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2014/1/17 -NO.


Moroccan fighters in Syria are afraid of arrest ISIS calls Free Army for repentance
The United Nations the works of the opposition gunmen are War crimes


Cars of ISIS explode in Aleppo and its countryside!


Syrian Army did not use the chemical Weapons in Ghouta


The Syrian foreign ministerwe agree to swap the prisoners with the abducted



The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )360)


Page NO .2

The gunmen of ISIS target military checkpoint of the Free Army and the Islamic Front by bobby-Trapped cars, where 6 cars affiliatedISIS exploded in a headquarter affiliates the Brigade of Tawheed in TalRafaat in Aleppo and in many other areas.At the same time, a suicide bomber who is subsidiary to the Islamic state blew himself up at a military checkpoint of the Free Army in Kuvarnaya in the countryside of Aleppo without injuries. To that, battalions of the Islamic Front declared killing 20 soldiers of the Syrian Army by an ambush on the front of Sheikh Said in Aleppo, The Movement of Islamic Fajar Al-Sham also announced the killing

Cars of ISIS explode in Aleppo and its countryside!

of 5 soldiers of the Syrian Army by an ambush near to the village of Im-Amoud in the countryside of Aleppo, as fierce clashes occur between the gunmen of al-Mojahideen Army and ISIS in Aajil Village.

Shooting down a plane for the Syrian Army

The sources of opposition reported that the gunmen of opposition shot down a helicopter mil mi 17 belonging to the Syrian Army in Daria, causing the killing of the pilot ,his assistants and a number of soldiers. The Brigades of the Islamic Front managed to bombing of a landmine in one of the headquarters of the Syrian Army in the Tishreen neighborhood in Damascus and killing eight soldiers of the regime.

Ambushes of the Army in Homs and Hama

Security sources reported that the Syrian Army killed by an ambush a large number of gunmen of the Front of al-Nusra in Jose in the countryside of Homs after fierce clashes between the two parties, other gunmen were killed by another ambush near to the Train railway in the village of Dar al-Kabera, and targeted the center of the legitimacy body which is subsidiary to the opposition in the town of Zara.In the same time, a military source mentioned that the Syrian army foiled an attempt of attack on military checkpoint in the villages of Mork and Jalama in the countryside of Hama, and seized two cars packed

with weapons, missiles and Analog Devices in the village of Janan. In the same time, the Syrian Army targeted the headquarters of the gunmen of opposition in Yabrood , Adra alOmalia, Jobar and Harasta.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )360)


Page NO .3

Syrian Army did not use ISIS calls Free Army for repentance the chemical Weapons in The Islamic State of Iraq and Ghouta
the Levant called the gunmen of the free army by publications which distributed them in the town of Bzaahwhich is adjacent to al-Bab -for repentance, it also called them to give all their weapons and stop fighting them, where it mentioned that the place of repentance should be in the mosque of faith in alBab starting from Friday to Sunday.

U.S. experts stressed that the extent of the carrier rockets for Sarin Gas which was used in the East Gouta in Damascus last August indicates that these munitions cannot be launched by the Syrian army, the expert at the Institute of Masachosch explained in his report that the chemical munitions have been used in the East Gouta without preparation, although the extent of the rockets up to almost 2 km, and therefore ,if the Syrian army used these missiles , it would not be able to hit the target.

The International Amnesty . Siege the regions of the Free Army by the Syrian Army is a crime

Moroccan fighters in Syria are afraid of arrest

A number of Moroccan fighters who have joined the fighting in Syria expressed their desire to return to their homeland; because they cannot endure the battles and the changing of conditions, but they are afraid of several threats, most notably the arrests and charges like the composition of terrorist cells and illegal immigration.

The International Amnesty announced in a statement that the siege of the Syrian Army for some of the regions which are under the control of the

Free Army considered as a crime, it demanded the necessity to break the siege from these regions in conjunction with the holding of Genve.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )360)


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The United Nationsthe works of the opposition gunmen are War crimes
The UN High Commissioner for the human rights Nafy Bilai assert that the mass execution works of the opposition gunmen could be considered as war crimes .She said in her statement: During the past two weeks, we received information about the continuance of the mass execution operations by the extremist armed groups of the opposition in Syria, especially by ISIS gunmen against the civilians and the fighters who stopped participating in the battles in Aleppo, Idlep and Raaqqa .Also, Bilai said that the doers of these acts could face prosecution

The Syrian foreign ministerwe agree to swap the The coalition postponed prisoners with the abducted taking the final decision about participating in Geneva conference

The Syrian foreign minister Waled Almoualeem announced the approval of Syria to swap the prisoners with the abducted people who they are with the gunmen .In a joint conference with his Russian counterpart Sergie Lavrove , he renewed the approval of his country to participate in Geneva conference which should be the base for the

national dialogue between the Syrians without any foreign interference. The Syrian minster referred that the counter-terrorism will remain the first priority for the Syrian government and it is ready to cooperate with the opposition within this space. Also, he stressed the determination of Syria not to be drawn to the various provocations.

The sources of the opposition revealed that the national coalition of opposition postponed the date of announcing its decision about the participating in Geneva conference till Saturday .the sources said that: the meeting which is determined to be held on Friday in Istanbul will not discuss the participation of the coalition in the conference, but the meeting will be for electing the members of the political board in the coalition.

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