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1. Alendronic acid bisphosphonate drug used for osteoporosis and other bone diseases (Fosamax), inhibiting osteoclast activity 2. Allopurinol oral drug for hyperuricaemia and conditions like gout, decreased uric acid formation and purine synthesis 3. Amitriptyline tricyclic antidepressant used for clinical depression but also migraine, neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia 4. Amlodopine calcium channel blocker used for hypertension and angina pectoris, acts by relaxing smooth muscle in arterial walls and decreasing total peripheral resistance 5. Amoxicillin antibiotic for bacterial infections 6. Arimidex (Anastrozole) breast cancer in post-menopausal women, administered often after Tamoxifen, acts by lowering estrogen levels 7. Aricept (Donepezil) palliative treatment of Alzheimers disease 8. Arthrotec Diclofenac + Misoprostol (mucosal protective), for RA or OA in patients with gastro-intestinal ulceration 9. Aspirin acetlysalicylic acid, mild analgesic and NSAID, and antiplatelet effect by inhibition of thromboxane 10. Atenolol beta-blocker used in hypertension, by decreasing sympathetic activity unlike Propanol it doesnt cross blood-brain barrier 11. Atorvastatin Statin used in hypercholesterolaemia, by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, enzyme in liver that plays a key role in cholesterol production. Might also be used in stroke prevention 12. Baclofen agonist of GABA b receptor, used to treat spastic movement disorders (eg Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury), muscle cramps and early research stages of alcoholism 13. Bendroflumethiazide diuretic to treat hypertension, by inhibiting sodium reabsorption in distal convoluted tube. Also used in mild heart failure 14. Betahistine antivertigo drug and used in Menieres disease 15. Biphosphonates osteoporosis and bone mass density loss by inhibiting osteoclasts 16. Carbamazepine anticonvulsant, antipsychotic used for epilepsy, bipolar disorders, ADHD, complex regional pain syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder and phantom limb pain 17. Carbimazole reduces production of T3 and T4, used in hyperthyroidism 18. Cetirizine antihistamine for hay fever etc. 19. Cipramil Citalopram 20. Citalopram selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) used in major depression and panic disorders 21. Co-codamol compound of codeine and paracetamol used as moderate analgesic 22. Codeine opiate used for antitussive, analgesic, antidiarrheal, antidepressant and sedative properties (and myocardial infarction) 23. Codydramol aspirin + codeine 24. Diazepam Valium, used to treat anxiety, panic attacks,seizures, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms and Menieres disease

25. Diclofenac sodium NSAID, works by blocking COX (cyclooxygenase) enzymes responsible for producing prostaglandins (mediating inflammatory response) = Voltaren 26. Doxycycline antibiotic, used for various infections including Lymes disease, prostatitis, sinusitis, pelvic inflammatory disease 27. Fluoxetine Prozac 28. Fosamax (see alendronic acid) in combination with Vitamin D post menopausal women 29. Furosemide loop diuretic used for hypertension, congestive heart failure and oedema 30. Flixotide corticosteroid inhaler for asthma 31. Fybogel laxative, used in constipation, IBS and ulcerative collitis 32. Gabapentin antiepileptic, GABA analog, also used in neuropathic pain 33. Gliclazide oral hypoglycaemic, used in diabetes type 2 34. Gonadorelin single injection for evaluating function and response of anterior pituitary gland, LH measured to detect gonadotropin hormone imbalances and differentiate from hypothalamus problems 35. Heparin anticoagulant 36. Hydrocortisone (cortisol), corticosteroid, immunosuppressive drug given by injection in case of severe allergic reactions. 37. Hyocine butylbronide abdominal specific antispasmodic (Buscopan), for abdominal or menstrual cramps in abdomen 38. Ibuprofen NSAID for pain relief, inflammation & fever , antiplatelet effect by inhibition of thromboxane 39. Indomethacin NSAID, inhibits production of prostaglandins 40. Insulin analog to insulin, taken by subcutaneous injections for diabetes mellitus when beta cells in pancreas fail to produce it 41. Irbesartan Angiotensin II receptor antagonist, used in Hypertension, causing vasodilation, reduces secretion of Vasopressin and Aldosterone and therefore reducing BP 42. Lactulose synthetic sugar used for chronic constipation and hepatic encepalopathy 43. Lantoprazole proton pumb inhibtor to inhibit production of gastric acid 44. Levodopa agonist of dopamine (also called L dopa) , to treat Parkinsons as it does cross blood-brain barrier (unlike dopamine itself) 45. Levrothyroxine sythetic thyroxine (T4) to treat hypothyroidism and recurrence of thyroid cancer 46. Lisinpril ACE inhibitor, primarily for hypertension and congestive heart failure 47. Loratadine histamine agonist, used to treat hay fever, hives and skin allergies 48. Metformin antidiabetic drug used for type 2 diabetes & PCOS 49. Meloxicam NSAID 50. Methothreaxate inhibits metabolism of folic acid, used in treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases and ectopic pregnancies 51. Migraleve (paracetamol and codein) for treating migraines (migraleve ultra also contains sumatriptan!) 52. Nifedipine Calcium channel blocker, antihypertensive and in treating angina, by decreasing smooth muscle contraction (vasoilation, decreased cardiac contraction and decreasing heart rate) 53. Olanzapine antipsychotic for treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 54. Omperazole protein pump inhibitor to reduce gastric acid

55. Oramorph = Morphine, opiate analgesic drug 56. Sodium valproate anticonvulsant used in treatment of epilepsy, anorexia nervosa, panic attacks 57. Phenytoin antiepileptic to treat seizures 58. Prednisolone corticosteroid, derivative of cortisol, used in inflammatory and autoimmune conditions 59. Pregabalin designed to be successor of gabapentin, used to treat seizures and neuropathic pain, anxiety disorders 60. Propranolol beta blocker, used in hypertension 61. Prozac (Fluoxetine), antidepressant SSRI 62. Quinine antimalarial, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, used for malaria but also Lupus and arthritis 63. Ramipril ACE inhibitor in hypertension 64. Ranitidine H2 receptor antagonist to decrease production of gastric acid 65. Salbutamol beta receptor agonist, to relieve bronchospasms in treatment of asthma and COPD 66. Seretide =purple inhaler containing corticosteroid & Salbutamol 67. Serevent = Salbutamol 68. Simvastatin hypolipidaemic drug used in Hypercholesterolaemia 69. Solpadol medium analgesic (paracetamol and codeine) 70. Stemetil dopamine receptor antagonist, antipsychotic drug to treat psychosis and migraines 71. Stugeron antihistamine and calcium channel blocker, for motion sickness, vertigo and Menires disease 72. Tamoxifen anatagonist of estrogen in breast tissue, to treat hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer 73. Temazepam psychoactive drug to treat insomnia 74. Tramadol opioid analgesic (releases serotonin) to treat moderate to severe pain, also used in RA, motor neurone disease and fibromyalgia 75. Ventolin = Salbutamol

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