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new lyw eds cannot alw ays live alone

abundant food and bridecake

bridal gow n and w edding ring

performed at Civil egistry

tricks are played on the man

intimate party and special ring

after they retire (from their activities).

she alw ays w ashes her hands.

they usually blow out the candles of a birthday c

w hen I feel sad and depressed

w hen students in the US take exams

w hen school starts

w hen people pay taxes




amiro &ayorga 'uti(rre)

Carrera: *icenciatura en Ingenier+a &ecatr,nica Semestre: #Cdigo: $./0!1!$0 Ci lo: $.%"2 Asignatura: Ingles III !ro"esor: 3. 3es4s 2ravo Chavar+n



Used to ' In"initi(e

3ulie used to play tennis when she was younger. 5ho use to be your best friend6 as child7 8id you use to en9oy elementary school7 8avid used to run very fast before his accident. I didn:t use to eat well6 until I got really sick. ;ow long did you use to spend doing homework7

%as or )ere

1. %as or )ere

I was at home. 5e were in the garden. *ucy was tired. 5e were in the castle. 3onh an <eggy were at school. =hey were on the trip. 5ere you in *ondon7

2. C*oose t*e rig*t ans)er

5ere you in the garden with my parents7 I wasn:t at my 'ranny:s last week. She was very hungry. 5as he at the seaside on &onday7 5hy weren:t they at school yesterday7

I wasn:t feeling very well


C*oose t*e orre t ,ast "orm o" t*e (er- to -e. %> Susan and &ark were at home yesterday night. $> She wasn:t at home. She was at school. "> 2limpy6 the cat6 was sat near the sofa. !> 3ohn and some of his friends were playing soccer. #> ?esterday night wasn:t raining. It was snowing.

Com,lete t*e /uestions )it* )as or )ere and )rite ans)ers. %>5ere they with you at home7 ?es6 they were. $> 5ere you at home on &onday morning7 @o6 I wasn:t. ">5as 3ohn working last week7 ?es6 he was. !> 5ere your parents at the cinema on Saturday7 ?es6 they were.

%rite t*e )ords in t*e orre t order.

%> garden A wasn:t A the A yesterday A he A in ;e wasn:t in the garden yesterday. $> home A were A my dad A and I A all day A at &y dad and I were all day at home. "> was A Susan A library A the A in Susan was in the library. !> park A girls A the A the A were A at A 7 5ere the girls at the park7 #> =om A last night A happy A wasn:t =om wasn:t happy last night.

Non0 ount and ount /uanti"iers

1. =here wasnBt much traffic this morning. 2. =here was much information given during the class. 3. =he amount of advice he received was well worth the cost. 4. ;ow many people will be coming to the party tonight7 5. Unfortunately6 she doesnBt have very many friends 5

6. I bought some milk6 some apples6 and a few bananas. 7. =here are a lot of movies I like6 but few that I would see twice. 8. 5e 9ust bought a new house with plenty of furniture included. 9. =he number of students at the school has increased. 10. =here is a little water on the floor because of the storm last night

Count and Non0Count Nouns 1

%. light C. 2oth $. weather 2. non>count ". furniture 2. non>count !. information 2. non>count #. sheep C. count 1. soap 2. non>count 0. time C. both /. class C. count D. data

C. count %.. rice 2. non>count %%. man C. count %$. idea C. count

Count and Non0Count Nouns 2

?esterday6 I went with my family for a picnic at the beach. 5e took lots of food6 because weBre all greedyE First of all6 we packed some chocolate to eat in the car on the way to the beach. For the first course6 we took some soup and a loaf of bread. For the main course6 we decided on a chicken salad sandwich for each person6 along with some rice. Finally6 we packed a melon big enough for everyone to get a slice. Gf course6 we also took some tea and some coffee6 and a litre of ice>cream. It seemed like a huge Huantity of food6 but unfortunately we ate it all in the carE 2y the time we got to the beach6 there was nothing left.

Count and Non0Count Nouns 3

5hen we got to the beach6 man4 people were already there6 and we couldnBt find a place to sit down. =here were a "e) empty spaces near one end of the beach6 but they were a long way from the sea. 5e walked along the beach for a little while6 but we didnBt have mu * fun because we kept bumping into people. Finally6 we decided to get back in the car and go down the coast to the next beach. =his was much betterI there were only a "e) families on the beach6 so there was

more room to spread out our things. 2ecause we had eaten so mu * food in the car6 all we wanted to do was lie down6 and after a "e) minutes we were all do)ing happily in the sun.

A ti(it4 22

Inconvenient ;uge / @oisy /

/ Small Juiet


8ingy /

2right Safe Kxpensive

8angerous / easonable Gld / /

&odern Spacious

Cramped / *ight / 8ark 2rand new /


A ti(it4 23 1. =he rooms are too dark 2. =he living room is too cramped for the family. 3. =he bathroom isnBt modern enough. 4. =he yard is too small for the children. 5. =he street isnBt Huiet enough for us. 6. =he neighborhood isnBt safe enough. 7. =he






!resent !er"e t: !resent !er"e t or Sim,le !ast+

1. I have bought some new shorts6 but I donBt think I like them. &aybe IBll take

them back to the store.

2. =he Titanic sank in %D%$. 3. 5e have owned this =L set since %D1/6 and it still worksE 4. 8olphins have lived in 2C waters for millions of years6 and are still common

5. =his wine has been in the cellar for %# years. 5hen we take it out and open

it6 it will taste beautifulE

6. I wore these boots to go hiking yesterday. 7. =he children have drunk all the orange 9uiceE 5eBll need to get some more. 8. 3unko has never eaten bacon in her lifeE SheBs a true vegetarian. 9. ;e cried when his girlfriend left him6 but heBs GM now. 10. I lost my binder yesterday6 but my brother found it this morning.

!resent !er"e t: $a5ing 6uestions


I fell into the sea while I was fishing. ;a ve yo u e ve r fa ll e n i n to th e se a7


I studied 'erman at school. ;a ve yo u e ve r stu di e d 'e rma n 7


I saw the movie Antz yesterday. ;a ve yo u e ve r see n Cn t)7


I had malaria when I was a child.


;a ve yo u e ve r ha d mal a ri a 7

I missed the bus last night. ;a ve yo u e ve r mi sse d the bu s7

!resent !er"e t and Sim,le !ast 1

1. 3o9i lived in =okyo for five years6 but he left in %DD". 2. =he =itanic sank in %D%$. 3. I have walked to work every day for the last six weeksE 4. I have seen the movie Titanic three times. IBm going to see it again tonight. 5. 5hen ?oung ;ee was a child6 she lived in Seoul. 6. I lost my key yesterday6 so I couldnBt get into the house. Kventually6 I found it

in my 9acket pocket.
7. Chika graduated from university last 3uly. 8. 'erry has fallen off his bike three times this month. 9. Somebody has stolen my bicycleE @ow IBll have to walk home. 10. GuchE IBve cut my fingerE

!resent !er"e t and Sim,le !ast 3


?ou A ever A live A <aris A 7 (@ote >> this is a HuestionE) ;a ve yo u e ve r li ve d i n <a ri s7


I A live A <aris A when A I A be A child I l i ve d in <a ri s wh e n I wa s a ch i l d .


?ou A go A *ouvre A when A you A live A <aris A 7 8i d yo u g o to th e * o u vre wh e n yo u li ve d in <a ri s7



?es A I A go A many times ?e s6 I we n t man y tim es.


I A never A visit A *ouvre I h a ve n e ve r vi si te d th e * o u vre . UNIT V

%ill0"uture or going to0"uture 0 E7er ise %) <hilipp )ill -e %# next 5ednesday. $) =hey are going to get a new computer. ") I think my mother )ill li5e this C8. !) <aulBs sister is going to *a(e a baby. #) =hey )ill arri(e at about ! in the afternoon. 1) 3ust a moment. I )ill *el, you with the bags. 0) In $.$. people )ill -u4 more hybrid cars. /) &arvin is going to t*ro) a party next week. D) 5e )ill "l4 to Lenice in 3une. %.) *ook at the cloudsE It is going to rain soon. E7er ise on 8uture I Sim,le 9)ill:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

?ou )ill earn a lot of money. ?ou )ill tra(el around the world. ?ou )ill meet lots of interesting people. Kverybody )ill adore you. ?ou )ill not *a(e any problems. &any people )ill ser(e you. =hey )ill anti i,ate your wishes. =here )ill not -e anything left to wish for. Kverything )ill -e perfect. 2ut all these things )ill onl4 *a,,en if you marry me.

Click on the buttons until you find the correct answer

1. I feel really tired. I think IBll go to bed. 12

2. 5here are you going7 3. IBm going to visit a customer. 4. 8o you want me to help you7

@o thanks. 3ohnBs going to help me.

5. 5ould you prefer tea or coffee7

IBll have some coffee6 please.

6. 5ould you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this7

'ood idea. IBll bring some wine.

7. IBve already decided. IBm going to buy a new car 8. 5hat are your plans for next week7

IBm going to to fly to @ew ?ork on business. <robably on =uesday but I havenBt bought my ticket yet.
9. 5hat are your plans for the holidays7

IBm going to visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in Scotland.
10. 5hy are you wearing your best suit7

IBm going to have lunch with my biggest customer.

11. 8o you want to have the chicken or the beef7

I think Bll have the beef.

12. &y head hurts.

Sit down and IBll get you an aspirin.

13. 5e need some more ink for the printer.

IBll go to the shop and get some.

14. *ookE =hereBs smoke coming out of the photocopier.

?ou turn it off and IBll phone the safety officer

15. I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet.

8onBt worry. IBll help you.

16. I need to speak to you today.

IBm going out now but IBll be back later.

17. 8id you phone &ichael7

IBm sorry. I completely forgot. IBll do it now.

18. Can you help me with this7 I donBt understand. 13

IBll give you a hand as soon as IBve finished this.

19. =hatBs much too heavy for one person. IBll give you a hand. 20. Could somebody answer the phone7

IBll get it.

21. ItBs really hot in here. IBll put on the air>conditioning.

UNIT VI !ra ti e 1 !*rasal Ver-s 9T)o0%ord Ver-s:

1. C thief made off with the officerBs motorcycle. 2. 3ill made up her face and curled her 3. &y alarm clock didnBt go off this morning6 4. 5e watched the airplane take off 5. 8oes this brown purse go with my outfit7 6. =oday6 weBre going to look into how this part of the engine works (in detail). 7. *ook at the moon. 8. If you donBt know a word6 look it up in the dictionary. 9. Gmar is taking up music>mixing as his new hobby. 10. <lease take down a few notes for me.

!ra ti e 2 !*rasal Ver-s 9T)o0%ord Ver-s:

11. C father shouldnBt be too upset if his son lets him down occasionally. 12. &y supervisor kept yelling at me and would not let up me. 13. Gur business went under because of bad investments. 14. =his family is made up of five people.


15. =he highway patrol officer went after the speeding driver. 16. I canBt get over how much that fifth grader knows. ;eBs a genius. 17. =his energy>saving light bulb gives off a lot of light. 18. Kvery now and them6 I like to take a day off and relax. 19. 5hat do you have on7 ?our pants are so %D1.sE 20. ;e sold me some bad tires. I was taken in by a dishonest car mechanic. 21. Gur tutor goes over our homework with us. 22. &y aunt makes up marvelous stories. 23. =he =onight Show often has on interesting guests. 24. Cfter she lost weight6 she had to take in her clothes. 25. <lease put out your cigarette. 26. ?ou will regret putting off doing your homework. 27. 2e carefulE *ook outE 28. ?ou can check this off your listE

!*rasal (er-s in Englis* 0 8ill0in E7er ise

1) JuickE Get on the bus. ItBs ready to leave. 2) I donBt know where my book is. I have to loo5 "or it. 3) ItBs dark inside. Can you s)it * on the light6 please7 4) 8ill in the form6 please. 5) I need some new clothes. 5hy donBt you tr4 on these 9eans7


6) ItBs warm inside. Ta5e o"" your coat. 7) =his pencil is really old. ?ou can t*ro) it a)a4. 8) ItBs so loud here. Can you turn do)n the radio a little. 9) =he firemen were able to ,ut out the fire in Church Street. 10) 8oes your little brother -elie(e in ghosts7

UNIT VII Gerund or to-infinitive - Exercise 1 %) I canBt imagine <eter going by bike. $) ;e agreed to -u4 a new car. ") =he Huestion is easy to ans)er. !) =he man asked me how to get to the airport. #) I look forward to seeing you at the weekend. 1) Cre you thinking of (isiting *ondon7 0) 5e decided to run through the forest. /) =he teacher expected Sarah to stud4 hard.

D) She doesnBt mind )or5ing the night shift. %.) I learned to ride the bike at the age of #. Please read the grammar explanation here and then try to fill in the correct answers by using either "the gerund" form or "the infinitive" form %. &ary regretted -eing (to be) so rude to her mother. She wished she could stop ans)ering (to answer) her back all the time6 because it didnBt get her anywhere. She decided that she was going to try to -e (to be) nice for the next few days. $. 5e regret to in"orm (to inform) you that the bus has broken down. Can you try to get (to get) a taxi instead and the bus company will pay the difference. ". 5e forgot to ,ut (to put) the suitcases into the car before setting off on our holidays. !. =hey stopped ,lanning (to plan) their wedding because they didnBt want to get married after all. =hey had tried to sol(e (to solve) their problems6 but it 9ust wasnBt possible. #. I distinctly remember lo 5ing (to lock) the door before I went out. IBve no idea how the burglars could have got into the house. <erhaps I did forget to lo 5 (to lock) the door after all. 1. 8onBt forget to ta5e (to take) the dog out for a walk before you go to work. 0. Can you try to do (to do) this exercise again7 I donBt think you have understood it properly. It looks like you forgot to learn (to learn) your grammar. ?ou must always remember to read (to read) and to learn (to learn) the grammar explanations thoroughly before even starting an exercise like this one. /. &y computer seems to have broken down. I tried starting (to start) it this morning but it 9ust made a strange noise. I remember it ma5ing (to make) some strange sounds last night6 but I didnBt think anything of it. I shall try to re,air (to repair) it this afternoon. D. 8onBt keep coming into my officeE IBm trying to on entrate (to concentrate). If I canBt finish these exercises in peace and Huiet6 IBll forget to do (to do) something6 which could be Huite important. I donBt want to stop )riting (to write) when IBm in

the middle of an exercise6 so remember to sta4 (to stay) away whilst IBm working and IBll remember to read (to read) you a nice story when IBve finished my work. %.. &ichael was always trying to -orro) (to borrow) money off his friends6 but they wouldnBt lend him any more because they never saw it again. =hey told him to go to work for a change6 so &ichael promised them that he would try to get (to get) a 9ob. %%. 8id you remember to as5 (to ask) your dad whether he could drive you to the cinema7 I donBt want to stop )or5ing (to work) 9ust to drive you into town and back again. IBve got too much to do and you always forget to as5 (to ask) me early enough. %$. I remember as5ing (to ask) you to bring my C8 back yesterday and the day before that. 5hy do you always forget to -ring (to bring) it to school with you7 <lease remember to ,ut (to put) it into your school bag tomorrow morning. %". If you donBt stop telling (to tell) me what I have to do6 I will go madE I can remember to go (to go) to the dentistBs without you reminding me constantly. Stop )orr4ing (to worry) E I wonBt forget to go (to go). %!. ;e regretted in(iting (to invite) Kmily to the party6 because she was really boring. ;e stopped tal5ing (to talk) to her and talked to his friends instead.

Gerunds and !nfinitives 1 ?uri was in his first year at university6 studying ;istory. ;e was rather a la)y student6 and he tended to avoid (work) )or5ing whenever he could. In the middle of the semester6 his history professor gave out an assignment6 due in two weeks. ?uri intended (do) to do the assignment6 but he postponed (write))riting it for a week. =he following week6 he forgot (do) to do it. =he night before the assignment was due6 he suddenly remembered it6 and rushed to the library. ;e tried (read) to read as much as possible on the topic6 but there wasnBt enough time. ?uri considered (ask) as5ing for more time to do his paper6 but the ;istory professor was known to be very tough on students6 so finally he decided (cheat) to *eat and copy his paper from somewhere else. ;e found an old article on the same topic6 and Huickly typed it out. =he next day6 he submitted the paper.

=he following week6 he was alarmed (see) to see the professor approaching him6 looking angry. NIs this your own work6 or did you copy it7N asked the professor. ?uri denied(copy) o,4ing the paper. NIf you expect me (believe) to -elie(e that6 you must think I am very stupid6N said the professor. NKvery word is taken from an article I wrote myself five years ago. 8id you really think I would forget (write) )riting it7N Gerunds and !nfinitives "
1. would like (or would love) O infinitive 2. need O infinitive 3. hope O infinitive 4. want O infinitive 5. Huit O gerund 6. expect O infinitive 7. begin O both 8. start O both 9. finish O gerund 10. en9oy O gerund

UNIT VIII ANS%ERS ACTIVIT; <= %. 2ra)ilians celebrate Carnival.

February is t

people give presents to the ones they love. $. *abor 8ay is a day when ... people in many countries honor workers. people have picnics. ". 3uly %! is the day when ... the French celebrate their revolution.


!. @ew ?ear 8ay is the day when ... Chinese celebrate with lion dances. #. LalentineBs 8ay is a day when ...

people give presents to the ones they love. 1. ;anukkah is a religious festival when ... 3ews give each other gifts. 3ews light candles.


=wo of the most important holidays in the United Independence 8ay and =hanksgiving 8ay.

Independence 8ay6 the Fourth of 3U*?6 marks th

StatesB declaration of I@8K<K@8K@CK from 2ri

towns6 big and small6 celebrate the Fourth of 3ul or <IC@ICS. =hanksgiving 8ay is celebrated in the FC**6 on @ovember. It is a day when people give thanks for the ;C LKS=. &ost FC&I*IKS have a large GCS= turkey.

parades and FI K5G MS. Families celebrate w

2oth =hanksgiving and Independence 8ay are n



I hate Cpril %# %

United States6 .

I owe the government money every year.

I donBt like September. ItBs the month $ . I always miss summer vacation.

3une is my least favorite month. ItBs the m " . I never study enough to pass them.


I have never liked winter. ItBs a season ! .

=he cold weather always affects my mood



< % =;C@MS'ILI@'.


Children say N=rick or =reatN on ;allowee CC@8?.


S< I@' is the season when there are a l

&y parentsB twenty>fifth wedding C@@ILK


is a time of the year when it is v

8uring Carnival6 people wear lots of intere io de 3aneiro.

8anielBs wife loves 3K5K* ?6 so he gave ring on LalentineBs 8ay.

5e have a summer festival when everyon

streets. ItBs fun6 and the music is great6 to

<eople like to play = ICMS on each othe



Kverybody wore a &CSM on ;alloween6 s really at the party.


In our country6 many people like to have r Christmas 8ay.


Cugust %st is the day when Indonesians c from the @etherlands.

Gn 3uly Dth each year6 the Crgentinians C %" 8ay.


In Kurope6 summer is the SKCSG@ when


=he Chinese eat special CCMKS for the m and made with lots of eggs..


In my country when people celebrate thei %

(usualmente apagan las velas de una tort


2efore 8iana has lunch or dinner6 $ (siempre lava sus manos)

In many countries men and women start t "

(despu(s Hue se 9ubilanAretiran de sus ac

ANS%ERS ACTIVIT; >< % $ " ! # 1 K@'C'K&K@=


5K88I@' KCK<=IG@ CF=K ;G@K?&GG@


=he couple usually put on everyday cloth


C 8 K

Cn engagement ring

means a mutu

elatives and friends usually =he wedding ring

buy p

is generally mad

Ad(er- Clauses =he five>cent coin looks very Canadian since it has a picture of a beaver on it. 5e keep our bread in the fridge so that it doesnBt go bad. ?ou should give the iron time to heat up before you iron your clothes ;ockey players wear lots of protective clothing in order that they donBt get hurt. ?ou will have to pay higher insurance if you buy a sports car. Clthough Lolkswagen cars are cheap6 they last a long time. ?ou may get malaria if you are bitten by a mosHuito. ?ou need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains because the ground is rough and hard. Clthough the dolphin lives in the sea6 it is not a fish R itBs a mammal. ?ou shouldnBt drive after drinking alcohol.


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