Scheme and Syllabi For Fifth Semester ME

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#ifth Semester - Mechanical Engineering

Code ME01 (01 ME01 (0" ME01 (0$ ME01 (0& ME01 (0( ME01 (0) E09 +0'(P) E09 +08(P) Su"&ect 2eat and Mass Transfer /dvanced Mechanics of Solids Engineering Economics and 'rinci-les of Management !C Engines and ,as Tur9ines Mechanics of Machinery Metal Cutting and 4orming ,!ui%s Lab *herma! Lab() T.T/0 'ours (er )ee* ,+ T . & 1 # $ 1 # $ $ $ " # # 1 1 1 1 1 # # ) # # # # $ $ ) Mar*s /nterna Sem l End $0 %0 $0 %0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (0 (0 %0 %0 %0 %0 (0 (0 Sem-end durationhours $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Credits ( & & & & $ " " "

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

University of Calicut

ME09 <091 'eat and Mass Transfer

Teaching scheme & hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial -er 6ee3 Credits1 (

3"&ectives *o impart the concept o5 &arious mo%es o5 heat an% mass trans5er7 *o %e&e!op un%erstan%ing about the metho% o5 %etermination o5 heat trans5er rates in con%uction8 con&ection an% ra%iation Module // $97 hours% ConductionC !ntroduction # 9asic modes of heat transfer conduction general heat conduction e<uation in Cartesian+ cylindrical and s-herical coordinates one dimensional steady state conduction 6ith and 6ithout heat generation critical thic3ness of insulation e;tended surface heat transfer fin -erformance effect of varia9le thermal conductivity. T6o dimensional steady state conduction through -lane 6all conduction sha-e factor. Unsteady state conduction in one dimension lum-ed heat ca-acity system semi infinite solid 6ith sudden and -eriodic change in surface tem-erature. Module // $97 hours% ConvectionC Ne6tonHs la6 conce-t of 9oundary layer significance of 'randtl num9er 9oundary layer e<uations flat -late heat transfer solutions 9y integral method laminar and tur9ulent flo6 :eynolds analogy em-irical relations in forced convection internal flo6 9oundary conditions laminar and tur9ulent flo6 heat transfer coefficients em-irical correlations. Natural convection heat transfer from vertical -late 9y integral method em-irical relation in free convection. Condensation and 9oiling heat transfer film and dro- 6ise condensation film 9oiling and -ool 9oiling 9oiling curve em-irical relations for heat transfer 6ith change of face. Module /// $97 hours% :adiationC 4undamentals of radiation radiation s-ectrum thermal radiation conce-t of 9lac3 9ody and grey 9ody monochromatic and total emissive -o6er a9sor-tivity+ reflectivity and transmissivity # la6s of radiation radiation 9et6een t6o surfaces geometrical factors for sim-le configuration radiation shields electrical net6or3 method of solving -ro9lems. Module /5 $97 hours% 2eat e;changersC Classification log mean tem-erature difference overall heat transfer coefficient fouling and scaling of heat e;changers 0MT5 and NTU method of -erformance evaluation of heat e;changers. !ntroduction to mass transfer 4ic3Hs la6 of diffusion isothermal eva-oration into air mass transfer coefficients.

Te0t Boo*s 1. 4. '. !ncro-era+ ,un%amenta!s o5 ;eat an%

ass *rans5er+ 8ohn Ailey.

;eference Boo*s 1. 2olman+ ;eat an% ass *rans5er+ Mc,ra6 2ill. ". '. I. Nag+ ;eat an% ass *rans5er+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill. $. Sachedeva+ ;eat an% ass *rans5er8 Ne6 /ge !nternational. &. 5. S. Iumar+ ;eat an% ass *rans5er8

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum

ar#s(30) /tleast one

)0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ etc. assignment should 9e -rogramming G -ro9lem solving using com-uters. 10J # :egularity in the class

University E0amination ,attern PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. + 6 > mar#s?10 mar#s

PA<* $=

Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 + mar#s?>0 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er four <uestions out of si;. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module.

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 10 mar#s?40 mar#s T6o <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. a6imum *ota! ar#s= '0

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

ME09 <021 4dvanced Mechanics of Solids

Teaching scheme $ hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial -er 6ee3 3"&ectives *o impart concepts o5 stress an% strain ana!ysis in a so!i%7 *o stu%y the metho%o!ogies in theory o5 e!asticity at a basic !e&e!7 *o ac3uaint 4ith energy metho%s to so!&e structura! prob!ems7 Credits1 &

Module / $9: hours% Basic e<uations of elasticityC Stress at a -oint 6ith res-ect to a -lane normal and tangential com-onents of stress stress tensor CauchyHs e<uations stress transformation -rinci-al stresses and -lanes strain at a -oint # strain tensor analogy 9et6een stress and strain tensors constitutive e<uations generaliEed 2oo3eHs la6 relation among elastic constants e<uations of e<uili9rium strain#dis-lacement relations com-ati9ility conditions 9oundary conditions Saint 7enantHs -rinci-le for end effects uni<ueness condition. Module // $9: hours% "#5 -ro9lems in elasticityC 'lane stress and -lane strain -ro9lems /iryHs stress function solutions 9y -olynomial method solutions for 9ending of a cantilever 6ith an end load+ and 9ending of a 9eam under uniform load. E<uations in -olar coordinates 0ameHs -ro9lem # stress concentration -ro9lem of a small hole in a large -late. /;isymmetric -ro9lems thic3 cylinders interference fit rotating discs. Module /// $96 hours% S-ecial -ro9lems in 9endingC Unsymmetrical 9ending shear center curved 9eams 6ith circular and rectangular cross#section. Energy methods in elasticityC Strain energy of deformation s-ecial cases of a 9ody su9Bected to concentrated loads+ due to a;ial force+ shear force+ 9ending moment and tor<ue reci-rocal relation Ma;6ell reci-rocal theorem CastiglianoHs first and second theorems virtual 6or3 -rinci-le minimum -otential energy theorem # com-lementary energy. Module /5 $96 hours% Torsion of non#circular 9arsC Saint 7enantHs theory # 'randtleHs method # solutions for circular and elli-tical cross#sections # mem9rane analogy # torsion of thin 6alled o-en and closed sections shear flo6.
Te0t Boo*s 1. 0. S. Sreenath+ A%&ance% echanics o5 1o!i%s+ Mc,ra6 2ill ". S. M. /. IaEimi+ Solid Mechanics+ Mc,ra6 2ill

;eference Boo*s
1. S. '. Timoshen3o+ 8. N. ,oodier+ *heory o5 e!asticity8 Mc,ra6 2ill ". 8. '. 5en 2artog+ A%&ance 1trength o5 ateria!s+ Mc,ra6 2ill $. C. I. Aang+ App!ie% E!asticity+ Mc,ra6 2ill

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum


)0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ etc. 10J # :egularity in the class

University E0amination ,attern PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. + 6 > mar#s?10 mar#s

PA<* $=

Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 + mar#s?>0 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er four <uestions out of si;. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module.

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 10 mar#s?40 mar#s T6o <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. a6imum *ota! ar#s= '0

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

ME 01 (0$C Engineering Economics and 'rinci-les of Management

?Common for /M and 'T@
Teaching scheme $ hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial -er 6ee3 Credits1 &

Section 91 Engineering Economics

3"&ective )mpart 5un%amenta! economic princip!es that can assist engineers to ma#e more e55icient an% economica! %ecisions7 Module 9 $9: 'rs%
Economic reasoning+ Circular 4lo6 in an economy+ 0a6 of su--ly and demand+ Economic efficiency. Element of costs+ Marginal cost+ Marginal :evenue+ Sun3 cost+ 'rivate and Social cost+ .--ortunity cost. 4unctions of Money and commercial Ban3ing. !nflation and deflationC conce-ts and regulatory measures. Economic 'olicy :eforms in !ndia since 1111C !ndustrial -olicy+ 4oreign Trade -olicy+ Monetary and fiscal -olicy+ !m-act on industry.

Module // $96 'rs%

7alue /nalysis 4unction+ aims+ -rocedure.Time value of money+ Single -ayment com-ound amount factor+ Single -ayment -resent 6orth factor+ E<ual -ayment series sin3ing fund factor+ E<ual -ayment series -ayment 'resent 6orth factor# e<ual -ayment series ca-ital recovery factor#Uniform gradient series annual e<uivalent factor. Methods of -roBect analysis ?-ay 9ac3+ /::+ N'7+ !:: and Benefit #Cost ratio@ Brea3#even analysis#+ 'rocess -lanning.

Te0t Boo*s 1. 'anneer Selvam+ :+ Engineering economics+ 'rentice 2all of !ndia+ Ne6 5elhi+ "00". ". Aheeler : ?Ed@ Engineering economic analysis+ .;ford University 'ress+ "00&.

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum


)0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ grou- discussions+ <uiE+ literature survey+ seminar+ term#-roBect+ soft6are e;ercises+ etc. 10J # :egularity in the class

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

University E0amination ,attern for Section 9 8ote1 Section 9 and Section 2 are to "e ans)ered in se(arate ans)er "oo*s PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. PA<* $= Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions > 6 + mar#s?10 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er t6o <uestions out of three. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. > 6 > mar#s?4 mar#s 1 6 1 mar# ? 1 mar#

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions > 6 10 mar#s?>0 mar#s T6o <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. a6imum *ota! ar#s= 3+

Section 21 ,rinci(les of Management

3"&ective *o pro&i%e #no4!e%ge on princip!es o5 management8 %ecision ma#ing techni3ues8 accounting princip!es an% basic management streams

Module / $96 hours% 'rinci-les of management Evolution of management theory and functions of management .rganiEational structure 'rinci-le and ty-es. 5ecision ma3ing Strategic+ tactical * o-erational decisions+ decision ma3ing under certainty+ ris3 * uncertainty and multistage decisions * decision tree 2uman resource management Basic conce-ts of Bo9 analysis+ Bo9 evaluation+ merit rating+ 6ages+ incentives+ recruitment+ training and industrial relations Module // $9: hours% 4inancial management Time value of money and com-arison of alternative methods. Costing Elements * com-onents of cost+ allocation of overheads+ -re-aration of cost sheet+ 9rea3 even analysis. Basics of accounting 'rinci-les of accounting+ 9asic conce-ts of Bournal+ ledger+ trade+ -rofit *loss account and 9alance sheet. Mar3eting management Basic conce-ts of mar3eting environment+ Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering &)

University of Calicut mar3eting mi;+ advertising and sales -romotion. 'roBect management 'hases+ organisation+ -lanning+ estimating+ -lanning using 'E:T * C'M

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

;eference Boo*s 1. 4. MaEda+ Engineering management+ /ddison Aesley+ 0ongman 0td.+ 111 2. 0ucy C Morse and 5aniel 0 Ba9coc3+ anaging engineering an% techno!ogy+ 'earson 'rentice 2all 3. .. '. Ihanna+ )n%ustria! Engineering an% anagement+ 5han-at :ai and Sons+ 5elhi+ "00$. 4. '. Iotler+ ar#eting anagement= Ana!ysis8 P!anning8 )mp!ementation an% Contro!+ 'rentice 2all+ Ne6 8ersey+ "001 5. 7en3ata :atnam C.S * Srivastva B.I+ Personne! anagement an% ;uman <esources+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill. 6. 'rasanna Chandra+ ,inancia! anagement= *heory an% Practice+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill. 7. Bhattacharya /.I.+ Princip!es an% Practice o5 Cost Accounting+ Aheeler 'u9lishing 8. Aeist and 0evy+ A anagement gui%e to PE<* an% CP + 'rantice 2all of !ndia anagement+ Mc,ra6 2ill. ar#eting anagement = P!anning8 )mp!ementation 9. IoontE 2+ .H5onnel C * Aeihrich 2+ Essentia!s o5 10. :amas6amy 7.S * Nama3umari S+

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum


)0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ grou- discussions+ <uiE+ literature survey+ seminar+ term#-roBect+ soft6are e;ercises+ etc. 10J # :egularity in the class

University E0amination ,attern for Section 2 8ote1 Section 9 and Section 2 are to "e ans)ered in se(arate ans)er "oo*s PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. PA<* $= Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions > 6 + mar#s?10 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er t6o <uestions out of three. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. > 6 > mar#s?4 mar#s 1 6 1 mar# ? 1 mar#

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions > 6 10 mar#s?>0 mar#s T6o <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. a6imum *ota! Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering ar#s= 3+ &

University of Calicut

ME09 <0:1 /C Engines and 2as Tur"ines

Teaching scheme $ hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial -er 6ee3 3"&ectives *o pro&i%e #no4!e%ge on actua! engine cyc!es 8 thermo%ynamics o5 combustion# components o5 1) an% C) engines8 per5ormance testing o5 )C engines 8 theory o5 combustion in )C engines an% gas turbine theory Module / $9= hours% !nternal com9ustion engines # Engine classification # four stro3e and t6o stro3e # s-ar3 ignition and com-ression ignition # valve timing diagram # air standard cycles # .tto+ diesel and duel com9ustion cycles # actual engine cycles # effect of dissociation # varia9le s-ecific heats and heat losses # scavenging # o9Bectives # effects and methods Thermodynamics of com9ustion com9ustion reaction of common fuels air fuel ratio e;haust gas com-osition flue gas analysis air fuel ratio from e;haust gas com-osition enthal-y of formation a--lication of first la6 of thermodynamics to chemically reacting systems# Module // $96 hours% Systems and com-onents of !C engines # fuel systems # ignition systems # cooling # starting # lu9rication # governing of !C engines # su-ercharging of S! and C! engines # tur9ocharging # e;haust emissions of !C engines # alternate -otential engines # free -iston engine # Aan3el engine and stratified charged engine # automotive transmission systems and its com-onents # engine testing # -erformance and characteristics of constant s-eed and varia9le s-eed engines # heat 9alance test # Morse test # retardation test. Module /// $92 hours% Com9ustion in S! engines # flame -ro-agation # normal and a9normal com9ustion # detonation # -re ignition # after 9urning # fuel rating # additives in -etrol # com9ustion cham9ers of S! engines. Com9ustion in C! engines # -hase of normal com9ustion # diesel 3noc3 # effect of engine varia9les on diesel 3noc3 # cetane num9er # additives in diesel # com9ustion cham9ers of C! engines#!C Engine e;haust emission control#standards. Module /5 $96 hours% ,as tur9ine -lants # o-en and closed cycles # thermodynamic cycles # regeneration # reheating # intercooling # efficiency and -erformance of gas tur9ines # rotary com-ressors # analysis # centrifugal and a;ial flo6 com-ressors # com9ustion cham9ers of gas tur9ines # cylindrical # annular and industrial ty-e com9ustion cham9er # com9ustion efficiency # a;ial flo6 tur9ines # elementary and vorte; theories # design of noEEles and 9lades for tur9ines # limiting factors in tur9ine design Credits1 &

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

Te0t Boo*s 1. ,anesan 7.+ )nterna! Combustion Engines+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill 2. ,anesan 7.+ 9as *urbines+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill ;eference Boo*s 1. :ogo6s3y+ E!ements o5 )nterna! Combustion Engines+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill 2. ,ill+ Smith+ Diurys+ ,un%amenta!s o5 )nterna! Combustion Engines+ .;ford and !B2 3. Maleev+ )nterna! Combustion Engine *heory an% 0esign+ Mc,ra6 2ill 4. 8udge+ o%ern Petro! Engines+ Cha-man * 2all (. Benson+ Ahitehouse+ U!nternal Com9ustion EnginesV 7ol. ! * !!+ 'ergamon -ress 6. Mathur+ Mehta+ *hermo%ynamics an% ;eat Po4er Engineering+ 7ol. ! * !! 7. Cohen+ :ogers+ 9as *urbine *heory+ 0ongmans

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum


)0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ grou- discussions+ <uiE+ literature survey+ seminar+ term#-roBect+ soft6are e;ercises+ etc. 10J # :egularity in the class

University E0amination ,attern PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. + 6 > mar#s?10 mar#s

PA<* $=

Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 + mar#s?>0 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er four <uestions out of si;. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module.

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 10 mar#s?40 mar#s Scheme and T6o Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (0 <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. a6imum *ota! ar#s= '0

University of Calicut

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

ME09 <0<1 Mechanics of Machinery

Teaching scheme $ hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial -er 6ee3 Credits1 &

3"&ectives *o pro&i%e #no4!e%ge on #inematics o5 se!ecte% mechanisms8 %esign o5 cams8 *heory an% Ana!ysis o5 gears8 9ear *rains an% 1ynthesis o5 echanisms7 *hese are the topics base% on 4hich the stu%ent 4i!! %e&e!op the %esign an% practica! prob!em so!&ing s#i!!s in the area o5 echanisms in the 5uture courses7 Module / $9: hours% !ntroduction to 3inematics and mechanisms # 7arious mechanisms+ 3inematic diagrams+ degree of freedom# ,rashofHs criterion+ inversions+ Cou-ler curves # straight line mechanisms e;act+ a--ro;imate /c3erman Steering Mechanism # 2oo3eHs Boint # ,eneva Mechanism # Mechanical advantage+ Transmission angle # 5is-lacement 7elocity and /cceleration analysis # :elative motion # :elative velocity # !nstant centre #IennedyHs theorem # :elative acceleration # Coriolis acceleration # ,ra-hical and analytical methods Com-le; num9er methods # Com-uter oriented methods. Module // $96 hours% Cams # Classification of Cam and follo6ers # 5is-lacement diagrams+ 7elocity and /cceleration analysis of S2M+ Uniform 7elocity+ Uniform acceleration+ Cycloidal ,ra-hical Cam -rofile synthesis 'ressure angle# /nalysis of Tangent cam 6ith roller follo6er and Circular cam 6ith flat follo6er. !ntroduction to 'olynomial cams. Module /// $9: hours% ,ears Terminology of S-ur gears 0a6 of ,earing # !nvolute s-ur gears # !nvolutometry # Contact ratio # !nterference # Bac3lash # ,ear standardiEation # !nterchanga9ility # Non#standard gears Centre distance modification+ 0ong and Short /ddendum system. # !nternal gears # Theory and details of 9evel+ helical and 6orm gearing # ,ear trains # Sim-le and Com-ound gear trains # 'lanetary gear trains 5ifferential #Solution of -lanetary gear train -ro9lems # /--lications Module /5 $96 hours% Iinematic synthesis ? 'lanar Mechanisms@ # Tas3s of 3inematic synthesis Ty-e+ Num9er and dimensional synthesis 'recision -oints # ,ra-hical synthesis for motion # 'ath and -rescri9ed timing # 4unction generator " -osition and $ -osition synthesis .verlay Method # /nalytical synthesis techni<ues 4reudensteinPs e<uation Com-le; num9er methods # .ne case study in synthesis of mechanism.

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

Te0t Boo*s

1. S. S. :attan+ *heory o5

achines+ "nd Edition++ Tata Mc ,ra6 2ill

;eference Boo*s 1. 8. E. Shigley+ 8. 8. Uic3er+ *heory o5 achines an% echanisms+ Mc,ra6 2ill ". C. E. Ailson+ '. Sadler+ Einematics an% 0ynamics o5 achinery+ $rd edition+ 'earson Education. $. /. ,hosh+ /. I. Mali3+ *heory o5 echanisms an% achines+ /ffiliated East Aest 'ress &. /. ,. Erdman+ ,. N. Sandor+ echanism 0esign= Ana!ysis an% synthesis 2o! ) : ))+ 'rentice 2all of !ndia (. 5. 2. Mys3Ea+ achines an% echanisms App!ie% Einematic Ana!ysis+ 'earson Education.

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum


)0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ grou- discussions+ <uiE+ literature survey+ seminar+ term#-roBect+ soft6are e;ercises+ etc. 10J # :egularity in the class 8ote1 Com-uter oriented assignments using s-read sheet or any suita9le soft6are -ac3ages are to 9e included

University E0amination ,attern PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. + 6 > mar#s?10 mar#s

PA<* $=

Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 + mar#s?>0 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er four <uestions out of si;. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module.

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 10 mar#s?40 mar#s T6o <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering a6imum *ota! ar#s= '0 ($

University of Calicut

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

ME 09 <0=1 Metal Cutting and #orming

Teaching scheme " hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial -er 6ee3 3"&ectives1 *o impart 5un%amenta! #no4!e%ge on theory o5 machine too!s8 meta! cutting princip!es8 a%&ance% machining processes an% press 4or#ing operations. Credits1 $

Module / $A 'ours% Metal cuttingC cutting varia9les # mechanics of chi- formation # ty-es of chi-s -roduced # orthogonal and o9li<ue cutting velocity relationshi-s # cutting forces cutting -o6er tem-erature in cutting single -oint and multi-oint tools tool geometry # tool designation tool 6ear and tool life machina9ility cutting tool materials # cutting fluids # economics of machining. Module // $9 'ours% Machining 'rocess tool#6or3 motion turning -arameters lathes and lathe o-erations material removal rate cutting force Milling -arameters u- milling and do6n milling -o6er # tor<ue cutting forces drilling drills material removal rate cutting forces reaming 9roaching ta--ing 9oring -lanning sha-ing slotting grinding cylindrical and surface grinding# grinding 6heels 6heel 6ear. Module /// $90 'ours% /dvanced Machining 'rocessesC Electrical 5ischarge Machining # 6ire E5M Electro Chemical machining laser 9eam machining a9rasive Bet machining ultrasonic machining # electron 9eam machining -lasma arc machining 6ater Bet machining nano fa9rication micro machining machining time # economics of advanced machining -rocess. Module /5 $90 'ours% 'ress 6or3ing o-erations ty-es of -resses -ress selection -ress 6or3ing terminology forming # -rinci-les cutting forces dies and -unches clearance constructional features sim-le+ com-ound+ com9ination * -rogressive dies stri--ers # scra- stri- layout centre of -ressure -ress tonnage dra6ing # dra6ing forces 9lan3 holding -ressure 9ending force die 9lan3 siEe estimation forging forge9ility o-en and closed die forging forging force grain flo6 e;trusion e;-losive forming electro hydraulic forming electromagnetic forming. # rolling # e;trusion.

Te0t "oo*s 1. Sero-e Ial-a3Baian+ Steven :. Schmid.+ anu5acturing Engineering an% *echno!ogy+ 'earson+ Ne6 5elhi. 2. Sharma. ' C+ A *e6t boo# o5 Pro%uction Engineering+ S. Chand * Co. 3. 8ain .: I+ Pro%uction *echno!ogy+ Ihanna 'u9lishers. ;eference Boo*s 1. 2MT+ Pro%uction *echno!ogy+ Tata Mc,ra6 2ill 'vt. 0td. 2. /STME+ ,un%amenta!s o5 *oo! 0esign+ 'rentice 2all of !ndia

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum ar#s(30) )0J # Tests ?minimum "@ $0J # /ssignments ?minimum "@ such as home 6or3+ -ro9lem solving+ grou- discussions+ <uiE+ literature survey+ seminar+ term#-roBect+ soft6are e;ercises+ etc. 10J # :egularity in the class University E0amination ,attern PA<* A= 1hort ans4er 3uestions (one/t4o sentences) /ll <uestions are com-ulsory. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module. + 6 > mar#s?10 mar#s

PA<* $=

Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 + mar#s?>0 mar#s Candidates have to ans6er four <uestions out of si;. There should 9e at least one <uestion from each module and not more than t6o <uestions from any module.

PA<* C= 0escripti&e/Ana!ytica!/Prob!em so!&ing 3uestions 4 6 10 mar#s?40 mar#s T6o <uestions from each module 6ith choice to ans6er one <uestion. a6imum *ota! ar#s= '0

Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering


University of Calicut

ME09 $07(P): %luid! Lab

Teaching scheme $ hours -ractical -er 6ee3 3"&ectives *o strengthen the #no4!e%ge on 5!ui% mechanics princip!es8 an% hy%rau!ic machinery through !ab e6periments7 *o e3uip the stu%ents to carry out in%epen%ent e6periments8 an% to train them to ana!yse8 report an% in5er the resu!ts7 Credits1 "

1. ". $. &. (. ). %. . 1. 10. 11. 1".

Study of -lum9ing tools and -i-e fittings Measurement of metacentric height and radius of gyration of floating 9odies Measurement of viscosity of fluids Study of discharge measuring instruments Measurement of -ressure and velocity Cali9ration of venturimeter+ orifice meter+ notches and 6eirs+ noEEle meters+ and rotameters 'i-e friction minor losses in -i-es # verification of BernouliHs theorem 5emonstration of laminar and tur9ulent flo6 in -i-es critical velocity E;-eriment on flo6 through o-en channels venturiflume 5emonstration of forces on curved and -lane surfaces Evaluation of tor<ue * -erformance of tur9ines o-erating characteristics MuschelHs curves 'erformance of -um-sC Centrifugal -um-s+ :eci-rocating -um-s+ ,ear -um-s+ 2ydraulic ram+ Tor<ue converter.

;eference Boo*s
1. !. 2. Shames+ ,!ui% echanics+ &th Edition+ Mc,ra6 2ill 2. 8. '. 2olman+ E6perimenta! metho%s 5or Engineers+ Mc,ra6 2ill 3. 5. ,. She-herd+ Princip!es o5 *urbo achinery+ Mc Millan

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum )0J # 'racticals and :ecord ?$0 mar3s@ $0J # Test Gs ?1( mar3s@ 10J # :egularity in the class ?( mar3s@


Semester End E0amination ( a6imum


%0J # 'rocedure+ conducting e;-eriment+ results+ ta9ulation+ and inference ?$( mar3s@ "0J # 7iva voce ?10 mar3s@ 10J # 4air record ?( mar3s@ Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (%

University of Calicut

ME09 $08(P): Ther&al Lab"I

Teaching scheme $ hours -ractical -er 6ee3 Credits1 "

3"&ectives *o strengthen the #no4!e%ge on heat engine8 an% heat trans5er princip!es through !ab e6periments7 *o e3uip the stu%ents to carry out in%epen%ent e6periments8 an% to train them to ana!yse8 report an% in5er the resu!ts7 1. ". $. &. Study of systems of -etrol and diesel engines Study of automotive -arts Study of heat transfer e<ui-ments Test on !C enginesC Constant s-eed -erformance characteristics of -etrol and diesel engines. 7alve timing diagram (. 5etermination of viscosity+ flash and fire -oint and calorific value of the fuel ). 2eat transfer e;-erimentsC Emissivity measurement of a radiating surface Measurement of solar radiation Thermal conductivity of a metal rod Measurement of unsteady state conduction heat transfer E;-erimental study on forced convection heat transfer

;eference Boo*s
1. '. 0. Bellani+ *herma! Engineering+ Ihanna 'u9lishers

". 8. '. 2olman+ 2eat Transfer+ Mc,ra6 2ill 3. .9ert+ )nterna! Combustion Engines+ Mc,ra6 2ill

/nternal Continuous 4ssessment ( a6imum )0J # 'racticals and :ecord ?$0 mar3s@ $0J # Test Gs ?1( mar3s@ 10J # :egularity in the class ?( mar3s@


Semester End E0amination ( a6imum


%0J # 'rocedure+ conducting e;-eriment+ results+ ta9ulation+ and inference ?$( mar3s@ "0J # 7iva voce ?10 mar3s@ 10J # 4air record ?( mar3s@ Scheme and Curriculum B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (

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