High Rollers

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CASINO - DAY The Grand Cactus Casino is a tacky blending of dated fixings and cheap decor. Shots of the casino - the slots, theater, buffet, kitschy decor, pool, etc. ALAN (V.O.) This casino is my livelihood. My family built it nearly 50 years ago. INT. ALANS OFFICE - DAY ALAN KAPLAN, early 30s, affable, loyal, a pushover, manager of The Grand Cactus Casino, is sitting at his desk. B-Roll: Pan across Alans office, framed pictures of his family, him with employees, various D-list celebrities. ALAN (V.O.) Theres a lot of good times on these walls. Special times. Unfortunately, were broke. Angle on: A framed picture of Alan and a family member at each others throats. ALAN For some reason we documented that moment. My family split apart after all the fights and Ive been left with the business, or what remains of it. Angle on: a yellow hard hat, Alan puts it on. ALAN We were going to blow the casino up, but at the last second, a benefactor stepped in to buy the place. EXT. CASINO - DAY Alan is in his hard hat, the employees are excited as they count down until the explosion.

2. Alan receives a phone call and puts a halt to it at the last second, much to their dismay. INT. ALANS OFFICE - PRESENT ALAN Today, our new owner arrives. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY At a conference table, SANJAY, pit boss, 50s, uptight and touchy and KIP, 40s, bartender, patronizing, sensitive, and Sanjays rival, are prepping darts. Against the far wall, JASON, early 20s, simple and eager, always seeking Alans approval, stands against the far wall. JASON Can I go now? Not yet. SANJAY

Kip stands up and fires a dart around his body. Boom! KIP

Sanjay picks up a dart and aims. KIP You miss this one and its over. Are you clutch like MJ or do you wilt under the pressure like a daisy in Chernobyl. He steadies. SANJAY Call me Air Sanjay. He fires the dart missing his target and hits Jason. KIP Choker, choker! Jason is in pain. SANJAY Walk it off intern. This isnt the minor leagues.

3. Kip walks over to a board and marks a tally on the side marked Kip. KIP Chalk one up for Kippy. Thats a three streak. He does a little dance. SANJAY You pick these events you know youre going to win. INTERVIEW - SANJAY SANJAY Ive been here about 15 years and Im head pit boss. Ive seen it all. The Great Fire, The Small Fire, The Jacuzzi Fire, the family fall out. Weve had a lot of change, but everythings gotten worse. INT. DRESSING ROOM - DAY FAITH, 30s, peppy, jealous type, and an attention seeker, is putting on makeup and trying on outfits. OSWALT, 30s, an immigrant, reserved, and a quiet romantic, is fixing some things in the room. FAITH Lets keep the lighting mellow. I need ambiance. OSWALT Okay, Ms. Faith. He lovingly admires her, she is oblivious. FAITH Im juice cleansing. I need total purity if Im going to impress this new owner. I hear hes British. Try some. Oswalt pours some of the drink on the floor and starts cleaning with it. Faith looks puzzled. OSWALT Juice cleaning!

4. FAITH Who am I to judge? Oswalt begins to leave. Faith urges him to stay not wanting to be alone. FAITH Please stay. Theres so much more to discuss. Oswalt is overjoyed. She lights a scented candle. OSWALT What is smell? FAITH Dont you love it? Its White Castle. It helps with my fast food cravings. Oswalt feigns approval. INTERVIEW - FAITH FAITH Im a big deal around look up to me. I have meet and expectations My name lights up the outside. Well, before Fire. INT. DRESSING ROOM - PRESENT FAITH This dresser needs some work, its all chipped. Oswalt inspects the dresser. FAITH Men have always had a thing for me. Its probably my je na sais quoi. Faith looks around, grabs a shirt, and drys her armpits. Oswalt smiles thinking shes referring to him. FAITH I just need to find the right man. Good hearted, honest, wealthy. Id be set. here. People standards to to blow away. marquee The Marquee

5. OSWALT (dismayed) I need to get my tools. INT. CASINO - DAY Alan runs into Sanjay. SANJAY You look like a chicken without its head. ALAN If you havent noticed, theres a lot going on right now. SANJAY Tell me about it. ALAN Shouldnt you be supervising your pit? SANJAY The pits a self-sustaining mechanism. Ive created an autonomous entity. ALAN The whole point of a pit boss is to supervise the games and make sure everythings kosher. Nothing can be autonomous about that. SANJAY Maybe to the untrained eye, but Ive been doing this for a while. ALAN I just passed Kip and he said something about you being a subpar pit boss. SANJAY He has no basis for that. ALAN Thats just what I heard. SANJAY Ill show him. INTERVIEW - SANJAY

6. SANJAY Eleven years and one hundred and twenty three days ago, a rivalry was born between Kip and I. Some people ask why? Every great man has a rival, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Kim Kardashian and Ray J. LeBron and Cleveland. INT. CASINO - DAY Jason is walking by, Alan grabs him. JASON What can I do, sir? ALAN I need you to find a mustache. Jason pulls one out of his pocket. Beat. ALAN Youre going to walk around here pretending to be the new boss. Scare them straight. JASON You think I can fool them? He thinks momentarily. Yes. INT. SECURITY ROOM A large, muscular African-American man, ZINEDINE, 30s, is standing in front of an elderly man, CHARLES. ZINEDINE I know you were counting cards. CHARLES Im sorry, I cant help it! ZINEDINE My boss is going to be here soon. Well figure out what to do with you. ALAN

7. He cracks his knuckles. Charles looks at his name tag. CHARLES Zinedine? Were your parents soccer fans? Zinedine headbutts him. ZINEDINE Dont make assumptions. Alan enters the room. ALAN Charles, you cant keep counting cards, its a big no-no. CHARLES I know. I wont do it again. ZINEDINE You know this man? ALAN Yes. Charles has been a long time friend of the family. CHARLES I babysat for you, I nurtured you. ALAN That wasnt as much babysitting as it was baby-watching. INT. CASINO - FLASHBACK Charles is sitting at a blackjack table as a young Alan stands next to him. ALAN This is boring. CHARLES Nonsense. Go have a smoke and get us some food on your way back. ALAN But I dont smoke. Charles hands him a pack of cigarettes. CHARLES Youll thank me later.

8. INT. SECURITY ROOM - PRESENT ALAN It took me a long time to quit and ruined my pre-teen years. CHARLES What can I say, you were impressionable. ALAN Did Zinedine make it clear that we dont tolerate counting cards? CHARLES Yes, very much so. ALAN Good. I dont want to have to ban you again, but I will. ZINEDINE Can I beat him boss? ALAN No. No beatings today. Soon though. Zinedine is giddy. ALAN I have a meeting to go to, Zinedine show Charles out. He lifts the chair with Charles still in it. Gently. ALAN

INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Alan meets with the new owner of the casino, STUART RICHARDS, 50s, a corporate high roller. STUART Alan, I brought you here to introduce you to your new boss and my right hand woman, Sylvia Young. SYLVIA YOUNG is a strong, powerful African-American woman, her demeanor much like a partner at a top law firm. She shakes his hand, causing him to wince.

9. STUART Sylvia is one of the best in the business. Shes going to turn this place around, bring it back to the golden days. ALAN Can I talk to you for a second Stuart? They step to the side. ALAN Do you think her help is necessary? STUART Youll still have your say, shes just an expert with these projects. They return. SYLVIA The first thing you need to understand is this is my rodeo, I direct traffic, I call the plays. ALAN To be honest, no one knows this place better than me. SYLVIA Were your lifeline. If I was on the Titanic, do you think Jack wouldve died? Rose wouldnt be a sad, old widow right now. ALAN I think shes dead. SYLVIA She would be alive if I was there. STUART Like I said, shes the best. ALAN What is the plan? STUART We need to reinvent the image of this place.

10. SYLVIA I went around town, people either had no clue what I was talking about, referred to this place as the eye sore next to the Tire Fire Quick shot of a large tower of burning tires. SYLVIA or begged me to convert it to a Cracker Barrel. ALAN I dont blame them, its a restaurant and a store. SYLVIA Thats exactly the thinking we need to change. Were not in Vegas, but we need to create the same aura. ALAN Once upon a time, we had that vibe. STUART And were going to bring it back. Today, I need you to make sure everyones working their best. SYLVIA We wont replace anyone if we dont have to, but we will. Were going to address the employees shortly. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - DAY Alan is ensuring everything is running smoothly. ALAN Water those flowers. They look dry. FLOWER GUY Theyre not real. ALAN Make them look real. He begins to water them. FLOWER GUY: My family has a proud heritage of hotel flower watering, I cant lose my job.

11. ALAN You wont, just work hard. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY Stuart is in front of the room with Sylvia. STUART As you may know, I am the new owner of the casino. This is Sylvia, she will be running the operations. KIP A woman? What is this the 21st century? SYLVIA Kip, is it? She pulls out a file. SYLVIA Bartending here for the past 12 years. According to this, youre only licensed in Nicaragua and Bermuda. KIP Those are widely considered some of the toughest exams to pass. SYLVIA Tell me, what goes into a cosmopolitan? Kip looks around searching for help. KIP One fourth vodka, one fourth Kool Aid, one fourth carrot juice, one half apple. SYLVIA Are you saying you place half an apple in a martini glass? KIP Thats a traditional Bermudan cosmopolitan. Beat.

12. SYLVIA I expect everyone to work their hardest. We want the best and if that isnt you, we will replace you. Yes Im a woman, if thats going to be a problem, I suggest you leave now. STUART Shes not messing around, she really is a woman. SYLVIA From this point forward, were rebranding everything. FAITH Everything? Look, Im versatile, I can play children, animals, or men. She sings in a deep voice. Stuart is lovingly taken aback. FAITH Ill do anything. SYLVIA Tonight were having a gala for all the local businesses and rich people. Hopefully this will motivate you all to work your best. The employees look at each other. INTERVIEW - ALAN ALAN On the one hand, Im happy to see this place undergo a makeover, but most of these people have worked for me as long as I can remember. I dont want to see them let go, theyre family and professionals. In the background Faith is crawling making animal noises. END OF ACT ONE


14. ACT TWO INT. CASINO SPA - DAY Faith is animatedly talking with a spa attendant in Korean. Stuart walks by. STUART Is that Korean? Faith is still riled up and snaps at Stuart before realizing who he is. FAITH Mind your own business tea bag! She realizes who he is. FAITH Excuse me. We were just rehearsing our all-female Korean adaptation of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. STUART An appreciator of the theater are we? FAITH Most definitely. All sorts of theater. Stage, musicals, web-cams. STUART Im Stuart. I just bought the place. FAITH I know. Why? STUART Because this place is a diamond in the rough. Apparently there are also a few gems. Faith blushes and awkwardly curtseys. STUART I have a meeting to go to, but find me later. FAITH (love struck) Okay.

15. He leaves and Faith instantly resumes arguing with the spa attendant in Korean. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY Sanjay and Kip are rapidly reading the newspaper. Done! Bull-crap! SANJAY KIP

SANJAY Ask me anything about the story. KIP Why was he using the firehose as an enema? SMITH, 30s, flamboyant, boisterous, bursts through the door. SMITH Did a Pier One and a K-Mart have a drunken rager and puke all over these walls? Beat. KIP Excuse me, who are you? SMITH Smith. Im here to rescue you. From what? KIP

SMITH Ive seen better design aesthetics in a Vietnamese opium den. He drops his bag and starts pulling out a bunch of design books. SANJAY Who are you Mary Poppins? Sylvia enters the room. SYLVIA Smith, you made it.

16. They double kiss on the cheek. SMITH It wasnt easy. This is the boondocks. SYLVIA I know, but we have a big job. SMITH I see that. But, Im the best. INTERVIEW - SMITH SMITH Ive decorated for A-list celebrities homes, apartments, pied-terres, jail cells. My work for Lindsay Lohan was featured on Prison Design Monthly. He holds up a copy of the magazine edition. INT. BREAK ROOM - CONTINUOUS SYLVIA We dont have time to waste. SMITH At the rate I bill, we should get to work. He picks up one of his design books. SANJAY What are we changing? SMITH Everything. The wallpaper, floors, tables, uniforms. SANJAY Whats wrong with our uniforms? SMITH You look like you should be working at a morgue. SYLVIA Lets get started. They whisk away.

17. KIP I happen to like K-Mart. INT. CASINO BAR - DAY Alan approaches REGGIE THOMPSON, 80s, an eccentric, longtime tenant, suffers from memory loss, is seated at the bar in full safari gear with a rifle over his shoulder. ALAN Someone going hunting? REGGIE Big game hunting. INTERVIEW - ALAN ALAN Reggies been here as long as I can remember. He lives here and is somewhat of a sage. INT. CASINO BAR - CONTINUOUS Alan goes behind the bar and pours himself a drink. REGGIE A little early to be drinking? ALAN Its been a stressful morning. REGGIE I heard the new owners here. ALAN Hes brought some woman in to run things and everythings changing. All I want is this place to succeed, but I have no idea whats going to happen. He takes a big swig. REGGIE This casino is your lifeblood. Your familys been here since it opened. ALAN I was born by those Keno machines.

18. INT. CASINO - FLASHBACK Alans MOTHER wins the jackpot, but upon celebrating immediately goes into labor. She grabs his FATHER by the coat tightly. MOTHER If I dont make it, name him Blackjack. FATHER Lets not make hasty decisions. Do it! MOTHER

FATHER I dont like it! Its dumb. They continue fighting. INT. CASINO - PRESENT ALAN It was a tense birth. They say thats why Im so anxious. REGGIE You need to stand on your own feet, revive this place, and show them how great it is. ALAN I dont have any control. REGGIE Do you think I back down from a challenge when Im out in the brush? ALAN What exactly do you hunt here? REGGIE Woodland creatures. ALAN Well you have a gun so its easier. REGGIE You think Im not scared staring a rabbit in their cold, dead eyes? It makes a man of you very quickly.

19. But I know my place on the food chain and you should know yours. Alan pauses for a moment taking in what was said. ALAN Youre right. This is my casino. These are my employees. He finishes his drink, slams his glass down and rushes off. INT. SAUNA - DAY Stuart is seated in the corner of the sauna. Oswalt emerges out of the mist. STUART Jesus Christ. OSWALT Sorry to scare you boss. STUART How long have you been in here? OSWALT A few hours. STUART I think thats dangerous. OSWALT In my country, people live in sauna. Good for skin. STUART Whats that smell? OSWALT Im steaming some perogies. You want? STUART No thanks. What I was doing earlier, that was just a one time thing. Beat. STUART Tell me, what do you know about Faith?

20. Oswalt pauses, hesitant to give anything away. OSWALT Oh. Shes very talented. She perform for Cher once. STUART Really? Is she seeing anyone? OSWALT Seeing anyone? Lots of men. Mostly women. Lots of women. STUART Really? She gets around? OSWALT All the way. STUART Im ravished by her, we must dine together. Theres a beep. OSWALT The perogies are ready. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Smith and Sylvia are discussing plans. Alan walks in. SMITH So it was just me and my tranny friend floating out at sea, and she had just gotten back from Thailand to have her man parts removed. They notice Alan. SYLVIA Alan, I want you to meet Smith. The man whos going to give this place a much needed facelift. Alan goes to shake hands, Smith kisses his hand instead. SMITH I have wonderful ideas, were mapping everything out.

21. ALAN Can I have a quick word with you Sylvia? They step to the side. ALAN Im very happy were making all these changes, but its important we keep the same spirit. SYLVIA The only welcoming thing right now is the exit. ALAN Weve been in business a long time, so something must be right. SYLVIA I know its hard to lose control over your domain, but Stuart brought me in for a reason. ALAN I just think a there would be need a massive is passionate, few changes here and good, but we dont overhaul. The staff were a family.

SYLVIA Ive worked on many projects, I have a good idea of what needs to be done. Design changes, staff changes. Everything is under consideration. SMITH (O.S.) Sylvia, were wasting time. SYLVIA My best advice is to get in line or risk being left behind. END OF ACT TWO

22. ACT THREE INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY Sanjay and Kip are sitting behind two easels with paint brushes. The camera pulls back to show Jason modeling in the almost nude. SANJAY You have beautiful lines Jason. JASON (hesitant) Thank you. KIP Who is judging these? SANJAY Zinedine said he can. He majored in art at Sarah Lawrence. Jason slightly moves. SANJAY Stop fidgeting! JASON Ive been standing here for two hours. SANJAY Was Rome built in a day? KIP Was Legoland built in a day? JASON But I have to go the bathroom. SANJAY Hold it and dont squirm, it ruins the shape. You must stay tight. Be Joan Rivers face. KIP Just finishing off the rear and Im set. SANJAY I like to start with the rear. They brush their final stroke.

23. KIP Lets let these dry and go find Zinedine. They leave while Alan is entering. ALAN What are you doing Jason? JASON Kip and Sanjay made me pose for them. ALAN I thought you were better than this. JASON Kip threatened me. He said hed kidnap my dog and tie up my family. ALAN Just ignore him. Get dressed and put on your moustache, I want the staff to impress these new guys. EXT. CASINO - DAY A construction crew is removing the old The Grand Cactus Casino neon sign. Alan steps outside. ALAN Whats going on here? A CONSTRUCTION WORKER looks over. CONSTRUCTION WORKER Were putting up the new sign. ALAN What new sign? That one. CONSTRUCTION WORKER

Alan looks and sees a gaudy neon Four Spades Casino sign. ALAN Four Spades Casino? CONSTRUCTION WORKER Thats what it says?

24. The worker yells up to his friends. CONSTRUCTION WORKER It says Four Spades, Bill was right! One of the workers slaps some money in another workers hand as if they had a bet. ALAN You cant read? CONSTRUCTION WORKER Look at the suit all high and mighty, shoving his reading ability in our faces. He walks off. ALAN I put that sign up with my dad. EXT. CASINO - FLASHBACK Alan and his dad are putting up the Grand Cactus sign. They flip a switch to turn it on, revealing its upside down. They begin fighting. ALAN So many good memories. I had my first kiss up there. EXT. CASINO - FLASHBACK Alan is sitting on the roof next to the sign with a GIRL, and is nervous to make the move. He gets the courage, makes an aggressive move, and gets a slight peck before knocking the girl off the roof into some bushes below. INT. HOSPITAL - FLASHBACK The GIRL is in a full-body cast. ALAN Was it as good for you as it was for me? Beat.

25. ALAN Never mind thats a silly question. EXT. CASINO - PRESENT The sign has been completely removed. Alan is deflated. He goes and sits on the curb. Oswalt approaches sullenly and joins him. ALAN Hey Oswalt. OSWALT Hi, Mr. Alan ALAN The winds a changin around these parts. OSWALT It rain tomorrow. ALAN Its already raining inside here. He points to his heart. OSWALT You need tiny umbrella. ALAN You see that thing, thats our new sign. OSWALT So big and shiny. ALAN Big and shiny isnt always the best. OSWALT I know. I too have lost something I love. ALAN Love is tricky game. The one you love sometimes doesnt see it. OSWALT Maybe they just dont understand it.

26. ALAN Possibly. Back to work we need to get in line or well be on the outs. Alan gets up and starts walking inside, Oswalt follows single file. INT. CASINO - DAY Jason bumps into Stuart in character. JASON Pardon me, sir. STUART Not a worry. Stuart walks away, then realizes the accent. STUART Hold on chap. You a Brit? JASON Born and proud. STUART Where about? JASON (pausing) Manchestershire. The shire. STUART Out in the Cotswolds? JASON You could say that. STUART Lovely area. You work here? I dabble. JASON

STUART Excellent. I was getting lonely without a countrymen. We must grab a drink together. JASON For sure mate.

27. Stuart leaves. Oswalt walks by. OSWALT How you grow mustache so quickly Mr. Jason? Genetics. JASON

INT. RESTAURANT - DAY Stuart is dining with Faith. STUART Thank you for joining me on such short notice. FAITH I wasnt too busy. INT. DRESSING ROOM - EARLIER Faith is sitting with wax on her legs, mustache, and unibrow. FAITH RubHub? An app to find massages with happy endings and you can choose ethnicity? I choose Laotian! INT. RESTAURANT - CONTINUOUS STUART How did someone with so much talent wind up here? FAITH I had been touring with Cher, first as a groupie, then one of her backup singers contracted throat cancer, and I was promoted. As they say, the rest is history. STUART Cream rises to the top. Through the floral arrangements, Oswalt is spying on them. FAITH Now tell me, whats a guy like you doing not tied down? Handsome, wealthy, well-endowed.


Stuart is taken aback briefly. FAITH Its a sixth sense. STUART Ive been married twice. The first we drifted apart, the second, I ordered a wife from Eastern Europe, I ended up returning her. FAITH I hope you kept your receipt. They awkwardly laugh. Oswalt can be seen hanging from the windows spying while pretending to clean. He is attacked by birds. STUART I just want to take it slow now. Not rush into anything. FAITH Totally. At least until these guys are still fertile. She points to her ovaries. STUART Wed make a great team you and I. Youre so true to yourself. FAITH People often say that about me. Im like Alex Rodriguez, brutally honest. STUART Honesty is important to me. Im too old for games. FAITH You should come to my show later. Im debuting some new songs. Ill give you a backstage pass. STUART That sounds delightful.

29. INT. BREAK ROOM - DAY Sanjay, Zinedine, and Kip are wearing their new overly gold and flashy uniforms. Alan walks in. ZINEDINE Im sorry, but Sanjays is better. He really brings the portrait to life. Quiet strokes, yet powerful lines. Like a Vermeer. Sanjay celebrates and puts a tally next to his name. He notices Alan. SANJAY Alan, we look like props from Goldfinger. ALAN Smith designed them. SANJAY We belong in a Russian oligarchs house serving caviar out of a diamond bowl, not in a casino. ALAN Im not happy either. KIP She gave me this whole binder of drinks I have to learn. ALAN Well, that is your job. KIP Beer, wine, and beer-wine cocktails. Thats what I can do. ALAN Were just going to have to get used to this if we want to keep our jobs. SANJAY I dont know if I can do that. What was wrong with how we did things? ALAN Stuart wants this place to be modernized.

30. KIP Thats dumb. No one likes modern things. Just ask any industry. ALAN Not sure thats true. The gala is going to start soon, so work your hardest and impress them. I want us to all be in this for the long haul. SANJAY Its just not the same. ZINEDINE Agreed. I came to work here because of the lax environment and carefree approach to physically handling guests. KIP And this was the only place that didnt run background checks. ALAN All of that is changing. They sulk. INT. BALLROOM - NIGHT The room is decorated glamorously. There are gambling tables and a bar set up. Smith is buzzing about ensuring everything is going well. Various PATRONS mill about schmoozing. Stuart addresses the crowd. STUART Welcome, welcome. I know this is an unusual place for most of you, but I want to welcome you to the next generation of this place. The brand new Four Spades Casino. Fireworks, music, and all that jazz. STUART Were bringing the fun and class back to this place. Please enjoy yourself, eat, drink, have fun!

31. The camera surveys the room showing the employees doing a lackluster job. Refusing their drinks from Kip because theyre wrong, leaving gambling tables because Sanjay is accosting them, and Zinedine intimidating people. Sylvia rushes towards Alan. SYLVIA This is not going well. Your staff is ruining this! ALAN Theyll be fine, its just a lot of change to throw at them. SYLVIA Well they better adapt or theyll find themselves without a job. ALAN Dont be so hasty. SYLVIA Hasty? This is your livelihood on the line. I suggest you be a little less passive and do something. ALAN People look like theyre enjoying themselves, everyones doing their job. He looks at Kip who is ignoring the patrons and chugging a bottle of a rum. ALAN Maybe they can be better. SYLVIA I think so and Stuarts pouring a lot of money into this dump. This night is vital to our future success. ALAN Everything will be fine. SYLVIA Without these peoples support, were not going anywhere. This place will be turned into an outlet mall if we dont start bringing in people.

32. She leaves in a huff. Alan surveys the room and sees the patrons not enjoying themselves. He remembers Oswalts words. ALAN (to himself) Maybe they dont understand your love. Alan heads to the stage and takes the mic. ALAN Excuse me everyone, excuse me. I just want to thank you all for coming, it means a lot to us. He makes eye contact with Sylvia who mimes slitting his throat. ALAN This casino has been a part of my life for a long time now. I have never been more passionate about something. This place was somewhere people could escape from their boring and stressful lives. Weve recently lost our way, but tonight marks the dawn of a new era. Sanjay and the other employees are all ears, inspired by his words. ALAN With the help of Stuart, we want to become a better casino. A place you can be proud to leave your children at home and come to. The communitys help and patronage is crucial to this process, and we need your support. Please, welcome us back into your families and we will welcome you into ours. The crowd and employees are inspired. Kip uses a womens shirt to wipe tears from his eyes. Alan winks towards Stuart and Sylvia. Faith gets on stage.

33. FAITH Wasnt that beautiful? Now for a lovely performance by yours truly. Please no recording devices or Ill be forced to physically harm you. She begins playing, the music continues in the background. STUART That was lovely Alan, truly inspiring. Just the leadership and impassioned begging we needed. SYLVIA I underestimated you. ALAN This casino isnt just a business to me, its my life. I will do anything to help it succeed. STUART Well I think its appropriate then to anoint you co-general manager with Sylvia. You two will make a great team. ALAN On one condition, my staff keeps their jobs. STUART We can do that. SYLVIA Why dont I manage the administrative stuff, you can handle your team and the day-to-day happenings. Deal. They shake hands. INTERVIEW - ALAN ALAN My grandfather once told me, dont put the cart before the horse because someone will steal the cart and youll have to resort to eating the horse. ALAN

34. That lesson has rung true throughout my life, but now more than ever. The casino has new life, I have to appreciate that and know sometimes Ill be driving the cart and other times itll be the horse. END OF ACT THREE

35. TAG INT. THEATER - DAY Faith and the spa attendants are performing Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. FAITH Cut. Cut. Were here right now. She motions with her hand near the ground. FAITH We need to be here. She motions way higher. FAITH Jun-woo, right now, it feels like youre from Ohio, I need you in Mississippi. More Southern charm. (beat) Action! END OF SHOW

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