Chapter 1

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CHAPTER 1: FORWARD YEARS AHEAD As if trying to bridge the years, they stood looking at each other.

Only those d ark brown eyes beneath his thick prominent arched brows reminded Dara of the boy . The spare bone structure of the face was revealed now in place of his rounded contours; the thick black hair was worn longer today than then; the striking jaw line and that face more guarded than what it used to be. Those eyes, she sensed a formidable hardness that somehow shocked her and dissol ved her cosy picture of the past. The most attractive thing about him was the de ep voice, she thought. She gasped, unable to move, wanting to disappear that very minute, wanting to ru n but caught unguarded between the wall and this man standing in front of her. S he smiled oddly at him, not sure what to do next, but her eyes were glued to his . She swear she saw him crinckled his eyes a little, momentarily softening the hardness of this new version of Choi Seung Hyun. "T-tabi...", she stuttered speaking his name, it sounded almost like a whisper. She doesn't know what to do, where to place her hand, or control her reaction. S he winced a little thinking of the silly things in the past. Since when did she last call out that name again? She couldn't even remember, and then suddenly, he pops out of nowhere with no warning. He shook his head with a little confusion apparent all over his face as he wande rs his vision around. "...this is rather a solitary life for a woman your age", he casually spoke, his eyes were somewhat mocking and teasing. Age. Why does he have to emphasize such a thing? "Yaaaah!" Her high-pitched tone echoed the room. She took in some air, faltered a little and then she went on. "Loneliness is a state of mind", she stated those words fast enough. Her usual defensive self is on. "How did you even manage to enter?", she managed to ask wondering how was he able to gain access past this s ecure area, as she composed herself a little. "That isn't the right question...", his voice sounded a little deeper while taki ng a step closer to her. "Why not ask how have I been?", he spoke with a little hint of pain in his words, it slashed like a shard of a broken piece of glass pi ercing inside her.

Dara, inwardly wincing at his words, and a little nettled by his indulgent attit ude, eyed him with the exasperated ache in her heart which was nearly forgotten but was becoming familiar once again as she stood there with him. "You're always so cool...and detached," she felt a lump in her throat but still managed to continue. "I can't believe you're still the same insensitive human be ing!" "What do you want me to say Dara? A long line of passionate words after you disa ppear without even saying goodbye? It's not my line, call me inhuman". He steppe d closer to her once more, his scent lingering on her nose, causing her to step back, hitting her small frame against the wall behind her. He smiled crazily, li ke a demon to its prey. "Could you not do that?!" He chuckled. "Do what?", he acted as if he didn't do anything wrong, leaving her

feel miserable just like the old days. "I'm not doing anything...", he placed h is hands inside his pockets, and whistled a tune, steering his sight away from h er pretty face. "Can you please get out?", she pleaded. Accustomed to the silence and solitude f or the past three years, she considered that night as another nightmare, and tha t voice did not only distubed her peaceful existence, her life literally changed from the moment she first heard it. For some, it may be attractive just as she thought at the beginning. She still does think that way, but it brought her unce rtainties - of her feelings, her emotions. She needs to control and endure it fo r a little while until this man is gone. She knew intuitively Tabi is punishing her again. She knows him better than anyo ne, and why he's acting this way. "You have a choice. I can stay with you tonight and tell me some of your reasons . Or I can drag you from here, and take you away with me". He grinned, that misc hievous grin. " don't play fair at all!", she complained. Her voice went several notc hes up. "Yes," he agreed. Then he smiled, a charming, dangerous smile. "I play to win." She panicked.

She's been trying hard since earlier to fixate her gaze downwards or sideways as long as she wouldn't meet his. He plays to win he said?! His words echoed to he r senses causing her to panic. Her gaze flashed upward, locking with his. It was a mistake. He could melt ice with those eyes. Her annoyamce didn't stand a chan ce. Her lips parted, out of fear, of irritation, of shock - she doesn't understand! All she knew is that she needed to escape from the bait. She needs to break away from those eyes. Her breathing stopped momentarily. "Those lips are inviting," he spoke with his eyes lowering to the level of her l ips, as if he'd kiss it any moment. "Thank you...," she replied shotting him with a look of annoyance. "As you see, Mr. Ch-Choi Seung Hyun," she stuttered trying the hardest to hide her anxiety an d annoyance. "If you came here to draw your sword against me, this really is not a good time". She didn't know if it's possible feeling anxiety and annoyance at the same time, until tonight. Good thing she's wearing her make-up on tonight, or this man could just easily d istinguish colors mounting in Dara's cheeks while uttering those words. His calm demeanor makes it look like every word he spoke are filled with sincerity. "Why? Are you as busy as me?", he stared at her for a second and then suddenly b reaking the eye contact. "I refuse to discuss any matters further", she announced, pretending not to care at all although her heart has been beating faster for a while. She strides towa rd the living room, leaving him in one corner, in her peripherals she knew he's looking at her, from her head to his toes.

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