles is E!een )liFabeth,s son.

resident Dennedy was assassinated in 4allas. 4r. Watson was Sherloc* 6olmes, friend. .$!t: the E!een of )ngland, the ope.0 After the ,s possessive case: 6is brother,s car. eter,s ho!se. with professions: )ngineering is a !sef!l career. 6e,ll probably go into medicine. with names of shops: I,ll get the card at Smith,s. Can yo! go to $oots for me1 with years: &G;@ was a wonderf!l year. 4o yo! remember &GG<1 With !nco!ntable no!ns: Rice is the main food in Asia. 7il* is often added to tea in )ngland. War is destr!ctive. with the names of individ!al mo!ntains, la*es and islands: 7o!nt 7cDinley is the highest mo!ntain in Alas*a. She lives near +a*e Windermere. 6ave yo! visited +ong Island1 with most names of towns, streets, stations and airports: Hictoria Station is in the centre of +ondon. Can yo! direct me to $ond Street1

She lives in Clorence. "hey,re flying from 6eathrow. in some fi2ed e2pressions, for e2ample: by car by train by air on foot on holiday on air .in broadcasting0 at school at wor* at University in ch!rch in prison in bed A I A5

Use ,a, with no!ns starting with a consonant .letters that are not vowels0, ,an, with no!ns starting with a vowel .a,e,i,o,!0


A boy An apple A car An orange

A ho!se An opera 5O"): An before an h m!te % an ho!r, an hono!r. A before ! and e! when they so!nd li*e ,yo!,: a e!ropean, a !niversity, a !nit The indefinite article is used: to refer to something for the first time: An elephant and a mo!se fell in love. Wo!ld yo! li*e a drin*1 I,ve finally got a good /ob. to refer to a partic!lar member of a gro!p or class Examples: with names of /obs: >ohn is a doctor. 7ary is training to be an engineer. 6e wants to be a dancer. with nationalities and religions: >ohn is an )nglishman. Date is a Catholic. with m!sical instr!ments: Sherloc* 6olmes was playing a violin when the visitor arrived. .$U" to describe the activity we say #6e plays the violin.#0 with names of days: I was born on a "h!rsday to refer to a *ind of, or e2ample of something: the mo!se had a tiny nose

the elephant had a long tr!n* it was a very strange car with sing!lar no!ns, after the words ,what, and ,s!ch,: What a shame( She,s s!ch a bea!tif!l girl. meaning ,one,, referring to a single ob/ect or person: I,d li*e an orange and two lemons please. "he b!rglar too* a diamond nec*lace and a val!able painting. 5otice also that we !s!ally say a h!ndred, a tho!sand, a million. 5O"): that we !se ,one, to add emphasis or to contrast with other n!mbers: I don,t *now one person who li*es eating elephant meat. We,ve got si2 comp!ters b!t only one printer.

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