Willaim Nguyencommunityprofile

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William Nguyen Instructor Sara Alvarez WRD 110 2 Nov 2013 Chinese Students Community Profile On a sunny Sunday at UK campus, I sat outside Blanding Tower with my friends enjoying the usually warm weather. The campus sounded quieter than usual, because many students had left the campus to their hometowns. Then a group of international students walked by, and I recognized a familiar face in that group. I waved at him, and we chatted for good amount of time. We discussed school, college life, and fraternities. My friend moved from China to study in America; we met at the Christian Students Fellowship pancake event. My friend usually showed confidence; however, he became a little bit reserved when he came to UK. His change ignited my curiosity. I wondered what happens when Chinese students come to America and how they deal with everyday problems. This inquiry led me to research about the different aspects of Chinese life at UK and what Chinese students community contributes to diversity at UK. I spent most of my childhood Vietnam, but I live in Kentucky. I have traveled to many places--especially China. I have traveled to Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. I do not know how to speak Chinese, but I understand some simple Chinese phrases. I have great interest in learning Chineses culture and customs. I have met many interesting Chinese personnel in China. I wondered what happens when Chinese students study abroad in the US. How do Chinese students deal with the loneliness they experience? I did some research on the campus activities and found out that Chinese Students Scholars and Fellowship helps newcomers at UK through

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Christian faith. The group connected through Christian churches that existed in a variety of locations in China and Lexington. I decided to sit down and do an interview with the Chinese Student Scholars and Fellowships president. I emailed the president, Liang Chen, to request an interview. He held reservations about the interview. He felt concerned about the prospects of the interview and questioned whether or not I have permission from UK to conduct the research. I explained my class project to him. He put down his reservation when I explained my ethnography about Chinese students at UK. I interviewed him at his office in Gatton College. A common belief is that Chinese students value their family and community over their personal needs. When I interviewed Chen, pictures of his family and of his church involvement filled the room. Chens office illustrates that his family and his communitys involvement represent an important part of his identity. His offices decoration reinforces my opinion that Chinese students display strong family orientation. He seemed laid back and talked about his family before we did the interview. He talked about his wife who likes to take care of the family. Because my wife brings my lunch here, so I have to go downstairs for a few minutes. (Chen). He studies at UK as a graduate student, and he has his family with him. Chen illustrates a deep commitment to his religion. He tries to help other Chinese students through the religious service. His churches organize a group to try to help new students. His church set up websites and other contact information that allows new students to connect with his church. In addition, many members of his church came from mainland China, so the members can help Chinese students adjust to new conditions. His church also has connections with other Chinese churches to help Chinese students. Christian principles help Chen try his best to help his brothers and live in harmony among their love. Chen displayed his Christian beliefs throughout the interview:
Could you tell me how do fell when you come to UK? I asked.

You mean what happened when I arrive at UK?(Chen)

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Yes Very good. I send email to some friends in Church, so I say everything is going fine.(Chen) What is the purpose of Chinese Student Scholars and Fellowship? We give free ride to others. We pick some students from the airport. We tour some students. Each Friday, we have fellowship or bible study. We have free food and free dinner and sing some songs.(Chen) The Christian Chinese students get help through religious service and worshiping. Chen and his group pick up new students at the airport and help them adjust to American culture. The group helps students find new apartments and teaches them how to succeed academically at UK. Chen differentiated his group from the Chinese Association group. Members of his group connect through Christian faith in contrast to the Chinese Students Association, a secular group. Chens group has helped many non-Christian students; however, many non-Christian students may find the idea of receiving help from Christian groups repulsing. They might seek helps from China Students Association. Chinese students community sets up Chinese Students Association to help newcomers at UK. Unfortunately, the Association failed to renew its charter on the UKs organizations. The Association used to get the names of new Chinese students from UK. However, because of a new privacy law, UK no longer allows to give the names of Chinese students to the Association. The Associations contact information seems outdated, and the new contact information does not respond to inquiries. I have requested several interviews, but the contact has never responded to my inquiries about the interview. The Chinese Associations website confuses many new members and certainly posts a challenge to a novice computer user. The website presents

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information in Mandarin Chinese and much of the information on the website seems outdated.

Figure 1: Chinese Students Association websites. The websites have not been updated since 2009. I cannot rely on Chinese Students Associations websites, so I turned to contact Bridges to International Students, which connects students from many walks of life. Many international students come from different countries join the program. The program welcomes any students who interested in international culture, or different beliefs. Many American students make efforts to join the program, so they expand their knowledge about community surround them. They want to put aside the differences and come together. They discuss what challenges them at UK as well as their spiritual connection with a higher being. This program has connected many international students together, creating many friendships. I joined this program because of the affability of the organizer, Edward Lee, and how they go a long way to help international students. I go to the meetings regularly and have made many friends from this program. I have met many Chinese Students at Lees programs. They all seem very happy and outgoing. I interviewed a student, Yixing Jin, who went there regularly. Jin likes my research about Chinese Students. He psyched that he could help me finish my assignment. He believes the assignment has a great meaning. We discuss different subjects during the meeting times. We want to learn from each others

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differences. He majors in geography and has a dream to travel around the world. He has many American friends and his fondness for American culture shocked my traditional beliefs about students at UK. He openly embraces his condition, and he makes the best out of it. His openness enlightens me about the life of Chinese students at UK. His homesickness challenges him from enjoying UK experiences. I had a lively discussion with him about his future. He shows great enthusiasm about UK, and UK inspires him significantly. He offers his view on what constitute a great fit for him: Who do usually hang out with? Or spend time with? I asked. Mostly, American friends. I have two Chinese friends, they will graduate so. My roommate is American. We house together.(Jin) Why didnt you study in China? Because Im a geography major. I want to go to different places, so the easiest way is to come here.(Jin) Why do pick UK instead of other college? Because I do research about horses. It is the world horse capital. So I choose Lexington.(Jin) How do you make friend? I make friend not based on nationality not depend on Chinese or not.(Jin) The interview happened in the environment where we can really trust each other. We shared with each other what we strongly believe in. We dont judge; we understand each other differences. We discussed how we can find companionship with each other. Jin has enjoyed the peacefulness the program has brought to him. Even though, his Islamic beliefs put him in a minority category, he tolerates other religions and seeks to understand them. Most of the Chinese

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Students who join this program become more open to outsiders and have considerably more positive experiences with UK. Many enjoy each others company, and they do not act reserved or shy. The programs director has done a wonderful job of connecting students. We see each other as a family.

Figure 2: Bridges to International Students. The program connects many international students together despite their cultural differences or faiths. We smile; we joke with each other. We talked about our cultures and where we grew up. This is evident in the image above. On the other hand, UK has the ESL (English as a Second Language) program that helps international students assimilate to the American atmosphere. The program helps students who struggle with English and American life. The college tries to connect many students together as a group. I have emailed instructors and International Academic Advisor, Susan Garnett. Susan Garnett is busy with the schedule in the last few weeks of school, so the interview has to be after

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the deadline. Christy Ganchero, undergraduate student assistant with the program, illustrated great enthusiasm about the interview when I emailed her. Christy studied as undergraduate student, so she connects more with a student. Christy shares many characteristics with other international students. International students come to her with their needs, while she has many similar interests with them. She believes that project hold an important meaning and agrees to do interview via email. She has worked with many international students and she understands their conditions. She expresses her eagerness to help me with my ethnographic study. In her opinion, Chinese students usually hang out together because of their native language. Chinese students have trouble with speaking and talking in English. Their method of learning significantly differs from other students. Naturally, they hang out with their group and enjoy each others companionship. The college tries to mix a healthy group of international student together. The college forces Chinese students go out of their comfort zone, and make learning a survival skill. The intensity of the program at UK drives students to connect. They meet five hours a day five days out of the week. They must interact with each other in class. During the interview, Christy emphasize on what of the following UK offer to International student: What difficulties do you notice in Chinese students who are just starting to learn English? I asked. Generally, the Chinese students I have helped struggle with speaking and listening skills. Specifically, beginning English language Chinese students have trouble with articles a and the, and with he and she. However, the flip side is many of those students are marvelous at memorizing vocabulary.(Ganchero) Are there any differences in the way Chinese students learn English versus the way other students learn English?

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From my experience, Chinese students often learn vocabulary first. Many of the Chinese students I have met are very successful in reading and writing, good in grammar, yet dont achieve good speaking scores. Students from other parts of the world, particularly our Middle Eastern population, succeed using opposite pedagogy. These are general statements each students has to find their own way to learn English.(Ganchero) How do they learn English effectively? The number one way to learn English effectively is to talk with people who speak English. This goes for all students, not just Chinese. Forcing yourself out of your comfort zone makes learning English a survival skill, not just a class.(Ganchero) Do Chinese students often travel in groups together? I think all students who are in a foreign country have the temptation to travel with people speaking their native language. Neither Chinese nor American students are exempt from this reality. It is quite common among our Chinese ESL students but it is common among most of our ESL students.(Ganchero) The program builds a strong foundation in life and provides the tools for Chinese students to live in the US. Her responses changed my traditional views about the ESL program. This program not only teaches student English but also teaches life lessons. From Christys email and responses, I understand faculty deeply care about international students and want them to succeed. I have learned that program offers more of life based stimulation for international students. It gives international students the independence they need, while guiding them through the right way.

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Figure 3: Chinese students learn Kung Fu. Chinese student usually hang out together and go in a group. During the interview Christy emphasize on the temptation to travel with same group. As illustrates in the picture above, most Chinese students tend to go together. I still have a long way ahead to complete my ethnographic study about Chinese students. I have had an enjoyable experience working with different groups of students on campus involved in helping international students. UK may not provide the best resources for international students, but they have made considerable efforts to help them. Many Chinese students have to rely on outside organizations to get to the US. UK should use more resources like personal tutors to help Chinese students. Many Chinese students face struggles when they come to new land. They might have trouble at first, but they come through. However, I must do more research and gather more information to paint an accurate picture of Chinese students. I will do interviews with other people who deeply involved with international students.

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Works Cited Chen, Liang. Personal interview. 11 Oct. 2013. Ganchero, Christy. Personal interview. 02 Nov. 2013. Jin, Yixing. Personal Interview. 29 Sept. 2013. Nguyen, William. Bridges to International Students. 09 Oct. 2013. JPEG. Nguyen, William. Chinese Students Association Websites.01 Nov. 2013. JPEG. Nguyen, William. Chinese Students learn Kung Fu. 02 Oct. 2013. JPEG.

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Interview with Christy Ganchero How long have you worked in the ESL program? I have worked for the ESL program since 2010. Currently I am an undergraduate in my 5th year. I am majored in Chinese and International Studies. What difficulties do you notice in Chinese students who are just starting to learn English? Generally, the Chinese students I have helped struggle with speaking and listening skills. Specifically, beginning English language Chinese students have trouble with articles a and the, and with he and she. However, the flip side is many of those students are marvelous at memorizing vocabulary. Are there any differences in the way Chinese students learn English versus the way other students learn English? From my experience, Chinese students often learn vocabulary first. Many of the Chinese students I have met are very successful in reading and writing, good in grammar, yet dont achieve good speaking scores. Students from other parts of the world, particularly our Middle Eastern population, succeed using opposite pedagogy. These are general statements each students has to find their own way to learn English. How do they learn English effectively? The number one way to learn English effectively is to talk with people who speak English. This goes for all students, not just Chinese. Forcing yourself out of your comfort zone makes learning English a survival skill, not just a class.

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Do Chinese students often travel in groups together? I think all students who are in a foreign country have the temptation to travel with people speaking their native language. Neither Chinese nor American students are exempt from this reality. It is quite common among our Chinese ESL students but it is common among most of our ESL students. Do Chinese students interact with other International students? Of course! In our Intensive program, our students take four hours of class a day, five days a week. In these classes, they are studying with the same 20 or so students all day for eight weeks. They get to know the other International students fairly well. I dont know how much they interact with international students outside of class, but within class, it is a must. Hopefully this was helpful! Thank for your interview. I appreciate your efforts.

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Interview with Yixing Jin The interview was conducted during the meeting of Bridges to International Students. The person who interview is currently a student at UK. Where do you come from? China Which part of China? Northern Western part So do you learn English in China? Yes When do you come here? Do you have like a language barrier? Yes. Like a little bit. Who do usually hang out with? Or spend time with? Mostly, American friends. I have two Chinese friends, they will be graduate so. My roommate is American. We house together. Where did you live? Newtown Crossing How long have you stayed in America? You mean in the feature or be here. Be here! One and a half year. How do you feel about America? Its little different. I dont know what do you mean? Do you like American food? No

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What kind of food do you like? My food from my hometown is very special. We dont eat pork because of Muslim. I cant find anything similar here. I like steak. Do you have trouble when do you learn at UK like classes? Little bit problem with vocabulary. Some words are hard to memorize. The details and what teacher said. What your major at UK? Geography. Why do you want to do geography? Because I want to travel around the world and meet different people, different cultures. Why didnt you study in China? Because Im a geography major. I want to go to different places, so the easiest way is to come here. Why do pick UK instead of other college? Because I do research about horses. It is the world horse capital. So I choose Lexington. Do you have any friend from China? Not many. Do you have any friend from China? Not many. How do you make friend? I make friend not based on nationality not depend on Chinese or not. Which restaurant on the campus do you like? Blazer and Common. Why? On these two you can eat more. Thank you your interview.

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Interview with Liang Chen First time I got your email. I have no idea what interview would take? How long it would take? You say you are freshman so I understand that Because my wife brings my lunch here, so I have to go downstairs for a few minutes. So could you the moment the first day you arrive at America? I arrive at United States at midnight, so I cant see outside. I get nervous. When did you go to UK? Three years ago. Could you tell me how do fell when you come to UK? You mean what happened when I arrive at UK? Very good. I send email to some friends in Church, so I say everything is going fine So you make friend in Chinese Church? I made friends in Chinese Church. What is the purpose of Chinese We give free ride to others. We pick some students from the airport. We tour some students. Each Friday, we have fellowship or bible study. We have free food and free dinner and sing some songs. How do you help new Chinese students? We help students adjust themselves to America culture. We help them to study and apply to scholarship. How do you help Chinese students with problems? Friendship? Homesickness? Each Friday evening, there is a very good opportunity to make friend. We brought Chinese food for free and talked about Chinese culture during fellowship or Bible study. Do you know any student who has trouble at UK?

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My friend told me there is a undergrad student probably Freshman. I think he did not get any friend. He even wanted to go back to China. Our brother at our church tried to herb him. How the students meet each other? How do you know they from China? We have websites when people try come to United States, they might search websites Google. And they have contact with us. They have Facebook account. We have Coocoo group this is messenger. We also have welcome party. I think before our event we ask guest to introduce themselves and why they come to UK. Even though they come from different parts of China, but when we come to Untied States we are all Chinese. Is there any regional differences among Chinese Students? I think not too many differences. Probably, people come from the same part are more likely to play with themselves because they share the same culture, same food. Is your church Baptist denominations? Actually it is a Chinese church. It is a Gospel. Does your church have connection with China? Oh, yes. It is Christian church. I think majority of them come from mainland China. Some others from Hong Kong, Singapore. Thank you for your interview.

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