Blog - Peek N Fothergill - Using Focus Groups For Qualitative Research

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Michael Yeap...PhD Candidate: 20101126 - Peek & Fothergill !

"ing Foc#" $ro#p" for %#alitati&e 'e"earch

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Friday, November 26, 2010

20101126 - Peek & Fothergill, Using Focus Groups for Qualitative Research
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine focus groups as a qualitative research method. We describe and evaluate the use of focus groups based on three separate research projects: * a study of teachers, parents, and children at two urban daycare centers, * a study of the responses of second-generation Muslim mericans to the events of !eptember "", and * a collaborative project on the e#periences of children and youth following $urricane %atrina. &y e#amining three diverse projects, we are able to illustrate some of the strengths and challenges of the focus group as a sociological research method. 'n addition, in this article we provide practical advice regarding the design and implementation of focus groups, including information on participant recruitment, the most effective group size, group composition and issues of segmentation, how to carry out focus groups, and the ideal number of groups to conduct.

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Mobile 'W('')* pros & !ons Mobile P+one is "ore !on$enient t+an #oteboo, -o"p... rea/ing Bible on Mobile p+one in !+0r!+ 20101121 2 -on!ept0al3'+eoreti!al 4ra"e5or, (5i,ip... Usability 4ra"e5or, (6+a!,el) 20101121 2 !on!epts & /e7intions o7 )$al0ation res... 20101121 2 )$al0ation resear!+3"et+o/ (Patton) 20101121 2 )$al0ation *esear!+ (Wi,ipe/ia) 20101121 2 )$al0ation *esear!+ (Po5ell) 20101121 2 )$al0ati$e *esear!+ (Winsett8 #A'-9) 20101121 2 '+e Planning2)$al0ation -y!le (6o!ial*e... 20101121 2 )$al0ation *esear!+ (6o!ial*esear!+Met+... 2010112& 2 iagra" 2 4o!0s :ro0p as a ;0alitati$e ... 2010112& 2 Pee, & 4ot+ergill8 Using 4o!0s :ro0ps 7...

Peek, Lori and !othergill, Alice "#sing !ocus $roups for %ualitative &esearch" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, TBA, New York, New York City, Aug '', ())* +,ot Available- ()').').(/ +http:00www allacademic com0meta0p'12'(/3index htmlPeek, L and !othergill, A , ())*.)1.'' "#sing !ocus $roups for %ualitative &esearch" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, TBA, New York, New York City Online +APPL45A647,0P8!- ()').').(/ from http:00www allacademic com0meta0p'12'(/3index html



Michael Yeap...PhD Candidate: 20101126 - Peek & Fothergill !"ing Foc#" $ro#p" for %#alitati&e 'e"earch

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2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ (:ibbs) 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p reporting ((o5a 6tate Uni$)... 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ ((o5a 6tate... 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p 2 a >0alitati$e resear!+ (?... 2010112& @ 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ology (Up4ro... 2010112& 2 4o!0s :ro0p resear!+ "et+o/ology (Wi,ip... 20101122 2 =an/ling -o""on 'as,s 7or iP+one 2 part... 20101121 2 -o""on 'as,s 7or iP+one 20101121 2 Usability & esign :0i/elines 7or iP+on... 20101121 @ Apple8 iP+one =0"an (nter7a!e :0i/eline... Prototype o7 Mobile Learning PortalApls !riti!ise3... 20101120 2 6tart eBperiential.."obile apps & M2Lea... 20101120 2 'e!+*a/ar: Mobile 5eb /esign: plat7or" ... Mobile Learning portal [prototype] WAP Blog & )1 !lone 20101114 2 ?oo8 9nline -ollaborati$e Learning... /C ay 1D #o$ 2010 Proposal3Wor, e7ense 6e"inar 2010110E 2 'ri7ono$a8 ..=oar/ing -ontent in Mobile... 5riting & s0b"itting Fo0rnal Paper...7ire2n27orget... Usability (nspe!tion -riteria 7or e2Learning Porta... Paper 7or Fo0rnal: Usability (nspe!tion -riteria 7... iF)' 2010

Source: Full document in HT !:"es183125/p183125#1.php

Poste/ by Mi!+ael <(69< at &:20 AM Labels: 7o!0s gro0p8 Lot+ergill8 Pee,8 resear!+ "et+o/

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