MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - FBI Special Agent 58-11-17!03!00446

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Event: Interview of FBI Special A:gent ..I .... of event: Interview

Dates: November 17, 2003

Special ..Access Issues: None

\(,\Prepared ...~y: Michael Jacobson

\,eam Number: IA

V~cation: FB('~.~n Diego Field Office

P~hicipants - Nen-Commissiom Assistant General Cou~~el Randy Blair

Particlpants - Commisston: Hyon Kim, Michael fracobslri '

. Tara~lshi Invest}
Iwa~"i~terviewed about his involvemen; in th~
i . .. ~""'I"'!I'~~

\. invest ..igation, '- ...............
.. _T_a_r_a.;..;..;.~...
-...oI!"-..,..-....---...oI!"-- ..... r--"'I""~-~

\?fficer ......... .,....-"!"'_ ...

. ..
During a search of one of ~~··hijackers vJic1es, th~ agents found a medical
prescriptionfor Mi .. . : : :

9/11 Classified Information

'\ Tarabishi was also connected tol had bee~1 i i'~d I

I \ J~e was still "lawY~'~'1 \ Ihad traveled to ~,an
Die?? one,. and Tar?bishi hel~ed fa~~lit~teth~ visit. does not know .ab?ut a~i
additional information regarding a re"la.~~onshlpbetwee nd Tarabishi, ,/

", addition~'1 "information about the relationshi b~~'~een

9/11 Classified Information

.He knows that the women at his dentalpractice have.5h~dors, and the

9/11 Closed by Statute
9/11 Personal Privacy
, I .-_~~"'~

~,\ ..\ '::~~~~~;::"""">"~en are bearded. T~rabi-shi..i~. also a regular attendee at the mosque. He's well known in
• .... ;""" '.:::S.>.. "",~~~'l\1uslim community, and islookedat as a good knowledgeable follower of the Koran.
\0. '\ ...., ..:::::::...... He. doesn't think they tried to get a materialwitness for Tarabishi.

~\~\ '<';:;;":' ""l;I~ "got.onto" No~m~n becaus~ he was o~;~~, in~~ancep~perw~[k (with Hazro jl
\,.\...\\ ..... '.:rl1ey found this information In the vehicle that Hazmi left at the airport.] I
\\'\, \~\\" w~...t~e insurance agent on the policy. She disclaimed all knowledge of the hijackers and
'\\\ .".::\
.: " thei~:~Ss,ociates>.rhey were able to track down Noaman in LA. He thinks that Noaman
\\\\ \,\:.. \.. was·tr{~iverside county andmay have been in Irvine. Noaman is a common name, and
\\.\ \'\:"""'" he has'.:r~~Hy members elsewhere, There was one address in Anaheim and another in
\\\\ .....
:\.. Pomona.vfhey may have. tried to get.a material witness warrant for him. He doesn't
\\\\. \":':\.r~membe·r.:~~yih~ng else about Noamanx ..

. \....... Da~~~·.::~~~:·riQ
idea Wh: Puad Bazar~h 'is';"
'\\.\ \\\\\ As far~I:::.:'\ \ Ihe has ~~rt'i,n Norwa~ f~r7~.10 years, He has a nephew in
\,\,\,\ S'~*Die 0 an4 ....-..:... Is the caseagent for that iriVe~tigatio~,.1 lunderstands
\ \,,\\,th~~. was in S~Q:.pleso 2-3 years inarow. He's an lraqJ..Kurdfrom lrbil He
\,\,\.... . . . "e. '. ayoumi helpedfacilitate the yjsitl I
\ \. \. '. \..... ...doesn 't know about otherspeaking engagements which
\. a m t e U.~:' 14~r~is'.~ large Iraqi Kurdi~.h··communit in San Diegol . I
\. note :\ \ ... oesn 'tknow 8.l)out conne . ns e ... '. nAlbany. He
\. kn9~s\;l'bout 'the connection t '. \:.... but doesn't know' any other details
• \' He.....
doesn't know abQ.~ ." onnections tol I He doesn't
'~n~yi about a~Y.~relationships that \\ as with al-Qa'Idamembers in the U.S. He is

,,</se~n. 'tre
/<\ \\, is nothing
d~'~n 't know
suspic'i~~s abo~t~'\" "
much about elsea out
~nd H~~~ati.~~~,,~el~~,~nshi~: !
.» .» .>:

.' nd Ba ~umi's relationship that he has

nvestigation and what they
are\~di~g ~r(h: Tb~~h: j;onnectjq{beiween an; al-~a'ida that he's seen is
// th~'Cl~' t.Q.l .', He hasn 't eard pf th{ I
.// that \ ......... av osted binalshib inDecemberl200:i. He
isn't familiar with the
// ../~epo. m~, out \, looking for fli ht\~c~ools fo~ Sir) Ladin. He's n~ involvell iD
::./ ./ looking a ' IS the case ~gen~ on that; an~

//(// "is.the.,c.~.seagent~\'H~I· .....---- ....

l~;;:/ \ 11/
9/11 Law Enforcement Pri vacy \.,0/

9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

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