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National Institute on Aging

What is Your Aging I.Q.?

TRUE AND FALSE 1. Ever one !e"o#es Asenile@ sooner or later$ i% he or she lives long enough. (. A#eri"an %a#ilies have ! an' large a!an'one' their ol'er #e#!ers. *. De+ression is a serious +ro!le# %or ol'er +eo+le. -. The nu#!ers o% ol'er +eo+le are gro&ing. /. The vast #a0orit o% ol'er +eo+le are sel%1su%%i"ient. 2. .ental "on%usion is an inevita!le$ in"ura!le "onse3uen"e o% ol' age. 5. Intelligen"e 'e"lines &ith age. 6. Se,ual urges an' a"tivit nor#all "ease aroun' age //127. 8. I% a +erson has !een s#o4ing %or *7 o% -7 ears$ it 'oes no goo' to 3uit. 17. )l'er +eo+le shoul' sto+ e,er"ising an' rest #ore. 11. As ou gro& ol'er$ ou nee' #ore vita#ins an' #inerals to sta health . 1(. )nl "hil'ren nee' to !e "on"erne' a!out "al"iu# %or strong !ones an' teeth. 1*. E,tre#es o% heat an' "ol' "an !e +arti"ularl 'angerous to ol'er +eo+le. 1-. .an ol'er +eo+le are hurt in a""i'ents that "oul' have !een +revente'. 1/. .ore #en than &o#en survive to ol' age. 12. Deaths %ro# stro4e an' heart 'isease are 'e"lining. 15. )l'er +eo+le on the average ta4e #ore #e'i"ations than ounger +eo+le. 16. )l'er +eo+le are #ore sus"e+ti!le to "on artists than ounger +eo+le. 18. 9ersonalit "hanges &ith age$ 0ust li4e hair "olor an' s4in te,ture. (7. Sight 'e"lines &ith age.

What is Your :len'e' Fa#il I.Q.?

TRUE AND FALSE 1. A:len'e' Fa#il @ is the +oliti"all "orre"t na#e %or ste+ %a#ilies. (. The nu#!er o% !len'e' %a#ilies in the U.S. is in"reasing. *. A #a0or reason %or the in"rease in !len'e' %a#ilies is !e"ause o% an in"rease in the nu#!er o% &i'o&s &ho re#arr . -. Ste+ %a#ilies are generall +er"eive' as having #ore +ro!le#s an' not !eing as "lose. /. Ste+ #others are o%ten +ortra e' #ore negativel than ste+ %athers. 2. E,ten'e' %a#il relationshi+s are #ore "o#+li"ate' an' #ore 'i%%i"ult to %or# in !len'e' %a#ilies. 5. Finan"ial resour"es %or !len'e' %a#ilies are al&a s #ore straine' than in tra'itional %a#ilies. 6. 9lanning an' i#+le#enting are #ore 'i%%i"ult in !len'e' %a#ilies. 8. Ti#e #anage#ent is #ore 'i%%i"ult in !len'e' %a#ilies. 17. The greatest "hallenge %or a !len'e' %a#il is 'ealing &ith the e,+e"tations o% outsi'ers. 11. Develo+#ent o% the #arrie' "ou+le relationshi+ is uni3ue to the !len'e' %a#il . 1(. .ourning %or the loss o% %a#il #e#!ers is a ne"essar 'evelo+#ental tas4 %or !len'e' %a#ilies. 1*. .arital satis%a"tion in the re#arriage is li4el to !e higher than in the %irst #arriage. 1-. A'oles"ent !o s have the greatest 'i%%i"ult a'a+ting to the ste+1%a#il situation. 1/. It ta4es %ro# *1/ ears %or !len'e' %a#ilies to 'evelo+ into a strong %a#il unit. 12. The a'ult %e#ale o% the !len'e' %a#il is li4el to re"eive #ore hel+ aroun' the house. 15. I#+le#enting in !len'e' %a#ilies "an !e !etter !e"ause hus!an'1&i%e 'e"isions are #ore li4el share' in se"on' #arriages. 16. Ste+ #others +a "hil' su++ort 0ust as o%ten as ste+ %athers. 18. A #a0or 'evelo+#ental tas4 o% !len'e' %a#ilies is !oun'ar #aintenan"e. (7. When ou thin4 o% ste+ %a#ilies$ the ;;;;;;;;;;;; %a#il i##e'iatel "o#es to #in'.

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