HOPE E-News 01-27-14

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Public Interest Opportunities Fair-Thursday, January 30th

Join your peers on the Bricks from 12:30-2:00PM to learn about the many public sector opportunities available through UM Law and to hear about the important contributions our students are making. If you would like to sit at a table and share your experiences, please email umhope@law.miami.edu for more information.

ACLU Homeless Outreach Volunteer Opportunity

The ACLU of Greater Miami is seeking students to assist the homeless population in understanding the effects of the Pottinger case which protects them from police intervention while performing daily tasks. Please sign up HERE if you are interested. Details regarding dates and times will follow.

Fund Your Dream Job in the Public Interest! - HOPE and Summer Public Interest Fellowship Opportunities Deadline to Apply: Feb. 14th
The HOPE Fellows Program allows public interest minded students to create summer dream jobs and work across the globe to effectuate change. HOPE provides stipends for work in uncompensated public interest jobs during the summer with local, national, and international public interest agencies and nongovernmental organizations. To apply, click here. The Summer Public Interest Fellowship Program (SPIF) includes a full-time internship at a local public interest organization and a seminar. Students receive a stipend and academic credit. To apply, click here.

Lunchtime Chat with Asst. US Attorney Wilfredo Fernandez and HOPE Fellow Alex Calle Monday, January 27th
If you have ever wondered what it is like to be a federal prosecutor, do not miss this opportunity to hear from Wilfredo Fernandez, an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of Florida. 12:30PM in F309. Lunch will be served. Click here to RSVP.

Participate in Social Justice Week-January 27th-30th

Sponsored by the Butler Center, SJW hopes to raise awareness and opportunities for advocacy for a variety of social justice issues. The week features a number of events that highlight the various social justice issues that plight our community today. For more information. Click here for the week's schedule of events.

Community Blood Drive

Stop by the Student Lounge from 11:00AM to 4:00PM on Tuesday, th January 28 and give blood for the community. Donors will be eligible to win prizes.

Summer Fellowship Opportunity-Deadline 2/28

The KMM Foundation is offering four $5000 summer fellowships for first and second year law students enrolled in South Florida law schools. Selection is based on academic excellence, commitment to community service, commitment to diversity and leadership skills. Students are responsible for securing unpaid summer employment in public interest, government, or the judiciary. For more information and to apply, please visit: http://www.kmmfoundation.org/fellow ships/.

PILB Membership Recruitment

Are you interested in playing a larger role in public interest activities at UM Law? Consider joining the Public Interest Leadership Board! Please email umhope@law.miami.edu for an application and additional details and submit to that address by, February th 14 at 5:00PM.

Author Malcolm Gladwell to Speak at UM on February 11th

In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent. Hear the author speak about his work at the Student Activities Center. Tickets are required. Visit www.booksandbooks.com for more information.

Miami Law Clinics Open House Monday, January 27th

Miami Law offers its students a unique opportunity to get hands-on experience through its numerous clinical programs. Learn more about the clinics at Miami Law and meet the directors of each program at the open house

during lunch in the student lounge.

Dont Forget . . .
LOG YOUR HOURS for pro bono advocacy and community service! Congratulations to the hundreds of students who made the choice to begin the year with service through HOPE DAY. Over 800 hours of community service were logged by participants for their work across Miami-Dade County on August 16th. Take the HOPE pledge of performing 75 hours or more of pro bono advocacy and community service in law school. Like the UM HOPE Facebook Page! Connect with the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center on Facebook to learn more the inspiring work Miami Law students are doing in the public interest. The HOPE E-News is distributed every Monday. If there is something you would like included in the next HOPE E-News, e-mail umhope@law.miami.edu. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the only thing that ever has. --Margaret Mead

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Training Session Tuesday, January 28th

VITA is a national program that provides free tax assistance to lowincome, elderly and disabled individuals who need help with basic income tax return preparation and electronic filing. All volunteers receive training from the IRS, and operate a site in conjunction with the IRS during tax season. During this mandatory session, Barbara Acebal, Senior Tax Consultant for the IRS will provide training for law students volunteers. 5:30pm in Room A110.

CONVERGE! ConferenceRe-Imagining the Movement to End Gender Violence February 7th-9th at UM Law
This conference will bring together survivors, activists, and academics to reconsider the dominant U.S. responses to gender violence, to build capacity for political mobilization and reform, to share innovative approaches to gender violence, and to promote cross-fertilization and collaboration between researchers, practitioners, and activists. For details and to register, click here.

Careers in International Organizations-Online Panel

The American Society of International Law is hosting a livestreamed panel event on Careers in International Organizations on Wednesday, January 29. The panelists will share the perspectives they have gained from the United Nations, the World Bank, the Organization of American States, and other international organizations, answering questions about how to get a job at an international organization among other professional development lessons from their experiences. Please register at : http://www.asil.org/event/careersinternational-organizations

Career Opportunities with the State Department Tuesday, January 28th

The Career Development Office and HOPE present CAREER OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE on th Tuesday, January 28 at 5:00PM in th the Faculty Meeting Room, 4 Floor of the Law Library. Please click here to RSVP.

Judicial Clerkship Info Session & Alumni Panel Wednesday, January 29th
Anyone interested in learning more about post-graduate judicial clerkships should attend this meeting in Room E265 at 12:30PM. Hear from alums as they share their experiences working for state and federal judges. To register for the judicial clerkships email list, which is the primary way that information is communicated to students, fill out a brief registration form, located here.

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