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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Office of the Sheriff

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CONTACT FOR THIS RELEASE: Deputy Les Garcia Pho e: !"#$% &'( ) &&*& Ce++: !"#$% $(* ) ,#((

Sa -oa.ui Cou ty Sheri//0s O//ice

Date: January 28, 2014 Sa -oa.ui Cou ty Sheri//0s O//ice Correctio a+ Lieute a ts A1ar2e2 Natio a+ Certi/icatio Lieutenant Dina Smith Jose has received the national designation of ertified Jail !anager, " J!# through the Jail !anager ertification ommission, $y authority of the %merican Jail %ssociation "%J%#& Lieutenant Jose is one of 'ust ()0 'ail *rofessionals nation+,ide to have achieved this designation& -his certification has $een achieved through the successful com*letion of a rigid e.*eriential $ac/ground a**lication, and an intensive ,ritten e.amination *re*ared $y the ommission and the %merican Jail %ssociation& ertification in 'ail management is a demonstration of com*etency and *rofessionalism in the field& -he Jail !anager0s certification documents the mastery of a strong level of /no,ledge in the s*ecialty, and demonstrates continuing education and gro,th& Lieutenant Jose has over 21 years of correctional e.*erience, is a mem$er of the %merican Jail %ssociation and holds a 2achelors Degree in criminal 'ustice& Lieutenant Jose is the fifth officer from the San Joa3uin ounty Sheriff0s 4ffice to receive this designation&

Lieutenant 5reg 6illiamson has received the national designation of ertified Jail !anager, " J!# through the Jail !anager ertification ommission, $y authority of the %merican Jail %ssociation "%J%#& Lieutenant 6illiamson is one of 'ust ()0 'ail *rofessionals nation+,ide to have achieved this designation& -his certification has $een achieved through the successful com*letion of a rigid e.*eriential $ac/ground a**lication, and an intensive ,ritten e.amination *re*ared $y the ommission and the %merican Jail %ssociation& ertification in 'ail management is a demonstration of com*etency and *rofessionalism in the field& -he Jail !anager0s certification documents the mastery of a strong level of /no,ledge in the s*ecialty, and demonstrates continuing education and gro,th& Lieutenant 6illiamson has over 17 years of correctional e.*erience, is a mem$er of the %merican Jail %ssociation and holds a 2achelors Degree in criminal 'ustice ,ith a concentration in orrections& Lieutenant 6illiamson is the officer from the San Joa3uin ounty Sheriff0s 4ffice to receive this designation&

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