UPSA Minutes 1.28.14

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1uesday, !anuary 28
, 2014
11:00AM - 12:00M ln Soclal Lcology (SL) l, 8oom 306

ACLnuA for 1/28/2014

Call Lo order -
! MeeLlng sLarLed aL 11:02 am
AnnouncemenLs from Lhe Chalr:
-PealLhy CommunlLles lorum lebruary 3
-!ay's uC 8e-Cap
Cood, successful
Powever, noL everyone who 8Sv aLLended. We wasLed $100 on food
and drlnks because of Lhls.
lnLervlews and resume crlLlque wenL well
-AlC Workshop 8e-Cap
Well lnformed, loLs of lnformaLlon
owerpolnL slldes are avallable - can add Lo uSA webslLe and make
avallable for everyone
-Mu8 AccredlLaLlon - lebruary 3, 2014 aL 12pm-1:30pm ln SL l 306
need more people ln aLLendance
Peld ln SL l 8oom 306
1ransporLaLlon class confllcLs wlLh meeLlng - can Lalk wlLh professor Lo
accommodaLe Lhls slnce meeLlng ls very lmporLanL Lo Lhe program
new 8uslness:
--!ay's uC
! uC #3 - held before Mu8 Career lalr ln mld-sprlng
! LasL year, Lhere was no resume workshop before career falr
! uC #1 should lncorporaLe uC #1 and #2
! nexL one should be longer
! Lunch hour should be exLended Lo allow Llme for more neLworklng
! !aneL and kaLe organlzes career falr buL lasL year Lhey sLarLed plannlng laLe may
need help from uSA Lhls year
! 8udgeL - $200
! lood: more homemade Lhls Llme Lo avold wasLlng money - sandwlches, baked
goods, chlps - some people can brlng or make food and won'L mlnd dolng lL
! CreaLe a checkllsL Lo glve ouL aL uC Lo help everyone Lake advanLage of Lhe
uC - accounLablllLy
! roposed daLe - Aprll 11
! lorm a commlLLee Lo help !ay wlLh uC
--SubcommlLLee Coals
Come up wlLh a long Lerm goal and shorL Lerm goals for whaL can be
accompllshed durlng our Lerm
o updaLlng lnLernshlp llsLs:
! LlsL of everyone's lnLernshlp
! Coal for Lhls llsL ls Lo caLegorlze Lhe lnLernshlps lnLo lnLeresLs
(LransporLaLlon, economlc developmenL, houslng, eLc.)
o CollaboraLlng wlLh uSSA (urban SLudles SLudenL AssoclaLlon -
! CranLs - 1Cll and MulLlculLural lundlng, fundlng ls glven Lo
undergraduaLes more ofLen - can parLner wlLh uSSA on Lhls
! MenLorshlp program: A way Lo puL uSA and Mu8 program ouL
llrsL complled an lnLeresL llsL from Mu8s Lo see who
would llke parLlclpaLe ln Lhls
uSSA meeLlng: Wednesday, 1/29 aL 3:30pm ln SSL 228
-Mu8S meeLlng wlLh rogram ulrecLor goals for Lhe program
SpeclallzaLlon ln a speclflc plannlng fleld
o llsL of suggesLed classes for dlfferenL plannlng lnLeresLs
MandaLory lnLernshlp requlremenL
o noL necessary because Lhere ls a for credlL lnLernshlp class now whlch ls a
blg advancemenL already
Courses, speclflcally whaL courses are lmporLanL Lo Lhe cohorL as a whole, such
as, a CLCA course
-AA 8eLreaL
!eff sald lL was good
AnnouncemenLs from !eff:
o CCAA Scholarshlp - early lebruary
o CalAA Conference: 1hey are worklng Lo subsldlze sLudenL LlckeLs.
Also volunLeer opporLunlLles
-uLl 8eps
!ay hlghly recommends us Lo become reps. CreaL neLworklng!
Ad[ournmenL: 11:36 pm

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