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Secret Signs

By T. J. Waters

To Elizabeth Robertson (aka Pee Wee)

retel stood !uietly as he "orked. Brent #ussed o$er her. The %retty %ink ribbon. &er nails. The long strokes o# the brush. &e a%%lied the #inishing touches "ith one hand "hile the other #uriously ta%%ed a"ay on a Sidekick 'essaging de$ice. (n electronic bee% #ro' the de$ice elicited a laugh. ( %air o# headlights %ierced the sho%)s #ront "indo" and signaled the old lady)s arri$al. retel #idgeted "ildly kno"ing her return ho'e "as i''inent. &o'e "ith the "o'an "ho #ed her treats and coddled her like a real %erson. (s dog)s li$es go it "as hard to beat. The big Buick %ulled into a %arking s%ace by the #ront door. &e %ut the Sidekick in his %ocket and o%ened the door #or her as he)d done a hundred ti'es be#ore. retel)s e*cite'ent "as %al%able. +,h 'y s"eet girl-. the old lady e*clai'ed. +/ou)re such a beauti#ul thing0 ,h 'y0 /ou)$e truly out done yoursel#. She looks great.&e stood by bea'ing silently. an artisan o# ani'als. !uietly acce%ting the %raise o# one o# the #e" %eo%le "ho really understood "hy he e$er got into this line o# "ork. +,h 'y baby is so %retty.- she said. +/es she is0 /es she is0&e %icked retel u% o## the stainless steel table and lo"ered her gently to the ground. 1rench Poodles are by no 'eans light. but he)d long ago learned that the old lady "as not #ond o# !uick 'o$e'ents. and intentionally slo"ed do"n his actions to kee% her ha%%y. She "as a good client "ho ti%%ed "ell. (nd ha%%ier 'eant a bigger ti% "hen she %aid #or his ser$ices. E$eryone le#t the sho% satis#ied. +/ou do such "onder#ul "ork.- she said. %resenting the check "ith one hand "hile acce%ting the leash "ith the other. &e o##ered again to deli$er retel but kne" enough not to o$er sell. 2ake the o##er. but don)t %ush 3 #reedo' to dri$e "as i'%ortant to her and she 'ight 'isinter%ret a re%eated o##er as an a##ront to her skills and co'%etence behind the "heel. +Don)t be silly0 4)' %er#ectly ca%able o# %icking u% 'y girl. 4 kno" you deli$er but 4 "as in the neighborhood.( lie they both acce%ted "ith s'iles. Word ga'es are co''on%lace bet"een sho% o"ners and custo'ers. 'en and "o'en. rich and %oor. old and young. This %air crisscrossed all o# those de'ogra%hic di'ensions and %robably 'ore. They had little in co''on yet she "as his #a$orite custo'er. one o# the #irst "hen he o%ened the sho%. She stayed "ith hi' through thick and thin. 'istakes and 'isste%s. as Brent learned the business side o# his trade largely through trial and error. She)d taken it in stride and re'ained %atiently resilient through it all 3 a near %er#ect client. (lthough they "ere alone today she surre%titiously %ressed three t"enty)s into his hand as i# she "ere hiding it #ro' so'e unseen 'enace or 4RS hench'en. 4t "as a ga'e she adored. &o" sly could she be5 ( bit o# %ri$ate theater bet"een the' 'eant to be #un as "ell as #inancially re"arding. ( loud 'etallic click re$erberated through the sho% "hen he locked u% behind her. &e stood there %atiently as he al"ays did. "aiting until she disa%%eared in the distance be#ore turning out the lights. &e checked his Sidekick one 'ore ti'e #or a 'essage. 6othing. Brent cra''ed it in the back %ocket o# his 7eans and %laced his "hite s'ock on its hook on the "ay to the back roo'. &e unlocked the hea$y steel back door and %ro%%ed it o%en "ith a brick. &is %ick u% truck sat right outside.

&e turned to the "hite8#aced er'an she%herd in one o# the cages and o%ened the door to attach a leash. &e didn)t need it at all but "anted to kee% in the habit o# not ha$ing an o%en door and a #ree roa'ing ani'al. &e en#orced the rules e$en on hi'sel#. 4t 'ade hi' a better business'an. (#ter all. that)s "hat he "as. ( sel#8'ade business'an. 4n control o# his sho%. his li#e. and his #uture. (n entre%reneur. &e lo"ered the truck)s li#t gate and %atted on it once. 9ong #a'iliar "ith the routine. the dog ho%%ed aboard and "alked "ithout reaction into the cage bolted to the bed. &e re'o$ed the leash. locked the cage. and turned to the door. (s he "alked back in to turn o## the lights and lock u% the she%herd barked. ( loud series o# barks and yel%s #ollo"ed by a guttural lo" gro"l. The dog cla"ed at the cage door latch. Brent #li%%ed o## the lights and double8checked his stock o# cleaning and groo'ing su%%lies #or to'orro". &e turned around to the back door and the truck. The dog)s agitation con#used hi'. +What)s u% buddy5 There a raccoon out there again5- he asked. The dog)s #ur %ointed in e$ery direction as it 7u'%ed u% and do"n in the cage. Brent didn)t understand the dog)s antics and kicked the brick aside to close the door. ( #igure ste%%ed out o# the shado"s behind hi' and reached #or his head. ,ne glo$ed hand sli%%ed under his chin "hile the other seized the cro"n o# his head. Their synchronized t"ist sna%%ed his neck and dro%%ed his body to the concrete #loor. The intruder un#olded a black tar%aulin on the ground and rolled Brent)s body into it. &e stood the li#eless cocoon on end and lo"ered it into the truck)s bed ne*t to the cage. The dog)s head hung lo" in a rare e*%ression o# #ear. 4t sni##ed the tar% a%%rehensi$ely but 'aintained its gaze on the intruder. Predators res%ect other %redators across s%ecies. (d'iration #or the skill. the risk. and the re"ard #or the %ri$ilege o# continued e*istence sur$i$ed e$en a'ong so8called do'esticated ani'als. E*ce%t. %erha%s. #or hu'ans. The killer closed the hea$y steel door and ensured it had locked securely. &e then sli%%ed into the truck)s cab and dro$e o## into the night.

:ha%ter ,ne
('y ;ellen stood in line at Starbucks and stared across the roo' at a s'all cro"d o# custo'ers. They "ere ani'ated. talking and roughhousing. clearly a grou% that kne" each other "ell and en7oyed each other)s co'%any. She could easily be one o# the'. 4n her late t"enties. sli'. her hair %ulled back in a %onytail. She "as dressed #or "ork "ith khakis. a $8neck slee$eless shirt. and a blazer. (%%ro%riate. but not o$erdressed. She %re#erred it this "ay 3<%ro#essional casual) she liked to call it. (s the long line snaked #or"ard her eyes cut o$er again to the asse'bly o# %eo%le huddled around #i$e nearby tables. Their con$ersations "ere loud. #ull o# laughing and ca'araderie. not at all concerned about anyone o$erhearing the'. =uite the contrary 3 they a%%eared "illing to let anyone 7oin the club. She allo"ed one last glance their "ay be#ore she ste%%ed u% to the counter. +&i ('y0 Bagel today5- the barista asked. +6o. 4)$e got to go. 4)$e got an a%%oint'ent.- she re%lied. +Drinking and dri$ing. huh5+/eah. sort o#.- ('y ans"ered a#ter a short %ause to catch the double entendre. +Why don)t you stay #or a 'eeting so'e ti'e5- he asked "hile thro"ing a glance at the gro"ing cro"d o# %eo%le. ('y)s re%ly "as uncon$incing. +4)ll try. 4 %ro'ise.The barista didn)t ask #or her order. ('y)s $isit on Tuesday "as so routine the sta## didn)t need to hear it 3 they kne" it by heart. She "as the co##ee e!ui$alent o# 6or'an "alking into :heers 8 grande ca%%uccino "ith #our ra" sugars. ('y %aid #or her drink and ste%%ed do"n to the recei$ing area as she glanced once 'ore at the energetic cro"d. Sure looked like they "ere ha$ing #un. ( section o# tables "ere ro%ed o## and t"o %eo%le "ere hanging a large banner across one corner o# the store> in bright yello" te*t on a blue background. 6o "ay anyone could 'iss it. The laughter died do"n as a young 'an stood u% on a %edestal and 'otioned #or !uiet. &e attracted the attention o# t"o %atrons ne*t to ('y as they "aited #or their drinks. +What)s that5- one asked the barista. +4t)s a co##ee club #or dea# %eo%le.- ('y e*%lained "ithout %ro'%ting. The barista looked at her and s'iled as he returned to his stea'ing 'ilk. +6o kidding.- the young 'an re%lied. &e noticed ('y #or the #irst ti'e. 1i$e8se$en or so? a hundred t"enty8#i$e %ounds including the %urse. &er tan "as a @AB@A blend o# sun and s%ray. care#ully a%%lied o$er an athletic #ra'e he only no" #ully a%%reciated. &er 'akeu% "as #la"less 3 clearly "hat she s%ent the 'ost ti'e on 3 hazel eyes #ra'ed only #aintly "ith liner. "ith an e!ually understated hint o# color on her cheeks. Today her auburn locks "ere %ulled back in a %onytail so it "asn)t in her #ace. +(re you "ith the'5- he asked. +6o.- she re%lied. +Well. yes sort o#. 4 'ean. no. 4)' not with the'. 4 'ean 4 kno" a little about the'. but no. 4 don)t kno" any o# the'.The young 'an)s #ace re#lected his con#usion. E$en the barista looked dazed as he %laced ('y)s ca%%uccino on the counter. +4t)s co'%licated.- ('y 'uttered. She "alked %ast the' and out the door as the 'eeting got under"ay. ('y settled do"n in #ront o# a large co'%uter 'onitor in a s'all roo' at (ll &ands Cideo Relay Ser$ices. ( ca'era ato% the 'onitor stared directly at her. When engaged in con$ersation.

her dea# caller "as seated in #ront o# a si'ilar 'onitor and his or her #ace #illed the screen. ( s'all %icture8in8%icture inset allo"ed ('y to see "hat the caller could see o# her on the other end o# the link. She)d initially #ound it $ery unner$ing to see hersel# like that. But soon she acce%ted it #or "hat it "as 3 an assurance that her signs "ere $isible to the %erson on the other end o# the line. She hardly ga$e it a thought any'ore. She took a dee% breath and ad7usted the head%hones. The ad7ust'ent "as an auto'atic gesture? ad7usting her 'indset to the e'otional needs o# each caller "as #ar 'ore di##icult. 4n #act it "as 'ore o#ten than not e'otionally draining. She re'inded hersel# that all do"n the hall"ay o# the o##ice co'%le* dozens o# other Cideo Relay 4nter%reters had to address the sa'e #eelings. Cideo relay 'ade great strides in re%lacing the old Teleco''unications De$ices #or the Dea#. the %re$ious 'eans #or connecting the hearing and dea# co''unities. TDDs "ere li'ited to te*t only and "ere incredibly slo" because ty%ing and reading a con$ersation took a long ti'e. The 4nternet changed all o# that. With high8s%eed $ideo co'%ression and Coice ,$er 4nternet technology it "as %ossible #or a dea# citizen to s%eak "ith a hearing %erson as i# they "ere in the sa'e roo'. 4t 'eant the dea# co''unity "as 'ore #ully integrated into 'ainstrea' society. ('erican Sign 9anguage is the %ri'ary language #or o$er a 'illion %eo%le in the Dnited States. the #ourth 'ost co''on language behind English. S%anish. and :hinese. Dnlike these languages ho"e$er. #acial e*%ressions. body 'o$e'ents. and %lace'ent o# the signer)s hands %lay i'%ortant gra''atical and conte*tual roles in the co''unication %rocess. (s "ith the regular %hone ser$ices. the 1ederal :o''unications :o''ission regulated Cideo Relay Ser$ices. There "ere a nu'ber o# #ir's contracted to %ro$ide the ser$ice in addition to (ll &ands and o##ices "ere %o%%ing u% in 'a7or cities throughout the country. 4nter%reters "orked in shi#ts based on the ebb and #lo" o# "orld"ide teleco''unications. adding additional sta## as %atrons used the ser$ice 'ore and 'ore e$ery day. The dea# callers had to be co'#ortable in allo"ing the inter%reter. a co'%lete stranger. into the 'ost inti'ate %arts o# their li$es. 9egal entangle'ents. lo$er)s !uarrels. a sick child at school. anything that co''only took %lace in the hearing "orld si'ilarly took %lace "ithin the Dea# co''unity. The ser$ices "ere designed to re'o$e any dissi'ilarities bet"een the hearing and non8hearing "orld)s calls 3 both should be con$enient and %ri$ate. Enough re#lection. ('y thought. Ti'e to get to "ork. She %ushed the cord o## her leg and checked to see it "as %lugged in %ro%erly. 4t snaked do"n to a Series EFG Rol' co''ercial tele%hone recei$er that "as tied into the o##ice)s 'aster co'%uter ser$er. ( 'icro%hone stuck out o# one ear%iece on her headset and reached to "ithin a cou%le o# inches o# her 'outh. 1acing the ca'era and 'onitor ('y ta%%ed the keyboard to route her #irst call o# the day. ( boy about t"el$e years old #illed the screen. ('y)s s'ile beca'e "ide and bright. her de'eanor al'ost giddy. +&i Wes0- she signed. &e "a$ed. signing back. but didn)t s%eak. +&i ('y0The nu'ber #or his call entered her co'%uter and "as routed through the %hone syste'. (#ter t"o rings so'eone %icked u% the other end o# the line. +&ey Wes0- #illed her headset. She ad7usted the headset $olu'e do"n and signed to the ca'era. +(re you co'ing o$er to %ractice5+4 can)t.- Wes re%lied in sign as he %outed. +4)' grounded.+Don)t be a chicken.- she signed. +Sneak out o# the house #or crying out loud0+4 can)t.- Wes signed. +:o'e on0 /ou "ould totally get a"ay "ith it0- She s%oke the "ords aloud. 'atching the intensity and enthusias' o# the s%eaker so her young caller "ould %ick u% all o# the subtle

nuances o# his #riend)s rebuke. +4)' serious dude. nobody has anything like this out there0 /ou)ll get %ast the se'i#inals into the regionals "ithout breaking a s"eat0Wes)s res%onse "as #ast and eager. Dnlike ('y he "as not s%eaking aloud 3 he only signed. "hich she then articulated aloud into the 'icro%hone. +/ou guys %ractice "ithout 'e tonight. 4)ll co'e by your house on Saturday be#ore the tourna'ent starts. 6obody can beat us0- she relayed. ,n another call ('y)s #ace "as dour and accusatory. The 'onitor #ra'ed a stern8#aced 'an in a gray %o"er suit and red tie. ( huge bookcase o$er#lo"ing "ith la" books to"ered behind hi'. &e a%%eared aggressi$e and angry as he #orce#ully signed to ('y. his hands audibly sla%%ing into each other at ti'es. +2y client "ill not acce%t a settle'ent o##er o# HEAA.AAA. /our client "as legally drunk at the ti'e o# the accident and "e #eel certain a 7ury "ill #ind in our #a$or. We)re %re%ared to sho" not only the %olice $ideota%e but also additional #il' that sho"s your client drinking and dri$ing at another %arty a cou%le o# nights later.- ('y articulated into the 'icro%hone. ( tinny high8%itched s!ueal on the other end o# the line suggested o%%osing counsel "as not o$erly ena'ored "ith these intentions. During the ne*t call. ('yIs eyes beca'e red. her signing interru%ted by a #re!uent need to "i%e a"ay tears. She tried des%erately to hold her e'otions in check. to 'ake it si'%ly a 7ob. but it "asn)t "orking. She %ushed through. ho%ing she "ouldn)t ha$e to e*cuse hersel# #ro' the call. and inter%reted the de$astating in#or'ation co'ing through the headset. +4t)s called 6on8&odgkin)s 9y'%ho'a. ( cancer o# the i''une syste'.- she signed. her throat tightening e$en in a "his%er. +4# "e)d caught it earlier "e 'ight ha$e better o%tions. 4)' sorry. 4)' a#raid all "e can do is 'ake her as co'#ortable as %ossible.The "o'an on the screen sobbed o%enly at the "orst ne"s o# her li#e. ('y ached to o##er "ords o# consolation. %erha%s sy'%athy or encourage'ent. but kne" she could not utter a "ord o# her o"n. Rigid 1:: rules bound $ideo relay inter%reters to a code o# silence 8 they "ere to #unction like a %iece o# e!ui%'ent. nothing 'ore. 9ater in the a#ternoon ('y inter%reted #or an attracti$e young coed "ho tried to sign "hile also holding a cookbook and a glass o# "ine. The girl s'iled 'ischie$ously. +/ou should 'ake shark steak kabobs on a bed o# rice.- ('y inter%reted. +But let hi' grill 3 guys lo$e #ire0 (#ter"ards. a little dessert in the JacuzziJ('y #inished as the young "o'an reached #or her "ine. The delighted laughter o# ne" lo$e #illed her headset. (n eighteen year8old boy)s %iercing eyes #illed the screen. ('y leaned in to"ard the ca'era to si'ilarly #ill his screen "ith her high cheekbones and long nose. +9et)s go.- she signed. +9et)s do it0- She giggled and signed si'ultaneously. +4 can)t belie$e "e)re getting 'arried0 Pick 'e u% in an hour. 4# "e 'iss that #light "e)re scre"ed0('y relayed the young 'an)s re%ly. +Don)t you ha$e to be t"enty8one to get 'arried5+6o.- ('y relayed #ro' the $oice in her ear%iece. +you only ha$e to be t"enty8one to get into the casino...('y re'o$ed the headset and "alked out o# the relay roo' into the 'ain hall"ay. She sa" shado"s against the #rosted glass doors "here dozens o# other %hone calls "ere taking %lace. The routine ca%riciousness o# daily contact bet"een cou%les and co"orkers. ene'ies and #riends. #a'ilies and strangers "as $ery draining. She)d only been in the 7ob a #e" "eeks and the s%ectru' o# hu'an e'otion %oured into her la% e$ery day continued to a'aze her. She entered the break roo' and %urchased a :oke and a 2ilky Way candy bar #ro' the $ending 'achines be#ore sitting do"n ne*t to %al ;athy 2aynard.

+Wo"0- she said. e*as%erated. +(s a %arent 4 sure ho%e so'eone "ould tell 'e i# 'y daughter "as elo%ing to 9as Cegas0;athy continued thu'bing through the latest issue o# Cogue as she s%oke. +4 think :elia)s a little young #or that. /ou)$e got a ton 'ore "orrying to do about other things be#ore then.;athy and ('y had been #riends in college and "hen the ti'e ca'e to #ind a ne" 7ob. in #act a ne" career. ;athy had been there #or her. ( true #riend by e$ery 'easure. +Still0 2arried at sixteen5 /ou "ant to call her %arents and yell <lock her u%0)- ('y re%lied. +4 don)t think the 1:: "ould a%%reciate that. Re'e'ber. "hen the call starts. you are 7ustJ+J a dial tone. yeah. 4 kno".- ('y said. She sure "ould ha$e liked to hel% "ith so'e o# the gut8"renching situations she)d co''unicated today. She shook her head. +4 "ould 7ust hate to be that %oor "o'an "hen she "akes u% to'orro".The 1:: 'andated that nothing a Cideo 4nter%reter e$er heard on a %hone call could be re%eated to another %arty. E$en i# the con$ersation re$ealed a cri'e they could not contact authorities. 4nter%reters "ere thrust into their callers) 'ost inti'ate secrets. By rigidly en#orcing this code o# silence callers "ere ensured their con$ersations "ere as secure as i# they "ere con$ersing in %erson. Penalties #or re$ealing a con$ersation "ere #elonies and %rosecutors "ere certain to 'ake e*a'%les o# any inter%reter #oolish enough to be loose8li%%ed. +2akes you realize "hat good dirt %riests get to hear. They)$e got to be te'%ted #ro' ti'e to ti'e.- ;athy said. +(ren)t %riests su%%osed to be e*%erts at resisting te'%tation5- ('y asked. +/ou "ould ho%e.- ;athy re%lied. +&o%e#ully they)re 'ore disgusted than te'%ted. 4)$e seen stu## 4 ne$er "ant to think about "hen 4 lea$e here.- ('y said. +4 7ust had one o# those.- ;athy said. +Whole call 3 6(;ED0 6ot Brad Pitt naked either? 'ore like J 9arry ;ing naked0 4 ke%t stu'bling because 4 couldn)t #orce 'ysel# to "atch real closely.+4 kno" that guy0 Thin. stringy hair. big li%s. and a tattoo o# a J+J%enguin o$er his groin0 That)s hi'0- ;athy sighed. +That)s 'y &o"ard. 4)' totally going to 'arry that guy so'e day0 1ine. u%standing 'e'ber o# the co''unity there. boy0- she 7oked. +/eah. "ell. s%eaking o# community. 4)$e got to get back in there. See you later.('y stood u% and retrie$ed her drink can and candy "ra%%er. %lacing the' in a nearby garbage can. +Want to grab a drink a#ter "ork tonight5- ;athy called a#ter her. +6o thanks. 4 can)t. 4)$e got %lans.- ('y re%lied. ;athy eyed her sus%iciously. +What kinds o# <plans5- she asked. +4)' going to Whitaker)s rally.+ oing to or "orking5('y %aused. unsure ho" indignant she "anted to a%%ear. +4 can do both you kno".- she said #inally. +/ou aren)t going #or %olitics0 Why don)t "e get a drink5- ;athy asked. +They hired 'e0 4 can)t bail on the' 3 they need an inter%reter or the %eo%le "on)t kno" "hat)s going on 3 they "on)t kno" the issues.+/ou aren)t going #or issues or #or %eo%le. /ou said you "anted a 7ob here so you could ha$e a 'ore nor'al schedule. yet you)re still doing co''unity inter%reting.+4t)s 7ust a rally. 4t)s no big deal.- ('y said. She rolled her eyes and "alked out o# the break roo'. ;athy leaned out to"ards the hall"ay to yell. +Reconsider that drink0-

Walking through the ca$ernous Walter E. Washington :on$ention :enter in D:. ('y "as taken aback by the grandeur o# %residential %olitics. Banners and signs co$ered e$ery s!uare #oot o# "all s%ace. 2ar!uees directed delegates and re%resentati$es to break out roo's all o$er the building. There "ere strategy sessions. se'inars on grass roots 'o$e'ents. and tactical o$er$ie"s o# door8to8door ca'%aigns. E$ery a$enue o# %ossible $ote grabbing a%%eared co$ered though the election "as still 'onths a"ay. She a%%roached co''unity inter%reting "ith relish? %erha%s because it "as 'ore %ersonal than CRS "ork. 6o technological barriers bet"een she and the co''unity. Dnlike an inti'ate con$ersation bet"een t"o %eo%le. today she "ould inter%ret in #ront o# an audience o# thousands. While the s%eaker 'ight be #la'boyant and the sub7ect 'atter a stretch o# the truth. (as she o#ten thought "as the case in %olitics). it didn)t %ut her in the 'iddle o# so'ething that tugged at her heart. She could re'ain relati$ely dis%assionate. ('y entered the auditoriu' and #ound her "ay do"n #ront to the stage. With an all8access badge on the lanyard around her neck the security guards barely ackno"ledged her and si'%ly "a$ed her through to the churning sea o# hu'anity setting u% the stage e!ui%'ent. She "alked to the back "here the dressing roo's "ere and sto%%ed a %roduction assistant #or hel%. +E*cuse 'e.- ('y said. +4)' looking #or 2r. Whitaker)s ca'%aign coordinator Jackie &odge. Do you kno" "here she is5+/eah. 4 think they)re t"eaking his s%eech #or the run through "hen "e get all this #inished. Third dressing roo' on the right.- he re%lied. + reat. thanks.('y #ound the correct door and knocked. 6o one ans"ered. She o%ened it and entered ti'idly. +&ello5 2s. &odge5- she called out. (s she ste%%ed into the roo' the bathroo' door suddenly #le" o%en. Jackie &odge hal# tri%%ed into the roo'. +,h 'y od. lenn0 4)' going to "alk like a co"boy all night0- she e*clai'ed. &odge "as a $olu%tuous dirty blond in her early thirties. She "as also naked as she "ra%%ed her "et hair in a to"el. Behind her %residential. candidate lenn Whitaker 7u'%ed back into the sho"er he and &odge had 7ust ste%%ed out o#. &odge s%un around. +('y0 ,h 'y od0 /ou)re early0 4. uh. 4Jcan you gi$e 'e a 'o'ent5('y turned around and %ulled the dressing roo' door closed behind her. lenn Whitaker "as a 'an in his ele'ent. Pounding the %odiu' in #ront o# a ca%acity cro"d o# thirty thousand %eo%le the %olitical %ro had the' right "here he "anted. Putty in his hands. ('y "as stage right. inter%reting #or a grou% in the #ront t"o ro"s. Jackie &odge ke%t her distance along a nearby "all. +What has ha%%ened to this %arty5- Whitaker bello"ed. +What has ha%%ened to our basic $alues5 Where is the high 'oral ground this %arty "as built on5('y stole a !uick glance at Whitaker and cut brie#ly to &odge. ne$er slo"ing do"n her inter%reting. +9adies and gentle'en 4 %ro'ise that i# you 'ake 'e your %residential no'inee 4 "ill return your %arty to you0 4 "ill bring back so'ething called accountability0&e gestured to !uiet the screa'ing cro"d. +Peo%le are not accountable #or their actions any 'ore. This is not the country 4 gre" u% in and it)s not the country 4 "ant to raise 'y children in.( brie# e*%ression o# disdain sli%%ed across ('y)s #ace.

When the rally "as o$er ('y 'illed around back stage "aiting #or her check. (n attracti$e "o'an "alked u% to her. +E*cuse 'e. 4 7ust "anted to introduce 'ysel#. 4)' Sharon Whitaker. lenn)s "i#e.Jackie &odge sto%%ed short as she "alked u% "ith ('y)s check. +Cery nice to 'eet you.- ('y re%lied. o##ering her hand. +4 7ust "anted you to thank you #or co'ing out tonight and %ro$iding this ser$ice to %eo%le. 4 think it)s really i'%ortant.+That)s $ery kind o# you to say.+&a$e you 'et 'y husband5- Sharon asked. +4)$e seen hi'. but not #or'ally 'et hi'. no.- ('y re%lied. +Jackie0- Sharon called to &odge. +&a$e you seen lenn5 4s he in the sho"er5- Sharon turned to ('y. +&e 'ust sho"er three ti'es a day0&odge bordered on %anic as lenn Whitaker "alked u% to the grou%. + lenn.- Sharon said. +did you 'eet ('y ;ellen. your sign language inter%reter5Whitaker turned "hite. +What)s "rong "ith you5- Sharon asked hi'. &e stood as still as death itsel#. +4)' sure he)s e*hausted a#ter the "orkout he had tonight.- ('y o##ered. &odge)s eyes "idened "hen ('y stuck out her hand. +Cery nice to #inally 'eet you. 4)$e heard.- glancing at &odge. +so 'uch about you.Whitaker hesitated. unsure ho" to react. + reat to 'eet you as "ell. ('y.- Pause. +Thank you very 'uch0+6ot at all.- ('y s'iled back at hi'. ('y turned to &odge and acce%ted the en$elo%e "ith her check. +Ride)e' co"boy0- she 'uttered under her breath as she "alked o##.

:ha%ter T"o
(t (ll &ands the ne*t day ('y %ut her headset back on a#ter the 'orning break and ta%%ed a key on the co'%uter to route the ne*t call. +(ll &ands CRS. 2ay 4 ha$e the nu'ber you "ant to call5The 'onitor %o%%ed to li#e. ( large black 'an #illed the screen. The scene behind hi' "as disgusting. Trash "as %iled around the 9a8K8Boy recliner he "as #ully reclined in. his #eet u% in an al'ost horizontal orientation. Se$eral s'all children scurried around hi' obli$ious to the trash that #illed the #loor. The 'an began signing. +4 "ant to call a bridal sho%.- he said. ('y nodded. seeing the nu'ber co'e in through the co'%uter. 4t "as a L8A8E area code 3 :harlotte. 6orth :arolina. She ta%%ed a #e" keys on the co'%uter to #inish the call. :licking #illed her ears. +2ichael)s Bridal 3 :an 4 hel% you5- a "o'an)s $oice asked. +/es. This is inter%reter FFG "ith (ll &ands CRS. 4 ha$e a $ideo relay call #or this nu'ber.('y said. +(re you #a'iliar "ith $ideo relay ser$ice5+,# course. &a%%y to hel%.- the "o'an re%lied. + o ahead sir.- ('y signed to the 'an in the chair. +&ello. 4)d like to order se$eral dresses #ro' your catalogue %lease.- he signed. ('y relayed the 'essage. +:ertainly. sir. 4 can hel% you "ith that.- the "o'an re%lied. +:an you gi$e 'e the catalogue nu'ber5+@8A8L8A8A8A8M8@. the 'an said. + reat. What "ould you like to order5- she asked. +4)d like #i$e o# the 1ore$er 2e'ory collection series #orty8#i$e and #i$e o# the Precious Ti'es series ninety8nines. 4)d like the #orty8#i$e series in "hite and the ninety8nines in i$ory i# that)s %ossible. Sizes N through FA.- he said. +We can certainly do that. 4s there anything else5- she asked. +/es. 4)d like ten %airs o# the Do'inion o%en toe shoes and ten %airs o# the closed toe. 4 need the' in t"o %airs each o# L. L O. N. N O. and P.She re%eated the order back to ('y "ho signed it to the 'an in the recliner. &e nodded his agree'ent. +Do you ha$e the Trinity $eils a$ailable in both "hite and i$ory5- he asked. +/es. We ha$e both in stock. 1i$e o# each then5- she antici%ated. &e s'iled "idely. +/es. thank you. 4 think that)s all 4 need.She re%eated the order back to hi'. +&o" "ould you like to %ay #or this5- she asked. +Cisa.- the 'an re%lied "ith a #lourish. &e %ro$ided the card nu'ber. e*%iration date. and three8digit security nu'ber. The "o'an re%eated it back #or his con#ir'ation. 4n a 'o'ent the transaction "as done. +Would you like this shi%%ed5- she asked. +Please.- he re%lied. +The address is EGFQ reen"ay Dri$e. nu'ber FE@. :hattanooga Tennessee. QLEFF.- he read #ro' a %iece o# %a%er. ('y heard the "o'an re%eat the series back to her through the head%hones and once again con#ir'ed the in#or'ation "ith hi'. +Thank you #or your order.- the "o'an said. +Thank you.- he re%lied and turned o## his co'%uter link "ith a re'ote control. ('y sat back. Why in the "orld "ould he need ten "edding dresses5 &e didn)t look like a business'an. (nd "hy didn)t he use a ta* identi#ication nu'ber i# he "as %urchasing %roduct to

resell5 &e "as %aying retail and ordering straight #ro' the catalogue. ,h "ell. She)d gi$en u% trying to understand %eo%le. their odd "ays and %ur%oses #or calling each other. 4t rarely 'ade a lot o# sense to her. Then again her o"n %hone calls "ouldn)t 'ake 'uch sense to anyone else either. E$en in her short %eriod "ith (ll &ands she)d #igured out that 'ost con$ersations "ere cli%%ed. 6ot that %eo%le "ere rude or trying to be e$asi$e. 2ost %eo%le si'%ly use a ty%e o# linguistic shorthand #ull o# historical conte*t kno"n only to the'. E$eryone has so little ti'e. When they are on the %hone they try to be e##icient. relaying the 'a*i'u' a'ount o# in#or'ation as !uickly as %ossible. She keyed the co'%uter to %ull in the ne*t call #ro' the !ueue. + ood a#ternoon. Thank you #or using (ll &ands CRS. &o" can 4 hel% you5- she signed. ('y)s #ace tightened. She had co'e to recognize a #air nu'ber o# callers. Working regular hours. she "ould ine$itably synchronize "ith certain %eo%le)s schedules. 1or so'e there "ere business calls to be 'ade. ,thers "ere stay at ho'e 'o's "ith !uiet ti'e "hile their kids "ere at school. Still others "ere shut8ins or other"ise not busy during the day "ith little else to do but %ick u% the %hone and call so'eone. Sa''y "as one o# those. &e "as about #orty8#i$e years old. hard looking. ne$er i'%olite. but de#initely not so'eone she)d in$ite to dinner. &e "as a real "eirdo. 6ot rude but not #riendly either. &abitually dishe$eled. his greasy hair "as co'bed o$er to one side. Today his shirt "as unbuttoned all the "ay to his $ery hairy belly. ,$ersized hearing aids %rotruded #ro' his ears. +4)' %lacing an international call to Eastern Euro%e.- he signed. +4 trust that "on)t be a %roble'5('y signed back. +6o. not at all. o ahead "ith the nu'ber. Who are you calling5+&is na'e is 9enny. &e kno"s ho" this "orks.- Sa''y re%lied. 4n ('y)s headset a gru## $oice ans"ered the ringing tele%hone line. +/ah5- ( thick. but nons%eci#ic accent #illed her ears. +4t)s Sa'. &o" are you #i*ed right no"5- Sa''y signed. ('y re%eated the !uestion into the 'icro%hone. +/ou call 'e in the 'iddle o# the da'ned night you %sycho%athic shit5+4t)s not the 'iddle o# the night "here 4 a'. That)s the only %lace that counts.- Sa''y said. +The hell you say. 4 got %lenty o# other clients.+They don)t %ay you the "ay 4 %ay you. (ns"er the !uestion. &o" are you #i*ed right no"5 (nything ne"5+/eah. 4)$e got so'e ne" stu##. 4 think you)d like it.- 9enny said. +Di##erent #ro' last ti'e5Sa''y %icked u% a %hotogra%h #ro' a %ile on the table nearby. Pornogra%hy. ( child in a suggesti$e %ose. ('y #elt her sto'ach hea$e. +4t)s dangerous to 'o$e this any "ay other than the 4nternet. /ou)re the one at risk o# being caught 3 not 'e.+That)s "hat encry%tion is #or.- ('y #orced hersel# to relay. +Do you "ant so'ething #ro' in$entory or "ere you interested in a custo' %roduct5- 9enny asked. +:usto'.+4)ll send a %icture or t"o. /ou decide "ho you "ant.('y heard ta%%ing on a co'%uter keyboard through her headset. ( 'o'ent later Sa''y)s co'%uter e'itted a so#t tone. &e looked at the la%to%. + ot it.- Sa''y re%orted. &e %rinted the %hotogra%h o## on a nearby %rinter unconcerned that ('y could see it.

+They)re good.- the thick accent said in ('y)s ears. -They)re young. /ou "ant to %lace an order then. yes5 So'ething s%ecial5 +Sure. "hy not5( %ause. +Who "ould you like to see5 What "ould you like to see done5- 9enny asked. Sa''y held u% a %icture. +This one. :ar'en. &o" about her5+She)s $ery cute. Cery innocent. What "ould you like5+Tie her u%.+(nything s%eci#ic5- 9enny asked. ('yIs re$ulsion "as %al%able. 4t "as all she could do to continue. She "ondered i# she could %ossibly #ake a glitch in the syste' and end the call. but kne" the %air "ould 7ust reconnect "ith another inter%reter. +/eah. 4 "ant $ideo. not 7ust stills. 4 like the crying.+/ou "ant her to cry out your na'e5 That)s %retty %o%ular.+Sure.- Sa''y said. +"hy not5- &e "as touching hi'sel# no". stroking his crotch "ith one hand "hen not signing. +/ou)re sure she)s innocent5+In every sense of the word as you ('ericans like to say.- 9enny re%lied. +We)$e got a deal. &o" long to deli$er5+(round t"o "eeks. but it)s not chea%.+:ost is not a #actor.+4)ll let you kno" a 'ore concrete deli$ery ti'e in a day or t"o. There 'ight be 'ore e*%enses. 4ncidentals. you kno".+Don)t e$en think about 7acking the %rice.- Sa''y re%lied. glaring #ro' the 'onitor as he abru%tly ter'inated the call. The o##ices o# grie# counselor Dr. Reginald J. Bro"n "ere thought#ully decorated. 2uted #abrics "ith so#t te*tures and colors. (t the sa'e ti'e there "as also a #la$or o# indi$iduality to it that "as clearly #ro' outside the Belt"ay. The o##ice screa'ed o# the 9o" :ountry 'arshlands o# South :arolina. Photos adorning the roo' re#lected li#e on the shri'% boats o# Beau#ort. Reggie Bro"n had an 2D #ro' Wake 1orest and co'%leted his clinicals at John)s &o%kins. but the boy knee dee% in 'ud in the 'any black and "hite %hotos "as still $ery 'uch a %art o# the gro"n 'an sitting nearby. &e "asn)t asha'ed to sho" it o##. 4nstead o# a high8backed leather chair that so 'any other clinicians used Reggie Bro"n %re#erred Pa"ley)s 4sland "icker chairs. ( good bit chea%er. a lot cooler in the su''er. and an all around icebreaker "hen ne" a %atient sho"ed u%. 4t "as easier con#iding in a 'an "ho "as so o%en about his o"n %ast. ,ne could literally "atch hi' gro" u% on the "alls around the roo'. &okey to so'e o# his highbro" %o"er elite clients in Washington %erha%s. but he "asn)t hurting #or business. ('y sat across #ro' hi'. a glass8to%%ed "icker table "as bet"een the' "ith t"o iced teas. &e %ulled his notes out o# a #ile. +So. ho" are you today5- he asked. +4)' ok.+/ou don)t look ok.+There "as this cree%y caller at "ork earlier.+(nything you "ant to talk about5+4 can)t. Besides. 4 "as scre"ed u% be#ore 4 "ent in.+Doesn)t say 'uch about our sessions.She 'ade a #ace. +/ou kno" "hat 4 'ean.-

+Did you really think you "eren)t going to be a##ected by this5+6o. 4 7ust didn)t e*%ect it to be thisJ+Personal5+4 guess.+&e "as your husband. /ou should be sad. es%ecially around the anni$ersary o# his death.&e %aused #or a 'o'ent as he considered a di##erent tact. +&o")s the "eather treating you5- he asked. &er gaze #ell to the #loor. +4)' better.- she said !uietly. +Rainy season)s started.She nodded her re%ly. +Don)t you think "e should talk about it5+6o. 4 "ant it to go a"ay. 4)$e been dreading this.- she re%lied. +( year is a 'ilestone.- he continued. +4t)s ti'e #or you to 'o$e on "ith your li#e.Easy for you to say. she thought. 6ot "anting a con#rontation she chose her "ords care#ully. +4 don)t kno" ho".&e leaned back in the chair and shu##led the #ile on his la%. Pursuing this line o# in!uiry "as clearly going no"here. &e decided on a di##erent a%%roach. +This ne" 7ob o# yours. Tell 'e about it. Do you like it5+4t)s okay. 4)$e only been doing it a cou%le o# 'onths. So'eti'es 4 #eel like a hack.+( hack5- he re%eated. +Why "ould you #eel that "ay5+Je##)s gone. &e "as 'y only real link to the Dea# co''unity.+So "ithout hi' you don)t 'atter5+4 don)t think so. no.+See's a little stereoty%ical to 'e.- Bro"n obser$ed. +So "hy not #orge your o"n identity5('y shi#ted unco'#ortably in her chair. +What do you 'ean5- she asked. +Je## "as dea#. 4 understand his connection. But no" that he)s gone you need your o"n identity.+2eaning5+/ou need to #ind a reason to re'ain %art o# that "orld. Being an inter%reter is your ne" %ro#ession. but it)s disconnected #ro' your li#e. the li#e you ha$e no". /ou need a %ur%ose.+What kind o# %ur%ose5- she asked. +Establish ('y ;ellen as her o"n %erson. 1ind so'ething i'%ortant to the co''unity and seize onto it. That "ay you)re not re#erred to si'%ly as so'eone)s "i#e but as ('y ;ellen 8 a 'e'ber o# the co''unity by choice $ersus chance. /ou had career as%irations be#ore Je##)s death. /ou can)t change things hal# "ay. /ou need to 7u'% into your ne" li#e "ith both #eet #ir'ly %lanted 3 like you)re %lanning to be there a "hile.Se$eral inter%reters "ere en7oying lunch in (ll &and)s break roo'. ( tele$ision at the #ront o# the roo' #eatured all #i$e o# the current De'ocratic %residential #ront8runners bickering a'ong the'sel$es. ( re%orter closed "ith an inter$ie" "ith D6: :hair'an :hris Billings. +4t)s going to be a di##icult decision not only #or the delegates. but also #or %arty leaders. We)$e got to get our 'uscle behind the right candidate to take back the White &ouse. That 'eans not #racturing o$er 'ulti%le candidates and diluting the 'o'entu' "e)$e built u% o$er these %ast #e" 'onths.- Billings said into the ca'era. +2r. Billings) concern o$er kee%ing the %arty #ocused on a single candidate is going to re'ain a tough sell until a clear 'a7ority o# the $oters ha$e indicated "ho they "ant to see run #or President.- the re%orter concluded.

('y stood u% #ro' the table and tossed the re'ains o# her lunch into the trashcan. ( boring day like so 'any be#ore. 4t "as stable. no tra$el in$ol$ed. no e*%osure to the ele'ents. but it "as %retty darn dull a good bit o# the ti'e. She "as not one to s%end a lot o# ti'e on the %hone "ith her o"n interests or issues. &a$ing to inter%ret the sa'e #or others "as 'uch 'ore tiring than she)d antici%ated. She closed the #rosted glass door o# her CRS roo' and settled into the chair. She %ut the headset in a co'#ortable %osition and s'iled into the ca'era as the ne*t call ca'e in. +(ll &ands CRS? ho" can 4 hel% you5 ,h. hi 2r. ;ensington. &o" are you this a#ternoon5she asked. &arold ;ensington. the #or'er (ttorney eneral to t"o Presidents. no" senior consultant to a %residential ho%e#ul. stared rue#ully into the ca'era. + ood day. ('y. 4)' "ell. thank you. &o" are you5- he said. + reat sir. &o" can 4 hel% you5- she signed. +4)$e got to call :hris Billings. The nu'ber is co'ing through no".('y checked the %hone and "aited #or so'eone to ans"er on the other end. + ood e$ening this is (ll &ands CRS. 4)$e got a call #ro' 2r. &arold ;ensington to 2r. :hris Billings.- she said into the 'icro%hone. +This is :hris Billings.- a $oice re%lied. + ood e$ening sir. 4)' $ideo inter%reter nu'ber FFG #or 2r. ;ensington. 4 belie$e you)re #a'iliar "ith our ser$ice. is that correct5+/es. thank you.- Billings re%lied. +Cery good. Please begin your call.+E$ening &al. &o")d the %olling %lan "ork out today5- Billings asked. +The %lan is #ine.- ;ensington ans"ered. +4t)s the result that bother 'e. We)re s%ending a %ile o# 'oney on this and not getting any real bang #or our buck.+/ou can)t "in an election "ithout data. &al. We)$e got to ha$e nu'bers. The %arty can)t %ick a candidate until "e kno" "hat the %eo%le "ant.- :hris Billing)s "ords #illed ('y)s ears as she signed. +(h. don)t gi$e 'e that cra%.- ;ensington re%lied. "a$ing his hand. +Polling data isn)t about the %eo%le. 4t)s about "inning. That)s "hat elections are 3 "inning.+4 understand that &al. but there are other candidates. 4# you don)t think the %olling su%%orts you 'aybe it)s best #or your 'an to dro% out.+/ou)d like that "ouldn)t you5- ;ensington glared into the 'onitor. +Tho'%son can "in :hris. (nd you kno" it.+We can)t %ut the %arty 'uscle behind so'eone until all the #acts are in.;ensington glared through the 'onitor. ('y "as taken aback 3 she)d ne$er seen hi' a%%ear like that be#ore. +:hris 4 sus%ect you recall that 4 s%ent a #e" years in 'ilitary intelligence "hen 4 "as young. We used to run &oney Pot o%erations in er'any back in the :old War days. We recruited hookers. cleaned the' u% and ga$e the' so'e training. then set the' u% as 'istresses #or key East er'an leaders. ( 'essy bit o# business but it "as a 'essy ti'e. (l"ays got good intel #ro' the'. but it ca'e at a hea$y %rice. The hookers al"ays had the in#or'ation be#ore "e did and could act on it #aster. /ou ne$er could trust the'. ;no" "hat 4 'ean5( "hite8#aced er'an she%herd "alked into $ie" behind ;ensington. &e reached do"n to %et the ani'al but 'issed. +&ey :ha'%. &o" you doing5- ;ensington said. +&o" "as the groo'ers today. huh5 eez. you look terrible. buddy.;ensington turns a"ay #ro' the ca'era to shout.

+Was the groo'er not able to do hi' today5 &e really looks like hell.- &e turns back to the ca'era and resu'ed talking. +4)' not talking about %olling. 4)' talking about sa$ing our 'oney and best strategies until closer to the election. We)re burning bucks and band"idth arguing a'ong oursel$es right no". We)$e got to sa$e so'ething #or the #all s"ee%s or the electorate "ill 7ust tune us out.;ensington signed. +2edia ca'%aigns are i'%ortant &al. /ou)$e got to kee% that electorate engaged.+Engage the' but don)t o$er"hel' the'0 We)$e been s"itching sub7ects e$ery day. 4)' ha$ing trouble re'e'bering "hat all "e)$e "orked on.+&al. i# you)re not co'#ortable "ith the "ay the ca'%aign)s going 4 don)t understand "hy you don)t...Without "arning the er'an she%herd 7u'%ed u% and cla'%ed do"n on &arold ;ensingtonIs throat. The old 'an 7u'%ed in sur%rise. &is eyes "idened in %anic as he #ell onto the #loor out o# $ie". +,h 'y od0- ('y yelled. +What)s that &al5- Billings asked through the ear%hones. ;ensington thrashed around. his o##ice chair sli%%ing a"ay on its rollers. &e knocked aside a s'all tray sending co##ee and a %astry #lying out o# sight. &e grabbed hand#uls o# #ur. %ulling #uriously on the ani'al. but to no a$ail. &e %unched the ani'al se$eral ti'es. But in lying on his back his strikes "ere glancing at best. The dog %ulled hi' to one side. ;ensington)s le#t ar' "as too close #or an e##ecti$e %unch. the right too #ar a"ay. &e #lailed "ildly. unable to get his legs underneath hi' to stand u%. The dog "as too strong. +Did the connection dro% o## 'a)a'5- Billings asked in ('y)s ear. She "as trans#i*ed. #rozen in horror. &er 'uscles re#used to act. (s ;ensington tired the dog 'o$ed again and "as no" standing on his chest. &is 7a"s locked tight on the old 'an)s throat. &is #ur stood on end as his cla"s ri%%ed into the e*%ensi$e #abric o# &arold ;ensington)s suit. +,h 'y od0 Sto%0 Sto%00- ('y yelled again as she %ounded her #ists on the screen. She ho%%ed out o# the chair "ith her #ace only inches #ro' the 'onitor. She reached #or the %hone but sto%%ed. :ould she legally cut o## the connection hersel#5 She looked back to the 'onitor and started again #or the %hone only to sto% again. +&al5 (re you there5- Billings asked i'%atiently. ('y sobbed as her hands co$ered her #ace. She didn)t kno" "hat to do. She didn)t kno" ho" to hel%. &o" could she 7ust sit there and do nothing5 There 'ust be so'e "ay to sto% this ani'al. +What the de$il is going on o$er there5- Billings asked tersely. ('y %ulled her headset o## and dro%%ed it to the ground as she stared u% at the ceiling. +S,2EB,D/ &E9P 2E0- she screa'ed.

:ha%ter Three
Detecti$e 2ike Seers sto%%ed as he al"ays did and took a good long look around the cri'e scene. <Heartbeat moments) they had called it at the %olice acade'y. Take a #e" heartbeats "hen you #irst arri$e at the scene and look it o$er. Soak it all in. This $ie"%oint "as the sole %ur$ie" o# an in$estigating o##icer. 4t "as a %ri$ate 'o'ent. an ethereal link bet"een he and the $icti'. &e could ne$er e*%lain it in a re%ort nor describe it to a 7ury. 4t "as his and his alone. 4t deser$ed his !uiet res%ect. 2ike Seers understood res%ect. 4t had been "hi%%ed into hi' as a child and he)d channeled that kno"ledge to "hi% young o##icers into sha%e in the Ser$ice. &e still s%orted a close8cro% 'ilitary style hair cut though he)d not "orn a uni#or' in o$er t"enty years. &e re#used his :a%tain)s re%eated re!uests to "ear a tie. %re#erring a button do"n collar shirt and s%ort coat. /ounger detecti$es chided hi' about his coats being older than they "ere. 4n so'e cases they "ere correct. But Seers didn)t 'ind. &e bought !uality and unless he decided to start running 'arathons in the %ouring do"n rain a "ell8'ade s%ort coat should be 'ore than u% to the task o# his 'eticulous 'anner. &e didn)t rush. didn)t hurry. So'eti'es cri'inals counted on that 3 in$estigators rushing through things and not being thorough. &e "as un!uestionably thorough. &e took his ti'e and 'ade sure 4)s "ere dotted and T)s "ere crossed. &e)d ne$er lost a case on a %rocedural technicality nor on cross e*a'ination in court. &e did his ho'e"ork. That ho'e"ork al"ays began "ith a 'easured. uns%oken s"ee% o# the scene as soon as he e*ited his car. Today "ould be no e*ce%tion. Police ta%e held back the gro"ing cro"d o# neighbors outside &arold ;ensington)s stately eorgeto"n ho'e. ( collecti$e gas% echoed across the street as the coroner)s sta## "heeled ;ensington out the #ront door on a gurney. Se$eral %eo%le 'ade the sign o# the cross and "his%ered !uiet %rayers. 4nside. cri'e scene technicians 'ade !uick "ork o# ;ensington)s o##ice. ( s'all %ool o# blood stained the Persian rug in #ront o# his CRS 'achine. They %hotogra%hed the entire scene. cataloging e$erything they took and #inishing in less than thirty 'inutes. There "asn)t 'uch e$idence to co'%ile. &is o"n dog killed hi'. 4t "as %retty cut and dried. Detecti$e Seers s%oke into a %olice radio outside the house. +4)ll get state'ents o$er here and check into it.- &e turned o## the radio. +Da'n0( 'an "alked to"ards hi' in an a%%arent daze. &is eyes "ere red and glassy #ro' crying but the e*%ensi$e coat and tie "ere a dead gi$ea"ay. Political consultant. So'ebody)s handler. Seers sto%%ed hi'. +:an 4 hel% you5- he asked. +4)' Dan Banducheck. 2r. ;ensington)s aid.+What can you tell 'e about this5- Seers asked. +6othing. 4 can)t belie$e it ha%%ened.+The %olice called you5+/es. &e had an in8case8o#8e'ergency entry on his cell %hone listing 'e and one o# his sons as %ri'ary contacts.+(nd the dog5- Seers asked. +The %olice already had hi' locked in the 'ud roo'. 4)$e not e$en seen hi'.+/ou)re here o#ten5-

+4)$e been &arold ;ensington)s aide #or al'ost t"o years. since Phil Tho'%son conned hi' out o# retire'ent. &e)s had that dog #ore$er. 4 can)t belie$e this ha%%ened. There)s no reason #or it.+So. there are no "itnesses5+When 4 ca'e in the 'achine "as still on. &e "as a%%arently in the 'iddle o# a CRS call.+CRS5+&arold ;ensington had been losing his hearing #or se$eral years. 4t "as the 'ain reason he retired. &e "as still in #ull control o# his #aculties. The 'an "as scary shar%. Pheno'enal intellect. &e used the CRS to %lace %hone calls.+What)s CRS5- Seers re%eated. +Cideo Relay Ser$ice. They connect a dea# caller to a hearing caller through an inter%reter on a $ideo8link o$er the 4nternet. 4t)s 'ade %hone co''unication a lot easier #or Dea# and hard o# hearing %eo%le. 4t)s really !uite so'ething.- he e##used. +Did you ha$e any trouble co''unicating "ith hi'5 +6o. 4)$e learned a #air a'ount o# sign language.+(nd you used this CRS #or %hone calls "ith hi' too5+So'eti'es. &e can)t hear o$er a regular tele%hone. e$en the ty%e "here you can boost the $olu'e "ay u%. Peo%le on the other side o# the roo' could hear the call but he couldn)t. That)s "hen "e learned about CRS.+&e "as dea# but had a cell %hone5+&e "as a %roud 'an. Detecti$e. &e carried it. but in truth it he only used it #or te*t 'essaging. &e had the sa'e nu'ber #or ten years and hated the idea o# gi$ing it u%. &a$e to kee% u% a%%earances in %olitics 3 other"ise you)re %ercei$ed as "eak.+ ot it. We should %robably %ay a $isit to this CRS #acility to see "hat they can tell us. 4)d like you to ride along i# you don)t 'ind. 4)' going to need an e*%erienced ear. or 4 guess 'ore correctly. an e*%erienced eye to hel% 'e sort this out. Sho" 'e the lanes in the road i# you "ill. 4s that a %roble'5- Seers asked. +6ot at all.- Banducheck said. +&a%%y to hel% any "ay 4 can.('y sat at the break roo' table "ith a cold cloth dra%ed across her #orehead. &er eyes "ere %u##y. her cheeks #lushed. The other inter%reters had been co'ing in and out as the call $olu'e allo"ed. si'ultaneously trying to learn "hat ha%%ened and to console their colleague. ;athy "as sitting "ith her. as she had been since ('y)s blood curdling cry e'%tied e$ery CRS roo' in the o##ice. (ll &ands site 'anager :arol Burdick brought Seers and Banducheck into the roo'. :arol "as in her late #i#ties. a short 4talian grand'other "ho "as both 'other hen and sla$e 'aster to her young charges. #inessing her 'atronly ad$ice "ith a hard hand o# control. She %ointed ('y out to Seers. +,k. 2issJ;ellen. What can you tell 'e about the $icti'5- Seers asked. +She can)t tell you anything0- :arol said de#ensi$ely as she %ositioned hersel# bet"een Seers and ('y. Seers "as taken aback. +Beg your %ardon5- he asked. +She can)t tell you anything. The 1:: #orbids inter%reters #ro' discussing the content o# a call. the callers. or anything they)$e heard.- Burdick said. +She)s right. Detecti$e. The la" is $ery s%eci#ic. They cannot re%eat anything they sa" or heard.- Banducheck o##ered. Seers eyed hi' closely. +9et 'e guess. /ou)re a la"yer5- he asked. Banducheck nodded. +(#raid so. But i# it hel%s you any 4 %assed on %ri$ate %ractice and got

into %olitics instead.+6o.- Seers said. +that doesn)t hel%. 2oreo$er. it doesn)t lea$e 'e 'any o%tions.+:an)t 4 7ustJ- ('y started. +6o0 Don)t say a "ord.- :arol retorted. +The %rotection a##orded by the 1:: rules on $ideo inter%retation is one o# the reasons &al #elt so con#ident about continuing to "ork e$en a#ter his hearing #ailed.- Banducheck e*%lained. +&e "as such a nice old 'an.- ('y said !uietly. +/es. he "as.- he said. &e e*tended a hand to her. +4)' Dan. 4)$e seen you on screen a #e" ti'es.+/es.- ('y re%lied. +4 recognize you as "ell. The %olice called you5Banducheck nodded. +/ou sa" "hat ha%%ened5- he asked. ('y nodded back. +That)s great. /ou sa" the incident but can)t shed any light on "hat ha%%ened.- Seers interru%ted. +,k. #orget the con$ersation #or a 'o'ent. Did you see the ani'al kill 2r. ;ensington5- he asked ('y. &er #ace #lushed again. +&is na'e is :ha'%. &e lo$ed that dog.- she "his%ered. +What)s that5- Seers asked. 'o$ing closer to her. +&e babied it. 4 can)t belie$e it did that to hi'.+Did you seeJ ChampJ a lot during calls5- Seers asked. +/es. &e "as al"ays around.- ('y re%lied as Dan nodded in agree'ent. +&e "as al"ays gentle and lo$ing to that old 'an. (nd he "as the sa'e to :ha'%. &is "i#e is dead. his children gro"n and gone. :ha'% "as all he had at ho'e.+Was there anything unusual about hi' tonight5- Seers asked. +Don)t ans"er that0- :arol said. +Don)t say anything about 2r. ;ensington)s a%%earance.+4 'eant the dog. What "as the dog like5- Seers said. +&e looked dishe$eled. Dnke'%t. 2r. ;ensington took good care o# hi'? 'aybe too good. 4t looked like :ha'% had gained so'e "eight. 4 guess 2r. ;ensington didn)t ha$e ti'e to %ro%erly e*ercise hi' "hat "ith the ca'%aign and all.- ('y said. Banducheck)s gaze #ell to the #loor. %ossibly #eeling guilty in his agree'ent on her last %oint. Seers continued "riting his notes. +Detecti$e. 4)$e got about ten thousand %hone calls 4 need to 'ake. 4# you don)t 'ind. 4)d like to get going.- Dan said #inally. Seers stared at hi' a #e" seconds. considering. +/eah. 4 can)t see any reason to kee% you. 4 don)t think there)s anything you can really contribute to in here.&e 'otioned to one o# the uni#or'ed o##icers standing around the table. +:an you take 2r. Banducheck back to ;ensington)s %lace %lease5Banducheck stuck a hand out to ('y. +4)' $ery sorry you had to see that tonight.- he said. +Thank you.- she re%lied so#tly. The o##icer and Banducheck %assed a 'an on his "ay in through (ll &ands) #ront door. &e "as tall. 'id8thirties. "ith "a$y shoulder length hair. &e "as neatly dressed 3 dark suit and tie against a "hite shirt. ;athy eyed hi' ad'iringly des%ite the sole'n circu'stances. :arol Burdick 7u'%ed to her #eet. +/ou can)t 7ust co'e "altzing in here. What do you "ant5 (re you "ith the %ress5 et out o# here0- she yelled. &e reached into his %ocket and %roduced a bro"n leather "allet containing a badge. +&eath Rasco. D.S. Secret Ser$ice.- he said. +Secret Ser$ice5 Was ;ensington under %rotection5- Seers asked.

+6o. but his boss is. &arold ;ensington "as the chie# %olitical strategist #or Phil Tho'%son)s %residential ca'%aign.+So. i# he)s not under %rotection. "hy are you here5- Seers asked. +,h. the Ser$ice thought 4 'ight be use#ul.- &eath said. +Why5+4 ha$e a uni!ue insight into the Dea# co''unity.- &eath re%lied. &e %ushed a lock o# hair back to re$eal a hearing aid. +( deaf Secret Ser$ice agent5- Seers asked incredulously. +Sure. 4 blend in. E$eryone in the Ser$ice "ears an ear%iece.- &eath re%lied. +E$eryone "his%ers into their cu##s.- Seers 'uttered. &eath %ulled u% his slee$es. +Sorry to disa%%oint you. Detecti$e. 4 don)t e$en ha$e a secret decoder ring.+/ou don)t a%%ear dea# to 'e.- Seers noted sarcastically. +4 hear enough. Detecti$e. 4)' not dea# 3 call it <hard o# hearing) i# you like.- &eath %ointed out. +What)s the di##erence5- Seers asked. &eath #licked the bi#ocals hanging #ro' a lanyard ato% Seers) chest "ith one #inger. +Roughly the di##erence bet"een "earing glasses and being blind.- he said. :arol and ;athy e*changed glances. i'%ressed. + reat.- Seers noted. +&o" are you su%%osed to hel%5&eath ignored hi' and addressed the inter%reters around the table. + ood e$ening e$eryone. 4)' sorry #or the trouble you)$e had tonight. 4 %ro'ise to 'ake this as !uick and %ainless as %ossible. okay5('y nodded. +Phil Tho'%son took a crash course on (S9. &e)s %retty good. &arold ;ensington asked 'e to get in$ol$ed "ith Tho'%son)s security detail since 4 could hel% #oster co''unication bet"een he and the Ser$ice. 4 also hel%ed 2r. Tho'%son "ith his signing. 4 kno" the Dea# co''unity %retty "ell. 4)' a nati$e. born and raised here. 4)' a ally grad.- he said. +( "hat5- Seers asked. + allaudet5 Really5- ;athy res%onded. +The dea# school5- Seers asked. +/es. 4 'a7ored in cri'inology and %sychology. 4 started out in :o'%uter and Teleco''unications 1raud be#ore 'o$ing into S%ecial Ser$ices. 2y s%ecialty is inter%reting body language #or la" en#orce'ent.+That 'ust be interesting. Do you "ork 'uch "ith %eo%le like Detecti$e Seers5- :arol asked. +Though "e use 'any si'ilar 'ethods and tactics "e tend to chase a#ter $ery di##erent kinds o# %eo%le.- &eath said. +What do you 'ean5- ;athy asked. +Detecti$e Seers deals 'ainly "ith localized threats. There 'ay be a nut case on occasion. but they are usually slo%%y and 'ake 'istakes. 4sn)t that correct. Detecti$e5+/es. #or the 'ost %art.- Seers re%lied. +The Secret Ser$ice on the other hand deals "ith a lot o# rational %sycho%aths. They don)t 'ake stu%id 'istakes. so "e ha$e to #orce the' into 'aking s'art ones they)re un%re%ared #or.+&o" do you do that e*actly5- :arol asked. +We ha$e a nu'ber o# "ays.- &eath re%lied. +1or instance. do any o# you kno" "hat a <tell) is5+)Tell5)- ;athy re%eated.

+( 'o$e'ent or 'anneris' that tells another %erson so'ething about you "ithout you saying a "ord.- &eath re%lied. +Secret Ser$ice agents try to recognize tells to identi#y the one guy in a cro"d that 'ight be %lanning an attack.+Sounds like a lot o# black 'agic to 'e.- ;athy o##ered. +6ot really. /ou s%end your days #ace8to8#ace "ith a lot o# %eo%le. 4t 'ight be use#ul to you. 9et 'e sho" you ho" it "orks.&eath took a %iece o# blank %a%er and dre" a #ace on it. Then he bisected the #ace horizontally and $ertically. cutting it into #our !uarters. +Pay attention to "here so'eone looks "hen they talk to you. /ou can gain !uite a bit #ro' the direction their eyes 'o$e.&e scribbled on the %a%er and turned to Seers. +Detecti$e. 4)' going to ask you three !uestions. 9ie to 'e "ith one o# your ans"ers.+,k.- Seers re%lied. +Shoot.+Where "ere you born5+Phoeni*. (rizona.+What is your #a$orite dessert5+:hocolate cake.+What "as the color o# your #irst bike5+Red.&eath scribbled in three o# the #our !uarters on the %a%er. &e circled the lo"er le#t !uarter. +/ou lied about the dessert. What)s your real #a$orite5Seers) #ace lit u%. +&ey0 That)s right0 Wo"0 &o")d you do that5+4t takes 'ore e##ort to lie than to tell the truth. 2ore i'%ortantly. lying takes %lace in a di##erent %art o# the brain. To recall a 'e'ory %eo%le o#ten look u% and to the le#t.+Really5- :arol asked. +4t)s not a %recise science. but it)s a use#ul #ield techni!ue to hel% deter'ine i# so'eone is telling you the truth. ,b$iously "e can)t stra% e$ery %otential "acko on the street to a lie detector to #ind out i# he %lans to shoot the President. So "e ha$e little techni!ues like this to hel% us "eed out the nor'al "eirdos.+So ho" do you kno" i# so'eone)s lying5- Seers asked. +When they #abricate a 'e'ory %eo%le generally look do"n and to the le#t.- &eath re%lied. +That)s a"eso'e.- ;athy said. s'iling. Detecti$e Seers #li%%ed his notebook #or"ard a #e" %ages. +Do you 'ind i# 4 take a #e" notes5- he asked. E$eryone looked at hi'. +4t could be use#ul #or this Da'ato case 4)' "orking on.- he #inished a"k"ardly. +Sure. "rite it u% all you "ant. But 4)$e also got so'e cheat sheets 4 use in training in 'y brie#case. Why don)t you all take one5- &eath said. &e handed out se$eral. Seers #olded one u% and %laced it in his 7acket %ocket. +Well. 4 think "e)$e taken u% 'ore than enough o# your ti'e. (ny 'ore !uestions. Detecti$e5+6ot right no". 2s. ;ellen. 4)d suggest you go ho'e and try to rela*. 4# you think o# anything you)re allo"ed to tell us. %lease gi$e 'e a call.- &e handed her a business card. +2y cell is on the back.&eath #ollo"ed Seers out o# the o##ice and closed the door behind the'. +4 don)t think you)ll get any 'ore. not that she said 'uch to begin "ith.- &eath said "hen they "ere #ar enough a"ay.

Seer #li%%ed through a #e" %ages o# his notebook. looking back to"ard the o##ice be#ore res%onding. +Do you think she can handle this5 :an she get counseling "ithout talking about "hat she sa"5- Seers asked. +4 don)t kno". This technology is so ne"? 4 doubt anything like this has ha%%ened be#ore. 2aybe her doctor can %rescribe so'ething #or her. /ou kno". hel% her slee%5- &eath suggested. ('y rolled around on the bed. 4t "as t"o thirty8eight according to her bedside clock. She couldn)t slee%. :ouldn)t get the scene out o# her 'ind. The a"#ul i'age o# :ha'% "ith his 7a"s cla'%ed tightly on &arold ;ensington)s throat. What "ould %ossess hi' to do that5 She hadn)t inter%reted #or ;ensington in se$eral "eeks. "hich "as in itsel# unusual. &e "as a $ery busy 'an. 9ots o# %eo%le "anted to talk "ith hi'. She)d been %ri$y to con$ersations "ith the White &ouse. se$eral big na'e national ne"s anchors. e$en &eads o# State in :anada and Britain. 4t "as all $ery e*citing. 2ost "ere related to Phil Tho'%son)s %residential bid. but others "ere 7ust long ti'e #riends o# a 'an "ho)d hel%ed 'any %eo%le o$er the course o# his career. (nd she)d "atched hi' die. She had done nothing. other than screa' like a child. She rolled o$er again unable to shake the incredible guilt she #elt. She %ulled u% on one elbo" and %unched the %illo" o$er and o$er. She)d done nothing. She couldn)t i'agine "hat 'ust ha$e gone through his 'ind kno"ing she "as there "atching. e*%ecting her to do so'ething. anything. to hel% hi'. Did he think about his children5 Were they in his #inal thoughts5 Was he thinking about the un#inished business o# Tho'%son)s ca'%aign5 Did he think :hris Billings "ould do so'ething "hen he didn)t continue "ith the call5 When did he realize that he "as going to die "ith ('y looking right at hi'5 She rolled back to the other side o# the bed again and shi$ered at the thought. &e had to be looking at the ca'era. des%erately ho%ing that she "ould so'eho" hel% hi'. 4nstead. she)d si'%ly sat there. "atching. o##ering no assistance "hile a 'an she)d co'e to kno" and ad'ire died a horri#ic and lonely death. She buried her head into the %illo" so her sobbing "ouldn)t "ake :elia. She %rayed no one "ould e$er kno" ho" she)d let &arold ;ensington do"n. ('y s%read the 'orning %a%er across the kitchen table as :elia %layed energetically on the #loor nearby. ('y barely sle%t a "ink all night. her headache 'agni#ying the stu%or she already #elt. She 7u'%ed "hen the %hone rang. +&ello5- ('y 'u'bled. +&ey0 &o" are you5- ;athy asked. ('y glanced at the ne"s%a%er)s #ront8%age article about &arold ;ensington)s death. The ca%tion belo" :ha'%)s %icture noted he)d been %laced in a kennel a"aiting a 7udge)s decision on "hether he should be %ut do"n as a $iolent ani'al. +4)' okay.- ('y said #inally. +4 can)t see you. but 4 can tell you)re lying.- ;athy said. ('y allo"ed a tired laugh. +Didn)t slee% 'uch. huh5- ;athy asked. +6o. not really. When :elia "asn)t crying 4 "as drea'ing about :ha'% biting do"n on that %oor old 'an.+What are you doing no"5+Reading the %a%er. 4 can)t belie$e he)s dead. 4)$e done so 'uch co''unity inter%reting #or hi'. &e only li$es a #e" blocks #ro' 'e.-

+('yJ- ;athy said. +,nly lived a #e" blocks.- ('y corrected hersel#. +/ou don)t e*actly hang out in the sa'e circles. /ou didn)t ha$e 'uch in co''on.- ;athy %ointed out. +4 guess.+&e "as an inter%reting client. 4)ll grant you that li$ing nearby %robably got you a lot 'ore "ork "ith hi' since you could be a$ailable !uickly as long as you had a babysitter. (nd yes. 4 kno" he liked to use you #or his CRS "ork too. Whene$er he %o%%ed u% in 'y !ueue he "ould ask i# you "ere "orking.+Really5.- ('y asked. +That)s so s"eet.+9isten. /ou need to get out. et this out o# your head #or a little "hile.+4 can)t. :elia)sJ+4)ll co'e get :elia. 4 don)t ha$e to be in until three and "e could hit the %layground. /ou could take a na%.- ;athy said. +4 don)t "ant to slee%. E$ery ti'e 4 close 'y eyes 4 see it o$er and o$er.+2aybe Detecti$e Seers "as right. 2aybe you should see a doctor.- ;athy re%lied. She %aused. +Did you tell Dr. Bro"n about it5+4 can)t. /ou kno" 4 can)t.+/ou don)t ha$e to gi$e hi' the gory details. 7ust the #act that you sa" so'eone die.- ;athy said. +/ou think it could a##ect 'e so'eho"5- ('y asked. +4 can)t i'agine ho" it "ouldn)t.- ;athy said. +4 kno" it "ould a##ect 'e and 4 didn)t lose a husband last year.+/eah. 'aybe.- ('y said a#ter a 'o'ent. She #olded u% the section about ;ensington)s death. +Do you "ant 'e to %ick u% so'ething #or you5- ;athy asked. ('y eyed :ha'%)s %icture on the #olded u% ne"s%a%er. She hesitated be#ore s%eaking. +6o. (ctually. there)s so'ething 4)d like to do today. 4)ll take you u% on your o##er. 4# you can "atch :elia 4)ll run a #e" errands. 4t "on)t take long. +4)ll be o$er in a little "hile.- ;athy said. +Thanks.('y "alked hesitantly in #ront o# the cages o# barking dogs. (n e'%loyee training a dog nearby addressed her. +:an 4 hel% you5- he asked. &is $oice "as airy and slurred. ( dea# %erson)s $oice. ('y in$oluntarily 7u'%ed. scaring the' both. She blushed. +/es. Do you "ork here5- she asked in sign language "hile 'outhing the "ords at the sa'e ti'e. +/es.- he re%lied. ha%%y #or a $isitor that used (S9. +4)' Ji' Skelton. What can 4 do #or you5Ji')s $oice "as $ery si'ilar to her husband)s in tone and tenor. 4t "as reassuring and rela*ing to hear it again a#ter a year "ithout Je##. +&i. 4)' ('y ;ellen. 4)' looking #or the er'an she%herd the %olice brought in the other night.- she said. +4t)s locked u%.- he re%lied. +4 kno". 4 "as 7ust ho%ing to see it.+(re you the o"ner5-

+6o. it)s 7ust. that is. 4 "as 7ust ho%ing to see it. That)s all.- she said unco'#ortably. She had no idea "hat this "ould acco'%lish. but so'eho" #elt co'%elled to at least see the dog? as i# seeing :ha'% could hel% her understand "hy he had attacked his belo$ed o"ner. &e looked around 3 they "ere alone. &e gestured #or her to #ollo" as he unlocked the door. ( lone dog "as inside the enclosure o# a !uarantined area. caged se%arately #ro' other ani'als. +&ere he is.- Ji' said. ('y stared. :ha'% a%%eared e$en 'ore dishe$eled in %erson than he did on the 'onitor. +4 don)t understand ho" he.- she started. "hen the dog suddenly lea%t u% against the cage at the'. gro"ling and baring his #angs. They both 7u'%ed back. +D,W6- Ji' yelled. +,h 'y od0- ('y cried. The dog tried to cli'b the chain link o# the cage. digging his %a"s into o%enings. sali$a slinging e$ery"here as he barked. +4 don)t understand "hat)s going on0- ('y cried. The dog bello"ed. lea%t u% on the gate. #ell back"ard and 7u'%ed again. biting at the "ire. ('y ran out o# the kennel.

:ha%ter 1our
4t had been a 'erci#ully !uiet shi#t at (ll &ands. (#ter hel%ing a teenager "ith a ho'e"ork assign'ent "ith his tutor ('y %re%ared #or her ne*t call. ;athy ta%%ed on the door and stuck her head in. +/ou)$e got call on hold. 9ine #our.- she said. +Who is calling 'e here5- ('y asked. +6ot the o##ice line. The relay nu'ber. So'eone asked #or inter%reter FFG.- ;athy e*%lained. +,h. ,kay.- ('y re%lied. looking o$er at the blinking %hone console. +/ou)re starting to get established. That)s great0- ;athy said. +4 don)t kno" about that.- ('y re%lied. +&ey. it usually takes years be#ore an inter%reter gets <by8na'e) re!uests. Dsually it)s #or a %articular e*%ertise. like a dea# S%anish s%eaker needs to call a hearing English s%eaker. so they "ant a translator and an inter%reter. So'e #olks set the'sel$es u% as sub7ect 'atter e*%erts #or scientists or acade'ics 3 "hene$er the language is industry e*clusi$e or highly technical. 4nter%reting their s%ecial ter'inology re!uires a distinct $ocabulary co''and all its o"n. ,r 'aybe you 7ust ha$e a #an.- ;athy !ui%%ed. That 'ade sense. But ('y "as still ne" and didn)t ha$e any %articular s%ecialty 3 7ust a #e" clients #ro' her co''unity inter%reting days "ho occasionally call through her 7ust to stay in touch. 4t "as good #or the' and !uite #rankly it "as good #or her too. 6ice to see #riendly #aces e$ery no" and again. She %unched line #our on the %hone syste' and s%oke into the 'icro%hone. +(ll &ands Cideo Relay. This is inter%reter FFG. :an 4 hel% you5+4 got ri%%ed o##0- a $oice bello"ed through her ear%hones. ('y "inced and turned do"n the $olu'e. +E*cuse 'e0 Please don)t yell. 4)' "earing ear%hones. 4)' sorry 3 "ho do you "ant to call5('y asked. +4 don)t kno". /ou 'ade the call0 /ou tell 'e0- the "o'an re%lied. still talking "ay too loud #or ('y)s %re#erence. +/ou %eo%le are ri%%ing o## s'all businesses0 4 "ant 'y dresses back0('y #ro"ned. What "as this "o'an talking about5 +2a)a'. 4 don)t kno" "hat you 'ean. 4 ha$en)t %urchased any dresses.+6ot you. So'eone you inter%reted #or ordered a bunch o# dresses a #e" days ago.('y inter%reted a lot o# %hone8based catalogue orders. She $aguely re'e'bered so'eone ordering dresses. +Who are you again %lease5- ('y asked. +2y na'e is Diane Si'ilton. 4 o"n 2ichael)s Bridal in :harlotte. /ou hel%ed 'e "ith an order last "eek #or ten dresses that "ere shi%%ed to an address in Tennessee.('y thought again. +1i$e "hite. #i$e i$ory 3 is that right5- she asked. "ondering ho" she)d 'isinter%reted the order. +/es0 4 "ant 'y dresses back0- Diane de'anded. +Back 'a)a'5- ('y re%lied. not e*%ecting a return to originate #ro' the store rather than the custo'er. +That credit card "as stolen.- Diane continued. +4 shi%%ed ten dresses to the address you ga$e 'e and it)s not a real address.+What do you 'ean 3 <not a real address)5- ('y asked. +4t)s one o# those %ri$ate 'ail bo* %laces. /ou kno". a %rint sho%. 'ail bo*. and shi%%ing 7oint. But the addresses %eo%le rent sound like ho'es or %ri$ate businesses.- Diane e*%lained. ('y kne" the'. She e$en had one. Je## had set it u% "hen they "ere tra$eling so their 'ail

didn)t #ill the bo* at ho'e and alert %eo%le that they "ere out o# to"n. 4t "as a good sa#ety 'echanis'. She)d ne$er thought that %eo%le "ould care i# it "ere a 'ailbo* or a real address. +,;. So the address "as a 'ailbo*. 4 don)t see the %roble'.- ('y said. +The address had an auto #or"ard to another address. 4n Africa.- Diane shouted again. +2y dresses are on their "ay to the other side o# the "orld and 4)$e got nothing but a bogus credit card. 4 "ant to kno" "ho these %eo%le are.- she de'anded. ('y)s 'ind "hirled. She didn)t ha$e a clue. +2a)a'. 4)' $ery sorry. But 4 ha$e no idea "here the caller "as. The other end o# the connection is $ia the 4nternet. The caller could ha$e been any"here. 4 can)t belie$e he ri%%ed you o## like that. (re you sure5- ('y asked. +,# course 4)' sure.- Diane re%lied angrily. +4 7ust got o## the %hone "ith the 'ail bo* co'%any. They ga$e 'e the address e$erything is #or"arded to. 4t is so'e"here in Dganda0 2y dresses "ere shi%%ed out the day a#ter they arri$ed there.+:an you track the'5 :all the shi%%er5- ('y asked. +They don)t use 1edE* or DPS.- Diane la'ented. +4t)s regular 'ail. 4t)s not $ery #ast. but it)s totally untraceable. ,nce a %ackage enters the 'ail syste'. %articularly i# it)s lea$ing the country. there is no "ay to get it back.- she sobbed. holding back tears. +We)re a s'all co'%any. Ten dresses "ill "i%e out our %ro#its #or a cou%le o# 'onths. 4 can)t take hits like that during the o## season.('y searched her 'ind. des%erate #or a solution. She had nothing. +/ou can)t trace the call5- Diane asked #inally. +6o.- ('y told her. ha$ing learned the technology during her orientation. +The callers co'e in o$er the 4nternet so there)s no nu'ber to trace like "ith a tele%hone call. They can be ne*t door or around the "orld.+4 can)t belie$e these %eo%le can 7ust 'ake #ree international calls.- Diane said. +(s long as they)re talking to a DS citizen "e ha$e to %ut the call through.- ('y e*%lained. +(nd e$en i# "e could so'eho" trace the 4nternet connection. though 4 don)t actually kno" i# that)s %ossible. the 1:: #orbids it. We cannot re$eal anything about a caller.+E$en "hen they)$e co''itted a cri'e5- Diane de'anded. +4)' out 'y dresses. but so'e"here out there is a legiti'ate credit card holder trying to track do"n "ho got their card nu'ber and ho".('y sta''ered her re%ly. +/es 'a)a'. The la" 'akes no distinction. We cannot get in$ol$ed. e$en i# the technology "as there to do so.+Well 4 can)t belie$e this.- Diane "as no longer crying. There "as a distinct sense o# deter'ination suddenly in her $oice. +4)' not taking this lying do"n. So'ebody has to do so'ething about this. &o" can you sit there and hel% these %eo%le co''it cri'es5- she asked. +2a)a' "e)re not co''itting cri'es.- ('y re%lied. +"e)re 7ust trying to hel% %eo%le talk to each other. Would you like to talk to 'y su%er$isor5 She)s got a lot 'ore e*%erience than 4 do and can ans"er your !uestions better than 4 can.('y "as reaching back to o%en the door to the hall"ay "hen Diane started s%eaking again. +Well. you 7ust told 'e 4 couldn)t talk to the %erson "ho ri%%ed 'e o##0 ( lot o# hel% you are0 4 ho%e you realize "hat ha%%ens no"0- she said. ('y)s eyes "idened. Was Diane threatening her5 +The cost o# 'y dresses has to go u% to co$er 'y losses.- Diane said. +&onest. hard "orking young girls and their #a'ilies "ill ha$e to %ay 'ore because %eo%le like you are hel%ing cri'inals get a"ay "ith the#t0+2s. Si'ilton 4)' sorry #or your loss. but 4 really don)t see ho" 4 can.- ('y started. But Diane cuts her o##.

+,h 7ust sa$e it0 4t)s ne$er your #ault is it5 4t)s al"ays so'eone else. Society. education. the go$ern'ent0 (l"ays %assing the bla'e0 Well 4 ho%e you)re ha%%y that so'e young bride "on)t be able to a##ord the dress she really "anted because inter%reter FFG hel%ed so'e (#rican asshole ri% o## honest business o"ners0 4 ho%e they steal your credit card so'eti'e 3 let you see "hat this #eels like.- Diane #inished. ('y "as about to res%ond "hen the dial tone returned. Diane had hung u% on her. ('y %ulled o## the headset. She re'e'bered the caller no". The black 'an. Since she couldn)t hear hi'. she couldn)t kno" i# he)d had an accent. &is sign language. "hat she could re'e'ber o# it. a%%eared #ine. :ould he ha$e really been in (#rica5 &o" "ould she kno" in the #uture5 She %ushed back #ro' the ter'inal and ste%%ed out into the hall"ay. She ta%%ed !uietly on ;athy)s door and leaned against the "all as she "aited #or her to #inish. (#ter a #e" 'inutes ;athy o%ened the door. +&ey. "hat)s u%5 /ou ok5- ;athy asked. +That call 4 7ust had.- ('y said. +she "as a bridal sho% o"ner. ( call 4 'ade a "eek or t"o ago "as a%%arently #raudulent. The guy "as using stolen credit cards.+,h yeah.- ;athy re%lied. +4)$e had a #e" o# those. 4t really sucks "hen you realize hal# "ay through the call that they)re ri%%ing so'eone o##.+/ou kno" it5- ('y asked. incredulous. +Sure. (#ter a "hile you recognize it. The story gets re%eated. it)s the sa'e %eo%le but told a di##erent "ay. or it)s regionally #ocused. say Te*as $ersus eorgia. "ith the acco'%anying accent. &a%%ens e$ery day.+What are "e doing about it5- ('y de'anded. ;athy shrugged. +6othing as #ar as 4 kno".+Why not5+What can "e do5- ;athy asked. +We cannot inter#ere "ith the co''unication in any "ay. 4t)s no di##erent than any 7unk 'ail you get at ho'e. /ou don)t see the %ostal ser$ice trying to sto% that.+That doesn)t 'ake it right0- ('y e*clai'ed. +These guys are using CRS to ri% %eo%le o##0 We ha$e to do so'ething0- she said. +&old on there "ild thing.- ;athy said. holding u% one hand. +/ou)re relati$ely ne" here. This is an old idea. (s 'y grand#ather "ould say. <its the same old thing !ust a different crowd doing it). &e)s right. Sca's are as old as hu'anity.+But they)re taking ad$antage o# so'ething set u% #or the dea# co''unity.- ('y said. +9ook.- ;athy said. +2aybe you)re a little o$erly sensiti$e to it since your husband "as dea#.+What)s that got to do "ith it5- ('y de'anded. clearly agitated by the %oint. +This is 7ust a 7ob. Don)t take it so %ersonally.- ;athy said. +4t "ill dri$e you nuts.+They)re taking ad$antage o# the dea# co''unity.- ('y re%eated. +They see so'ething they can e*%loit and they)re taking so'ething a"ay #ro' %eo%le "ho don)t recognize the sca'. We ha$e to "arn the'0+&ey00 6o "ay s"eetie0- ;athy said. +/ou can)t do that. (ll "e do is relay the call.- ;athy "arned her. ('y turned a"ay. #inished "ith the con$ersation. She understood Diane)s #rustration no". When the %erson youIre s%eaking to doesnIt "ant to hel%. doesnIt a%%ear to care about an issue thatIs i'%ortant to you. it "as in#uriating. 1or Diane it "as her dress sho%. 1or ('y it "as her husband)s legacy. 4# so'eone had so'eho" used hi' to co''it a cri'e he "ould not ha$e hesitated to kick a #e" butts to get the situation corrected. So. "hat "ould Je## ha$e done5

But the %roble' "as she kne" she "as not Je##. She "as ('y. She "asn)t dea#. 4# she re$ealed the contents o# a CRS call. she "ould be #ired and subse!uently blackballed by the $ery co''unity she sought to assist. &o" could she correct this5 There had to be a "ay to "arn the dea# co''unity. There had to be a 'echanis' "ithin 1:: guidelines to account #or this ty%e o# %roble'. She "ould research it. #ind "hat the regulations actually said. and #igure out a "ay to %re$ent these ty%es o# calls #ro' gi$ing the dea# co''unity a bad na'e. Dr. Bro"n said to #ind a %ur%ose. ( %ur%ose had instead #ound her. Seers %arked in #ront o# an attracti$e Tudor ho'e. T"o eorgeto"n %atrol cars "ere already there and %olice ta%e "as dra%ed around the centuries8old oak trees in the yard. &e ste%%ed #ro' his $ehicle and "as "a$ed o$er by ,##icer Da$id Da'ato. "ho introduced hi' to the ho'eo"ners. +Detecti$e0 ,$er here. This is :hris and Sally Ellis.Seers stuck out a hand. +4t)s a %leasure. Sorry to 'eet under these circu'stances. Sally Ellis "as crying and dabbing her #ace "ith a tissue. :hris 7ust looked 'ad. Real 'ad. 9ike he "as going to ri% so'eone)s head o##. Seers recognized so'eone 'uch like hi'sel#. The blo"hards "ere ne$er a concern #or hi'. ( guy blo"ing o## stea'. 7u'%ing u% and do"n 'ad. "as $enting his #rustrations the only "ay he kne" ho". Perha%s an indication o# li'ited intelligence. but the blo" hard at least o##ered the lu*ury o# being %redictable. The strong silent ty%es ho"e$er. "ere another story. /ou could ne$er be !uite sure "hat "as going through their heads. :hris looked like he "as ready to 'o" the neighborhood do"n "ith a 'achine gun. Seers chose to let hi' $ent in %ri$ate and took Da'ato aside. +We)ll be right "ith you #olks i# you can 7ust gi$e us a second.- he said. leading the o##icer a"ay. &e looked around the li$ing roo' they)d 7ust "alked into. +What)s u%5 4 thought you said there "as a burglary.E$erything "as in %lace. E$erything "as #ine in the roo' they)d 7ust le#t. The house "as i''aculate. +/eah. that)s right. 4t)s not in here. They)$e got an in8la" suite out back.- Da'ato said. &e 'otioned :hris and Sally to re7oin the'. +:an "e go out back5- he asked. +This "ay.- :hris said !uietly. &e led Seers and Da'ato through the house to a back door and out across a s'all co$ered %atio. ( detached garage had been con$erted into li$ing !uarters and :hris ra%%ed strongly on the door. Seers "rinkled his bro". +Rented5- he asked. +6o.- :hris said #ir'ly as the door slo"ly o%ened. (n older gentle'an stood be#ore the'. Perha%s in his early se$enties or so. &e "as #it. not 'uscular but clearly so'eone "ho)d been in good sha%e 'ost o# his li#e. &is salt and %e%%er colored hair "as thin and $ery short. &e "ore a blue button do"n shirt and khaki %ants "ith nary a "rinkle e$ident on either o# the'. 4t "as ob$ious by the 'anner in "hich :hris and Sally !uietly. al'ost re$erently. a%%roached the old gentle'en the tre'endous concern they #elt #or his "ell being. :hris took the 'an by the ar' and 'ade sure the door didn)t strike hi'. Sally sli%%ed bet"een Seers and Da'ato. her #ace no longer #lushed by crying. but still u%set. +Dad5 4t)s Sally. These gentle'en "ant to see your a%art'ent. 4s that ok5&er #ather 'ade a sound though Seers couldn)t tell i# it "as %ositi$e or negati$e. She 'otioned the' inside.

4t "as a s'all %lace. Bigger than a studio but still s'all. The 'ain roo' contained only a t"o8 %erson lo$e seat. a chair and a co##ee table. (long one "all "as a tall glass shel# #ull o# %hotogra%hs o# Sally during $arious stages o# li#e concluding "ith %ictures o# her "edding. Standing ne*t to her in one %hoto "as a 'an in a 'ilitary dress uni#or'. Seers looked at the o%%osite "all. 6u'erous 'ilitary %hotogra%hs co$ered it as did se$eral 'edals and a #ra'ed %hoto o# the 'an in younger years "ith President Reagan. Seers e*a'ined the %hotos closely. +/es. that)s hi'.- Sally said. reading his thoughts. +2y #ather)s been in %oor health #or so'e ti'e. When he "as diagnosed "ith Parkinson)s he ca'e to li$e "ith us.Seers nodded. The residence. though s'aller than the 'ain house. "as si'ilarly i''aculate. +So. "hat "as taken5- he asked. +T"o things.- Sally re%lied. +( s"ord and one o# 'y #ather)s decorations.Seers looked around. Decorations "ere s%arse in the tiny s%ace. +Did you say a s"ord5- he asked. +4t)s called a 2a'eluke s"ord.- :hris %i%ed u%. +4t)s the s"ord "orn byJ+The 2arines.- Seers #inished. +So'ebody took his s"ord5 Where "as it5+&ere.- Sally had 'o$ed around behind hi'. She %ointed to an e'%ty "ooden shield "ith a has% #or holding a s"ord. (n engra$ed %la!ue on the #ront read <Colonel "ran# $tratton). +What else5- Seers asked as he scribbled on a note%ad. +Didn)t you say a religious arti#act "as gone too5- Da'ato asked. +6o. 4t)s a %avy :ross.- Sally re%lied. Seers) head s%un around so #ast Sally nearly 7u'%ed back. She "as holding an e'%ty 'ilitary shado" bo*. Seers noticed the "all o# %hotogra%hs o%%osite the couch had an o%en s%ace the sa'e size as the shado" bo*. (n old brass nail %rotruded %ro'inently #ro' the "all. Seers s!uinted care#ully at the other 'e'orabilia. &e read aloud #ro' the #ra'ed citation that acco'%anied the shado" bo*. +Awarded to Captain "ran# $tratton for extraordinary heroism while serving in the &st 'attalion (th )arines* +nd )arine Division on +, -ctober* &.(,/0 Seers) throat tightened. cutting o## the re'ainder o# the sentence. The color drained #ro' his #ace. Da'ato stared at hi'. +/ou okay 2ike5- he asked. +/ou "ere in Beirut.- Seers croaked in a $oice barely abo$e a "his%er. +/es. he "as.- Sally said !uietly. Seers ke%t reading. When the 2arine :or% barracks "as bo'bed in Beirut. 9ebanon. :a%tain 1rank Stratton rescued three 6a$y :or%s'en %inned do"n by sni%er #ire "hile digging through the rubble #or sur$i$ors. Stratton rescued the 'edics. then circled the shattered re'ains o# the barracks and killed the sni%er be#ore returning to assist "ith the reco$ery e##orts. The 'edics no'inated hi' #or the 6a$y)s second highest honor "hen the reco$ery e##ort concluded se$eral days a#ter the attack. T"o hundred and #orty one ('erican ser$ice'en had died. +6othing else. ,nly the s"ord and the cross5- Seers asked. +/es.+6o #orced entry5 :ould it ha$e been one o# your kids5 2aybe "anting a look at granddaddy)s stu##5+We don)t ha$e any children.- Sally re%lied. +6obody co'es in here. Dad ne$er has any guests and there)s really not roo' #or anyone as you can see. &e co'es into the house "hene$er there are $isitors. But this is his s%ace. &e can li$e co'#ortably and %ri$ately but "e)re nearby i# he needs anything.-

Seers looked around. ( s'all kitchen "as located in the corner across the roo' #ro' hi' "ith a bathroo' do"n a short hall"ay behind it. To his le#t he could see into a single bedroo' on the other side o# the "all. 4t "as s'all but co'#ortable. (ll the retired 2arine needed. es%ecially "ith #a'ily so close. Seers #ro"ned. This didn)t 'ake sense. There "as nothing else "orth stealing in the a%art'ent. ( turntable "ith so'e old 1rank Sinatra albu's sat ne*t to a tele$ision that 'ight be older than his o"n. "hich "as saying so'ething. +2aid ser$ice5- Seers asked. +We ha$e a "o'an that co'es in e$ery other "eek.- Sally e*%lained. +Trust her5+We)$e had her #or years and there)s ne$er been a hint o# anything like this. We)$e le#t cash and 7e"elry around. There are electronics and e*%ensi$e toys in the house. 6othing)s e$er been touched. She housesits #or us "hen "e)re on $acation. 6e$er had a %roble'. 6othing.Seers "as stu'%ed. The only things in the roo' o# any "orth "ere $aluable 7ust to the :olonel and his #a'ily. S"ords and ar'ed #orces decorations "ere easily obtained in 'ilitary sur%lus stores or in dozens o# "ebsites on the 4nternet. Why "ould so'eone co'e take his 'e'ories5 &o" did anyone e$en kno" the stu## "as in here5 +The 'aid actually disco$ered the the#t.- :hris s%oke again. +She cleans Po%)s a%art'ent "hen she does the house. She noticed the s"ord and 'edal 'issing.+&e didn)t tell you5 Was he not li$ing here at the ti'e5- Da'ato asked. 'otioning at 1rank. +&e "as here. But 'y #ather)s #aculties are not "hat they used to be.- Sally said. 4t occurred to Seers that 1rank Stratton had not uttered another sound since Sally asked %er'ission to enter the a%art'ent. &e had si'%ly sat do"n in his chair. &e "asn)t "atching any o# the'. &e "as staring out into s%ace. +4 e*%lained to 2r. and 2rs. Ellis that there)s not 'uch to go on here.- Da'ato said. +4# nobody is in the a%art'ent there)s not really 'uch "e can do.+We can do so'ething.- Seers shot back. catching Da'ato o## guard. +4)ll look into it 'ysel#. :heck out %a"nsho%s and so'e o# the 'ilitary sur%lus a#ter8'arkets. 4t 'ight %o% u% on EBay. too. 4)ll 'ake so'e in!uiries. See i# anyone)s heard o# any unusual 'ilitary oriented the#ts.+Thank you. Detecti$e.- Sally said. Da'ato "alked back to the #ront door o# the a%art'ent "ith the cou%le but realized Seers "as no longer "ith hi'. 9ooking back he could see Seers "as in no hurry to rush o##. 4nstead. Seers had "alked back to "here 1rank Stratton "as seated. Da'ato s!uinted at hi'. &e)d ne$er seen Seers like this. &is 'o$e'ents "ere slo". deliberate and %recise. Seers knelt ne*t to the :olonel)s chair and leaned in close. Da'ato couldn)t !uite 'ake out "hat Seers "as saying. +4 "ill get that 'edal back.- Seers said !uietly. +4 s"ear it.&e stood u%. bid :hris and Sally goodbye "ith a %ro'ise to be in touch and rushed out o# the a%art'ent. Da'ato yelled a#ter hi'. +What)s your hurry5Seers didn)t turn around "hen he re%lied. +4)$e got to #ind this asshole.('y sat in a 'iddle ro" o# the courtroo'. The 'ahogany "alls and 'arble #loors looked like so'ething #ro' the tele$ision dra'a 1aw and -rder $pecial 2ictims 3nit she en7oyed "atching e$ery "eek. She hal# e*%ected to see actress 2ariska &argitay. %laying Detecti$e ,li$ia Benson. stride into the courtroo'.

('y ad'ired &argitay)s character. Strong yet #e'inine. 6ot a#raid to be a girly8girl. but !uite ca%able o# getting in a sus%ect)s #ace or strong8ar'ing a guy on the street "hen the situation called #or it. She en$ied that kind o# con#idence. The seats in #ront o# the 7udge)s bench #illed "ith %ro%erly dressed attorneys and su%%ort sta##. The baili## a%%eared to her right and checked his "atch. "atching o$er the gro"ing cro"d in the gallery. Suddenly. so'eone "as standing right ne*t to her. +2issJ;ellen. 4s that right5 1ro' the $ideo relay ser$ice5('y stood to greet Dan Banducheck. +/es. That)s right.- She shook his hand "ar'ly. +6ice to see you again.+4)' sur%rised to see you here.- Banducheck re%lied. +,h. 4 7ust "anted to try and hel% ho"e$er 4 could.- ('y sta''ered back. suddenly unco'#ortable she)d co'e do"nto"n. +4)' sure he)d a%%reciate that.- Banducheck said. ('y "as !uiet #or a 'o'ent. +Is there anything 4 can do5- she asked. +6ot that 4 can think o#.- Banducheck re%lied. +This should be 7ust a #or'ality. 4 can)t i'agine a co'%elling reason #or kee%ing the ani'al ali$e.+(ll rise0- the baili## called. Banducheck continued to the #ront o# the courtroo' and o%ened the hal#8door leading to the de#ense and %rosecutor)s tables and sat do"n. +The &onorable :harles &. Bridges %residing.- the baili## #inished. +E$eryone %lease ha$e a seat.- Judge Bridges stated. +What)s on the agenda today5&is clerk stood u%. +Sir. you 'ust deter'ine the dis%osition o# a dog o"ned by one &arold J. ;ensington. 2r. ;ensington "as 'auled to death by the ani'al t"o days ago.+4 see.- the 7udge said as he e*a'ined the docu'entation his clerk handed hi'. +Sir. the %eo%le belie$e the ani'al 'ust be %ut do"n in the interest o# %ublic sa#ety.+4 see.- Bridges re%eated. +We ha$e a %olice re%ort5+/es sir.- the clerk re%lied. +4s the in$estigating o##icer here52ike Seers ste%%ed out #ro' an ad7oining roo' "here a nu'ber o# uni#or'ed o##icers "ere 'illing around "aiting #or their cases to be called u%. +Right here. your honor.- Seers re%lied. + ood 'orning. 2ike. (nything 4 should kno" here5- Judge Bridges asked. + ood 'orning. 6o sir. 4 belie$e you)ll #ind the re%ort %retty 'uch s%ells it all out.+So it a%%ears. (ny discussion5The district attorney s%oke again. +/our honor the %eo%le belie$e the $iolent nature o# 2r. ;ensington)s death re!uires the ani'al be dis%osed o#. We see no need #or the county to 'aintain an ani'al that is a clear danger to the co''unity.+(ny co''ent #ro' the %eo%le5- Judge Bridges asked. ('y 'ar$eled at ho" 'uch it really looked like the courtroo' dra'as on tele$ision. There "ere $ery cordial relations a'ong all the rele$ant %arties. E$eryone beha$ed the'sel$es and generally agreed on all the 'a7or %oints. ,dd ho" o$erly dra'atic tele$ision tended to 'ake the nor'al routines o# e$eryday li#e. +/our honor. "e sus%ect this "as so'e sort o# accident.- the Public De#ender re%lied. +%ossibly brought on by the $icti' hi'sel#.('y 7u'%ed #ro' her seat and ran u% to the #ront ro" i''ediately behind Dan. +6o he didn)t.- she "his%ered too loudly. +&e did nothing to %ro$oke that dog0Banducheck turned around and discretely 'otioned #or her to re'ain !uiet be#ore leaning o$er to "his%er to the District (ttorney.

+/our &onor. 4 think the record sho"s the $icti' took e*traordinary care o# this ani'al. &e "as "ell #ed. cared #or. and groo'ed regularly. We)$e no indication that suggests other"ise.- the D( countered. 2ike Seers noticed ('y #or the #irst ti'e. &e "as sur%rised by her %resence in the courtroo' #or "hat should be a straight#or"ard session. +So there "as no "itness to the attack5- Judge Bridges asked. Seers looked at ('y and Banducheck turned around brie#ly in his chair. 6either ga$e any out"ard indication she 'ight kno" so'ething and they re'ained silent. +Should 4 re%eat the !uestion5- Bridges asked "hen he sa" the t"o 'en)s actions. +6o sir. 6o "itnesses.- Seers ans"ered #inally as Banducheck stood u% to address the 7udge. +/our &onor 4 s%ent a good bit o# ti'e around the $icti' and the ani'al in !uestion. 4)$e no !uarrel "ith calling this a tragic accident. but 4)' co'%elled to tell you in the strongest language %ossible that &al ;ensington lo$ed that dog.('y nodded #ro' her %erch in the #ront ro". +4 see. 4)$e no reason to doubt the $eracity o# your state'ent and the %eo%le a%%ear to agree that in the absence o# a "itness your testi'ony is the 'ost rele$ant o# anyone here.Banducheck sat back do"n. +4# you)re so certain o# the ani'al)s te'%era'ent.- Bridges continued. +there)s no reason #or 'e to be in a hurry to %ass 7udg'ent and su''ary e*ecution.Banducheck)s #ace crinkled in con#usion. +4 didn)t 'ean to i'%ly sir thatJBridges held u% a hand. +Just a 'inute. The ani'al can do no har' "here he is. 4)' inclined to lea$e hi' there until 2r. ;ensington)s #a'ily has the o%%ortunity to e*%ress their $ie"s. They 'ay "ant the ani'al and re'o$e it #ro' the area. 4t "ould there#ore no longer be a threat to the co''unity and the local ta*%ayers "ould not be on the hook #or any costs.- the 7udge #inished. +But he)s dangerous0- ('y said too loudly. +/oung lady0 That)s the second ti'e you)$e interru%ted 'y court.- Bridges barked. +4t "ill be the last. 4# you ha$e anything to say #or the record co'e be recognized and say it "here e$eryone can hear you0('y sat back as her #ace and neck turned a dee% shade o# cri'son. +Do you ha$e so'ething to say5- Bridges continued. +This is your only o%%ortunity.Seers looked at ('y sy'%athetically but re'ained !uiet. 9ong e*%erience taught hi' not to inter#ere "ith an angry 7udge. es%ecially on 'atters o# %rotocol. They "ere all sticklers #or it. Dan Banducheck stood u% again. +/our honor. this young "o'an kne" &al ;ensington as 4 did. (s a #ine 'an. a leader in the co''unity. and a #riend to e$eryone "ho kne" hi'. 4 belie$e she)s si'%ly e*%ressing the loss and #rustration "e)re all #eeling.Bridges) #ace and tone so#ten. +Cery "ell. /our senti'ent is a%%reciated. but %lease don)t interru%t again.- Bridges instructed. ('y nodded her ackno"ledge'ent. +6o" then. (s 4 "as saying. 4)' inclined to delay a decision until the ne*t o# kin has the o%%ortunity to "eigh in on this 'atter. Dntil such ti'e as the #a'ily has done so the ani'al "ill re'ain in !uarantine at the (rlington (ni'al Shelter.Bridges ta%%ed his ga$el to end the session.

:ha%ter 1i$e
('y stared at the %rescri%tion bottle on the table. &er doctor acco''odated her "ith a %rescri%tion #or slee%ing %ills. She hated taking 'edicine. e$en as%irin. So'e %eo%le took %rescri%tions "ithout thinking but sheId ne$er been %articularly sickly as a child. so the !uick8#i* notion o# %o%%ing a %ill did not a%%eal to her. She "as still trying to decide "hether or not to take the'. What i# :elia "oke u% in the night and needed so'ething5 Since slee% "as ob$iously not in her i''ediate #uture she sat do"n at her co'%uter once again and began sur#ing another dea#8related "ebsite that ;athy had %honed her about earlier in the e$ening. The language on the site "as not nice. Diane Si'ilton either had a great deal o# #ree ti'e at her bridal sho% or she "as enlisting the hel% o# #riends and #a'ily to %ost her unha%%iness on e$ery blog. "ebsite. and chat roo' they could #ind. They said the dea# co''unity "as #illed "ith %honies? a %it #ull o# $eno'ous $i%ers looking to ri% o## the s'all ('erican business%erson "ith #raudulent %urchases that ulti'ately "ere beyond re%roach by DS la" en#orce'ent. The %ostings "ere getting an enor'ous a'ount o# strongly "orded res%onses. 'ost o# the' %ersonal and rather hate#ul to"ards Si'ilton and her bridal sho%. ('y "atched silently as the chat roo' beca'e increasingly hostile. She "ished she could hel% but didn)t kno" "hat to do "ithout risking her 7ob by 7u'%ing into the con$ersation. She re'inded hersel# once again that e$en i# conducting #raud. 1ederal la" %rotected e$ery call. 2entally she "as still struggling "ith the #inality o# it. Suddenly she sa" a gli''er o# ho%e. She couldnIt be CRS inter%reter ('y ;ellen in the chat roo'. but i# callers could be anony'ous "hy couldn)t she do the sa'e in a #e" chat roo's and "ebsites5 There "as no reason to gi$e her na'e and identity. &ad she actually hit u%on a "ay to hel%5 Taking on this ne" identity she began to "rite. <4he ma!ority of videophone calls are certainly legitimate.) she "rote. <4o protect themselves online companies can ta#e a number of precautions !ust as they do with other consumers.) She s'iled. This "as %er#ect. She could res%ond to Si'ilton)s %ostings "ithout gi$ing u% any %rotected in#or'ation and she "as able to hel% the dea# co''unity. This "as the best o# both "orlds. She clicked o$er to a "ebsite she)d $isited earlier and %osted si'ilar suggestions #or consu'ers and co'%anies "ho 'ight be concerned "ith using CRS #or transactions they "eren)t sure "ere legiti'ate. <'e wary of the use of multiple credit cards on a single transaction .) she "rote. ,n another site she suggested <getting the consumers name and telephone number and calling them bac# to finali5e the transaction). (#ter all there "as nothing illegal or unto"ard about that. E*hilaration ke%t her "riting #or o$er an hour. 4t #elt "onder#ul to 'ake %ositi$e suggestions that 'ade a di##erence. With ne"8#ound %luck she e$en 'ade a #e" %ostings #or other $ideo%hone inter%reters on handling such %roble's. going so #ar as to suggest ho" they 'ight lobby the 1::. She #elt good. She 'ight actually get so'e slee% tonight. The %hone rang and interru%ted her train o# thought. +&ello.- she said. +&ello 2s. ;ellen. it)s 2ike Seers. Did 4 "ake you5+4 "ish.+6ot slee%ing. huh5+6o. but 'y doctor ga$e 'e a %rescri%tion. 4)' 7ust trying to decide "hether or not to take it.+4 understand you dro%%ed by the kennel.-

('y)s elated high "as short li$ed and she "as o$ertaken by a sense o# guilt like a child caught doing so'ething they kne" "as "rong. +/es. That "as a 'istake. 4)' sorry.+6o need to a%ologize #or it. 4)' sorry you had a bad ti'e.+/ou talked to the kennel guy5+/es. 4 think his na'e "as Ji' Skelton. &e "as concerned about you. Said you le#t in a hurry.+4 guess 4 did. 4 didn)t e$en thank hi'.+That)s alright. 4 think he understood.- &e cleared his throat. +9isten. the reason 4 called is because so'e ani'al rights nut has con$inced the 7udge to authorize :ha'%)s release.+&e)s out5- she asked. +This guy s%ecializes in 'ean dogs or so'e such nonsense. <6ohler. 4 think is his na'e. &arold ;ensington)s son authorized it through his la" #ir'. &e)s busy settling his #ather)s a##airs and "asn)t a$ailable #or court. so so'ebody ca'e u% "ith this. (ny"ay. they)re taking hi' out #irst thing to'orro" 'orning.+Do you think he can be rehabilitated5- ('y asked. +4 don)t kno". 4 didn)t see "hat you sa". The !uestion is. do you think he can be rehabilitated5- Seers asked. ('y shut her eyes. trying to block out ;ensington)s call and the kennel $isit. +4 doubt it.- she said #inally. +So do 4. (ny"ay. 4 "anted you to kno" be#ore you hear about it on the ne"s. 4 think it)s a bad idea but there)s nothing to do "hen a 7udge gets in$ol$ed like that.- he said. +So. does this 'ean you)re dro%%ing the case5- she asked. +Well.- he hesitated. +there)s not really 'uch o# a case. /ou ha$e to understand 3 4)$e got a backlog o# other cri'es to "ork on. 4)$e got a burglary case 4)' trying to resol$e that)s going no"here. There)s not 'uch 4 can do #or 2r. ;ensington. 4)' sorry.+That)s all right. Thank you #or calling. Detecti$e.+Slee% "ell ('y.She chased t"o o# the %rescri%tion %ills do"n "ith a glass o# "ater. The &ead!uarters o# the D.S. Secret Ser$ice "as a concrete and glass #ortress in do"nto"n Washington D:. 4nside. the #urnishings "ere as la$ish as a con$ent. 2ini'alis' taken to the e*tre'e 8 anything e*traneous set aside in the interest o# clean sur#aces and no'inal u%kee%? a 'useu' to the austere. &eath Rasco "orked in S%ecial Ser$ices. a training and o%erational su%%ort ele'ent a$ailable to the e*ecuti$e %rotection details or any Secret Ser$ice #ield o##ice on a 'o'ent)s notice. S%ecialists in #orensics. beha$ioral science. ad$anced "ea%ons. and a host o# other uni!ue disci%lines that could be brought to bear any"here in the country on short order "ere housed in a single de%art'ent sharing a co''on in#rastructure. +/ou "anted to see 'e sir5- &eath asked. S%ecial Ser$ices :hie# Walt Broo'er "as a slight 'an in his #i#ties. "ith a "is% o# salty hair surrounding the s'ooth cro"n o# his bald head. &e "as legendary in the Ser$ice #or his ability to sni## out #unny 'oney. 1or t"enty8t"o years he held the record #or seized cash by a single agent 3 o$er HEAA 'illion. 6o" Walt ran S%ecial Ser$ices. assisting other (that is. younger) agents "ith "hate$er they needed during in$estigations. &e liked it. 4t "as solid la" en#orce'ent "ork and he didn)t get shot at or dragged out in the 'iddle o# the night any'ore. 4t "asn)t a bad 7ob #or a guy his age that had no interest in retiring.

+There)s so'e chatter on the 4nternet "e need to chase do"n. ot so'e #olks u%set.- Walt said. barely looking u% #ro' 4he 7ashington 8ost. 4t al"ays a'azed Walt ho" 'any bloggers "ould actually take the ste% o# re%orting so'ething they)d seen online that they thought had the %otential to de$elo% into a really nasty situation in the real "orld. 2ost o# the ti'e it "as a co'%lete "aste o# resources. But it only took one ignored "arning to cause a :ongressional in!uiry. so better sa#e than sorry. +4'%ortant %eo%le or not so i'%ortant %eo%le5- &eath asked. +6ot so i'%ortant right no". but let)s not let it "or' its "ay u% the #lag%ole i# "e can hel% it.- Walt re%lied. #olding the %a%er. &e %icked u% a eorgeto"n Dni$ersity co##ee 'ug that "as older than &eath and took a long si%. +;no" "hat 4 'ean5+/es 4 do.- &eath said. +What a' 4 looking #or5+Don)t look for anything. Just look at e$erything.- Walt re%lied. &e en7oyed talking "ith &eath. The guy "as s'art and 'oti$ated. &eath lo$ed being a Secret Ser$ice agent as 'uch as Walt did. &e could see 'any si'ilarities bet"een the'. "hich "as no doubt the reason &arold ;ensington had asked s%eci#ically #or &eath to be assigned as a s%ecial assistant. Walt had been around long enough to recognize "hen a %olitical #igure had designs on %ro'ising young talent. ;ensington en$isioned a hard o# hearing guy as a #ield agent and 'ade a con$incing argu'ent to Walt to take &eath on as his uno##icial %rotRgR to test the idea. &eath had %ro'ise and Walt "as deter'ined to ensure he had a #air shot at a #ield agent 7ob. &eath "as hungry. deter'ined. &e had talent? there "as no !uestion about that. But the intero##ice gru'bling about a hard o# hearing #ield agent 'eant &eath "ould ha$e to be head and shoulders better than other candidates. Walt "asn)t sure i# or ho" &eath "ould rise to such a tall challenge. but he "as certain it "ouldn)t ha%%en at all unless he 'o$ed closer to the action. &eath had to "ork a security detail. e$en i# it "as 7ust on the #ringes at #irst. Phil Tho'%son cleared that lane and &arold ;ensington)s %lan "as %ut into %lace. +9ook at e$erything5- &eath re%eated. +4t)s like %orn. /ou can)t really describe "hat it is but you kno" it "hen you see it.- Walt re%lied. 'asking his delight at the outlandish co'%arison. +Porn huh5 Sounds like !uite an assign'ent.- &eath obser$ed. +Don)t get your ho%es u%. 4t)s not that good.- Walt assured hi'. +1raud. (%%arently a gro"ing a'ount. 9ots o# chatter about it on so'e o# the dea# "eb sites. 4)d like you to take a look.&eath sco"led. Walt "as one o# the only senior leaders "ho had ne$er 'ade an issue o# his hearing. Walt stared at hi' thought#ully. +Don)t get the "rong idea.- Walt continued a#ter a 'o'ent. +/ou)re getting this because you)re the best !uali#ied #or the "ork. not #or any other reason. /ou s%eak the language. /ou kno" the culture. 4# it 'akes you #eel any better it)s not logged as a dea# issue. 4t)s #raud. :11 sent it our "ay since you kno" their 'ethods. 6o di##erent than assigning it to so'eone "ho s%eaks 1rench or (rabic. But they don)t ha$e anyone "ith (S9 skills to talk "ith %eo%le. Don)t o$er8analyze it.&eath)s racing %ulse slo"ed. The guys in :o'%uter 1raud and 1orensics. or :11. had reco''ended hi'. &e realized his #ace "as #lush. e'barrassed that Walt could so easily tell he)d 7u'%ed to a %re7udiced conclusion on being assigned to the case. +Roger that. 4)ll take a look.- &eath said #inally. +They 'ust think the "orld o# you to let you "ork it a#ter you le#t.&eath only nodded. kicking hi'sel# because an e*%ert in <tells) had $irtually shouted his indignation at a guy "ho "as on his side.

Walt handed hi' a %iece o# %a%er. (t the to% "as a "eb address "ith a link to t"o other "ebsites. 1raud and 1orensics had indeed looked at it and handed it o## to S%ecial Ser$ices 8 a $ery rare e$ent. :11 "as loath to gi$e u% anything. They "ere the 'ost insular grou% inside the Secret Ser$ice. :ounter#eiting "as the original i'%etus #or the agency to begin "ith. While %rotecting the %resident and #oreign dignitaries garnered a lot o# %ress co$erage. there "as a certain cadre o# agents "hose only interest. their %assion. hell #or that 'atter their entire life. "as #inding #unny 'oney. 1or years it "as derisi$ely called the :o'edy :lub 3 Where 1unny 2oney :a'e &o'e. 4n the 4nternet age #unny 'oney "as all8electronic. There "ere #e"er %eo%le trying to 'anu#acture %a%er 'oney. 6o" it "as all in$isible bits o# data #loating across the "orld)s teleco''unications syste's. 1raud and 1orensics "as the ans"er to that %articular %roble'. The 'en and "o'en "ho ran it "ere co'%uter geeks o# the highest order 3 %ushing the narro" culture o# the :o'edy :lub to a #ringe technological e*tre'e. &eath had earned his credibility in their rare#ied "orld and 'aintained se$eral #riendshi%s #ro' his ti'e there. 1or hi'. as 'uch as he lo$ed co'%uter science. it "as i'%ortant #or e$eryone to see a dea# agent out on the #ront lines. &e couldn)t 7ust be a co'%uter s%ecialist. &e "anted to be a ground8 %ounder. in the #ield. "orking in$estigations and calling the shots. That 'eant 'o$ing on to another sho%. Walt "as only too ha%%y to ha$e hi' in S%ecial Ser$ices. +Thanks. Walt.- &eath said #inally. re'e'bering his 'anners. +Don)t 'ention it.- Walt re%lied. still s'iling. %leased the younger 'an no" #ully understood the o%%ortunity he "as being gi$en. &eath returned to his o##ice and looked closer at the :11 docu'ent. Three concerned citizens sent e'ails through the Ser$ice)s "ebsite describing a #raud issue that "as being argued on a dea# co''unity chat roo'. &eath read the e*changes. /e%. 9ooked like #raud to hi'. The "edding dress sho% o"ner learned an e*%ensi$e lesson. Whoe$er had res%onded to her dis%layed a le$el o# cal' and concern that caught &eath)s eye. She "asn)t 7ust de#ending the #raudulent transaction. She "as. as &eath read it. de#ending her %art in it. She hadn)t ad'itted to %artici%ating in anything ne#arious. but she "as going o$erboard in her de#ense o# "hat ha%%ened. 4t had to be %ersonal. Psychoanalysis "asn)t his area o# e*%ertise. but he kne" the right %erson to ask. &e looked at the other t"o "ebsites listed. Sa'e log on 4D)s as the other. Sa'e ty%e o# outrage by the bridal sho% o"ner. Sa'e de#ense o# the %rocess by an anony'ous hero o# the #aith. &er suggestions on ho" co'%anies and indi$iduals could sto%. or at least slo" do"n. #uture #raud see'ed %retty sincere to hi'. That)s %robably "hat thre" o## the :11 tea'. Dntil so'eone has had to use an inter%reter to conduct the 'ost rudi'entary o# nor'al con$ersations he or she could ne$er understand the le$el o# trust that had to e*ist bet"een the three %arties s%eaking. The 'ost inti'ate %arts o# a dea# %erson)s li#e 'ust be shared "ith a co'%lete stranger in order #or hi' or her to co''unicate "ith the hearing "orld. When so'eone $iolates that trust to steal a bunch o# dresses. "ell. it "as going to cause an u%roar. (n u%roar "as e*actly "hat ha%%ened. :11 didn)t nor'ally deal "ith anything like this. 1raud only "orked "hen nobody kne" about it. 4# this bridal sho% o"ner "as dro%%ing blog8grenades around cybers%ace the likelihood o# it being a long8ter' %roble' "as %robably negligible. The dea# co''unity 'ight not like it but the u%roar "ould hel% di'inish the %roble' by 'aking 'ore %eo%le a"are o# it. The ability to continue the #raud "ould be short li$ed. 2aybe that "as already the case. &e could take a !uick look and %erha%s %ut the "hole issue to bed right no". &eath had anony'ous 4nternet accesses le#t o$er #ro' his ti'e in :11. accounts that did not re#lect he "as on a DS go$ern'ent co'%uter. 4# anyone took an interest in back tracing hi'

online they "ould. a#ter #i$e di##erent nodal links. #ind the'sel$es at the ser$ers #or the Dni$ersity o# Tennessee at :hattanooga. 4t "as one o# se$eral %ass8throughs o%erated by the Ser$ice to 'ask their hand at 4nternet sur#ing. 6o sense telegra%hing "hat they "ere looking into. &e logged on and #ound the original %osting #ro' a #e" days ago. &e then "ent through the re%lies. The e*change created !uite a bit o# contro$ersy that had. as he i'agined it "ould. s%read like "ild#ire throughout 'ost o# the online dea# co''unity. &e ca%tured all o# it and ran the te*t through a co'%uter %rogra' that %lotted out links and relationshi%s. 1ro' the t"o original %osters nearly three thousand res%ondents had 7u'%ed in0 That "as insane. &o" 'any %eo%le did it take to argue about a single #raudulent %urchase5 (s he scanned !uickly through the history ho"e$er. it "as clear there "as 'ore than a single occurrence. ( %attern "as e'erging. Peo%le "ere citing other %urchases using si'ilar tactics o# shi%%ing to a %ri$ate 'ailbo* address. "hich then #or"arded the %ackage o$erseas. ,ne "ord ke%t co'ing u% o$er and o$er. (#rica. Walt "as right about one as%ect. (ccording to the statistical analysis things "ere still heating u%. not "inding do"n as &eath had ho%ed. The so#t"are analyzed the date and ti'e sta'% o# the user)s blog and chat roo' %ostings. Dsually a#ter a short burst o# initial e*cite'ent. breaking ne"s %etered out in chat roo's and "as o$ertaken by subse!uent e$ents. That hadn)t ha%%ened. (nd the entries the'sel$es "ere getting longer. "ith %eo%le dedicating 'ore ti'e to s%ell out the %roble'. 6ot only "as it not going a"ay. it didn)t e$en a%%ear close to cresting yet. When a situation "as o$er and 'elting a"ay the chat died do"n. This "as still building. Three thousand res%onses in a cou%le o# days0 4t hadn)t yet reached a tipping point. as the book on his nearby bookshel# "as entitled. 2uch o# the 'ost recent chatter "as about an e'ail sca'. Se$eral users had recei$ed an e'ail #ro' (#rica %ro'ising cash #or assistance. +,h cra%0- &eath said aloud. The (#rican e'ail had %o%%ed u% regularly e$ery #e" 'onths #or se$eral years. &adn)t e$eryone already gotten that da'n thing by no"5 &e "ent through the re'aining chat roo' listings. The bridal sho% o"ner e$idently thre" in the to"el "hen the chatter turned to the (#rican e'ail sca'. 2aybe she realized 'aking ene'ies in the dea# "orld "asn)t going to get her any ne" custo'ers in the :harlotte area. 4n any e$ent. she)d not been back on in t"o days. She %robably 7ust needed a %lace to $ent. She couldn)t $ery "ell screa' at custo'ers or her e'%loyees. so the anony'ity o# an online chat roo' %robably #elt %retty sa#e. &e guessed she)d been un%re%ared #or the res%onses her si'%le "eb chat had "rought. She "ill likely <stick to her knitting) he 7oked to hi'sel#. rather than try any'ore hal#8hearted 4nternet assaults. The original res%onder "as a di##erent 'atter. &eath sa" the sa'e 4D at other sites "ithin the dea# co''unity. 6e" %artici%ants 7ust getting "ord on the issue "ere !uoting her no". She "as getting a #ollo"ing. 6o na'e though. 9ike 'any "o'en on the 4nternet she chose to kee% her na'e %ri$ate. &e)d ha$e to re'e'ber her online 4D. See i# it ca'e u% again any"here. &e "rote it on a Post 4t note. J(:;BQ. The #ollo"ing 'orning ('y "as stretched out on her couch. :elia had gotten her u% t"ice during the night. %laying ha$oc "ith ('y)s %rescri%tion8induced slee%. The second ti'e she decided to 7ust stay do"nstairs and %ut :elia in her %lay%en. ('y crashed on the couch rather than go back u% to bed.

:elia "as %laying !uietly on the #loor. ha$ing a tea %arty "ith her dolly and 2r. Pu%s. a stu##ed dog ;athy had gi$en her. ('y %ulled the blanket u% tighter. 2aybe they)ll 7ust stay in all day. 4t)s !uiet. co'#ortable. and 7ust the t"o o# the'. What else did she need5 4t had been a rough cou%le o# "eeks. This ne" 7ob ca'e "ith a do"nside she hadn)t e*%ected. 1raud. Death. 4t "as $ery unsettling. She didn)t like not being able to correct a "rong 3 %articularly one that "ould be staring her in the #ace on a regular basis i# ;athy "as to be belie$ed. There had to be a better "ay. She thought about &arold ;ensington. She "ished he "ere ali$e to ask. &e)d kno" "hat to do. &e "as a $ery s'art 'an. &e "as %art o# a s'all seg'ent o# the dea# co''unity3 so'eone "ho once could hear but no" could not. 4t "as 'uch easier #or her to relate to 'en like that. 4t had been one o# the earliest and only stu'bling blocks "hen she started dating Je##. &e "as born dea#. &e)d ne$er listened to birds sing or heard his 'other)s $oice. (t concerts he felt the 'usic. They)d 'et at a Sty* reunion concert at eorgeto"n. &e)d co'e o$er #ro' allaudet. When he and his roo''ate :huck started dancing to 4he 9rand Illusion she)d naturally asked ho" he liked the song. Je## si'%ly stared at her. trans#i*ed. She yelled at hi' o$er the band. not understanding "hy Je## 7ust looked at her and :huck did all the talking. 4t took t"o 'ore e*changes be#ore she noticed Je##)s hand gestures. &e "as li% reading. an e*ce%tionally use#ul skill during a loud rock concert. and so'ething he had gro"n u% "ith during e$en the 'ost !uiet o# 'o'ents. :huck recognized his buddy "as s'itten. 6ot "anting to ruin his #riend)s night out he carried the con$ersation as long as %ossible "ithout re$ealing Je## couldn)t hear her at all. 4t "asnIt that she "as attracted by his dea#ness? but she "as #ascinated by ho" "ell he #unctioned in s%ite o# it. &ere "as this dea# guy at a rock concert0 What "as he doing there5 &e kne" the "ords to the songs. kne" the guitar ri##s and the occasional dru' solos. (#ter another #i#teen 'inutes o# back and #orth banter bet"een the three o# the' Je## took her by the hand and sang to her. She s'iled at the 'e'ory. The band "as so loud? Je##)s ho%elessly o## key lyrics "ere all but dro"ned out by lead singer Dennis De/oung)s throaty golden %i%es. There "as a s%ark. She)d been a Sty* #an #or years. De/oung)s $oice o$erlaid Je##)s handso'e young #ace. in#ectious s'ile. and gregarious %ersonality. :'abe.I That)s "hat he sang to her. De/oung dedicated it to his "i#e Suzanne like he)d done the last si* ti'es she)d seen the band. But Je## "as singing it to ('y. She "as s'itten too. :elia got u% #ro' her tea %arty and held out her ar's #or ('y to %ick her u%. dragging 2r. Pu%s along. ('y ga$e her a big hug. ha%%y to ha$e a %er'anent re'inder o# her agonizingly brie# husband. +&ey %u'%kin.- ('y "his%ered to her. +"hat do you "ant to do today5:elia)s dark bro"n eyes looked back at her but she re'ained silent. She could #eel Je##)s %resence "hene$er :elia did that. &e)d learned to say 'ore "ith his eyes than his $oice could e$er clearly say. E$ery no" and again she could see it in :elia as "ell. +&o" about so'e a%%le 7uice5- ('y suggested. +/ou "ant so'e break#ast5 &o" about a "a##le5:elia nodded. ('y got u% and "alked to"ard the kitchen. tri%%ing o$er the hall"ay threshold #ro' the entry #oyer to the kitchen. 4t took t"o hea$y sto'%s be#ore she caught hersel# on the "all be#ore #alling all the "ay to the ground. &o" 'any 'ore ti'es "as she going to do that5 She needed to #i* that thing be#ore she or :elia really got hurt. The ne" one "as in the cabinet "here it had sat #or a year no". But she didn)t ha$e it in her to re%lace it. 6ot today. 2aybe to'orro". Right no" so'ething else "as on her 'ind.

('y %ulled the #rozen "a##les #ro' the #reezer and dro%%ed t"o into the toaster. She "ould 7oin :elia #or break#ast. (s the "a##les cooked she ra%%ed her #ingers against the counterto%. %lotting her ne*t 'o$e. She "ished Je## "as here. &e "ould kno" "hat to do? granted. he)d "ant to go kick in doors and sla% so'eone around i# they)d used the dea# co''unity to de#raud an innocent business o"ner. &e "as e$ery dea# %erson)s big brother. &e "atched out #or the'. #ought #or the'. and they all lo$ed hi' #or it. Since kicking doors in "asn)t an o%tion she conte'%lated others as she %oured a%%le 7uice #or the' both. She still couldn)t think o# any "ay to hel% Diane Si'ilton. 6or could she think o# a "ay to "arn anyone during a call that it "as a #raud. a cri'e in %rogress. Surely there "as a "ay out o# this5 &er 'usings turned once 'ore to &arold ;ensington. :ould so'eone ha$e 'istreated :ha'%5 :ould that be "hy he turned on his 'aster5 She couldn)t i'agine ;ensington abusing hi'. E$en on his call ;ensington tried to reach do"n and %et :ha'%. See'ed like a solid relationshi%. Who else had access to the dog5 7hat about the groomer5 She %ut the a%%le 7uice container a"ay and handed a glass to :elia. :ould the groo'er ha$e 'istreated :ha'%5 So'eho" got hi' angry. so angry he attacked &arold ;ensington rather than return to the groo'er again5 Thinking 'ore about it she "ondered i# she "as on to so'ething. The dog had 7ust co'e #ro' the groo'ers. but he didn)t look $ery s%i##y. &e a%%eared unke'%t. like his coat hadn)t been brushed recently at all. What had the groo'er actually done then5 She %ut do"n her 7uice. She couldn)t hel% Diane. She couldn)t really hel% &arold ;ensington either. Whereas so'eone #ar a"ay "ho)d e*%loited CRS ri%%ed o## Diane. &arold ;ensington)s dog groo'er "as local. &e)d ne$er called the groo'er using a $ideo%hone. 6ot "ith ('y inter%reting any"ay. 4nstead o# a cri'inal using a dea# co''unity resource to co''it a cri'e. had she #ound a cri'inal act co''itted against a dea# %erson 3 %erha%s one that actually cost a 'an his li#e5 (s ('y care#ully reconstructed the details o# the call in her head she nibbled absently on the "a##le but didn)t #inish it. /es. she "as sure. :ha'% looked rough. like he)d been out all night. &e looked bigger than nor'al. though on the 'onitor that)s not unusual. What do they say5 The ca'era adds ten %ounds5 2aybe the sa'e "as true "ith dogs. But she "as sure about ho" shaggy and unruly he a%%eared. &o" could he ha$e gotten that dirty. his coat so tangled. i# he)d 7ust co'e #ro' the groo'ers5 Perha%s the groo'er "as taking ad$antage o# ;ensington? dea# guy. big ti'e %olitical %layer 3 'ay ha$e #igured he "as too busy to 'onitor "hat "as ha%%ening. ('y nodded to hersel#. She could see that. 4# there "ere %eo%le "ho "ould e*%loit the $ideo%hone syste' to steal bridal dresses #ro' o$erseas. then surely there "ere others "ho "ould stoo% to take an older 'anIs 'oney "ithout doing a good 7ob on his dog. 4ncredibly. they had done 7ust that to &arold ;ensington and so'eho" turned his ha%%y co'%anion into a crazed killing 'achine. But "hat to do about it no"5 She 7uggled the #acts 'ethodically around in her 'ind. Since ;ensington hadn)t conducted any business "ith the groo'er o$er his $ideo%hone screen she "as not obligated to any ty%e o# con#identiality. She didn)t really kno" a "hole lot. 7ust sus%ected so'ething "as a"ry. What about the other inter%reters5 4# they had "orked "ith ;ensington and his groo'er. "hat then5 (#ter a #e" 'o'ents o# deliberation she didn)t think there "as a %roble'. There "ere other co'%anies besides (ll &ands o##ering the sa'e ser$ice. 6ot e$ery inter%reter is located near their caller 3 that "as the %roble' "ith the (#rican bridal go"n order. The caller literally could be any"here. But ;ensington)s groo'er "as here in the area. 4# anyone else in (ll &ands kne"

anything about it they hadn)t said anything "hen Detecti$e Seers started his in$estigation. so she %resu'ed e$eryone else "as in the dark too. She cleared the table "ith a ne" sense o# %ur%ose. 6o" she had de#ined her issue. characterized it. 4t "as no longer so'e intangible idea. She could take action. She could sink her teeth into the %roble'. Diane Si'ilton "as a tougher nut to crack and "ould %robably take a lot longer. She doubted she could do 'uch 'ore "ithout so'e ty%e o# o##icial hel%. She)d talk "ith :arol Burdick about it and #ind out "hat the best course o# action "as. Tackling &arold ;ensington)s rogue canine "as 'uch easier. 'ore i''ediate. 2ariska &argitay "ould be %roud. ('y reached o$er to ta% a #e" keys on her la%to% co'%uter. (#ter a !uick online search she #ound the address and %hone nu'ber #or the o##ice o# one Dell ;ohler. canine rehabilitator. She dialed the nu'ber. +;ohler and ;ohler.- a $oice ans"ered. +2ay 4 s%eak "ith Dell ;ohler %lease5- ('y asked. +&e)s not in at the 'o'ent. 2ay 4 take a 'essage5+4 "as calling about a dog 4)' told he "as going to rehabilitate. 2r. &arold ;ensington)s dog.+2ay 4 in!uire as to your interest5- the "o'an asked. ('y hesitated. Did she really "ant to tell the entire saga all o$er again5 Did she "ant to reli$e #or the u'%teenth ti'e &arold ;ensington)s unsee'ly death5 6o. not e$en a little. +4 sa" a %iece in the %a%er about it. ho" 2r. ;ohler "as going to try and rehabilitate hi'. 4s that a %articularly $iolent breed5- ('y asked. trying to #udge her res%onse "ithout ha$ing to lie. +,h. no 'a)a'. 6ot at all.- the "o'an re%lied. +4)' Ste%hanie ;ohler. Dell)s "i#e. She%herds are great dogs. &e shouldn)t ha$e any trouble straightening hi' out. Dell)s got a gi#t. 4t)s like "atching 4he Horse 7hisperer.- she 7oked. ('y giggled "ith relie#. She)d lo$ed that 'o$ie. ho" Robert Red#ord)s character "as able to return a trau'atized horse to his #or'er sel#. :ould the sa'e be done #or :ha'%5 She "asn)t sure. +When "ould they start "orking5- ('y asked. +Dell)s already gone to %ick hi' u%. 4 think he "as going to take hi' #or a "alk across the eorgeto"n ca'%us since he)d been %enned u% #or se$eral days. &e)ll be back here be#ore the end o# the day though. 4 can ha$e hi' call you i# you like.+Thank you. 4)d a%%reciate that.- ('y said. sharing her %hone nu'ber "ith Ste%hanie. ('y hung u% and sat back. Should she "ait #or Dell to call5 That didn)t see' to be the 'ost %roacti$e "ay o# getting to the botto' o# things. 2aybe she should go obser$e ;ohler in action. Watch hi' e$aluate :ha'%. see ho" they get along. She "as 'ore than a little sur%rised to learn he "as taking :ha'% to "alk in a $ery %ublic area. re'e'bering ho" the dog had lunged at her "hen she $isited the groo'erIs kennel. She reasoned that an e*%erienced dog handler "ould be able to take care o# such %roble's. She looked out the "indo". 4t "as a beauti#ul 'orning. Why not go %oke around a bit5 See i# she could #ind Dell ;ohler and :ha'% "alking around in the late 'orning sun.

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