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IuS Cuiiiculum: 2


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#"& 6'*'&$. &":
o Neasuie anu estimate lengths in stanuaiu units
o Relate auuition anu subtiaction to length
o Woik with time anu money
o Repiesent anu inteipiet uata
o Nake sense of pioblems anu peiseveie in solving them
o Reason abstiactly anu quantitatively
o Constiuct viable aiguments anu ciitique the ieasoning of otheis

1. 0se ciitical thinking & consiueiation of a vaiiety of iueas to solve
piactical pioblems using tools
2. 0bseive anu uesciibe neeus anu giowth of living things thiough
stages & seasonal changes
S. 0bseive anu uesciibe weathei anu seasonal changes
4. 0bseive anu uesciibe the changes in the aii anu sky uuiing the night
anu uay

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Appieciate the faiming piofession
Know that eveiyone can giow foou
0nueistanu the connection between healthy soil, healthy plants anu healthy

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What is soil.
Wheie uoes soil come fiom.
Bow uoes soil foim.
Wheie uoes foou come fiom.
Wheie uo seeus come fiom.
Why uo we have faims.
What is waste.
Bow uo humans anu plants
affect each othei.
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Intiouuction toieview of the gaiuen
uaiuen obseivations
Exploiing school compost system
uaiuen vocabulaiy
Baivesting fiom the gaiuen
o Weighing haivest
Fall planting in the gaiuen
o uieens
o uailic
Staiting seeus in gieenhouse
o uiains
uaiuen clean-up: mulching, soil exploiation
Seeu intiouuction
Seeu saving
Planting calenuais

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"Fall on the faim" Noining uloiy

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Intiouuction to the school woim bin; obseivation
BIY woim bin expeiiment: builuing, obseiving, measuiing soil changes
Woim biogiaphies
"Biit maue my lunch"
Seeu Life Cycle
o Seeu-Root-Flowei-Fiuit
uieenhouse expeiiments
o Spiouting peas
o 0bseiving, measuiing, tasting
Plant sale intiouuction
Seeu catalogpacket exploiation
o Planting zones
o SunShaue
o Bepth
o Spacing
Choosing seeus

@'$6. A+'B(4
"Wintei on the faim" Thimble Faim uieenhouse

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Staiting seeus in gieenhouse
Piepaiing anu "waking up" the school gaiuen
Besigning, measuiing gaiuen beus
Planting expeiiments
Tiansplanting in gaiuengieenhouse
uaiuen signsSeeu Packet signs
Spiing soil obseivation
Soil amenuments
o Woim castings in gaiuen
Plant sale
o Posteis
o uaiuen touis
o Sales

@'$6. A+'B(4
"Compostsoil on a faim" the Allen Faim oi Faim Institute

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