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Huligeri Village, Badami Taluk, Bagalkot District, Karnataka State

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M/s Kartik Agro Industries Private Limited (KAIPL) is an agro based Company focused on the manufacture of ethanol, power and allied products. The company proposes to establish 65 KLPD ethanol plant at Huligeri village in Badami taluk, Bagalkot District, Karnataka state. 1.2.0 NEED OF THE PROJECT Ethanol has assumed a very important place in the economy of the country. The importance and utility of alcohol is well known as an industrial raw material for manufacture of a variety of organic chemicals including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, potable alcohol etc. and as a potential fuel in the form of power alcohol when blended with petrol. This is partly due to escalating costs of these chemicals produced through petrochemical route consequent to the abnormal increase in crude oil prices. The price is predicted to increase further depending upon international situation and with depletion/exhaustion of petroleum resources of the world. Use of ethanol as an ingredient in beverages is well known. It is a major source of revenue by way of excise duty for the State Governments. 1.3.0 NEED OF EIA STUDIES Industrial activities invariably involve utilization of natural resources and generation of waste substances and therefore likely to have adverse consequence to the environment. There is a need to harmonies developmental activities with the environmental concern. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is one of the tool available with planners to achieve the above goal. Before venturing the project it is necessary to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment studies and to evolve mitigation measures to combat adverse consequences. EIA foresee and address the environmental problems/concerns at an early stage of project planning and design. As per the EIA notification of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), Government of India dated 14.09.2006, for establishment of the new industry or expansion of the existing industry, it is mandatory for the project proponents to obtain Prior Environmental Clearance from the authorities in accordance with the guidance of the said notification. Accordingly, the industry has conducted EIA studies for their pro1

posed expansion project and a draft EIA report is prepared. All the environmental concerns relevant to this project including those specified by MoEF are covered under the EIA studies. The present report is the summary of draft EIA studies for circulation and ascertains the concerns of local affected persons and others having plausible stake in the environmental impacts of the project activities. 1.4.0 LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE The project is proposed to be located at Huligeri Village in Badami taluk of Bagalkot district. The site suitable for the industry consisting of about 40 acres land is identified. The site is about 1 km from HubliSollapur N.H.-218. and 14 km from Bagalkot city. The nearest village Kerakalmatti is about 2 km from the site. The location is basically agrarian and is in backward region of the state. The location of site and its surrounding is dry, rain fed and poorly cultivated. There are no eco sensitive areas such as National park, Wild life sanctuary, Historical places, Archeological structures, Protected forests and Bio-sphere reserve with in 20 km from the site. However, the perennial river Ghataprabha is flowing at 12 km N from the site. 2.0.0 DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT Base line environmental data were collected primary and secondary sources for the study area 10 km region from the site. The environmental parameters studied were weather, air, water, soil, ecology and socio-economical status. The region experiences dry climate with hot summer and moderate winter. Monthly maximum temperature during summer and minimum temperature during winter reach to 41.4 0C and 17.5 0C, respectively. Relative humidity is in the range of 27 % to 56 % during summer and 56 % to 84 % during monsoon. Annual rain fall is in the range of 314 mm to 828 mm. Average annual rain fall is 600.5 mm and most of the precipitation occurs during July to October. Light to moderate winds with monthly mean velocities of 1.6 km/hr to 4.6 km/hr blow through the year. Predominant directions of wind are N-E, S-W, and E. Ambient air quality of the study area was monitored at 6 different locations. The concentration of pollutants such as SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NOX were measured. Maximum concentration (g/m3) of these pollutants is SPM 110.6, RSPM 41.8, SO2 15.3

and NOX 16.2. Permissible limits of these parameters for rural area are SPM 200, RSPM 100, SO2 80 and NOX 80, respectively. The quality of air in the region appears to be good and with in the permissible limits for the rural area. The quality of ground water samples from 5 bore wells around the site and surface water samples from Ghataprabha river and Muchkandi pond were monitored. The river water is suitable for drinking after conventional treatment and disinfection. The hardness and dissolved solids of some of the bore well waters is above the desirable limits and with in the permissible limits for drinking water. In the absence of alternative source this water can be used for drinking purpose. The quality of soil samples collected from 7 different locations in the study area was analyzed. The soil in the region is sandy loam to medium black cotton soil. The soils are slightly alkaline with moderate organic carbon and other nutrients. The soil is fertile and suitable for agriculture. The region is basically agrarian and crops cultivated are paddy, maize, sun flower, cotton and sugar cane. No forests or thick plantations in the region. There is no endangered flora or fauna species in the region. 3.0.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 3.1.0 MANUFACTURING PROCESS

Alcohol with a chemical formula of CH3 CH2OH, as per international nomenclature (IUPAC) is known as Ethanol. It is commonly referred as Ethyl alcohol. In practice, ethanol is simply referred as alcohol or spirit. The distillery is proposed to operate on molasses as raw material with a provision to use grains as raw material in the event of molasses scarcity in the country. Ethanol is manufactured by fermentation of diluted molasses in presence bio-culture (yeast) and nutrients (phosphate and urea). The fermented solution (wash) is clarified to separate spent yeast from the product. The wash contains about 8% alcohol. It is purified in series of distillation columns to produce different grades of ethanol. The fermented solution after separation of alcohol is referred as spent wash. This contains significant quantities of organic and inorganic matter. If discharged on land or streams it will harm the environment. Hence, the spent wash will be treated and utilized as fuel in the plant itself.

3.2.0 LAND UTILIZATION A total of 40 acres land will be utilized for establishment of industry. It includes 10 acre built up area, 6 acre for effluent treatment plant and 8 acre open area for future expansion. Balance of 16 acres is meant for irrigation utilization of treated effluent and greenery development. 3.3.0 MAN POWER A total of 125 personnel including Executive, Managerial, Supervisors, skilled and unskilled labors will be required to the industry. The qualified and experienced personnel in the field are available in the region and shall be recruited. Employees will be residing in the near by villages and Bagalkot city. 3.4.0 RAW MATERIALS AND PRODUCT The products from the distillery will be 65 KLPD ethanol of industrial, potable and fuel grade. Molasses is the main raw material for manufacture of ethanol which is available as by-product from sugar industries. Requirement of molasses will be 280 T/d. Other chemicals such as urea, DAP, antifoaming agents etc., are used in small quantities. Maize will be used as raw material in case of molasses shortage in the country. In such case the requirement of maize will be 150 T/d. 3.5.0 WATER REQUIREMENT Fresh water requirement to the industry will be considerably reduced by various water conservation measures such as re-boilers to the distillation columns, reuse of spent lees water for molasses dilution and reuse of condensate water from evaporators as cooling water make up. Requirement of fresh water to the industry would be about 1170 m3/d for molasses bases unit and 1240 m3/d for grain bases unit and this will be met from bore-well source.

3.6.0 STEAM & POWER The requirement of steam and power for the proposed plant are given below. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Item Boiler capacity, Co-gen power plant Diesel generator, KVA Fuel for boiler Particulars 15 T/hr 1.2 MW 500 KVA Bio-mass (Rice husk /wood chips), Spent wash concentrate and Bio-gas The power requirement to the industry will be met from the captive co-gen power plant. 4.0.0 SOURCES OF POLLUTION AND MITIGATION MEASURES Pollution is likely to be caused by discharge of waste products such as waste water, gaseous emissions and solid wastes. Measures are incorporated in the industry to mitigate pollution due to these products. The source, control measures and disposal of wastes are presented below. 4.1.0 WASTE WATER Treatment & Disposal of Waste Water Sl. No. 1. Source Spent wash
Quantity m3/d

Treatment & Disposal The spent wash bio-methanated to generate bio-gas, concentrated in evaporator and then burnt as fuel in the incineration boiler. The biogas will also be used as fuel in the boiler. Neutralized and clarified and then utilized in development of greenery at site. Septic tank and soak pit



Effluent from boiler, cooling tower, plant washings. Domestic




As the spent wash is concentrated and completely utilized as fuel in the boiler. With measure as above the environment will not be affected by the waste water.

4.2.0 GASEOUS EMISSIONS The sources, air pollution control measures and disposal of gaseous emissions are given below. Source of gaseous emissions Flue gases from 15 T/hr boiler Fermenter gases 500 KVA diesel generator SPM, SO2 and NOx Ethanol vapor Water scrubber MCDS or Bag filter Through a chimney of 47 m height Through a stack of 3 m height Through a stack of 8 m height Air pollutants Air Pollution Control Measures Disposal

SO2 and NOx

Muffler, Acoustic room

4.3.0 SOLID WASTES AND ITS DISPOSAL Fermenter sludge of 4 T/d and boiler ash of 16 T/d are produced from the industry. Fermenter sludge contains plant nutrients such as nitrogen, potash, phosphate and organic carbon. This will be dried and then disposed to farmers for its use as biomanure or cattle feed. Boiler ash contains soil nutrients such as phosphate and potash. This is also disposed to farmers for its use as soil nutrient. 5.0.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This industry the An Environmental Management System will be established in the industry to implement and monitor environmental policy and programmes. It consists of the following. 5.1.0 Environmental Cell Environmental cell consisting Managing director and departmental heads will be created to effectively manage the environmental activities in the distillery. 5.2.0 Environmental Department Environmental department will be formed with environmental scientist, laboratory chemists and operators to implement and operate pollution control and environmental protection measures.

5.3.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme Self monitoring system will be established in the industry with man power and facilities to ascertain the compliances of environmental norms and standards. A laboratory is established to analyze waste water, soil, stack emission, ambient air etc. The parameters will be regularly monitored as per MoEF/KSPCB guidelines during operation of the industry. 5.4.0 Environmental Records Environmental department will maintain log sheets and manuals for operation and maintenance of pollution control and related facilities. Progress reports and statuary records as per environmental acts will also be maintained. 6.0 Environmental Management Plan A comprehensive environmental management plan is adopted consisting of environmental protection measures as indicated below. i. ii. Establishment of pollution control facilities. Operation and Maintenance of pollution control facilities. Green belt and greenery development in and around the factory site iii. Storm water management & Rain water harvesting iv. Paving and lining of roads, fuel and solid storage yards. v. The solid storage yard and spent wash storage tanks will be suitably lined to prevent percolation. vi. Personal health care programme, emergency management plan and safety management systems will be implemented in the distillery.

7.0 PROJECT BENEFITS i. Ethanol is produced from agro based renewable resources (molasses) which is the byproduct of the sugar industry. Ethanol is a source of fuel and raw material for many chemical products in addition to its use in beverages. It is a substitute to petroleum which is scarce, costly and environmental unfriendly. The proposed agro based distill-

ery has national priority to over come energy and foreign exchange crisis. Distillery industry also has export potentials to earn foreign exchange.

ii. With enhancement in sugar cane cultivation in the country, the production of molasses from the sugar industry has greatly increased. The sugar industries are facing the problem for storage and disposal of molasses. It is necessary to create additional capacity for utilization of molasses. This will enable sugar factories to give better prices to the farmers supplying sugar cane. iii. The plant nutrients present in spent wash are recovered in compost or boiler ash. These products are rich in micro and other nutrients and therefore useful to the formers to enhance the nutrient values of the soil. iv. The industry is established in the rural region of the state. The presence of the industry helps to develop road, transportation, communication and related facility in the region. The industry on expansion will provide direct and indirect employment to more than 500 local rural persons. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS i. M/s Kartik Agro Industries Private Limited is an Agro Based Company focused on the manufacture of ethanol, power and allied products. The company proposes to establish 65 KLPD ethanol plant at Huligeri village. Badami taluk, Bagalkoti district in, Karnataka state.
ii. The industry is located in the rural backward region of the state. The site and sur-

rounding is dry land. There are no protected forests, sanctuary, archeological important structures or other sensitive locations in the vicinity of the factory. Commencement of this industry will improve the economic status of this rural under- developed region. iii. The concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse will be practiced in the industry to

conserve resources and minimize wastes. The industry will adopt concentration cum incineration technology along with bio-methanation to achieve zero discharge of spent wash from the industry.
iv. The distillery is associated with co-gen power plant and the total requirement of

electric power will be met from captive source.

v. This industry does not produce any toxic products and does not have significant adverse effect on the quality of land, water and air. The industry has taken all the necessary preventive measures to mitigate even the small effects which may be caused by industrial activities. Therefore, the proposed industry will not have adverse effect on the environment or the eco system.
vi. The industry will adopt effective environment management system and environment management plan to protect the environment. The industry will give due priority for green belt development and rain water harvesting within and around the factory premises.

vii. The EIA report prepared along with the suggested measures for pollution control and
monitoring system is sufficient to protect the environment. Considering the benefits of

the industry a decision can be taken to accord environmental clearance for the proposed ethanol project.

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