Registration RETURN Form Finalised by Werner Nel - 25012014 - Delegates To Complete Same

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SSAG Conference 2014, University of Fort Hare

Delegate details
Please complete fully and clearly

How to register (Payment details below)

Complete this registration form and email it, to Conference prices include the cost of participation in the Conference; invitation to the welcome reception th (cheese and wine) on Wednesday, 25 June at the Conference Venue; the Conference Gala Dinner on th Thursday evening (26 ) at the East London Premier Hotel; morning and afternoon teas, and lunch on th th Thursday (26 ) and Friday (27 ). The registration fee does not cover any other costs (e.g., field trips and accommodation).


Prof Dr Ms Mr
(please specify)____________________________

First Name Surname Position Institution/Company Direct work phone Cell phone Number Email address Dietary requirements What are you presenting?

None Vegetarian Halaal Vegan Other (please specify) ______________________________ Oral presentation Poster presentation No presentation Yes No Yes No Yes No

Are you willing to be a session chair? Are you joining the SSAG organised writers workshop? Are you a special session convener? Title of session: Are you joining a field trip?

Yes No Urban Geography Buffalo City Historical trip Alice and surrounds Physical Geography

Conference Fees
R2,400.00 Registration Individual
for delegates from South Africa, the South African Development Community [SADC] and Africa

How to pay/Payment Options

Cash or Electronic Fund Transfer:
Bank: First National Bank Branch: Vincent Park, East London Branch Number:211-021 Account Name: University of Fort Hare Account Number: 62008303357 IBAN/SWIFT:FIRNZAJJ846 BIC: 21-10-21


Registration Individual
for other international delegates

Proof of payment must please be emailed to Receipts will be issued on request

Transportation Information
Will you be requiring transport from the airport to the conference venue and return? Flight number and arrival date and time: Departure date and time:



Transportation Terms and Conditions

Transportation is provided between the East London airport and the Conference Venue (New Teaching and Learning Centre, cnr Church Street and Buffalo Road, University precincts, East London) only. Transportation will be provided only during set times. These times will be communicated in due course.

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