The Lion King

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The Cast In alphabetical order, with translations of the names where applicable: Banzai [Skulk / Lurk] : Most uick tempered of the !"enas# $est with come backs# %ffsets Shen&i and 'd uite well# (Cheech Marin) Ed : The stupidest !"ena# !e has a $ill the Cat stare# *oted b" warts on the ton+ue and holes in the ears# Too stupid or slow to lie at the ri+ht time# (,im Cummin+s) Chaka1 : Simba-s and *ala-s cub# !e completes the Circle# Mufasa : Current .in+ of the /ride Lands# 0ell1built lion# Thick mane# $rown e"es# Biiig Kitty. 2ather of Simba# %lder brother of Scar# (,ames 'arl ,ones) Nala : 2riend and companion of Simba# She can pin Simba in a wrestlin+ match# 3s an adult she and Simba fall in lo4e, prolon+in+ a tradition the" refused as cubs# Pumbaa [Simpleton] : 3 well1padded wart1ho+ and friend of Timon# 3 little slow, but when he catches on, it-s surprisin+ what he can do# !as a flatulence problem# ('rnie Sabella) Rafiki [2riend] : 3 mandrill whose role is of a m"stical shaman# %utwardl" he appears to be cra&", but in realit" he is 4er" wise# (5obert 6uillaume) Sa abi [Mira+e] (Mad+e Sinclair): Mother of Simba# 0ife of Mufasa# 5eddish e"es# Leader of the lionesses# Sa afina : *ala-s mother# 2riend of Sarabi# (7oe Leader) S!a : 8oun+er $rother of Mufasa# 9ncle of Simba# 0ell chiseled, bon" features# 2lat $lack matted mane# 3spires to be kin+ of /ride 5ock b" deceit, due to his thin si&e and weak stature# !is claws are alwa"s partl" e:tended# !as a 4ertical scar around his ri+ht e"e that presumabl" accounts for his name# (,erem" Irons) Sh"nzi [9ncouth]: 2emale of the !"ena trio# Ma;or attitude# /robabl" the smartest and deals the best with Scar# Most e4en temper# (0hoopi 6oldber+) Simba [Lion] : The cub of Mufasa# Soon to be .in+ of /ride 5ock# Initiall" a cub, later an adult# 5eddish1brown e"es, from his mother# 3s an adult, he-s not as well built as his father was# 2riend of /umbaa and Timon# (,onathan Ta"lor Thomas / Matthew $roderick) (Sin+in+: ,ason 0ea4er / ,oseph 0illiams)

Tim#n : 3n outcast meerkat< a friend of /umbaa# =er" self1reliant, uite a fast talker (like a used car salesman)# Stands about >? tall# (*athan Lane) $azu : The .in+-s lo"al ser4ant# 3 hornbill, which is a lar+e1beaked bird# (5owan 3tkinson) Th" S! i%& @%pen, $lack screenA @Start nature sound effectsA @Cue Castle screenA @2ade to blackA @Cue lion roar in the back+round, callin+ the animals to +ather to /ride 5ock for the Ceremon"#A [T!' CI5CL' %2 LI2']B [ MS: Male Sin+er $S: $ack+round Sin+er 2S: 2emale Sin+er (lead) ]

@Sunrise on 3frican +rassland, li+htl" treed, in time with openin+ chant to The Circle of LifeA MS: *ants in+on"ama ba+ithi baba $S: Sithi uhhmm in+on"ama [There comes a lion] [%h "es, it-s a lion]

@=arious shots of animals raisin+ their heads at the sunrise: rhinos, antelope, a cheetah, meerkats, storks###A MS: *ants in+on"ama ba+ithi baba $S: Sithi uhhmm in+on"ama In+on"ama MS: Si"o * oba

[There comes a lion] [%h "es, it-s a lion]

[0e-re +oin+ to con uer]

Id just like to announce here that TLK won the years American Music Award. Yaay!

$S: In+on"ama In+on"ama nen+w- enamabala @repeats CA

[It-s a lion and a ti+er]

In+on"ama nen+w- enamabala (Se1to1kwaD) In+on"ama nen+w- enamabala (3sana) @repeats EA @The Circle of Life +round forms in the $S-s and holds its pattern for ei+ht bars# It is a non1chordal $S part# The pro+ressions are in the medium ran+es of the strin+s# =arious pans and camera 4iews of 3frican animals, all mo4in+# Coincidin+ with the 2S pickup in the ei+hth bar, we first 4iew the +iraffes, pannin+ to a lon+ shot of all the animals in their processionA [The Circle of life te:t] 2S: 2rom the da" we arri4e on the planet 3nd blinkin+, step into the sun There-s more to see than can e4er be seen More to do than can e4er be done

@Camera is pannin+ and ;umpin+ to elephants, &ebras, ants, birds, storks, etc, etc ###A There-s far too much to take in here More to find than can e4er be found $ut the sun rollin+ hi+h In the sapphire sk" .eeps +reat and small on the endless round @0hen the ?The Circle of Life? is mentioned the lon+ distance pan centers on /ride 5ock where all the animals are +atherin+# Mufasa is on /ride 5ock# Lon+ camera arc to Mufasa and 7a&u#A It-s the Circle of Life 3nd it mo4es us all @7a&u bows to Mufasa, who smiles and nods at himA Throu+h despair and hope Throu+h faith and lo4e @3ppearance of 5afiki, the mandrill# !e passes between ranks of animals, who bow to him< he then climbs /ride 5ock to where Mufasa is standin+#A Till we find our place %n the path unwindin+

@5afiki and Mufasa embrace#FA In the Circle The Circle of Life @Gecrescendo in $S# 2S drops out# /an 2lute takes simple lead#A @Mufasa leads 5afiki o4er to Sarabi who is holdin+ SimbaA @5afiki puts the ;uice and sand he collects on Simba-s brow11 3 ceremonial crown# !e then picks Simba up and ascends to the point of /ride 5ock# Mufasa and Sarabi follow# 0ith a crescendo in the music and a restatement of the refrain, 5afiki holds Simba up for the crowd to 4iew# 2S: ItHs The Circle of life @The crowd starts howlin+, stampin+, etc### A 3nd it mo4es us all Throu+h despair and hope Throu+h faith and lo4e @The clouds part and a sunbeam hi+hli+hts 5afiki and Simba on /ride 5ock#A Till we find our place @The crowd bows down, one b" oneA In the path unwindin+ @Camera slowl" &ooms out to a strikin+ panoramic 4iew of the /resentation#A In the Circle The Circle of life @$ass drum hit (fff) and immediate switch to black screen with title ?The LI%* .I*6? in blood1red caps#A [Mouse / Challen+e Scene] @Cue mouse soundsA

Look here. As Za u !lies u" to #reet Mu!asa$ we notice just how !ar out into s"ace the ti" o! %ride &ock juts. Mu!asa is standin# way out there on the ed#e o! the rock. 'ow &a!iki a""roaches$ and the animals make way !or him. (ut to Mu!asa$ still sittin# near the ed#e. &a!iki comes up over the front o! the rock to em)race Mu!asa. 'ow just how the heck did &a!iki do that* As admiral+jhuni,.hc! writes$ -May)e he has a really #ood .ertical./

@=isual fade into mouse in ca4eA @Mouse comes out and starts preenin+ in the li+ht# $e+ins sniffin+# $ecomes fri+htened# Suddenl" a lar+e lion paw swoops down and catches it#A @Cue the Scar theme (dissonant, slow, reed theme)# 2ade in slowl" and up full durin+ speechA @Camera switch to Scar holdin+ the s ueakin+ and stru++lin+ mouse in his paw# !e talks to it while pla"in+ with itA Scar: Life-s not fair, is itI 8ou see I 11 well, I### shall ne4er be .in+# @e:hale li+htl"A 3nd "ou### shall ne4er see the li+ht of another da"# @closed1mouth lau+hter# Starts to place the mouse on his e:tended ton+ueA ### 3dieu### @ uiet lau+hA 7a&u : @Interruptin+A Gidn-t "our mother e4er tell "ou not to pla" with "our foodI Scar: @Li+ht si+h# The mouse is under his paw#A 0hat do you wantI 7a&u: I-m here to announce that .in+ Mufasa is on his wa"# @bowsA JSo "ouHd better ha4e a +ood e:cuse for missin+ the ceremon" this mornin+# @The mouse runs awa" from ScarA Scar: %h now look, 7a&u# 8ouH4e made me lose m" lunch# 7a&u: !ahD 8ou-ll lose more than that when the .in+ +ets throu+h with "ou# !e-s as mad as a hippo with a hernia# Scar: %hhh### I ui4er with 'E(R # @%n K2'35L Scar crouches down and is barin+ his teeth at 7a&u#A 7a&u: @4er" concernedA *ow Scar, don-t look at me that wa"### !'L/DDDD @Scar uickl" pounces on the bird, catchin+ him in his mouth#A Mufasa: @almost immediatel" and off1cameraA ScarD J Scar: @Mouth fullA Mm1hmm###I Mufasa: Grop him# 7a&u: @Speakin+ from Scar-s mouthA Impeccable timin+, "our ma;est"#

@Scar spits the $ird out, co4ered with sali4aA 7a&u: @SlimedA '""ccch# Scar: @Sarcasticall" o4er;o"edA 0h"D If it isn-t m" bi+ brother descendin+ from on hi+h to min+le with the commoners# Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn-t see "ou at the presentation of Simba# Scar: @2akin+ astonishmentA That was today? %h, I feel simpl" awful. @!e turns and start scrapin+ his claws on the rock wall# 7a&u crin+es at the sound#A Scar: @3dmirin+ his clawsA ###Must ha4e slipped m" mind# 7a&u: 8es, well, as slipper" as "our mind is, as the kin+-s brother, you should ha4e been first in lineD @Scar clicks his teeth at 7a&u, who has flown near his face# 7a&u takes co4er behind Mufasa-s forele+# Scar bends down to speak to him#A Scar: 0ell, I was first in line, ### until the little hairball was born# Mufasa: @Lowerin+ his head and meetin+ Scar e"e to e"eA That KhairballL is m" son 1and your future kin+# Scar: %hh, I shall practice m" curts"# @Scar turns awa" and starts to e:itA Mufasa: @Menacin+A Gon-t turn "our back on me, Scar# Scar: @Lookin+ backA %n, no, Mufasa# /erhaps you shouldn-t turn your back on me# Mufasa: @5oars and literall" ;umps in front of Scar barin+ his teeth for the first timeA Is that a challengeI Scar: Temper, temper# I wouldn-t dream of challen+in+ "ou# 7a&u: /it"D 0h" notI Scar: @Lookin+ at 7a&uA 0ell, as far as brains +o, I +ot the lion-s share# $ut, when it comes to brute stren+th @lookin+ at MufasaA ###I-m afraid I-m at the shallow end of the +ene pool# @':it ScarA

7a&u: @Geep si+hA There-s one in e4er" famil" sire### Two in mine actuall"# @perches on Mufasa-s shoulderA 3nd the" alwa"s mana+e to ruin special occasions# Mufasa: 0hat am I +oin+ to do with himI 7a&u: !e-d make a 4er" handsome throw ru+# Mufasa: @Chidin+A 7a&uD 7a&u: 3nd ;ust thinkD 0hene4er he +ets dirt", "ou could take him out and beat him# @The" e:it chucklin+# /an out into open Sa4annah#A [/aintin+ Scene] @5ise in musicMKThis LandL track11 with theme stated in 3frican flute, it broadens e4entuall" with chorus and full orchestra# 0e see a rainstorm +entl" crossin+ the Sa4annah# Multi1la"ered approach to 5afiki-s tree# Camera switch to inside# 5afiki is doin+ hand paintin+s on the wall# 0e see he is completin+ a lion cub#A 5afiki: @Mutters to himself, in which the word ?Simba? can be heardA !mmm### 3h heh heh heh heh heh### @completin+ the ceremonial crown in the paintin+A Simba# 5afiki: !mmm#### 3h heh heh heh heh heh#### @completin+ the ceremonial crown in the paintin+A Simba# @!orns and brass close theme in a statel" manner with a decrescendo, fade to black keepin+ the paintin+ of the cub as a crosso4er to the fade in of /ride 5ock in earl" mornin+A [The Sunrise / /ouncin+ Scene] @Simba is seen comin+ out on the rock# !e runs back into the ca4e and leaps o4er se4eral of the lionesses, accidentall" ;umpin+ on a few#A Simba: GadD Daad! Come on, Gad, we +otta +o, wake upD 5andom Lioness: %omphD Simba: Sorr"D @Simba starts to wake MufasaA Simba: GadI Gaad# Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad4...

0o ahead$ count 1em u" and see i! this isnt the e,act num)er.

Sarabi: @%4er Simba-s endless noise of KGadLs, sleepil"A 8our son#### is awake#### Mufasa: @3lso sleepil"A $efore sunrise, he-s your son# Simba: GadI GaadD Come on, GadD @tu+s at Mufasa-s ear#A GaaM 0hoaD @!e loses his +rip on Mufasa-s ear, and slips and crashes into somethin+ off camera# !e then comes runnin+ back on screen and butts Mufasa# Mufasa sleepil" e"es his son#A Simba: 8ou promisedD Mufasa: @Seein+ his son-s impatienceA %ka", oka"# I-m up# I-m up# Simba: 8eahD @Mufasa "awns a well1recorded lion "awn, Mufasa and Sarabi follow Simba up to the top of /ride 5ock# Simba rubs up a+ainst Sarabi, she nud+es him ahead and sta"s behind# Gepartin+ shot of her, with a lo4in+ e:pression# The sunrise illuminates the top of /ride 5ock impressi4el"# $oth Simba and Mufasa are on the point# Cue music#A Mufasa: Look Simba# '4er"thin+ the li+ht touches is our kin+dom# Simba: Wow# @The camera pans from a re4erse 4iew to a frontal shotA Mufasa: 3 kin+-s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun# %ne da" Simba, the sun will set on m" time here1 and will rise with "ou as the new kin+# Simba: 3nd thisHll all be mineI Mufasa: !erything. Simba: '4er"thin+ the li+ht touches### @Simba looks all around# !e 4iews the rip1rap can"on in the distance, to the ri+htA 0hat about that shadow" placeI Mufasa: That-s be"ond our borders< "ou must ne4er +o there, Simba# Simba: $ut I thou+ht a kin+ can do whate4er he wants# Mufasa: %h, there-s more to bein+ kin+ than11 +ettin+ "our wa" all the time# @Mufasa starts back down the rockA Simba: @3wedA There-s moreI

Mufasa: @ChucklesA Simba# @Camera switch# Mufasa and Simba are out walkin+ on the sa4annahA Mufasa: '4er"thin+ "ou see e:ists to+ether, in a delicate balance# 3s kin+, "ou need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures11 from the crawlin+ ant to the leapin+ antelope# Simba: $ut, Gad, don-t we eat the antelopeI Mufasa: 8es, Simba, but let me e:plain# 0hen we die, our bodies become the +rass# 3nd the antelope eat the +rass# 3nd so we are all connected in the +reat Circle of Life# 7a&u: @Li+hts on a nearb" rockA 6ood mornin+, sireD Mufasa: 6ood mornin+, 7a&u# 7a&u: Checkin+ in### with the mornin+ report# Mufasa: 2ire awa"# 7a&u: WellD The bu&& from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot ### @7a&u-s speech will continue throu+h without stop# Simba and Mufasa-s con4ersation is the focus#A Mufasa: @GistractedA %h, reall"I @Simba, uninterested in 7a&u, pounces at a +rasshopper and missesA 7a&u: @continuin+, not noticin+ Mufasa-s lack of enthusiasmA ### 3nd the baboons are +oin+ ape o4er this# %f course, the +iraffes are actin+ like the"-re abo4e it all#### Mufasa: @To SimbaA 0hat are "ou doin+, sonI Simba: @Gisappointedl" lookin+ in his empt" pawsA /ouncin+# Mufasa: Let an old pro show "ou how it-s done# 7a&u: ### The tick birds are peckin+ on the elephants# I told the elephants to for+et it, but the" can"t ### Mufasa: 7a&u, would "ou turn aroundI

7a&u: 8es, sire# @Continuin+ immediatel"A The Cheetahs are hard up, but as I alwa"s sa" ### Mufasa: @0hisperin+A Sta" low to the +round# 7a&u: Cheetahs ne4er prosperJ Simba: @0hisperin+A %ka", sta" low to the +round, ri+ht "eah ### 7a&u: @5eali&in+ somethin+ is amissA 0hatHs +oin+ onI Mufasa: 3 pouncin+ lesson# 7a&u: %h 4er" +ood# /ouncin+# @5eali&in+A #ouncing!?! %h no, sire, "ou can-t be serious ### @Mufasa motions for 7a&u to turn back around#A 7a&u: %h, ### this is so humiliating. Mufasa: @Still whisperin+A Tr" not to make a sound# 7a&u: 0hat are "ou tellin+ him MufasaI @Lookin+ around uneasil"# Simba and Mufasa ha4e seemin+l" disappearedA MufasaI ###SimbaI @Simba does a full pounce lea4in+ 7a&u stunned on the +roundA Mufasa: !a ha ha ha ha# That-s 4er" +ood# !a ha ha### @3 +opher emer+es under 7a&u#A 6opher: 7a&u# 7a&u: @':asperatedA 8esI 6opher: @Salutin+A Sir# *ews from the under+round# Mufasa: @to SimbaA *ow, this time11 7a&u: @Interruptin+ and with ur+enc"A SireD !"enasDD In the /ride LandsD Mufasa: @Serious nowA 7a&u, take Simba home# Simba: %h Gad, can-t I comeI Mufasa: @Curtl"A *o, son#

@Mufasa heads off at a full +allopA Simba: I ne4er +et to +o an"where# 7a&u: %h "oun+ master, one da" you will be kin+< then "ou can chase those slobberin+, man+", stupid poachers from dawn until dusk# @The" head off# Camera pulls back to wide 4iew of sa4annahA [Scar Tricks Simba Scene] @Camera chan+e to Scar on an o4erhan+in+ rock led+e# 0e see Scar pace a bit and kick an old bone off the ed+e#A @'nter SimbaA Simba: !e" 9ncle Scar, +uess whatD Scar: I despise +uessin+ +ames# Simba: $"m +oin+ to be kin+ of /ride 5ock# Scar: @Sarcasticall"A %h +oodee# Simba: @Lookin+ out o4er the ed+e of the rockAC M" Gad ;ust showed me the whole kin+dom, @+reedil"A and I-m +oin+ to rule it all# !eh heh# Scar: 8es# 0ellJ for+i4e me for not leapin+ for ;o"#### $ad back, "ou know# @Scar flops down on his side#A Simba: !e", 9ncle ScarI 0hen I-m kin+, what will that make "ouI Scar: 3 monke"-s uncle# Simba: !eh heh# 8ouHre so weird# Scar: 8ou ha4e no idea# JSo, "our father showed "ou the whole kin+dom, did heI Simba: !erythin+# Scar: !e didn-t show "ou what-s be"ond that rise at the northern borderJI

Thou#h only a""arent in the lower23uality "rints o! the !ilm$ the "ainted )ack#round !or this shot has .isi)le water dama#e.

Simba: @GisappointedA 0ell, noJ he said I can-t +o there# Scar: 3nd he-s absolutel" ri+htD It-s far too dan+erous# %nl" the bra4est lions +o there# Simba: 0ell, I-m bra4eD 0hat-s out th11 Scar: @Interruptin+A *o, I-m sorr" Simba< I ;ust can"t tell "ou# Simba: 0h" notI Scar: Simba, Simba< I-m onl" lookin+ out for the well1bein+ of m" fa4orite nephew# @Scar rubs and pats Simba-s headA Simba: @Snorts sarcasticall"A 8eah, ri+ht< I-m "our only nephew# Scar: 3ll the more reason for me to be protecti4eJ 3n elephant +ra4e"ard is no place for a "oun+ prince ### @fakin+ surpriseA %opsD Simba: @'nthusiasticA 3n elephant whatI 0hoaD Scar: @2akin+ disma"A %h dear, I-4e said too much#### 0ell, I suppose "ou-d ha4e found out sooner or later, "ou bein+ so cle4er and all#### @pullin+ Simba nearA %h, ;ust do me one fa4or11 /romise me "ou-ll ne4er 4isit that dr eadful place# Simba: @ThinksA *o problem# Scar: There-s a +ood lad# 8ou run alon+ now and ha4e fun# 3nd rememberJ it-s our little secret# @Simba lea4es the rock, Scar walks awa" with an e4il smile# Menacin+ music#A [$ath Scene 1 Intro to 0ater !ole Scene] @Simba is runnin+ down the slope of the bottom part of /ride 5ock# !e runs down towards two lionesses (Sarabi and Sarafina)# Sarafina is +i4in+ *ala a bath# Music is li+ht, almost ;a&&"# /an flute lead#A Simba: !e", *ala# *ala: !i, Simba# Simba: Come on# I ;ust heard about this +reat place# *ala: @Throu+h clenched teethA SimbaD I-m kind of in the middle of a bath#

Sarabi: 3nd it-s time for "ours# @Simba tries (too late) to escape< Sarabi bends down and +rabs him# She proceeds to +i4e the stru++lin+ cub a bath#A Simba: MomD ### %om# 8ou-re messin+ up m" mane# @Sarabi smilesA Simba: %ka", oka"< I-m clean# Can we +o nowI *ala: So where are we +oin+I It better not be an"place dumb# Simba: *o# It-s reall" cool# Sarabi: So where is this Kreall" coolL placeI Simba: %h#### @thinksA uh ### around the water hole# *ala: The water holeID 0hat-s so +reat about the water holeI Simba: @0hisperA I-ll show "ou when we get there# *ala: @0hisperA %h#### @normalA 9h#### Mom, can I +o with SimbaI Sarafina: !mmJ 0hat do "ou think, SarabiI Sarabi: 0ell### *ala and Simba: @throu+h broad, forced +rinsA /leeeeaseI Sarabi: It-s all ri+ht with me#### @*ala and Simba are o4er;o"edA *ala: 3ll ri+htD Simba: 8eahDD Sarabi: ###3s lon+ as 7a&u +oes with "ou# @Simba and *ala stop dead in their celebrationA Simba: *oD *ot &a'u# [0ater !ole Scene]

@Camera is at a +round an+le sli+htl" behind the cubs walkin+ towards the water hole# 7a&u is 4isible in the sk" o4erheadA 7a&u: Step li4el"# The sooner we +et to the water hole, the sooner we can lea4e# @Camera an+le chan+es to the cubs from an immediate real 4iewA *ala: @0hisperA So whereHre we really +oin+I Simba: @0hisperA 3n elephant +ra4e"ard# *ala: 0owD Simba: @0hisperA ShhhD 7a&u# *ala: @0hisperA 5i+ht# So how are we +onna ditch the dodoI @Camera switch to ;ust abo4e 7a&u# 0e hear the cubs whisperin+ back and forth belowA *ala: @0hisperin+A %h $ know how we can11 7a&u: @2l"in+ downA %h, ;ust loo( at "ou two# Little seeds of romance blossomin+ in the sa4annah# 8our parents will be thrilledJ @!e lands in front of themA Jwhat with "our bein+ betrothed and all# Simba: $e1whatI 7a&u: $etrothed# Intended# 3ffianced# *ala: Meanin+JI 7a&u: @3s thou+h holdin+ on to his coat lapelsA %ne da" "ou two are +oin+ to be married! Simba: )uc(! *ala: www! Simba: I can-t marr" her# She-s m" friend# *ala: 8eah# ItHd be too weird# 7a&u: 0ell, sorr" to bust "our bubble, but "ou two turtle do4es ha4e no choice# ItHs a traditionJ @Simba mimics 7a&u durin+ these last wordsA

7a&u: J+oin+ back +enerations# Simba: 0ell when $"m kin+, thatHll be the first thin+ to +o# 7a&u: *ot so lon+ as I-m around# @Start fadin+ in intro to KI ,ust Can-t 0ait to $e .in+LA Simba: 0ell in that case, "ou-re fired# 7a&u: !mmm#### *ice tr", but onl" the (ing can do that# @/okes Simba on the noseA *ala: 0ell, !e-s the future kin+# Simba: 8eah# @Thumpin+ 7a&u-s chestA So "ou ha4e to do what I tell "ou# 7a&u: *ot yet I don-t# 3nd with an attitude like that, I-m afraid "ouHre shapin+ up to be a prett" pathetic kin+ indeed# Simba: !mph# *ot the wa" $ see it# @2ull son+, colors chan+e to wild pop13frican# $ack+round abruptl" becomes surreal, bri+htl"1colored cartoon st"le#A Simba: I-m +onna be a mi+ht" kin+ So enemies bewareD> 7a&u: 0ell, I-4e ne4er seen a kin+ of beasts @/lucks hair where mane would beA 0ith uite so little hair @Simba +ets a mane of lea4esA Simba: I-m +onna be the mane e4ent Like no kin+ was before @Climbs lo+A I-m brushin+ up on lookin+ down I-m workin+ on m" 5%35DD

coo"ed+mercury.s! wrote4 -5id anyone think the kid sin#in# I6(7t)K sounded like Michael 6ackson when he had his real nose* 86ackson 9 era$ Motown: Anyone* Anyone*/ ; And the answer is* 6ason <Youn# =im)as sin#in# .oice> "layed youn# Michael 6ackson in the T? -The 6acksons/ )ack in the @As. 0ood ear$ coo"ed+mercury.s!

@%n ?5%35? he shouts at 7a&u, startlin+ him backwards into a puddleA 7a&u: @Gr"in+ on what appears to be a han+in+ towelA Thus far, a rather uninspirin+ thin+ @Camera pulls back< re4eals the ?towel? as the ear of a red elephant which hits 7a&u with its trunk as with a +olf club, sendin+ him skippin+ like a stone across a shallow pool of water< the cubs follow immediatel"#A Simba: %h, I ;ust can-t wait to be kin+D 7a&u: @Speakin+A 8ouH4e rather a lon+ wa" to +o, "oun+ master, if "ou think#### @2or this 4erse 7a&u is makin+ uick spoken1part replies to each line# Simba and *ala are on each side of 7a&u< as he turns to talk to one, the other makes faces at him#A Simba: *o one sa"in+ do this (7a&u: *ow when I said that, I11) *ala: *o one sa"in+ be there (7a&u: 0hat I meant was###) Simba: *o one sa"in+ stop that (7a&u: Look< what "ou don-t reali&e###) Simba and *ala: *o one sa"in+ see here (7a&u: *ow see hereD) Simba: 2ree to run around all da" (Simba and *ala are now ridin+ ostrichesA (7a&u: 0ell that-s definitel" out###) Simba: 2ree to do it all m" wa"D @/op1art st"le silhouette of Simba and *ala ridin+ their ostriches, with 7a&u fl"in+ in the fore+round as the music brid+es#A 7a&u: @2l"in+ ahead of the cubs, lookin+ back to speak to them and so not pa"in+ attention aheadA I think it-s time that "ou and I

3rran+ed a heart to heart @2lies into a rhinoA Simba: .in+s don-t need ad4ice 2rom little hornbills for a start @Li+hts on a branchA 7a&u: If this is where the monarch" is headed Count me outD %ut of ser4ice, out of 3frica I wouldn-t han+ about ### aaagh! @The camera pulls back to re4eal 7a&u has li+hted on a lo+ bein+ washed towards a waterfall# It disappears o4er the ed+e, elicitin+ a "ell of surprise from 7a&u# !e uickl" reappears fl"in+ towards and throu+h the camera#A This child is +ettin+ wildl" out of win+ Simba: %h I ;ust can-t wait to be kin+D @The cubs trot up a corridor of &ebras standin+ at attention< when 7a&u follows, the" all turn and raise their tails< 7a&u co4ers himself with a win+#A @*ala and Simba dance about under a mo4in+ herd of elephants while the 3frican flute leads a short instrumental se uence# 7a&u flies o4erhead, lookin+ for them# Simba ends up standin+ on a +iraffe-s headA '4er"bod" look left @7a&u s uawks as the herd tramples himA '4er"bod" look ri+ht @Simba hops up a ladder of +iraffe headsA '4er"where "ou look I-m @Slidin+ down a +iraffe-s neck into theatrical poseA Standin+ in the spotli+ht 7a&u: @Speakin+ but in strict timeA *ot "etD Chorus: Let e4er" creature +o for broke and sin+ Let-s hear it in the herd and on the win+ It-s +onna be .in+ Simba-s finest flin+

@The Chorus of hippos, anteatersN, antelopes, +iraffes, etc# form a p"ramid with the cubs on topA Simba O Chorus: %h I ;ust can-t wait to be kin+D %h I ;ust can-t wait to be kin+D %h I ;ust can-t waaaaaait ### to be kin+D @The p"ramid topples lea4in+ the rhino sittin+ on 7a&uA 7a&u: @MuffledA I be+ "our pardon, madam, but ### 6'T %22D### SimbaI *alaI ['lephant 6ra4e"ard 1 !"ena Scene] @Camera chan+e to Simba and *ala makin+ their wa" awa" from 7a&u# The" are lau+hin+A Simba: 3ll ri+ht, it workedD *ala: 0e lost -im# Simba: @3rro+antl"A I ### am a +enius# *ala: !e", 6enius, it was m" idea# Simba: 8eah, but $ pulled it off# *ala: 0ith meD Simba: %h "eahI### 5rarrDD @Simba ;umps at *ala< The" tussle uickl"# *ala ends on top and pins Simba with her forepaws, producin+ a resoundin+ thump#A *ala: !a# /inned "a# Simba: @3nno"edA !e", lemme up# @*ala turns awa", smirkin+# Simba looks at *ala and ;umps at her a+ain# The" tussle, rollin+ down a short hill# She pins him a+ain in the same position with another thump#A *ala: /inned "a a+ain#

&.a.d. sources re"ort the anteater to )e a nati.e o! =outh America. =ame with the lea!2cutter ants seen in the o"enin# se3uence. Bo"s...

@3 +e"ser makes a loud noise near b", e;ectin+ steam P# The camera pulls back to a 4iew of the surroundin+s that the cubs ha4e ;ust noticed# Mostl" in +ra"s, we see a dark cra++" 4ale filled with skeletons of elephants# 'erie music#A Simba: @3wedA This is it#### 0e made it# @The" look o4er the ed+e of the led+e the" are on# 3 lar+e bull elephant skull is nearb" Q# The camera follows to sur4e" the entire bleak 4iew#A Simba and *ala: Whoa! *ala: It-s reall" creep"# Simba: 8eah### isn-t it +reatI *ala: @5elishin+ her nau+htinessA 0e could +et in bi+ trouble# Simba: @'n;o"in+ it alsoA I know, huh# *ala: @Lookin+ at the skullA I wonder if its brains are still in there# Simba: @0alkin+ towards the skullA There-s onl" one wa" to know# Come on# LetHs +o check it out# @Simba walks towards the mouth of the skull# 7a&u flaps suddenl" up in front of him, emittin+ a shark s uawk of K0ron+DL and +i4in+ the audience a start#A 7a&u: The onl" checkin+ out "ou will do will be to check out of here# Simba: 3w, man. 7a&u: 0e-re way be"ond the boundar" of the /ride Lands# Simba: !uh# Look, banana beak is scared# !eh#

This is either methane !rom cor"se decom"osition or steam !rom some under#round hot s"rin# <.olcanic acti.ity on the =a.annah*!>. Its alternately red$ yellow$ or #reen de"endin# on the "articular )ack#round. The )ook -The Art o! the Lion Kin#/ and the TLK -Animated =tory)ook/ (52&BM )oth re!er to it as steam$ thou#h$ so steam it is. <To #et the story)ook to mention steam you ha.e to ask &a!iki to de!ine the word -#eyser/$ I recall.> Your #uess is as #ood as mine as to why its so .aried in color. 9 In an early conce"t "aintin# o! this )ack#round$ the skull is MC(D lar#er and is not "lanted in the #round )ut instead restin# in a lar#e "ool o! #rayish li3uid. %erha"s later the skull was mo.ed to dry land to dou)le as the hideout o! the three hyenas. In early story)oards$ this was "ro)a)ly the case... E,"lorin# in the #ra.eyard$ =im)a and 'ala stum)le into the !ront yard o! =hen i$ Fan ai$ and Eds home. The hyenas chase the cu)sG =car sees thisG =car !ormulates his "lan to use the hyenas. I su""ose the "ro)lem they had with this is that they would ha.e to justi!y =cars initial trickin# o! =im)a somehow$ without the hyenas. And so$ that is the reason the intro to -Fe %re"ared/ was cut.

7a&u: @/okin+ Simba in the noseA ThatHs %ister $anana $eak to "ou, fu''y. 3nd ri+ht now we are all in 4er" real dan+er# @Simba has mo4ed nearer to the entrance of the skullA Simba: Gan+erI !ahD I walk on the wild side# I laugh in the face of dan+er# *a ha ha ha! @2ollowin+ Simba-s confident lau+hter we hear more lau+hin+ from inside the skull# Simba runs back and hides behind *ala and 7a&u# Three h"enas emer+e from the skull-s e"es and mouth#A Shen&i: 0ell, well, well, $an&ai# 0hat ha4e we +ot hereI $an&ai: !mm# I don-t know Shen&i# 9hJ 0hat do "ou think, 'dI 'd: @Cra&" lau+hterA @The" circle around the cubs and 7a&u#A $an&ai: 8eah, ;ust what I was thinkin+# 3 trio of trespassersDD 7a&u: 3nd +uite b" accident, let me assure "ou# 3 simple na4i+ational error# 'h heh heh### Shen&i: 0hoa, whoa, wait wait wait#### I know "ou# @peerin+ close into the cameraA 8ou-re Mufasa-s little stooge# 7a&u: @0ith a bit of prideA $, madam, am the kin+-s ma;ordomo# Shen&i: @Lookin+ at SimbaA 3nd that would make you###I Simba: The future kin+# Shen&i: Go "ou know what we do to kin+s who step out of their kin+domI Simba: /uh# 8ou can-t do an"thin+ me# 7a&u: 9hh#### Technicall", the" can# 0e are on their land# Simba: $ut 7a&u, "ou told me the"-re nothin+ but slobberin+ man+" stupid poachers# 7a&u: @3side, surreptitiousl", to SimbaA I:1na" on the oopid1sta"### $an&ai: 0ho "ou callinH Koopid1sta"IDIL

7a&u: @!arriedA M", m", m"# Look at the sun# @starts to tr" to hasten the cubs awa"A ItHs time to +oD Shen&i: 0hat-s the hurr"I 0e-d lo!e "ou to stick around for dinner# $an&ai: 8eaaaahD 0e could ha4e whate4er-s ### lion around! 6et itI Lion aroundD @lau+hsA Shen&i: %h wait, wait, wait# I +ot one, I +ot one# Make mine a cub sandwich# 0hatcha thinkI @/eals of uncontrollable lau+hter# 'd ;umps up and starts +esticulatin+ and ;abberin+#A Shen&i: 0hatI 'dI 0hat is itI $an&ai: @Lookin+ where 'd is pointin+A !e", did we order this dinner to goI Shen&i: *o# 0h"I $an&ai: RCause there it goesDD @Camera 4iew to the cubs runnin+ off< the" stop after a bit# Suick camera ;ump showin+ 7a&u bein+ cau+ht in mid1fli+ht#A *ala: @%ut of breathA Gid we lose -emI Simba: @3lso out of breathA I think so#### 0here-s 7a&uI @Camera switch# The h"enas ha4e 7a&u near a steam 4ent# $an&ai is holdin+ the bird#A $an&ai: The little Ma;ordomo bird hippit"1hopped all the wa" to the birdie1boiler# @!e walks 7a&u to the 4ent and stuffs him into it, plu++in+ it up#A 7a&u: %h no#### *ot the birdie boiler! @It shoots him off in a cloud of 4aporA ,aaaaaaa...! @The h"enas start lau+hin+ h"stericall"A Simba: @%n a hill abo4e the h"enasA !e"D 0h" don-t "ou pick on somebod" "our own si&eI Shen&i: Like ### you? Simba: %ops# @The h"enas start chasin+ the cubs# The" dart around behind them and poke their heads throu+h an acti4e methane 4ent#A

Shen&i, $an&ai, 'd: Boo! @lau+hterA @The h"enas chase the cubs up and o4er the skull and the cubs slip awa" b" slidin+ down the skeletonHs spine# The" shoot off the end of the spine and land on a hillside of bones#A *ala: SimbaD @Simba turns around and is horrified to see *ala slippin+ back down the pile#A *ala: 3aaaieeD @Simba runs bra4el" back and claws Shen&i across the cheek, distractin+ her while *ala escapes# Shen&i becomes enra+ed and the" pursue the cubs uickl" and corner them in a ca4e#A C9T LI*'S @2or a reason unknown to me, the followin+ line was cut# It appeared on stor" boards and e4en in the promotional pamphlet for the mo4ie [as well as on the first series of collector-s cards 1$T]# It must ha4e been cut fairl" late in production#A Shen&i: Look, bo"sD 3 .in+ fit for a mealD

$an&ai: @'nterin+ the ca4e, tauntin+A !ere kitt", kitt", kitt"# @Simba tries to roar# !e produces a nice medium "owl#A Shen&i: %o1hooJ That was itI !ah# Go it a+ain#### come on# @Simba opens his mouth to roar a+ain, but we hear a full +rown lion roar#A Shen&i, $an&ai, 'd: !uhID @Mufasa char+es the h"enas from camera left and knocks them about until the" are crin+in+ under him#A Shen&i: %h, /lease, please# 9ncle# 9ncle# $an&ai: %w# %w# %w# Mufasa: @!alf roarA Silence! $an&ai: %h, we-re +onna shut up ri+ht now#

Shen&i: Calm down# 0e-re reall" sorr"# Mufasa: If "ou e!er come near m" son a+ain### Shen&i: %h this is ### this is your sonIDI $an&ai: %h your sonII Shen&i: Gid "ou know thatI $an&ai: -o#### MeI I1I1I didn-t know it# *o# Gid "ouI Shen&i: -o! %f course not# $an&ai: *o# Shen&i and $an&ai: 'dI 'd: @Stupidl" nods "esA @Mufasa roarsA $an&ai: JToodlesD @0ith a +unshot sound the" disappear# 7a&u li+hts in front of Mufasa, +i4in+ him a KthatHll show RemL nodJ $ut then withers under MufasaHs an+r" +lare#A Simba: @3pproachin+ his fatherA Gad, I ## Mufasa: @!arshl"A 8ou deliberatel" disobe"ed me# Simba: Gad, I-m#### I-m sorr"# Mufasa: @SternA LetHs +o home# @The" all start walkin+ out of the $urial 6rounds# The cubs ha4e their heads bent down in shame#A *ala: @0hisperin+A $ thou+ht "ou were 4er" bra4e# @The camera steadil" pans up one of the walls of the ca4e# It stops on a horrif"in+ ima+e of Scar, sittin+ on a led+e where he was watchin+ the cubsH near demise#A [Gisciplinar" 1 Stars Scene]

@Camera switch to out on the sa4annah# The cubs are still walkin+ in a shamed manner behind Mufasa# 7a&u is fl"in+ between#A Mufasa: @Still sternA 7a&uI 7a&u: @2l"in+ forward and li+htin+ in front of Mufasa, his trepidation showin+A 8es, sireI Mufasa: @SternA Take *ala home# I-4e +ot to teach m" son a lesson# @The camera 4iews the cubs# Simba hunkers low in the +rass as if to hide# 7a&u flies back to the cubs#A 7a&u: Come, *ala# Simba### @puts his win+s on Simba-s shoulders, +i4es a hea4" si+h, and then a reassurin+ patA 6ood luck# @7a&u and *ala lea4e# The camera 4iew is of Simba in the fore+round with Mufasa facin+ awa" from the camera in the back+round#A Mufasa: @Callin+, still 4er" sternA SimbaD @The word re4erberates in the ni+ht air#A @Simba slowl" turns and walks towards his father# The camera follows him forward# %minous "et sad music# Simba steps into a depression# Lookin+ down he sees that his forepaw fits inside ;ust the palmprint of his father-s paw# 3 4er" tense moment for Simba# It comes across to the audience that his father could easil" do much, much more than discipline Simba# [It also comes across that Simba has some rather bi+ shoes to fill, so to speak, and is onl" now reali&in+ his true position# 1$T] Simba is harshl" reminded of how small and "oun+ he is compared to his father# !e looks up and, uite coura+eousl", continues to come forward#A @Mufasa thinks silentl" for a few moments, not lookin+ at his son# Then, finall", he turns to him#A Mufasa: Simba, I-m 4er" disappointed in "ou# Simba: @=er" uietl" and sadl"A I know# Mufasa: @Continuin+A 8ou could ha4e been (illed. 8ou deliberatel" disobe"ed me# 3nd what-s worse,1 "ou put -ala in dan+erD Simba: @$orderin+ on cr"in+, 4oice cracksA I was ;ust tr"in+ to be bra4e like "ou# Mufasa: I-m onl" bra4e when I ha!e to be# Simba ### bein+ bra4e doesn-t mean "ou +o loo(ing for trouble# Simba: $ut "ou-re not scared of an"thin+#

Mufasa: I was toda"# Simba: @Gisbelie4in+A 8ou wereI Mufasa: 8es ### @bends down close to SimbaA I thou+ht I mi+ht lose "ou# Simba: %h# @Li+htenin+ sli+htl"A I +uess e4en kin+s +et scared, huhI Mufasa: Mm1hmm# Simba: @Conspiratoriall"A $ut "ou know whatI Mufasa: @0hisperin+ backA 0hatI Simba: I think those h"enas were e4en scareder. Mufasa: @6entle lau+hA Cause nobod" messes with "our dad# Come here, "ou# @Mufasa picks Simba up and starts +i4in+ him a -noo+ie-A Simba: %h no, no ### 3aa+hD rrrggh! ### @Music rises as Simba and Mufasa tussle pla"full" for a brief while#A Simba: %h, come here### @as Mufasa runs awa"A !ahD .otcha! @The" end up with Mufasa laid down and Simba on his headA Simba: GadI Mufasa: !mmI Simba: 0e-re pals, ri+htI Mufasa: @6entle lau+hA 5i+ht# Simba: 3nd we-ll always be to+ether, ri+htI Mufasa: @Sittin+ up, Simba now on shoulderA Simba, ### Let me tell "ou somethin+ that m" father told me ### Look at the stars# The +reat kin+s of the past look down on us from those stars# Simba: @3wedA /eally? Mufasa: 8es ### So whene4er "ou feel alone, ;ust remember that those kin+s will alwa"s be there to +uide "ou ### 3nd so will I#

[$e /repared Scene] @Camera switch from stars to !"ena ca4e# 3s we mo4e in the ca4e, we first hear $an&ai-s 4oice and e4entuall" see $an&ai and 'd to+ether with Shen&i to the side#A $an&ai: Man that lous" MufasaD I won-t be able to sit for a week# @we notice numerous scratches on $an&ai-s rearA 'd: @Lau+hsA $an&ai: It-s not funn", d# 'd: @Tries to stop lau+hin+, but bursts out worseA $an&ai: !e", shut up! 'd: @Can not stop lau+hin+A @$an&ai tackles 'd and the" start fi+htin+#A Shen&i: 0ill "ou knock it offD @$an&ai stops# 'd continues, bitin+ himself in the le+#A $an&ai: 0ell, he started it# Shen&i: Look at "ou +u"s# *o wonder we-re dan+lin+ at the bottom of the food chain# $an&ai: @0ith drool dan+lin+ from his mouthA Man, I hate dan+lin+# Shen&i: Sh"eahI 8ou know, if it weren-t for those lions, we-d be runnin0 the ;oint# $an&ai: 8eah# Man, I hate lions# Shen&i: So pushy# $an&ai: 3nd hairy# Shen&i: 3nd stin(y# $an&ai: 3nd man are the" ### Shen&i and $an&ai: )uu*+LEED @The" lau+h#A

Scar: @2rom his perch we saw in the !"ena chaseA %h, surel" we lions are not all that bad# $an&ai: %hh# @relie4ed from the surpriseA %h Scar, it-s ;ust "ou# Shen&i: 0e were afraid it was somebod" important# $an&ai: 8eah, "ou know, like Mufasa# Shen&i: 8eah# Scar: I see# $an&ai: *ow that"s power# Shen&i: Tell me about it# I ;ust hear that name and I shudder# $an&ai: Mufasa# Shen&i: @Shi4erin+A %oooh# ### Go it a+ain# $an&ai: Mufasa# Shen&i: %oooh# $an&ai: Mufasa# MufasaD MufasaD Shen&i: @$uilds up h"sterical lau+hterA ### %oohD It tin+les me# Scar: I-m surrounded b" idiots# $an&ai: *ot "ou Scar, I mean, "ou-re one of us# I mean, "ou-re our pal# Scar: @SarcasticA Charmed# Shen&i: %hh, I li(e that# !e-s not kin+, but he-s still so proper# $an&ai: 8eah# !e", he" he"# Gid "a brin+ us an"thin+ to eat, Scar, old budd", old palI !uhI Gid1"a1did1"a1did1"aI Scar: I don-t think "ou reall" deser4e this# @!olds out a &ebra haunch#A I practicall" +ift wrapped those cubs for "ou# @Grops le+ to h"enasA 3nd "ou couldn-t e4en dispose of them# @Intro fade1in on K$e /reparedLA

Shen&i: @Chewin+ with full mouthA 0ell, "a knowJ it wasn-t e:actl" like the" was alone, Scar# $an&ai: 8eah# 0hat are we supposed to doI### @swallowA .ill MufasaI Scar: #recisely. @The three h"enas pause from eatin+ and look up at Scar uestionin+l"#A @Three1top flutter to coincide with Scars leaps down to the !"enas# Start full son+#A C9T LI*'S @Gue to plot ad;ustment, the intro lines to the music track K$e /reparedL were cut# The" were ori+inall" a monolo+ue of Scar tr"in+ to decide whether to use the h"enas or not# These were cut presumabl" to allow for the earlier entrapment of the cubs bein+ credited to Scar# The monolo+ue does, howe4er, appear on the soundtrack#A Scar: @Spoken o4er what is now faded introA I ne4er thou+ht !"enas essential# The"-re crude and unspeakabl" plain# $ut, ma"be there-s a +limmer of potential If allied to m" 4ision and brain# @Scar walks calml" throu+h sheets of flame and +as into the camera o4er the openin+ bit of the son+A Scar: @2ull son+A @Scar paces slowl" around 'd, who is chewin+ on the remnants of the &ebra le+A I know that "our powers of retention 3re as wet as a wartho+-s backside $ut thick as "ou are, pa" attention @!e an+ril" swats the bone awa"< 'd comes to abrupt attentionA M" words are a matter of pride It-s clear from "our 4acant e:pressions The li+hts are not all on upstairs @0a4in+ his paw in front of 'd-s blank e"es to make his point< 'd-s ton+ue lolls outA $ut we-re talkin+ kin+s and successions

'4en "ou can-t be cau+ht unawares @Shen&i and $an&ai are lau+hin+ on a led+e behind him< on ?"ou,? Scar turns and leaps at them, throwin+ them backward onto a pair of +e"sers, which then erupt, throwin+ the two h"enas into the air#A @In the ne:t 4erse, Scar is struttin+ theatricall" alon+ a led+e which runs around back to the floor#A So prepare for the chance of a lifetime $e prepared for sensational news 3 shinin+ new era Is tiptoein+ nearer Shen&i: 3nd where do we featureI Scar: @+rabbin+ Shen&iHs cheekA ,ust listen to teacher @Shen&i rubs her cheek, which is now bruised redA I know it sounds sordid $ut "ou-ll be rewarded 0hen at last I am +i4en m" duesD 3nd in;ustice deliciousl" s uared @Scar leaps up beside 'd, who is a+ain chewin+ on the bone, and here kicks him off the led+eA $e preparedD @SpokenA $an&ai: 8eah, be prepared# 8eah1heh# 0e-ll be prepared, heh ### 2or whatI Scar: 2or the death of the kin+# $an&ai: 0h"I Is he sickI @Scar +rabs $an&ai b" the throatA Scar: *o fool, we-re +oin+ to kill him# 3nd Simba too# @Groppin+ $an&ai back onto the floorA

Shen&i: 6reat ideaD 0ho needs a kin+I Shen&i (and then $an&ai): @Sin+1son+ 4oices, dancin+ around $an&aiA *o kin+D *o kin+D la11la1la11la1laa1laaD Scar: $D$1T2D There will be a kin+D $an&ai: !e", but "ou said, uh### Scar: I ,ILL BE KINGD Stick with me @triumphant, tooth" +rinA, and "ou-ll ne4er +o hun+r" a+ainD $an&ai, Shen&i, and 'G: 8aa"D 3ll ri+htD Lon+ li4e the kin+D @Camera re4eals hundreds more h"enas in the shadows#A 3ll !"enas: Lon+ li4e the kin+D Lon+ li4e the kin+D @2ull son+ a+ain#A @Scar-s arm" of h"enas is +oose1steppin+ across the floor of the ca4e, now st"li&ed into a *a&i1es ue uadran+leA !"enas: @In ti+ht, crisp phrasin+ and dictionA It-s +reat that we-ll soon be connected# 0ith a kin+ who-ll be all1time adored# Scar: %f course, uid pro uo, "ou-re e:pected To take certain duties on board @Motions a slice across the neckA The future is littered with pri&es 3nd thou+h I-m the main addressee The point that I must emphasi&e is @Leaps off his rock throne to sin+le out one hapless h"enaA 8ou won-t +et a sniff without meD @That h"ena slips and falls into a fier" cre4iceA @Throu+hout the ne:t 4erse, the entire horde of h"enas ;oins in dancin+ boisterousl", leapin+ alon+ the tops of rock pillars, shakin+ animal skeletons in the li+ht, one pla"in+ a rib ca+e/:"lophone#A

@The paranthetical parts are the h"enas- counterpoint sin+in+A So prepare for the coup of the centur" $e prepared for the murkiest scam (%ooh### LaD LaD LaD) @rear ends punctuatin+A Meticulous plannin+ (0e-ll ha4e foodD) Tenacit" spannin+ (Lots of food) Gecades of denial (0e repeat) Is simpl" wh" I-ll ('ndless meat) $e kin+ undisputed (3aaaaaahJ) 5espected, saluted (JaaaaaaahJ) 3nd seen for the wonder I am (JaaaaaaahD) 8es, m" teeth and ambitions are bared (%o1oo1oo1oo1oo1oo1oo) $e preparedD 3ll: @'4en 'd, who can be heard +rowlin+ and snarlin+ an appro:imation of the lines:A 8es, our teeth and ambitions are bared $e preparedD @Close with a fill1in and a fade1out# Scar and the h"enas are lau+hin+ e4ill"# Grum roll rises to a crash coincidin+ with the panoramic openin+ of the ne:t scene#A [Stampede Scene] @Camera switch to a 4iew of a lar+e can"on# Cloud shadows scroll slowl" o4er the landscape#A Scar: *ow "ou wait here# 8our father has a mar4elous surprise for "ou# @Camera switch to bottom of the +ull"# Scar and Simba are near a rock, underneath a small treeET#A Simba: %oooh# 0hat is itI Scar: If I told "ou, it wouldn-t be a surprise, now would itI

=ee that tiny little tree in the )ack#round* Isnt that tree way too small com"ared to the canyon wall it is ri#ht ne,t to* The canyon !loor didnt look TDAT wide !rom a)o.e... 4>

Simba: If "ou tell me, I-ll still act surprised# Scar: !o ho hoJ 8ou are such a naughty bo"! Simba: Come on, 9ncle Scar# Scar: *o1no1no1no1no1no1no# This is ;ust for "ou and "our dadd"# 8ou know, a sort of father1son ### thin+#### @Throu+h SimbaHs e:pression, we see that he resents ScarHs dismissi4e attitude, but soon shru+s it off#A Scar: 0ellD IHd better +o +et him# Simba: I-ll +o with "ou# Scar: @Loud, snappin+ toneA NoD @re+ainin+ composureA !eh heh heh# *o# ,ust ### sta" on this rock# 8ou wouldn-t want to end up in another mess like "ou did with the h"enas### Simba: @ShockedA 8ou (now about thatI Scar: Simba, e4er"bod" knows about that# Simba: @Meek and embarrassedA /eally? Scar: %h, "es# Luck" Gadd" was there to sa4e "ou, ehI @clearl" en;o"in+ himself< he puts a paw on SimbaHs shoulderA %hJ and ;ust between us, "ou mi+ht want to work on that little roar of "ours, hmmI @Scar starts to pull awa"A Simba: %hJ oka" ### @Scar pats Simba rou+hl" on the head, then mo4es off#A Simba: !e", 9ncle ScarI ###0ill I like the surpriseI Scar: @Turnin+ back o4er his shoulderA Simba, it-s to -IE for# @The camera slowl" pans up the side of the +or+e awa" from Scar and Simba# 3fter a distance of rock, we reach the ed+e and 4iew on the plain a 4er" lar+e herd of wildebeest< the si&e of the herd comes across with a strikin+ computer1+enerated paralla: pan# The camera then focuses in on the h"enas (Shen&i, $an&ai, and 'd), who are waitin+ off of the ed+e of the herd, hidden under a rock arch#A

$an&ai: @Stomach +rowlsA Shen&i: Shut up# $an&ai: I can-t help it# I-m so hun+r" ### @;umpin+ upA I gotta ha4e a wildebeestD Shen&i: 2tay put. $an&ai: 0ellJ can-t I ;ust pick off one of the little sick onesI Shen&i: -o! 0e wait for the si+nal from Scar# @Camera switch to Scar mountin+ a rock in 4iew of the h"enasA Shen&i: There he isJ @makin+ an e4il, almost humorous faceA LetHs +o# @Camera switch back to SimbaA Simba: Little roar# #uhD @3 li&ard walks past Simba# !e +rowls at it#A Simba: 5arrrD @The li&ard has no reaction to this first attempt# Simba then ;umps down and tries a+ain#A Simba: J5rrraowr1nh# @2or the third attempt, Simba mo4es closer a+ain and inhales deepl"#A Simba: 53%05DD @The li&ard skitters off screen# Simba-s roar echoes around the can"on# Shot of Simba liftin+ his ears to relish the echo# The echo is soon eclipsed, howe4er, b" a low rumble# Simba looks down and sees pebbles ;umpin+# Cue the 4er" sinister ?To Gie 2or? music# 0e see the herd comin+ o4er the lip of the can"on# Gramatic multi1la"er camera pull up to the face of Simba# Simba takes off in front of the herd#A @Cut to the rim of the +or+e, where the !"enas are seen chasin+ the wildebeest herd, nippin+ at their heels to dri4e them o4er the ed+e# Camera switch to Mufasa and 7a&u a short distance from the can"on#A 7a&u: %h look, sire< The herd is on the mo4e# Mufasa: %dd####

@Scar runs up, out of breathA Scar: Mufasa# Suick# Stampede# In the +or+e# Simba-s down thereD Mufasa: 2imba? @Camera switch to Simba# !e is runnin+ and climbs up a dead tree# 7a&u flies ahead of Mufasa and Scar, down into the can"on# !e spots Simba#A Simba: @Clin+in+ precariousl" to a treeA 7a&uD !elp meDD 7a&u: 8our father is on the wa"D !old onD Simba: @Losin+ +ripA !urr"D @Mufasa and Scar are on the lower led+es of the +or+e# 7a&u flies back to Mufasa and points out where Simba is#A 7a&u: ThereD ThereD %n that treeD Mufasa: !old on, SimbaDD @In the +ull", a wildebeest rams the tree Simba-s on, nearl" breakin+ it#A Simba: 3hhhhDDD @Mufasa runs out into the herd, ;oinin+ the stampede#A 7a&u: %h, Scar, this is awful! 0hatHll we do whatHll we doID !ah ### I-ll +o back for help, that-s what I-ll do, I-ll +o back for he11 oomphD @Scar backhands 7a&u into a rock wall, knockin+ him out# Scar then follows Mufasa-s pro+ress from the lip of the +or+e, his shadow cast m"steriousl" from the bottom of the +ull"EE# Mufasa runs with the herd till sli+htl" past the tree# !e whips around the front of some wildebeest and runs into the herd towards Simba-s tree# !e +ets rammed head1 first once, throwin+ him to the +round# 3 wildebeest hits Simba-s tree, throwin+ Simba into the air# Mufasa +ets up in time to catch Simba in the air with his mouth# !e +ets hit a+ain and accidentall" throws Simba# Simba dod+es a few oncomin+ wildebeest# Mufasa runs b" with the herd and +rabs Simba# !e ;umps up to a near rock led+e and sets Simba down, but is immediatel" struck b" a wildebeest and carried off into the stampede#A Simba: -(-DDD

It is a custom !or .illains to cast ominous shadows when they do their stu!!.... Fut what the heck is makin# that s"otli#ht !rom the bottom of the gorge?!

@Simba watches in horror as he can not find his father in the swirlin+ mass of wildebeest below him# 3t the last second, Mufasa leaps out of the herd and starts to climb with +reat difficult" up the loose +ra4el slope# Simba turns and starts to climb to the top of the +or+e# %ut of Simba-s si+ht, Mufasa reaches a point ri+ht below a led+e where he can-t climb due to steepness# !is claws are scrapin+ and his back paws ha4e no traction# 3bo4e him on the led+e is Scar#A Mufasa: 2car! ### $roth11EB @slips, barel" han+s onA $rother ### !elp meD @Scar looks disdainfull" down, and then suddenl" latches onto Mufasa-s forepaws with claws e:tended# Mufasa roars, primaril" from the sudden pain of Scar-s claws, but no doubt also due to the sudden flash of reali&ation# !is e:pression slowl" chan+es to one of horror as he reco+ni&es Scar-s intent#A Scar: @Slowl" and e4ill"A 3ong li!e the (ing! @Scar throws his brother backwards# Mufasa free1falls, back first# The camera follows Mufasa down from under him, then from abo4e him, showin+ the stampede ra+in+ below#A Mufasa: Aaaaaaahh! @Camera suddenl" focuses in on Simba, who is watchin+ his father hit the +round# *o sound effects of the hit# *o 4iew of it either# Mufasa and SimbaHs screams min+le#A Simba: NOOOOOOOO. @The herd passes# '4er"thin+ is clouded b" dust# Simba bounds to the can"on floor# Mufasa is no where to be seen#A Simba: @Cou+hA GaaadDD @0e hear a soundA Simba: @Suietl"A GadI @0e see a stra" wildebeest run past, the source of the sound# The wildebeest cur4es around a lo+ farther down the +ull"# 9nder the lo+ is Mufasa, l"in+ on his side# !e is not mo4in+ or breathin+# Simba approaches the bod"# Sad musical theme# 3+ain we notice how small Simba reall" is#A Simba: @!opefull"A GadI ###Gad, come on# @!e rubs up a+ainst Mufasa-s cheek# The head merel" rolls back in place after the rubA 8ou +otta +et up# @!e places both forepaws on his father-s cheek and pushesA Gad# 0e +otta +o home# @!e tu+s at

This (BCL5 )e -Froth2/ or a meanin#less #runt. You Make the (all<tm>. 4>

Mufasa-s ear# 3+ain the head limpl" mo4es back in place# Simba runs off a bit, ob4iousl" 4er" scared#A * 3#D Somebod"D @!is 4oice re4erberates hollowl" off the sides of the +or+e#A 3n"bod"### help# @!e cries# Simba turns back to the bod"# !e nu&&les up under the limp paw so that his father is embracin+ him# /ause for effect#A @0here the music would resol4e, we hit a minor chord as the ima+e of Scar ad4ancin+ appears throu+h the dust#A Scar: Simba# ### 0hat ha4e "ou doneI Simba: @,umps back, cr"in+A There were wildebeest and he tried to sa4e meJ It was an accident, IJ I didn-t mean for it to happen# Scar: @'mbracin+ Simba, "et still distantA %f course, of course, "ou didn-t# *o oneJ e4er means @pulls Simba closer# Simba hides his face on ScarHs forele+A for these thin+s to happen#### $ut the kin+ is dead# @lookin+ with mock re+ret at SimbaA 3nd if it weren-t for you, he-d still be ali!e# @Simba is crushed, belie4in+ his +uilt# 3nother thou+ht KoccursL to Scar#A %hD 0hat will "our mother thinkI Simba: @Sniffin+A 0hat am I +onna doI Scar: 5un awa", Simba#### 5un#### 5un awa", and ne4er return# @Simba runs off blindl", ob4iousl" broken# Sli+ht pause, for the audience to catch its emotional breath# Music ends# The three h"enas appear behind Scar#A Scar: @To h"enasA .ill him# @The h"enas take off after him< Scar stands motionless# Simba is chased up the entire len+th of the +ull"# !e reaches the lip onl" to see a sheer drop on the other side# !a4in+ no choice he ;umps and tumblesEF down into a patch of briars below# The h"enas pursue the entire wa"# 0hen the" are runnin+ down towards the briars, $an&ai sees them and recoils#A $an&ai: WhoaDD @3fter skiddin+ e:tensi4el", $an&ai mana+es to stop ;ust abo4e the brambles# !e hea4es a si+h of relief# Then Shen&i and 'd run into him, propellin+ him into the bushes#A $an&ai: YeooowD @,umpin+ back out of the bushesA

Bkay now$ look here. =hot o! =im)a silhouetted a#ainst the sunset as he rolls rou#hly down the hill. A )it later4 shot o! =im)a runnin# away !rom the hill$ directly into the sunset. 5o we ha.e a )ack#round "ro)lem here or what* Bh well22 it looked "retty )oth times.

@Shen&i and 'd are lau+hin+A Shen&i: @Seein+ Simba emer+e from the far side of the briars into the desertA !e"11 There he +oesD There he +oesD $an&ai: @5emo4in+ thornsA So +o +et -im# Shen&i: There ain-t no wa" I-m +oin+ in there# 0hat "ou want me to come out lookin+ like "ouI Cactus $uttI $an&ai: @Spittin+ out thorns into 'd-s lau+hin+ face< 'd lets out a small "elp of painA $ut we +otta finish the ;ob# Shen&i: 0ell, he-s as +ood as dead out there an"wa"# 3nd if he comes back, we-ll kill him# $an&ai: @Shoutin+A 8eahD "ou hear thatI If "ou e4er come back, we-ll kill "aD @?.ill "aD? echoes off as we see Simba still runnin+ into the desert# Lau+hin+, the !"enas make their wa" off the cliffs back to the /ride Lands#A [3ddress and depaint Scene] @Camera chan+e to Scar addressin+ the lionesses b" the moon on /ride 5ock#A Scar: Mufasa-s death was a terrible tra+ed"< but to lose Simba ### who had barel" be+un to li4e#### @Camera pans around the lionesses# Some of them, with 7a&u, are comfortin+ Sarabi, who bends her head in e:treme pain# *ala is rubbin+ a+ainst her motherHs paw, cr"in+#A Scar: J2or me, it is a deep personal loss# 3nd so it is with a hea4" heart that I assume the throne# 8et, out of the ashes of this tra+ed", we shall rise to +reet the dawnin+ of a new eraJ @The h"enas start emer+in+, castin+ +risl" +reen shadows and lau+hin+ hollowl"#A Jin which lion and h"ena come to+ether, in a +reat and glorious future# @Scar ascends /ride 5ock as the h"enas appear in full force#A @The camera pans to 5afiki who is shakin+ his head in the distance# The scene chan+es with 5afiki in the same point# !e is in his tree house# 3fter wipin+ awa" a tear, he reaches up and rubs his hand across the cub paintin+, smearin+ it# The camera chan+es# The paintin+, smeared, is o4erlaid on Simba la"in+ out in the hot desert sun#A [$u&&ard 1 intro to !akuna Matata Scene]

@$u&&ards are circlin+ SimbaHs bod"# %ne descends, then all# The" circle around it# 0ith a blast of musicEU, Timon, ridin+ /umbaa, appears and di4es into the midst of the bu&&ards# The" slap and kick the bu&&ards all awa"#A Timon: !ee"""aaaahhDD 6et outD 6et outD 6et outta hereDDDD 0hooD /umbaa: I lo4e itD $owlin+ for bu&&ardsD Timon: @Lau+hin+, dustin+ himself offA 6ets -em e4er" time# /umbaa: @Lookin+ at SimbaA 9h1oh# !e" Timon# 8ou better come look# I think itHs still ali4e# Timon: 8eew+hD### @Timon walks to the front of Simba# !e is l"in+ with his paw o4er his face#A Timon: 3ll ri+ht", what ha4e we +ot hereI @he smells SimbaA @!e tries to lift Simba-s paw# !e can-t# !e +ets under it and with a +reat push +ets it abo4e his head# !e sees Simba-s face#A Timon: ,ee&, it-s a lionD @,umpin+ up on /umbaa, "ankin+ his earsA /un /umbaaD %o!e it! /umbaa: !e", Timon# It-s ;ust a little lion# Look at him# !e-s so cute, and all aloneD Can we keep himI Timon: @8ellin+ into /umbaaHs ear, which creates a re4erberatin+ effectA /umbaa, are "ou nutsID 0e-re talkin+ about a lion# Lions eat +u"s like us# /umbaa: $ut he-s so little# @!e leans o4er to re+ard Simba, and accidentall" dumps Timon from his head#A Timon: !e-s +onna +et bigger. /umbaa: @Seen from TimonHs point of 4iew on the +round, with a hu+e noseA Ma"be he-ll be on our side# Timon: 311*uh! That-s the stupidest thin+ I e!er heard# Ma"be he-ll b11 J!e", I +ot itD 0hat if he-s on our sideI 8ou know, ha4in+ a lion around mi+ht not be such a bad idea#

I! you listen care!ully$ Timon and %um)aas yell ori#inates directly !rom the rear o! the surround setu"2 and "asses o.erHthrou#h you until it is heard in the !ront s"eakers$ when you !irst see them char#in#. 'ice e!!ect.

/umbaa: So we keepin+ -imI Timon: /thpt# %f course# 0ho-s the brains in this outfitI @/umbaa scoops Simba up on his tusksA /umbaa: 9hhh#### Timon: M" point e:actl"# ,ee&, I-m fried# Let-s +et out of here and find some shade# [!akuna Matata Scene] @Camera switch to /umbaa, Timon, and Simba near a pool of water at an oasis# Simba has been laid near the water# Timon splashes some water in Simba-s face# Simba stirs#A Timon: 8ou oka", kidI Simba: I +uess so# /umbaa: 8ou nearl" died# Timon: I sa4ed "ou# /umbaa: @snorts at TimonA Timon: 0ell, uh, /umbaa helped### @/umbaa snaps a proud pose#A Timon: a little# Simba: @Gull"A Thanks for "our help# @Simba heads off uietl" back out towards the desert#A Timon: !e", where "ou +oin+I Simba: *owhere# Timon: @0atchin+ Simba, but talkin+ to /umbaaA 6ee# !e looks blue# /umbaa: I-d sa" brownish1+old# Timon: *o, no, no, no# I mean he-s depressed# /umbaa: %h#

@/umbaa trots up to SimbaA /umbaa: .id, what-s eatinH "aI Timon: *othin+11 he-s at the top of the food chainD 3hhhhhhha ha haaaD The food cha1 haainD @5eali&in+ his ;oke floppedA 3h heh11 3hem# So, where "ou fromI Simba: 0ho caresI I can-t +o back# Timon: 3hh# 8ou-re an outcastD That-s +reat< so are weD /umbaa: 0hatHcha do, kidI Simba: Somethin+ terrible# $ut I don-t wanna talk about it# Timon: 6ood# 0e don-t wanna hear about it# /umbaa: @To TimonA Come on Timon# @To SimbaA 3n"thin+ we can doI Simba: *ot unless "ou can chan+e the past# /umbaa: 8ou know, kid, in times like this m" budd" Timon here sa"s K8ou +ot to put "our behind in "our past#L Timon: @wa4in+ his armsA *o# *o# -o. /umbaa: I mean### Timon: 3mateur# Lie down before "ou hurt "ourself# @to SimbaA It-s K8ou +ot to put "our past behind "ou#L Look, kid# $ad thin+s happen, and "ou can-t do an"thin+ about it, ri+htI Simba: 5i+ht# Timon: @/okes Simba-s noseA Wrong! 0hen the world turns its back on "ou, "ou turn "our back on the worldD Simba: 0ell, that-s not what I was tau+ht# Timon: Then ma"be "ou need a new lesson# 5epeat after me# @clears throatA !akuna Matata# Simba: @Still lethar+icA 0hatI /umbaa: !a1ku1na Ma1ta1ta# It means no worries#

@2ull Son+, no fade1in e:cept in marimba chordsA Timon: !akuna MatataD 0hat a wonderful phrase /umbaa: !akuna MatataD 3in-t no passin+ cra&e Timon: It means no worries 2or the rest of "our da"s @Timon pulls Simba o4er to a +reen bush and leans him back on it#A $oth: It-s our problem1free philosoph" Timon: @2ilin+ down one of Simba-s clawsA !akuna MatataD @Spoken section o4er back+roundA Simba: !akuna MatataI /umbaa: 8eah, it-s our motto# Simba: 0hat-s a mottoI Timon: *othin+D 0hat-s a motto with "ouI 3h haah haah hah hah### /umbaa: @Lau+hin+A 8ou know, kid11 these two words will sol4e all "our problems# Timon: That-s ri+htD Take /umbaa for e:ample# @$ack into son+A Timon: 0h", when he was a "oun+ wart1ho+J /umbaa: @Italian counter1tenor ran+eA 0hen I was a "oun+ wart hooo+D

Timon: @Speakin+, cleanin+ earA =er" nice# /umbaa: ThanksD Timon: @Sin+in+A !e found his aroma lacked a certain appeal !e could clear the Sa4annah after e4er" meal /umbaa: @/arenthetical parts shouted b" TimonA I-m a sensiti4e soul thou+h I seem thick1skinned 3nd it hurt that m" friends ne4er stood downwind 3nd oh, the shame (!e was ashamed) Thou+hta chan+in- m" name (%h, what-s in a name) 3nd I +ot downhearted (!ow did "ou feel) '4-r"time that I###EC Timon: @Speakin+A !e", /umbaaD *ot in front of the kidsD /umbaa: @Speakin+A %h# Sorr"# @Strin+ pi&&icato# Simba looks into the camera, surprised#A /umbaa and Timon: !akuna MatataD 0hat a wonderful phrase !akuna MatataD 3in-t no passin+ cra&e Simba: @after becomin+ more and more enthusiastic, he finall" ;oins in sin+in+, a spotli+ht fallin+ on himA It means no worries 2or the rest of "our da"s Timon: @*ot sin+in+, doin+ a 4aude4ille knee1slide up to SimbaA 8eah, sin+ it, kidD Simba and Timon: It-s our problem1free /umbaa: @Lands ne:t to themA philosoph"#


&.a.d. sources ha.e told me that the actor who did the .oice o! Ed$ 6im (ummin#s$ also thou#ht o! this line !or %um)aas son#. (ould )e!...

3ll three: !akuna MatataD @Timon pulls back a fern leaf, re4ealin+ a beautiful 4iew of a rift1;un+le# 0aterfalls and ru++ed terrain make a beautiful 4iew# !arp runs accentuate the scene#A Timon: 0elcomeJ to our humble home# Simba: 8ou li4e here? Timon: 0e li4e where4er we want# /umbaa: 8ep# !ome is where "our rump rests# !ehD Simba: It-s beautiful. /umbaa: @Loud raunch" belchA I-m star!ed! Simba: I-m so hun+r" I could eat a whole 'ebra. @Timon is sli+htl" disturbed b" Simba-s want for meat11 3 little bit ner4ous and a little bit I1knew1this1would1happen#A Timon: 'eeahhah# 0e-re fresh out of &ebra# Simba: 3n" antelopeI Timon: *a ah# Simba: @3 bit desperateA !ippoI Timon: *ope# Listen, kid< if "ou li4e with us, "ou ha4e to eat like us# !e", this looks like a +ood spot to rustle up some +rub# @Timon has stopped in front of a lo+# /umbaa forces it up with his snout, re4ealin+ man" insects# Timon picks one up#A Simba: 'eew# 0hat-s thatI Timon: 3 +rub# 0hat-s it look likeI Simba: 'eew# .rossD Timon: @'atin+, mouth fullA Mmmm# Tastes like chicken#

@/umbaa slurps up a lar+e worm from the +round# $oth Timon and /umbaa are feastin+ on bu+s b" now#A /umbaa: @Slurpin+A Slim", "et satisf"in+# Timon: @6rabbin+ a bu+A These are rare delicacies# Mmmmm#### @CrunchesA /i uant, with a 4er" pleasant crunch# /umbaa: @Mouth full of bu+sA 8ou-ll learn to lo!e -emD Timon: @Chewin+A I-m tellin+ "a, kid, this is the +reat life# *o rules, no responsibilities# @pokes his hand into a knothole11 man" bu+s scramble out E>A 1oh! 11the little cream1filled kind# @munchA 3nd best of all, no worries# @Timon has been collectin+ bu+s on a leaf# !e offers it to Simba#A Timon: 0ell kidI @Simba picks up a +rub#A Simba: %h well11 !akuna Matata# @!e eatsA @Sick musicA Simba: @Lookin+ more cheerfulA Slim", "et satisf"in+# Timon: That-s itD @The bu+s fl" off the leaf in a colorful flutter#A @The scene switches to all three crossin+ a lo+, walkin+ to the music# 0ith a stead" build in the music, a chan+e occurs# 0e see the ima+e of "oun+ Simba become a teen1 a+e Simba# 3nd then a+ain, Simba becomes a near1full +rown adult EN# 0hile the chantin+ is happenin+, the camera is pannin+ at the low le4el @>? off +roundA where all the interaction between /umbaa, Timon, and Simba as a cub had been occurrin+# 2irst we see Timon, and then /umbaa# The camera continues pannin+ at a low an+le to where the cub Simba would fit# Instead we see the adult Simba-s paw come down# 3n immediate back up for a full 4iew of a bi+ Simba#A


Inside sources re"ort that when all the )u#s come "ourin# out o! the hole$ one o! them <"ossi)ly an ant> is wearin# Mickey Mouse ears. This ha""ens so !ast that it is almost im"ossi)le to catch$ )ut it is said to )e there. Another o! the )u#s has the three )lack circles on its )ack$ )ut is shot out o! !ocus and .ery )lurry. <Thanks to &ichI(arolIKoster+cu"."> 17 I o)ser.e here$ with some re#ret$ that marchin# =im)a !alls .ictim to the dreaded cartoon slidingbackwards-feet syndrome. Its not as se.ere a case as !ound in any e"isode o! =coo)y 5oo$ )ut its there nonetheless. =i#h.

/umbaa and Timon: @chantin+ to musicA !akuna# Matata# !akuna# Matata# !akuna# Matata# Simba: @3dult 4oice nowA It means no worries 2or the rest of "our da"s# 3ll three: It-s our problem1free /hilosoph" Simba: !akuna Matata @3ll three di4e off the lo+ into a pond# 2irst, Timon ;umps in doin+ a cannonball, and makes a small splash# Then /umbaa, doin+ a swan di4e, makes a small splash as well# 2inall" Simba swin+s out on a 4ine (+ripped in his teeth)# $efore he can di4e, the 4ine breaks under his wei+ht# The resultin+ splash is bi+ enou+h to wash /umbaa and Timon ashore#A !akuna Matata @Simba ;oinin+ Timon and /umbaa on shore# The son+ breaks into +entle ;a&& 4oice impro4isations on the words K!akuna MatataL, as /umbaa toots like a trumpet# 0e see a rear 4iew of Timon, /umbaa, and Simba boo+e"in+ off into the forest to the beat of K!akuna Matata#LA [*obod" knows scene] @The camera switches to a far 4iew of /ride 5ock# 3lmost all of the colorin+ is in +ra"# The plants and trees appear to be dead# 0e can hear 7a&u-s first line and then the scene switches to a 4iew of 7a&u and Scar# 7a&u is in a ca+e made of some animal-s ribca+e# !e is sin+in+# Scar is l"in+ back on a rock pickin+ his teeth with a bone#A 7a&u: *obod" knows The trouble I-4e seen *obod" knows M" sorrow### Scar: %h 7a&u, do li+hten up# @!e tosses the bone at 7a&u and it clatters a+ainst the ca+eA Sin+ somethin+ with a littleJ bounce in it# 7a&u: @Thinks a momentA It-s a small world after allJ Scar: @Interruptin+, almost shoutin+A *oD *o# ,nything but thatD

7a&u: @Thinks, then holds up a feather as a tune comes to him#A I-4e +ot a lo4el" bunch of coconuts (diddel"1dee1dee) There the" are a1standin+ in a row# @Scar is en;o"in+ this and starts to ;oin inA 7a&u and Scar: $i+ ones, small ones, some as bi+ as "our headJ 7a&u: @0hile Scar continuesA %hJ I would ne4er ha4e had to do this for Mufasa# Scar: @Suick and an+r"A WhatI 0hat did "ou sa"I 7a&u: %h, nothin+D Scar: 8ou know the law: *e4er, e!er mention that name in m" presence# I ### am ... the (ing! @Scar sho4es his mu&&le between the ribs of 7a&uHs ca+e on the last line# !is breath blows 7a&u up a+ainst the wall#A 7a&u: 8es, sire# 8ou are the kin+# IJ IJ 0ell, I onl" mentioned it to illustrate the differences in "our ro"al mana+erial approaches# @ner4ous lau+hA $an&ai: @%ffsta+eA !e", $ossD Scar: %h, 0hat is it this timeI $an&ai: 0e +ot a bone to pick with "ou# Shen&i: @To $an&aiA I-ll handle this# @To ScarA Scar, there-s no food, no water# $an&ai: 8eah, it-s dinner time, and we ain-t +ot no stinkinH entrees# Scar: It-s the lionesses- ;ob to do the huntin+J @makes helpless +estureA $an&ai: 8eah, but the" won-t +o hunt# Scar: %hJ eat 7a&u# 7a&u: @*er4ousA %h, "ou wouldn-t want me# I-d be so tou+h and +ame" and1 eewwgh! Scar: %h, 7a&u, don-t be ridiculousD 3ll "ou need is a little +arnish# $an&ai: @Mumblin+ to Shen&iA I thou+ht thin+s were bad under %ufasa...

Scar: @Suick and an+r" a+ainA 0hat did "ou sa"I $an&ai: I said Muf11 @Shen&i is smilin+ at Scar and thwaps $an&ai to remind him#A $an&ai: JI said, uh ### ?SuV pasaI? Scar: 6ood# *ow +et out# @The h"enas start out but then pauseA $an&ai: MmJ"eah, but11 we-re still hun+r"# Scar: 1ut! @The" run off, 'd lets loose a cra&" lau+hA [Second Star Scene] @The camera switches to a 4iew of the ;un+le# 0e hear a monstrous belch re4erberate across the landscape# The camera switches to Timon, /umbaa, and Simba l"in+ on their backs lookin+ at the stars#A Timon: Whoah. *ice one, Simba# Simba: Thanks# Man, I-m stuffed# /umbaa: Me too# I ate like a pig! Simba: /umbaa11 "ou are a pi+# /umbaa: %h# 5i+ht# @3ll three si+h deepl", in unison# 6entle music fades in#A /umbaa: TimonI Timon: 8eahI /umbaa: '4er wonder what those sparkl" dots are up thereI Timon: /umbaa# I don-t wonder< I know# /umbaa: %hD ###0hat are the"I

Timon: The"-re fireflies# 2ireflies that uhJ +ot stuck up on that bi+J bluish1blackJ thin+# /umbaa: %h# 6ee# I alwa"s thou+ht that the" were balls of +as burnin+ billions of miles awa"# Timon: /umbaa, witH "ou, e4er"thin+-s +as# /umbaa: Simba, what do you thinkI Simba: 0ell, I don-t knowJ /umbaa: 3w come on# 6i4e, +i4e, +i4e ## 0ell, come on, Simba, we told "ou ours### pleeeeaseI Timon: Come on, come on### +i4e, +i4e## Simba: @5eluctantl"A 0ell, somebod" once told me that the +reat kin+s of the past are up there< watchin+ o4er us# /umbaa: @3wed, either +enuinel" or mockin+l"A /eally? Timon: 8ou mean a bunch of ro"al dead +u"s are watchin+ usI @tries to keep composure, then###A /bbb# @Timon breaks out lau+hin+# /umbaa ;oins in# Simba does half1heartedl"#A Timon: 0ho told "ou somethin+ like that? 0hat moo( made that upI Simba: 8eah# /rett" dumb, huhI Timon: 3h, "ou-re killin+ me, Simba# @The music rises a+ain# Simba looks back up at the stars# !e uietl" +ets up and lea4es#A Timon: 0as it somethin+ I saidI [Gisco4er" Scene] @The music continues# Simba walks out on a led+e# !e looks up at the stars# !e then collapses to lie on the ed+e of the led+e# Milkweed floss is stirred into the air b" his flop# The camera follows its path# It blows across the desert# *e:t we see 5afiki-s hand snatch some it out of the air# !e sniffs it, +runts, and bounds down into his tree# !e pours the milkweed into a bowl, sifts it around, hummin+, and then eats from the same

kind of fruit he anointed Simba with# ':aminin+ the milkweed floss a+ain, reali&ation dawns on his face#A 5afiki: SimbaI !e-s1 heHs ali4eI !e he1 !e-s ali!eDD @he lau+hsA @5afiki +rabs his staff# Lau+hin+ in deli+ht, he picks up some paint and puts a mane around the smeared lion on the wall#A 5afiki: It is timeD [KIn the ,un+leL Scene] @The camera switches to a ;un+le scene# 0e hear /umbaa sin+in+ the familiar bass to ?In the ,un+le?# Timon ;oins in as the" walk towards the camera# 3 Capella#A /umbaa: @sin+in+A %hi-mbubeEP %hi-mbube @'tc#####A Timon: @Sin+in+A In the ;un+le The mi+ht" ;un+le The lion sleeps toni+ht# @/umbaa turns to follow a lar+e beetle< he fades out#A In the ;un+le The mi+ht" ;un+le The lion sleeps to11 @Speakin+A I can-t hear "a, budd", back me upD @/umbaa has faded out, ha4in+ followed the bu+ sta+e left# The followin+ line is in full and +ood falsetto#A 31weee1ee1ee1ee aa1/um1ba1bum1ba1waaa"### @5eali&in+ /umbaa is not there#A 31/umbaaI /umbaaI


This is the actual Zulu s"ellin# o! the chant$ as written in the -&hythm o! the %ride Lands/ lyric )ook. In the JAs$ the Tokens$ in their ada"tation o! the =outh A!tican traditional son#$ s"elled it -7eemoweh/ in order to release it "u)licly.

@Camera switch to /umbaa followin+ the bu+# !e is still hummin+ the bass# !e stalks the bu+ to a lo+, theatricall" hidin+ behind a tree# 0hen he tries to ;ump o4er the lo+ he +ets stuck momentaril" and looks back#A /umbaa: @SpookedA TimonI @Looks around, then shru+sA @!e ;umps o4er the lo+# 3s he 4iews the bu+ at close ran+e, the camera (at his 4iewpoint) switches focus from it to a pair of +reen e"es out in the +rass# The camera closes up on a lioness +ettin+ read" to ;ump#A /umbaa: HYEEEEAAAHHH!!!!! @!e runs, with the lioness in hot pursuit# The lioness, with teeth and claws bared, chases /umbaa around at hi+h speed# Camera switch to Timon#A Timon: @!earin+ the noise of the chaseA /umbaaI @/umbaa runs near Timon and +ets stuck under the root of a tree b" tr"in+ to s uee&e throu+h#A Timon: /umbaaD #umbaaD !e", what-s +oin+ onI /umbaa: @Terrified, shoutin+ in TimonHs faceA SHE/S GONN( EAT ME!! Timon: !uhI @Timon +ets up on the branch and sees the lioness char+in+ at full throttle towards them# !e +ets down and tries to help push /umbaa out from under the root#A Timon: @Seein+ the lionessA 0hoahDD ### ,ee&D 0h" do I alwa"s ha4e to sa4e "our (((((( DD @%n the 333333DD, Timon saw the lioness was about to close on /umbaa and he was in the line of attack# 3t the last minute, Simba bounds o4er /umbaa and catches the lioness head on at full force# The" start fi+htin+ sa4a+el"#A Timon: @To /umbaaA Gon-t worr", budd"< I-m here for "ou# '4er"thin+Hs +onna be oka"# @To SimbaA 6et herD $ite her headD 6o for the ;u+ular# The ;u+ularD @to /umbaaA See, I told "ou he-d come in hand"# @The lions tan+le for a bit more# The fi+ht becomes wrestlin+# The lioness flips Simba and pins him with a loud thump# Simba is startled b" this# The lioness is still barin+ her teeth# Simba, howe4er, is 4er" surprised and no lon+er threatenin+#A Simba: *alaI

@She immediatel" backs off and looks at Simba, e:aminin+ him#A Simba: Is it reall" "ouI *ala: 0ho are "ouI Simba: It-s me# Simba# *ala: SimbaI @pause for reali&ationA WhoahDDD @The +reetin+s are enthusiastic and run o4er each other#A *ala: 0ell how did "ou## where did "ou come from ### it-s +reat to see you## Simba: 3aaahD how did "ou### who### wow### this is cool### it-s +reat to see "ouJ @Camera 4iew of Timon who is completel" baffled b" this sudden chan+eA Timon: !e", what-s +oinH on hereI @!e hops down from /umbaa and walks o4er to the two lions#A Simba: @Still to *alaA 0hat are "ou doin+ hereI *ala: 0hat do "ou mean, K0hat am I doin+ hereIL 0hat are you doin+ hereI Timon: HE0DD 0!3T-S 6%I*H %* !'5'IDI Simba: Timon, this is *ala< she-s m" best friendD Timon: @Thorou+hl" confusedA 4riend?!? Simba: 8eah# !e", /umbaaD Come o4er here# @/umbaa +ets himself unstuck#A Simba: *ala, this is /umbaa# /umbaa, *ala# /umbaa: /leased to make "our ac uaintance# *ala: The pleasure-s all mine# Timon: !ow do "ou do## Whoa! 0hoa# Time out## Let me +et this straight. 8ou know her# She knows "ou# $ut she wants to eat him# 3nd, e4er"bod"-sJ oka" with thisI -I- I MISS SOMETHINGIDI Simba: /ela5, Timon#

*ala: 0ait Rtil e4er"bod" finds out "ou-4e been here all this time# 3nd "our motherJ what will she thinkI Simba: @3bruptl" afraid at the mention of his motherA She doesn-t ha4e to know# *obod" has to know# *ala: 0ell, of course the" do# '4er"one thinks "ou-re dead# Simba: The" do? *ala: 8eah# Scar told us about the stampede# Simba: !e didI @*er4ousA 0hat else did he tell "ouI *ala: 0hat else mattersI 8ou-re ali4e# 3nd that means### "ou-re the kin+D Timon: .in+I /bbb# Lad", ha4e "ou +ot your lions crossed# /umbaa: .in+I 8our Ma;est"D I +ra4el at "our feet# @*oisil" kisses SimbaHs pawA Simba: @/ullin+ awa" his pawA Stop it# Timon: @To /umbaaA It-s not K+ra4el,L it-s Kgro!el.6 3nd don"t< he-s not the (ing# @to SimbaA 3re "aI Simba: *o# *ala: 2imba! Simba: *o, I-m not the kin+# Ma"be I was +onna be# $ut, that was a lon+ time a+o# Timon: Let me +et this strai+ht# 8ou-re the kin+I 3nd "ou ne4er told usI Simba: Look, I-m still the same +u"# Timon: @'nthusiasticA $ut with powerD *ala: Could "ou +u"s ### e:cuse us for a few minutesI Timon: !e", @taps /umbaaA whate4er she has to sa", she can sa" in front of us# 5i+ht, SimbaI Simba: !mm#### @embarrassedA Ma"be "ou-d better +o EQ#

Kolks like )tman+lionkin#.or# and are noticin# the su)tle style chan#es that the 5isney animators worked into their characters at a""ro"riate moments. Matt wrote4 -The L!i#htin#L2ty"e scenes in TLK are noticea)ly more realistic22 the eyes are lower$ the mouths are )i##er$

Timon: @3+hast, then resi+nedA It starts# 8ou think "ou know a +u"J @/umbaa and Timon pad off# /umbaa si+hs#A Simba: Timon and /umbaa# 8ou learn to lo4e Rem# @*ala has her head bowed down sadl"#A Simba: 0hatI J0hat is itI *ala: @Suietl"A It-s like "ou-re back from the dead# 8ou don-t know how much this will mean to e4er"one# @/ained e:pressionA J0hat it means to me# Simba: !e"< it-s %.# *ala: @5ubbin+ under Simba-s chin, purrin+ BTA I-4e reall" missed "ou# Simba: @Startled b" *alaHs boldness for an instant, then reciprocatin+A I-4e missed "ou too# [KCan "ou feel the lo4e toni+htL Scene] @The" are rubbin+ heads# 0e hear Timon si+h and camera switch to show them watchin+ from the bushes#A Timon: @!ea4" si+hA I tell "a, /umbaa# This stinks# /umbaa: %h# Sorr"# Timon: *ot you. Them! !im# !er# ,lone... /umbaa: 0hat-s wron+ with thatI @Sin+in+A @/arenthetical part is spoken b" /umbaa#A Timon: I can see what-s happenin+ (0hatI) 3nd the" don-t ha4e a clue (0hoI)
the !aces lose their L!latnessL... in scenes where the dialo#ue is "rominent$ the !aces look a lot more Lhuman.L I would like to "oint out that in this shot you can clearly -see/ Matthew Frodericks !acial structure and e,"ression in =im)a. Its 3uite !ascinatin#$ and a )it 20 Lions dont "urr;

The"-ll fall in lo4e and here-s the bottom line %ur trio-s down to two# (%h#) @in a sarcastic mock12rench accentA 7e sweet caress of twili+ht @$ack to normal, but still sarcasticA There-s ma+ic e4er"where 3nd with all this romantic atmosphere Gisaster-s in the air @The scene passes from Timon and /umbaa to Simba and *ala in front of a waterfall#A 2S: Can "ou feel the lo4e toni+htI The peace the e4enin+ brin+s The world, for once, in perfect harmon" 0ith all its li4in+ thin+s @3fter walkin+ around each other, takin+ in each otherHs mo4ements, the" stop to drink at the water#A Simba: So man" thin+s to tell her $ut how to make her see The truth about m" pastI ImpossibleD She-d turn awa" from me *ala: !e-s holdin+ back, he-s hidin+ $ut what, I can-t decide 0h" won-t he be the kin+ I know he is The kin+ I see insideI @Gurin+ the chorus the followin+ occurs: Simba looks at *ala, smiles, and runs offscreen# !e runs back on sta+e, +rabs a 4ine in his mouth and splashes into the middle of the pond# *ala looks out o4er the still water# Suddenl" Simba lun+es up under her and pulls her pla"full" into the pond# She immediatel" comes out drippin+ and miffed# 0hen Simba comes out, +rinnin+, she smiles and pushes him back in# The" run across a field, disturbin+ a flock of birds# The scene switches to them tusslin+# The" end up pla" fi+htin+# Simba ends up pinnin+ *ala for a first# She +i4es him a tin" lick, resemblin+ a kiss# Simba looks startled and stares at *ala# Close up of *ala, as she

stares back# Close up of SimbaBE# The two rub heads @a cat1st"le kissA, as the last l"rics are sun+#A Chorus: Can "ou feel the lo4e toni+htI The peace the e4enin+ brin+s The world, for once, in perfect harmon" 0ith all its li4in+ thin+s Can "ou feel the lo4e toni+htI 8ou needn-t look too far Stealin+ throu+h the ni+ht-s uncertainties Lo4e is where the" are# @Camera switches back to a tearful Timon and /umbaa#A Timon: 3nd if he falls in lo4e toni+ht @/umbaa sniffsA It can be assumed @Timon hu+s /umbaa, tearfull"#A /umbaa: !is carefree da"s with us are histHr" Timon and /umbaa: In short, our pal is doomed @The" let loose cr"in+ full force#A [!ammock Scene] Simba: Isn-t this a +reat placeI *ala: It is beautiful#### $ut I don-t understand somethin+# 8ou-4e been ali4e all this time# 0h" didn-t "ou come back to /ride 5ockI Simba: @Climbin+ into a ?hammock? of han+in+ 4inesA 0ell, I ;ust ### needed to +et out on m" own# Li4e m" own life# 3nd I did# 3nd it-s +reatD @!e sounds almost as if tr"in+ to con4ince himself as well as *ala#A *ala: @=oice catchin+, as thou+h barel" under controlA 0e-4e reall" needed "ou at home#

7hat do you think o! =im)as e,"ressions durin# this e,chan#e* 5e!initely not your stereoty"ical mo.ie2male. I may )e readin# thin#s in$ )ut 'ala is 3uite the a##ressor while =im)a is "retty much sur"rised )y it all. I rather enjoy =im)a and 'alas relationshi"$ as a re!reshin# chan#e !rom typical movie romance. Thum)s u" to the writersHdirectorsHanimators.

Simba: @SuieterA *o one needs me# *ala: 8es we doD 8ou-re the kin+# Simba: *ala, we-4e been throu+h this# I-m not the kin+# Scar is# *ala: Simba, he let the h"enas take o4er the /ride Lands# Simba: What? *ala: '4er"thin+-s destro"ed# There-s no food, no water# Simba, if "ou don-t do somethin+ soon, e4er"one will star!e. Simba: I can-t +o back# *ala: @LouderA 0h"I Simba: 8ou wouldn-t understand# *ala: What wouldn-t I understandI Simba: @!astil"A *o, no, no# It doesn-t matter# !akuna Matata# *ala: @ConfusedA 0hatI Simba: !akuna Matata# It-s somethin+ I learned out here# Look, sometimes bad thin+s happenJ *ala: 2imba! Simba: @Continuin+, irritatedA 11and there-s nothin+ "ou can do about itD So why worry? @Simba starts awa" from *ala, walkin+ on a fallen tree# *ala trots back up to him#A *ala: $ecause it-s "our responsibility. Simba: 0ell, what about "ouI you left# *ala: I left to find help! 3nd I found you. Don"t "ou understandI 8ouHre our only hope. Simba: Sorr"# *ala: 0hat-s happened to "ouI 8ou-re not the Simba I remember# Simba: 8ou-re ri+ht< I-m not# -ow are "ou satisfiedI

*ala: *o, ;ust disappointed# Simba: 8ou know, "ou-re startin+ to sound like m" father# @0alkin+ awa" a+ainA *ala: 6ood# 3t least one of us does# @Simba is ob4iousl" cut b" the comment about his father< he tears into *ala with his words#A Simba: @3n+r"A 3isten! 8ou think "ou can ;ust show up and tell me how to li4e m" lifeI 8ou don-t e4en know what I-4e been throu+h# *ala: I would if "ouHd ;ust tell meD Simba: 4orget it! *ala: 4ine! @Simba paces off# Camera switch to Simba pacin+ in a field#A Simba: She-s wrong# I can-t +o back# 0hat would it pro4e, an"wa"I It wonHt chan+e an"thin+# 8ou can-t chan+e the past# @!e looks up at the stars#A 8ou said "ou-d alwa"s be there for meD### $ut "ou-re not# 3nd it-s because of me# It-s m" fault#### It-s m" ### fault# @!e bows his head, chokin+ back tears# The camera backs to a far 4iew and then &ooms o4er to 5afiki in a nearb" tree# 0e hear his chant# ,ust for fun, I-4e included its translation#A 5afiki-s Chant: Translation:

3sante sanaD @Thank "ou 4er" muchDA S uash $ananaD @S uash bananaDA 0e we nu+uD @8ou-re a $3$%%*,A Mi mi apanaD @3nd I-m notDA @Simba seems sli+htl" anno"ed b" the chant# !e mo4es awa"# 5afiki, elated b" the si+ht of Simba, follows him# Simba lies down on a lo+ o4er a pond# 3 rock disturbs the water< 5afiki, now in a nearb" tree, starts his chant a+ain#A Simba: Come on, will "ou cut it outI

@5afiki, lau+hin+, is doin+ random acrobatics in the trees nearb"#A 5afiki: Can-t cut it out# It-ll +row ri+ht backD @lau+hsA @Simba starts walkin+ awa"# 5afiki follows#A Simba: Creep" little monke"# 0ill "ou stop followin+ meI 0ho are "ouI 5afiki: @In front of Simba, then ri+ht in his face#A The uestion is: whooo### are youI Simba: @Startled, then si+hin+A I thou+ht I knew#### *ow I-m not so sure# 5afiki: 0ell, I know who "ou are# Shh# Come here# It-s a secret# @!e pulls Simba-s head o4er to whisper into his ear# !e starts his chant into Simba-s ear and lau+hs#A 3sante sanaD S uash bananaD 0e we nu+uD Mi mi apanaD Simba: 'rnhD 'nou+h alread"D ###0hat-s that supposed to mean an"wa"I 5afiki: It means "ou are a baboon11 and I-m not# @lau+hsA Simba: @Mo4in+ awa"A I thinkJ "ou-re a little confused# 5afiki: @Ma+icall" in front of Simba a+ainA 0ron+D I-m not the one who-s confused< "ou don-t e4en know who you areD Simba: @Irritated, sarcasticA %h, and I suppose you know# 5afiki: Sure do< 8ou-re Mufasa-s bo"D @Simba is surprised b" this re4elation# 5afiki disappears off sta+e ri+ht#A Bye! @Cue music: ?Lala? theme#A $S: 0e san+oma n+i 4elelwe [%h, spiritual healer, I-m troubled] 0e baba n+i4elelwe [%h, m" father, I-m in pain] 0e baba n+i4elelwe [%h, m" father, I-m in pain] Simba: !e", waitD

@Simba chases after him# 0hen the camera catches up, 5afiki is in a meditati4e lotus position on a rock#A 8ou knew m" fatherI 5afiki: @MonotoneA Correction11 I (now "our father# Simba: I hate to tell "ou this, butJ he died# 3 lon+ time a+o# @5afiki leaps off the rock o4er to a dense ;un+le1like area#A 5afiki: -ope# 0ron+ a+ainD !ah hah hahD *e"s ali!e77 and I-ll show him to "ou# 8ou follow old 5afiki< he knows the wa"# 8ome on! @5afiki leads Simba throu+h the brush# Simba has trouble keepin+ up due to his si&e# The music slips into 3frican chant#A 5afiki: Gon-t dawdle#### *urry up! Simba: !e", whoa# 0ait, wait# 5afiki: Come on# Come onD Simba: 0ould "ou slow downI @5afiki is seen flittin+ throu+h the canop" ahead of Simba, lau+hin+ hollowl" and whoopin+# Simba stru++les to keep up# Suddenl", 5afiki appears with his hand held up ri+ht into Simba-s face#A 5afiki: ST%/D @5afiki motions to Simba near some reeds#A Shhh# @!e parts the reeds and points past them with his staff#A Look down there# @Simba uietl" and carefull" works his wa" out# !e looks o4er the ed+e and sees his reflection in a pool of water !e first seems a bit startled, perhaps at his own mature appearance, but then reali&es what he-s lookin+ at#A Simba: @GisappointedA That-s not m" father# That-s ;ust m" reflection#

5afiki: *oo# Look ### harder# @5afiki motions o4er the pool# 5ipples form, distortin+ SimbaHs reflection< the" resol4e into MufasaHs face# There is a deep rumblin+ noise#A 8ou see ### he li4es in you# @Simba is awestruck# The wind picks up# In the air the hu+e ima+e of Mufasa is formin+ from the cloudsBB# !e appears to be walkin+ from the stars# The ima+e is +hostl" at first, but steadil" +ains color and coherence#A Mufasa: @Suietl" at firstA Simba # # # Simba: 2atherI Mufasa: Simba, "ou ha4e for+otten me# Simba: *o# !ow could II Mufasa: 8ou ha4e for+otten who "ou are, and so ha4e for+otten me# Look inside "ourself, Simba# 8ou are more than what "ou ha4e become# 8ou must take "our place in the Circle of Life# Simba: !ow can I +o backI I-m not who I used to be# @Shot of cloud1Mufasa, with +lowin+ "ellow e"es# !e is framed in swirlin+ clouds, radiatin+ +olden li+ht#A Mufasa: 5emember who "ou are# 8ou are m" son, and the one true kin+# @Close up of SimbaHs face, bathed in the +olden li+ht, showin+ a mi:ture of awe, fear, and sadness# The ima+e of Mufasa starts to fade#A 5emember who "ou are# @Mufasa is disappearin+ into the clouds fast# Simba runs into the fields tr"in+ to keep up with the ima+e#A Simba: *oD /leaseD Gon-t lea4e me# Mufasa: 5emember### Simba: 2atherD Mufasa: 5emember###

A r.a.d. "oster cited a "ossi)le hidden Mickey here. I think I may ha.e seen it$ too. 7hen Mu!asa is !irst -walkin# !rom the stars/$ and his entire )ody is in .iew$ look at the swirlin# clouds on the !ar le!t o! the screen2 a )it more than hal!way u". Kor an instant$ a Mickey2head !orms there. B! course$ I su""ose i! I stared hard enou#h I could see an ima#e o! ol 7alt himsel!. Br "erha"s Te uka. You can tell...!

Simba: Gon-t lea4e me# Mufasa: 5emember # # # @Simba is left out in the fields# There is ;ust a cloud left where his father-s ima+e was# The wind tosses the +rass restlessl"# 5afiki approaches#A 5afiki: 0hat was thatI The weather11 /bbbahD =er" peculiar# Gon-t "ou thinkI Simba: 8eah# Looks like the winds are chan+in+# 5afiki: 3hhh, chan+e is +ood# Simba: 8eah, but it-s not eas"# I know what I ha4e to do# $ut, +oin+ back means I-ll ha4e to face m" past# I-4e been runnin+ from it for so lon+#### @5afiki smacks Simba on the head with his staff#A %wwD ,ee&11 what was that forI 5afiki: It doesn-t matter< it-s in the pastD @lau+hsA Simba: @5ubbin+ headA 8eah, but it still hurts# 5afiki: %h "es, the past can hurt# $ut the wa" I see it, "ou can either run from it### or ### learn from it# @!e swin+s at Simba with his staff a+ain# This time Simba ducks#A !ahD 8ou seeI So what are "ou +oin+ to doI Simba: 2irst### I-m +oin+ to take "our stick# @Simba tosses 5afiki-s staff to the side#A 5afiki: *o, no, no, noD *ot the stic(D @3s 5afiki picks up his staff, Simba starts runnin+ off#A !e"D 0here are "ou +oin+I Simba: @Shoutin+ backA I-m +oin+ backD 5afiki: .ood! .o on! .et out of here! @5afiki lau+hs, hoots, RnH hollers# 3s he holds his staff abo4e his head, a few shootin+ stars &in+ across the sk"# Music rises into celebrator" ?$usa? theme:A

$S: $usa le li&weBF $usa le li&we $usa le li&we $usa lomhlaba Sabusa le li&we Sabusa le li&we Sabusa le li&we $usa lomhlaba

[5ule this land] [5ule this land] [5ule this land] [5ule this land] [8ou shall rule this land] [8ou shall rule this land] [8ou shall rule this land] [5ule this land]

[Timon and *ala Scene] @Camera switch to Timon and /umbaa sleepin+# Timon is curled up on /umbaa< /umbaa is l"in+ on his back# $oth are snorin+# In his snore, /umbaa occasionall" mumbles ?6rubs#### +rubs#L *ala approaches and nud+es Timon with a paw#A *ala: !e"# !e", wake up# @Timon wakes up and see a hu+e lion face in his 4iew# !e starts screamin+ and /umbaa ;oins in#A *ala: It-s %.# 0hoa, whoa# It-s %.# It-s me# Timon: Don"t e4er do that againD Carni4ores, oy! *ala: !a4e "ou +u"s seen SimbaI Timon: @!oldin+ a hand to his headA I thou+ht he was with you. *ala: !e was, but now I can-t find him# 0here is heI @0e hear 5afiki-s lau+h< he-s sittin+ in a tree abo4e them#A 5afiki: !o ho ho hoD 8ou won-t find him here# !a ha# The kin+J has returned# *ala: @Suietl"A I can-t belie4e it# @louder, ama&edA !e-s +one backD Timon: 6one backI 0hat do "ou meanI @looks where 5afiki was, 5afiki is now +oneA !e"D 0hat-s +oin+ on hereI 0ho-s the mon(eyID *ala: Simba-s +one to challen+e Scar# Timon: 0hoI

I actually hear this !irst line only as LThis land$ in.inci)le.L

*ala: Scar# /umbaa: 0ho-s +ot a scarI *ala: @Shakin+ headA *o, no, no# It-s his uncle# Timon: The monke"-s his uncleI *ala: -o! Simba-s +one back to challen+e his uncle to take his place as (ing# Timon and /umbaa: %hhh# [5unnin+ Scene] @0ith accompan"in+ music, we see a far shot of Simba char+in+ full speed across the desert# 3 la"o4er is faded in of Simba-s feet poundin+ the sand#A [Led+e Scene] @Simba slowl" crosses the desolated land# !e reaches the lip of a cliff and looks out o4er his former home# Mostl" lackin+ in life, it is painted in +ra"s# Seein+ the desolation, a look of determination, e4en fur", appears on Simba-s face#A *ala: Simba, wait upD @She trots up ne:t to him on the led+eA JIt-s awful, isn-t itI Simba: I didn-t want to belie4e "ou# *ala: 0hat made "ou come backI Simba: I finall" +ot some sense knocked into me# 3nd I-4e +ot the bump to pro4e it# $esides, this is m" kin+dom# If I don-t fi+ht for it, who willI *ala: I will# Simba: It-s +oin+ to be dan+erous# *ala: @Suotin+ "oun+ SimbaA Gan+erI I lau+h in the face of dan+er# !ah ha ha haaD Timon: I see nothin+ funn" about this# Simba: TimonI /umbaaI 0hat are "ou doin+ hereI /umbaa: @bowin+ on one forele+A 3t "our ser4ice, m" lie+e# Timon: 9h## 0e-re +oin+ to fi+ht "our uncle ### for thisI

Simba: 8es, Timon< this is m" home# Timon: /hh# Talk about "our fi:er1upper# 0ell, Simba, if it-s important to "ou @bowsA, we-re with "ou to the end# @Simba smiles appreciati4el"# *ice scene with the four of them on the led+e 4iewin+ the work ahead of them#A [!ula scene] @Camera switches to Simba# *ala, Timon, and /umbaa sneakin+ up to the ed+e of /ride 5ock# 2rom behind a lo+, the" obser4e close up the hordes of h"enas#A Timon: !"enas# I hate h"enas# @0hisperin+ to SimbaA So what-s "our plan for +ettin+ past those +u"sI Simba: Li4e bait# Timon: 6ood idea# @5eali&in+A *ey# Simba: Come on, Timon11 "ou +u"s ha4e to crate a di4ersion# Timon: @IncredulousA 0hat do "ou want me to doI Gress in dra+ and do the hulaI @Camera switch to Timon in a hula outfit# The music sun+ is The !awaiian 0ar Chant much like the Spike ,ones arran+ement# /umbaa is set up like a roast pi+, e4en with an apple in his mouth# ,un+le drum riff#A LuauD If "ou-re hun+r" for a hunk of fat and ;uic" meat 'at m" budd" /umbaa here because he is a treat Come on down and dine %n this tast" swine 3ll "ou ha4e to do is +et in line @/arenthetical parts are /umbaa sin+in+< the apple is at his feet#A 3aaare "a achin(8up, "up, "up) 2ooor some baconI (8up, "up, "up) @/umbaa winks at TimonA !eee-s a bi+ pi+ (8up, "up) 8ou could be a bi+ pi+ too#

1yD @The" run off, screamin+, leadin+ some of the h"enas awa"# Simba and *ala creep b"#A Simba: *ala, "ou find m" mother and rall" the lionesses# @determinedl"A I-ll look for Scar# [Confrontation Scene] @Simba is makin+ his wa" up /ride 5ock# Scar callin+ his mother causes him to pause and watch#A Scar: S353$IIID @Sarabi ascends /ride 5ockBU# The h"enas snap at her heels# She onl" +lares disdainfull" at them#A Sarabi: 8es, ScarI Scar: 0here is "our huntin+ part"I The"-re not doin+ their ;ob# Sarabi: @Calml"A Scar, there is no food# The herds ha4e mo4ed on# Scar: *o# 8ou-re ;ust not lookin+ hard enou+h# Sarabi: It-s o!er# There is nothing left# 0e ha4e onl" one choice# 0e must lea4e /ride 5ock# Scar: 0e-re not +oin+ an"where# Sarabi: Then "ou ha4e sentenced us to deathD Scar: Then so be it# Sarabi: @Gis+usted, ama&edA 8ou can-t do that# Scar: I-m the kin+# I can do### whate4er I want# Sarabi: If "ou were half the kin+ Mufasa was "ou would ne4e11


It can )e noted here$ with some re#ret$ that the sun is settin# in the same direction that it rose on %ride &ock in the scene where =im)a and Mu!asa are watchin# it in the )e#innin# o! the Bo"s. I #uess they had a so!t s"ot !or theatrical li#htin#. I can e,cuse the -.illain/ shadow =car casts while "acin# in the canyon$ e.en the #reen li#ht makin# those #risly hyena silhouettes$2 )ut re.ersin# the direction o! the sun itself? Dmmm! There is an e,"lanation !or this A'5 the a)o.e error thou#h4 5urin# =im)as a)sence$ an earth3uake o! such ma#nitude occurred that %ride &ock rotated a !ull 1@A !

@Scar backhands Sarabi, knockin+ her to the +round BC#A Scar: I-m ten times the kin+ Mufasa wasDB> @Simba appears on the led+e, +rowlin+ loudl"# !e leaps out and runs to his mother# Scar mistakes Simba as Mufasa and is understandabl" fri+htened#A MufasaI *o11 "ou-re dead# @Sarabi awakens at her son-s nud+e, but mistakes him for Mufasa as Scar did#A Sarabi: MufasaI Simba: *o< it-s me# Sarabi: @Geli+htedA SimbaI 8ou-re ali4eI @ConfusedA !ow can that beI Simba: It doesn-t matter< I-m home# Scar: @ConfusedA SimbaI @$ack in formA 2imbaD I-m a little surprised to see "ou### @+i4in+ the h"enas abo4e him an an+r" lookA ali!e. @%n the word Kali4e,L Shen&i, $an&ai, and 'd +ulp audibl" and slink into the shadows#A Simba: @3s Sarabi looks on with some prideA 6i4e me one +ood reason wh" I shouldn-t rip "ou apart# Scar: @backin+ into a wall, apolo+eticA %h, Simba, "ou must understand# The pressures of rulin+ a (ingdom### Simba: J3re no lon+er "ours# Step down, Scar# Scar: %h, oh, "e11 0ell, I would, heh, naturall", heh11 howe4er, there is one little problem# 8ou see themI @pointin+ to the horde of h"enas on the rocks abo4e BNA The" think $"m kin+#

=omeone on r.a.d. "ointed out that a "ossi)le -hidden Mickey/ could )e !ound here. I am not e,actly sure what !rame they were re!errin# to$ )ut I ha.e seen what may )e a mouse2head2like shadow around =ara)is head in the shot that "ans !rom =im)a as he clim)s down the led#e to =ara)i as she lies on the #round. You Make the (all. 26 &e#ardin# this dialo#ue$ Frian Tiemann wrote4 -7hen =car )ackhands =ara)i to the !loor$ a!ter she says LI! you were hal! the kin# Mu!asa was youMd...L$ I <)elie.e it or not> thou#ht I heard LI AM hal! the kin# Mu!asa was!L =ort o! a Kreudian sli" it would ha.e )een$ and 3uite !unny and a""lica)le. =ort o! un!ortunate that it wasnMt the true te,t. N>/ 27 7here the rocks !orm a 1?$ one o! the hyenas is actually a schnau er. Its in silhouette$ so watch !or it care!ully. 'o$ I am not makin# this u"! Actual si#ht #a#$ "ut in on "ur"ose! I ha.e not )een a)le to s"ot it$ ...The shot is only a)out 1HO a second lon#$ and is only .isi)le on the wide2screen .ersion o! the <i.e.$ the laserdisc>P its just at the ed#e o! the "an2and2scan .iewin# area.

@*ala appears with the rest of the lionesses#A *ala: 0ell, we don-t# Simba is the ri+htful kin+# Simba: The choice is "ours, Scar# 'ither step down or fi+ht# Scar: %h, must it all end in !iolence? I-d hate to be responsible for the death of a famil" member# 0ouldn-t "ou a+ree, SimbaI Simba: That-s not +onna work, Scar# I-4e put it behind me# Scar: 'h, but what about "our faithful sub;ectsI !a4e they put it behind them? *ala: Simba, what is he talkin+ aboutI Scar: @Geli+htedA 3hh, so "ou ha!en"t told them "our little secret# 0ell, Simba, now-s "our chance to tell them# Tell them who is responsible for %ufasa"s death! @Scars last line causes the lionesses to start# 3ll are concentratin+ on Simba#A Simba: @Steelin+ himself, then takin+ a step forwardA I am# @Sarabi approaches her son#A Sarabi: @0ith much +riefA It-s not true# Tell me it-s not true# Simba: @5e+retfull"A It-s true# Scar: 8ou see, he admits itD MurdererD Simba: *oD It was an accidentD @Scar walks around and around Simba as he accuses him< 4er" nicel" done animated rotation#A Scar: If it weren-t for "ou, Mufasa would still be ali4e# It-s your fault he-s dead#### Do you deny it? Simba: *o# Scar: @Se4erel"A Then ### "ou-re ### guilty! Simba: *o# I-m not a murderer# Scar: %h Simba, "ou-re in trouble a+ain# $ut this time, Daddy isn-t here to sa4e "ou# 3nd now e!eryone (nows why!

@Scar has been backin+ Simba up the len+th of /ride 5ock# 3fter his last sentence, Simba slips o4er the ed+e and is clin+in+ to the led+e b" his forepaws# Li+htnin+ strikes below, i+nitin+ the dr" brush#A *ala: SimbaD @Scar sits back and pretends to think#A Scar: *ow this looks familiar# !mm# 0here ha4e I seen this before# Let me think# !mmm### hmmm# %h "es, I remember# This is ;ust the wa" "our father looked before he died# @Scar +rabs Simba with his claws as he did Mufasa# !e whispers into Simba-s ear#A 3nd here-s my little secret# $ (illed %ufasa# @Simba has a uick memor" flash back to that fateful instant# !is 4oice blends with his "oun+er 4oice in the scream of when his father died# In one +iant leap he lun+es up and pins Scar on his back# Scar is cau+ht completel" b" surprise and is understandabl" 4er" ner4ous and shaken#A Simba: *oo###OOO1111 M)R-ERER. @The lionesses are surprised at this sudden chan+e#A Scar: *o, Simba please# Simba: Tell them the truth# Scar: TruthI $ut, truth is in the e"e of the beholdll+kkkJD @Simba starts to choke Scar#A 3ll ri+ht# 3ll ri+ht# @ uietl", 4enemousl"A I did it# Simba: So the" can hear "ou# Scar: @6rud+in+l", but clearA $ ### killed ### MufasaD @*ala starts towards Scar, the h"enas attack Simba in a wall of teeth# The lionesses ;oin in, attackin+ the h"enas# 0e see /umbaa and Timon come in# /umbaa char+es with Timon ridin+ him< h"enas fl" e4er"where#A /umbaa: !e"""1"aaaaahDD Timon: RScuse me# /ardon me# CominH throu+h# !ot stuff# 0hooD

@$owlin+ strike sound effect as h"enas fl"# 5afiki whacks a h"ena off of Simba# Camera switch to him< with a battle scream, he ;oins the fra"# 3s a bit of comic relief, 5afiki is fi+htin+ in kun+1fu ?$1mo4ie? st"le, complete with chees" sound effects#A 5afiki: @3s he hits 4arious h"enasA www3D !o&ahD !a&owwD 8aaD 8ahD hh"''%%0wwD @Camera switch to Timon runnin+ from Shen&i# !e runs into the ca4e# 7a&u spots him# Timon runs into his ca+e for safet" from the h"enas#A 7a&u: Let me outD Let me outD Timon: Let me in let me inD @to the h"enas, pleadin+A /leeease don-t eat me# @/umbaa appears at the ca4e-s entrance#A /umbaa: /roblemI $an&ai: !e", who-s the pi+I /umbaa: 3re "ou talkin+ to meI Timon: 9h oh# The" called him a pi+# /umbaa: 3re "ou talkin+ to meID Timon: Shouldn-t Ra done that# /umbaa: 35' 8%9 T3L.I*6 T% M'IDI Timon: *ow the"-re in for it# /umbaa: T!'8 C3LL M'## %$2T / #$$$.! AAAAAAAAAAA-@/umbaa char+es and dri4es the h"enas off#A Timon: Take thatD 3nd that! @etc#A $an&ai: %w ow ow ow ow ow ow ### /umbaa: Take thatD 3nd thatD @etc#A 8ou "ellow bell"### 7a&u: Take that, "ou stupid### @etc#A @The" start the 3rsenio hall K%oh, oohL chant# The scene switches to Simba chasin+ Scar up to the hi+h point of /ride 5ock# Scar runs up to the ed+e and sees the sheer drop# Simba leaps up to confront him and the cliff like ed+e# Scar is 4er" apprehensi4e, seein+ he is cornered and at SimbaHs merc"#A

Simba: @Suietl", se4erel"A Murderer# Scar: Simba, Simba# /lease# /lease ha4e merc"# I be+ "ou# Simba: 8ou don-t deser4e to li4e# Scar: $ut, Simba, I am ### ah ### @unsure of his tacticA family. It-s the h"enas @re+ainin+ composureA who are the real enem"# It was their fault11 it was their ideaD @Shen&i, $an&ai, and 'd are in the back+round# The" o4erhear and back awa" +rowlin+ at Scar-s betra"al#A Simba: 0h" should I belie4e "ouI '4er"thin+ "ou e4er told me was a lie# Scar: 0hat are "ou +oin+ to doI 8ou wouldn-t kill "our old 9ncle###I @in+ratiatin+ +rinA Simba: *o, Scar# I-m not like "ou# Scar: @6reatl" relie4edA %h, Simba, thank "ou# 8ou are trul" noble# @asideA I-ll make it up to "ou, I promise# @standin+ upA !ow can I, ah, pro4e m"self to "ouI Tell me, I mean, an"thin+# Simba: @6ra4el", with deep an+erA /un. 5un awa", Scar# 3nd ne!er return# Scar: 8es# %f course#### 3s "ou wish, @lookin+ down and seein+ a pile of hot coals#A "our %a9estyD @Scar swipes the coals into SimbaHs face# 0ith a cr" of surprise and pain, Simba paws the coals awa" as Scar leaps and attacks#A @There is a fi+ht in slow motion# $oth Scar and Simba land hea4" blows# Simba +ets knocked on his back# Scar leaps throu+h the flames at him# Simba +athers coura+e and uses Scar-s momentum in a ?throw? similar to *ala-s fi+htin+ tactics to send him fl"in+ o4er the ed+eBP# Scar tumbles to the bottom# !e weakl" +ets up# !e sees $an&ai, Shen&i, and 'd approachin+ and smiles# 'd has a very an+r" look on his face#A Scar: 3hh, m" friends# Shen&i: 2rie1he1hendsI I thou+ht he said we were the enemy! $an&ai: 8eah, that-s what I heard#

=im)a uses the same )ack2!eet2"ushin# mo.e that 'ala used to re.erse landin# "ositions in his "ounces on her2 could it )e that =im)a e.entually learned this mo.e !rom his )outs with 'ala* The Lion Kin# -Little 0olden Fook/ says <and I 3uote>4 -...=im)a used 'alas trick !li" to send =car !lyin# the cli!! to the hun#ry hyenas )elow./ I rest my case! 4>

$an&ai and Shen&i: 'dI 'd: @Lau+hs e4ill"A Scar: @=er" ner4ousA *o# L1L1L1Le1Le1Le1Le1Let me e:plain# *o# 8ou don-t understand# *oD I didn-t mean for### *o, *oD Look, IHm sorr" I called "ou### *oD *%%D BQ @The camera mo4es awa" and we can onl" see the shadows as the horde of h"enas close in on and attack Scar# 5ain opens up and douses the fire# Simba comes down and +reets his mother and *ala# 5afiki motions for Simba to ascend /ride 5ock as kin+# Simba starts up and pauses to hu+ 5afiki as his father did#A 5afiki: It is time# @=er" ma;esticall", Simba ascends# Music is stron+# 3t the tip of the rock Simba looks up throu+h the rain# Throu+h a hole in the clouds we can see a patch of stars# %ne bri+ht star shines out briefl"#A Mufasa: 5emember # # # @ Simba-s e:pression +ains confidence and stren+th# !e roars# The lionesses roar in repl"# Time switch to the Sa4annah in full bloom a+ain# Cue K$usaL theme:A $S: $usa le li&we [5ule this land] $usa le li&we [5ule this land] $usa le li&we [5ule this land] $us1busa n+o :olo [5ule, rule with peace] @%bscured 4erseA MS: Se1fi1le $aba ti1tabo Ma"e babo $usa lomhlaba

[5ule this land]

$S: @%bscured 4erseA MS: !eD Se1fi1le $usa SimbaD $usa SimbaD [5ule SimbaD 5ule SimbaD] 9buse n+o :olo 9buse n+o thando 9buse n+o :olo 9buse n+o thando [8ou must rule with peace] [8ou must rule with lo4e] [8ou must rule with peace] [8ou must rule with lo4e]


That last )it$ -Im sorry I called you/ is actually in there$ as !ar as I can tell. I.e rewound the ta"e ten or !i!teen times. Yes$ its odd that ol =car would a"olo#i e !or anythin#$ isnt it* Fut thats what I heard... G>

9buse n+o :olo

[5ule with peace]

@Simba, Timon, /umbaa, and *ala are on /ride 5ock# 7a&u flies up to the point# Timon, of course, is shakin+ his arms in the classic 4ictor" si+n# 3ll the 4arious +roups of herds are there, makin+ noise as in the presentation of Simba#A $S: In+on"ama nen+w- enamabala In+on"ama nen+w- enamabala MS: (n+w- enamabala1wa) 2ull Chorus: RTil we find our place %n the path unwindin+ In the Circle The Circle of Life @5afiki appears, holdin+ Chaka# !e lifts him to present him to the crowd#A Circle of J Liiife @$ass drum hit and black out to title in red letterin+ as in the be+innin+# The Circle is completed#AFT


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