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IuS Cuiiiculum: 1


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0nueistanu that animals, incluuing humans anu plants, aie living things that
have life cycles anu neeu foou, aii, watei anu sun foi suivival
0nueistanu that people anu animals use senses to seek habitats that pioviue
basic neeus to suivive
Iuentify anu safely use simple machines anu mateiials appiopiiate to a given
Sequence calenuai events anu concepts ielateu to time
Explain how people eain, save, anu spenu money
0se teims ielateu to ielative location anu uiiection on a map, globe

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Appieciate the faiming piofession
Know that eveiyone can giow foou
0nueistanu the connection between healthy soil, healthy plants anu healthy

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Wheie uoes foou come fiom.
Why uo we have faims.
What uo faimeis uo.
What is a faim.
What aie seasons.
What uo faims look like now
on Naitha's vineyaiu.
What uiu faims look like long
ago on Naitha's vineyaiu.

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Fall in the gaiuen
o Baivesting anu tasting
o Neasuiing, weighing
o Iuentifying, mapping anu tallying plants in gaiuen
o uaiuen obseivations, uiawings, jouinals
o Composting
o Putting the gaiuens to beu
o Seeu saving
Faim 0ial Bistoiies (Nv Nuseum)
o Saiah }enkinson stoiy
KWL sheet: Faims
Intiouuction to Faim Animals
Fall on a faim
o }obs of a faimei
o Animals in fall
Faim Plays
Faiming Photo Timeline (Nv Nuseum)

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"Faiming thiough the agesuaiiy" Tea Lane Faim, Neimaiu Faim, uiey
Bain (all S in 1 uay)
uleaning Noining uloiy Faim, oi fiom local fiuit tiees

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Wintei on the faim
o }obs of a faimei
o Pieseiving foou
! Behyuiating applesfiuit
! Beib satchels
! Applesauce: sequencing activity
o Naking apple piints (Feb - valentine's Bay)
Faim machines anu simple machines
o Faim }obs: Nachines anu Animals
o Naking butteicheese in the classioom
o Intiouuction to uiffeient kinus of fibei, oiigins
o Weaving (on a hoola hoopclassioom loom)
uaiuen in a glove: geimination

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"Faiming aitifact analysis" Nv Nuseum
"Buttei Naking Focus" Nv Nuseum (aftei classioom buttei making)
"Fibei anu Textiles" Nv Nuseum
Baiiy faim fielu tiip uiey Bain oi Neimaiu Faim ('= #"& 9"#$ '# =/,,)
"Fiom sheep to wool" Allen Sheep Faim oi Native Eaith oi Faim Institute

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Spiing on the faim
o }obs of a faimei
o Weathei on the faim
o Staiting seeus in the gieenhouse
o }ouinaling
uaiuen mapping, gaiuen planning
Neasuiing anu obseiving plants
Naking gaiuen signs
Planting, obseiving, wateiing in the gaiuen
Faiming on Nv Photo Timeline (wNv Nuseum)

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"Faiming on Nv Photo Analysis" Nv Nuseum (oi in classioom)
"Spiing on the faim" at the Allen Faim, Faim Institute oi othei faim
Faimei's Naiket (}une)

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