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Student Senate

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call
IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair
a. Next week September 29th is formal Senate
b. Office Hours begin this week
c. Senator Introductions
V. Consent Calendar
a. Senate 9/15/2009 Minutes
approval of 9/15 minutes
VI. Student Concerns
Night time door to door only accepting females
Mr.Mcnabb- they are supposed to accept both males and females; looking into expanding this
service. Perry Gordon will be in senate in a few weeks, he will be great to ask
Mr. Harris- Busing is taking students to Tri-Country mall
Chair: Senator Horvaff and Hubner are getting the ball rolling in transportation to walmart
Ms.Hrnjak- its part of the international student initiative
Mr. Cowles- motion to amend the agenda letter a of special business to now

VII. Reports
a. President of the Student Body
Mr.McNabb- Does not have swine flu, executive reports will be discussed next week
b. Vice President of the Student Body
Mr.Harris- Evaluations of on campus election system, registration for student legal
services will be moved online soon
c. Vice President of Campus Activities
Ms.Pazyniak- recruitment just ended, great turnout 100 people, family weekend October
2nd events will be emailed out
d. Vice President of Student Organizations
Mr.Ferguson- Funding applications are in, no more accepted after midnight, 130
organizations applied for $144,000 total requests
e. Board of Trustees Update
Mr.McNabb- about student engagement and student life at Miami, passed increase of
tuition 3.5% starting December 1
Mr.Shanley- Proud of student government leaders and students presentations for Board of
f. Secretary for Diversity Affairs
Ms.Hrnjak- thank you to everyone who came to the ODA open house
g. Secretary for Off-Campus Affairs
Mr.Ciccone- Parents committee will look further into the early lease signing issue
Mr.Zwayer- include Randi Keefer in that conversation, the housing dining guest services
push early lease signing just as much
h. Secretary for On-Campus Affairs

Ms.Keefer- community council training this past Saturday was successful

i. Secretary for Public Relations

Ms.Dolan- invite your friends to the Miami ASG facebook page, also have a new twitter
page, t-shirts will be ordered through Miami Indian Tribe

j. Secretary for Academic Affairs

Mr.Hoffman- second town hall meeting tomorrow night 7p.m. 322 McGuffey, Dave
Sauter will be there to discuss new time blocks

k. Secretary to the Executive Cabinet

Ms.Gnjatic: B.O.T applications are going out this week so encourage constituents to

Mr.Jacobson- why is it limited to only Ohio residents

Mr. McNabb- students technically represent the state of Ohio not just Miami

Ms.Bahir- can students reapply if they’ve already been a trustee member?

Chair- no

l. Tech Director

Mr.Sauter- Small, non-intrusive cell phone towers, new students will be switching to

Mr.Frazier- are other schools also switching to gmail?

Mr.Sauter- yes actually they are they great thing is that it taps into all of the services
google provides

Ms.Bahir- will it say Miami in our email address

Mr.Sauter- yes it will stay the same

m. Advisor

Mr.Shanley- Fighting fair, realize it’s important to agree on common goals

VIII. Special Business of the Day:

a. Perlmutter Leadership Conference– Vanessa Braun

Diane Perlmutter has endowed this leadership conference to create well-rounded

students, begins this Friday 4:00 p.m. along with a kick-off by Katie Wilson

If 6 or more students of any organization come, will get invited to pizza party

b. Safe Zone Training

Ms.Hrnjak- 10-20 people learn cultural competency and GLBT, ASG cabinet and DAC
cabinet has committed to participating, CAC and RHA might do so as well, after all four
commit, perhaps senators could also participate

c. President Pro Tempore Elections

Mr.Cowles- served on oversight for two years, importance of non-senior holding this
position, dealt with impeachment hearing, believes new forms of discipline should exist

Mr.Ciccone- what is you stance on attendance to committees?

Mr.Cowles- its up to the head of the committee, those who are reported
are half-absences if passed

Mr.Forrest: whats the purpose of oversight in a properly functioning

student government

Mr.Cowles- everyone should be doing their jobs, cabinet is paid, and we

are all representing students

Mr.Zwayer- outside of senate what is your experience with

parliamentary procedure

Mr.Cowles- IFC conduct board, sat on IFC council, several fraternity


Mr.Jacobson- looking back one year later what would you like oversight
to look like

Mr.Cowles- more structure defined paths, tiered system

Mr. McNabb- are you prepared to be the face of ASG when things get

Mr.Cowles- I think the Pro Temp has to be aware of everything that is

said, important to keep trust

Mr.Stevens- what did you learn from the constitutional crisis last year?

Mr.Cowles- constitution isn’t always interpreted the same way, always

keep a level head and understand both parties

Ms.Riddle- as a student leader what is your biggest weakness?

Mr.Cowles- take on majority of the burden when work gets to be too

much, trouble delegating
Kurt Kadon- Senior, 3rd year on senate has been a team leader in
research projects, served as executive vice president for DU fraternity,
worked on OTO and funding for three years, looks forward to taking a
more active role this year, now that med school apps are in , wants to
help younger senators draft meaningful legislation. Feels experience
has taught him enough without being in oversight

Mr. Zwayer- what are your parliamentary experiences outside of ASG?

Mr. Kadon- DU parliamentary procedures

Mr. Jacobson- what changed would you like to implement

Mr. Kadon- I have none in mind, after last year I think we came to reasonable
conclusions. Last year it was very easy for senators to not show up and not be held

Mr. McNabb- How will you be able to represent ASG during a difficult time?

Mr. Kadon- able to accurately assess how the student body would want this to be
carried out, leadership capabilities and be able to be forceful enough

Mr. Forrest- what is pro temp’s role in properly run student government?

Mr. Kadon- accountability. Student government’s role is to represent the student body
and relay information to the students, so they should do so accurately

Mr.Reece- how do you plan on staying focused towards the end of the year, since you are
a senior?

Mr. Kadon- has taken secondary role in fraternity, easy course load, able to handle time
commitment. Worked a lot with new pledges in fraternity, and would like to do the same
with student government.

Ms.Riddle- as a student leader what is your greatest weakness

Mr. Kadon- overcommittment. Addressing that by not taking too many roles

Mr.Ciccone- how do you stand on committee attendance

Mr. Kadon- equally important.

Mr.Stevens- what is the one thing you took away from quote constitutional crisis?

Mr. Kadon- people should not involve personal reasons into oversight hearings, it
should be strictly business

Ms.Riddle- I noticed you did not request oversight as a committee, why?

Mr. Kadon- was not sure what I wanted as my third committee

Mr.Ferguson- will you still attend funding hearings

Mr. Kadon- absolutely

Mr.Senko- feels obligation to advance in senate, ran for president of

the senate last year

Mr.Zwayer- examples of parliamentary procedure outside of ASG?

Mr.Senko- boy scout troop meetings were similar

Mr. Forrest- role of oversight in properly functioning student


Mr.Senko- officially watch the constitution, make sure responsibilities

are filled, should it occur, go through impeaching process

Mr. McNabb- during worst time protemp becomes face of student

government, what strengths do you have to do so?

Mr.Senko- well spoken, organized, dealing with people effectively

Ms.Riddle- what is your greatest weakness?

Mr. Senko- over-scheduling

Mr.Ciccone- what is your stance on committee attendance?

Senko- senators should enter understanding all their roles including

committee participation

Mr.Steven- what is the main thing you took away from the
constitutional crisis?

Mr.Senko- there needs to be better communication between the groups

Chair: In a close vote, the pro temp for this year will be Kurt Kadon

IX. Old Business:

a. SR010901: ASG Budget 2009-2010

Chair: Increased the budget for off-campus bbq

Ms.Bahir: what are the city dues?

Mr. Foster: for us to remain a part of the chamber of commerce

Mr.Hanna: why do we give the VP $400 in travel expenses?

Mr.Harrs: It costs money to drive to Columbus and lobby our officials.

Ms.Riddle: happy to see the budget is in the positive and not the

ASG Budget is approved by unanimous consent

b. SR010902: Club Sports Budget 2009-2010

Mr.Senko: 47% cutback?

Mr.Ferguson: club sports are very capital, a lot of travelling, 1/3 of our
funds, they do have a fantastic fundraising program

Ms.Riddle: why is there a difference between the requested and


Mr.Ferguson: these are the final numbers, they may have realized there
is more essential cost than they initially requested

Mr.Zwayer: well put together, would like to see an explanation of

discrepancies coming back to senate

Motion to approve Mr.Herbst

SR010902 is approved by unanimous consent.

X. New Business:
a. SR010903: RHA Budget 2009-2010
Ms.Keefer- some events don’t have any projected balance, those are excluded from the
Mr.Jacobson: why is nothing itemized under certain categories?
Ms.Keefer- I am not privy
Mr.Streubing: are polos not gifts?
Mr.Ferguson: this is not a student org, different rules
b. SR010904: CAC Budget 2009-2010

Ms.Pazyniak- we encourage new programming, therefore it’s hard to

predict exact amounts. We are trying to be more fiscally responsible
this year

Mr.Jacobson: you guys did a great job at the intro party for the

Ms.Pazyniak- thank you I will pass it on to the chairs

Mr.Senko- I assume this reflects what has gone on in previous years?

Ms.Pazyniak- absolutely

c. SR010905: The Student Survey Act of 2009

Chair: This has been a long time coming, 2 years ago 90.5% of student
body said a new student center is a moderately high or more need, since
there has been economic downturn, goal to bring in the same needs
assessment to find out how much students are willing to pay

Mr.Streubing: you mentioned outside sources of funding, what are the

other sources?

Chair: the parents council, and some additional funding. 15,000 is the
majority, the survey in total is about 30,000.

Mr.Ferguson: the money ASG is committing is coming out of the student

orgs budget. It would be coming out of the last year’s budget. By
assuming the debt of student orgs, we swept the accounts to pay off
debts, but we feel this project is so important were willing to put this
money towards the survey. This building could potentially be a student
org. building, therefore in the best interest of student organizations

Ms.Zwayer- did we not get a commitment the students wouldn’t have to

pay for anything towards the student center?

Chair: the initial commitment was that the building of the center would be
from alumni donations and fundraising

Mr.Miller- how would this survey be administered?

Chair: In the past they’ve done both online and focus groups, multiple

McNabb- this company specializes in student life centers, therefore would

be able to pinpoint the value of each service inside the building

Mr.Ciccone- would you be willing to accept my sponsorship?

Chair- yes thank you

Ms.Riddle- Im concerned where this money is coming from, I feel as

though it will affect student organizations in the long run

Mr.Ferguson- you could say it could affect them but technically this money
is not money the organizations would ever see its money we would be
repaying to the university
Ms.Bahir- why would a survey cost this much? Is this comparable to what
it cost originally?

Chair- nationally well- known consulting firm, very reasonable rate

because they’ve done the rec. and goggin initial assessments. We have
decided to not do this in house so there are no biases.

Mr.Streubing- are we paying an interest rate?

Mr.Ferguson- no

Mr.Senko- what is the gap between donated funds and expected costs

Chair- I am not privy to that, and no student knows this information yet

Ms.Bahir- how are they going to come up with questions if they do not
know what students want?

Chair- They have prior knowledge from the previous surveys and they
have had spectacular results from other campuses and past projects

Mr.Zwayer- what was the rate of response from the original survey

Mr.McNabb- 1,600 responses.

Mr.Zwayer- across all fields?

Mr.McNabb- yes, breakdown of responses by age and categories

Mr.Senko- The results of this are clear to everyone correct/

Chair- 100% if it is funded by the students, students will see it

Ms.Bahir- is this survey strictly on financing the center or also the

structure of the student center as well

Chair- the needs of the student body haven’t changed much in terms of
study space, dining space, student org space, therefore this will be based
more on financing

XI. General Announcements

XII. Adjournment
SR010902: Club Sports Budget 2009-2010
Presented: September 15, 2009
CLUB SPORT FINAL NUMBERS 2009 - 2010 (47% Cut)
Request Essential Final Amt
Badminton $840.00 $840.00 $445.20
Baseball $12,355.00 $11,288.19 $5,982.74
Basketball (M) $4,005.00 $2,811.86 $1,490.29
Basketball (W) $4,310.00 $3,789.53 $2,008.45
Boxing $2,846.94 $2,562.25 $1,357.99
Broomball $7,168.50 $6,778.85 $3,592.79
Cycling $4,110.00 $4,042.48 $2,142.51
Equestrian $60,100.00 $61,000.00 $32,330.00
Fastpitch Softball $7,584.90 $6,721.27 $3,562.27
Fencing $2,225.00 $2,086.63 $1,105.91
Field Hockey $1,775.00 $171.39 $90.84
Football $23,720.00 $19,697.22 $10,439.53
Golf (Men's) $9,937.40 $9,209.40 $4,880.98
Golf (Women's) $2,075.00 $1,075.29 $569.90
Gymnastics $27,252.60 $24,386.16 $12,924.66
Handball $11,250.00 $10,402.98 $5,513.58
Ice Hockey $52,615.60 $48,634.56 $25,776.32
Ice Skating $47,123.00 $40,027.00 $21,214.31
Lacrosse (M) $21,300.00 $19,270.00 $10,213.10
Lacrosse (W) $22,380.00 $10,462.57 $5,545.16
Martial Arts $3,710.00 $3,341.60 $1,771.05
Outdoor Adventure $7,419.85 $7,218.92 $3,826.03
Roller Hockey $9,750.00 $8,746.04 $4,635.40
Rowing (Crew) $45,025.00 $39,138.10 $20,743.19
Rugby(Men's) $19,416.00 $19,416.00 $10,290.48
Rugby(Women's) $9,200.00 $9,400.00 $4,982.00
Running $2,675.00 $2,155.81 $1,142.58
Sailing $12,180.00 $11,647.39 $6,173.12
Soccer (Men's) $3,060.00 $3,060.00 $1,621.80
Soccer (Women's) $4,751.00 $2,829.48 $1,499.62
Swimming (Redfins) $18,650.00 $18,250.00 $9,672.50
Synch Swimming $4,020.00 $4,092.28 $2,168.91
Tennis $19,758.84 $12,686.20 $6,723.69
Triathlon $11,630.00 $11,564.51 $6,129.19
Ultimate Frisbee (M) $11,325.00 $10,576.26 $5,605.42
Ultimate Frisbee (W) $5,665.00 $5,665.00 $3,002.45
Volleyball (M) $7,475.00 $5,946.07 $3,151.42
Volleyball (W) $5,075.00 $3,516.10 $1,863.53
Water polo (M) $20,590.00 $18,455.77 $9,781.56
Water polo (W) $14,725.00 $13,663.61 $7,241.71
Water Ski $10,165.00 $9,630.42 $5,104.12
Wrestling $5,090.00 $4,462.97 $2,365.37
$576,329.63 $510,720.16 $270,681.68
SR010904: Campus Activites Council Budget 2009-2010
Presented to Senate: September 22, 2009

Concert: $30,000
Family Weekend: $11,000
FYO: $9,500 (Pending final numbers coming in)
Homecoming: $42,000
Kidsfest: $12,000
Lecture: $20,000
Global Fusion: $16,000 (after $10,000 transfer to ASG)
Springfest: $22,000
Spirit Board: $6,000
Allocation/Cushion Fund: $10, 638.92 (With supplemental Rollover-this is cushion for pending
FYO numbers and adjustments as the year progresses.)

Directors (From Rollover):

Exec Chair: $3,000

Chief of Staff: $3,000
Director of Professional Development: $2,000
Director of Internal Affairs: $1,000
Director of Finance: $500
Director of PR: $500
Director of Graphic Design: $500
Director of Communications: $1,400
Administrative Expenses: $1,000
SR 010905
The Student Survey Act of 2009

Adam Clampitt-Dietrich, President of the Senate



Submitted to Student Senate on:

September 22, 2009

Whereas: The Student Senate of 1996-1997, with support from the Student Body President
and other student leaders, passed a resolution encouraging the University to begin
the process of building a new center dedicated to student functions;

Whereas: Consideration and discussion of the student center has escalated significantly in
recent years among students, faculty, and staff;

Whereas: A campus-wide survey in 2007 conducted by Brailsford & Dunlevey Inc.

identified several needs of the student body including: increased study space,
office space for student organizations, an updated lounge, new dining options and
other amenities;

Whereas: The Miami University Board of Trustees approved the preliminary plans and
authorized construction for the Bicentennial Student Center at their April 25, 2008

Whereas: A global economic recession began in the Summer of 2008, directly affecting
fundraising strategies, University operation budgets, and the ability to finance
capital projects;

Whereas: Brailsford & Dunlevey Inc. has administered survey projects across numerous
college campuses, including Miami University, with a record of success in
determining the financial capabilities and desires of students;

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government proposes a follow-up

campus-wide survey be administered regarding the student body’s
interest in financially supporting the building and its uses.

Further be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government, in a joint financial effort with
the Parents Council and administrators, hereby commits to fund
$15,000 for the dispensation of this survey.

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